Self Help

Addiction, Procrastination, and Laziness - Roman Gelperin

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Matheus Puppe

· 33 min read

Here’s a summary of the book:

The book explores common motivational problems like procrastination, loss of motivation, addiction, and laziness. The author argues that these problems stem from the complex workings of the human mind, specifically the unconscious part that seeks pleasure and avoids discomfort.

Chapter 1 describes examples of several motivational problems:

  • Procrastination: Waiting until the last minute to start a task despite knowing the consequences. This is an attempt to avoid the discomfort of the task for as long as possible.

  • Loss of motivation: Losing the motivation or willpower to continue a goal or habit, like exercising. The motivation fades as the discomfort outweighs the pleasure.

  • Addiction: Being unable to quit a habit like smoking even though you consciously want to. The habit provides pleasure that outweighs the discomfort.

  • Excessive sleep: Sleeping for longer than needed because being awake requires mental effort. The sleep prolongs pleasure and avoids discomfort.

Chapter 2 explains that we pursue goals and tasks for the results and pleasures they provide, but often the act of pursuing them requires discomfort. We are motivated to maximize pleasure and minimize discomfort. Chapters 3 and 4 dive deeper into the psychological basis of motivation and how our “pleasure unconscious” works.

Chapters 5 and 6 provide strategies to overcome motivational problems by understanding and leveraging your mind’s motivational mechanisms: Keep the end goal in mind, build good habits, avoid weighing pros and cons, use social support, split big tasks into smaller ones, direct your attention and focus, visualize the benefits of achieving your goals, use reminders, start your day with low-effort pleasures, etc.

Chapter 7 applies these strategies to the examples from Chapter 1, showing how to beat procrastination, stay motivated for exercise, quit smoking, limit video game playing, and avoid oversleeping. Overall, the key is understanding how your mind works and the source of your motivational problems so you can work with your psychology rather than against it.

Here is a summary of the three examples:

John is a 40-year-old accountant trying to quit a 18-year cigarette habit. He tries to quit cold turkey but finds himself smoking unconsciously and giving in to cravings. After multiple failed attempts, he decides to put off quitting for now due to the impact on his work.

Junseo is a college student home on break with little to do. He starts playing a childhood video game out of boredom and nostalgia but ends up spending nearly all his time playing it over six days, averaging 12 hours a day. He has trouble stopping himself and keeps extending how long he’ll play. He only stops once he beats the game, losing all interest.

Tom sleeps 11 hours a day on average and has trouble getting out of bed even when rested. He works from home and naps frequently in between work and leisure activities. Despite the excess sleep, he still has plenty of free time. His behavior may be due to laziness, depression or illness but is often primarily due to lack of motivation.

The examples show how we can act against our will and intentions. We struggle with procrastination, addiction and lack of self-control. The psychological mechanisms behind these behaviors and how to strengthen our willpower are examined. Motivation is a key factor that is often overlooked. The examples set the scene to explore these questions around why we act against our will and how we can overcome it.

  • There is a distinction between an act and its result. People are often motivated to perform an act not because they desire the act itself but because they desire its result or consequences.

  • Both the desire for an act and the desire for its result contribute to a person’s motivation to perform the act. Whichever desire is stronger will determine whether or not the person performs the act.

  • Before beginning an act, both the act and its result exist as anticipations or prospects in the mind. Emotions and affects associated with these prospects, like anxiety, can motivate a person to choose one act over another.

  • Once a person has begun an act, that act becomes a concrete, physical experience while its result remains a prospect. The person’s enjoyment of the present act can overpower the motivation provided by anticipating the future result. Strong emotions associated with concrete future events, like anxiety over missed obligations, are usually needed to motivate quitting an enjoyable act.

  • There is an “activation energy” required to begin an act, even when a person desires both the act and its result. This is an internal barrier that must be overcome through sufficient motivation. Both the desire for the act itself and the desire for its consequences can provide this motivation. Without enough motivation, inertia will prevent the person from acting.

  • In summary, to gain greater control over our actions and fates, we must understand the complex interplay between our desires for acts versus results, present experiences versus future prospects, concrete versus abstract motivations, and inertia versus activation. Recognizing these psychological dynamics is key to overcoming unwanted influences and achieving our goals.

  • Chris wants to go for a walk but is deterred by the effort it will take to begin the activity. This is common - the “entrance barrier” of starting an activity often prevents people from doing it, even if the activity itself and its consequences are desirable.

  • There are three psychological parts to any activity: the activity itself, its consequences, and the effort required to start it. These can conflict in someone’s mind and motivate them in different directions.

  • To truly understand human motivation, we must examine the mental processes involved when someone contemplates an action. We can then determine the most significant factors in how they decide to act.

  • Physical sensations like pain, hunger, cold, etc. strongly motivate us to act in ways that relieve them. The more intense the sensation, the more motivated we are. These sensations also reduce our motivation for other actions that don’t relieve them.

  • Emotions like anxiety, anger, and sadness also motivate us through the unpleasant physical sensations that accompany them. The actions they motivate us to take relieve those sensations. They function similarly to physical drives like hunger or tiredness.

  • There are many examples where emotions and physical drives compete to determine our actions, like a shy child finally using the bathroom due to needing to urinate, or a religious person giving in to sexual urges.

  • There seems to be a deep psychological need to relieve displeasure and pain that motivates a wide range of human behaviors, from essential biological functions to more superficial ones. This mechanism of compulsion may be key to understanding human motivation and behavior.

The key points are that human motivation arises from the need to relieve unpleasant sensations, that this applies to both physical and emotional sensations, and that understanding the mental processes behind motivation and decision making can provide insight into changing behavior. The next step is to examine those processes in more depth.

  • Humans have a fundamental need to seek pleasure and avoid pain. This is known as the pleasure principle.

  • The pleasure principle plays a dominant role in directing human thoughts and behaviors. It influences even the most trivial actions and decisions we make.

  • The pleasure principle operates largely unconsciously. Although we are motivated by feelings of pleasure and displeasure, we are often oblivious to their influence over us.

  • The pleasure principle is an ancient psychological mechanism that humans share with other animals. It likely evolved very early to help organisms approach things that are good for them and avoid things that are harmful.

  • The pleasure principle can be thought of as its own unconscious system in the human mind, which the author calls the “pleasure unconscious.” It works alongside the associative unconscious that psychologists typically study.

  • While humans have some degree of conscious control over the pleasure unconscious, it largely governs animal behavior. Animals lack the human capacity for conscious self-determination.

  • The pleasure unconscious is a very basic psychological system. It only recognizes two inputs - pleasure and displeasure - and activates behavior to maximize the former and minimize the latter. This simple functionality suggests it evolved very early in animals.

  • Evidence of the pleasure unconscious can even be seen in single-celled organisms like bacteria. They are able to sense beneficial and harmful environmental factors and move toward or away from them accordingly.

So in summary, the key points are that the pleasure principle is an ancient and fundamental unconscious motivator of behavior in humans and other animals. It dominates our thoughts and actions, often in ways we do not realize, by compelling us to seek pleasure and avoid pain.

The pleasure-unconscious is the primal motivation for behavior in humans and animals. It evolved initially as a binary system for avoiding harm and seeking benefit. This then developed into instincts and emotions, which provide more complex motivations to serve adaptation. For example, anger motivates retaliation to avoid future harm, anxiety motivates avoidance of danger.

Associative memory allowed organisms to learn from experience by associating stimuli with the pleasure, pain, emotions, and instincts they evoke. This produces feelings by association that still strongly influence human behavior.

Sensations, emotions, instincts, associative affect, and imagination are all sources of pleasure and displeasure that motivate action. The pleasure-unconscious is the primary determinant of thought and behavior.

We can understand behavior by seeing thoughts, sensations, and actions in terms of the pleasure or displeasure they produce or relieve. For example, a procrastinator avoids anxiety about an assignment by dismissing the thought, but acts when avoidance is no longer possible and only action can relieve the anxiety. Emotional responses to future events depend on believing they will really happen.

Attention is limited and finite. It is required to perceive stimuli, experience conscious and unconscious thoughts, and act voluntarily. There is competition for the available attention, so we cannot fully perceive and understand multiple speeches or activities at once. Difficult mental or physical tasks require more attention, limiting our ability to perceive and act otherwise.

So in summary, the pleasure-unconscious, developing from a basic drive to avoid harm and seek benefit, provides the motivation behind human thought and behavior. Perception, cognition, emotion, and action are all directed at producing pleasure and avoiding displeasure, but are limited by the finite attention available.

  • Conscious thinking requires active attention and deliberate effort, unlike passive perception or hallucination.

  • Our attention is largely controlled by the pleasure unconscious, which directs it toward thoughts, actions, and perceptions that increase pleasure or decrease displeasure. The pleasure unconscious compulsively takes control of our attention.

  • There is always a strong human need to occupy our attention. When attention is not fully occupied, we seek outlets to supplement it, like fiddling with objects or pacing.

  • The more attention we give a stimulus, the more intensely we perceive it. The pleasure unconscious exploits this by directing more attention to more intense pleasures and displeasures.

  • Humans have some ability to consciously direct attention, which is our willpower. But willpower is often overpowered by the pleasure unconscious, making it hard to pay attention to things that don’t affect pleasure or displeasure. Willpower can be used indirectly by focusing attention on our own feelings to moderate them.

  • There is a difference between displeasure motivation and pleasure motivation. Displeasure motivates a specific action to relieve it, while pleasure can be achieved in many ways. Displeasure focusses our attention on relieving the displeasure, while pleasure gives more choice.

  • Humans have limited control over their thoughts and actions. The pleasure unconscious is usually implicit and obscures how much it actually controls us. We can direct attention, but are usually acquiescing to the pleasure unconscious. We can only focus on displeasure or neutral things for so long before the pleasure unconscious takes over.

  • The pleasure unconscious seeks satisfaction constantly, not just in bursts like emotions. It is always present and prompts no explanation for its effects on us. We take its control for granted.

Pleasure can be experienced through multiple activities that consume only a portion of one’s attention. The pleasure unconscious is satisfied with small increases in pleasure and does not require one’s full attention. There are many ways to experience pleasure that vary in how much attention they require and how much pleasure they provide. When one can gain pleasure while only using part of one’s attention, the rest is free to be directed elsewhere.

Pleasure is relative. The pleasure unconscious seeks to increase pleasure rather than just attain it. When experiencing a small amount of pleasure, one is less compelled to switch to a more pleasurable activity. However, when switching from a very pleasurable activity to a less pleasurable one, it is difficult because it constitutes a decrease in pleasure. Pleasures can be ranked as higher or lower. Higher pleasures make lower ones less attractive.

The pleasure derived from an activity depends on one’s ability to engage in it, which depends on the amount of attention one can devote to it. As one’s attention decreases, the pleasure from an activity also decreases. Activities that consume attention, like games, are pleasurable because one achieves small successes, anticipates overcoming challenges, and progresses toward a goal. Video games in particular are pleasurable because they require little attention yet provide excitement, surprise, goals, and progress.

Positive emotions are a source of pleasure that does not require attention. They linger and provide higher peaks of pleasure than other sources. Happiness, excitement, and love are the main positive emotions. They can provide pleasure for a long time after the events that caused them, freeing attention to be directed elsewhere. Drugs can have a similar effect but also drain attention and cognition.

Interpersonal interactions greatly obscure the influence of the pleasure unconscious because they involve many emotions and pleasures that capture one’s attention. Social factors play the biggest role in hiding the pleasure unconscious’s constant push and pull.

  • Most of our social interactions and behaviors are motivated by complex factors, even though we often take them for granted. Humans are social animals with a strong drive to interact with and please others.

  • When alone and free of social influences, people often default to seeking pleasure and avoiding pain in an uncontrolled manner. Without the motivation provided by social anxiety, excitement, praise, etc., people can become mired in pleasure-seeking.

  • There are three psychological parts to any prospective activity: beginning the task, the task itself, and the consequences. Each part evokes its own kind of pleasure or displeasure when we think about the activity.

  • The pleasure from beginning a task reflects the effort required. It usually evokes displeasure since starting anything requires effort.

  • The pleasure from the task itself reflects our past experiences with similar tasks. It can be inaccurate if we have little experience or base it on limited information. It may include anxiety if the task is unfamiliar.

  • The pleasure from contemplating the consequences is usually emotional. It often evokes excitement, anxiety, disgust, anticipation of relief, or dread.

  • These three dimensions emerge unconsciously and successively in our minds as we consider undertaking an activity, though we don’t always consider all parts or reach a decision. The task itself or its consequences are often enough to motivate us. We sometimes act without considering the consequences at all.

  • Most of the time, all three parts - beginning the task, the task itself, and the consequences - come to mind as we decide to act, even if quickly and unconsciously. The interplay between them determines our motivation and behavior.

The summary outlines how the pleasure-seeking parts of the mind determine motivation and behavior through anticipating and weighing the psychological components of any activity we consider undertaking. The relative influence of each part - getting started, the activity itself, and the consequences - shapes our actions, often unconsciously and subject to the biases and inaccuracies the author notes.

  • There are three aspects in a person’s thought process regarding starting a new task: 1) the pleasure incentive; 2) the consequences of quitting the current activity; and 3) the effort required. These three factors work together to determine whether a person engages in a new task.

  • When a person is undecided about taking up a new task, these three factors perpetually come to mind and cause painful deliberation. This can lead to inaction and procrastination. For example, thinking of an errand, imagining how unpleasant it will be, and considering the effort to begin can result in not doing it. This thought process and inaction can recur frequently. Similarly, considering a pleasurable activity but then thinking of the negative consequences and required steps can discourage following through.

  • To predict whether someone will start a new task, we must consider the pleasure of the current activity and the consequences of quitting it, not just the prospective new task. For example, anxiety over failing a class prevents a procrastinator from switching to a more enjoyable activity. Anxiety also prevents quitting an activity midway.

  • In the model, manifest behavior depends on the combined pleasure incentive of the three aspects of a new task versus the current activity’s pleasure plus the consequences of quitting.

  • Willpower seems to play no role in this model of motivation and decision making. However, humans do have the ability to consciously direct attention separate from the pleasure unconscious, so some people may have greater willpower. But evidence suggests that those who seem to overcome the pleasure unconscious do so due to differences in motivation and intensity of emotion, not sheer willpower.

  • For example, religiously pious people who restrain pleasure seeking do so out of anxiety over God’s punishment, not willpower alone. Strong-willed people may be motivated by unusually strong sources, feel emotions more intensely, gain more pleasure from consequences, feel less pleasure/displeasure from activities, or a combination. Willpower likely contributes modestly. But emotion and motivation are the primary drivers of defying the pleasure unconscious.

The pleasure unconscious is not the sole determinant of a person’s decision making. Willpower can influence a person’s choices in three main ways:

  1. When there are multiple pleasurable options available, a person can choose freely between them.

  2. Once the drive for pleasure has been satisfied, a person can direct their remaining attention as they wish.

  3. When a person is experiencing discomfort from multiple sources, they can decide which to address first.

Several strategies can be used to influence the pleasure unconscious and combat unhealthy behaviors:

  1. Anticipating or experiencing feelings of guilt and shame can deter a person from undesirable actions. However, these emotions are often not potent enough on their own.

  2. Remembering and focusing on the consequences of one’s actions and choices can help motivate better decision making.

  3. Avoid weighing the pros and cons of a situation, as this often leads to rationalizing pleasurable but harmful actions. It is better to determine the right course of action beforehand.

  4. Forming strong associations between an action and its consequences through habit and repetition. This makes the consequences more salient when considering that action.

  5. Rewarding good behaviors and punishing bad ones. Using pleasure and displeasure strategically can shape habits and decision making.

  6. Making good behaviors more convenient and bad behaviors less convenient. Reducing the temptation and effort required for positive choices supports better decision making.

  7. Seeking social support and accountability. The influence and support of others can supplement willpower.

  8. Practicing self-control and willpower strengthening exercises. Self-control is a skill that can be improved over time with practice.

Those are the main strategies discussed for combating unhealthy behaviors instigated by the pleasure unconscious. The next chapter will examine specific techniques for putting these strategies into practice.

• Manipulating our environment is an effective way to influence our behavior. It works indirectly by influencing our thoughts and motivations.

• Changing our environment to make undesirable behaviors more difficult to start ( requiring more effort or time) can help prevent us from engaging in them. For example, storing a video game cartridge far away makes it harder to start playing the game, reducing addictive behavior.

• Conversely, making desirable behaviors easier to start (requiring less effort or time) can motivate us to engage in them more. For example, clearing clutter from a desk and arranging good lighting makes it easier to start reading, increasing the behavior.

• The most effective time to make changes to our environment is when we are not compelled by the behavior in question. For example, the video game addict should lock up the game when he is tired of playing, not when he has an urge to play. The would-be reader should organize his desk when he is feeling industrious, not when he wants to start reading.

• People often fail to make useful environmental changes because they only consider them when they are already confronted with the problematic situation. They lose motivation once the situation has passed. The solution is to recognize the need for change during a “miscellaneous” time and act deliberately.

• Those who frequently overcome environmental obstacles to their goals are more likely to make proactive changes to their environment. For example, readers who often clear their desks to read and gamers who sometimes resist playing are more apt to organize their environments to support their goals. For these people, environmental changes come naturally.

• In summary, we can gain more control over our behaviors by manipulating our surroundings during times when we have enough motivation and foresight to do so. Environmental changes that reduce undesirable behaviors and promote desirable ones can become automatic and highly effective tools for self-regulation.

  • Making tasks physically easier or more pleasurable can change a person’s motivation to do them. For example, comfortable hiking shoes make hiking appealing, while uncomfortable shoes discourage it. But making tasks intentionally harder is counterintuitive for most people, even though it can be effective.

  • Monetary or social consequences can also alter motivation. Bets, wagers and accountability to others motivate people to achieve goals or avoid unwanted behaviors. These consequences often require involving other people.

  • A person’s mental state frequently changes, affecting their motivation, rationality and impulse control. While we have little control over these fluctuations, we can control our physical environment. Altering surroundings to curb unhealthy compulsions is often more effective than willpower alone.

  • Employing the motivation from social interaction is useful. Doing activities with others makes them more engaging and fun. Adding a social element increases pleasure and enjoyment. Accountability to others also motivates people to start and continue activities or meet goals.

  • In summary, motivation is complex but malleable. Adjusting surroundings, consequences and social factors are pragmatic ways to influence motivation and overcome the unpredictable nature of the human mind. Willpower is limited, but environmental control is not. Using motivation derived from outside the self compensates for a lack of internal control.

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Promising to do something for a friend makes you more likely to follow through due to social motivation and anxiety about failing. Competition and rivalry can motivate self-improvement.

Splitting your attention between a mundane task and an enjoyable distraction makes the mundane task more bearable by satisfying the pleasure unconscious. However, the distraction shouldn’t require too much attention or it will undermine the primary task. This method works for tasks that don’t require full attention but not mentally involving activities.

We can direct our attention to manipulate the intensity of pleasure and displeasure we experience. We can focus attention on a small pleasure or displeasure to overcome a greater affect. For example, focusing on a minor discomfort could motivate getting out of a comfortable bed. This method applies to present experiences of pleasure or displeasure.

We can harness the motivation of emotions by channeling them into productive actions that also satisfy the emotion. For negative emotions, the productive action must satisfy the instinctive urge, e.g. redirecting anger into exercise to get temporary escape. For positive emotions, any productive action will do since the emotion itself provides pleasure. This method applies to the consequences of actions for negative emotions but the process of actions for positive emotions.

Imagining yourself physically performing an action can compel you to actually do it by creating tension that seeks relief through the action and by mirroring the normal connection between mind and body. This method helps overcome the activation energy required to start an activity.

In summary, there are psychological techniques we can use to motivate behavior that overcomes the obstacles posed by the pleasure unconscious and activation energy. We can employ social factors, split attention, direct attention, channel emotion, and imagine physical actions.

  • Our minds spontaneously trace out routes and actions before we consciously take them. This often leads us to end up at unintended destinations or saying things without meaning to.

  • Caffeine and nicotine can provide free pleasure without impairing cognition. They can make unpleasant tasks more pleasurable and help motivate us. However, most recreational drugs restrict attention and cognition, so should be avoided for challenging mental tasks.

  • Frustrating a need or desire can be used as motivation. Setting a concrete goal and using the satisfaction of the need as a reward for achieving it turns the frustration into motivation. But this method causes stress and should be used sparingly.

  • We should monitor our attention capacity, as it varies over the day. Too little attention makes a task unpleasant and unachievable, too much makes it boring. We can adjust activities accordingly.

  • It’s best to begin the day with a low-pleasure activity. Starting with a highly pleasurable one sets a precedent that makes less pleasurable, productive tasks much harder. Waking in a state of displeasure may require relieving that first before productivity.

  • Physical reminders can help prompt us to make use of optimal mental states and attention capacity. Our memory often fails to remind us of productive things we could be doing when we have the motivation and means. Simple reminders in our environment can circumvent this failure.

The procrastinator, Jim, has trouble motivating himself to work on an assignment without waiting until the last minute. This is because the thought of writing the paper is distinctly unpleasurable for Jim. While the negative consequences of not doing it provide some motivation, it is usually not enough until the deadline is looming.

To help Jim, we first need to address factors making the task seem more unpleasant than it is. Breaking the large task into smaller, more manageable parts can help make the work seem less formidable and dreadful. It is also important that Jim does not start with any pleasurable activities, as this will make the work seem even more unpleasurable by comparison. Jim should work on the paper when he is in a good or neutral mood. Using a reminder like a whiteboard can help prompt Jim to work during these times.

To increase the pleasure of the actual writing process, Jim should drink coffee or work alongside a friend. While these techniques may only make the task neutral or slightly unpleasant, additional motivation can come from consequences, like making a bet with a friend or denying himself a reward until a certain amount of work is done. These methods, combined with starting as early as possible, should allow Jim to avoid last-minute work.

However, Jim may still struggle to persist at the work without quickly switching to a more pleasurable activity. To address this, we must make sure the pleasure and consequences of the current work outweigh the pleasure promised by quitting. Since we have already maximized the pleasure and consequences of the work itself, the only option left is decreasing the appeal of other activities. Strict enforcement of schedules and routines can help avoid thoughts of more pleasurable prospects.

With the strategies to address making the work seem less unpleasant, increasing motivation, and avoiding distraction by more pleasurable activities, Jim should be able to start work on time and stick with it. The summary covered the key reasons for Jim’s procrastination and solutions for overcoming it by systematically addressing each element of motivation and preventing diversion to more appealing options.

To persist in his task of quitting smoking, John needs to:

  1. Remove negative consequences of not smoking by taking time off work. This will allow him to focus on resisting the urge to smoke without distractions.

  2. Make obtaining cigarettes as difficult as possible. Though the benefits of this may diminish over time, it can still help.

  3. Engage in pleasurable activities to satisfy his desire for pleasure that would otherwise come from smoking. Things like listening to music, exercising, drinking coffee, watching TV, etc. This can satisfy his craving for pleasure and make the urge to smoke less intense.

  4. Use nicotine replacements like gum or patches to reduce discomfort from nicotine withdrawal. This tackles the physiological aspect of his addiction.

  5. Ask others for accountability and support. Letting friends and family know he is trying to quit makes it harder to give in, and their encouragement can help motivate him.

The key is tackling all aspects of his motivation to smoke: the desire for pleasure, the discomfort of withdrawal, the ease of obtaining cigarettes, and the consequences of quitting or not quitting. By employing motivation and making the right environment and lifestyle changes, John has a good chance of overcoming his addiction. But ultimately, resisting the impulse to smoke when a craving strikes will come down to willpower and dedication.

By making John’s current activities more pleasurable, it can soothe the unpleasant feeling of craving nicotine. This makes smoking seem less appealing and reduces his urge to smoke. Without nicotine replacement, John must bear the displeasure until it fades. The urge to smoke lessens over time if not indulged, allowing quitting to be possible. However, smoking even one cigarette can reignite cravings and cause relapse. The solution is to quit completely and avoid all cigarettes. This can be done through motivation techniques like making cigarettes difficult to obtain.

Junseo’s video game addiction lasted 6 days because that’s how long it took to beat the game. If the game was longer or there were more games, the addiction may have continued indefinitely. His addiction shows how human’s innate drive for pleasure can lead to unhealthy fixation on a single source. Storing the game away or deleting saved progress and restarting makes playing tedious, reducing motivation. This inoculates against the game and similar ones.

Tom sleeps excessively due to motivations in his environment, not an internal biological clock. Sleep relieves tiredness, which results from forcing attention on unpleasurable tasks, creating an urge to escape to something enjoyable. Boring or monotonous activities trigger tiredness. Tom’s environment lacks demands to stay awake, allowing sleep’s pleasure and escape from potential tedium. Adding rewarding daytime activities and responsibilities would balance Tom’s motivation and likely reduce excess sleep.

In summary, the examples show how motivation, especially the drive for pleasure and escape from displeasure, governs human behavior and can lead to unhealthy patterns. Understanding the psychological roots of these behaviors allows prescribing techniques to overcome them by altering a person’s motivational landscape.

  • The human mind can become intensely tired by focusing on monotonous or unstimulating tasks for a long period of time. This is the principle that hypnotists and others use to induce tiredness and sleep. Tom’s sedentary job and lifestyle may trigger this effect, making him very sleepy during the day and causing him to oversleep.

  • Sleep itself is pleasurable for Tom and requires little effort or motivation for him to engage in it. His bed is easily accessible, and sleeping requires no activation energy. There are few consequences preventing Tom from oversleeping. Although he feels some shame about it, the pleasure of sleep outweighs this. The opportunity cost of missing out on other activities is not enough to motivate Tom to limit his sleep.

  • Possible solutions include making the sleep experience less pleasurable by changing Tom’s bedding and bedroom environment. However, this could backfire by making sleep less restful and causing Tom to sleep even more. Requiring more effort for Tom to get into and out of bed may also not be effective and could make it harder for him to wake up.

  • The best solution is for Tom to spend less time in his apartment overall. Removing pleasures and stimulation from his home environment will make him seek enjoyment and activity outside the home instead of defaulting to sleep out of boredom or lack of other options. Getting rid of technology like TVs, reducing lighting, and encouraging Tom to spend more time out of the house engaging in hobbies, social interaction, and exercise can help establish a better sleep-wake schedule and more balanced lifestyle.

In summary, the root causes of Tom’s oversleeping appear to be a combination of a lifestyle and environment that promote sleepiness and lack of motivation to limit sleep in favor of other rewarding activities. Structural and behavioral changes to increase stimulation, reduce sleepiness triggers, and encourage Tom to pursue non-sleep rewards can help address this issue.

The author argues that Tom’s lack of motivation can be addressed by limiting his access to pleasurable activities in his home, especially sleeping. If Tom has fewer opportunities to indulge in leisure activities at home, sleeping will become less appealing in comparison and he will be motivated to leave the house. The author suggests that Tom work outside the home, take on other obligations that require leaving the house, move in with roommates, or get a girlfriend. These strategies will subject Tom’s behavior to scrutiny, provide him enjoyable social interactions outside the home, and limit his time in bed.

While these strategies can help motivate Tom in the short term, the author says the best approach is for Tom to pursue his passions, find purpose and meaning, and lead a fulfilling life. Life will always present challenges, but passion gives the motivation to overcome them. The author hopes the reader has gained insights into their own motivation and can apply the advice given in the book. The author invites feedback and requests readers leave reviews on Amazon to help promote the book. As a gift, the author offers free access to Abraham Maslow’s essay on human motivation. The author also provides a short quiz to test the reader’s understanding of the concepts in the book.

The author then previews two other books. The first examines depression resulting from the end of an immature romance. The author defines an immature romance as one where at least one partner has the psychological traits of an adolescent, characterized by dependence, replaceability, and meeting selfish needs. The loss of such a romance can lead to depression. The author shares a personal experience of depression following the end of an immature high school romance.

  • The narrator became friends with two cousins, an older one who didn’t like him and a younger one, Y, who caught his attention. She was physically attractive and the same age as him.

  • They started spending a lot of time together and eventually started dating, though they never explicitly talked about the relationship. They would go on walks, watch TV together, and make out but never discussed that they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

  • The narrator was excited to get a girlfriend to brag to his friends. He put his arm around Y while watching TV one day and she reciprocated. A couple weeks later, he kissed her and she eagerly kissed him back.

  • They continued their physical relationship but rarely had meaningful conversations. The narrator wanted to tell Y she was his girlfriend but was too anxious to say anything.

  • Their relationship was implicitly understood through their actions but never verbally acknowledged.

  • Anxiety arises when we cannot fully imagine a future scenario but expect danger from it.

  • Our perception of a task’s pleasure or displeasure depends on whether we’ve done it before. If new, we will over/underestimate it.

  • Anticipating a task evokes present feelings of pleasure/displeasure. These feelings represent the task itself.

  • The idea of an activity can seem pleasurable/displeasurable depending on circumstances. E.g.peeing when needing to go urgently vs playing video games when doing something more fun.

  • Determining pleasure/displeasure for a task requires knowing how much each part evokes. This is hard for others but possible for ourselves.

  • Nearly all human traits vary and follow a normal distribution due to multiple influences. The Central Limit Theorem states that averaging largely independent variables will yield a normal distribution.

  • Motivation can be positive (pleasure-seeking) or negative (displeasure-avoiding), e.g. seeking praise or avoiding failure. Religious people can have these motivations too.

  • Acting on convictions aims for long-term benefit.

  • Anticipating an activity’s effort, process and consequences corresponds to reality; we can’t deceive ourselves.

  • Making an activity displeasurable can deter us from it, e.g. bitter nail polish to stop nail biting.

  • Authorizing others to impose consequences can motivate us, e.g. losing money if failing. However, conventional wagers with both risk and reward for the same action are more motivating.

  • Compulsions that cause major disturbances are usually not preventable by environment changes alone.

  • Imagined pleasures must relate to reality; we don’t get much pleasure from impossibilities. Addictive thoughts cease without the possibility of action.

  • Natural environments can provide pleasure with little attention. This boosts motivation and insight. Distracting sensations can redirect us from pain/nausea.

  • Anger motivates unconscious revenge but can be damaging. Caffeine provides temporary motivation despite ” crashing” and reduced future cognition. Managing it helps maximize benefits and minimize costs.

  • Separating work/eating/smoking locations helps maximize motivation. Gaining relative pleasure is psychologically different from exchanging one displeasure for another. The pleasure unconscious seeks to eliminate displeasure.

Pleasure and happiness can motivate behavior, but they are unreliable and fleeting. The thought of working toward a goal can increase motivation and give purpose, while viewing the same activity as an obligation decreases motivation. Following the advice of a personal trainer provides motivation through planning and envisioning results. However, replacing one pleasurable activity with another that is strongly associated with it can increase cravings for the original activity. It is best to replace the original activity with an entirely new and pleasurable one.

Gradually reducing nicotine or the amount one smokes is more effective than abruptly quitting. Vaporizers or e-cigarettes can provide nicotine and simulate the act of smoking to help quit, but should not be used in conjunction with cigarettes, or they will increase smoking. Seeking pleasure for its own sake can lead to psychological problems. Video game addictions often last until one gets bored or circumstances change.

Viewing pleasurable activities as hills of varying difficulty and pleasure can provide insight into one’s motivation. The most pleasurable and easiest activities will be most tempting when bored. Tiredness has three types: mental, physical, and visual. Mental tiredness reduces attention and cognition, motivating one to rest. Physical tiredness causes muscle aches that motivate stillness and rest. Visual tiredness strains the eyes, causing a desire to rest them by sleeping. The supine position predisposes one to sleep due to its psychological influence. Avoiding unpleasurable activities while lying down can help avoid excessive sleepiness. Sleeping excessively often perpetuates a cycle of increased tiredness and sleep. Forcibly breaking this cycle by sleeping less can restore balance, as can managing mental, physical, and visual tiredness.

  • Tom has a habit of oversleeping for a few hours beyond a regular amount. Breaking this habit for a few days won’t help if the underlying causes remain. Once he succeeds, his situation will cause him to start oversleeping again.

  • Tom may be genetically predisposed to feel more tired than average. This would naturally cause him to sleep more. Managing this would require making other negative feelings (like anxiety) more intense to offset the tiredness. But when those obligations decrease, Tom’s tendency to oversleep would return. If genetic, oversleeping may be unavoidable for Tom. Coffee could help.

  • The key ideas are:

  1. Breaking the habit temporarily won’t help unless the underlying causes are addressed. Tom’s situation will cause the habit to repeat.

  2. Tom may be genetically inclined to oversleep. Offsetting this tendency would require keeping other negative motivations stronger, but the tendency would return when those decrease. Genetically, oversleeping may be unavoidable and require management.

  3. Coffee could provide some help in managing the tendency to oversleep.

The summary outlines the possible reasons for Tom’s oversleeping habit and some strategies for managing it, including addressing underlying causes, using negative motivations to counter the drive to oversleep, and consuming caffeine. But if the tendency is genetically based, oversleeping may remain to some degree unavoidable for Tom.

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About Matheus Puppe