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Amazon Affiliate Profits Relaunched - Maratas, Renzsu

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Matheus Puppe

· 6 min read

“If you liked the book, you can purchase it using the links in the description below. By buying through these links, you contribute to the blog without paying any extra, as we receive a small commission. This helps us bring more quality content to you!”



Here is a summary of the key points from “Amazon Affiliate Profits”:

  • Amazon is the world’s largest ecommerce retailer and has transformed opportunities for entrepreneurs through its platform. Millions of customers enjoy its high quality service globally.

  • Amazon affiliates make money by promoting products sold on Amazon’s marketplace. Affiliates earn a commission for any sales generated from their unique referral links.

  • Becoming an Amazon affiliate is free and easy - one just needs to sign up through the Amazon Associates program on their website.

  • Choosing a hot niche product category and selecting best-selling individual products are important for success. Products should be in demand and fit the affiliate’s website or promotion strategy.

  • Affiliates develop websites or content focused on specific products/niches to educate visitors and include their referral links. High-quality, original product content is emphasized.

  • Popular promotion methods for affiliates include search engine optimization, social media marketing, email marketing, and running ads. Building an engaged audience is key.

  • The guide covers additional strategies like Amazon native shopping ads and embedding Amazon stores on Facebook to boost sales and profits from the affiliate program.

In summary, the document provides guidance on how to profitably promote and sell products from Amazon’s massive catalog as an affiliate marketer through free, performance-based commissions. Choosing the right niche, products, and promotion tactics are highlighted.

The key is to find a good product category on Amazon to promote as an affiliate and identify a ready audience for those products. Popular categories include clothing, electronics, home goods, etc. Specifically look at best selling lists to see what’s trending.

It’s best to promote higher priced individual products rather than lots of lower priced items. Higher priced products have bigger commissions potential and buyers will do more research, driving traffic to your content.

Set up is easy - just sign up for the Amazon Associates program. Then you can generate customized affiliate links and banners to promote products on your own website or social media pages. Direct people to Amazon product pages from your content.

Creating helpful, informative content to guide people’s purchasing decisions is important. Focus on popular, high-demand categories and specific best selling products that have an existing ready audience on Amazon. This makes it more likely your affiliate links will result in sales and commissions.

Here are the key steps to create an Amazon affiliate website:

  1. Get a domain name. Choose a domain related to your niche and check if it’s available on

  2. Buy hosting. Purchase a hosting plan like Hostgator’s Baby Plan for unlimited domains and unmetered bandwidth.

  3. Install WordPress. Login to your Hostgator cPanel and use the 1-click installer to set up WordPress.

  4. Choose a theme. Go to Appearance > Themes in your WordPress dashboard and install a free affiliate theme like Reviewgine.

  5. Add pages. Go to Pages and create pages to promote your content using the title, description and featured image fields.

  6. Add content. Go to Posts and write product reviews, guides etc. Include titles, body content, images/videos using the editor tools.

  7. Publish content. Click Publish to go live with your pages and posts on your newly setup Amazon affiliate website.

  8. Promote your niche products and earn affiliate commissions when visitors buy through your Amazon links. Regularly add new content to drive more sales.

The chapters discuss how to create product-oriented content to populate an Amazon affiliate website and boost earnings. It covers:

  • Building product pages focused on specific products to promote on Amazon. These pages should include things like profitable keywords, many product images linked to Amazon, and long-form written content answering buyer questions.

  • Creating written content that describes the product, its benefits, why it’s the best option, and compares it to similar products. Content should be 2,000-2,500 words.

  • Signing up for an Amazon Associates account, which provides the affiliate links to include on product pages. The process involves providing contact and payment info, details about the affiliate website, and agreeing to terms.

  • Once signed up, affiliates can start linking products mentions and images on their content pages to the corresponding Amazon product pages using their affiliate links, in order to generate commissions when visitors buy through those links.

The key aspects are creating high-quality, buyer-focused content pages around specific products and linking those pages to Amazon to create the path for earnings through the affiliate program. The content is what will attract and convert visitors into buyers using the affiliate links.

  • The chapter describes various effective methods for promoting an Amazon affiliate website to generate affiliate commissions, without spending money.

  • It recommends linking between posts on the site to keep older content relevant. Creating do-it-yourself (DIY) content is suggested as it attracts traffic and casually includes affiliate links.

  • Fine-tuning SEO with long-tail keywords is important to reach interested customers.

  • Various free WordPress plugins are introduced that can help with promotion efforts. The RatingWidget adds ratings to highlight content. Sumo captures leads through a newsletter. Qeryz inserts surveys. Thank Me Later sends thank you emails after comments.

  • DiggDigg adds social sharing buttons. WPtouch creates a responsive mobile-friendly site for all traffic.

  • In summary, the chapter provides promotion strategies like linking content, creating DIY guides, optimizing SEO, and leveraging free plugins - all with the goal of driving affiliate commissions from an Amazon website without spending money on promotion. Effective organic and technical methods are prioritized over paid advertising.

  • Many people have earned five or six figure incomes from successful Amazon affiliate websites. However, building an Amazon affiliate business takes hard work, especially for non-tech savvy people.

  • The best approach is to build multiple niche affiliate websites dedicated to high-converting topics. Successful affiliates put a lot of effort into constantly updating their sites to keep content relevant.

  • In the beginning, focus on collecting long-tail and low-search keywords through research. These help rank sites higher.

  • Write lengthy, helpful content rather than sales pitches. Lengthy content allows covering topics comprehensively.

  • Use quality hosting services, as slow sites hurt rankings.

  • Social media is important but not the main focus, as it takes time away from sites.

  • Become an authority in niches by answering common questions on forums and sites.

  • Amazon offers “native shopping ads” like recommendation, search, and custom ads to earn affiliate income without links on pages.

  • “Astores” allow easily embedding an Amazon storefront into Facebook pages for social media promotions. Making a few code changes embeds the aStore into the Facebook page tab.

In summary, successful Amazon affiliates focus on building multiple niche sites, constantly improving content, keywords research, and authority to earn high incomes over time from their Amazon associate businesses.

  • The basics of Amazon affiliate marketing have been working well, but more strategies can help growth passive income further.

  • Create a lifestyle blog section to become an influencer and authority by discussing the niche beyond just products. This increases site visits and ranking.

  • Include a sign-up form to keep subscribers updated on new content and reconvert busy visitors.

  • Make niche-focused lead magnets like eBooks with popular product links to capture leads and promote affiliate links.

  • Listen to customer comments to understand preferences and create better affiliate content around trending products and recommendations.

  • Maintain a daily deals section with casual finds to spark impulse purchases and keep visitors engaged before they leave the site.

  • Implementing these additional strategies on top of the basics can help transform and maximize profits from Amazon affiliate marketing over time.

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About Matheus Puppe