Self Help

Banned Mind Control Techniques Unleashed - Smith, Daniel

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Matheus Puppe

· 26 min read

The book discusses five main types of mind control: brainwashing, hypnosis, manipulation, persuasion, and deception.

Brainwashing involves coercing someone into abandoning their beliefs and adopting new ideals. It is often achieved through isolation, breaking someone down emotionally, and rewarding them for accepting new beliefs. Brainwashing has been used historically in prisoner of war camps and by dictatorships.

Hypnosis involves inducing an altered state of awareness and increased focus and susceptibility to suggestion. It is used for hypnotherapy, in the military, for self-hypnosis, and in stage hypnosis. There are many types of hypnosis, including traditional hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, video hypnosis, and subliminal hypnosis.

Manipulation refers to controlling someone through unfair means, often without their consent or awareness. Requirements for successful manipulation include finding the victim’s vulnerabilities and weaknesses and using techniques like lying, creating illusions, blackmail, and emotional abuse.

Persuasion refers to convincing someone of something through reasoning and mental influence. Elements of persuasion include creating a need, appealing to social needs, and using loaded language and imagery. Common persuasive techniques include reciprocity, commitment and consistency, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity.

Deception refers to deliberately misleading someone through concealment, omission, camouflage, disguise, simulation, and more. Deception is used for many reasons, and there are verbal and nonverbal cues that can indicate when someone is being deceptive. Deception has been studied from social, psychological, and philosophical perspectives.

In summary, the book provides an overview of various mind control techniques, how they work, examples of their use, and ways to recognize and resist them. The techniques discussed range from the coercive (brainwashing) to the subtle (persuasion and deception) but all involve manipulating someone’s mind and beliefs.

• Brainwashing requires isolation of the subject and breaking down their sense of self in order to replace their beliefs and values. It is a gradual process that can take months or years. Most instances of persuasion that people experience in daily life do not qualify as brainwashing.

• Hypnosis is an altered state of awareness characterized by increased focus and suggestibility. The subject is not under the direct control of the hypnotist but can be guided to change their perceptions or behavior. Hypnosis has many therapeutic and medical applications but limited potential for mind control.

• Manipulation involves the covert and exploitative influencing of someone’s mind through abusive tactics. The manipulator advances their own interests at the expense of the subject, who is left without meaningful choice. Manipulation can be a dangerous form of mind control because the manipulator does not care about harming the subject.

• Persuasion is the open influencing of someone’s attitudes, beliefs, motivations or behaviors through reasoning, information or emotion. Persuasion is a normal part of human communication and social influence. When used responsibly, persuasion is not a form of mind control.

In summary, mind control refers to the covert and forcible control of someone’s mind through psychological techniques like brainwashing, hypnosis or manipulation. Persuasion and other normal forms of social influence do not constitute mind control. Real mind control requires isolation, deception and the erosion of the subject’s ability to think critically or make meaningful choices.

Persuasion and deception are used to influence other people’s beliefs and behaviors. Persuasion appeals to reason or emotion to change attitudes, while deception involves propagating false beliefs. These techniques are commonly used in politics, advertising, and relationships.

Brainwashing is an extreme form of thought reform that requires control and isolation. It systematically breaks down a person’s identity and replaces it with a new set of beliefs. The process involves three stages:

  1. Breaking down the self. The old identity is attacked and broken up. This requires isolation and mind-clouding techniques like sleep deprivation.

  2. Introducing salvation. The subject is offered a new set of beliefs as the only way to escape their suffering.

  3. Rebuilding the self. A new identity is constructed around the new beliefs.

Brainwashing requires total control over a person’s environment and basic needs. When control is removed, the effects tend to be short-lived, as the old identity starts to reemerge. While brainwashing is controversial, most experts believe it can be effective under specific controlled conditions, even without physical harm. But its effects may only last as long as the control.

In summary, persuasion and deception are common methods of influencing others, while brainwashing refers to extreme thought reform involving coercive control and a forced transformation of identity. But identity change tends to revert once control is removed.

The agent seeks to break down the subject’s identity and sense of self in order to make them more open to accepting a new identity. This is done through:

  1. Assault on identity: The agent systematically attacks the subject’s ego, identity, and beliefs. They deny everything the subject is to confuse and disorient them. This can go on for days to months.

  2. Guilt: The agent tells the subject they are bad to induce guilt. They criticize the subject for anything and everything to produce shame and vulnerability.

  3. Self-betrayal: The agent forces the subject to denounce their old identity, peers, beliefs, etc. This increases their shame, loss of identity, and breakdown.

  4. Breaking point: The subject experiences a nervous breakdown with symptoms like disorientation, depression, sobbing. They lose their sense of self and grip on reality.

  5. Possibility of salvation: The agent offers the subject salvation and a way out of their misery by embracing a new identity and belief system. This involves:

A) Leniency: The agent offers small kindnesses to gain the subject’s trust and loyalty. The subject feels disproportionately grateful.

B) Compulsion to confession: The agent gets the subject to confess “wrongs” against the new identity. The subject wants to reciprocate the agent’s kindness.

C) Channeling of guilt: The agent attaches the subject’s guilt to the old belief system and identity. The new system promises escape from guilt.

D) Releasing of guilt: The subject realizes the old beliefs cause their guilt. They feel relief that embracing the new system will release them from guilt, and that they are not inherently bad.

The subject is then primed to accept the new identity and belief system offered by the agent. Their old identity and beliefs have been systematically broken down through psychological manipulation and attack.

  • The subject has learned that their malaise is caused by the belief system and people around them, not by themselves. By changing those, they can escape guilt and become “good” again.

  • To release guilt, the subject must denounce their old institutions and belief system. Then they will be freed from guilt.

  • The subject has some control now and can realize releasing guilt is up to them. They must confess fully to acts from the old belief system. Then they will have rejected their old identity psychologically.

  • The agent now helps the subject rebuild a new identity. There are two steps:

  1. Harmony: The agent says it’s the subject’s choice to change. The agent presents the new belief system as the “good” choice. The agent stops abuse and offers comfort to associate old beliefs with pain and new beliefs with relief. The subject must choose, but the choice is illusory. The subject will likely choose the new system to relieve guilt.

  2. Final Confession and Starting Over: The subject rejects the old identity and pledges allegiance to the new one, finding salvation and happiness. Ceremonies often mark the conversion. The subject feels reborn into a new community.

  • The process takes months or years since identities and beliefs are hard to change. Isolation is usually needed to avoid outside influence.

  • Brainwashing has been used as a defense in court, though controversial. Examples:

  1. Patty Hearst in 1976 claimed brainwashing by her SLA kidnappers made her join them and rob a bank. Her defense was rejected, and she was convicted.

  2. Colleen Stan, kidnapped in 1977, claimed brainwashing led her to stay with her captors for 7 years. Her defense was accepted, and charges against her captors were increased.

Experts debate allowing brainwashing as a defense due to potential for false claims and difficulty proving or disproving. But some cases suggest it could be valid. Overall, brainwashing is a complex coercive process to dramatically change someone’s identity and beliefs.

The defense team argued that Patty Hearst had been brainwashed by the SLA. Due to this brainwashing, Hearst committed a crime she otherwise would not have. In her brainwashed state, she could not distinguish right from wrong. The court rejected this defense and sentenced her to 7 years in prison. President Carter commuted her sentence after 2 years.

The Lee Boyd Malvo case also used an insanity by brainwashing defense. Malvo, 17, and John Allen Muhammad killed 10 people in 2002. The defense argued Muhammad brainwashed Malvo, who would not have otherwise committed these crimes. Despite this defense, Malvo received life in prison and Muhammad received the death penalty.

Brainwashing uses tactics like:

  • Hypnosis: inducing high suggestibility
  • Peer pressure: exploiting the need to belong
  • Love bombing: creating a familial bond
  • Rejecting old values: denouncing old beliefs
  • Confusing doctrine: blindly accepting incomprehensible ideas
  • Metacommunication: implanting subliminal messages
  • No privacy: preventing logical evaluation of information
  • Disinhibition: encouraging childlike obedience
  • Unbending rules: rigid rules that prevent independent thinking
  • Verbal abuse: desensitizing through abusive language
  • Sleep deprivation: disorienting and weakening victims
  • Dress codes: removing individuality and choice
  • Chanting: eliminating non-group ideas through repetition
  • Confession: destroying ego by confessing doubts and weaknesses
  • Financial commitment: increasing dependence and loyalty to the group

In summary, brainwashing uses coercive tactics to break down a person’s identity and replace it with a new one loyal to the brainwashing group. Though rarely fully achieved, brainwashing has been used as a legal defense with limited success.

  • Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness characterized by focused attention and increased suggestibility. Experts debate whether it produces an actual trance state.

  • Theories of hypnosis include:

  • Altered state theory: Hypnosis produces an altered mental state.

  • Non-state theories: Hypnosis does not produce a trance; it involves imaginative role-playing.

  • When hypnotized, a person can focus intensely on a thought or memory and block out distractions. They are highly responsive to the hypnotist’s suggestions.

  • Hypnosis has many definitions, including:

  • A type of psychological regression

  • A dissociative state

  • Role-playing

  • Heightened suggestibility

  • Deep relaxation

  • The result of biological capacity for an altered state

  • The stages of hypnosis are:

  1. Induction: Techniques to focus the person’s attention and heighten expectations of the experience. This was traditionally seen as inducing a trance state but now is viewed more as defining the experience and focusing attention.

  2. Suggestion: The hypnotist gives verbal suggestions to guide the person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

  3. Susceptibility: How responsive the person is to suggestions during hypnosis. Susceptibility can be measured with scales like the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale.

In summary, hypnosis is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, though experts debate whether an actual altered state of consciousness is involved. Hypnosis has a variety of definitions and consists of stages including induction of expectations, suggestion, and measures of an individual’s susceptibility to those suggestions.

Here is a summary of what is needed to lead a participant into hypnosis:

  1. An induction technique. The most well-known technique is Braid’s “eye fixation” method. The hypnotist has the participant focus on a bright object while explaining that their eyes should remain fixed on the object. After a while, the participant’s eyes will dilate and their eyelids may close, indicating they have entered a trance state.

  2. Suggestion. Once in a trance, the hypnotist provides verbal suggestions to the participant to deepen the trance or achieve certain goals. The suggestions can be direct or indirect, addressing either the conscious or unconscious mind. The nature of hypnosis and the mind determines which approach is used.

  3. Susceptibility. How easily a person can enter hypnosis and how deeply they can go into a trance depends on their susceptibility to hypnosis. Susceptibility remains fairly consistent for individuals and can be measured using various scales. Highly susceptible individuals include “fantasizers,” who can easily block out the real world and immerse themselves in their imagination, and “dissociaters,” who can numb themselves or detach from their environment, often due to past trauma.

  4. Applications. Hypnosis has many applications across various fields, including:

  • Entertainment
  • Self-improvement
  • Military uses
  • Medical uses (pain management, PTSD, etc.)
  • Rehabilitation and physical therapy
  • Education
  • Sports
  • Forensics
  • Art and creativity

In summary, the key components for leading a participant into hypnosis are using an induction technique, providing verbal suggestions tailored to the individual, understanding the person’s susceptibility level, and applying hypnosis for a specific beneficial purpose. With the right approach, hypnosis can be a very useful tool for many areas.

Hypnosis is being used in various fields for self-improvement, including for weight loss, stress reduction, and smoking cessation. Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to treat psychological issues and is done by licensed professionals. Hypnotherapists help with issues like anxiety, addiction, pain management, and motivation.

There are many types of hypnotherapy, like cognitive-behavioral hypnotherapy which combines hypnosis and cognitive behavioral therapy. Hypnoanalysis uses age regression. Hypnosis is also used for phobias, habits, relaxation, and more.

There is little evidence hypnosis is used by the military. A declassified report found no proof hypnosis exists outside of subject expectancy and suggestion. Hypnosis would be hard to induce in a resistant subject and its effects are hard to study.

Self-hypnosis is done by oneself, often with recordings or devices, for self-improvement like stress reduction or motivation. Stage hypnosis is done for entertainment, though its effects may be due more to trickery and suggestion than hypnosis.

The main types of hypnosis are traditional hypnosis, where direct suggestions are given; Ericksonian hypnosis, which uses metaphors and stories; embedded suggestions, where suggestions are hidden in a story; and dissociation, where the mind is so focused it becomes detached from the body. The subject’s suggestibility and the skill of the hypnotist determine how well hypnosis may work.

The hypnotist tells a short story to the subject’s unconscious mind. This story contains instructions to help the subject recall a specific learning experience from the past. The hypnotist then applies that experience to help the subject make positive changes in the present.

One technique used is neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). The hypnotist identifies thought patterns causing the subject’s problem and uses them to help solve the problem. For example, thought patterns causing stress or overeating can be used to reduce those problems. Techniques like anchoring, flash, and reframe are used.

Anchoring associates current thoughts and feelings with a past memory to motivate the subject, like recalling a past reward to motivate weight loss. Flash switches negative thoughts and feelings with positive ones, like changing the pleasure from smoking to discomfort. Reframe replaces unhealthy behaviors with healthier ones by understanding why the subject does them. The hypnotist reasons with the unconscious mind to adopt new behaviors for the same purpose.

Video hypnosis uses visuals to change thoughts and behaviors. It’s based on NLP and 70% of people learn better visually. Programs like Neuro-VISION use digital optics and simulation to retrain the unconscious mind, helping with issues like quitting smoking, losing weight, and reducing stress.

Subliminal hypnosis plays recordings with two tracks - one masker track heard consciously and one with hidden suggestions heard unconsciously. The suggestions aim to reprogram thoughts and behaviors. The masker track blocks the conscious mind from perceiving the suggestions.

So in summary, hypnotists use stories, NLP techniques, visuals, and hidden suggestions to retrain the unconscious mind and change thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The techniques build on how the mind works to effectively help subjects improve their lives.

Here is a summary of ion:

• Ion refers to an atom or molecule that has gained or lost one or more electrons, giving it a net electric charge.

• Ions are formed when atoms or molecules gain or lose electrons. This gain or loss of electrons results in the ion having an electric charge.

• Cations are positively charged ions that are formed when atoms lose electrons. Anions are negatively charged ions that are formed when atoms gain electrons.

• Ions form ionic bonds between each other and are the basis of ionic compounds like sodium chloride (NaCl). The ions are attracted to each other by electrostatic forces and exchange electrons to form ionic bonds.

• Common cations include sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), and ammonium (NH4+). Common anions include chloride (Cl-), nitrate (NO3-), sulfate (SO42-), and carbonate (CO32-).

• Ions are essential for many biological processes and functions. For example, the conduction of nerve signals involves the movement of sodium and potassium ions.

• Ions are also important for maintaining charge balance (electroneutrality) in solutions. The number of positive and negative charges must be equal to maintain a neutral electric charge overall.

• The formation and behavior of ions is an important part of chemistry and explains many phenomena we observe in the natural and built world.

That covers the key highlights about ions. Let me know if you would like me to explain anything in the summary in more detail.

To be a successful manipulator, one needs to:

  1. Conceal aggressive behaviors and intentions. Manipulators need to hide their manipulative behaviors and thoughts from their victims. They act friendly and helpful to gain trust. By the time victims realize they are being manipulated, the manipulator already has enough leverage over them.

  2. Determine victims’ vulnerabilities. Manipulators observe and interact with victims to figure out their weaknesses and insecurities. This helps manipulators develop tactics tailored for each victim to achieve their goals.

  3. Be ruthless. Manipulators do not care about harming their victims. They are willing to use whatever tactics necessary to get what they want.

Manipulators use various tactics to control their victims:

  1. Positive and negative reinforcement: Giving rewards (e.g. gifts, praise) for desired behaviors and removing unpleasant stimuli for undesired behaviors. This makes victims want to please the manipulators.

  2. Intermittent reinforcement: Providing reinforcement at unpredictable intervals. This creates doubt and fear in victims and keeps them engaged.

  3. Punishment: Using tactics like guilt trips, threats, and silent treatment to make victims feel like they did something wrong. Victims try to appease manipulators as a result.

  4. Traumatic one-trial learning: Exploding in anger at victims over minor issues to intimidate and dominate them. Victims become conditioned not to upset manipulators.

  5. Lying and withholding information: Telling outright lies or omitting key details to mislead victims for their own gain. By the time victims discover the truth, the damage is already done.

  6. Denial and rationalization: Refusing to admit wrongdoings and making up excuses to justify their behavior. Manipulators always portray themselves as blameless.

  7. Minimization: Downplaying the significance of their irresponsible or harmful actions. Manipulators convince victims that their behavior is not a big deal.

  8. Selective attention: Avoiding discussing anything that distracts them from their goals. Manipulators trivialize issues they do not wish to address.

  9. Diversion: Dodging questions and redirecting conversations away from topics they want to evade. Manipulators never provide direct or truthful answers.

Here is a summary of the tactics and techniques of manipulation:


  • Diversion: Manipulator changes the subject or redirects the conversation.

  • Evasion: Manipulator avoids directly answering questions by using vague responses, rambling, or irrelevant information. Leaves the subject with more questions than answers.

  • Intimidation: Manipulator uses threats, implied or direct, to keep the subject on the defensive.

  • Guilt trip: Manipulator makes the subject feel guilty or selfish in order to get their cooperation.

  • Shaming: Manipulator uses put-downs, sarcasm, and criticism to make the subject feel unworthy, ashamed, or inferior.

  • Playing the victim: Manipulator acts like they are the victim of circumstances or someone else’s actions in order to gain sympathy and cooperation.

  • Vilifying the subject: Manipulator turns the situation around to make it appear as if the subject is the villain or source of trouble. The subject then tries to change this perception.

  • Servant role: Manipulator pretends that the harmful actions they’ve taken were meant to serve some noble purpose or cause. For example, “just doing my job.”

  • Seduction: Manipulator uses charm, praise, flattery, and intense support to get the subject to lower their defenses. The subject then gives their trust and loyalty to the manipulator.

  • Projecting blame: Manipulator blames others for problems and refuses to take responsibility for their actions and behavior.

  • Feigning innocence: When caught in wrongdoing, manipulator denies knowledge or responsibility for their harmful actions. Puts on a show of indignation or surprise.

  • Feigning confusion: Manipulator pretends not to understand what the subject is talking about when confronted with their manipulative behavior.

  • Brandishing anger: Manipulator uses expressions of anger, whether genuine or not, to intimidate the subject into backing down or cooperating.


  • Blackmail: Manipulator makes unjustified threats of prosecution, harm, or damage to coerce the subject into compliance.

Emotional blackmail: Manipulator plays on sympathy or guilt to coerce the subject into cooperating. Blows the severity of the situation out of proportion.

  • Putting down the subject: Manipulator uses verbal abuse and criticism to damage the subject’s self-esteem, making them easier to manipulate. Risks damaging the relationship.

  • Lying: Manipulator uses deliberate false statements, exaggerations, and deception to mislead the subject.

  • Creating an illusion: Manipulator constructs an inaccurate mental map or misleading set of beliefs in the subject’s mind to hide the truth or gain cooperation.

The subject will feel personally attacked if the manipulator directly puts them down or insults them. This will cause the subject to distrust and avoid the manipulator, hindering their goals. Instead, the manipulator uses subtle means like humor and framing insults as jokes to lower the subject’s defenses without raising alarm. The manipulator may also phrase insults indirectly by attributing them to “other people” and then denying their own involvement.

The goal of these subtle put-downs is to make the subject feel inferior so they will seek to please the manipulator, giving the manipulator power and control.

Lying and creating illusions are key tools for manipulators. They will lie and omit important truths to get what they want, not caring about harming others. They plant ideas and evidence to make their illusions seem real so subjects will go along with their plans.

Manipulation works subtly in daily life. Unlike brainwashing and hypnosis, manipulation sneaks up on subjects and controls them without their full awareness. Manipulators lack empathy and only care about achieving their goals.

The best way to avoid manipulation is to steer clear of manipulators whenever possible.

Persuasion aims to change thoughts and beliefs, like other forms of mind control, but it works on a larger scale. Whereas manipulation, brainwashing, and hypnosis focus on individuals, persuasion can influence groups and society. Persuasion is an everyday part of life, used in advertising, media, politics, and more.

Most people wrongly assume they are immune to persuasion. But while logic and beliefs can help resist some arguments, subtle persuasion slips past defenses. Persuasion can be used positively, e.g. to promote social causes, or negatively.

Persuasion, like manipulation, works best when subjects don’t realize it’s happening. The elements of persuasion include:

-reciprocity: giving to receive in return -commitment and consistency: getting public commitments and playing on desire to remain consistent -social proof: influence of peers

  • liking: we prefer to say “yes” to people we like
  • authority: we tend to obey authority figures
  • scarcity: we want what’s rare or dwindling in supply

The persuader establishes credibility and attractiveness while framing a persuasive message around these elements. The message is more persuasive if subjects can visualize what’s being argued and find it relevant to their needs and values.

  • Persuasion is defined as a symbolic process where communications try to convince others to change their attitudes or behaviors through the transmission of a message while allowing free choice.

  • Key elements of persuasion:

  1. It is symbolic, using words, images, sounds
  2. It is deliberate - the persuader intentionally tries to influence others
  3. It allows for self-persuasion and free choice - the subject can choose whether or not to be persuaded
  4. Messages can be transmitted in many ways (face to face, media, etc.)
  • Modern persuasion differs from ancient persuasion in several ways:
  1. There are many more persuasive messages today (ads, media, etc.)
  2. Persuasive messages spread much more quickly due to technology
  3. Persuasion can generate a lot of money (marketing, PR, etc.)
  4. Persuasion has become more subtle and complex
  5. The persuasion process itself has become more complex
  • Methods of persuasion include:
  1. Use of force - using power or threats to persuade
  2. Reason - presenting logical arguments and evidence to persuade
  3. Peer pressure - persuading by making someone feel out of place for not going along
  4. Pull - persuading by offering rewards or benefits
  5. Push - persuading by making the current situation seem negative or problematic 6.teness - repeating a message frequently to persuade through familiarity
  6. Association - pairing a product or idea with something positive to persuade
  7. Framing - presenting information in a misleading or emotional way to persuade

In summary, persuasion is a broad topic that encompasses many concepts around how people can be convinced to think or act in a particular way through the transmission of symbolic messages. There are several elements that define persuasion, it has evolved a lot, and there are many methods that can be used to persuade others.

Ar talking or force should be avoided in persuasion as it often threatens the subject and reduces their freedom of choice. Instead, the six weapons of influence - reciprocity, commitment and consistency, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity - should be used.

Reciprocity means when you provide value to someone, they feel obligated to return the favor. This creates a sense of obligation that can be used for persuasion. Commitment and consistency mean people like to behave consistently with their commitments and stated positions. Getting someone to commit to something, especially in writing, makes them more likely to follow through.

Social proof means people look to the actions and beliefs of others to determine their own. They will be more persuaded if they see many others acting a certain way. Liking means people are more easily persuaded by those they like. Authority means people are more easily persuaded by those seen as authorities or experts.

Scarcity means people assign more value to something that is scarce or dwindling in availability. Highlighting how an opportunity is scarce or limited time can be persuasive.

In summary, using reciprocal favors, gaining commitments, leveraging social norms, being likable, establishing authority, and emphasizing scarcity are effective tools of persuasion that should be used instead of force. The key is gaining willing acceptance and cooperation rather than compliance through threat.

  • People who grow up in a particular environment (e.g. city or religious community) are more likely to behave in a way that conforms to social norms of that environment. They may adopt the attitudes and behaviors of those around them.

  • The desire to fit in and conform to social norms is very strong. People will often do what others around them are doing in order to conform, even if they claim to want to be individuals.

  • The persuasion technique of “social proof” relies on people’s tendency to follow the crowd. When people are uncertain or there are many ambiguous options, they will look to what others are doing for guidance. They will also be more persuaded by those who are similar to them.

  • The liking principle: People are more easily persuaded by those they like. Two factors that influence how much someone likes another person are physical attractiveness and similarity.

  • The authority principle: People are more easily persuaded by those perceived as experts or authority figures. They will tend to believe and obey those who appear trustworthy and knowledgeable.

  • The scarcity principle: People tend to want what they cannot have. When something is scarce or dwindling in availability, it is seen as more valuable. People will realize what they stand to lose by missing out, and their desire for the scarce resource will increase.

  • Persuasion techniques rely on these principles. The words and language used to convey a message can tap into these tendencies. Framing something as scarce, getting endorsements from authorities, and being liked can all increase persuasiveness.

The key principles at work are: social influence, the urge to conform, liking, authority, and scarcity. Effective persuasion techniques activate these psychological principles.

  • Persuasion techniques like creating a need, appealing to social needs, and using loaded language are effective ways to convince someone to adopt a new belief or attitude.
  • Deception involves propagating falsehoods or partial truths to control someone’s mind. It relies on the subject’s trust in the deceiver.
  • There are five main types of deception: lies, equivocations, concealments, exaggerations, and understatements.
  • Deceivers are motivated by partner-focused motives (to avoid harming the subject), self-focused motives (to benefit themselves), or relationship-focused motives (to benefit the relationship).
  • Deception can seriously damage trust and relationships once discovered.

The summary highlights the key aspects of persuasion and deception as techniques for influencing someone’s mind and thoughts. Persuasion provides more choice but still aims to change attitudes, while deception outright propagates falsehoods by taking advantage of trust in the relationship. The motives behind the deception and the types of deceptive acts are also summarized.

  • There are three main motivations for deception: partner-focused, self-focused, and relationship-focused. Partner-focused deception aims to protect the subject or their partner. Self-focused deception aims to protect the agent’s self-image. Relationship-focused deception aims to avoid conflict and harming the relationship.

  • Partner-focused deception is seen as the most socially acceptable. Self-focused deception is seen as selfish. Relationship-focused deception can either help or harm the relationship depending on the situation.

  • In general, deception is not recommended in relationships as it damages trust. However, detecting deception is difficult as there are no completely reliable indicators. It requires noticing inconsistencies in stories and behavior.

  • The three main components of deception are:

  1. Camouflage: Hiding the truth in indirect ways, e.g. using half-truths. The subject does not realize the deception.

  2. Disguise: Creating a false impression about one’s identity or nature. For example, changing one’s persona or disguising the true nature of a proposal. Disguise can be harmful as it withholds key information from the subject.

  3. Simulation: Showing false information. Techniques include distraction (diverting attention), fabrication (making up information), and mimicry (imitating a model). Simulation aims to manipulate the subject’s perception of reality.

  • In summary, deception involves manipulating information and impressions to make the subject believe something untrue. While sometimes well-intentioned, deception erodes trust and can be psychologically harmful. The subject should look for inconsistencies to detect deception, though there are no foolproof indicators.

Plagiarism refers to using someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own without giving proper credit to the original source. This can happen through copying words, images, or other media.

Fabrication refers to making up or altering details. An example is embellishing a true story with made-up details to make it more dramatic or interesting.

Distraction is diverting attention away from the truth, often by offering something tempting as a diversion. For example, giving someone an expensive gift to divert their attention from the fact that you have done something wrong.

Deception and its use in research is controversial. Researchers argue that some level of deception is necessary to get authentic results, especially in psychology experiments. However, critics argue that deception violates research ethics and participants’ informed consent. Some well-known psychology experiments that employed deception include Milgram’s obedience experiments and studies on cheating and conformity.

Deception also frequently appears in philosophy, for example in Descartes’ notion of the “deceiving God” - the idea that we could be deceived about reality by an all-powerful being. Skeptics have used this argument to claim that we cannot know anything for sure.

In summary, the main tools of deception are plagiarism, fabrication, and distraction. Deception is commonly used in research and philosophy, though its use remains controversial.

Mind control refers to a process in which a person’s psychology is manipulated to achieve certain goals or benefits. It can involve brainwashing, hypnosis, manipulation, persuasion or deception. Brainwashing is an intensive process of manipulating a person’s beliefs and mental processes. It involves breaking down one’s sense of self and rebuilding it to conform to certain ideologies or beliefs. Hypnosis is an altered state of awareness and increased suggestibility. It can be used therapeutically or in performance.

Manipulation involves controlling people’s perceptions, emotions and behaviors through exploitative and devious means. Persuasion refers to influencing people’s beliefs, attitudes and behaviors in an ethical manner for mutual benefit. Deception refers to deliberately misleading people through lies, illusions or concealment.

Mind control can be used both positively and negatively depending on the techniques involved and the intentions of the influencer. When done ethically and with consent, mind control methods like hypnosis and persuasion can benefit people. However, brainwashing, manipulation and deception are unethical and mainly serve the interests of the influencer.

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About Matheus Puppe