Self Help

Become a Genius (2nd Edition) Secrets to - Marco Guerrero

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Matheus Puppe

· 5 min read

Here’s a summary of the main points:

• Speed reading techniques can help you read faster and comprehend more. The techniques include skimming, scanning, meta guiding, rapid serial visualizations, and visualization.

• Skimming involves reading the first and last paragraphs and sentences to get a quick overview. It can increase your reading speed to 700-800 words per minute.

• Scanning involves searching for specific information in a text. You scan by following your finger across the text to avoid regression. Scanning gets faster with practice.

• Meta guiding uses an object like a pen or finger to guide your eyes across the text more quickly. It helps you read more words at once by broadening your visual span.

• Rapid serial visualizations use software to display words or sentences one at a time, which helps eliminate subvocalization and regression.

• Visualization involves creating mental images of what you’re reading rather than seeing the text as words. This can significantly increase your reading speed and comprehension.

• Important tips for speed reading include eliminating subvocalization, regression, and slow fixation rates; improving your vocabulary and familiarity with the topic; keeping your mouth busy; and concentrating fully on what you’re reading.

• Memorization techniques like repetition, mnemonics, and chunking can help improve your memory. Repetition involves repeated exposure to information. Mnemonics use associations to help remember information. Chunking groups information into more memorable units.

• Increasing your brain power involves mind mapping, critical/lateral thinking, and mental stimulation. Mind mapping is a visual way to generate and organize ideas. Critical/lateral thinking helps solve complex problems. Mental stimulation exercises your brain.

• Applying the strategies, not just reading about them, is key to achieving the benefits. With practice, you can significantly improve your reading speed, memory, and brain power.

• Speed reading involves techniques such as meta guiding, subvocalization, rapid serial visualizations, and visualization to read faster. These techniques help minimize eye regressions, reduce inner speech, and create mental images.

• Practicing speed reading techniques regularly is key to mastery. Start with easy and enjoyable reading materials. Not all texts can be speed read, so choose wisely.

• Read in word groups or chunks instead of word by word. Hold the text farther away to see more words at once. Avoid regressing or re-reading.

• Read when mentally alert and prioritize reading from important to least important. Time yourself to track progress.

• Skim read first for main ideas. Focus on relevant parts. Minimize distractions.

• Memorization involves deliberately storing and retrieving information. Our brains don’t lose information; we either fail to store it properly or have trouble retrieving it. Improving memorization ability involves associating new information with familiar knowledge, organizing information logically, visualizing what you’re trying to remember, repeating or re-reading it, taking notes, teaching the information to others, getting adequate sleep, and practicing mindfulness techniques like meditation.

The key goal of both speed reading and memorization techniques is to maximize the absorption and retention of information in an efficient manner. With regular practice of these meta-cognitive skills, one can strengthen their learning abilities significantly.

Here is a summary of the key memorization techniques:

•Repeat, Repeat, Repeat (Rote learning): This focuses on memorization through repetition. You repeat information out loud or write it down repeatedly until you have mastered it. It helps with short-term recall and preserving information for longer periods.

•Mnemonics: This uses songs, phrases, or images to help memorize lists, sequences, or other information. There are several types, including:

› Mnemonic link system (story method): Creates a story or phrase using the first letter of each item to memorize. Uses visualization to link the story to the information. › Peg system: Memorizes a list of words associated with numbers to memorize numbered lists. › Major system: Converts numbers to consonant sounds to form words and memorize numbers. › Loci system: Uses visualization to associate information with specific locations. Recalling the locations helps recall the information. › Acronyms: Uses the first letter of each word or item to form new words that are easier to memorize. Often set to rhyme or rhythm.

•Chunking: Groups information into chunks that are easier to remember than individual items. For example, grouping digits into twos or threes to memorize phone numbers.

•Increasing brain power: Refers to improving the overall capacity and functioning of your brain. Techniques include:

› Mind mapping: Uses a diagram to depict how your mind organizes information. Exploits more of your brain’s capabilities to expand its functionality. Helps store information in long-term memory. › Critical and lateral thinking: Uses critical thinking to analyze information logically and lateral thinking to approach problems from new perspectives. Strengthens neural connections in the brain. ›Learn a new skill: Challenges your brain by learning a complex new skill. For example, learning to play an instrument or a new language. Creates new neural pathways in the brain. › Exercise your brain: Does activities that challenge your brain like solving puzzles, brain training apps, reading, etc. Improves cognitive functions and memory. › Get plenty of sleep: Sleep is essential for your brain and body to function properly. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to allow your brain to consolidate memories and recover from mental fatigue. › Practice mindfulness: Spending time each day focusing your awareness on your thoughts and breathing. Strengthens connections between areas of the brain involved in memory, sense of self, and stress regulation. Improves focus and concentration.

• Thinking involves making proper decisions based on skills like fairness, clarity and incorporating facts, intelligence and intuition.

• Lateral thinking focuses on creativity. It involves approaching situations differently from the norm. Using only lateral or critical thinking can limit brain power. Using both together expands brain power.

• Mental stimulation involves keeping the brain active to maintain and improve its functions. Activities like games, puzzles, creative pursuits, and learning technical skills stimulate the brain.

• Important points:

  • Reduce stress which hinders thinking and memory.

  • Get enough sleep to relax the mind and body.

  • Meditate to relax the mind and expand brain capacity.

  • Exercise to energize the body and brain, release feel-good hormones, and increase oxygen flow to the brain.

  • Eat a balanced, nutritious diet with Omega-3 fatty acids to nourish brain cells.

• Making incremental lifestyle changes and practicing techniques consistently over time leads to improvement. Change happens gradually, not overnight. Patience and consistency are key.

• The knowledge and techniques in this book can help achieve learning goals by reading faster, improving memory and increasing brain power. Action must be taken to test and implement the strategies.

• Reviews and feedback are appreciated. The author can be contacted directly with any questions.

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About Matheus Puppe