Self Help

Build Your Own Media Empire Here's Why - Inglês (gerada automaticamente)

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Matheus Puppe

· 2 min read

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  • The video discusses how SaaS companies can grow to $5-10M+ in ARR by building an internal media company to dominate their niche through content creation.

  • Content is becoming increasingly important as a way to generate and own attention from potential customers. Successful celebrities and brands like Kylie Jenner and Ryan Reynolds have leveraged their audiences to promote and sell products.

  • Creating quality content establishes the pillars of knowing, liking, and trusting a brand, which drives people to purchase. Most companies struggle with lead generation because nobody knows who they are or cares enough about them.

  • Hiring agencies only provides a “trickle” of leads and doesn’t solve the root problem of lack of attention and compelling marketing assets. Building an internal content team can dominate a niche throughowned attention.

  • Options are hiring an agency, building an internal team (e.g. hiring SDRs initially), or partnering with content creators. The goal is to generate attention at scale through quality content in order to drive sales.

  • Building an inbound marketing engine through content is one of the most effective ways for companies to generate leads and sales. Successful companies like Trainual dedicate significant resources to building social media followings and producing content.

  • CEOs need to lead by example and invest meaningful time in thought leadership activities like podcasts, videos and workshops. Having an optimized personal/company brand online makes sales and marketing much easier.

  • To build an internal media company, one needs to research topics, plan content, hire editors, social media managers, and potentially a project manager. Producing long and short form content regularly requires accountability and willingness to improve.

  • Objectively assessing the performance of the media company is important to ensure resources are having maximum ROI. Hiring experts may be needed if one cannot dedicate sufficient time and focus to building the content business successfully alone.

  • Working with a consultant like the speaker could involve an initial content bootcamp and long-term partnership, starting at a minimum investment of $15k, to fully leverage content as an inbound marketing engine. Questions are welcome to further assess such a partnership.

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About Matheus Puppe