Self Help

Business Made Simple - Donald Miller

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Matheus Puppe

· 37 min read

Here is a summary of the praise for Business Made Simple:

•The book has helped several companies gain traction and clarify their purpose.

•It has helped new businesses get off the ground and build revenue.

•It provides helpful advice for aspiring entrepreneurs and helps them avoid overcomplicating things.

•Many readers consider the book an essential part of their daily routine.

•The book’s lessons on important business ideas and winning mindsets are helpful for readers.

•The book provides practical knowledge and skills that help readers succeed in business.

  • Character and strong work ethic are key to becoming a value-driven professional
  • Ten characteristics of a value-driven professional:
  1. See yourself as an economic product on the open market: Prove you’re a worthy investment and give others a good return. Make other people money and you’ll make money.
  2. See yourself as a hero, not a victim: Take responsibility for your life and don’t make excuses. See setbacks as temporary rather than permanent. Look for solutions rather than blame others.

Those are the first two characteristics covered in the excerpts. The key points are that value-driven professionals have a growth mindset, take responsibility for their outcomes, and are focused on creating value for others.

  • Successful people know how to de-escalate drama and keep their cool. This makes them respected and able to move up.
  • Unnecessary drama exists when someone wants attention. It sucks energy from others. While appropriate in acting, it kills careers in business.
  • People have limited energy. Dramatic people steal energy, leaving none for others. Most people avoid the dramatic.
  • To de-escalate drama, close the drama gap. React at or below the level a situation deserves. Overreacting opens the gap too wide.
  • People respect those who react a bit under the drama deserved. They trust calm de-escalators, saving energy for truly important situations.
  • Neil Armstrong stayed calm in chaos. For monumental tasks, drama won’t serve you.
  • Ask how a calm, calculated person would handle the situation. Stepping outside the drama helps see the right response.
  • A friend arguing dramatically with his wife stepped out, saw he was a jerk, confessed, apologized. De-escalating earned more respect.
  • We don’t have to be slaves to emotions. Emotions drive drama. Staying calm lets us see clearly and respond well.
  • To de-escalate: remain calm; don’t engage or argue; focus on issues, not personal attacks; suggest compromise; accept responsibility for your role; apologize if needed.
  • Stay calm and respond, don’t react. Take a walk or deep breaths. Have empathy. Be respectful. Keep listening. Suggest win-win solutions. Stay confident and humble.

In summary, successful professionals stay calm and de-escalate drama. They close the drama gap by not overreacting. They step outside the situation to gain perspective and respond well. Staying calm earns respect and allows better solutions. The keys are staying calm, focusing on issues, accepting responsibility, compromising, and offering win-win solutions with empathy and respect.

Here’s a summary:

Over time, a person who stays cool under pressure and de-escalates drama will gain respect and be chosen to lead.

A value-driven professional:

•Accepts feedback as a gift. They establish a routine to get feedback from trusted sources and use it to improve.

•Knows the right way to engage in conflict. They expect conflict, control their emotions, affirm the other person, and understand they could be wrong.

•Wants to be trusted and respected more than liked. They set clear expectations, provide accountability, and reward good performance to earn their team’s respect.

•Has a bias toward action. They avoid paralysis by analysis and take action, learning and adapting as they go. Successful people share this trait, even though they are diverse in other ways.

In short, a value-driven professional builds character and leadership ability over time through their attitudes and behaviors. They remain calm and solution-focused, open to feedback, able to navigate conflict, focused on results, and biased toward taking action. These qualities, consistently demonstrated, inspire others to follow their lead.

• A fixed mindset believes that abilities and intelligence are fixed traits that cannot be improved. People with a fixed mindset avoid challenges and become defensive in the face of failure or criticism.

• A growth mindset believes that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and persistence. People with a growth mindset embrace challenges, learn from failure and criticism, and seek to continuously improve.

• Research shows that a growth mindset leads to greater success and achievement. It can be cultivated by focusing on learning and improving rather than proving yourself, embracing challenges, and viewing failure as an opportunity to grow.

• A value-driven professional has a growth mindset. They believe in continuous self-improvement and learning. They view abilities and skills as things that can be developed, not fixed traits. This leads to greater achievement and impact.

Here’s a summary:

A good leader is able to cast an exciting vision and mission for their team. A compelling mission statement unites people around a shared purpose and gives meaning to their work.

Most mission statements fail because they are too long, boring, and forgettable. A good mission statement should be:

•Short - able to be shouted from horseback.

•Interesting - frames the work as pushing back against an injustice.

•Memorable - uses simple language that inspires action.

•Include a deadline - creates urgency.

Here is a suggested formula for a good mission statement:

We will accomplish [goal] by [how] because [why it matters].

For example:

We will service 10,000 customers in 5 years because everyone deserves great service.

We will be the best pizza in the state in 5 years because our community deserves the best.

A good mission statement should be revisited and rewritten every few years. If people can’t remember or recite the mission statement, it has failed.

The key to leadership is casting a vision that unites and motivates your team. A compelling mission statement that addresses why the work matters is essential to achieving that vision.

Here’s a summary:

  • To motivate a team, create a set of guiding principles including:
  1. A short, interesting, and inspirational mission statement that unites the team around a purpose.

  2. A list of key characteristics that define the kind of people needed to achieve the mission. These should be both aspirational and instructive.

  3. Three critical actions that everyone on the team can take daily to accomplish the mission. These establish a way of operating that affects success.

  4. A story pitch that engages people in the mission by highlighting what is interesting and meaningful. It captures people’s attention and invites them to join in.

  • Most teams lack guiding principles and as a result lack motivation, alignment, and a clear path to accomplishing their purpose. Defining these four components provides direction and inspiration.

  • A team’s story is not their history but rather an explanation of their mission in an engaging, captivating way. Telling the story attracts resources by inviting people to join in. The story formula - a character overcomes challenges to resolve an instability - is a powerful way to connect with audiences.

  • Guiding principles transform teams by defining the people they need to become and the actions they need to take to fulfill their purpose. They provide a framework for decision making, hiring, and progress.

Does this summary accurately reflect the key points around guiding principles and storytelling? Let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the summary.

Here’s a summary:

  • To be productive, establish priorities and routines to avoid distractions and wasted time. Living like “a hero on a mission” with purpose and focus is key.
  • Use the free Hero on a Mission Planner to organize your mind and plan your day. It provides a framework to manage priorities and time.
  • Start each day by reflecting on what really matters. Ask yourself questions like: “If this were the second time I were living this day, what would I do differently?” Then focus on those things.
  • Identify your highest-return opportunities - the activities that contribute most to your mission and priorities. Do those first.
  • Review your priorities and schedule to ensure you’re spending time on the right things. Make adjustments as needed to avoid distractions.
  • End each day by reviewing how you did, renewing your purpose and priorities, and planning for tomorrow. Continuous improvement and learning are key.
  • Living productively reduces anxiety and stress by providing clarity and focus. It leads to accomplishing more of the right things.
  • The summary outlines a daily routine of reflection, prioritization, work, review, and renewal - all of which help to increase productivity and value.

The key points focus on establishing the right mindset and habits to live purposefully and productively each day. The specific tools, like the planner, provide practical ways to implement productivity principles. But without the right mindset and motivation, the tools themselves are of little use. A productive professional develops both.

To be more productive, do the following:

•Ask yourself each morning: “If I were living today for the second time, what would I do differently?” This helps you pause and reflect on how to make the best use of your time.

•Make two to-do lists each day:

›List 1: Your top 3 priorities - Your highest return opportunities. Focus on these first.

›List 2: Everything else - Lesser important tasks. Do these after finishing List 1.

•Prioritize your top priorities for the morning when your mind is freshest. Your mental energy and focus diminishes as the day goes on.

•Guard against “urgent distractions” - Things that feel urgent but are really just distractions from your key priorities. Learn to delegate or minimize these.

•Know your key priorities by reverse engineering your objectives. Work that moves you closer to your goals are high priorities. Everything else is lower priority.

•Take small steps toward big goals each day. Break down big projects into bite-sized pieces. Celebrate short-term wins to stay motivated.

•Be wary of meetings and unscheduled work that does not align with your priorities. Protect your time and mental energy.

To summarize, a productive and value-driven professional focuses on priorities, plans and manages their time well, avoids distractions and wasted efforts, and takes consistent action toward meaningful goals. The key is discipline and intentionality with how you spend your limited time and mental resources each day.

Here’s a summary:

  • A value-driven professional understands how a business really works. Many professionals claim to understand business but they actually understand business as a community group, not a for-profit entity.

  • Not understanding how a business works can cost you promotions, raises, or even your business. A business will sink or swim based on whether its team makes wise decisions.

  • A business has a few important components that allow it to function. Understanding these components allows you to start, run, sell, or fix a business. It also increases your value as a professional.

  • Over the next five days, I will teach you a framework for understanding how a business works using an airplane analogy. This framework shows how business components fit together to create a healthy, profitable company.

  • Understanding this whole framework and how you fit into it can help professionals in small divisions of large companies. With this knowledge, you can make better decisions and provide more value.

  • The key takeaway is that all businesses share a few key parts, and understanding how those parts work together determines business success or failure. Grasping these fundamentals gives you important business acumen.

To lead a growing business, you must understand how a business really works. A business operates like an airplane - it needs balanced and proportional parts to fly and avoid crashing.

The body of the plane represents overhead - the necessary costs to operate like salaries, rent and supplies. Keep overhead light and only approve expenses that directly lead to greater revenue. Monitor overhead creep and question any expense that does not make more money.

The wings represent your products and services. Without profitable offerings, the plane cannot lift off the ground. The products must solve customer problems and generate revenue to fund the business.

The right engine is your marketing which propels the plane forward. It spreads your message to attract new customers. Marketing should come before sales.

The left engine is your sales team which provides additional thrust to accelerate the plane. Sales bring in more money so the business can grow by reaching more customers.

Fuel is your capital and cash flow. No matter how well-designed the plane is, without fuel it will crash. Cash flow funds the operations and a business may struggle temporarily without it but will ultimately crash without enough.

To keep the business flying:

  1. Resist adding overhead costs without connecting to more or better products or stronger sales.
  2. Monitor marketing and sales performance to ensure they offset overhead costs.
  3. Ensure products have high enough profit margins to cover themselves and overhead.
  4. Constantly increase efficiency in production, sales and marketing.
  5. Analyze what’s working and not working to monitor business health.

Make good decisions by remembering the airplane analogy. Increase wings and engines before adding body weight. Keep activity-to-output ratios high so capital goes further. With this understanding, you can run a successful division or business.

Here’s a summary:

Marketing is like the engine of a plane—without it, the plane won’t get off the ground. Before launching a new product, build a test marketing page to see if people are interested. This does two things:

  1. It helps clarify your marketing message. By building the page and getting feedback, you can refine how you talk about the product to best attract customers.

  2. It confirms if there is customer interest. By putting a “join the waitlist” button on the page, you can see if people actually want to buy the product. If few people sign up, you’ll know the product may not be viable.

In short, test your marketing to make sure the engine will provide enough power before you build the whole plane. Don’t just assume “if you build it, they will come.” Most of the time, they won’t—not without effective marketing.

A good leader will have their team build a test marketing page before launching a new product. That way they can get real data on customer interest and buy-in before investing too heavily. It’s a smart strategy to make sure you have the right engine to power your new “plane.”

•A clear marketing message is critical to attracting customers and selling products.

•Professionals who can create a clear message are much more valuable. They can explain how their products change lives and attract more customers.

•To create a clear message, use the power of story. Stories engage our minds and capture our attention. Statistics and facts do not. We spend much of our time daydreaming or checked out, but stories re-engage us.

•When telling your business’s story, focus on the customer as the hero. Explain the problems they face, their desires and how your product satisfies both. Describe the transformation they experience after buying from you.

•Use repetition of short sound bites to guide people’s thinking. Repeat key phrases that invite the customer into the story and highlight the transformation. Professionals “take the world through an exercise in memorization.”

•Use a messaging grid (like in Figure 5.1) to capture your key sound bites and ensure consistency across marketing. Plug these into speeches, websites, elevator pitches, etc.

•A clear message and story will allow you to positively impact customers through your business. You’ll be able to explain why your work matters to the world.

Does this help summarize the key points around creating a clear marketing message? Let me know if you have any other questions!

Here’s a summary:

  • Our mind naturally wants to daydream and conserve energy. Story is the only tool that can stop us from daydreaming and capture our attention.

  • A good story has certain elements: a character who wants something, encounters a problem, meets a guide who helps them, follows the guide’s plan, takes action, and faces stakes if they succeed or fail.

  • When crafting a marketing message, position yourself as the guide, not the hero. The guide understands the customer’s challenges and is competent to help them. The guide shows empathy and authority.

  • Focus on the customer’s problem, not your solution. The problem is what hooks the audience’s attention. Talk about the problem to make them care, then present your solution.

  • Share concrete details and vivid language to help the audience visualize the problem. This helps them emotionally connect with the problem.

  • Explain how life will be better if the problem is solved. Paint a picture of the ideal outcome to motivate the customer to act.

  • Be authentic and share your own experiences with the problem. Your passion and empathy will come through. But focus on the customer, not yourself.

  • End by revisiting the problem and issue a clear call to action. Explain exactly what the customer needs to do next to start solving their problem.

Does this summary cover the key points? Let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the summary.

Here is a summary of the introduction:

•A sales funnel is one of the simplest, most inexpensive, and yet effective marketing strategies you can implement. It is the foundation of any good marketing plan.

•Sales funnels can be used for both internal and external communication, in for-profit and nonprofit organizations, and in B2C and B2B businesses. They are versatile and effective.

•Businesses with sales funnels were more likely to survive the 2020 COVID-19 crisis because sales funnels:

  1. Earn trust and familiarity with customers.
  2. Allow businesses to pivot their message to match the situation.

•Because businesses with sales funnels had collected customer contact information, they were able to reach out to customers during the crisis. Businesses without sales funnels could not reach customers and were forgotten.

•If you’re growing a business, a sales funnel should be the first thing you create in your marketing plan.

•Over the next five days, you will learn the five parts of a sales funnel from the Marketing Made Simple methodology. The training will be pragmatic, focused on tools and strategies that get proven results.

•Even if you are not a marketer, understanding sales funnels will help you better understand marketing and how to implement effective strategies.

The key takeaway is that sales funnels are a foundational marketing tool that all businesses should use. They build trust, allow you to pivot your messaging, and keep you connected with customers. Knowing how they work will make you a more competent professional.

A sales funnel is a systematic process that leads customers through the stages of awareness, interest, desire, and action. It helps build trust and relationships with customers to ultimately drive sales or donations.

To create an effective sales funnel:

  1. Create a one-liner - A one sentence statement that summarizes your business and piques customer curiosity. It should state the problem, your solution, and the result. Use this in your marketing and on your website.

  2. Build a customer-centric website - Your website should pass the “grunt test” by clearly answering in 3 questions that even a caveman could understand:

  • What do you offer?
  • Who do you offer it to?
  • Why should they buy?

Keep your website clean and focus on communicating these key messages.

  1. Offer a lead magnet - A lead magnet is a free resource you offer in exchange for a customer’s contact information. It could be an ebook, video series, resource list, etc. This helps you build your email list so you can nurture leads.

  2. Send a welcome email series - Send a series of 3-5 emails to welcome new email subscribers. Educate them about your products or services and build familiarity. Make offers to move them through your sales funnel.

  3. Continue email nurturing - Regularly send valuable content to your list. Make strategic offers to ultimately convert more readers into paying customers. Nurturing leads and customers through email is key to funnel optimization.

  4. Upsell and retain customers - Once you have paying customers, upsell them to higher-value offers. Also work to retain them through great service, loyalty programs, referrals, etc. It’s cheaper to keep a customer than get a new one.

In summary, a sales funnel is a powerful process for systematically turning strangers into paying customers and keeping them. When implemented well, it is a game-changing tool that can significantly impact your business results and success.

Here are the key things great communicators do:

  1. They have a clear message. Before crafting slides or speaking notes, they determine the one key message they want to convey. Everything in the presentation then supports that key message.

  2. They start with a story. A story, whether true or fictional, is the best way to capture attention and make an emotional connection. Stories give life and color to ideas and messages.

  3. They use visuals. Great communicators replace bullet points with interesting graphics, photos, and videos. Our brains process visual information 60,000 times faster than text. Visuals make information more engaging and memorable.

  4. They keep things simple. They avoid overloading slides with too much text or data. Simplicity is key. If a slide needs to be complex, they build to that slide slowly and carefully explain it. Otherwise, slides should be clean and concise.

  5. They speak with passion. The best presenters care deeply about their message or topic. Their passion comes through as they speak. Passion is contagious and helps the audience feel engaged and inspired. Monotone, uninspired delivery will lose an audience quickly.

  6. They connect with the audience. Whether through stories, eye contact, humor, or sharing relevant experiences, great communicators forge a personal connection with their audience. They make eye contact, smile, and help the audience feel like they’re having a genuine interaction.

  7. They end strong. They save some of their most compelling points or stories for the end of the presentation. And they end by reinforcing the key message they want the audience to remember. A strong ending and summary helps the information sink in.

  8. They practice. Exceptional communicators practice their presentation out loud, ideally in front of a mirror or to friends and colleagues. Hearing ourselves speak the words helps identify areas that could be improved. Practice builds confidence and leads to a smooth, engaging delivery.

With practice, anyone can become an exceptional communicator by implementing these techniques. Focus on simplicity, story, passion, and really connecting with your audience. Do that, and you’ll have people on the edge of their seats, ready to take action.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

  1. Open your presentation by stating the problem you will help the audience solve. This hooks the audience by giving them a reason to listen.

  2. Once you’ve stated the problem, reveal a simple plan to solve it. This plan should have no more than three or four main points or subplots.

  3. Make sure each subplot advances the overall plot or controlling idea of your presentation. If any point does not tie back to solving the central problem, remove it.

  4. Close each subplot to keep the audience engaged, just like scenes and subplots are opened and closed in movies. This creates a cohesive story with a thread tying it all together.

  5. If you cover too many points or your points do not tie together, your presentation will drag and the audience will tune out. Frame each point around solving the central problem.

In summary, give your presentation a clear plot by stating the problem you will solve. Then, develop subplots or supporting points that tie directly back to resolving that central problem. Open and close each subplot to keep the audience engaged in your presentation’s story. This simple story framework is key to giving a memorable presentation.

Here is a summary of the rest of the story:

  • Determine the theme of your presentation. The theme is the main point you want to convey. State the theme at the end of your presentation so the audience remembers it.

  • Include a strong call to action so the audience knows what they can do to contribute or support your message. The call to action should be clear and specific. Without a call to action, people usually won’t take action.

  • Foreshadow a climactic scene to inspire the audience. Paint a picture of how life could be if they take the action you recommend. Make the climactic scene visual so the audience can imagine it.

  • Have a single plot with supporting subplots that move the story forward. This keeps the audience engaged throughout the presentation. Know your controlling idea before you start.

  • Break down your presentation into plots and subplots. A subplot adds interest but still moves the main story forward. Have 3-4 subplots at most.

  • Include elements of storytelling like conflict, resolution, emotion, and pacing. Stories are powerful and help engage audiences.

  • Use rhetorical devices like repetition, alliteration, and antithesis for emphasis and memorability. Rhetorical devices make language more persuasive and impactful.

  • Include facts and statistics but also appeal to emotions. A good presentation touches both the mind and the heart.

  • Practice pacing, vocal variety, and movement. How you deliver your message is as important as the message itself.

When selling, think of yourself as a guide leading customers through a process to solve their problem. You do this by:

  1. Identifying their problem and frustrations. Listen for clues about what’s not working and causing them pain.

  2. Presenting a solution to resolve their problem. Explain how your product or service specifically solves the issues they described.

  3. Sharing stories of how you’ve helped other customers with similar problems. Build credibility and help them visualize success.

  4. Walking them through the next steps. Detail a step-by-step plan for implementing the solution. Make the path forward clear.

  5. Repeating your key talking points. Come back to the problem, solution, stories, and next steps. Repeat your message to reinforce your role as a knowledgeable guide.

The key is seeing yourself as a guide on a journey with your customer. Know the path ahead and consistently point them toward the destination—a resolution of their problem. Speak with confidence and share details about the terrain. A good guide doesn’t waver or get distracted. They stay focused on moving travelers from point A to point B.

To be an effective sales guide:

•Identify your customers’ problems and needs. •Develop a clear solution and next steps. •Share stories of success from other customers. •Repeat your key talking points consistently. •Project confidence in your ability to guide them. • Stay focused on the end result of solving their problem.

If you approach each customer interaction with the mindset of a guide, you’ll find your close rate start to rise. People will see you as someone who can lead them out of frustration and into resolution. And that is the very definition of a good guide.

  1. A great sales professional is confident when calling customers to action. They don’t fear rejection and don’t make the sales process “heavy.”

  2. The reason salespeople get nervous is the same reason some people get nervous about dating: fear of rejection. But sales is a normal part of life and nobody should feel bad about it.

  3. To be good at sales, you have to get over the fear of rejection. The call to action is the most important part of the sales process.

  4. Confident salespeople see the call to action as a service to the world. They believe in their product and understand how it can benefit people.

  5. The author frequently tells people about his product, Business Made Simple, because he spent years being afraid to promote it. Now he sees it as helping people, so he talks about it often without fear.

  6. The key is to not make the sales interaction heavy. Keep things light, casual and fun. People will appreciate your confidence and enthusiasm.

  7. If you treat people with respect, believe in your product, and see how it can benefit lives, there’s no need to feel awkward or nervous. Sales is a normal part of life.

The key takeaways are: get over your fear of rejection, believe in your product, keep the interaction light and casual, and see the call to action as a service that can benefit people. With this mindset, you’ll become a great sales professional.

Here’s a summary:

The author learned negotiation skills through taking John Lowry’s negotiation course multiple times. He outlines two main types of negotiations: collaborative and competitive. In collaborative negotiations, both parties are looking for a win-win solution. In competitive negotiations, one party is trying to win at the expense of the other. The key is recognizing what type of negotiation you’re in and responding accordingly. If the other party is competitive but you’re being collaborative, you’ll likely lose.

The author provides an example of negotiating the purchase of a commercial property. His default approach is collaborative, but he realized the sellers were competitive. So he switched to competitive mode. Even after reaching an agreed price, he lamented that it was still a lot of money and sacrifice for him in order to make the deal seem like the sellers had won. This created a “false bottom” to prevent the sellers from raising the price.

The second principle is to “go below the line” by considering other motivations beyond just money. Emotional factors, meaningful missions, growth opportunities, work environment, etc. can all be negotiated. The author attracted talent to his company by highlighting these extra benefits. As an example for going below the line in a negotiation, if you’re buying a used car from a seller who cared deeply for it, express how you’ll continue to lovingly maintain it. That can motivate them to lower the price.

So in summary:

  1. Recognize if it’s a competitive or collaborative negotiation and respond accordingly. Switch modes if needed.

  2. Go below the line by determining other motivations beyond money. Look for win-wins through meeting emotional or personal needs.

The key is having a strategic framework for successful negotiating. Without it, you’re likely to lose. But with it, you can dramatically increase your value.

  • A good manager establishes clear priorities for their team.
  • They have a crystal clear understanding of their division’s priorities and goals.
  • They make sure each team member knows exactly what results and outcomes they are responsible for producing.
  • Clearly articulating priorities and goals gives each team member focus and helps them prioritize their work.
  • Reviewing priorities regularly keeps the team aligned and prevents distraction or unwanted deviation.

Here’s a summary:

• The goal of every division in a company is to contribute to the bottom line. Division priorities should align with and support the overall goals.

• Managers must clearly define what their division produces in a measurable, profitable, and scalable way. This provides focus and clarity for the team.

• Managers should identify key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress. KPIs include both lead indicators (actions that drive results) and lag indicators (results). For example, for a sales team, calls made and leads generated are lead indicators, while sales numbers are a lag indicator.

• Measuring KPIs helps managers track progress, identify issues, provide feedback, and drive improvement. This is like coaching a team - giving them specific guidance and plays to help them win.

• Simply cheering a team on is not enough. Real managers define goals, give clear guidance, measure progress, and make adjustments to drive results.

• When managers fail to define division goals and KPIs clearly, team members are left without direction or ability to track their own progress. This leads to lack of trust in the manager and suboptimal performance.

• Successful managers are as focused on numbers and measurement as they are on people. Measurement provides the insight needed to lead and develop a team.

That covers the key highlights and main takeaways from the summary on defining division priorities, goals, and key performance indicators as a manager. Please let me know if you have any other questions!

To be an effective manager:

•Determine key performance indicators that lead to the successful output of your product or service. Measure and track these indicators.

•Create efficient processes that increase productivity. Ask how you can produce more without increasing effort or decreasing quality. Identify limiting factors and address them.

•Give valuable feedback, both praise and constructive criticism. Be specific with your feedback. Praise successes and teach your team members how to do better in the future.

•Be a coach, not just a cheerleader. Cheerleaders cheer you on but coaches train and develop you. Good managers coach their team members to be high performers.

•Create a safe environment for your team. Team members should feel comfortable offering ideas, asking questions, and making mistakes. An unsafe environment leads to decreased engagement, innovation, and productivity.

•Set clear expectations and standards. Your team needs to know specifically what is expected of them and how their performance will be evaluated. Unclear expectations lead to confusion, wasted effort, and missed goals.

•Delegate and empower your team. Don’t micromanage. Give your team autonomy and authority to work independently. Trust them to get the job done.

•Develop your team members. Help them improve their skills and work toward career and personal growth. Team development leads to higher performance and retention.

•Have regular one-on-one meetings with your team members. Discuss what’s going well, any challenges, and how you can support them. Build a genuine human connection with the people you manage.

•Lead by example. Model the mindset and behavior you want to see in your team members. Your team is watching you and will follow your lead. Set the right example.

•Recognize and reward good performance. Both financial incentives and personal recognition motivate team members and reinforce positive results and behaviors. Make rewards timely and specific.

  • Coaches and cheerleaders both want their team to win.
  • But they have different approaches. Cheerleaders just cheer the team on while coaches actually teach the team skills and strategies to help them succeed.
  • Coaches transfer knowledge and help team members grow and develop. Cheerleaders just provide motivation and encouragement.
  • Having a coach is much more valuable for success than just having a cheerleader. Coaches provide instruction and help the team and individuals improve and achieve their goals.
  • The key characteristics of a good coach are:
  1. They want each team member to succeed
  2. They honestly assess each member’s skills and motivation
  3. They teach practical skills and frameworks
  4. They provide regular feedback for improvement
  5. They praise success and help transform members’ identities
  • Like in the basketball example, cheerleaders just tell the team to score more points but don’t provide guidance on how to actually do that. Coaches teach skills and strategies tailored to each member and their talents.

  • Businesses often have cheerleaders (managers) instead of coaches. Coaches are needed to teach frameworks and help team members improve.

  • Managers should act as coaches to their teams - teach them useful skills and frameworks, help them grow, and make sure the work gets done.

  • The key business tip is: Coach each member of your team by teaching them frameworks they can use to succeed.

  • Fuzzy priorities will constantly try to distract you and your team from accomplishing your goals.

  • Have each team member fill out a one-pager to establish their top priorities, both personal and departmental. Review these regularly in weekly meetings.

  • Hold weekly speed check meetings to maintain momentum and accountability. Review one-pagers, accomplishments, next steps, and blockers. Keep meetings brief by having people come prepared.

  • Create a public scoreboard for each department to measure key lead measures (not lag measures). Review progress on scoreboards briefly in speed check meetings.

  • Celebrate wins and victories to affirm progress and boost morale. Recognize and acknowledge accomplishments publicly and privately.

  • The one-pager, speed checks, scoreboards, and celebrations provide the routine and cadence to turn your execution plan into a habit and accomplish your goals.

To celebrate wins and drive performance:

  1. Notice wins by tracking metrics and meeting goals. Pay attention to victories, big and small.

  2. Memorialize the wins through celebration and acknowledgment. Congratulate those responsible for the wins. Celebrate in a way that fits the achievement. Speak about the wins and what they mean.

  3. Specifically acknowledge those directly responsible for the wins. Tell them how they have grown and become more valuable. Affirm their progress and competence.

Only celebrate actual wins, not near wins or non-wins. Learn from losses instead of celebrating them. Compare wins and losses to truly appreciate the wins.

Celebrating wins in these ways builds morale, motivates the team, helps individuals see their own progress, and drives future performance and success. Leaders should implement routines to celebrate wins frequently and consistently.

enlightening, 113: Helping customers gain a deeper understanding or new perspective.

inviting, into a story, 145–47: Drawing customers into an engaging narrative that shows how your product or service solves their problem.

positioning, as the hero, 99–101: Portraying your customer as the key character who faces challenges and emerges victorious with the help of your product or service.

and product affordability, 144: Ensuring your product is reasonably priced for your target customers.

quantity time, 122: Spending meaningful time with clients and customers.

surveys of, 85: Using surveys to gain insights into customers’ wants, needs, and experiences with your product or service.

talking about the problem faced by your, 102–3: Focusing your marketing message on the specific challenges your customers face.

daily decisions, making wise, 55–57: Exercising good judgment in your everyday choices to maximize productivity and efficiency.

daily reports, 76–77: Regular reports on key metrics to monitor the health and progress of your business.

daily routine, 54–55: An established sequence of steps or tasks performed each day to increase productivity through consistency and habit.

divisions (of a company), 171: Separate units within an organization focused on specific functions or target markets.

dream teams, 6: Groups of highly talented individuals assembled to achieve ambitious goals.

efficiency, paying attention to, 77, 180–81: Optimizing systems and processes to minimize waste and maximize output.

email marketing, 119–21: Using email to promote your product or service to potential and current customers.

emotionally hooked, not getting, 165–67: Remaining detached from emotional factors during negotiations to make objective and strategic decisions.

emotions: Strong feelings such as fear, anger, joy or excitement.

empathy, of guides, 101: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another. A guide helps the hero by showing empathy for their challenges and struggles.

energy, and drama, 13: Drama and conflict sap mental, emotional and physical energy. Reducing drama helps conserve energy for productive work.

enlightenment, 113: Gaining a deeper, often sudden understanding of a subject or situation.

Epictetus, xiii: A Stoic philosopher who taught that people should focus on controlling their reactions to events rather than trying to control the events themselves.

execution, 188–203: The process of putting a plan or strategy into action to accomplish specific goals.

expectations, clear, 20: Transparent and mutually agreed upon standards of performance and behavior.

failure: A lack of success or achievement, especially in a particular endeavor or attempt.

fear, and choosing to be confused, 24: Allowing discomfort with unfamiliar situations or anxiety about potential outcomes to negatively impact judgment and decision making.

feedback: Information about a person’s performance, skills or actions that can be used as a basis for improvement.

fixed mindset, 27: The belief that certain qualities like intelligence are fixed or static and can’t be improved through effort or perseverance.

focused, staying, 63–64: Maintaining concentration and avoiding distractions.

Frodo Baggins (character), 102: The main protagonist in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings who faces the immense challenge of destroying the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom.

gifts, sending, 146: Providing free samples or trials of your product or service to give customers an experience of its key benefits.

going below the line, 161–63: In negotiations, focusing the discussion on objective criteria and standards rather than positions or demands. This approach is more likely to lead to mutually agreeable solutions.

good performance, rewards for, 20: Incentives, recognition and positive reinforcement for achieving desired results or behaviors. This helps to motivate individuals and teams.

grunt test (for websites), 117–19: Having objective, non-expert users test a website to identify any points of confusion or difficulty. Their feedback highlights opportunities for improvement.

guide (in stories), 96–97, 100–101: A character who helps the hero overcome challenges and achieve their goal. Guides provide wisdom, resources, training or vital information.

habits, 196: Regular tendencies or behaviors that are repeated frequently and often unconsciously. Effective habits can help drive productivity, performance and goal achievement.

high-return opportunities, 60: Initiatives, projects or tasks that yield a large amount of value or impact relative to the time and resources invested. These should be priorities.

history, story vs., 44–46: History recounts factual events, while stories use creative elements like drama, character and emotion to engage audiences and convey meaning. Stories are more memorable and impactful.

hook, problem as the, 102: Presenting a challenge, pain point or unmet need that grabs attention and draws people into wanting to know more about the solution.

intelligence, and success, 22: Intellectual ability contributes to achievement but other factors like mindset, hard work, and persistence are also essential. Success is not just for the “smartest” or most gifted.

inviting, into a story, 145–47: Drawing customers into an engaging narrative that shows how your product or service solves their problem.


Jason Bourne (character), 102: The protagonist in Robert Ludlum’s Bourne novel series, portrayed by Matt Damon in the Bourne films. Jason Bourne faces the challenge of rediscovering his true identity.

“join the waitlist” button, 85: An option on a website for visitors to provide their email address to receive updates about when a new product will become available for purchase. This helps to gauge demand and build interest in a forthcoming launch.


The Karate Kid (film), 106, 202: A 1984 film in which an underdog teenager, Daniel LaRusso, faces challenges learning karate from his mentor, Mr. Miyagi, but perseveres and ultimately triumphs against his adversaries.

Katniss (character from The Hunger Games), 100, 148: The protagonist in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games trilogy who volunteers to take her sister’s place in a brutal survival competition and leads the challenge against the oppressive Capitol.

keeping score, 198–201: Tracking metrics and key performance indicators to monitor progress, celebrate wins and make data-driven decisions.

key characteristics, defining, 33, 38–41: Identifying essential qualities that shape culture, values, priorities and decision making. Key characteristics provide guidance for leaders and teams.

key milestones, on project scope worksheet, 192: Significant checkpoints or events in the development and delivery of a project, product, service or initiative. Missing or delaying milestones can negatively impact schedules and outcomes.

key performance indicators, identifying, 176–79: Selecting a set of quantifiable measures that are most critical for evaluating success, progress and areas needing improvement. KPIs differ based on roles, teams and priorities.

King, Stephen, 64–65: A prolific author of horror and supernatural fiction, known for books like The Shining, It and Misery. King aims to write 2,000 words a day to maintain productivity and consistency.

The King’s Speech (film), 134, 201–2: The 2010 historical drama in which King George VI struggles with a speech impediment but works with an unorthodox speech therapist to find his voice and deliver a broadcast to rally the British people at the start of World War II.

Kroc, Roy, 180: An American entrepreneur who built McDonald’s into the world’s most successful fast food operation. Kroc was a pioneer of efficiency, standardization and streamlined processes.

lag indicators, 176–77, 199: Metrics that show outputs or outcomes after a period of time, such as quarterly sales numbers. Though important, lag indicators document the past rather than current performance or potential short-term issues. They should be balanced with lead indicators.

language, marketing, 86: The words, terms, and phrases used to describe a product, service or brand in communications and campaigns aimed at generating interest from customers and prospective buyers. Choosing effective marketing language is key for engagement and conversion.

launch meeting, holding a, 191–93: Bringing all relevant teams and stakeholders together to outline key details, expectations, roles and resources required for a successful rollout of a new product, service, initiative or campaign. A launch meeting ensures alignment and helps identify any questions or concerns prior to execution.

lead indicators, 176–78, 199–200: Metrics that monitor current activities and provide early signals of progress or potential obstacles. Examples include daily sales, web traffic or customer service response times. Lead indicators help identify opportunities for quick corrections or improvement. They should be balanced with lag indicators.

lead, qualifying the, 142–45: Assessing how well a potential customer’s needs, interests and situation match what your business offers to determine if they are a good prospect before investing significant time or resources. Qualifying leads helps focus efforts on those most likely to convert.

leadership, 31–51: The ability to motivate, guide and organize a group of people to achieve shared objectives. Effective leadership involves qualities like vision, integrity, communication, and the capability to inspire confidence and action.

losing face, 23: Experiencing a loss of status, reputation, or credibility due to embarrassment or failure. The desire to avoid losing face can negatively impact decision making and behavior. It is better to focus on objective facts and desired outcomes rather than appearances.

With: Sales, 140–55: As the business “engine,” sales efficiency comes from inviting customers into a story, qualifying leads, repeating talking points, creating great proposals, and closing sales.

Relationships, customer, 113–17: Strong customer relationships lead to commitment, curiosity, enlightenment, and survival. Using a sales funnel and one-liner helps build these relationships.

Being relentlessly optimistic, 24–27: Success comes from optimism, embracing failure, being inspired by others’ success, and persevering against obstacles. Stanford research shows optimism leads to achievement.

Reports, daily, 76–77: Daily reports on key metrics and activities help leaders understand how the business really works and make better decisions. They provide focus, accountability, and scalability.

Resources, identifying, on project scope worksheet, 192: The project scope worksheet identifies the goal, scope, timeline, budget, success metrics, risks, resources, and responsibilities to ensure proper planning. This leads to better execution and results.

Respect and conflict, 18: Addressing conflict with empathy, admitting fault, and understanding different perspectives leads to healthier relationships built on mutual respect.

Return on investment, with employees, 6–8: Investing in employees through mentorship, training, and rewards boosts team morale, productivity, and business results. The returns on these investments are substantial.

Rhythm of productivity, 68: A consistent and focused schedule that blocks time for high-impact work leads to greater productivity and less distraction or procrastination. Discipline and rhythm are key.

Romeo and Juliet, 46, 134, 138: Using stories, examples, and references that audiences know and love helps to better illustrate your key messages or themes. They create an emotional connection and anchor main ideas.

Rudy, 134: (See above.)

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About Matheus Puppe