Self Help

Buyable Your Guide to Building a Self-Man - Preda, Steve

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Matheus Puppe

· 40 min read

Here is a summary of the preface and introduction:


  • In 2011, the author owned a mergers and acquisitions advisory firm in Budapest called MB Partners. Due to the European debt crisis, several deals the firm was working on were put on hold.

  • The author and his wife decided to emigrate to America and sell MB Partners to help fund the transition. However, when they received an offer to buy the company, it became clear the business was not sellable without the author’s involvement.

  • This experience motivated the author to write this book to help business owners build “buyable” companies that have value beyond the owner’s personal involvement.


  • Most small businesses are not succeeding to their full potential and have little chance of ever being sold.

  • Out of 1.7 million small businesses in the U.S., only about 21,000 are sold each year. This means only around 1 in 10 small businesses will ever be sold.

  • A business that is “unbuyable” causes frustration for its owner, while a “buyable” business allows the owner freedom and options.

  • This book aims to help owners of $2-50 million companies improve their chances of building a business that can be sold and create value beyond their personal involvement.

  • The author has over 20 years of experience helping business owners prepare their companies for sale and find buyers. He has assisted over 250 companies and shares stories and insights from many of them.

  • Through his experience, the author has identified how any viable business can be developed into a “Buyable Business” that investors want to acquire.

  • This book outlines the four parts of the “Buyability Process”:

  1. Design Your Future: Determine your ideal lifestyle and financial goals for your next chapter in life, and figure out how much money you need from selling your business to achieve that.

  2. Orchestrate Your Business: Apply seven key management concepts and tools to make your company operate optimally.

  3. Drive Growth and Value: Build a strong foundation, position your business favorably, and fine-tune the engine driving growth and profitability.

  4. Construct Your Ideal Life: Review options for monetizing your business through a full sale, partial sale, or other transaction to achieve your lifestyle and purpose.

  • The book provides specific guidance on valuing your business, grooming it for sale, navigating the transaction process, and determining your role after a transition.

  • The goal is to help you maximize the value of your business so you can harvest significant gains when the time is right.

Here is a summary of the key points about unbuyable businesses:

  • An unbuyable business is one that has major issues that make it unattractive to potential buyers. These issues fall into several categories:

  • Location - A business located in a remote or undeveloped area with little access to talent. This makes it hard to attract qualified management.

  • Aging workforce - A company with an aging workforce that is retiring soon, making it difficult to retain institutional knowledge. This leaves little of value to buy.

  • Dysfunctional culture - A toxic or dysfunctional work culture repels talent and makes the business unattractive to work at.

  • Dependent on owner - A business overly dependent on the current owner’s personal relationships or talents. It cannot run without them.

  • Weak financials - Poor financial management and record keeping makes the true profitability unclear. This raises doubts about the business.

  • Low innovation - A lack of innovation and outdated offerings means the business is at risk of being disrupted.

  • Concentrated revenues - Having revenues heavily concentrated in just one or two customers creates risk if those accounts are lost.

  • Compliance issues - Operational issues that violate regulations make the business a risky acquisition target.

  • Outdated tech/equipment - Relying on outdated technology, software, or equipment that needs heavy new investment post-acquisition.

The key takeaway is that these red flags signal a business has major problems that need fixing to become “buyable.” Owner attention is required to turn around the issues and attract potential buyers and talent. Avoiding these pitfalls creates a healthy, sustainable business.

  • Being strategic vs opportunistic can make a big difference in the success of selling a business.

  • An opportunistic seller will try to time the sale to take advantage of hot M&A markets, without properly preparing the business for sale. This can lead to problems during due diligence that derail or significantly discount the deal.

  • A strategic seller focuses on building a sustainable, profitable business with strong processes, diversified revenues, and minimal dependencies. This makes the business attractive to buyers at any time.

  • The strategic seller can then thoughtfully choose when to sell based on personal and business factors, not just when the M&A market is hot. This avoids taking shortcuts that damage value.

  • Overall, a strategic approach to building and selling a business is more likely to result in maximizing sale value and completing a successful transaction, compared to an opportunistic approach focused on market timing. Patience and preparation pay off.

  • Sasha and Ace, the owners of Struktoor, were constantly changing their minds and moving the goalposts during the sale process, demanding higher prices at the last minute. This caused the deal to fall through multiple times.

  • In contrast, the owners of Gulliver, another company, took a strategic approach to selling their business. They had a clear vision for their future, made their company attractive to buyers, and executed the sale smoothly within a year.

  • Most entrepreneurs are reactive rather than proactive. They get stuck in the technician role of focusing on day-to-day operations rather than thinking strategically about the business.

  • To be proactive and strategic, entrepreneurs need a clear vision for the future and a plan to achieve it. This involves visualizing the future, setting goals, and taking purposeful steps to reach them.

  • The author argues that having a proactive, strategic approach is key to successfully transitioning out of a business as the owners of Gulliver did, rather than getting derailed by short-term thinking as Sasha and Ace did.

  • Entrepreneurs often get distracted by “shiny new objects” and lose focus on their core business, confusing employees. The author did this himself by launching new ventures while neglecting his core investment banking firm.

  • Being reactive can force an undesirable business exit, such as due to ill health, burnout, high debt levels, or partnership conflicts.

  • Proactive exits allow an entrepreneur to open a compelling next chapter, start another business, or plan a family/management succession.

  • The author provides examples of entrepreneurs who sold their business to pursue new passions, serial entrepreneurs who start and sell businesses repeatedly, and multigenerational family businesses that plan carefully for succession.

  • The key is to build a “buyable” business with healthy finances and management so that you have options when considering an exit. Being proactive allows you to exit on your own terms.

Here are the key points from the passage:

  • Articulating your ideal life and future vision is crucial motivation to build a buyable business. The author was motivated to move his family and reinvent his career in the U.S. because he could no longer envision his ideal life in Hungary due to political and social changes there.

  • You don’t have to retire into idleness. Meaningful “retirements” can include:

  • Continuing as an entrepreneur for life like Richard Branson, finding others to run your businesses so you can contribute as you please

  • Investing the proceeds from the sale of your business into your passion like Charles Saatchi did with art collection

  • Serial entrepreneurship - starting new businesses repeatedly like Linda Nash

  • Doing nonprofit/philanthropic work like Bill Gates devoting himself to his Foundation

  • Spending time with family and on hobbies and interests

  • The key is to build a buyable business so you have the freedom and resources to pursue your ideal life purpose and activities, whatever they may be. Articulating your envisioned future lifestyle provides the motivation and direction to build your business into an asset you can sell.

  • Diana Nash designed and started Compass Schools, a private preschool and kindergarten, serving as CEO and board chair for 3 years before selling it in 2003.

  • In 2003, she opened PartnerMD, a concierge medical practice giving patients 24/7 access to doctors. She sold it to Markel Ventures in 2011 and continued growing it to 9,000 members before leaving in 2015.

  • She then launched WellcomeMD, another high-end concierge medical business.

  • János Solt is a construction entrepreneur who built electrical contracting businesses including Epsillon in Hungary, growing it to $35 million in sales before selling it in 2006. He then started another electrical contracting company after his non-compete expired, as construction entrepreneurship was his passion.

  • Jack Welch was CEO of GE for 20 years, increasing its market cap from $12 billion to $410 billion. He retired in 2001 but remained active, writing books, advising companies, public speaking, and writing a column. He passed away in 2020 at age 84.

  • Happiness after selling a business often comes from finding new meaning and purpose, not just from the money. Entrepreneurs should know if running the business is their ideal life, what role they want in it, and what will sustain them after exiting before selling.

  • Having a “Magic Number” - the amount of money needed to fund your ideal retirement lifestyle without financial stress - is important. It depends on your annual spending needs, desired possessions, charitable giving goals, and length of retirement.

Here are the key points about the value you need to create in your business:

  • Knowing your current business value and growth trajectory is crucial to determining how much more value you need to create to reach your “Magic Number” for an exit.

  • Valuation multiples like EBITDA show how increasing revenue and profits can exponentially increase business value. For example, Tony grew ToolShop’s revenue 69% over 10 years but increased EBITDA and value 78% due to economies of scale.

  • Private equity investors apply valuation multiples of 5-10x EBITDA for small businesses. So growing EBITDA is key to reaching your desired business value.

  • Options to increase value include: improving operations and margins, adding new products/services, acquiring competitors, expanding geographically, and grooming the business for an exit.

  • Value creation takes time. Give yourself 3-5 years minimum to significantly grow your business value through these strategies before considering an exit. Be patient and persistent.

  • Having a clear vision of your “end game” exit value is crucial. Then backsolve what EBITDA and revenue growth you need annually to reach that value in your timeframe. Track progress relentlessly.

The key is growing EBITDA, profit margins, and scale systematically over time. With a clear target exit value, you can create a value creation strategy to get you there.

  • There are two main ways to value a business - based on assets or future earnings. Earnings-based valuations are more common.

  • For small owner-operated businesses, value is typically 1-3 times the owner’s discretionary earnings (SDE).

  • For larger businesses with over $1 million in earnings, multiples of EBITDA or adjusted EBITDA are commonly used.

  • EBITDA multiples range from 3-8x for middle market companies and can be much higher for large private equity deals and IPOs.

  • ToolShop increased its value exponentially by growing revenue, improving margins, and paying down debt over 9 years. This boosted enterprise value 8.7% yearly and equity value 14.4% yearly.

  • Managing cash flow and debt is critical to maximize equity value, not just enterprise value.

  • Investors may also look at comparable transactions and public company multiples to estimate valuation. The key is finding the right benchmark based on business model, size, growth, etc.

  • In some European countries, business financial details are reported to authorities and aggregated by providers like Bureau van Dijk. These multiples are useful for approximating US company valuations.

  • Projecting future cash flows can value a business, but assumptions like economic growth and required returns greatly impact the valuation. Multiples and asset-based methods should be used to sanity-check these valuations.

  • For simplicity and data availability, EBITDA multiples can be used for valuation. The Pepperdine Business School’s annual report segments EBITDA multiples by industry and EBITDA size.

  • Larger companies have higher multiples because they are more stable, profitable for investors, and can better afford management changes.

  • The equity value is the enterprise value (EBITDA x multiple) minus debt. The target equity value to achieve your “magic number” can be reverse engineered using your equity percentage, taxes, etc.

  • The required annual growth rate to reach your target can be calculated. Growth of 15-20% annually is reasonable based on private equity expectations.

  • You have now designed your personal future and determined what business growth is needed to achieve your financial objectives.

Here is a summary of the key points about Concept 1: Culture by Chester Barnard:

  • Organizations need to create a cohesive, motivating culture to be effective. This allows employees to cooperate towards common goals.

  • Chester Barnard was an influential early 20th century CEO who realized organizations need to be both effective (accomplishing goals) and efficient (having motivated employees).

  • He believed a company’s success depends on organizational health, which requires effective communication from leaders aligned around a shared moral purpose. This gives employees a relatable motivation like pride, cooperation, and development.

  • Employees will accept orders from leaders with positional authority, but leaders with authority based on superior abilities are more effective.

  • Barnard was the first to describe how company culture, through things like cohesion and self-esteem, can build excellent teams.

  • His key insight was that organizations are cooperative systems that need goal-driven and motivated employees. Building an effective culture requires a relatable moral purpose from leadership.

Here is a summary of the five key concepts:

  1. Culture - Elton Mayo: A positive company culture that satisfies human social needs leads to higher motivation and productivity. Key elements include purpose, open communication, and opportunities for personal growth and relationships.

  2. Structure - Alfred Chandler: An effective organizational structure facilitates clear decision-making, accountability, and communication. Structure should follow strategy to avoid inefficiency.

  3. Vision - Abraham Maslow: Satisfying higher-level human needs for self-actualization can be achieved by creating an inspiring vision. This appeals to people’s inner drive for growth and contribution.

  4. Strategy - Peter Drucker: Strategic planning allows focusing resources on the most promising opportunities. It involves pushing where there is high potential, abandoning low potential areas, and ignoring “also rans”.

  5. Execution - Andy Grove: Successful execution requires robust goal-setting, reframing challenges, and honestly confronting problems. Disciplined management and leadership are key to strategy implementation.

Here are the key ideas from the summary:

  • There are three main ways to build a business: using a franchise model, using trial and error, or using a Management Blueprint. The latter allows you to leverage decades of management wisdom for a modest investment, cutting years off the learning curve while retaining flexibility.

  • Over 100 years of management theory has yielded seven core concepts that have stood the test of time: Culture, Structure, Vision, Strategy, Execution, Process, and Alignment. Leading consultants have implemented these at major corporations, and entrepreneurs can apply them to their own businesses.

  • Culture establishes values and norms. Structure divides responsibilities. Vision provides direction. Strategy focuses effort. Execution gets things done. Processes systemize activities. Alignment ensures everybody moves in the same direction.

  • Mastering these seven concepts allows entrepreneurs to quickly gather the “low-hanging fruit” that substantially increases any organization’s effectiveness. The concepts enable translating vision into reality by leveraging decades of management wisdom.

Here are the key points about The Rockefeller Habits:

  • It was inspired by John D. Rockefeller’s leadership and management principles, GE’s management philosophies, Jim Collins’s Hedgehog Concept, and others.

  • It focuses on three key Rockefeller habits: setting priorities and themes, using data for effective management, and maintaining alignment through regular meetings.

  • It embraces finding the choke point or key advantage in your business.

  • It emphasizes simple strategies, plans, and decisions based on firsthand data.

  • It introduced practical tools like the Planning Pyramid, One Page Strategic Plan, Management Accountability Plan, and Weekly Meeting Rhythm.

  • The goal is to provide entrepreneurs with fundamental principles for running a great business.

Here is a one sentence summary of Scaling Up by Verne Harnish:

Scaling Up provides a system of tools and discipline focused on people, strategy, execution, and cash to help fast-growth companies strengthen and scale their business.

The key elements are a simplified strategic planning process, creating alignment through routine huddles and meetings, driving accountability through scorecards and KPIs, and instilling healthy leadership habits around prioritization, communication, and cadence.

Here are the key ideas on how management blueprints work:

  • Management blueprints provide a shortcut to implementing best practices in business management and leadership. They synthesize decades of management thinking into an integrated system.

  • Each blueprint has a different focus and tools, but they all aim to help entrepreneurs clarify their vision, build great leadership teams, develop excellent people, design efficient and scalable processes, pursue intelligent strategies, get control of the numbers, and create raving fans from customers.

  • The pioneers like E-Myth and Great Game of Business provided early frameworks for systematizing small businesses. The classics like Rockefeller Habits, EOS, Rapid-RED, and The Advantage incorporated more advanced concepts. The third wave like 4DX, OKRs, and 3HAG Way refine the systems for fast-growing firms.

  • Entrepreneurs can mix and match components from different blueprints to custom-build their own management system. Many blueprints have complementary tools that reinforce each other.

  • Implementing a management blueprint requires leadership commitment, training of the team, installing new meeting rhythms, and driving accountability through regular assessments. The system won’t work unless thoroughly adopted.

  • With an effective management blueprint, entrepreneurs can scale their businesses more quickly, with less friction and waste. It provides a roadmap for growth.

  • Jeremy took over a failing fire and water damage remediation business and renamed it RVA Restoration, identifying it with Richmond, Virginia where it operated.

  • With coaching from construction entrepreneur Shane Burnette, who was initially a co-owner, the business took off rapidly under Jeremy’s leadership.

  • Within two years, Jeremy bought out his shareholders. That same year RVA Restoration made the RVA 25 list of fastest growing local companies, and stayed on the list for two more years as revenue surpassed $6 million with 45 employees.

  • RVA Restoration’s rapid growth was achieved by implementing a Management Blueprint called EOS. This provided them with a clear vision, alignment, the right people in the right roles, an issue solving process, documented core processes, and quarterly planning meetings.

  • The seven key management concepts are: Culture, Structure, People, Vision and Purpose, Issues and Process, Track and Measure, Stay Hungry.

  • Management Blueprints like EOS package these concepts into practical tools entrepreneurs can implement without expensive consultants.

  • For Culture, core values define expected behaviors and a healthy organization builds trust and accountability.

  • For Structure, the organization should be rethought based on current business needs rather than replicating obsolete roles.

  • The author initially hired Levente as an employee and later made him a business partner, but did not define his role in advance. Instead, a role was built around him. This resulted in a lopsided team where the author had to do many functions himself.

  • The author should have let go of lower value functions earlier and focused on high-value activities like developing new business, key relationships, and building the company.

  • Separate owners from managers - have a COO manage day-to-day operations and report to shareholders/CEO. Clarify who is accountable for each major function.

  • The entrepreneur/visionary should not remove themselves too early - be patient and make sure the team is ready before stepping back. But empowering the right people can allow the visionary to focus on strategy.

  • Watch for emerging bottlenecks as the company grows - leaders can hit capacity limits. Rethink organization regularly, anticipate needs to delegate, promote and hire.

  • Design the ideal structure 6-12 months ahead. Invest time training incoming leaders. This enables smooth growth.

  • Finding a meaningful purpose for your business can motivate and inspire your workforce. One laundry business owner realized his company’s purpose was providing cleanliness and sanitation, which helped attract talented executives.

  • Vision pulls people towards a future goal. Kennedy’s vision of putting a man on the moon mobilized the country. Goals should be audacious “BHAGs” to capture imagination, like SpaceX’s goal of earth-to-earth rocket travel by 2022.

  • Vivid Vision is a 3-year picture of your future business. It links vision to strategy and drives priorities.

  • Strategic planning stages are: analyze environment, formulate strategy, set goals, resource the plan, and monitor implementation. Useful strategy tools include SWOT, PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces, Value Chain, and Experience Curve.

  • Key strategy questions cover core competency, ideal customers, differentiators, geographic footprint, market niche, focus areas, product portfolio, and scenarios.

  • Set 3-5 challenging but achievable annual goals that require stretch. Resource the plan with the right people and financing.

  • Set a small number of top priorities (“Rocks”) each quarter that will move your business towards its key goals. Make sure they are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART).

  • Identify “lead measures” - the key activities that will drive achievement of your Rocks and goals. Track these with a “scoreboard” each week to ensure you stay on track.

  • Lead measures are like looking out the windshield to know if you will reach your destination. Lag measures like revenue and profit are like checking the rearview mirror to see where you’ve been.

  • Make sure everyone on the team has metrics they are accountable for on the scoreboard. This keeps people engaged and focused.

  • Use rolling averages of 4, 13 or even 52 weeks to smooth out weekly fluctuations in the numbers. Watch for declining trends that signal the need to refocus efforts.

  • Execution requires discipline, focus and transparency. The right tools and cadence can turn strategy into results.

Here is a summary of the key points about implementing processes:

  • Many entrepreneurs avoid working on processes due to misconceptions like thinking processes are boring, make you too “corporate”, are overwhelming, require letting go of control, and need ongoing enforcement.

  • Processes enable delegating complex tasks to less experienced people. They systematize the business so it can run without relying solely on the founder.

  • Creating processes involves identifying critical business essentials from the customer perspective (the “Best Way”), quantifying the impact of how you deliver the Best Way, and documenting the Best Way to ensure consistent execution.

  • Processes can be depicted as a linear chain of steps. They eliminate discretion and enable less experienced people to follow prescribed steps.

  • Processes require training people, measuring execution frequency and quality, ironing out wrinkles when procedures fail, and regular updating. This does require commitment and resources.

  • However, the payoff is enabling your business to scale by leveraging less experienced people to complete complex tasks consistently. Processes are instrumental in transitioning from an entrepreneurial to an operational business.

  • Take it step-by-step, focus on the most critical processes first, involve your team, pilot test processes before full rollout, and realize it takes time to get good at executing processes. But stick with it, as processes are key to long-term success.

Here are a few tips for keeping clean records and making your business more buyable:

  • Maintain accurate, up-to-date financial records using accounting software like QuickBooks. Track all revenue and expenses diligently.

  • Work with an accountant to produce standard financial statements like income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Make sure these are clear, consistent, and reliable.

  • Diversify your customer base so no single customer makes up more than 10-20% of revenue. Avoid relying too heavily on just a few customers.

  • Have written contracts in place for all employees, vendors, partners, etc. Make sure agreements protect the company’s interests.

  • Document key processes, systems, and intellectual property. This shows operational stability and protects intangible assets.

  • Keep personnel files, tax records, legal documents, insurance policies, etc. well-organized. This demonstrates preparedness.

  • Consider getting financial audits periodically. Audited financials build trust and credibility with potential buyers.

  • Make sure you own key assets like real estate, equipment, technology, intellectual property rights, brand names, etc. Don’t lease or license everything.

The key is eliminating uncertainty, building trust, and demonstrating the company’s potential for future growth and profits. Taking these basic steps early on removes major obstacles to buyability down the road.

Here are a few suggestions for keeping or increasing gross margin on $1 million in revenue:

  • Review costs and look for efficiencies - examine all expenses and see where costs can be reduced through process improvements, automation, negotiating better deals with suppliers, etc. Even small savings per unit can add up.

  • Raise prices if the market allows - if you have pricing power and customers perceive value, you may be able to increase prices modestly without losing sales. This directly improves margin.

  • Shift to higher margin products/services - focus sales efforts on your most profitable offerings. Discontinue or raise prices on lower margin items.

  • Reduce discounts/incentives - if you offer a lot of discounts, coupons, free shipping, etc., scale those back to boost actual sales revenue.

  • Outsource lower value work - if you currently handle everything in-house, consider outsourcing labor-intensive tasks that are not core competencies, freeing you to focus on higher margin activities.

  • Automate processes - invest in technology, equipment, and software to automate manual tasks to improve efficiency.

  • Negotiate better supplier costs - use your increased order volume as leverage to negotiate lower costs from suppliers. Lock in long-term agreements.

  • Reduce waste/spoilage/returns - enhance quality control and inventory management to cut unnecessary costs.

The key is to thoroughly understand your costs and margins and look for creative ways to optimize profitability at a higher sales level. With focus and discipline, it should be feasible to increase overall margin to around 27% on $1 million in revenue.

  • Years later, Suzuki learned from its mistake and stopped relying on a single supplier for any of its car parts in Central Europe. Having multiple suppliers prevents over-reliance.

  • As Dan Kennedy said, the worst number in business is one - whether it’s one vendor, salesperson, or expert. Businesses need multiple support legs to avoid dependence on individuals.

  • Manage your physical assets well, as they influence buyability and value. Update old equipment and facilities to appear modern and appealing.

  • Set up an optimal tax structure for your business early, even years before a potential sale. This avoids rushed, risky last-minute maneuvers.

  • Review shareholder agreements to prevent partnership disputes from paralyzing or destroying your business. Address issues proactively.

  • Make sure contracts are written in a business-friendly way to avoid problems later that could derail your goals. Take care of easy fixes early.

Here are the key takeaways from the figures:

  • Industries to avoid investing in include newspapers, wired telecommunications carriers, apparel knitting mills, and textile and fabric finishing mills. These industries are declining rapidly.

  • Industries that are attractive for investment include solar electric power generation, elder care services, wind electric power generation, and home health care services. These industries are projected to grow rapidly over the next decade.

  • In general, technology and healthcare industries are expected to grow, while traditional manufacturing and commodity-driven industries like printing, textiles, and wired telecommunications are declining.

  • When evaluating an industry, look at projected growth rates over the next 5-10 years to determine if the industry has tailwinds or headwinds. Focus your business in growing industry segments to attract investors.

The key takeaway is to pivot your business model and offerings to align with fast-growing industry segments and emerging technologies. Avoid declining and stagnant industries. Position your business for rapid growth by riding secular expansion trends in the economy.

Here is a summary of the key points from the article:

  • The article cites data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics showing the 10 fastest growing industries in the U.S. Substantial growth is more likely in growing industries where businesses can grow with the market rather than having to take market share from competitors.

  • Signs of a declining market include falling revenue, excess capacities, price competition, and compressing profit margins. Strategies for surviving in a declining market include harvesting mature business lines while building new ones, aiming to become the profitable survivor by acquiring failing competitors, developing a niche strategy, and pivoting to a new business.

  • It’s important to pick sustainable technologies not vulnerable to disruption. The article provides examples of industries being disrupted by new technologies and business models.

  • Investors look for companies with business models unlikely to be disrupted. Disruptive business models discussed include freemium, subscription services, digital marketplaces, exceptional customer experience, and on-demand services.

  • A study by Accenture analyzed over 3,000 businesses across industries for susceptibility to disruption, finding 63% already experiencing disruption and 44% highly susceptible to future disruption. The study categorizes industries into quadrants of durability, vulnerability, volatility, and viability.

  • Companies in the durability and viability quadrants are best positioned to be acquired. Durability companies have strong positions in stable industries like consumer goods and chemicals. They need to transform their core business while testing disruptive ventures. Viability companies are in emerging industries like software and high-tech. They need to focus on growing their core business into new markets.

  • Companies should build an internal sales and marketing engine, rather than relying on a few large clients or third party business development. This provides consistency and control over lead generation.

  • Maintain a scalable cash flow profile by getting paid early and paying suppliers late. This provides funding for growth without giving up equity.

  • Develop a talent-attracting culture by caring for employees, promoting work-life balance and fun, and fostering an ownership mentality. This attracts top talent through word-of-mouth.

  • Other key strategies include building a recurring revenue stream, using technology to scale, segmenting your market, and creating an exit strategy early on.

Here are the key ideas from the summary:

  • Think of a business as a collection of value drivers and engineer as many as possible into your company. Study and implement the strategies for Finding a Blue Ocean, Pulling Out the Stops, and Fine-Tuning the Machine.

  • Finding a Blue Ocean strategies include pivoting to an expanding market and scrutinizing your technologies and business models to escape disruption by others or potentially drive disruption yourself.

  • Pulling Out the Stops strategies focus on building an internal new-business engine for sustainable growth, ensuring a cash-friendly business model, and developing a culture magnet for talent to reduce turnover and improve customer service.

  • For Fine-Tuning the Machine, articulate and ingrain your secret sauce, find your sustainable growth rhythm, benchmark against top-tier competitors, aim for top quartile margins, and learn from customer feedback.

Here are the key points for grooming your business before a sale or financing transaction:

  • Fix your financials - Have 3 years of reliable, transparent, and consistent financials. Consider an audit to confirm accuracy. Recast your income statement to remove non-recurring expenses and costs unrelated to running the business. Cut non-essential spending that won’t immediately impact growth or profitability. Reduce inventories and receivables to increase sale proceeds.

  • Sell your strategy - Position your CEO and management team as capable successors. Articulate your differentiation and value proposition. Have a strategic plan showing growth potential.

  • Polish your assets - Invest in maintenance and upgrades. Refresh branding and websites. Rationalize product lines. License IP properly.

  • Do miscellaneous fixes - Clean up contracts and resolve disputes. Scrub customer lists. Settle lawsuits and contingencies. Remove family members from payroll.

  • Keep running the business - Motivate your team and reward performance. Follow routines relentlessly. Continue innovating and delighting customers. Stay focused on execution.

The key is to make the business look attractive and scalable to buyers by cleaning up issues, tightening operations, and highlighting growth opportunities. Proper grooming can significantly increase valuation and sale price.

Here is a summary of the key points about the entrepreneur’s position when preparing to sell a business:

  • Have both a Visionary (the entrepreneur) and an Integrator (a full-time manager) in place so the business can run without the entrepreneur. This shows it is a self-managing, plug-and-play company.

  • Mentor the Integrator to be ready to present themselves as a credible visionary leader to buyers. Have them immerse themselves in industry trends, networking, CEO groups, public speaking, etc.

  • Know your industry dynamics and where it is heading. Be able to show the Next Big Thing for your company to make it an attractive growth opportunity for buyers.

  • Have a realistic understanding of your business’s value based on grooming it properly, having a growth plan, finding synergistic buyers, and creating a competitive auction.

  • Document PR initiatives and testimonials to showcase your strong reputation.

  • Maintain a list of clients and prospects that are predisposed to do business with you. This shows your sales process is systemized.

  • Be upfront about weaknesses to build credibility and show you have plans to manage risks. Also be transparent about competitors.

  • Research synergies buyers could gain by acquiring you, like cost savings, cross-selling, talent, technology, or financial synergies. Capture some of that value.

  • Spin off or sell valuable real estate rather than including it in the sale, as investors want returns from the core business.

  • Identify and protect important intellectual property and intangible assets like patents, trademarks, copyrights, databases, and trade secrets.

  • Strategic buyers and private equity funds typically focus on either business assets that can grow for higher returns, or real estate assets that generate lower but more predictable returns. They rarely want both.

  • The exception is when your real estate is integral to the business operations and can’t be easily separated, like a plant in the countryside or highly specialized property.

  • Consider spinning off non-essential real estate from your business before a sale. Evaluate whether your business really needs to own its premises.

  • Moving to a new location can be advantageous if your current real estate is too expensive, you have no room to grow, or you can merge multiple locations to increase efficiency.

  • Resolve any environmental and safety issues, as these can create deal risks and liabilities for a buyer.

  • Tidy up and refresh your facilities before a sale - first impressions matter.

  • Fully protect intellectual property through patents, trademarks etc. Leave no doubts over ownership.

  • Take out key person insurance on vital executives the business would struggle to replace. This provides funds and time to find a successor if needed.

  • Organize records and data to demonstrate the business is well-run. Support all financials with detailed documentation.

The key points are to resolve any deal risks around real estate, environment, IP, key people, and organization before putting your business up for sale. This makes the company more attractive and deal-ready.

Here is a summary of the key points about preparing your business for sale:

  • Get a vendor due diligence (VDD) from an accounting firm to identify and resolve any issues before putting your business on the market. This builds credibility with buyers.

  • Offer key employees stay-put bonuses to keep them through the sale and earn-out period. This ensures continuity.

  • Review customer and vendor contracts well in advance to remove clauses allowing cancellation upon ownership change. This provides assurance.

  • Ensure full legal and regulatory compliance, and resolve any outstanding litigation. This reduces liability exposure.

  • Carefully manage the disclosure of sensitive data to potential buyers to avoid espionage. Gradually provide more as trust builds.

  • The most important strategy is to run your business for cash flow and profitability. This maximizes value. Operate it as an owner, but also as if you’re not the owner. This shows the business is transferable.

Here are the key points about how a “self-buyout” works as a way to harvest equity without fully selling your business:

  • A self-buyout allows the owner to take money out of the business while keeping control and ownership largely within the family or management team.

  • It involves creating a new holding company that takes on debt to buy the shares of the original operating company.

  • The owner sells their shares to the new holding company, receiving cash to cash out their equity while retaining a small stake in the new structure.

  • Management or family members end up owning shares in the new holding company, which controls the operating company.

  • The operating company pays management fees and dividends to the holding company to service the debt taken on to buy out the owner’s shares.

  • This structure allows the owner to extract equity value and get liquidity, while keeping the business within the family/management.

  • It requires finding a bank willing to lend against the equity value and cash flows without personal guarantees from the owner. The operating company needs to be profitable and have strong cash flows.

In summary, a self-buyout is a way for owners to get liquidity and cash out part of their equity, while transferring control and most of the equity to insiders, without fully selling the business. It relies on financing from a bank willing to lend based on the equity value and the company’s cash flows.

Here are the key points from the passage:

  • Szabadics borrowed heavily to take the company private in a sponsorless buyout, enabling the founder József to cash out while still running the business. This allowed József to get liquidity while retaining control.

  • There are several tools available for harvesting equity in a business, including strategic buyout, private equity buyout, recapitalization, management buyout, private placement, and ESOP.

  • The choice depends on whether you want to maximize purchase price or minimize risk, maximize payout or total proceeds, optimize finances or relationships, stay involved or leave soon, or maximize tax breaks.

  • Institutional buyers like strategics and private equity will pay top dollar but demand extensive warranties. Management buyouts, private placement, and ESOPs involve less risk but slower and lower payouts.

  • Selling to a strategic acquirer can maximize purchase price but may involve relocation and layoffs. An ESOP enables keeping jobs local but lower proceeds.

  • Staying involved requires derisking the business and taking some chips off the table. Leaving soon is easier if you sell 100% for cash to a strategic or private equity buyer.

Here are the key points for executing a successful transaction to sell or recapitalize your business:

  • Plan for the process to take 12-18 months.

  • Your three main jobs are:

  1. Hire and empower a trusted M&A advisor/investment banker. Pick someone who knows your industry, has good references, is strategic, believes in your business, and you get along with. Make sure they have a competent support team.

  2. Show up when needed to sell the buyers on your vision. Be available for management presentations, Q&A, and relationship building.

  3. Keep pressing on growth and performance. Don’t let the process distract you from running the business.

  • Time the process to maximize value. Consider market conditions, company performance trends, and your own readiness.

  • Assemble a deal team including your M&A advisor, M&A attorney, CPAs, and key managers. Align them on strategy.

  • Get your house in order with cleaned up financials, HR, contracts, IP, and other business elements.

  • Craft your equity story and vision for growth. Quantify your market opportunity and competitive advantages.

  • Create teasers, information memorandums, management presentations to showcase your business.

  • With your advisor, qualify buyers, maintain leverage, get multiple offers, and negotiate effectively.

  • Don’t take the first offer. Be prepared to walk away. Know your BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement).

  • Consider contingent payouts tied to future performance to bridge valuation gaps.

  • Get comfortable with uncertainty and stay mentally tough. Expect ups and downs.

  • Preparing to sell your business or raise capital is a structured, administrative process that typically takes 6-9 months for a “buyable” business. Less attractive businesses can take 2-3 years.

  • The investment banker will create an information memorandum (“book”) that establishes credibility, presents a compelling opportunity, and addresses potential buyer objections. It starts with an executive summary (“teaser”) that makes the business case.

  • A detailed data room must be compiled with all information buyers need to make an offer. A vendor due diligence (VDD) by an accounting firm can identify and fix issues upfront.

  • The banker researches a wide list of potential buyers, including peers, competitors, private equity, conglomerates, vendors/customers, etc. The goal is to identify all possible buyers and narrow to ~200.

  • Buyers are prioritized, starting with large strategic acquirers who can write big checks. Giving them advance notice helps align timing with private equity funds.

  • Personal connections and non-obvious but tailored opportunities can unlock key buyers.

  • The banker secures indicative offers from interested buyers to gauge seriousness and valuation range based on limited information. This is followed by more detailed management presentations.

  • The process aims to create a competitive dynamic with multiple motivated bidders making successively higher offers after conducting due diligence.

  • The investment banker’s job is to get as many interested parties to bid competitively on the business for sale. This creates competitive tension and leads to higher offers.

  • If there are only a few buyers, they may try to get exclusivity and negotiate from a position of strength by dragging out the process. This puts the seller at a disadvantage.

  • Having multiple strong bidders gives the seller confidence and leverage to get better terms. A single bidder can be risky as they may exploit weaknesses to lower the price.

  • With only one bidder, the seller can try to call the buyer’s bluff by refusing exclusivity and pushing for a quick close with the threat of bringing in other buyers. This is risky but can work if timed right.

  • After a binding offer, contract negotiations begin where the buyer tries to minimize risk by negotiating representations, warranties, indemnities and holding part of the purchase price in escrow.

  • The endgame requires carefully balancing various forces and risks to get the best possible deal terms for the seller.

Here are the key points on why exiting a business can be emotionally difficult for entrepreneurs:

  • Entrepreneurs often invest many years (10-15 years) and long hours (60-80 hours per week) building their business, sacrificing hobbies, social life, and time with family. The business becomes a big part of their identity.

  • Selling the business means upending the entrepreneur’s life, not just exiting a business. It’s like a musician having to stop playing their instrument. The business was likely the focus of most of their energy and passions for years.

  • Entrepreneurs have close relationships with their employees, who become like family. Letting go of those relationships can be painful.

  • After the sale, the entrepreneur loses their identity as a business leader in their industry and community. Their public profile and influence diminishes.

  • Exiting means giving up control and handing the business over to new owners who may take it in a different direction. This can be hard after closely guiding the business for so long.

  • The business sale leaves a void in the entrepreneur’s life that needs to be filled with new challenges and purposes. Without this, some entrepreneurs experience depression or a lack of fulfillment.

In summary, exiting a business is emotionally difficult because entrepreneurs are not just leaving a job, but are disconnecting from years of intensive investment, relationships, identity, control, and purpose. This significant life change needs to be properly processed and prepared for.

Here are the key takeaways from the book:

  • Building a business to sell requires a different mindset and skills than building a lifestyle business. Focus on scalability, profitability, strong management team, and sustainable competitive advantages.

  • Create a vision for the ideal future buyer and build the business deliberately to appeal to them. This includes choices around legal structure, branding, systems, and financial reporting.

  • Make sure the business can run without you. Hire and develop a strong management team, create documented systems and processes, and build a solid organizational culture.

  • Focus on enhancing and protecting the key value drivers like recurring revenue, profit margins, customer retention rates, market position, and intellectual property. Manage KPIs.

  • Build relationships with potential buyers and advisors years in advance through networking, conferences, trade groups etc. This provides insights and opportunities.

  • Time the sale to maximize valuation - often when revenues and profits are growing quickly. Be patient for the right buyer and deal terms. Use advisors to run a structured exit process.

  • Line up your “Next Chapter” in advance, so you have an exciting purpose after exiting the business. Consider staying engaged in an advisory or board role rather than leaving completely.

  • Exit planning takes 5-10 years. Start early, follow the playbook systematically, and keep acting like an owner until the very end. This will maximize your payout and happiness after the sale.

  • Csaba and Ildikó led the Hungarian national hockey team and then transitioned to new roles. Csaba stayed involved in hockey while Ildikó spent more time with family.

  • Building a successful, sellable business takes planning, discipline, and using proven management systems.

  • Decide your “Magic Number” - the sale value you need to achieve your financial goals. Calculate the growth rate needed to reach that value in your timeframe.

  • Use a proven management system like EOS to build a solid foundation, drive growth, and maximize value. Focus on key value drivers.

  • Groom the business when ready to sell. Pick the exit path that fits you financially and emotionally.

  • Have a plan for your life after the sale. Manage expectations about your ongoing role.

  • Following the Buyable framework will build a valuable, self-managing business you can keep or sell as you choose.

Here is a summary of the key points about succession secrets from the podcast transcript:

  • Succession planning is critical for business continuity and growth. 70% of businesses fail or stall out when passed to the next generation.

  • Founders must detach themselves from the business and develop independent identities beyond just being the business owner. This allows them to objectively evaluate leadership succession.

  • Successors should be developed and promoted from within the company so they understand the culture and values. External hires often fail.

  • Succession is a process, not an event. It takes years to transition leadership and responsibilities. There should be transparent communication.

  • Successful succession involves aligning the vision and goals of the founder, the management team, and the successors. All must be on the same page.

  • Control and eventually ownership should be transitioned over time. Instantly handing over the reins often leads to problems.

  • Successors must earn respect and authority. They should not expect it automatically. Founders should not undermine successors once in place.

  • Outside advisors like boards of directors, mentors, and coaches can provide helpful impartial guidance during the succession process.

  • Succession planning helps attract and retain key talent. Employees want career growth opportunities and to work at companies that plan for the future.

Does this help summarize the key points about business succession from the podcast? Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!

Here is a summary of the key points from the article “Our SMaC Business Recipe for Success”:

  • The article discusses the importance of having a strong Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud (SMaC) strategy for business success.

  • Companies need to leverage social media to build customer relationships and brand awareness. Mobile capabilities allow customers to engage anywhere. Analytics provide data to optimize operations and marketing. Cloud technologies enable flexibility, scalability, and cost savings.

  • Businesses should integrate SMaC into all activities - from marketing to product development to customer service. A unified SMaC strategy aligns technology with business goals.

  • Companies that embrace SMaC see increases in productivity, efficiency, and revenues. However, implementation takes planning and commitment at all levels of the organization.

  • Key recommendations include auditing current SMaC capabilities, developing a roadmap for improvement, choosing platform providers carefully, starting small and building in phases, measuring results, and iterating based on data and feedback.

  • With the right strategy and execution, SMaC technologies can help companies innovate, engage customers, drive sales, and gain competitive advantage. But the technologies are only enablers - business success ultimately depends on unity of vision and organizational commitment.

  • Five Forces model (Porter) - framework for analyzing industry competition and attractiveness, 95

  • Five Most Important Questions (Drucker) - book on effective business management, 71

  • Five Strategic Differentiators - unique capabilities that set a company apart, 95

  • Focus areas - aspects of the business to concentrate on improving, 112

  • Ford, Jeremy - business coach, advocated documenting processes, 96-97, 160, 162

  • Fortune 500 - annual ranking of top US companies by revenue, longevity of listed companies, xvii

  • Foundation-building techniques - steps to stabilize and optimize a business before sale, 140-189

  • Founders - business creators and leaders, capacity, values, and health important, 105-106, 122, 98-99, 18-19

  • 4DX (Four Disciplines of Execution) - system for strategy execution and achieving goals, 91-92, 115

  • 4 Disciplines of Execution - book by McChesney et al on 4DX system, 91

  • Franchise systems - successful business models that can be replicated, 60-62, 81

  • FranklinCovey - management consulting firm, created 4DX, 91

  • Freemium models - offer free basic services to attract users, charge for premium features, 156

  • Functions of business - key activities like marketing, operations, finance etc., 101-102, empowering owners of, 104-105

  • Functions of the Executive - book by Barnard on principles of organization and leadership, 64

  • Future cash flow projections - forecasts of future cash flows, used in valuation, 43, 47

  • “F-You” number - how much money needed to walk away from business, 38

  • Gramex - business example, valuation and sale, 37, 169-170, 208-209

  • Grandpre, Chris - business coach, 137, 147-148

  • Great by Choice - book by Collins on thriving in uncertainty, 163, 164

  • Grooming the business - preparing a business for sale, 169-192

  • Growth - increasing revenues/profits over time, strategies for, 52-54, 150-165

  • Gulliver - fictional business example, 15-16, 131-132, 175, 213, 234

Here is a summary of the key points from the book Built to Sell:

  • The goal is to build a business that is “buyable” - attractive to potential buyers. This involves making the business transferable, sustainable, and profitable.

  • To decide if selling your business is the right path, envision your ideal life after exiting. This helps set goals for the sale value needed.

  • Valuing a business involves assessing its earnings, cash flow, and growth potential. The goal is determining the owner’s discretionary earnings and applying a suitable multiple.

  • Effective management requires focusing on culture, structure, vision, strategy, execution, process, and alignment. Adopting a proven management system like EOS or the Rockefeller Habits provides this.

  • To drive growth and value, start with the basics - clean records, structured customers, managed assets, updated contracts.

  • Key value drivers are market growth, barriers to entry, recurring revenue, profit margins, operational efficiencies, and talent/culture.

  • Preparing to sell requires fixing finances, articulating strategy, grooming assets, mitigating risks, and running the business smoothly.

  • Exit options include trade sales, employee buyouts, private equity recapitalization, and IPOs. Maximize value by cleaning up the balance sheet.

  • The sale process involves preparing the business, finding buyers, negotiating offers, due diligence, closing, and transitioning management.

  • After the sale, the owner can pursue their life purpose, while staying engaged at some level if desired.

The core message is to build your business intentionally to be attractive for acquisition, in order to fund the lifestyle you want. This requires focused management, driving growth and value, diligent preparation, and thoughtful execution of the sale.

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About Matheus Puppe