Self Help

Converted The Data-Driven Way to Win Customers' Hearts - Neil Hoyne

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Matheus Puppe

· 19 min read

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  • The author has spent his career in digital marketing and analytics trying to understand how companies use data to make decisions. He has seen both great successes and expensive failures.

  • Companies often focus on optimizing a single moment - getting an immediate “yes” from a customer. But the most successful companies take a long-term approach, using data to build relationships with their best customers over time.

  • The traditional approach of optimizing for clicks and conversions in the short-term boxes in CFOs and CMOs. But some companies realize they need a new strategy to get ahead.

  • The author has helped companies shift from focusing on immediate results to building long-term customer relationships. This involves understanding who your best customers are and what they want to buy, rather than relying on scraps.

  • Marketing success stories in the coming years will be about conversations and relationships with customers, not just about clicks and conversions. Companies need to think beyond the single ask and single moment.

  • The book explores how data and analytics can be used to build better conversations and relationships with customers, rather than just optimize for short-term metrics.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

  • Many digital marketers focus on making strong sales pitches and calls to action, rather than having meaningful conversations with potential customers. This “Marry me now!” approach may work initially but becomes ineffective over time.

  • Customers today have many more options and expect real conversations. Brands need to engage with customers more deeply, listen to their needs, and build relationships over time.

  • The author argues we need to look at marketing through the human lens of conversation, not just making statements. We know how to have conversations already, we just need to apply this skill to a digital context.

  • The author shares an example of a retail marketing team wanting to invest $70 million in a massive data project before making any other changes. He pushed them to start having real conversations with customers first.

  • Meaningful conversations allow you to learn customer needs, stand out from the competition, and build loyalty. Legacy approaches focused solely on driving immediate sales will leave you behind.

  • The key is to start having genuine conversations, listening to customers, and building relationships, rather than just blasting sales messages. This more human approach is the future of digital marketing.

Here are a few key points about starting conversations with customers by asking questions:

  • Travel and getting hands-on experience is invaluable for understanding customers and seeing gaps between data and reality.

  • Hospitality companies like Ritz-Carlton use low-tech preference pads to capture customer data and anticipate future needs. Asking the right questions is key.

  • Successful marketers see data as just a starting point to a wider conversation. They respond with quick, nimble questions to learn more about customers’ goals and deepen understanding.

  • Asking questions advances the conversation, builds rapport, and gives marketers knowledge and power to serve customers better. It’s better than just making assumptions.

  • Questions should invite open-ended responses, not just yes/no. They should aim to learn about motivations, goals, and context.

  • Conversations are two-way. Customers have questions too. Smart marketers anticipate and answer them proactively.

  • The most effective questions are grounded in empathy, curiosity, and a genuine desire to help the customer, not just sell to them.

The key is to start conversations, build rapport through questions, and gain deeper insight into customers as individuals. This knowledge enables better service, products, and experiences.

  • Asking questions of customers should go beyond occasional email surveys. Seek ongoing conversation through different methods.

  • Collect customer insights through website interactions, tools to survey customers quickly, and online chat. Keep it simple and lightweight.

  • Ask questions frequently, mix them up, and don’t need to ask everyone the same thing. Insights can still be valid.

  • Curiosity and practice help determine the right questions. Provided some example questions to ask customers.

  • Consider how you phrase questions and the vocabulary used. This can influence the answers.

  • Don’t ask too many questions at once. Restrain yourself to what you really need to know.

  • Have a plan to act on the answers received. Don’t just collect data without intention.

  • Re-ask questions periodically as circumstances change. Don’t assume past answers remain static.

  • Companies often rely too heavily on data about their customers, trying to be hyper-rational. But human behavior is frequently irrational.

  • Marketers should look beyond the data to understand real human motivations and preferences. There is opportunity in embracing human nature.

  • Techniques from behavioral science can help, like making people feel they’ve already made progress, showing scarcity or peer pressure, and priming people with certain words or images.

  • Don’t manipulate, but use these techniques ethically to have better conversations with customers. Understand the nuances of human behavior.

  • In conversations, don’t just listen to the words people say. Look for hints to understand what they really mean. Customers often don’t directly say what they want.

  • Ask questions and observe reactions to uncover the full story. Use qualitative research like ethnographies to see how people actually behave.

  • Have real conversations with customers to build relationships, not just extract data. Show you are listening through actions afterwards.

The key is to look beyond the surface data to embrace real human nature, have genuine conversations, and understand the full context and meaning.

  • An automaker had a fragmented marketing strategy with the manufacturer, regional managers, and individual dealers all promoting the same vehicles separately. This made it hard to understand what marketing tactics were truly working.

  • The automaker thought their online car customizer tool was a key step in the purchase process, so they optimized advertising to drive traffic to it. But in reality there was no correlation between using the customizer and actually buying a car.

  • The automaker discovered that researching financing terms was a much better indicator of real purchase intent. Optimizing campaigns around that insight improved results.

  • The story illustrates the importance of not making assumptions about customer behavior and instead looking for subtle hints or signals in data to understand where customers really are in the purchase process. Machine learning can help uncover these patterns.

  • Marketers need to start with the actual business problem they want to solve, choose the right analytical tools, and be open to signals that may contradict their assumptions. Understanding hints helps guide conversations with customers more effectively.

  • Machine learning can help marketers analyze customer data to uncover insights, but getting quality data is challenging. Spend time cleaning and organizing data before applying machine learning.

  • Start with a clear business question you want to answer. Identify the target outcome and data needed to train the model.

  • Leverage existing statistical models where possible instead of reinventing the wheel. Focus machine learning where it can provide new insights.

  • Continuously measure outcomes and rerun models on updated data. Consumer behavior and markets change. Insights have a shelf life.

  • Guide customer conversations when data reveals opportunities. One retailer identified high advertising cost customers and created an exclusive experience to change their behavior.

  • Keep exploring new data sources and trying new approaches. Bias can come from limited data gathering. Expand horizons to uncover new insights.

Here are the key points in summarizing that passage:

  • Customer lifetime value (CLV) is a metric that predicts how valuable a customer will be over the course of their relationship with a company.

  • Calculating CLV follows a straightforward “recipe”:

  1. Gather data on past transactions - dates, dollar values, and customer IDs.

  2. Make assumptions about future purchases, retention, etc based on past data.

  3. Calculate CLV mathematically based on those assumptions.

  • The author recommends a specific CLV calculation method, but acknowledges people have different preferred approaches.

  • CLV helps identify your most valuable customers - the “loyalists” who drive most of your business.

  • Knowing your customers’ CLV lets you focus more attention on those high-value relationships.

The main ideas are that CLV quantifies customer relationships, follows a straightforward calculation process, and helps focus efforts on your best customers. Let me know if you need any part of the summary expanded!

  • Customer lifetime value (CLV) models use customer data like ID, transaction date, and value to predict future customer behavior and revenue.

  • To build a CLV model, gather at least 24 months of customer data, with 6 times the average purchase cycle. Split data into calibration and validation sets.

  • Run data through an online CLV modeling tool or custom model. Output should include CLV, predicted transactions, average transaction value, and probability of future transactions.

  • Validate model by comparing predicted vs actual transactions in validation set. Goal is <10% error (MAPE).

  • If error is too high, get more data, improve data quality, or try simplifying model.

  • Segment customers into quintiles by CLV. Typically top 20% drive 80% of revenue (Pareto principle).

  • Share CLV analysis to align teams on most valuable customers and make the case for marketing budget and strategy.

  • Jeff Bezos knew that bringing in customers who buy books would allow Amazon to build relationships and gather data on affluent shoppers. He could then use that data to sell them more products later.

  • Your first-party data provides unique insights into your customers. Analyze it to uncover signals and behaviors that identify high-value customers.

  • Look at acquisition channel, lifetime value, mobile usage, coupon usage, etc. to find differences between high and low value customers.

  • Don’t just look at initial transaction value. Look at lifetime value to understand the full potential of different acquisition channels.

  • Ask customers questions to learn what attributes they value most. Use surveys to connect their enthusiasm to future behavior.

  • Take what you’ve learned about your best customers and use it. Target similar people in your ad campaigns to acquire more high-value customers.

The key is to analyze your data to identify high-value customer behaviors and characteristics. Then use that knowledge to acquire more customers like them.

  • A startup acquired lots of new customers very cheaply, but most never returned. They mistakenly used an average lifetime value for all customers instead of understanding the value of different segments.

  • When growth stalled, instead of acquiring more valuable customers, they wasted resources trying to turn low-value customers into big spenders. This failed and the company eventually sold off remaining assets.

  • You can’t count on being able to significantly change customer behavior. The best strategy is to acquire the right customers in the first place, not try to transform low-value customers later.

  • Focus on customers with the highest potential value, not on those who will require the most work to become valuable. Judge people by their actions, not demographics.

  • Use data on customer behavior rather than personas. Look at first purchases to gauge lifetime value potential. Consider machine learning to scale insights, but start simple.

In summary, acquire valuable customers from the start based on their actions and potential, not on a flawed belief you can transform anyone. Don’t waste resources trying to change people who have already shown they are not a good fit.

  • Trying to fundamentally change customer behavior and turn low-value customers into high-value ones is extremely difficult and rarely successful. Focus on acquiring the right customers from the start.

  • Make use of recommendation engines and cross-selling to encourage additional purchases from existing customers. But target only your more valuable customers for these efforts.

  • For customer retention, base your actions on the lifetime value of each customer. Make extra efforts to retain your most valuable customers.

  • Don’t treat all customers the same. Customize your retention strategy based on the revenue at stake. As competitors adopt this approach, you’ll need to as well.

  • Monitor signals that indicate customers are at risk of leaving. Proactively address issues before it’s too late. Again, focus more attention on your best customers.

  • Continually reevaluate each customer’s potential lifetime value and adjust your retention strategies accordingly. Don’t cling to lost causes.

The key is to focus your limited resources on the highest value customers and relationships, not spreading yourself thin across all customers equally.

Here are the key points about consumer expectations and effective retention strategies:

  • Look for early signals that a customer may be at risk of leaving, like declining usage or open rates. Use data modeling to identify at-risk relationships.

  • Only intervene with customers you actually want to retain long-term. Recovering high-risk customers takes more effort for less reward.

  • Test different retention tactics like discounts or free shipping. Simple interventions often work well. Target customers with a lower risk level first.

  • Customize messaging and offers to appeal to high-value customers specifically. Their preferences and expectations differ from the average customer. Listen to your VIPs and speak their language.

  • Don’t wait until a customer is clearly leaving to intervene. Identify subtle signals of dissatisfaction and address issues proactively.

  • Prioritize retention efforts on your most loyal, high-value customers. They contribute a disproportionate share of revenue. Losing them hurts more than losing infrequent buyers.

The key is being proactive and selective in retention efforts - identify issues early, focus on high-value relationships, and tailor communications to resonate with your best customers. Their voice matters most.

Here are a few key points summarizing the toothpick rule example:

  • The “toothpick rule” was created by Congress in 2007 to restrict lobbyists from bribing officials with free meals. It allowed only small snacks that could be eaten with a toothpick.

  • The rule was intended to limit lobbyist influence, but it led to workarounds instead of real change. Lobbyists got creative by offering lots of small food items on toothpicks that could add up to a full meal.

  • An entire “toothpick industry” emerged to supply foods and delivery devices that met the technical rules but violated the spirit of the law.

  • The example illustrates how overly prescriptive rules without buy-in can lead to unintended consequences and clever workarounds rather than real cultural change.

  • It shows the limitations of trying to dictate behavior change from the top down without getting organizational buy-in, addressing root incentives, or shifting mindsets.

  • The anecdote highlights the need for gradual, collaborative approaches to drive lasting change rather than quick fixes and edicts imposed from above. Small steps with stakeholder input are more effective.

In summary, the toothpick rule seeks to restrict lobbying influence through rigid rules but ends up creating loopholes without actually changing practices or mindsets. It illustrates the need for gradual cultural change through collaboration and stakeholder input rather than top-down edicts.

  • Progress in organizations is painfully slow because there are many competing interests, egos, and incentives at play. Data alone will not convince people to change.

  • Only 6% of marketing decisions are actually based on data. The rest come down to personal experience, intuition, what the boss thinks, and internal politics.

  • To drive change, you need to understand the motivations and incentives of your audience. Figure out what they want to hear and how your proposal impacts them.

  • Don’t just present data - tell a compelling story that speaks to their interests. Connect with them emotionally.

  • Start small - big, complex projects with many stakeholders often fail. Small changes are more likely to happen.

  • Don’t wait for perfect data - take risks and iterate. Perfect solutions are rare. Progress comes from constant small improvements.

  • Be patient and keep expectations realistic. Changing minds takes time. Celebrate small wins along the way.

The key is blending data with emotional intelligence, storytelling, and political savvy to slowly win people over and drive incremental progress. It’s about campaigning within your organization.

  • Testing new ideas frequently is critical for companies to learn and stay competitive. However, many obstacles like risk aversion and bureaucracy can slow down testing.

  • To build a culture of rapid testing:

  • Uncork the bottle - Capture all test ideas from analysts and frontline staff, not just the filtered few that make it to leadership.

  • Get everyone in - Have a centralized intake process for test ideas that is open to all staff.

  • Put up a prize - Motivate staff by rewarding the best test hypotheses, not just successful test results.

  • Reward ideas, not results - Focus prizes on the best test concepts before results are known. This encourages bigger thinking.

  • Have leadership curate - Executives personally review and greenlight test concepts to show commitment.

  • Start small - Test incremental improvements to build confidence before tackling bigger bets.

  • Review quickly - Rapidly assess results while ideas are fresh to accelerate learning.

The key is unleashing all staff to ideate tests, rewarding big thinking, and learning quickly from many small experiments vs fewer big bets. This builds a habit of rapid testing essential for innovation.

  • Leaders often want to motivate change by introducing new metrics, but metrics can be manipulated if not designed thoughtfully. The incoming sales director introduced an “engagement quota” to incentivize better customer relationships. However, the vagueness of the metric led sales teams to game the system by counting minor communications like emails as “engagements.” As a result, the metric failed to improve customer retention.

  • Metrics provide powerful feedback loops, but you must be attentive to potential distortions. The operations team was rewarded for the engagement numbers going up, so they had no incentive to question the validity of the metric. The leader saw great numbers but they didn’t reflect reality.

  • When designing metrics, be as specific as possible about the desired behaviors. Don’t leave room for “interpretation.” The engagement quota was too vague and allowed sales teams to game the system. Defining specific requirements for counting an engagement would have helped.

  • Regularly test that your metrics are driving the intended behaviors and outcomes. The company could have tested whether increased “engagements” led to better customer retention. Without validating the metric, they wrongly concluded the industry was transactional.

  • As a leader, don’t become blinded by metrics. Understand how they are calculated and watch for unintended consequences. Be willing to refine or replace metrics that prove unreliable. The engagement quota ultimately failed because no one was willing to challenge the numbers.

  • Some employees can make projects successful, while others will torpedo every project. It’s important to be able to tell the difference.

  • Avoid “efficiency experts” who are obsessed with granular accountability and measuring ROI. While accountability is good, an overfocus on efficiency can stagnate innovation and risk-taking.

  • “Perfectionists” have high standards but struggle in the messy world of digital marketing. They raise the bar on rigor but can get paralyzed seeking the perfect answer.

  • “The Politician” is overly focused on managing up and their own career advancement rather than doing good work.

  • “The Talker” excels at persuasion but lacks substance and follow-through. Don’t be dazzled by charming talkers.

  • “The Tortoise” takes forever and misses opportunities. Speed and agility matter.

  • Hire people excited to build something new who have intellectual curiosity. Test their critical thinking skills.

  • Build a diverse team with complementary skills. Foster open debate. Challenge perspectives respectfully.

  • Perfectionists get stuck analyzing problems rather than moving forward. Assign them projects with tight deadlines to force action. Stress opportunity costs of delays.

  • The insecure overspend to attract and retain customers, undermining profits. Test controlled groups to prove interventions are not worthwhile.

  • Hire storytellers who can compellingly explain analytic insights to other teams/leaders.

  • Entrepreneurial generalists catalyze action by adding capabilities and getting things moving.

  • Hire students of top academics like Fader and McCarthy to get innovative thinking.

  • Don’t just present answers. Let people get curious and find their own questions to build understanding and intuition. Teach, listen and enable others to contribute ideas and join the transformation. This creates a following and shared vision.

Here is a summary of the key points from the book’s acknowledgments section:

The author thanks Mark Travis for his guidance and questioning that helped shape the book into a readable narrative rather than just a corporate memo. He appreciates the Penguin Random House team for their work in publishing and promoting the book. He expresses gratitude to his agent Jim Levine and the PR team at Fortier Public Relations for spreading the book’s ideas.

The author thanks his mentor Peter Fader for contributions to customer analytics and generosity with sharing knowledge. He acknowledges the support and mentorship of colleagues at Google over the years. Appreciation is given to the Google evangelism team led by Alan Eagle for encouraging this project.

The author thanks a small group of friends who each uniquely contributed to the book. Finally, he expresses gratitude to his family for their love, patience and sacrifice, hoping this project has made them proud.

  • Data from customers provides valuable insights, but it must be used thoughtfully. Starting with simple data analyses can build understanding (11-17).

  • Surveys can provide useful customer data (22, 23-24).

  • Data-driven decision making requires negotiating with others to gain buy-in (157-58, 163). It should be reversible and rapid (175).

  • Focus on high-value loyal customers (80-82, 94, 106, 122-23). Identify them via customer lifetime value (99-103, 122).

  • Understand and guide high-cost customers (69-71, 73-74). Have conversations to influence their behaviors (72-75).

  • Look for hints and signals from customers (49-67) to understand their needs and preferences (58-61, 62-66).

  • Embrace human irrationality (35-37, 48). Use behavioral science techniques like scarcity and peer pressure (39-47).

  • Small changes can have a big impact (147-53). Introduce concepts gradually (146).

  • Understand which metrics truly matter (185-87, 190). Incentives can skew behaviors (181-85).

  • Continuously experiment and take smart risks (141-42, 152-53, 174). Foster a culture of curiosity and growth (203-4).

Here is a summary of the key points about artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning from the book:

  • AI and machine learning are transforming many jobs by automating routine tasks and augmenting human capabilities (pages 59-60, 125-126). This is affecting a wide range of occupations.

  • AI presents new opportunities to understand customers and improve products and services (pages 53-57). For example, AI can analyze product returns data to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement.

  • Companies need to adapt to the rapid changes brought about by AI (pages 65-66). This includes retraining workers, rethinking business processes, and developing an agile mindset.

  • To effectively implement AI, leaders should take small steps, run controlled experiments, listen to diverse voices, and focus on augmenting rather than replacing workers (pages 62-66, 147-153). A thoughtful, incremental approach is more likely to succeed than “big bang” transformations.

In summary, AI is a transformative technology that requires companies to rethink their operations, upskill their workforces, and focus on using AI to enhance products, services and human capabilities. An experimental, human-centric mindset will help maximize the benefits of AI while mitigating the risks.

Here is a summary of the key points from the referenced materials:

  • Cross-selling additional products to existing customers can be lucrative, but must be done carefully to avoid turning off loyal buyers. Understanding customer data and targeting appropriately is key.

  • Loyalty programs can increase spending if structured properly, but ineffective programs waste resources. Tiered rewards may not be as effective as personalized incentives.

  • Allowing easy returns of merchandise can build loyalty among best customers in some cases. However, policies should still deter serial returners.

  • Testing and experimentation is critical, whether via A/B tests, controlled trials, or techniques like red teaming. But organizations must balance testing with action.

  • Measurement in marketing is fundamental yet challenging. Attribution models are imperfect, so insights require both quantitative data and qualitative judgment.

  • Overall, customer centricity is vital but complex. Companies must continuously experiment and evolve approaches as consumer behavior and technology changes.

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About Matheus Puppe