Self Help

Descobrindo os Segredos dos Novos Milionários Digitais Tudo Mudou! - Português (gerada automaticamente)

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Matheus Puppe

· 8 min read

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  • The video promotes an event called “Jornada Milionário Global” which teaches how to become rich online using artificial intelligence and global marketing.

  • It highlights stories of people who have made millions by applying the knowledge from this event, like one man who made over $1 million per month from a digital business.

  • The presenter argues traditional business advice to learn skills like design, branding, etc. is misleading - with AI you can outsource all those tasks.

  • He promises to reveal knowledge that has helped thousands become rich quickly by selling online to other countries in dollars without needing another language.

  • Videos are shown of “students” who have made large sums like $100k or over $1 million using these methods taught on the course.

  • The event teaches how to use tools like AI to automatically create sales videos and funnels so anyone can globally market products from home.

  • Attendees are encouraged to take notes during the lessons as all the information is important to changing their lives through global online sales.

So in summary, it promotes a training event that claims to teach people how to become rich by leveraging artificial intelligence for global online marketing and sales without needing traditional business skills.

  • The speaker is promoting a journey/course to teach people how to make money online and become digital marketers.

  • They claim people can make $5,000-10,000 per day and they have helped over 30 people become millionaires from nothing.

  • The course will teach how to sell to over 100 countries, earn in dollars/euros/pounds, and start with under R$1000.

  • There are two target audiences: stability (earning a reliable high income) and ambition (earning $1 million USD in 12 months).

  • The goal is not just money but experiences, taking care of family, changing one’s lifestyle and environment. Money is a means to an end, not the end goal itself.

  • The speaker wants people to commit to the journey and themselves, not just to the speaker. They will be there to help and show success stories from students.

  • In summary, it is a sales pitch for an online marketing/wealth building course, promoting big income goals and lifestyle changes through digital entrepreneurship.

  • The speaker created a club/group that has earned over R$100 million in the last 12 months, helping people connect and exchange information to achieve great results.

  • He has announced his business/products to 163 countries in over 4 different languages using intelligence artificial to help with conversions.

  • He has helped over 30 people achieve their first million (real/reais), showing the money being made seems to come from nowhere.

  • He used to sell perfume door-to-door and knew marketing digital was where he wanted to develop himself. He studied economics but realized the system doesn’t actually help people get rich.

  • In 2015-2018 the encapsulated product market was booming in Brazil. But by 2018-2019 the large companies started investing heavily and small starters were getting swallowed up.

  • He tried dropshipping in 2019 but costs increased over time and it was hard to be profitable. Covid further disrupted supply chains.

  • In 2021 he tested a new method alone for 180 days that has much potential. It has low taxes, a big market, simple funnel and real products. Helping others use it led to sales of thousands of dollars.

  • He wants to teach this method to help people understand what wastes money in Brazil and gain financial freedom outside the system. The summary focused on the professional experiences described rather than opinions shared.

  • The production of wealth has changed over time. The first industrial revolution from 1760-1840 was powered by steam engines. The rich were those who owned machines and factories.

  • The second industrial revolution from around 1850 was about oil, steel, electricity, and electronics. This allowed exploitation of deeper resources through new machines. Those who had oil, steel, electricity businesses grew rich.

  • The third industrial revolution from around 1900 was about computers, software, and easier access to credit for real estate. Those creating computers and software became rich.

  • Now in the current revolution, it is about using the internet. People like Jeff Bezos with Amazon grew rich this way in the 1990s.

  • Parents and society often push outdated ways of accumulating wealth that worked for past generations but have changed. To get rich faster now requires using the internet and technology like artificial intelligence.

  • Several problems in digital marketing in Brazil are discussed: People teach you need to be good at everything alone like traffic, funnel, copywriting etc. which takes too long. Most advice is outdated as the “station” or methods have changed.

So in summary, the production of wealth continually changes over time with new technologies. To succeed now requires using the latest methods like AI, rather than outdated individual skills-based approaches people often teach.

  • It discusses the challenges of building a website and needing skills in areas like video, copywriting, traffic, etc. But learning all these skills takes a long time and is confusing.

  • It then talks about using street performers as an analogy for how difficult and time consuming it is to master multiple digital skills.

  • The next topic is about how intelligence artificial can do things much faster than humans by having access to trillions of parameters of information. This makes AI better than humans for many digital tasks.

  • It describes problems like the high costs of hiring designers, videographers, copywriters for digital projects. One example given was being charged $2000 for a 15 minute sales video and it taking 15 days to deliver.

  • Over the past 4 years, the author tested different business models like dropshipping, affiliates, etc. but found PLR is no longer effective due to market sophistication.

  • Brazil’s market has become more sophisticated over time by copying models from the US. This has increased competition levels and ad costs. Many “experts” now teach digital skills but this also improves the overall market.

In summary, it discusses the challenges small digital entrepreneurs face due to lack of skills and high costs, and how intelligence artificial can help by making many tasks more efficient than human capabilities alone. It analyzes how the Brazilian market has matured over time.

  • The speaker talks about how countries become more sophisticated through 5 phases of sophistication. In the 5th phase, the market starts to get “dirty” where people lie not just about promises but how promises will be fulfilled.

  • Examples are given like promising to earn money by just watching Netflix or learning a lottery method. The speaker says this dirty market is a problem.

  • Other problems mentioned for Brazil include issues with people not paying bills (boleto) and using Pix, a high failure rate of around 30-50%. This makes it hard for online businesses.

  • The monthly salary structure in Brazil also causes uneven sales numbers day-to-day for online businesses.

  • The speaker discusses how they took 6 months to disconnect from social media and focus on finding a solution outside of typical Brazilian strategies. This led to their “TML method” which has made over $100 million for people using it globally in the past 30 days.

  • In summary, the speaker analyzes problems with the Brazilian market and how focusing their business globally helped find more success and stability compared to targeting Brazil alone. Examples of typical Brazilian issues are given around payment and inconsistent consumer behavior.

  • The presentation focused on selling eBooks as a business opportunity. Some key points mentioned:

  • Amazon started out primarily as an eBook retailer but now sells many other products as well.

  • eBooks have advantages over physical books like instant delivery, no logistics costs, can reach global markets.

  • Selling eBooks can be very profitable due to high margins of 30-45%. Speakers claimed to have earned millions this way.

  • Using AI, one can auto-generate eBook content on various topics without needing expertise. eBooks can also be converted into online courses.

  • Selling in foreign markets like the US allows earning in dollars, giving higher purchasing power. Methods like TML were discussed to target profitable international markets.

  • On day 2, the speaker promised to reveal how to set up “machines” or automated systems to generate money through eBook sales using minimal effort. Topics like reducing taxes to zero through proper structuring were also mentioned.

  • The overall message was that by learning the “right knowledge” shared in this event, one can change their life situation like the examples given of two individuals with different outcomes despite similar backgrounds. Freedom, lifestyle and success were promoted as potentials through this approach.

  • The text promotes access to knowledge that has allegedly made dozens of new millionaires in 2023 through internet-based money making.

  • It claims the taught method radically changed lives, citing examples like Alexandre who made over $1 million with a computer while traveling, or Douglas who made $100,000 after quitting his job.

  • The method allows people to sell products globally without knowing languages, marketing, website design, etc. by using artificial intelligence.

  • It says artificial intelligence is the biggest tool changing the game of wealth by allowing ordinary people on the margins of society to get rich quickly. Few know how to transform words into money using AI.

  • The millionaire journey will teach how to get rich the right way - some methods are complex while this one is easy to practice and scalable, having generated over R$ millions in sales in 2023.

  • Videos are shown of a supposed student who became the top earner, making over $1 million in a month through the method. The method involves video/image ads and scripts to sell health products globally.

  • In summary, it promotes a get-rich-quick method of using AI and international product sales to become a millionaire, though some of the claims seem exaggerated or unrealistic. The overall message is enticing people to join and learn this supposed money-making system.

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About Matheus Puppe