Self Help

Do the Hard Things First How to Win Over Procrastination and Master the Habit of Doing Difficult Work - Allan, Scott

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Matheus Puppe

· 28 min read

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Here is a summary of the key points from the book reviews:

  • The book provides practical strategies and a step-by-step process to overcome procrastination and do difficult tasks first.

  • It delves into why we procrastinate, including fear of commitment, the unknown, discomfort, decision-making, and criticism.

  • The author draws on his experience coaching others to provide relatable examples of the mind games and excuses we tell ourselves to avoid doing hard things.

  • Readers say the book helps them understand their own psych and how to translate reflection into action.

  • It focuses on self-transformation and putting your life on a new, more fulfilling path.

  • Readers appreciate the easy to implement tips like closing open loops, interrupting impulse snaps, and temptation bundling.

  • The book inspires taking small steps to push past fear and anxiety to move forward.

  • It provides a wake up call about wasting time and guidance for using time more wisely.

  • Readers say it helps build confidence to ask for what you want and stop negative self-talk.

  • Overall, readers found it an inspiring, practical book to overcome procrastination, take action, and achieve goals.

  • Procrastination is the habit of delaying important tasks and prioritizing short-term pleasure over long-term goals. It becomes problematic when it causes significant damage over time.

  • The author has struggled with procrastination throughout his life, despite achieving success as an author. He aims to share strategies that have helped him.

  • A main driver of procrastination is the brain’s bias for immediate rewards over future rewards. The present self favors instant gratification while the future self values long-term goals.

  • There is a gap between completing a task and getting the reward, which reduces the motivational value of the goal. Goals lack urgency when the deadline is far away.

  • As a result, people end up continuously delaying goals and deadlines. Years can go by without making progress on important aims set earlier in life.

  • The author wants to provide a system to help reduce and control procrastination, building the greatest version of yourself.

Here are the key points I took away from your summary:

  • Procrastination is a harmful habit that holds you back from living your best life. It leads to anxiety, unfinished tasks piling up, and failing to do quality work.

  • The root of procrastination is fear - of success, responsibility, the unknown, decision making. Taking control of your fear is the first step.

  • Procrastination is a learned behavior that can be unlearned by implementing new habits and behaviors. You have the power to change.

  • This book provides strategies to defeat anxiety/overwhelm, eliminate distractions, prioritize tasks, train your focus, and adopt a “pay now, play later” mindset.

  • The system helps you save time, increase energy, think with confidence, eliminate decision fatigue, hold yourself accountable, take responsibility, and focus on what matters most.

  • You’ll recognize your self-sabotaging patterns and make incremental changes towards becoming your best self. It’s about healing and creating a life plan that works for you.

  • Together we can break the procrastination habit and help you achieve your greatest potential through a step-by-step system. You deserve to live your best life starting today.

  • The book provides a system for overcoming procrastination through four parts:

  1. Understanding the fears behind procrastination
  2. Practical steps for doing hard things (22 strategies)
  3. Breaking big obstacles like negative conditioning, anxiety, and limiting self-talk
  4. Scaling up progress in key areas like health, home, work, finances, relationships
  • Procrastination is often driven by coping mechanisms that provide short-term relief but long-term damage. Identifying your top coping mechanisms is key.

  • Solutions involve awareness, goal-setting, blocking distractions, focusing inward rather than comparing outward, taking action without fear of failure.

  • The book aims to help you develop a personalized system to defeat procrastination rather than become an efficiency machine. Small steps day by day.

  • Key mindset shifts involve showing vulnerability as growth, running your own race, and taking action without fear of failure.

In summary, the book provides an actionable framework for understanding, addressing, and overcoming the root causes of procrastination through practical strategies applied across major areas of life. The focus is on building self-awareness, systemizing your approach, and taking consistent small actions to create lasting change.

  • Procrastination is avoiding important tasks by prioritizing less important ones. It is a short-term coping strategy that leads to long-term problems.

  • There are many types of procrastination including perfectionism, crisis making, denial, avoidance, valorization, wishful thinking, externalization, and self-blame.

  • Procrastination provides immediate comfort but leads to future discomfort, anxiety, and regret. It is a form of self-sabotage.

  • Avoiding difficult tasks may seem easier in the moment but hurts your health, time, money, career, and reputation in the long run.

  • The root causes of procrastination include lack of motivation, laziness, poor prioritization, fear of failure, and aversion to discomfort.

  • To break the procrastination habit, you need to become aware of your thought patterns, take responsibility for your actions, focus on small goals, and condition yourself to do hard things first.

Does this help summarize the key points from the excerpt? Let me know if you need me to expand on any part of the summary.

  • Procrastination is avoiding difficult or unpleasant tasks by putting them off until later. This leads to self-sabotage.

  • The heavy price of procrastination can include financial issues, relationship problems, lost opportunities, lack of personal growth, stress and anxiety.

  • Reasons for procrastination include fear of failure or not feeling good enough. It can become a habit and way of life.

  • Excuses are made to justify procrastination but there are real costs. It’s important to consider what could happen by not doing the hard tasks.

  • Procrastination is more than just a bad habit, it leads to actively minimizing priorities and maximizing non-critical tasks.

  • A story is shared about how procrastinating to pay a small bill led to canceled credit cards and damaged credit. This illustrates the potential consequences.

  • It’s never too late to stop procrastination. By recognizing the costs and making a change, you can take control and avoid self-sabotage.

  • The author had developed a habit of procrastination and avoiding difficult tasks. This was holding them back in many areas of life.

  • Procrastination is often driven by fear. Identified fears include: fear of commitment, fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of decision making, and fear of criticism.

  • To overcome fear of commitment, the author realized the damage caused by delaying and made a commitment to continuous change.

  • Waiting for motivation is not effective - motivation comes from taking action. Starting small tasks can build momentum.

  • Overwhelm can be tackled by breaking things down and just starting with simple actions.

  • Distractions must be limited to stay focused. Take responsibility for your own mind.

  • Fear of the unknown leads many to stay stuck rather than growing. The author embraced their fear and stepped outside their comfort zone.

  • Identifying excuses and rewriting self-talk is key to facing fears. Reframing fear as excitement can help.

  • Taking action builds confidence to face future fears and hard tasks.

The author made a daring move to an unfamiliar country to find greater meaning and fulfillment in life. Though the journey was difficult, it led to tremendous personal growth and showed that stepping into the unknown opens up new possibilities.

To illustrate this, the author gives the example of a friend trapped in an abusive relationship. Though leaving was terrifying due to the unknowns, doing so allowed her to completely change her life.

The key message is that fear of the unknown holds us back from reaching our potential. We must trust our instincts to guide us, visualize the life we want, and take action. Though discomfort is inevitable during such a leap, change brings growth. By leaning into discomfort and resisting temptation to revert to comfortable habits, we can break free of stagnation.

Here are a few key points and suggestions on overcoming procrastination and taking action:

  • Recognize that procrastination is often rooted in fear - of failure, uncertainty, imperfection. Be compassionate with yourself.

  • Break big tasks down into very small, manageable steps. Identify the very next physical action, however small.

  • Just get started. The first step is often the hardest. But once you start, momentum can help carry you.

  • Commit to working on a task for just 5 or 10 minutes. Short bursts make starting easier.

  • Create accountability. Share your goals/plans with others to help motivate you.

  • Reward yourself after completing tasks, even small ones. Positive reinforcement works.

  • Be mindful of thoughts that enable procrastination. Challenge accusations like “I’m not good enough” and replace them.

  • Forgive yourself if you procrastinate or make mistakes. Refocus on the next small step. Progress takes patience.

  • Focus on progress, not perfection. Done is better than perfect.

  • Remember your priorities and your motivation. Keep the big picture in mind.

  • Build self-confidence through practice. Completing tasks builds evidence of your abilities.

  • Transform procrastination into action step-by-step. It takes time but progress compounds. You can do it!

Here are a few key points on taking control of the procrastinating mind:

  • Recognize that your greatest enemy is often your own mind. The mind can create fears, doubts, and stories that hold you back.

  • Make a commitment to no longer let fear control you. Decide to confront your fears rather than avoiding what scares you.

  • Reframe fear as an opportunity for courage. View it as a chance to grow rather than something paralyzing.

  • Develop daily practices like meditation to calm your mind and gain more self-awareness. A calmer mind has less space for fear.

  • Let go of self-limiting beliefs, judgments, and perceptions. They often stem from the ego and not your true self.

  • Seek inspiration from books, mentors, and philosophies that empower you to take control of your mindset. Surround yourself with uplifting messages.

  • Recognize when your mind creates “glass ceilings” or self-imposed limits. You have the power to break through these.

  • Take action even when afraid. Keep moving forward despite fear or discomfort. The path to greatness often involves doing what’s difficult.

  • When afraid, stop and ask “What’s the worst that could happen?” This puts your fear in perspective. Then move forward with courage.

The key is realizing you have the power within to master your mind. Redirect it to serve you rather than sabotage you. This takes self-awareness, discipline, and daily practice. But it allows you to break free of procrastination’s hold.

  • Procrastination is often driven by underlying fears such as fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of not meeting expectations, etc. These fears generate anxiety about potential negative outcomes, which leads to avoidance and delaying tactics.

  • The mind convinces itself that the anxious thoughts are real threats, when in fact they are exaggerations fueled by the ego and inner child. This reinforces the procrastination habit through a feedback loop of fear.

  • To overcome procrastination, the fear of staying stuck must become greater than the fear of taking action. This involves building new habits to support goals, taking risks, and doing uncomfortable tasks first.

  • Additional reasons for procrastination include: discounting the value of future rewards, poor self-control, task aversion, perfectionism, lack of structure/routine, easily distracted, overwhelmed by complexity, rebelling against external control, low motivation, and poor time management.

  • Identifying the specific causes behind procrastination is key, so that targeted techniques can be applied to overcome triggers and establish anti-procrastination habits. The aim is to heal and move forward, not judge one’s faults. Progress requires self-compassion.

Does this help summarize the key points from the chapter? Let me know if you need any part of the summary expanded on.

Here is a summary of the key points about why people procrastinate:

  • Avoiding unpleasant or stressful tasks. People are more likely to procrastinate on tasks they find frustrating, tedious, boring, or that cause anxiety. Procrastination is a way to avoid the discomfort of those tasks.

  • Abstract or unclear goals. Goals that are vague and abstract are less motivating. People procrastinate more when goals lack specificity and clear timeframes.

  • Perfectionism. The fear of not being perfect causes some people to delay action indefinitely. They get stuck over-editing or never finish because it’s not flawless.

  • Self-sabotage. Some self-defeating behaviors like procrastination can become a habit. People may sabotage their own progress even when aware of the harm.

  • Lack of motivation. Low energy levels or laziness can lead to chronic procrastination. Taking action often builds momentum and motivation.

  • Decision fatigue. Too many choices can cause analysis paralysis. The inability to decide which option leads to inaction and delay.

  • ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is correlated with procrastination tendencies. Seeking testing or treatment may help.

  • Anxiety. Putting off an anxiety-provoking task tends to increase stress. Taking small actions leads to a sense of relief.

The reasons behind procrastination are varied, but often involve avoidance of discomfort or fear of failure. Taking small steps can build momentum to overcome barriers.

Here are the key points on taking total ownership for behavior change:

  • You are responsible for your own behavior, habits, thoughts, actions and decisions. Taking ownership empowers you to create the changes you want.

  • Failures tend to blame others and make excuses. Successful people take responsibility for their actions.

  • Identify how your thoughts, emotions and behaviors are connected. Your beliefs influence your emotions which then drive your actions.

  • Stop building defensive walls of excuses, blame and escape tactics. Ask yourself - how much longer will you delay important actions?

  • Each morning, ask “Am I willing to do anything today to become procrastination free?” Make the commitment.

  • Taking ownership moves you into the driver’s seat of your life. You control the actions steps and navigate your own path.

  • Let go of old failing habits and make the definitive decision to take responsibility. Stop making excuses or blaming others.

  • The work that only you can do is your responsibility. Failures make excuses while successful people take action.

The key is total ownership of your choices, habits and results. This empowerment is the first step to breaking procrastination.

Here are some tips for choosing and completing your first task from the procrastination list:

  • Pick the easiest, quickest task you can accomplish in 10 minutes or less. This will give you a small win to start building momentum.

  • Make the commitment to yourself: “I will do this one thing today, no matter what.”

  • Focus only on this one task. Don’t get distracted by other items on your list.

  • Break the task down into bite-sized pieces if needed. Just focus on the very next step.

  • Eliminate distractions. Turn off phone notifications, close extra browser tabs.

  • Set a timer for 10 minutes. Commit to work on the task until the timer goes off.

  • When the timer buzzes, congratulate yourself for following through. Check that first task off your list!

  • Build on the momentum - choose your next quick task and repeat the process.

  • Stay focused only on the current task, not everything else on your list. One thing at a time.

The key is to start small, build momentum with quick wins, and maintain focus on one task at a time. You’ve got this!

  • The author struggled with procrastination when writing a book about beating procrastination, constantly finding distractions instead of focusing on the task.

  • To finish a task, you must fully commit to it and persistently work on it every day until completion. Make the concrete decision that you are doing this.

  • Making a firm decision triggers momentum and is the first step towards change. If you’re stuck, you likely haven’t truly decided on a direction.

  • Start small - commit to just 5 minutes of focused work on your task to overcome resistance and build momentum. Schedule this time.

  • Writing tasks down clarifies your intentions, tracks accomplishments, encourages focused action, and acts as a rehearsal for doing the task.

  • Do not delay - take the first step now. The biggest obstacle is starting. Life begins outside your comfort zone.

Here are 5 key steps for visualizing doing hard things first:

  1. Get clear on the task. Know exactly what needs to be done and break it down into smaller action steps if needed.

  2. Set a specific time and date to do it. This could be today, tomorrow, or next week - but put it on your calendar.

  3. Imagine yourself doing the task successfully. Picture yourself taking each step to completion. See and feel yourself staying focused and persevering.

  4. Repeat positive affirmations as you visualize. Tell yourself “I can do this” or “I will finish this task” etc.

  5. When visualization time is over, get ready to take action. Have any materials or tools you need ready. Set reminders on your phone. Tell someone your plan. Do whatever it takes to follow through.

The more vividly and repeatedly you can visualize completing the hard task, the more you activate those neural pathways in your brain. This boosts motivation, focus, and the likelihood that you’ll actually follow through. Short visualization sessions daily can work wonders.

  • Leaving tasks unfinished creates “open loops” that cause ongoing stress and anxiety. It’s important to close these loops by finishing tasks.

  • Make a visible list of all your open loops - things you’ve started but not completed. Put this list somewhere you’ll see it often.

  • Pick one open loop task and schedule time at the end of your workday to finish it. If it takes longer, extend your day or start earlier the next day.

  • Finishing one task will motivate you to finish the next. Each completed task builds momentum.

  • Prioritize just one important task each day. Say “no” to other tasks and focus only on the #1 priority item. This focus is key to getting important things done.

  • The present moment determines the future. By focusing on your most important task now, you build a better future.

  • String together focused, priority moments. This builds extraordinary results over time. Stay present, focus on your #1 task, and take it one step at a time.

Here are some suggestions for interrupting sudden “impulse snaps” that can lead to procrastination:

  • Be aware of when these impulse snaps happen. Notice when your mind suddenly tells you to stop what you’re doing and do something else.

  • Pause and take a few deep breaths before acting on the impulse. This inserts a brief delay and allows you to consider if this new task is truly urgent/important.

  • Count slowly to 10 before switching tasks. This brief delay can help diffuse the urge to instantly react.

  • Ask yourself if this new task aligns with your priorities and goals for the day. Determine if it deserves your time and attention right now.

  • Limit task switching. Set a rule that you’ll focus on one main task for a certain period (e.g. 45 mins) before considering a switch.

  • Close distracting tabs and apps. Removing temptation and visibility of distractions can reduce impulse snaps.

  • Set visual reminders of your current priority task, like a sticky note on your desk. This keeps your focus.

  • Practice mindfulness and being present. Notice thoughts and impulses without judgment, then refocus on the current task.

  • Strengthen your self-control muscle. Like a muscle, self-control improves with regular exercise and practice.

The key is increasing awareness of these impulses, then building your capacity to pause before reacting. With practice, you can better control task-switching and procrastination urges.

Here are the key points I extracted from your summary:

  • Make a list of tasks you have been putting off doing. Identify which ones you don’t want to do or can’t do.

  • Ask yourself why you don’t want to do a task. Is it because you lack the skills? Then you need to either learn how to do it or delegate it to someone else.

  • Tasks you can’t do should be delegated. Determine if you can pay someone to do it or need to ask a friend/colleague for help.

  • Asking for help can be hard. Make a list of things you need help with. Pick one fear related to asking for help and focus on how you will ask for that one thing. Commit to asking at least one person per week for help.

  • Reaching out for help is better than trying to figure everything out yourself. Build your support network.

  • Delegating tasks you don’t want to do or can’t do will help you take action and cross things off your to-do list. Don’t let lack of skills or desire to do something cause you to put it off indefinitely.

Here is a summary of the key points and an implementation plan:


  • Small, consistent actions lead to big results over time. Avoid trying to do too much too fast.

  • Break intimidating goals down into tiny, manageable steps. Just focus on the very next step.

  • Document your small wins in a journal to see your progress accumulate.

  • Progress, not perfection, is the goal. Start where you are with what you have.

Implementation Plan

  1. Identify your big goal for the year.

  2. Break it down into smaller milestones and steps. What is the very first tiny step you can take today?

  3. Schedule time on your calendar to take that one small step. Just focus on that.

  4. Track your progress and small wins. At the end of each day or week, make note of what you accomplished.

  5. Build momentum by repeating steps 2-4. Identify the next small step and schedule time to take it.

  6. Reflect on your progress so far. Celebrate each small win.

  7. Keep your eyes on the big goal but take it one tiny step at a time. Progress will build up over time.

  • Schedule a weekly one-hour planning session, ideally on Friday evening or Sunday afternoon, to review the past week and plan for the upcoming week.

  • A weekly schedule is critical for three reasons:

  1. It makes you aware of potential distractions, so you can recognize time-thieves.

  2. It eliminates overwhelm that happens when you get derailed trying to juggle too many tasks.

  3. It allows you to intentionally schedule fun activities and rewards.

  • Identify your three non-negotiable priorities - time with family, exercise, and reflection/recharge time. Block these into your schedule first.

  • Use your planning session to schedule your most important and difficult tasks for each day. Schedule them during your peak productivity times.

  • Scheduling ahead helps you focus on priorities, avoid distractions, and make time for what matters most. Failing to plan is planning to fail. A weekly schedule keeps you focused and intentional.

  • Procrastination is often caused by fear and anxiety about a task. It is a form of avoidance.

  • Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the main obstacle. Having a clear plan and priorities is key.

  • “Monkey mind” and “shiny object syndrome” make it hard to focus. Your mind constantly seeks new distractions.

  • To overcome distractions:

    • Become aware of when your mind wanders
    • Stop, take a step back, breathe
    • Refocus on the priority task
  • Task switching is draining. Stay focused on one task for a concentrated period.

  • Shiny object syndrome leads to:

    • Inability to finish projects
    • Poor planning and execution
    • Wasting money on too many tools
  • Retrain your brain to focus, finish tasks, and avoid distractions. This takes practice but gets easier over time.

  • Procrastination can be overcome by using “commitment devices” - actions or choices made now to ensure future behavior. They reduce the likelihood of procrastination by “locking in” future habits.

  • Commitment devices eliminate the path of least resistance and remove the need for decision-making when temptation arises. For example, deleting social media apps, automating savings, selling gaming systems.

  • Start with small, easy commitment devices to build momentum. Reduce overwhelming tasks to tiny actions - read 5 minutes, jog 100 meters. The resistance is usually just in starting.

  • Make concrete commitments now to your future self. Burn the ships like Hernán Cortés to force action. But start small - just commit to an tiny action today to build consistency.

  • Procrastination often stems from trouble starting tasks, not doing them. Small commitments reduce decision fatigue and build habits. Stay consistent with small actions to gain momentum.

The key is making commitments now, even tiny ones, to lock in positive future habits and remove temptation to procrastinate. Start very small and build consistency.

Here are some tips for rewarding yourself for overcoming procrastination:

  • Celebrate small wins. Every time you complete a task you’ve been putting off, take a moment to congratulate yourself. Acknowledge that you did something difficult.

  • Treat yourself. After accomplishing something challenging, do something fun as a reward. Get your favorite snack, watch an episode of a show you enjoy, or take yourself out to a nice meal.

  • Take a break. Allow yourself time to recharge after knocking out a difficult task. Take a walk, meditate, or just do nothing for a bit.

  • Mark your progress. Keep a journal or calendar to track tasks you complete. Visually seeing your progress can be very motivating.

  • Tell others. Share your accomplishments with supportive friends and family. Their encouragement and praise can boost your confidence.

  • Upgrade your space. Use the time and money saved from procrastinating less to invest in your environment. Get flowers, decorate, buy comfortable furniture.

  • Do a fun activity. Plan something recreational like a hike, concert, or trip to look forward to after completing a big project. Having something to anticipate makes pushing through easier.

The key is to appreciate your efforts and be kind to yourself. Rewarding yourself well for progress empowers you to keep taking steps forward.

Here are some key ideas for Part III on breaking negative behavior patterns related to procrastination:

  • Identify the causes and triggers of procrastination. Understanding why you procrastinate is the first step to changing the behavior.

  • Reframe your mindset. Adopting a growth mindset can help you view challenges as opportunities to learn rather than things to avoid.

  • Practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself in the process rather than self-critical. Perfectionism often fuels procrastination.

  • Just get started. The Zeigarnik effect shows that starting a task creates momentum to finish it. Take baby steps.

  • Use the Pomodoro technique. Work in short bursts with breaks to maintain focus and energy.

  • Reward small wins. Celebrate minor progress to stay motivated on bigger goals.

  • Remove distractions and temptation. Design your environment and schedule to minimize disruptions.

  • Track your time. Increase awareness of how you currently spend time to make better choices.

  • Make a public commitment. Accountability to others can drive follow-through.

  • Focus on process, not product. Stay present rather than getting overwhelmed by the end result.

  • Maintain optimism. Believe in your ability to change habits with consistent effort over time. Progress happens slowly.

The key is to experiment to find which strategies work best for your personality and situation. Be patient and persistent in building new behavior patterns.

  • Procrastination is a negative addiction and form of conditioning. It promises escape from uncomfortable tasks but actually builds a prison.

  • To break this conditioning, make a commitment to take action in the present moment when you hit a wall. Sit in silence to reduce distractions. Identify and write down repetitive negative thoughts, then reject those limiting beliefs.

  • Overwhelm results from poor planning and procrastination. To overcome it, focus on one task at a time rather than multitasking. Break big projects into smaller steps. Prioritize important tasks and focus on progress rather than perfection.

  • Anxiety comes from delaying critical tasks. To reduce anxiety, make decisions despite uncertainty and take action. Reframe anxiety as excitement to rewire your brain.

  • Limiting self-talk like “I’m lazy” worsens procrastination. Replace it with empowering talk like “I’m a super warrior who completes hard work.” See failure as feedback to learn from rather than a reason to quit.

  • With consistent small steps, you can curb procrastination, overcome anxiety and negative conditioning, and build momentum towards your goals.

Here are 5 steps to overcome overwhelm and break limiting self-talk:

  1. Focus on one priority at a time instead of multitasking. Choose your most important task and give it your full attention.

  2. Live in the present moment. Don’t get caught up in future worries. Focus on what you can do right now.

  3. Practice deep breathing and meditation techniques like box breathing. This triggers relaxation and reduces stress.

  4. Replace negative self-talk like “I’ll never get this done” with empowering thoughts like “I can do this one step at a time.”

  5. Write down tasks that feel overwhelming. Just acknowledging them provides relief. Then you can tackle them intentionally later.

The key is to not identify as a procrastinator. You make choices moment to moment. Replace limiting language with confident self-talk. You have the power to replace negative habits with positive action. Start living as the person you aspire to be.

Here are some tips for doing hard things for your health:

  • Make a plan. Decide on specific diet or exercise changes you want to make, write them down, and make a realistic plan for implementing them. Start small - don’t try to overhaul everything at once.

  • Get support. Enlist friends, family or a trainer/coach to help motivate and keep you accountable. Having social support can make healthy changes much easier.

  • Address roadblocks ahead of time. Anticipate obstacles like cost, time, frustration, etc. and have a plan to deal with them when they arise.

  • Schedule it. Put exercise and meal prep times in your calendar to make them a priority. Schedule appointments related to health goals.

  • Start with habits. Focus first on creating healthy habits like eating more veggies, taking a daily walk, meditating etc. Habits are more sustainable than extreme changes.

  • Be patient. Know that change takes time. Stick with new behaviors for at least a month to make them habits. Don’t get discouraged by small setbacks.

  • Track progress. Use a fitness tracker, food journal, or app to stay motivated by recording progress. Celebrate and reward milestones.

  • Put self-care first. Don’t sacrifice sleep, enjoyment, and mental health - those affect your physical health too. Make your health a top priority.

  • Review regularly. Check in on your goals each week/month. Evaluate what’s working, adjust what’s not, and update your plan as needed. Small tweaks can get you back on track.

The key is taking it step-by-step and having a supportive system to stay motivated. With consistency, healthy choices will become habit! Let me know if you need any other specific tips.

Here are some suggestions for doing the hard things in your digital space:

  • Clean out your inbox - Go through all emails and unsubscribe from ones you don’t read, organize into folders, and delete what you don’t need.

  • Organize your computer files - Create a folder structure that makes sense and move everything into the proper folders. Delete unused files.

  • Back up your data - Make sure you have backups of all your important files in case your computer crashes. Store backups in the cloud or on an external hard drive.

  • Delete unused apps - Go through all the apps on your phone and computer and delete any you no longer use. This frees up space and reduces clutter.

  • Unsubscribe from unused services - Go through subscriptions and memberships and cancel any you don’t use regularly. This saves money too.

  • Review social media connections - Unfollow or mute accounts on social media that no longer serve you. Curate your feed.

  • Delete old emails - If you have years of old emails stored, do some pruning. Keep only what you truly need.

  • Organize photos - Store photos in the cloud and delete off your devices to free up space. Organize into albums.

  • Password manager - Use a password manager to organize all logins and strengthen security.

  • Delete browser history - Clear out old browser history and cookies to free up space.

The key is tackling digital clutter little by little. Take it one step at a time to maintain the motivation. A clean digital life reduces stress and boosts productivity.

Here are some suggestions for having difficult conversations in personal relationships:

  • Set a time and place to have the conversation where you can talk privately and without distractions. This shows the other person that the conversation is important.

  • Come from a place of care and concern. Make it clear you want to understand their perspective and work together. Use “I” statements like “I feel concerned when…” rather than accusations.

  • Listen fully without interrupting. Seek to understand rather than just respond. Ask clarifying questions if needed.

  • Own your part in the issue. Take responsibility for your contribution to the situation rather than blaming.

  • Find common ground and solutions you both can agree on. The goal is mutual understanding and compromise, not winning an argument.

  • Speak your truth calmly and respectfully. Don’t attack the other person’s character. Focus on behaviors and actions.

  • If emotions run high, take a break and revisit the conversation later when you’re both calmer.

  • Remember you’re both on the same team. The goal is to resolve the conflict together, not compete against each other.

  • Be prepared to agree to disagree on some things. Accept you may have different perspectives and values.

  • End the conversation on a positive note, acknowledging appreciation and love for each other despite differences. Agree to continue the dialogue.

The key is open and compassionate communication. Avoiding difficult conversations usually just makes problems worse. With care and courage, you can work through relationship challenges.

Here are the key points from the passage:

  • Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. It leads to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and self-doubt.

  • The costs of procrastination are wasted time, missed opportunities, lack of progress towards goals, and increased stress.

  • Common causes of procrastination include fear of failure, perfectionism, poor time management, lack of motivation, and difficulty concentrating.

  • To overcome procrastination, it’s important to understand why you procrastinate and then take steps to change your thought patterns and behaviors.

  • Strategies to stop procrastinating include breaking large tasks into smaller steps, creating a routine, removing distractions, rewarding yourself for progress, visualizing the outcome, and just taking action.

  • Developing self-discipline, willpower, and habits of focused action are key to defeating procrastination over the long-term.Consistency and commitment to change are vital.

  • Taking control of finances, health, relationships, and time management are areas where procrastination often sabotages success. Tackling the hard things first leads to positive momentum.

  • The journey to overcoming procrastination requires ongoing effort, but the personal growth and fulfillment it brings makes it worthwhile. With persistence, new productive habits can form.

Here is a summary of the key points in the book:

  • The book explains why people often put off hard, important tasks and do easier things first. It examines the psychology behind procrastination.

  • It outlines fears and excuses that hold people back from doing hard things, like fear of failure, fear of discomfort, and wanting to avoid criticism.

  • Practical steps are provided to overcome procrastination and “do the hard things first”, such as taking ownership, writing tasks down, scheduling time to start, telling others your plans, visualizing success, prioritizing, and more.

  • Tips are given for breaking negative habits, overcoming anxiety and self-doubt, and training your brain to build willpower.

  • The book covers applying the principles to major life areas - health, home, work, relationships, finances.

  • The core message is that tackling the hard things first, instead of avoiding them, will lead to greater success and fulfillment in life. By facing challenges head-on, you build confidence and momentum.

Does this help summarize the key points? Let me know if you need any part of the summary expanded on further.

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About Matheus Puppe