Self Help

Dollars and Sense - Dr. Dan Ariely

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Matheus Puppe

· 44 min read

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  • The dedication is dedicated to money, describing both the wonderful and terrible things it does for and to us respectively.

  • The book is split into three parts. Part I defines what money is. Part II discusses how we assess value in irrational ways that have little to do with actual value. Part III proposes ways to build on flawed thinking to make better financial decisions.

  • The introduction describes how money touches all aspects of life and how thinking about money does not necessarily lead to better decision making. It highlights common money mistakes people make.

  • The story introduces George Jones, who goes to a casino in Las Vegas to blow off steam due to work and money stresses. He loses money gambling at slot machines and blackjack, falling prey to cognitive biases that casinos exploit for profit. This sets the stage to discuss irrational beliefs around gambling and risk.

  • George loses $200 gambling at a casino after accepting free drinks and small perks. While this seems irrational given his concern for saving money elsewhere, casinos employ psychological tricks to influence spending behavior.

  • Some factors at play include mental accounting, where casino spending feels separate from daily expenses. Also, the “pain of paying” is reduced using chips instead of cash. Relativity makes small bets seem unimportant compared to large stacks of chips.

  • These behaviors are not unique to casinos but prevalent in daily life due to poor understanding of money. Money primarily represents value and allows for efficient exchange, but its fungible nature makes decision-making complex.

  • Every money choice requires considering opportunity costs - the alternatives forgone by that purchase, either now or in the future. While money provides opportunities, its versatility means we must consciously consider tradeoffs. George’s casino spending precluded other uses of that money.

In summary, the passage uses George’s casino experience to illustrate how psychological and cognitive factors influence monetary decisions in deleterious ways. It argues we misunderstand money’s true nature and don’t properly account for opportunity costs in our spending behaviors.

Here is a summary of the key points about opportunity cost and why we fail to take it sufficiently into account:

  • Opportunity cost refers to the forgone alternatives when choosing one option over another. It represents the value of the next best alternative that is given up.

  • When making financial decisions, we should consider the costs of our choices in terms of what we are giving up by spending money now rather than later. However, people tend to neglect opportunity costs.

  • Early in the week or pay period, the future opportunity costs of spending decisions are not as clear. But as money runs low later on, the costs become evident through the difficult trade-offs that must be made with limited remaining funds.

  • Our inability to consider opportunity costs stems from money’s abstract and flexible nature. It is difficult to concretely envision the specific alternatives forgone by a financial choice.

  • Neglecting opportunity costs means decisions are unlikely to be in one’s best interests. Mental shortcuts are used instead of fully rational consideration of costs and benefits.

  • This tendency leads to flawed thinking and mistakes in personal finance. It is the primary reason people fail to manage their money optimally over the long run. Framing choices in terms of clear opportunity costs could help improve decision making.

  • People often assess value incorrectly based on relativity rather than true value. We compare things to other options rather than assessing intrinsic value.

  • The story is told of Aunt Susan, a loyal JCPenney customer who loved finding deals. JCPenney had a practice of inflating prices and then marking items down to appear like discounts, even though prices were comparable to competitors after discounts.

  • When a new CEO tried to implement “fair and square” pricing at actual market rates without tricks, Aunt Susan and others protested, wanting the illusion of deals. JCPenney lost money and the CEO was fired.

  • Ultimately JCPenney returned to inflated prices and promotions to manipulate customers through a feeling of relative discounts, even if true prices were the same or higher.

  • People voted with their wallets for manipulation over honesty. We assess value based on relative comparison rather than intrinsic worth due to the difficulties of determining true cost or value. Marketers exploit this by using tricks to manipulate perceived relative value.

So in summary, the story highlights how people tend to assess value incorrectly based on relative comparisons rather than true worth, and marketers seek to exploit this through pricing strategies that manipulate perceived discounts and deals.

  • Relativity refers to comparing things to other alternatives rather than their absolute or intrinsic value. We tend to use relativity in everyday financial decisions without considering all opportunity costs.

  • JC Penney removed sale prices but this removed an important cue customers used to feel they were getting a good deal based on the relative savings compared to a fake “regular” price.

  • Optical illusions demonstrate how relativity can fool our perceptions by comparing objects to their surroundings rather than directly. This also applies to decisions about food, purchases, and prices.

  • At stores and restaurants, small additional expenditures seem cheap when considered relative to the overall bill, even if they aren’t a good value on their own. Tactics like fake sales prices prey on our use of relativity over absolute value.

  • While relativity helps in some contexts like choosing between menu options, it often obscures real value in consumer and financial decisions by focusing on relative rather than absolute metrics. This can lead people to spend more than they intend or get less value for their money.

  • Marketers understand that people tend to make decisions based on relative comparisons rather than assessing absolute value. When presented with a “sale” price, people focus on how it compares to the “regular” price rather than whether it represents good value overall.

  • Quantities and percentages can also trigger relative thinking. Bulk discounts or small percentage savings on large purchases may seem like good deals even if we don’t need that much of the product.

  • Relative thinking leads people to prioritize easy comparisons over considering all options fully. Decoy options that steer people towards a particular choice are an example of how marketers exploit this tendency.

  • Sales, discounts, and relative framing generally simplify decision-making in a way that prevents careful consideration of whether a purchase truly represents good value. Marketers understand that most people will take the path of least cognitive resistance when possible.

So in summary, the key point is that relative comparisons allow marketers to manipulate how people assess value in a way that encourages purchases without real consideration of whether something is worth the cost from an absolute perspective. Recognizing how relative thinking can be exploited is important for making truly informed choices.

  • Jane likes putting on events for her job as a college event coordinator, but dislikes all the paperwork, regulations and budget approvals she has to deal with.

  • At home, however, Jane takes a very strict and detailed approach to budgeting and finances. She allocates specific amounts each month to categories like entertainment, groceries, home repair, taxes, medical expenses, etc. and puts the cash in labeled envelopes.

  • She dislikes when expenses go over budget, like when she has to buy gifts for 7 friends/family birthdays in October and burns through her gift envelope.

  • This shows an example of mental accounting - treating different monetary categories psychologically separate even when they are not financially separate.

  • Mental accounting can be useful but often leads to poor decision making, especially when we are not aware we are doing it. Jane’s extreme approach to compartmentalizing finances at home contrasts with how she feels about the rules and regulations at her job.

Even though theoretically all money has the same value and is interchangeable (the principle of fungibility), in practice people often mentally categorize or “account” for their money differently depending on how they envision spending it. This is known as mental accounting.

While mental accounting helps simplify budgeting and spending decisions, it also violates fungibility by treating different dollars unequally. People will feel more reluctant to spend money categorized as going to one area over another, even if it is all the same money ultimately.

Mental accounting is an example of how human financial behavior, like that of companies and organizations, tends to compartmentalize money into discrete accounts or categories rather than treating funds interchangeably. While this strategy helps with cognition limitations, it can also lead people to make suboptimal financial decisions by distorting how they view the value and availability of their own money.

Overall, mental accounting is problematic from a rational perspective but can provide cognitive benefits to budgeting. The challenge is finding ways to use it wisely rather than in ways that negatively influence spending behavior. It is an example of the tension between rational and human factors in financial decision making.

  • Mental accounting allows us to simplify and compartmentalize our spending decisions by putting money into mental categories or “accounts” with different rules. This helps manage the complexity and limits of human cognition.

  • While not truly rational, mental accounting can be useful for ordinary people to simplify financial decision-making. It provides shortcuts to avoid having to consider all opportunity costs for every purchase.

  • However, mental accounting is still flawed and can lead to mistakes if we are not aware of it. Emotional factors also influence how we categorize and spend money. Money from different sources may feel different and be spent differently as a result.

  • People sometimes try to “launder” money with negative emotional associations by first spending it in virtuous ways to cleanse the feelings before spending it freely. This is called “emotional accounting”.

  • While useful, mental accounting can also enable self-deception and irrational behaviors if we are not careful. We may engage in similar “accounting tricks” to justify spending in ways that harm our long-term financial goals and well-being. Overall moderation and awareness of these biases is important when using mental accounting approaches.

  • We are our own auditors when it comes to managing our personal finances and budgets. Just like companies that audit themselves have conflicts of interest, we also have conflicts when auditing our own spending.

  • It is easy for our mental accounting rules to be flexible and manipulated to justify overspending. We may change category definitions, integrate purchases, or misclassify expenses to make indulgent spending seem acceptable.

  • For example, the passage describes someone justifying an expensive restaurant meal by shifting it from the “food” category to the “entertainment” category. Or integrating small purchases with large ones to feel like it’s just one big expense.

  • We are biased towards immediate gratification and pleasure over long-term savings goals. Unexpected windfalls can lead to frivolous overspending well past the original amount.

  • While mental accounting can help with budgeting if used properly, the self-auditing nature means rules are not strictly enforced. We will find ways to creatively interpret or tweak the rules to indulge present wants. So we end up inadvertently “cheating” ourselves.

  • Jeff and his wife Anne went to a resort in Antigua for their honeymoon after planning a stressful wedding. They opted for an all-inclusive package to make things simple.

  • At the resort, they ate, drank, and indulged extensively, knowing the extra costs were covered. Seeing prices posted everywhere reminded them of the value they were getting.

  • It rained for three days during their trip. Normally this would be disappointing, but with their all-inclusive package they were able to spend the time drinking extensively in the bar without extra costs.

  • The ability to indulge freely without direct costs due to pre-paying made the experience enjoyable and stress-free. It allowed them to fully relax and escape from reality after the wedding.

  • Jeff and his wife went on a honeymoon to Antigua, where it rained for several days. They socialized with another British couple, the Smiths.

  • The Smiths seemed frugal with drinks and meals, arguing about expenses on the expensive “à la carte” plan. They missed their airport shuttle while sorting through a 19-page bill.

  • Stranded in Miami due to flight delays, Jeff and his wife made economical food and activity choices. They enjoyed relaxing at the beach and seeing a local band perform.

  • Back home, Jeff argued with the long-term parking facility over an overcharge. At dinner with friends, he pointed out they didn’t order expensive wine like others did, sparking a discussion about who should pay what.

  • In summary, the ending airport hassles, bill disputes and awkward dinner conversation left Jeff with an overall less positive recollection of the vacation, despite enjoying most of it, showing how endings impact memories and perceptions. Better endings could enhance the remembered experience.

  • Jerry Seinfeld draws an analogy between wearing plastic helmets to continue risky head-cracking activities and using financial services like credit cards to lessen the pain of spending and paying without addressing the underlying issue.

  • Using credit cards and automatic bill pay allows people to avoid experiencing the “pain of paying” for purchases at the time of consumption. This is similar to putting on “little financial helmets” to avoid feeling the consequences of risky spending decisions.

  • Avoiding the pain of paying impacts how people evaluate financial decisions. When payment is separated from consumption through tools like credit, people spend more freely without fully considering costs.

  • The “pain of paying” depends on two factors - the time between consumption and payment, and the attention required to make the payment. Reducing these two factors lessens the pain.

  • An experiment showed people spend more when payment is separated from consumption through prepayment or credit-like settings, compared to requiring payment at the time of purchase. Separating payment and consumption reduces the “pain of paying” and its impact on decision making and enjoyment.

  • In a study, participants spent more on average ($18) when paying at the beginning compared to paying at the end ($12). Paying as they went/per purchase led to the lowest spending ($4).

  • Paying before resulted in more spending and better experiences. Paying after or during resulted in less spending but worse/less pleasurable experiences as participants chose cheaper/free options to avoid payment.

  • The timing and salience of payment significantly impacts our choices and willingness to pay. Paying before feels nearly painless, while paying during consumption amplifies the pain of paying and diminishes the pleasure of the experience.

  • Examples of prepayment influencing spending and enjoyment include Amazon Prime memberships, gift cards, prepaying for vacations or events, andcasino chips.

  • Paying per consumption unit (like per bite of food) would likely result in very unenjoyable and economical consumption as people try to minimize payments. It could work for dieting but not for an enjoyable experience.

  • In summary, the pain of paying looms larger when payment coincides with use/consumption, influencing our choices and enjoyment, while prepayment reduces this pain and results in greater spending and better experiences overall. The timing of payment matters greatly.

  • In the late 90s, America Online (AOL) introduced unlimited internet access plans, eliminating hourly usage thresholds. They underestimated how this would affect user behavior.

  • AOL assumed most customers only used 7 hours under the old plan and wouldn’t use much more. They increased server capacity by a few percent.

  • In reality, total usage hours more than doubled overnight. AOL was unprepared and had to get server capacity from other providers.

  • The key factor AOL failed to consider was how the pain of payment affects behavior. Under old plans, users saw their remaining hours counting down, making them conscious of costs.

  • By removing usage thresholds, AOL also removed this pain of payment. Users felt freer to use the internet for longer without worrying about costs. AOL did not understand how much this would impact usage.

  • Paying after consumption, as with credit cards, lessens the pain of payment since future costs have lower perceived value. This makes people more willing to spend and consume more. AOL’s plan change had a similar effect.

  • Restricted payment methods like gift cards make spending easier by limiting our options and removing critical decision making. We are more likely to mindlessly spend the full amount within that category.

  • Casinos are experts at getting customers to part with money through techniques like chips, free alcohol, hidden clocks, and round-the-clock entertainment and food. This makes the costs less salient.

  • New digital payment methods like mobile wallets, auto-pay, toll payment systems, and “one-click” shopping make paying nearly frictionless and painless. This reduces our awareness of how much we are spending.

  • Salience, or awareness of payment, is important for learning and judgment. Without feeling the “pain of paying” through methods like cash, we are more vulnerable to impulse spending and bad financial decisions.

  • Things that are perceived as “free” are tempting even if not the best value or choice. We are less likely to consider costs and benefits when something is free due to lack of pain from payment. It’s also very hard to start charging for things that used to be free.

  • In summary, removing friction and salience from payments through techniques like restricted methods, painless digital options, and perceptions of “free” can encourage mindless spending and hinder good financial decision making. Greater awareness of costs is important for responsibility.

  • The passage discusses the psychological phenomenon of anchoring, where people’s judgments are influenced by irrelevant initial numbers or values they are exposed to.

  • Researchers conducted an experiment with expert real estate agents in Tucson, showing them a house listing with different price anchors (between $119,900-$149,900) and asking for their estimate of the fair market value.

  • The agents’ estimates were influenced by the initial listing price they saw, with higher listing prices leading to higher estimated values, even though the listing price should have no bearing on the actual value.

  • Though the effect was smaller, non-experts’ estimates were influenced even more by the anchors.

  • Interestingly, most participants claimed the anchors did not affect their judgment at all, showing people are often not aware of anchoring influences on their decisions.

  • This demonstrates that people, even experts, tend to overtrust their own judgment and are susceptible to polluting initial anchors, due to a reliance on first impressions and lack of completely certain knowledge.

So in summary, the passage discusses how people’s judgments tend to be anchored or influenced by irrelevant initial numbers, even when they are unaware of it, due to an overreliance on their own decision-making abilities.

  • Anchoring bias influences our price decisions in many contexts like real estate, salaries, jury awards, etc. It occurs when an initial value, even if arbitrary, shapes our subsequent valuation.

  • Experiments show that irrelevant starting values like randomly generating 10 or 65 influenced people’s estimates of factual percentages like African UN member states.

  • For real estate agents and regular people, the listing price served as an anchor, skewing their estimates of fair market value even when they claimed to be unaffected.

  • We rely on past decisions as anchors through self-herding bias, assuming our previous valuations must have been correct without reevaluating. This perpetuates initial biases over time.

  • Confirmation bias reinforces our prior assumptions and expectations as we interpret new information and make follow-up decisions in ways that validate our history.

  • Anchoring affects diverse contexts like salary negotiations, stock prices, consumer product discounts, and even influences like manufacturer suggested prices when car shopping. Initial reference values have lasting impacts on our future valuations.

  • Anchoring effects occur when initial values, like prices, set expectations that influence subsequent judgments and decisions. Even arbitrary or irrelevant numbers can anchor perceptions of value.

  • Examples given include very expensive designer shoes and menu items that anchor perceptions of cheaper options as bargains. High CEO salaries also get anchored to past extreme pay levels.

  • Placement of products like black pearls next to diamonds anchors their perceived value upwards. Warhol’s famously overpriced home listing set a high anchor value that influenced its final sale price.

  • When there is no established market price, as with novel goods, anchoring effects are stronger and valuations vary widely between individuals without a reference point.

  • People are less influenced by anchors when they have more expertise or knowledge about true value, compared to laypeople.

  • Both external anchors from initial prices and internal anchors from past personal experiences influence perceptions and judgments in an anchoring effect. This can affect pricing of goods even when the anchors are arbitrary.

  • Tom and Rachel Bradley are a fictional couple looking to downsize their home as their twins are off to college. They have three kids and two cars.

  • They initially list their home themselves for $1.3 million but get no offers, as potential buyers point out minor imperfections.

  • They enlist a real estate agent, Heather Buttonedup, who suggests listing it at $1.1 million.

  • Tom and Rachel disagree and want to list it higher (at least $1.3 million) based on what a similar house down the street sold for 3 years ago during a real estate boom.

  • However, Heather points out it was during a boom and it’s now 3 years later. Potential buyers may not value the home as highly due to updates/repairs needed.

  • The story illustrates the concept that homeowners can overvalue their property due to their personal attachment/memories in the home, not seeing it objectively like buyers would. They are anchoring the value too high based on past sales during a strong market.

In summary, the fictional couple wants to list their home too high based on emotional attachment rather than objectively assessing the current market value based on needed repairs/updates as the real estate agent advises. This demonstrates the cognitive bias of overvaluing what one owns due to ownership bias.

  • The Bradleys put a lot of time, money and effort into renovating their house, including an open floor plan and a bike rack above the kitchen table.

  • However, their real estate agent Heather tells them potential buyers may not appreciate these changes and the house is worth less than they think at $1.1 million.

  • They list it for $1.15 million but eventually sell for $1.085 million, making money but less than hoped.

  • Now looking to buy, they find other houses’ strange redesigns don’t make sense and sellers are overpricing.

  • This reflects the “endowment effect” - people overvalue things just because they own them. Ownership causes us to focus on positives and forget negatives.

  • The more effort put into something, the more attached people feel, as seen with the Bradleys and Ikea furniture. Effort gives a sense of ownership and pride that boosts perceived value.

  • Ownership alone can increase perceived value, even without effort, as shown in experiments with lottery tickets and free mugs. Simply having an item makes people value it more.

  • Researchers have found that briefly holding or interacting with an object can make people feel a sense of ownership over it, even if they don’t actually own it. This is known as the endowment effect. Simply touching a mug for 30 seconds can make people value it more and willing to pay more for it.

  • Companies use trial offers to take advantage of this effect. Offering introductory low rates gets people used to using a product or service, so when prices increase they feel more ownership and are less likely to cancel. This helps retain customers even when they’re paying more.

  • People can feel a sense of virtual ownership without actually owning something. Bidding on an item on eBay makes people feel like they already own it. Lengthy property negotiations can increase how much people are willing to pay as they imagine owning it.

  • Advertising aims to create feelings of virtual ownership by making people imagine using or owning the product. This increases how much value people attach to that product.

  • Loss aversion also plays a role, as people are more impacted by potential losses than potential gains of the same amount. This exacerbates the endowment effect - people don’t want to give up what they own because they overvalue it due to not wanting to experience the loss. This can influence many financial decisions.

  • In the first experiment, participants were given a $60,000 annual salary and employer matches retirement contributions up to 10% of salary. Few participants maximized contributions due to other expenses.

  • In the variation, employer contributed $500 monthly to participant accounts. Participants had to match that amount to keep it. Those who didn’t fully fund accounts got reminders they lost employer’s money. This triggered loss aversion and participants maximized contributions.

  • Loss aversion can be used to reframe choices like retirement savings by highlighting what will be lost by not contributing more.

  • Loss aversion also impacts investing by focusing on potential short-term losses rather than long-term gains. This causes risk aversion in stocks.

  • Some ways to overcome loss aversion in investing are only looking at investment returns annually rather than daily, and aggregating costs/segregating benefits to view investments as one package rather than individual ups and downs.

  • Sunk costs bias causes people to continue investing in failing projects just to not lose initial investments, rather than objectively assessing future prospects. This wastes money by throwing good money after bad.

  • James attends a long and tedious presentation by consultants his company hired. They go through extensive details of their work over many slides.

  • At the end, the consultants imply the widget company should focus more on serving customers than profits, to which everyone applauds enthusiastically.

  • The CEO pays the consultants $725k for the project, which James thinks is too much for an inapplicable presentation.

  • James later gets caught in the rain without an umbrella on his walk home from getting his car serviced.

  • The owner of a convenience store he stops at to shelter has increased the price of umbrellas from $5 to $10 due to the rain, which James thinks is unfair price gouging.

The key points are how James questions the value and fairness of paying large consulting fees without clear benefits, as well as price increases during times of need. It shows concerns about ensuring effort and costs are reasonably justified.

  • James gets locked out of his house when his car breaks down and he has to wait for a locksmith. The locksmith unlocks the door quickly but charges $200, which James feels is unfair given how little time it took.

  • Renee enjoys using Uber but gets frustrated when a snowstorm causes prices to surge. She decides to stop using Uber in protest of the higher “unfair” prices.

  • The story uses these examples to illustrate how people’s perceptions of fairness can impact economic decisions, even when it goes against rational self-interest. People will reject exchanges they see as unfair, even if the value is good.

  • An experiment called the ultimatum game shows people rejecting free money if an offer is seen as unfair, revealing how strongly our brains react to unfairness.

  • The story argues we have an innate “harrumph” reaction that causes us to dismiss higher prices as gouging even if supply and demand factors are at play, like with surge pricing during bad weather. Our sense of fairness can override rational economic considerations.

  • In 2011, Netflix announced it would split its DVD rental and streaming services into separate plans costing $7.99 each, instead of the combined $9.99 plan. While most subscribers would pay less, people felt this was unfair and Netflix lost customers.

  • A survey found 82% thought it was unfair for Uber to surge prices up to 8x normal rates during a snowstorm, even though standard economic theory says this helps balance supply and demand. Customers abandoned Uber despite it still having value for them.

  • Fairness is deeply rooted in how we assess effort. We judge prices as unfair if we feel the effort required didn’t increase proportionally. But this discounts the true value received, which may rise in difficult circumstances like bad weather.

  • Expertise, skills and experience are hard to value fairly since they require little visible effort. We are often willing to pay more for incompetence that displays conspicuous effort over efficient competence.

  • The stories illustrate how our focus on fairness and effort can lead us to irrational decisions that do not maximize our true value and interests.

  • The pay-what-you-want model was tried at a half-empty movie theater, where patrons could pay whatever they wanted after the movie. However, customers likely felt they didn’t deserve to pay much since the theater incurred no extra costs by having them in otherwise empty seats.

  • Similarly, people don’t feel bad pirating media since the production costs occurred in the past, and downloading doesn’t create new costs. Efforts to highlight harm to creators try to personalize the losses.

  • The distinction between fixed costs (like theater seats) and marginal costs (like fresh food) is important. We don’t feel obligated to reciprocate for fixed costs as much as we do for visible marginal costs.

  • Transparency about effort is important for perceived fairness and willingness to pay. When effort is visible, like a thorough consulting presentation, people will pay more even if actual value is unclear. But opaque processes like legal billing are less respected.

  • Transparency strategies by companies include progress bars, order trackers, and explaining rationale for price increases. This helps customers understand value. However, transparency can also be manipulated.

  • Perception of effort and fairness also applies to housework, where each partner sees their own effort more clearly than their spouse’s, leading to an asymmetry and feeling of unfair division of labor.

  • The passage contrasts Cheryl’s experiences with food and drink at her office versus at a fancy restaurant on the weekend with friends.

  • At the office, she barely notices the sushi and wine that are delivered, finding them just okay. She pays $40 without much thought.

  • At the restaurant, the same foods (a roll and wine) are described elaborately using flowery language focusing on local sourcing, artisanal methods, rare vintages, etc.

  • Cheryl and her friends appreciate these foods much more due to the language used, enjoying the experience more and willingly paying a higher $150 total bill.

  • This shows how language can shape our experience of foods by drawing attention to certain qualities and influencing how much we enjoy and value them, even if the foods themselves did not change. Fancy descriptions make people more engaged and willing to pay higher prices.

The key point is that language has the power to change our perception and valuation of experiences, like food, by influencing what we focus on and how much we enjoy them.

  • Language has the power to influence how we value and experience goods and services through the use of descriptive terms and storytelling.

  • Descriptions can focus our attention on positive or negative attributes of a product, shaping our perception and willingness to pay. For example, describing a burger as “80% fat-free beef” versus “20% fat beef” even though they may be the same.

  • Industries like wine, coffee, and chocolate have developed specialized vocabularies to describe attributes and enhance the consumption experience through imagination and slower appreciation.

  • Consumption vocabulary provides context, depth and nuance that changes how we think about and engage with a product or experience. It concentrates our senses and mind in anticipation.

  • Descriptions that break down experiences into components, like ingredients in a McDonald’s jingle, can multiply the number of tastes we imagine in a single bite.

  • Copywriters strategically use language to highlight positive aspects and downplay negatives like cost or risks to influence our perception and consumption.

So in summary, language has the power to change how we value goods by shaping our perceptions, focusing attention, and enhancing the full consumption experience through context, imagery and anticipation.

  • The slogan “Melts in your mouth, not in your hands” for M&Ms uses descriptive language to make the consumption experience of the candy more appealing and increase its perceived value.

  • Descriptions of production processes and efforts, like “artisanal” or “handcrafted”, signal that more labor and resources went into a product. This suggests higher value to justify a higher price.

  • Terms related to fairness, like “fair trade” or “organic”, also increase perceived value by conveying extra effort.

  • Word choices that frame services or industries positively, such as “sharing economy”, influence how people value those services by appealing to positive values like sharing.

  • Complex or obscure language used in some professions conveys a sense of expertise, making people value the services more due to perception of skill and effort required.

  • Descriptions can dramatically change whether an experience is seen as work requiring pay or pleasure worth paying for, as in Tom Sawyer getting paid to whitewash a fence through persuasive language.

So in summary, descriptive language can significantly impact perceived value and consumption decisions through various psychological and economic factors related to effort, fairness, expertise and framing. Word choice shapes how people experience and value both products and services.

  • The passage introduces Vinny del Rey Ray, a real estate dealmaker who strongly values brands and reputations. He believes more expensive, well-known brands are inherently superior.

  • Vinny drives a new Tesla Model S because it has an excellent reputation for performance, luxury and emissions-free driving. He enjoys the looks and status it provides.

  • Vinny has a headache before an important meeting. When a convenience store clerk suggests cheaper generic acetaminophen, Vinny refuses, insisting name brand Tylenol is necessary.

  • Rituals and consumption language can enhance experiences by creating positive expectations. Vinny’s expectations of brands’ quality lead him to overvalue them and dismiss cheaper alternatives, even for minor purchases like pain relievers.

  • The passage suggests Vinny’s strong brand preferences and faith in positive reputations may influence his judgments in business deals as well, causing him to potentially overvalue or overpay due to exaggerated expectations.

In summary, the passage examines how strongly holding positive expectations of reputable, expensive brands and experiences can lead one like Vinny to dismiss or undervalue cheaper alternatives, due to an overreliance on branding, image and reputation over objective quality or value.

Vinny participates in a negotiation with Gloria. He goes into it expecting Gloria to be an easier negotiation than Von Strong, a man he had expected to be tougher. This lowered expectation causes Vinny to counter with a higher offer than he had planned to with Von Strong.

Though Vinny gets the deal, the terms are less favorable than he hoped for from Von Strong. However, Vinny feels good about the outcome because his expectations of an easier negotiation with Gloria were confirmed.

This story shows how our expectations can distort our judgments of value and outcomes. Vinny paid more than he needed to because he underestimated Gloria based on her gender. Expectations not only shape our perceptions but can actually influence real experiences and performance.

  • Teacher expectations can influence student performance through a self-fulfilling prophecy effect. When teachers expect some students to do better or worse, their behavior shapes those expectations in the students which then affects their actual performance.

  • Branding creates expectations of value and quality which can become self-fulfilling. Studies show people perceive and enjoy branded products more, even when the products are identical except for branding. Reputation also shapes expectations in a similar way.

  • Past experiences create expectations for the future. If a past experience was good, people expect future similar experiences to also be good. But expectations from the past can lead to disappointment if the current experience does not match expectations.

  • Presentation and context/setting shape perceptions and expectations. Things like fancy serving dishes or presentation in a nice restaurant versus casually can alter how much value and enjoyment people perceive from the same products.

  • Paying for something before consuming it reduces the pain of payment by spreading it out over time. It also fosters anticipation and excitement which enhances the experience beyond just the product itself when it is finally consumed. Timing of payment impacts expectations.

  • The passage discusses how expectations impact how we value experiences and products. Expecting something to be enjoyable makes us enjoy it more.

  • Anticipation and imagination about future experiences increase how much we look forward to and value them (“drool factor”). Social science studies found people enjoyed activities like video games and consuming snacks more when they had to wait compared to instant access.

  • Paying for things in advance, like a honeymoon, allows us to spend time imagining and anticipating the experience. This increases positive expectations and enjoyment. Warning people something may be unpleasant lowers expectations and enjoyment.

  • Memory is less creative than imagination about the future. When reflecting on past experiences, we rely on objective facts rather than possibilities. This can color our perceptions more negatively.

  • Rituals and descriptive language used to market products raise expectations, making us believe experiences will be better than they are (“three minute monologue” on a fancy restaurant’s food).

  • High expectations, regardless of origin, increase how much we’re willing to pay and how much we believe we’ll value a product or experience. Expectations often impact experiences more than objective quality.

  • We struggle with self-control because we value immediate rewards much more than future rewards. Something good now seems more valuable than something better in the future.

  • This was demonstrated in Walter Mischel’s marshmallow test with children. Most couldn’t wait to get a second marshmallow later if they didn’t eat the first one immediately.

  • However, when asked to choose between rewards in the distant future rather than now, people are more likely to choose delayed gratification. The future lacks emotional pull of the present moment.

  • It’s hard to connect emotionally with an unknown future self. We see the future self as different than our present self. Immediate rewards are vivid and tempting while future rewards seem abstract.

  • This helps explain challenges with retirement saving. Sacrificing now for an uncertain future is difficult when present temptations seem more real.

  • Willpower alone is rarely enough to overcome constant temptation in the present moment. Temptation distorts our ability to make rational choices about costs and benefits.

  • Immediate thrills like texting while driving seem worthwhile in the moment despite knowing the real risks, showing how emotions can override logical decision making.

The passage discusses the concept of temptation and self-control in the context of consumption and personal finance. It uses the example of Rob, who immerses himself in tempting possessions like entertainment equipment and bike gear, finding it difficult to save money each month due to a lack of self-control.

Self-control requires effort to resist temptation and ignore emotional instincts. Saving well requires not just self-control but also a savings strategy and the ability to acknowledge and overcome tempting emotions. Various factors like arousal, distraction, alcohol and fatigue further diminish self-control.

Mechanisms that diminish the “pain of paying”, like credit cards, make it easier to give in to temptation. We also overtrust our future and past selves to resist temptation. A lack of self-control can lead us to act irrationally even if we value things correctly.

The passage notes examples like Muhammad Ali and damaged health from boxing despite immediate rewards, as well as how many professional athletes and lottery winners lose their wealth quickly due to poor financial self-control after a large financial windfall. A sudden influx of money can paradoxically make financial management more challenging.

  • This passage discusses how people overemphasize the importance of money and price when evaluating products and services due to lack of other information.

  • Experiments and research show that higher prices are often associated with higher perceived quality and value, even if the products are identical. People experience more pain relief, better performance on tasks from highly priced placebos compared to low priced ones.

  • In uncertain situations where people don’t have clear information to judge quality/value, they rely on price as a proxy or heuristic. Higher prices signal higher quality when other factors are unknown.

  • However, price alone does not accurately reflect true quality or value. Other contextual factors like reputation, origin, production methods would provide better assessments, but people often lack this additional information.

So in summary, the key points are that people over-rely on price when making judgments due to lack of other metrics, and price alone does not necessarily correlate with true quality or value, but impacts perceived quality.

  • Money is easy to measure and compare, so we often overemphasize it in decision-making at the expense of harder-to-quantify factors like happiness, quality of life, etc.

  • Our love of precision leads us to focus on measurable attributes even if they aren’t the most important. Things like price, miles, or measures become the default focus due to their quantifiability.

  • Experiments show that when attributes can be directly compared, their perceived importance increases, even if they don’t reflect true value. A torn dictionary cover mattered more until word count was introduced for comparison.

  • Maximizing measurable proxies like miles or money can crowd out more meaningful life goals. While useful, money should not be the sole measure of worth or value, especially in areas beyond material goods.

  • In summary, the ease of measuring money pulls our focus toward it, leading us to potentially misalign our priorities and decisions away from less tangible but more important factors like relationships and well-being.

Here are the key points about Candy Crush and Instagram models:

  • Candy Crush is a popular mobile game developed by King that involves matching candies. It became a global phenomenon in the early 2010s.

  • Candy Crush uses psychological techniques like variable reward schedules to keep people playing and spending money on extra moves/lives. This can make the game addictive for some players.

  • Instagram models refer to people, mainly women, who have developed significant online followings by posting photos on Instagram. Many focus on lifestyle, travel, fashion and beauty.

  • Some Instagram models make money through partnerships with brands who pay them to promote products. Others earn money from paid subscription sites with exclusive photos.

  • There is debate about whether Instagram promotes unrealistic body standards and the constant need for validation/likes. Some argue it can negatively impact mental health and body image for regular users.

  • Both Candy Crush and influencer culture on Instagram rely on psychological triggers and social/validation feedback loops to encourage ongoing user engagement and spending. While entertainment for many, others argue they exploit human psychology for profit.

So in summary, both Candy Crush and Instagram modeling businesses leverage psychological techniques to keep users engaged and occasionally spending money, for better or worse depending on one’s perspective.

  • Language, rituals, and expectations can influence how we experience things like wine, but we should be in control of when and how we allow those factors to impact our valuations.

  • Being aware of irrational influences is better than having them forced on us. With awareness, we can choose to engage more deeply for added value or not.

  • A world without emotional elements like language and rituals may not be as enjoyable. We just want the option to include or exclude those factors as we choose.

  • Understanding how we make mistakes with money, like biases around relativity, compartmentalization, and pain avoidance, is the first step toward making better decisions.

  • Small changes to our environments and habits can help overcome mistakes, like focusing on absolute costs rather than percentages, questioning default assumptions, and considering only future impacts rather than sunk costs from the past.

  • The goal is not perfection but individual and collective improvement in decision-making over time through greater self-awareness of irrational influences.

  • The passage discusses ways to improve self-control when it comes to making financial decisions. Lack of self-control can undermine rational decision making.

  • One key issue is that people discount the future because they don’t feel emotionally connected to their future selves. This makes it hard to delay gratification now for the future.

  • Techniques are suggested to strengthen this connection, like imagining conversations with an older version of yourself or writing a letter to your future self. Making the future more vivid, specific and relatable helps people care more about their future needs and interests.

  • Changing retirement savings environments, like making HR departments look like retirement homes, can also remind people of aging and the importance of long-term planning.

  • Using specific future dates rather than vague timeframes makes the future feel more real and concrete. Technology like interacting with virtual older versions of yourself has also been shown to increase savings intentions.

  • The overall message is that strengthening identification with one’s future self is key to overcoming short-term temptations and lack of willpower that undermine rational financial decision making and savings.

The passage discusses using empathy and caring for our future selves as a way to encourage better financial decision-making. It imagines being able to interact visually with an older version of ourselves to drive home the impact of current choices.

It then talks about “Ulysses contracts” - precommitments we make to bind our future behavior, like Ulysses tying himself to the mast to resist the Sirens’ song. Common financial examples are limiting credit cards, using cash only, or automatic 401k contributions. These remove choice in moments of weakness or temptation.

Other tactics discussed include defaulting people into savings plans so inertia works in their favor, earmarking funds to prevent mental accounting workarounds, using guilt by labeling savings with children’s names, and hypothetically outsourcing all money management to an authoritarian “discipline bank.”

The key idea is that creatively limiting our future options and choice can paradoxically lead to better long-term decision-making by circumventing flaws in human reasoning and behavioral biases. Precommitments allow present-day selves to outsmart future temptations.

  • It’s difficult to make good financial decisions due to our own mental biases and an environment designed to exploit those weaknesses. Mortgage brokers, for example, intentionally make comparisons more complex to generate mistakes.

  • Simply providing more information does not solve behavioral issues. Telling people risks and best practices often fails to change behavior.

  • Modern financial technology could help or hurt. Currently, it is often designed to get people to spend more easily and thoughtlessly, without much deliberation. Digital wallets and frictionless payments may lead to unchecked overspending.

  • To combat these issues, people need to understand their own flaws and educate themselves. But societies also need financial systems designed with human psychology in mind, not just to maximize short-term profits by exploiting weaknesses. It is an ongoing challenge to balance individual responsibility with supportive environments.

  • The passage discusses how new payment technologies like Apple Pay and Android Pay make spending easier and less thoughtful, fueling overspending.

  • It argues we need to redesign financial tools and defaults to help people spend and save wisely based on what we know about human psychology and limitations.

  • Some ideas proposed include apps that help with opportunity cost comparisons, spending tracking/limits, and framing choices to overcome loss aversion biases.

  • Research showed that subtle reminders like scratch-off coins were surprisingly effective at boosting savings compared to financial incentives. The coin made saving more salient on non-reminder days.

  • The passage suggests we could similarly extend this idea to adjust social values and pressure around saving vs spending. For example, by making savings more visible in the community like displaying goats or bricks representing savings amounts.

The overall message is that by understanding human psychology better, we can design financial tools, environments and social norms that help people save more wisely rather than fuel overspending through technology defaults and invisible savings. Physical reminders and social pressure may paradoxically be most effective.

The passage discusses how making savings and good financial behaviors more visible could encourage more people to participate. It suggests ideas like stickers or trophies for hitting savings milestones. While some ideas may not be practical, the key principle is to start conversations about reasonable savings goals and make savings less invisible and secret.

It then expands this idea to other domains like environmentalism. Vehicles like the Prius or Tesla allow drivers to publicly display their ecological decisions and gain an ego boost. programs that automatically open college savings accounts for children and provide initial deposits and incentives also work on psychology - they create a sense of ownership, focus on future goals, and shape identities around attending college.

Other suggestions to “trick” oneself into saving more include automatically depositing some money into hard-to-access savings accounts to artificially lower one’s perceived balance and constrain spending. Research also found that hands-off investors who forgot about their portfolios altogether tended to do the best financially. Finally, framing costs in long-term rather than short-term terms (years vs months) can encourage more saving behavior. The key is exploiting cognitive biases and habits to subtly encourage better financial habits.

  • The passage discusses how understanding cognitive biases and psychological quirks related to numbers and money can help design better systems and environments to improve financial outcomes. Systems that frame savings and spending in different time periods (yearly vs monthly) or split lump sums into smaller envelopes can encourage better financial behaviors.

  • However, internal forces like our own decision-making are also important to address. We need to recognize our flaws and avoid always believing we are too smart to be influenced by irrelevant value cues or exploitation. Periodically stopping to think critically about financial choices, especially repetitive small decisions that accumulate, can help us make better long-term decisions.

  • Not every small financial decision needs to be over-analyzed, as that would be psychologically overwhelming. But identifying areas that could cause long-term harm, like recurring expenses, and occasionally re-evaluating them can help shape decision-making habits for the better over time. Understanding incentives, psychology and our own behaviors can empower us to make wiser financial choices.

  • Dan and Jeff discuss issues with how people relate to and think about money. Our psychology often leads us to make poor financial decisions that don’t maximize well-being.

  • They argue money is complex but important, and we should strive for a “peaceful coexistence” with it by gaining self-awareness of our limitations and developing personal financial systems.

  • Talking openly with friends about money can also help deal with financial decisions and mistakes we commonly make.

  • While money isn’t everything, it significantly impacts our lives. We could let commercial interests exploit our psychology, or we can take control of financial decisions to enrich our lives.

  • In the end, communication and mutual support may help navigate money’s complexity in a way that better serves our well-being and values. The goal is finding balance rather than eliminating its role in society.

This passage summarizes key findings from an economic journal article published in 2004:

  • The passage cites the source as “Gregory B. Northcraft (University of Arizona) and Margaret A. Neale (University of Arizona), “Experts, Amateurs, and Real Estate: An Anchoring-and-Adjustment Perspective on Property Pricing Decisions,” Economic Journal 114, no. 495 (2004): 265–280.”

  • It examines property pricing decisions and how anchoring and adjustment affects experts vs. amateurs.

  • The study finds that amateur valuers are more susceptible than experts to anchoring effects when making property pricing judgments. Specifically, amateurs do not adjust sufficiently away from an initial anchor value when evaluating the worth of real estate.

  • Experts, on the other hand, demonstrate better calibration and are less influenced by initial anchor values in their pricing determinations compared to amateurs.

So in summary, the passage briefly outlines a 2004 Economic Journal article that explores how anchoring biases differently impact the property valuation judgments of experts versus amateurs.

Here is a summary of the articles:

Article 1: How and why athletes go broke

  • Published in March 2009 on
  • Many professional athletes struggle financially after retiring from their sport despite having earned millions during their playing career
  • Reasons include lack of financial skills, lavish spending, getting ripped off by financial advisers, too much trust in friends/family, lack of career plan after sports
  • Within two years of retiring, an estimated 60% of former NFL players have declared bankruptcy and 78% of former NBA players are in financial trouble after five years

Article 2: Sudden wealth can leave you broke

  • Published in October 2014 on
  • Coming into a large sum of money suddenly through winning the lottery, selling a business, etc. can lead people to make poor financial decisions due to lack of experience managing wealth
  • Risk of getting scammed increases, people may quit their jobs and spend lavishly without a plan for maintaining wealth, family/friends may take advantage
  • Professionals recommend taking time to put a financial plan in place, being wary of get-rich-quick schemes, and resisting pressure to share windfall with others

Here is a summary of the key points from the provided sections:

  • Acquired skills are more valued when obtained through fair effort than unfair effort. People respond negatively to perceived unfairness through reactions like the ultimatum game.

  • Language plays a role in how skills and experiences are valued. Consumption vocabulary can enhance experiences.

  • Mental accounting is used as both an irrational but useful strategy to budget money and spending. It allows cheating ourselves through misclassification and integrative creative accounting.

  • Ownership increases valuation through effects like the endowment effect and sunk costs fallacy. People are loss averse and reluctant to part with their possessions.

  • The pain of paying is real, and people employ various techniques to avoid or dilute this pain, like separating consumption from payment through installment plans or gift cards. Prepaying experiences dilutes the pain compared to paying as you go.

  • Pricing influences value perceptions. Anchors like MSRP influence willingness to pay. Higher prices are assumed to mean higher quality until disproven. Language and descriptions also impact pricing and value assessments.

  • Estimates, listing prices, and reservation prices can be influenced by anchoring biases like prior estimates or listing prices of comparable properties.

  • “Sales” on high priced items are a tactic used by retailers like JC Penney to take advantage of relativity - people perceive a higher discount on a more expensive item even if the percentage savings is the same.

  • The concepts of relative price vs real price and perceiving a higher savings on a percentage basis even when the dollar savings are the same.

  • Supply and demand principles provide the economic basis for pricing, including surge pricing practices by companies like Uber which charge more when demand is high.

  • Reservation prices are the maximum a buyer is willing to pay for something, which can be influenced by anchors.

  • Anchoring effects, relativity, and other psychological factors form the basis for pricing and retail practices even if they don’t always reflect economically rational behavior.

This includes contact information for HarperCollins publishers in the UK and US. It then discusses some hypothetical scenarios and examples to illustrate concepts like decoy pricing, loss aversion, credit card spending behavior, real estate market differences over time, sports superstitions. It provides tips for saving money like loading a discretionary spending card on Monday rather than Friday. References are made to previous chapters that discussed topics like self-trust. Throughout are joking asides and fictional scenarios used to lightly explain behavioral economics concepts.

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About Matheus Puppe