Here is a summary of the preface and introduction:
The goal of the book is to help readers quit pornography addiction easily and painlessly without willpower.
The book is based on Allen Carr’s method for quitting smoking. The hackbook adapts the method for pornography addiction.
The key to success is to read the entire book in order without skipping chapters. The logic builds on itself.
The method works for both casual and heavy porn users. It does not require cutting down usage or willpower. It is permanent.
The book aims to dispel fears and anxieties about quitting porn that often lead to failure. The method has a 95% success rate.
The warning explains that the book does not use scare tactics or warnings about the dangers of porn. It does not advocate willpower or porn diets. It works by removing the reasons people use porn.
The book’s method works differently than conventional methods. Some ideas may be hard to believe but will make sense by the end.
Signs of pornography addiction include losing control over usage, negative life impacts, secrecy, shame, and obsession. But any porn user can benefit from the book.
Loved ones should persuade the porn user to read the book. Or read it themselves to help and prevent issues in others.
The book does not judge or embarrass readers. It aims to provide an easy, painless, permanent solution.
Porn addiction is not a choice but rather a trap that ensnares users over time through no fault of their own. Many wish they had never started using porn.
Fear, irrational beliefs, and mistaken ideas keep people trapped in porn addiction. These include beliefs that masturbation or sex is the most important thing, that porn is educational, that more stimulation is always better, or that porn is “safer” than real relationships.
The only thing preventing quitting porn is fear - fear of deprivation, fear of failure, fear of never being satisfied without porn. But these fears are caused by porn use itself, not reality.
The “EasyPeasy” method helps reframe one’s thinking to see quitting porn as easy and enjoyable, rather than a miserable struggle. It works to eliminate the fear and irrational beliefs that keep people trapped.
To succeed with EasyPeasy, one must follow the instructions and not skip ahead or make modifications. One must continue using porn until finishing the book to fully understand how to quit. The desire for porn will fade over the course of reading.
The objective is to develop a new frame of mind where quitting porn seems easy and natural, just like escaping a disease. Successful quitters will look back and wonder why they ever used porn.
Two reasons for failure are: 1) Not following instructions properly. 2) Not fully understanding the concepts and continuing to hold onto false beliefs. An open mind is needed.
Key terms: PMO - the cycle of porn, masturbation and orgasm. “Online harem” - porn websites.
The method begins with feeling elated at quitting rather than deprived. Cravings fade over time.
Pascal’s Wager: A bet where you have nothing to lose but the potential for large gains. In this case, giving up porn has no downside but many upsides.
It is difficult to quit porn for several reasons:
Stopping use is temporary, the challenge is staying off long-term. Relapse is common.
Knowing the health risks increases fear and anxiety, making relapse more likely.
The reasons for quitting actually make quitting harder, as they force you to give something up and feel deprived.
Porn provides no actual benefits, but it tricks you into thinking it does. These perceived benefits are illusions and rationalizations.
Porn is highly addictive, like a drug. It’s not a habit. Habits are easy to break, addictions are hard.
Withdrawal symptoms from porn are mild, so addiction persists largely due to the mental aspects, not physical.
Porn does not relieve boredom or stress. It makes these feelings worse over time due to addiction.
Porn is not educational or satisfying. It is an empty, addictive compulsion.
The “sinister trap” of porn is that it seems harmless and exciting at first, but it slowly addictive and diminishes your well-being, happiness, and relationships. Yet it tricks you into keep coming back for more through illusions and rationalizations.
The key to quitting porn is realizing it provides absolutely no benefits and simply enslaves you to an addiction that saps the joy from life. Once you break free of the illusions about porn, quitting becomes easy and life improves dramatically. But this realization can be difficult to achieve due to how deeply entrenched the addiction becomes.
The summary outlines why porn is so hard to quit, how it traps you in a cycle of addiction through deception and illusion, and the revelations needed to break free in order achieve happiness and well-being again. The “easy” part is actually stopping use - the hard part is achieving the mental and emotional breakthroughs to make it stick.
Porn addiction traps people gradually through free amateur porn clips that seem harmless at first. These clips desensitize users over time and hijack the brain’s reward system, flooding it with dopamine and opioids. This leads to craving for novelty and more extreme genres. The brain adapts by decreasing dopamine and opioid receptors, leaving users less able to handle normal life stresses and wanting another ‘hit’ of porn.
This cycle creates feelings of guilt, anxiety and disgust which the brain misinterprets as arousal, fueling the cycle. Withdrawal from porn causes an ‘empty’ feeling and restlessness as the brain craves dopamine, not sex. This leads to irritability, insecurity and agitation. Each porn use relieves these feelings temporarily, giving an illusion of enjoyment and fulfillment.
In reality, users are simply feeding the ‘little monster’ of addiction in their brain. The annoyance of withdrawal pangs and relief from using porn mimic the feeling of an alarm ringing and stopping. Porn use becomes about ending discomfort rather than gaining pleasure. Casual users continue due to occasional pangs and the habit formed, while heavy users are trapped, using to escape discomfort. The solution is understanding how porn hijacked the brain’s reward system and learning to identify and overcome the empty feelings of withdrawal.
The porn trap refers to the cycle of craving, consuming porn, feeling temporary satisfaction but then craving more porn. This creates a feedback loop that is hard to break. There are three reasons why people get trapped in this cycle:
We have been brainwashed to believe porn is harmless. But consuming porn leads to dopamine withdrawal and cravings.
The craving for porn feels like a normal empty or insecure feeling. But it is caused by the previous porn consumption. Non-porn users do not experience these cravings.
The craving for porn builds up when not using it, but is relieved immediately upon viewing porn. This tricks users into thinking porn relieves the craving, when in fact it causes it. The craving is the “normal” state for users, not the satisfied state.
Comparing porn to eating shows the difference. Eating relieves genuine hunger and is necessary for survival. Porn creates cravings and is not necessary. Porn only provides temporary relief from the craving it caused.
Users escalate to more extreme porn to relieve cravings, crossing their “red line” of what they consider acceptable. The rush from this escalation and from dancing along the red line feels like enjoyment but is just feeding the addiction. Users will view any porn to relieve cravings, even if they claim to prefer “soft” porn.
Realizing porn is an addiction, not a habit or pleasure, is helpful. The cravings from porn are mild, so porn addiction is easy to break by stopping use. Porn provides nothing and only subtracts from life. Quitting porn will not leave a void. Life without porn cravings and with natural pleasures and relationships is superior.
In summary, the porn trap refers to the cycle of craving and temporary relief that makes porn addictive. Recognizing this cycle and that porn is an addiction, not a pleasure, helps in quitting porn.
Many people find it difficult to quit internet pornography due to brainwashing and addiction to dopamine. The dopamine addiction itself is relatively easy to overcome, as people can go days without pornography when traveling or busy. However, the brainwashing - the belief that they need pornography - is harder to overcome.
A good analogy is cigarette smokers. They can refrain from smoking in certain places, but have a hard time quitting completely due to brainwashing and addiction. Similarly, pornography users can abstain in certain situations but struggle to quit entirely.
The brainwashing comes from constant exposure to sexual messages and innuendo in media and culture. This subconsciously teaches us that orgasm and sex should be our top priorities. Although some anti-pornography messages exist, they are not enough to overcome this brainwashing.
Users blame themselves and their lack of willpower for their addiction, rather than recognizing the powerful effects of brainwashing. Constant pornography use rewires the brain, so building resistance to this brainwashing is key. Users must question why they feel compelled to use pornography and whether they truly need it.
Many users claim they only view “soft” pornography, but they are still struggling against temptation and depleting their willpower. This can lead to failure in other areas of life and a cycle of guilt and shame. Fear of facing life without the dopamine rush of pornography keeps many users addicted.
Society and relationships reinforce the brainwashing. The idea of “giving up” pornography implies sacrifice, when in reality quitting leads to freedom and gains. Users are persuaded to start using pornography due to fear of missing out, and continue using due to the perceived popularity and excitement around pornography.
In summary, brainwashing leads users to believe they need pornography and are missing out without it. Overcoming this brainwashing is the key to quitting, rather than blaming a lack of willpower. Recognizing the considerable negative impacts of pornography and the benefits of quitting can help build resistance to this brainwashing.
The belief that porn provides enjoyment, relaxation or education is false. The actual reason for using porn is to relieve withdrawal symptoms that build up when not using. These withdrawal pangs are caused by the brain learning to associate porn and masturbation with pleasure, creating a subconscious craving. As the addiction progresses, the need to relieve withdrawal becomes stronger and the user gets trapped in a cycle.
Many users don’t realize they’re addicted until trying to quit, and even then may deny it. They believe they can stop anytime but when challenged to prove it by stopping for a week, they make excuses. The withdrawal pangs they experience are caused more by fear and anxiety than a physical need for porn. These feelings are similar to nerves felt during stressful situations like job interviews or public speaking.
Porn does not relax or destress the user. It destroys their ability to handle stress and confidence over time. Minor stresses that wouldn’t bother a non-user drive the addict back to porn. Feelings of panic when unable to access porn show it causes anxiety rather than reducing it. Porn also reduces libido and the ability to become aroused by real partners over time.
Porn does not cure boredom, it causes feelings of boredom and lethargy after use. When trying to abstain, boredom and cravings seem more intense but engaging in an enjoyable activity can distract the user. Porn use has become an automated habit for many.
Porn harms concentration rather than helping it. The constant dopamine hits from porn change the brain, impairing abilities like planning and impulse control. The need for more extreme material to get aroused reduces fulfillment and increases stress. Removing the porn crutch often makes concentration difficult as the brain readjusts. Doubt, not physical withdrawal, creates this problem. Non-users do not need porn to concentrate.
Porn is not relaxing. The desperate searching for novel or extreme content and internal struggle to avoid dangerous escalation produces strain, not relaxation. Natural pleasures and relationships are harmed, leaving the user increasingly reliant on porn for pleasure or escape. Breaking this cycle allows life’s simple pleasures to become enjoyable again.
In summary, porn traps users in a cycle of use to relieve anxiety and cravings that it has caused, progressively damaging their ability to cope and capacity for fulfillment and pleasure. Escaping this trap allows a return to the natural state of peace, confidence and pleasure in everyday life that non-users enjoy.
The user feels the need to view porn and masturbate before going out for a social event in order to feel relaxed and in control. However, this behavior actually has the opposite effect. Viewing porn and masturbating tires the user out and decreases their energy and focus. It does not actually help to relieve anxiety or make social situations easier to handle.
The desire to view porn in these situations is caused by a combination of factors, including:
Stress about the social event. Even events with friends can cause some anxiety about performance or enjoyment.
Boredom or restlessness. Being stuck in traffic or having downtime before an event can trigger the urge to view porn.
Dissatisfaction. If a date or social event does not meet expectations, the urge to view porn may arise out of a desire to feel pleasure or enjoyment that was lacking from the real-world experience.
Habit. The habit of viewing porn has become associated with these types of events and situations, even if there is no logical reason for it. The brain expects the dopamine hit and triggers the urge.
In reality, viewing porn does not add anything to these social experiences. It only creates the illusion of pleasure by temporarily relieving the discomfort of withdrawal and craving. Without the addiction, social events and downtime can be enjoyable in themselves. The belief that life without porn will lack pleasure or be boring is a result of brainwashing, not an accurate reflection of reality.
In summary, the user does not actually have to give up anything by quitting porn. Porn itself does not provide any benefits, it only relieves the withdrawal caused by the addiction. Life without porn is naturally enjoyable and fulfilling. The fear of loss is based on brainwashing, not fact. With time and distance from porn, the brainwashing fades, and it becomes clear that porn created a void instead of filling one. A life free of porn is the natural, healthy state of being.
The main reasons people try to quit porn are health concerns, religious reasons, or relationship issues. However, the biggest benefit of quitting porn is gaining freedom from the slavery of addiction and saving enormous amounts of time.
Even if someone doesn’t believe porn has negative health effects, the amount of time spent on it is alarming. An average of just 30 minutes a day equals half a workday every two weeks or several full days per year. Over a lifetime, this adds up to years of time that could have been spent developing real relationships or pursuing hobbies and personal growth.
Younger users often don’t realize porn addiction is a lifetime struggle and think they can afford the time. But if offered a job that paid as much as they currently make while giving them an extra month of paid vacation, most would jump at the opportunity. Yet they continue to throw that much time away on porn.
People carefully consider costs and benefits for most life decisions but ignore the huge downsides of porn use. If the pros and cons were weighed rationally, the clear choice would be to quit. The only reason people continue using porn is because they feel unable to stop, not because they’ve decided the benefits outweigh the costs.
The situation will only get worse as more research exposes the harms of internet porn and as partners and doctors become aware of porn addiction. People spend lots of money and effort improving their health and appearance in other ways but often miss the simple step of quitting porn to restore their brain’s natural functioning.
The key messages are: porn addiction leads to slavery and wasted time; younger users wrongly think they can afford the costs; people ignore the huge downsides they would see if thinking rationally; and the situation will worsen as the harms become more well known. Quitting porn leads to freedom and opportunity.
• Porn users are brainwashed into thinking porn is harmless and continue using it out of habit and addiction. They need to “wipe the sand out of their eyes” and see the reality of how porn enslaves them.
• Porn wastes an enormous amount of time over a lifetime. If you calculate how much time you’ll spend watching porn, it’s equivalent to a huge amount of money. You can gain that time back by quitting.
• It’s easy to stay free from porn - just avoid watching it. But relapsing will cost you the time and benefits you gained.
• Porn has severe negative health impacts like changes to the brain, erectile dysfunction, and relationship problems. But users ignore these because they’re brainwashed or they think the risks won’t happen to them.
• Porn triggers a dopamine rush and reinforces the addiction. The more shocking or novel the porn, the bigger the rush. This numbs pleasure responses and causes cravings for more extreme material.
• Porn causes misery and withdrawal when you stop using it. But it’s an illusion that porn relieves that misery. Porn causes it in the first place.
• Many porn users make excuses to justify their addiction like that they’ll get old anyway or life’s too short to not enjoy yourself. But these are just rationalizations that hide the fact they’re enslaved to porn.
• The solution is to see porn for what it really is - an addiction that provides no benefits and only causes harm. You need to break free from the brainwashing and excuses to quit porn for good.
The key message is that porn is highly destructive and addictive, but users are unable to see that truth because of how their minds have been manipulated by their porn use and addiction. The only way out is to wake up to the reality of porn’s harms and make the choice to quit.
Not everyone is addicted to porn. Many people live happy and fulfilling lives without using porn. Using porn does not necessarily lead to a better quality of life. In fact, for many, porn use is a way to escape problems and unhappiness.
Just because someone is single, that is not a good reason to use porn. Porn use involves manipulating the brain’s reward system in an unhealthy way. It can disrupt normal functioning and the ability to handle stress.
Porn use has been linked to mental health issues and relationship problems. Many people report that quitting porn led to improvements in these areas. The mainstream medical community has been slow to recognize the potential harms of porn, in part because people are reluctant to admit to having issues with porn use. But the experiences of many self-reporting individuals suggest there are real problems associated with porn use.
Porn use can fuel unrealistic fantasies and expectations about sex and relationships. It can interfere with intimacy between real partners. Excessive porn use may lead to escalation to more extreme material to achieve arousal.
Quitting porn can be challenging, but it does not have to be exceptionally difficult. The perception of difficulty comes from the methods people use, like willpower, that make quitting seem like deprivation. In reality, porn use is not a biological necessity, so quitting simply involves not viewing porn or masturbating to it. Life without porn can be enjoyable and stress-free. The stress attributed to lack of porn actually comes from porn use itself.
People often try to quit porn during stressful periods in their lives, when it seems most difficult. But there is never really an easy time, since porn causes stress and life stressors are often ongoing. The illusion is that life becomes more stressful, when in fact porn use creates and exacerbates feelings of stress. Successful quitting usually involves preparing mentally and having the right motivation and mindset. For some, a triggering event may serve as an impetus, but motivation and preparation have typically already been building.
In summary, porn use is not necessary for an enjoyable life and in fact often undermines wellbeing. Quitting porn, while challenging, can have substantial benefits. The perception of difficulty quitting comes more from unhealthy attitudes and methods than from the process itself. Success usually requires the right motivation and mental preparation to overcome the illusions created by porn use.
The willpower method of quitting porn is difficult because:
Users start with a feeling of doom and sacrifice instead of freedom. They believe porn provides benefits and stopping will be hard. This mindset sabotages their efforts from the start.
After a few days of abstinence, arousal and reasons for quitting return but cravings also intensify. The “little monster” in the brain starts rationalizing why using porn is okay. Users make excuses and give in.
Quitting porn feels like an endless waiting game. Users expect cravings and unhappiness to disappear with time but uncertainty causes stress. They constantly wonder if they can stay abstinent and be happy.
Mild withdrawal symptoms are misperceived as unbearable. The actual discomfort is minor but users catastrophize it. Their misery comes from fighting their own brainwashing and doubts.
Users test themselves by peeking at porn to prove they’ve “kicked it.” This restarts the addiction cycle. Their brain immediately wants more dopamine.
Ex-users let their guard down, thinking an occasional session is fine. But each use strengthens addiction pathways in the brain, making future abstinence harder.
Success with willpower tends to be difficult and long-term. Users must overcome deeply ingrained brainwashing that porn provides benefits. Vulnerability to relapse may persist for life.
The key insights are: The willpower method fails primarily due to incorrect beliefs, not lack of discipline. Easing discomfort through abstaining and expecting a linear recovery sets users up for frustration. Overcoming brainwashing about the benefits of porn is the real battle. Success requires fundamentally changing how one views porn to see that life without it is most enjoyable and fulfilling.
Once a person starts using porn, it gets them hooked. Their brain’s reward circuitry gets activated and conditioned to seek out porn.
People don’t actually enjoy porn or find it pleasurable. They are addicted to the dopamine rush and relief from withdrawal symptoms. Most porn use is unconscious and done out of habit and addiction.
Attempting to cut down on porn use typically does not work and prolongs suffering. It leaves people feeling miserable while waiting for their next porn session. The longer they wait, the more they seem to “enjoy” it, but it’s really just relief from cravings and withdrawal.
The real challenge in quitting porn is overcoming the brainwashing that makes people feel entitled to it and that they can’t be happy without it. The addiction itself is relatively easy to break. People can and do give up porn when circumstances demand it, like work or family issues. But they struggle when they have the option to view porn but are trying to quit.
There is no such thing as just one peek. Any peek can trigger a full-blown porn binge and relapse. One peek defeats most people’s attempts to quit and sends them back into addiction.
In summary, cutting down on porn does not work and just prolongs the agony of addiction. The only way to overcome this addiction is to quit completely by breaking the brainwashing around porn and avoiding any peeks that could trigger a relapse.
• Convincing yourself that you can have ‘just one’ porn session is a myth. It leads to a lifetime of addiction and misery.
• It’s normal to not always have something to fill the void. But porn isn’t the answer. It’s either a lifetime of addiction or freedom.
• Anyone can quit porn. Don’t believe you’re somehow different or addicted. The addiction comes from the porn, not you. Remove this belief to succeed.
• Casual porn users aren’t actually enjoying themselves. All porn users feel stupid for using porn and have to lie about it.
• Casual users brag about using less porn to convince themselves and others they don’t have a problem. But if they truly enjoyed it less, they wouldn’t mention it at all.
• Casual users are often more hooked than heavy users. They get bigger dopamine hits from less frequent use and less incentive to quit since health impacts are less.
• There are four main reasons casual users don’t binge on porn: lack of time, health impacts, discipline, or lack of imagination. Heavy users shouldn’t envy casual users.
• Non-users just got lucky. Casual users will likely become heavy users. Once-a-day and rejected users are still hooked but in denial. Porn dieters aren’t really in control and hoping each break will be the last.
• The belief that occasional porn use is healthy or that masturbation requires porn is a myth. Porn use leads to brain changes and damage regardless of frequency.
• Porn dieters go through cycles of starting and stopping but remain trapped in the addiction. They envy other casual users but the reality is all porn users would rather be free.
Dieters think they can control their porn usage, but they actually can’t. They go through cycles of using porn, feeling bad about it, stopping, then starting again. They never feel satisfied. The only way to win is to stop using porn completely.
Viewers who say they only watch “tame” porn still become tolerant over time and need more extreme content. Using a partner’s pictures for masturbation rewires the brain to seek novelty and variety. Homemade or amateur porn is still porn and leads to the same problems.
Occasional or casual porn users are not happier or more in control. A woman who read porn stories for years became irritable, had trouble enjoying sex, and felt afraid of porn’s effects, even though she did not watch videos. Porn is an addiction, not a habit, and requires increasing use over time. Fighting the urge to view more often requires constant willpower and discipline.
A man who limited himself to viewing porn once every four days became obsessed with it, suffered erectile dysfunction, became irritable and argued with his partner, and spent hours searching for the “perfect” clip when he did view. His dopamine receptors were still damaged, and he was reinforcing his addiction by edging and seeking novelty.
Many well-educated, accomplished people become addicted to porn through accidental exposure and societal attitudes that it is normal or harmless. But porn destroys lives and relationships.
The key messages are: porn is an addiction, not a habit; it leads to tolerance and damage of the reward circuitry over time, no matter how “tame” or limited the use; fighting the urge to escalate use requires immense willpower; and porn negatively impacts mood, relationships, and sexual function. The only way to win is to quit using porn completely.
• Internet porn is highly stimulating and addictive. Even casual users can become hooked without realizing.
• In the past, porn use and masturbation were more taboo and less common. Now, porn use is very widespread and accepted, even though it is still harmful and addictive. Many men feel they do not need real relationships because of porn.
• However, there is a growing trend of men realizing porn’s negative effects and trying to quit. They see that porn leads to slavery and anti-social behavior.
• People continue using porn even after learning about its harms because they have failed to quit before or are scared to try quitting. But any effort to reduce porn use and orgasms can be beneficial.
• The key is to find the approach that works for you, whether that is quitting porn and masturbation completely, limiting orgasms, or other strategies like tantric sex practices. The most important thing is reducing the frequency with which you “flush your brain” with chemicals from porn and orgasms.
• In summary, porn was once considered normal but is now seen as an unhealthy habit by many. However, it is still hard to quit due to its addictiveness and being deeply ingrained in culture and society. Making an effort to break free from porn’s grip can lead to social, psychological and physical benefits. The growing anti-porn trend shows many people recognizing this.
• Quitting porn and masturbation is challenging but the timing of your attempt is important. Choose a time when you feel determined and ready, rather than delaying in hopes it will be easier later. There will never be an ideal time, so start now.
• Identify times when you typically use porn and anticipate challenges in the next few weeks. Don’t cut down in preparation, but instead continue to use until you are ready to quit. Notice how unfulfilling and unpleasant the experience feels. Think of how good you will feel after quitting.
• Society views porn as harmless, but it is an addiction that destroys relationships and health. The sooner you quit, the better. Don’t fall into the trap of delaying with thoughts like “not now, later.” Make a plan and start now.
• Although quitting seems difficult, this method aims to help you find it easy and even enjoyable. But many won’t believe it can be easy until going through the process. Continue using porn until finishing the book to avoid fear and doubt.
• The belief that now is not the right time and it will be easier tomorrow is a trap. Life always has stresses, and today is as good a time as any. Don’t wait until the addiction has worsened.
• You never intended to depend on porn for life and will have to quit at some point. Why not now, before the addiction and its harms intensify further? Health and well-being depend on ending this addiction.
• Responsibilities only become truly stressful when your health and coping abilities are compromised. Porn is the real problem, not life’s normal stresses. You have the ability to handle challenges and enjoy life without relying on the crutch of porn.
The key message is to commit to quitting porn now rather than delaying, have confidence in your ability to succeed even during difficult times, and understand that continuing the addiction is the most stressful choice of all. With motivation and the right technique, quitting can be accomplished easily and permanently.
• Quitting porn addiction will not make you miss the fun. Once your brain is no longer craving dopamine hits from porn, the urge to view porn will fade. You will feel better mentally and physically, and able to enjoy life’s pleasures more fully.
• The only danger is being influenced by those still using porn. Don’t envy porn users; pity them. They are not enjoying themselves and wish they never started.
• Ex-users may sometimes feel envious of porn users doing an activity like masturbating. But remember, porn users are depriving themselves of health, energy, confidence, peace of mind, courage, tranquility, freedom, and self-respect. Porn use gets worse over time.
• You cannot compartmentalize porn use. Using porn trains your brain for voyeurism and escalation. It strengthens connections between porn and arousal. Real sex cannot compete with the online harem. Quitting porn ends the awful feelings it causes and builds confidence and self-respect.
• Avoid false incentives for quitting like rewards or unrealistic expectations. They increase doubt and the feeling of sacrifice, making relapse more likely. Online pacts often fail for similar reasons.
• The only motivation you need is the knowledge of how porn harms you and the benefits of being free from it. Have faith in the method and your ability to succeed. Stay focused on the end goal of being porn-free.
• There are no advantages to using porn, only illusions and temporary relief from cravings it causes. Every porn user wishes they never started and wants to quit.
The key messages are: don’t envy porn users, avoid unrealistic expectations, focus on the benefits of quitting, and have faith in the process. Porn offers no real benefits, only harm. Success comes from understanding why you must quit porn and staying committed to that goal.
Stopping porn use just because others are doing so adds unnecessary pressure and feelings of sacrifice. Forcing people to stop when they are not ready will make them feel worse and continue watching secretly.
Relying on each other’s willpower breeds feelings of punishment and failure. At least one person will give in, giving others an excuse to do so as well. Most have already cheated.
Sharing praise for quitting reduces individual motivation. When doing it alone, the motivation comes from yourself and your support system. When everyone does it together, the motivation is spread out.
Quitting porn will not make you happy, win the lottery, or become a sex god. No one cares if you watch porn except you. You are not weak or strong based on your porn use.
The reasons to quit - health, ED, mental health, relationship issues - should motivate you, not what others say. Ask yourself why you need to watch porn. It provides nothing and only hurts you.
Tell friends and family you are quitting to hold yourself accountable, not to make you proud. It may worry your partner, so explain your reasons.
Ignoring urges gives them power. Notice them and say you are now free from porn. This reduces their effect. Mindfulness can help separate yourself from urges.
To easily quit:
Decide you will never watch porn again.
Do not mope about it. Be happy.
Know others have quit and live happy lives. You did not need porn before and do not need it now.
See porn as an addiction, not a habit. Addictions worsen over time and need treatment. Now is the easiest time to quit.
Separate your addiction from your identity. All users would go back and avoid getting hooked if they could. You have that chance now.
There is nothing to give up, only gains to be made in health, wealth, happiness, and relationships.
There is no such thing as just one peek or visit. Porn is an addiction and chain reaction. Do not punish yourself for slips.
Make the final decision you are done - then quitting will be easy. Doubts and moping make it hard. Know you can and will succeed.
• Become a non-user. A user is addicted to porn while a non-user is not. Once you decide to quit, you’ve achieved your goal. Celebrate and enjoy life.
• Be confident you can abstain for up to 3 weeks. Have the right mindset - you can succeed and it will be easy. Feel excited to quit.
• If you feel gloomy, re-read the reasons to quit. Make sure you believe them. Don’t worry about failure. Porn is an illusion. Open your eyes - quitting is great!
• Start by believing “I’m never using porn again, how wonderful!“. In 3 weeks, temptation will fade. If you think “I just have to make it 3 weeks”, you’ll crave porn after.
• Your brain wants stability. If you think quitting is losing something good, you’ll feel bad. Know porn gives you nothing.
• Sexual issues stem from your mindset. Porn rewires your brain and makes you doubt yourself. Quitting boosts libido and confidence. Freedom is the main gain.
• For up to 3 weeks, you may have dopamine withdrawal (empty feeling, cravings) and psychological triggers (reminders of porn). Understand the difference.
• Dopamine withdrawal isn’t painful but powerful like hunger. With the right mindset, it’s easy to overcome and fades fast.
• Triggers come from habit and associations. Know you don’t need porn and the triggers will fade. Don’t fall for “just one peek”.
• Alone time or seeing intimate friends can be triggers. Don’t feel deprived or entitled to porn. Porn only creates the urge it relieves.
• Porn is not a placebo or booster. It creates problems and stops helping. For non-users, porn does nothing or makes things worse. Don’t fall into the trap.
• Orgasms don’t necessarily improve relationships. Porn hijacks normal intimacy. Enjoy private intimacy without the need for constant orgasms.
• There is no “clean” porn. All porn leads to the same place. Forget the fantasies - your life will be far richer without porn.
• Trying to quit porn using willpower alone is futile and a waste of time. The only reason you use porn is to get a dopamine high. Once you overcome the dopamine craving, you won’t feel the need to watch porn.
• Accept the withdrawal pangs. They are not physically painful and with the right mindset, they won’t bother you. Don’t worry about withdrawal—the feeling itself isn’t bad. It’s associating the feeling with deprivation that’s the problem. View the pangs as signs you’re overcoming addiction.
• For the next few weeks, you’ll experience slight discomfort but you’ll be overcoming a terrible disease. The benefits far outweigh the discomfort. See the pangs as an exciting challenge to overcome addiction.
• Be prepared for tricks and triggers. Have responses ready. Convert moments of weakness into moments of strength. Remind yourself why you’re quitting.
• Don’t try to forget about porn. Accept that you’ll think about it often at first. But view those thoughts as signs of overcoming addiction. The more you resist, the closer you get to success.
• Don’t doubt your decision. Doubts lead to weakness and relapse. Reaffirm your reasons for quitting. Remind yourself of the costs of porn use and benefits of quitting.
• “Just one peek” is how people develop addiction. One peek keeps the addiction alive in your mind and body. Porn is poison, not a treat. You don’t need to avoid it, just don’t engage with it.
• Difficulty quitting depends on many factors, but anyone can succeed by following the right method. Doctors and bored or stressed people may struggle more, but mindset is key. With the right mindset, the discomfort becomes exciting.
• There are two main reasons for failure: external triggers and having a bad day. Prepare responses to triggers and remind yourself that ups and downs are normal, regardless of porn use. The issue is associating pangs with deprivation, not the pangs themselves. Maintain your motivation and confidence in your decision.
• The willpower method causes users to mope and feel bad whenever they have a stressful day, craving porn as an escape. Non-users are better able to handle stresses without relying on porn. When quitting porn, don’t mope but recognize that porn won’t actually make the bad day better. Stay positive.
• Porn users tend to blame everything that goes wrong on quitting porn. But porn didn’t actually solve any problems, it just provided an illusion of escape. Create an impossible situation by both craving porn and feeling bad about using it. Recognize that quitting porn was the right choice.
• There are no good substitutes for porn. Porn creates cravings, it doesn’t fill a void. Avoid anything resembling porn. Substitutes just prolong withdrawal and addiction.
• The two “enemies” to defeat when quitting porn are habit and withdrawal. But porn addiction is really dopamine addiction, not habit, and physical withdrawal is minimal. The goal is to kill the addiction as quickly as possible. Substitutes prolong the addiction.
• Substitutes have the same effects as porn. They prolong brainwashing and the tug-of-war between craving porn and resisting it. You don’t need a substitute, just like you don’t need a substitute for the flu once it’s over.
• The depression from willpower comes from feeling deprived. But porn was never a real reward, just an illusion. No need to substitute one problem for another.
• It can be hard to see that porn wasn’t a reward and that life without it is better. But soon, non-users will pity those still trapped by porn.
• There are two fears about avoiding porn: (1) fear of not being able to survive without porn/sex/orgasm, and (2) fear of certain tempting situations in the long run. Both are psychological and will fade. Have courage to quit porn - the fear is worse than the reality.
• You can choose whether or not to avoid tempting situations. But recognize that the tempting situations themselves are not actually tempting or stressful - it’s the fear and panic in your mind about them that creates problems. Stay calm and the situations will not have power over you.
• Quitting porn altogether has a higher success rate than limiting porn use to certain intervals. Limiting use makes it easy to relapse when facing withdrawal or stressful situations. Complete commitment to quitting is key.
• There are two keys to success:
Certainty: Be certain that you can and will quit.
Excitement: Feel excited about quitting, not doomed.
• Avoid stressful situations during withdrawal but continue socializing. Social interaction helps prove life is better without porn.
• The “moment of revelation” usually happens within 3 weeks of quitting. This is when you realize you won’t need porn again. Willpower quitters don’t usually have this moment.
• The 5 day and 3 week guidelines are not strict deadlines. They reflect common experiences. Around 5 days, porn is less prominent in your mind. Around 3 weeks, willpower attempts often fail as cravings resurface. But revelation can happen sooner.
• For the final visit:
› Ensure you feel certain and excited to quit. Re-read information if needed.
› Make a solemn vow to never view porn again after this visit. You have nothing to lose.
› View porn consciously, seeing how it amplifies extremes. Ask where the pleasure is.
› Close the browser feeling free and excited, not deprived.
› The “little porn monster” is just an empty insecure feeling. Interpret it as excitement about quitting or it will make you suffer.
› The body doesn’t crave porn, only the brain. The craving is caused by the initial porn use and perpetuated by continued use.
› Choose to interpret any craving as excitement to be free, not as a need for porn. This will lead to freedom rather than lifelong suffering.
The key message is make a committed decision to quit, go into it with a positive and excited mindset, consciously process what porn really offers in your final visit, close it feeling free, and reframe any withdrawal pangs as positive to avoid relapse and achieve freedom.
It is edibly stupid to say you never want to watch porn again but then spend your life craving it and feeling deprived. This is the approach of the willpower method, and it is no wonder so few succeed and those who do never feel fully free.
The key is to not doubt your decision to quit. If you doubt it, you will create a no-win situation where you feel miserable whether watching porn or craving it. The goal is not just to never watch porn again but to lose the desire for it. Non-users don’t crave porn or need willpower not to watch it. You can achieve this state of being a happy non-user immediately by closing your browser and cutting off the dopamine supply.
To remain a happy non-user:
- Never doubt your decision.
- Don’t wait to become a non-user. Waiting will create anxiety.
- Don’t try not to think of porn or wait for a “revelation.” This also creates anxiety.
- Don’t use substitutes.
- See porn users as they truly are and pity them rather than envy them.
Don’t change your life just because you quit. If you do, it will feel like a sacrifice when none is needed. You haven’t given anything up but rather gained health and freedom. Highs will feel higher and lows less low. When thinking of porn, think “Yippee, I’m a non-user!”
No matter how long you have quit or how confident you feel, never watch porn again for any reason. Resist mainstream media pushing porn. Remember porn and compulsive masturbation can ruin relationships and well-being.
The first peek or visit will do nothing for you and make you feel awful by putting the pleasure of dopamine in your mind and creating craving. Then you have to choose between misery or restarting the addiction.
Two types of porn users are frustrating: 1) Those who easily quit but then start again, falsely believing they can have “just one” session or that quitting again will be easy. In truth, it is easy to quit porn but impossible to control the addiction. The key is simply never using porn. 2) Those too frightened to quit or who struggle greatly in their attempt. The main difficulties are fear of failure, fear of discomfort, not following instructions properly, and misunderstanding the instructions. With the right perspective and techniques like deep breathing, anyone can succeed.
• Internet porn is increasingly seen as addictive and harmful. Many former users and researchers are speaking out against it.
• Porn users know that watching porn is self-sabotaging but continue to do it and make excuses to justify their behavior. They lie to themselves and others about their porn use.
• When porn users quit using willpower alone, they tend to feel deprived and become resentful of those who still use porn. The best way to help porn users quit is by removing their fears about quitting and emphasizing the benefits of being free from porn.
• It is unhelpful to belittle or shame married porn users. This will likely just make them feel worse and increase their porn use. The medical community’s changing view of porn addiction actually makes it harder for many to quit because they feel like they have to quit for their health.
• While health risks are the main reason people want to stop using porn, many have been harming themselves with porn for years. The most important reasons for quitting are gaining freedom, improving relationships, and improving self-confidence.
• The most helpful way to support porn users who want to quit is by sharing the benefits of being porn-free, not by attacking or shaming them for their porn use. Provide encouragement and help build their confidence in their ability to quit successfully.
• Society’s views on pornography are slowly changing as the negative impacts are becoming more well known. Many partners are now questioning porn use and countries are banning it entirely.
• Complete bans or lack of internet access often just make the addiction worse by ingraining how much the user depends on porn. When access returns, the binge resumes. This is particularly damaging for teens whose porn use started due to hijacked freedoms of expression by the porn industry.
• The porn trap should be viewed like any other addiction, with compassion for the user. Quick deaths are considered better than slow ones, and porn users suffer mental and physical anguish for years. They deserve pity, not judgment.
• The best way to help a porn user quit is by educating them on the delusions of porn and having them connect with ex-users. Forcing them to quit often backfires. They must want to quit themselves.
• Telling a partner about a porn addiction should depend on the situation. If previous attempts to quit have failed, telling a partner and having their support can help. If quitting is going well alone, there may not be a need to disclose. But be prepared for the partner to notice positive changes.
• Partners of those quitting porn should offer praise, support, and pick up extra responsibilities during withdrawal. Withdrawal can lead to irritability, so partners should not engage or retaliate, but instead continue to praise the user’s efforts.
• Relapse is common and should not be viewed as failure. Catastrophizing thoughts should be challenged, and the user should get back to their quit plan and not give up hope. Progress is still progress. Slips happen, and the brainwashing effect of porn means those slips often feel worse than they really are. Stay focused on the bigger picture.
The user expresses frustration with relapsing and compares themselves to others who are able to abstain for longer. This reflects a low frustration tolerance and unhealthy social comparison. The user also expresses rigid beliefs that they “shouldn’t” have sexual thoughts. This self-flagellation is counterproductive.
It will take time to undo the brainwashing from porn. Repeatedly reading resources on quitting porn and practicing mindfulness meditation can help. It’s important not to beat yourself up over urges or slips. See them as the “little monster” having a tantrum, and don’t give in.
Masturbation and orgasm can also be addictive and linked to porn use. It may help to avoid them while rebooting. Semen retention may provide benefits like increased energy and focus. Having real sex with a partner, without orgasm, can also help speed the rebooting process.
Some users find that having a final browsing session to solidify their dislike of porn is helpful. But for those who have been porn-free for a while, feeding the addiction with a final session may do more harm than good.
Internet porn is a dangerous product that negatively impacts society. Porn producers continue to promote it despite knowing the harms of porn addiction. Users should spread knowledge about the harms of porn to help others avoid or escape this trap.
The sheer hypocrisy of porn producers and society as a whole is astounding. Internet porn causes numerous problems, including addiction, relationship issues and poor health. Companies that produce internet porn don’t advertise because people’s urges lead them to the porn. Many sites don’t verify ages or warn about dangers.
Internet porn affects people of all ages. Scare tactics don’t help people quit and may backfire. Porn is highly addictive, like a drug. However, porn addiction isn’t officially recognized or treated. It’s difficult for people to quit using willpower alone.
Society needs to change how it views and addresses porn. Comprehensive education about the harms of porn, especially for youth, is needed. Governments should take action through public health campaigns and policies like age verification. The porn industry pushes back against such efforts to protect their profits.
There are signs society is starting to recognize the problems with porn, but more action is still needed. People can help by spreading awareness about the harms of porn and supporting others struggling with addiction. The book provides instructions and affirmations to help readers successfully quit porn.
In the final messages, the author thanks readers, encourages them to spread the message about quitting porn and suggests ways they can help, such as improving or translating the book and donating to related causes. The author then shares some additional thoughts and advice.
Social media is designed to be highly engaging and trigger dopamine responses in our brains, similar to slot machines. This can lead to addiction and negative impacts on our wellbeing, concentration, stress levels and mood. It also encourages us to derive our self-worth from arbitrary metrics like likes and shares.
We likely did not make a conscious decision to become so reliant on social media. It hooked us subtly over time. The first steps to break free are tracking usage, deleting apps, using phone in grayscale, and planning high-quality offline activities to fill the time. A 30-day detox can help reset our habits and relationship with technology.
Meditation, reading and exercise are recommended to build better habits and mental wellbeing. Specific recommendations include the Waking Up app, “Models” by Mark Manson, and “The Leangains Method” by Martin Berkhan.
“Exiting Modernity” by Meta Nomad is suggested as an insightful but confronting read. The key message is that we have the power to change our lives for the better by focusing our attention and being proactive. Top-down revolution tends not to work; change starts with individuals.
Additional resources, coping statements, and a meditation are provided. A community is available on Discord and Reddit for support in applying these lessons. The author can be contacted by email for serious inquiries.
In summary, social media addiction and other unhealthy habits can be overcome by building self-awareness, eliminating brainwashing, strengthening our willpower, and establishing better routines and coping strategies. The recommendations aim to provide practical tools and inspiration for creating positive change from the bottom-up. But the key is recognizing we have the power and taking that first step.
• The Easyway method focuses on undoing the psychological addiction to cigarettes (the “big monster”) through recognizing that smoking provides no real benefits and life without it is better. It says the physical addiction (the “little monster”) is barely perceptible and will disappear once the big monster is gone.
• However, for some people the little monster is a bigger issue and not recognizing this can lead to failure with the Easyway method. The method implies the only reasons for failure are not following instructions or not fully killing the big monster, but not addressing the little monster can also be a reason for failure.
• The Addictive Voice Recognition Technique (AVRT) focuses on recognizing and countering the “addictive voice” (AV)—the little monster. It sees the brain as divided into a lower, instinctual part where the addiction resides and a higher, rational part where your true self resides.
• The AV hijacks your own internal voice to convince you to indulge in your addiction, using pronouns like “I” and “me.” When you recognize the AV and say no, it will switch to using “you,” “we,” or “us,” revealing it is not your true self.
• The AV is a liar focused only on getting dopamine. It will tell dangerous lies to get you to indulge in your addiction.
• Failure to recognize the AV can lead you to falsely believe you have not fully undone the psychological addiction and cause you to repeat cycles of temporary success and relapse. Recognizing the AV, forcing it to reveal itself, and maintaining a feeling of joy in the face of its emotional manipulation is key to overcoming addiction.
• Putting the Easyway method and AVRT together—undoing the brainwashing of the big monster and recognizing and countering the little monster (AV)—can lead to success overcoming addiction for those who struggle with the little monster. The key is not conflating the big monster and little monster and addressing both.
About Matheus Puppe