Self Help

Elastic Habits - Stephen Guise

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Matheus Puppe

· 32 min read

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Here is a summary of the key points from “Elastic Habits”:

  1. The book argues that while our lives are ever-changing and fluid, traditional goal-setting and habit-formation methods tend to be rigid. It proposes an “elastic” approach that adapts to your daily needs and circumstances.

  2. The concept of “elasticity” and flexibility is emphasized, arguing that flexibility is a source of strength. The book introduces a new dimension of flexibility into habit-formation through its elastic habit approach.

  3. Motivation is unlocked through choice. The elastic habit method gives people more choices and autonomy, which boosts motivation.

  4. The strategy and system design of elastic habits is superior, producing better results. The freedom and choice built into the system yields ramfications like greater motivation, adherence, and success.

  5. The book outlines a 7-step process for applying elastic habits in your life. This includes setting flexible goal anchors, choosing from habit options, and adapting to your daily circumstances.

  6. Advanced strategies and tactics are discussed to fully master elastic habits, including chaining elastic habits together and using reminder triggers.

  7. The author describes how he deliberately let himself go into a “slump” for 45 days as an experiment to test the elastic habit approach. He claims to have emerged from the slump using elastic habits when more rigid methods had failed him.

That covers the major themes and summary of “Elastic Habits” based on the provided content. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.

• The author argues that rigid goals and strategies do not work well in a fluid, ever-changing life. Flexibility and adaptability are better approaches.

• Life is compared to the ocean, which is constantly in motion with highs, lows, currents, and surprises. To thrive in life, you must be able to adapt to the changes.

• The riptide example shows how sticking to a rigid plan can fail when the situation changes. The swimmer needed to adapt their strategy from impressing people to surviving.

• The author’s alternative “elastic habits” strategy is meant to work flexibly with your energy levels, circumstances, and mindset. It gives you options depending on the day.

• This flexibility allows you to choose the “superpower” that fits the moment - whether that’s flying high, seeing the future, or mastering skills.

• In summary, the key to growth and success according to the author is fluid goals and strategies that adapt to your changing life, rather than rigid plans that ignore the reality of constant motion. Flexibility is the superpower.

Here is a summary of the provided text:

  1. The metaphor of a rip current is used to illustrate how progress sometimes looks like moving “sideways.” Swimming directly against the current expends energy, while swimming diagonally exits the current more efficiently. Similarly, in life detours and periods of stagnation can be necessary steps to eventual progress. The key is to avoid stubbornly resisting changes and adapting instead.

  2. Humans are adaptable problem solvers, but rigid goals and habits don’t account for the unpredictability of life. Flexibility allows our brains to improvise solutions.

  3. Forced discipline often backfires. True self-discipline comes from freedom and practice, not brute force.

  4. Flexible goals that we choose freely are more effective and sustainable than rigid goals we impose on ourselves. Self-discipline feels like freedom, not slavery.

  5. Freedom is important and powerful. While freedom can result in “the slump lifestyle,” sacrificing freedom for short-term gains rarely works. We quit anything that feels like bondage.

  6. Action birthed from freedom is more effective than action from brute force. Freedom allows us to leverage its power to achieve our goals, instead of sacrificing freedom for short-term results.

In summary, the key themes are the importance of flexibility, freedom and adaptability over rigidity in pursuing goals and developing habits. The freedom to choose our goals and adjust them enables true self-discipline and motivation.

Here is a summary of the key points in the passage:

  1. Elasticity refers to the ability to recover shape after deformation. Resilience is a synonym for elasticity.

  2. In physics, there are two ways elasticity is measured: elastic limit and elastic modulus. The elastic limit is how much a material can stretch before permanently deforming. The elastic modulus measures a material’s resistance to temporary deformation.

  3. Flexibility can provide strength in four ways:

  • Multiple roots give trees wider bases and support, making them stronger and resilient. Multiple roots represent flexibility.
  • Flexibility enables improvisation, allowing you to adapt to challenges and find different ways to succeed.
  • Flexibility opens your eyes to more opportunities. A fixed mind is blind to alternative options.
  • Flexibility lets you allocate resources more efficiently and boosts your sense of freedom. You can flex your goals to what suits you on a given day.
  1. In summary, flexibility is a source of strength. It gives you resilience, improvisation, opportunities, and freedom.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Here is a summary of the key points in the text:

  1. Mini habits are deceptively powerful because they prioritize consistency over quantity and ego. By making the minimum requirement “showing up” every day, you build positive momentum that compounds over time.

  2. While mini habits are effective, they lack vertical flexibility. They only offer lateral flexibility by having different ways to complete the same small habit.

  3. Adding vertical flexibility means having the ability to adjust the goal size up or down based on changing motivation.

  4. A 2017 study found that different goal sizes have strengths at different stages of goal pursuit. Small goals help motivate action in the beginning, while larger goals motivate more when success is nearly achieved.

  5. This suggests that a more flexible approach to goal structure is needed, where motivation can change at any time. Not just at defined “stages” of goal pursuit.

In summary, the key is adding vertical flexibility to the already laterally flexible mini habits framework. This allows you to adjust goal sizes up and down based on your changing motivation, enabling maximum consistency and strength in habit formation. Vertical flexibility gives mini habits an extra invincible dimension.

  1. There is no “perfect” goal size. Small, medium and large goals all have strengths and weaknesses.

  2. The strengths of one goal size counteract the weaknesses of another. For example, the weaknesses of large goals like intimidation and difficulty are countered by the strengths of small goals like ease of starting.

  3. Vertical flexibility in goal setting, meaning the ability to switch between small, medium and large goals, harnesses the strengths of each goal size while neutralizing their weaknesses.

  4. Goal sizes can be thought of as team members, with each one playing a specific role based on their strengths. When needed, the “best” goal size for the situation - small, medium or large - can be utilized.

  5. Small goals excel at consistency, building momentum and acting as a “safety net”. Medium goals balance reward and effort. Large goals align with dreams and provide satisfaction.

  6. By having the option to switch between goal sizes depending on the situation, vertical flexibility maximizes motivation and progress towards long-term goals and good habits.

In summary, the key takeaway is that instead of focusing on one “perfect” goal size, vertical flexibility that allows switching between goal sizes based on strengths and current needs provides the most benefits for long-term habit formation and goal pursuit.

Here is a summary of the provided text:

The text discusses the idea of goal sizes and motivation. It argues that different goal sizes can act as motivational sweet spots in different situations.

There are three motivational sweet spots:

  1. Attainability - Goals that are extremely attainable can motivate us simply because we know we can achieve them. Even small benefits from an attainable goal can trigger us to take action.

  2. Respectability - Goals of medium size can motivate us on days when we want a challenge, but not an overwhelming one. These goals make us feel fulfilled without burning us out.

  3. Greatness - Difficult yet valuable goals can motivate us through their sheer potential value. The possibility of a big win can inspire us and keep us moving forward.

These different goal sizes serve distinct purposes and work together in a system. None are always better than the others. The right goal size depends on the conditions in your life at that moment.

The key to making progress is to have a strategy that takes advantage of these different motivational sweet spots. An “elastic habit” that can expand or contract can access more than one sweet spot and optimize motivation.

In summary, goal sizes play an important role in motivation. By strategically using small, medium and large goals, we can tap into attainability, respectability and potential for greatness - the three main motivational sweet spots. This allows us to maintain motivation and make consistent progress.

Here is a summary of the provided text:

The text discusses motivational sweet spots for goal setting and pursuit. It identifies three sweet spots:

  1. Maximum Attainability (Small Wins) - Goals that are easily attainable and ensure success. Accomplishing small goals generates the motivation to continue.

  2. Moderate Attainability Meets Respectability (Medium Wins) - Goals that are moderately difficult but still achievable most days. They provide a sense of accomplishment and respectable progress.

  3. Greatness (Large Wins) - More difficult goals that feel significant upon completion. They connect us to our dreams of mastery and greatness.

However, large goals are the least consistently attainable. Having options across all three sizes maximizes motivation by tapping into different drivers: attainability, respectability and value.

The text then discusses “goal anchoring” which works similarly to price anchoring used by marketers. By initially associating a large goal value with a pursuit, more attainable or moderate goals within that range feel more motivating by comparison. Goal anchoring amplifies motivation beyond the 3 distinct sweet spots.

In summary, the key takeaways are the identification of the 3 motivational sweet spots for goals and how goal anchoring can further leverage these to increase motivation for goal pursuit. Small wins, medium wins and large wins each offer unique value when used strategically.

  1. Anchoring makes mini habits more appealing by comparison. Without anchoring to larger goals, mini habits can feel abstract and unmotivating. But when compared to medium and large goals, mini habits appear incredibly easy and attainable. This increases their appeal.

  2. Elastic habits provide two-way anchoring. They anchor mini goals up to medium and large goals, making mini goals seem easier. They also anchor large goals down to medium and small goals, making large goals seem more impressive when achieved. This dual leverage helps keep you motivated and push you further.

  3. Pursuing goals should feel empowering, not restrictive. If a goal feels burdensome, it likely means you don’t have enough freedom or are focused solely on the end result, not the process.

  4. Our emotions can guide us to the right goal size for a given day. If you feel like you’re not doing enough, aim higher. If you’re feeling burnt out, scale back. Flexibility helps you avoid feeling like you’re betraying your desires.

  5. Different people will succeed with elastic habits in different ways. There are many possible “motivational archetypes,” like the “motivational snowballer” who starts with mini goals and works their way up.

In summary, the key takeaways are that anchoring mini habits to larger goals, the flexibility of elastic habits, and using emotions to guide goal selection are what make this strategy effective. By tailoring goals to your motivation and needs, elastic habits can feel empowering rather than restrictive.

Here is a summary of the key points in the excerpt:

  1. Intelligent tracking is an important part of the Elastic Habits system. Tracking your progress holds you accountable and rewards you with longer streaks, motivating you to continue.

  2. The author recommends using a calendar to track your elastic habits. He also created a custom elastic habit tracker to quantify progress over 15-day periods and motivate greater wins.

  3. The Elastic Habits system aims for simple and lightweight execution. There are brilliant systems out there, but many require too much maintenance for some people. This system minimizes the time and actions needed to keep it running.

  4. Flexible daily goals anchored to reward levels help avoid overwhelm and “all-or-nothing” thinking. They give you wins at multiple scales: Mini, Plus and Elite.

  5. The author will show different elastic habit journeys to illustrate how people can approach this system in their own unique way. There are the “Motivational Snowballer,” “Balanced Attacker” and “Racehorse” journeys.

  6. Everyone’s path to success with elastic habits will be unique, depending on their needs, motivation and life circumstances. The Mini level options are there when you need a breather or reset.

  7. System design is what will make or break using elastic habits effectively. Having the right strategy and approach is key to adopting this framework in a sustainable way.

Here is a summarized version of the key points:

  1. Easy and sustainable - The Elastic Habits system takes less than 20 seconds per day to maintain and only 2 minutes every 2 weeks to score yourself. This makes it easy and sustainable for life.

  2. Life-aware methodology - The system considers solutions for all situations like vacations and missed days. It is designed based on the reality of a busy life, not an idealistic fantasy.

  3. Tangible goals - The goals and habits can exist in the real world through habit posters and other tools, allowing you to interact with them.

  4. Automatic problem solving - The system is designed to automatically overcome common issues like excuses, lack of motivation, and perfectionism. It stays fresh and adapts with you.

  5. Lateral flexibility - You have multiple options for pursuing each habit to accommodate injuries, rest days, and other situations. This keeps your winning streak alive.

  6. Vertical flexibility - You can choose from easy, moderate or hard levels for each habit. This creates incentive and makes both the small and large options more rewarding.

  7. Alive goals - Your goals can evolve over time as you surprise yourself with bigger wins, move targets, and switch up options to keep it fresh.

  8. Naturally rewarding - The system relies on the built-in rewards of habit pursuit like winning streaks and changes in abilities, rather than external rewards.

How’s that? Let me know if you’d like me to expand on or modify any part of the summary.

Here’s a summary of the key points regarding strategy and tactics:

• Goals inform strategy, and strategy informs tactics. Focusing solely on tactics without an underlying strategy is often ineffective.

• Strategies consider your strengths, weaknesses, environment, and context. Tactics are bound by context.

• Copying others’ tactics often fails because you lack their full strategy and context.

• Good strategies work in both advantageous and disadvantageous situations, allowing for flexible tactics.

• Sun Tzu’s 5 essentials for victory are: know when to fight and when not to, handle both strong and weak situations, have unity of spirit in your “army”, strike when unprepared, and have full control.

• An elastic habit provides strategic flexibility by letting you choose the intensity and terrain based on your current strengths. This allows tactics appropriate for different situations.

• Unity is important for an “army” or habit to succeed. All levels - Mini, Plus, and Elite - must be valued.

• In summary, strategy provides the guiding principles, and tactics are the specific actions you take within a given context. Effective strategies produce winning tactics in many situations. Elastic habits create a strategic framework for choosing appropriate tactics each day.

How does this summary capture the key points regarding strategy, tactics and elastic habits? Let me know if you’d like me to expand on or modify anything.

Here’s a summary of the key points regarding structure and flexibility in elastic habits:

  1. There is value in both stability and flexibility, but the greatest value comes from combining them. Total rigidity or total flexibility are extremes that don’t work well.

  2. Elastic habits have some structure to provide stability, but also have flexibility to provide options and maneuverability. This is like a “super joint” that has the benefits of both stability and mobility.

  3. Rigidity (stability) requires more effort because you have to adapt to the goal. Flexibility requires less effort because the goal adapts to you. Rigid goals take more energy while flexible goals take less energy.

  4. The four pillars of structure in elastic habits:

  • They must be done every day (stability)
  • There are 4 levels of completion (flexible within that structure)
  • The habit is tracked on a percentage basis (flexible)
  • There is no punishment for failing (flexible)
  1. In summary, combining the right amounts of stability and flexibility in goals and habits helps make them achievable and sustainable, while avoiding the extremes of being too rigid or too loose.

Here is a summary of the provided text:

The Elastic Habits system proposes having multiple success options (vertical tiers and lateral options) for each habit, rather than a single goal. This provides more flexibility.

The four key pillars of Elastic Habits are:

  1. Do your elastic habits daily. Maintain the consistent discipline.

  2. Limit the options to a manageable number, around 3 vertical tiers and 3 lateral options for each habit. Too much choice can be paralyzing.

  3. Track your success using a simple system like stickers to validate and motivate yourself.

  4. Focus on no more than 3 elastic habits at a time to avoid dilution of energy.

While multiple options can introduce choice paralysis and decision fatigue, the Elastic Habits system requires less mental energy than rigid goal systems as it better aligns with your daily realities and circumstances. Choosing the “best” option is less important than choosing a good option that you’re happy with.

In summary, Elastic Habits propose a structured yet flexible system to build habits by providing multiple success options that better adapt to your life while still maintaining the key principles of consistency, discipline and tracking.

Here is a summary of the key points regarding elastic habits:

  1. Elastic habits start broadly with a general goal or habit, then narrow down to specific applications and intensities. This allows you to see the bigger picture first.

  2. You should choose up to 3 general habits, not more. Any more and your focus will be diluted.

  3. For each habit, identify up to 3 lateral options or specific applications. These are the different ways you can achieve that general habit.

  4. For each lateral option, choose 3 vertical targets or intensities: Mini, Plus and Elite. These represent increasing levels of effort or progress.

  5. Identify cues and commit to your habits to get started.

  6. Display your habits visually so you can track your progress.

  7. Tracking your habits is optional but can be helpful.

  8. Scoring and evaluating your performance can provide insight into how to improve your elastic habits.

The key benefits of elastic habits are:

  • They are flexible and can adapt to your changing situations and motivation levels.
  • They give you choices that match your situation, reducing decision fatigue.
  • The variable results from different options keep you engaged and interested.

Hope this summary helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Here’s a summary of the key steps to develop elastic habits:

  1. Choose 3 general habits that align with your values. Pick ones that have a big impact on your life and connect to something you care about.

  2. For each general habit, think of 3-4 specific ways you could do that habit. These are the “lateral options.”

  3. For each lateral option, set 3 levels of progress:

  • Mini: An easy win to build momentum
  • Plus: An intermediate challenge
  • Elite: An ambitious goal that would make you elite if done consistently

The Elite goal can either be:

  • Your “dream habit” that would fully satisfy you
  • An extremely difficult challenge that feels like a rare victory.
  1. Focus on using round numbers for your goals (e.g. 10, 15, 20), as people find round numbers more motivating.

The key is to have flexibility - you can choose to pursue the Mini, Plus or Elite goal for a given lateral habit on any given day, depending on your motivation and circumstances. This makes it easier to stick with the habit long-term.

The main things to focus on are choosing habits aligned with your values, and setting goals at multiple levels of progress to give yourself flexibility and room for easy wins. Does this look like an adequate summary? Let me know if you have any other questions!

Here is a summary of the key points regarding setting goals for each person and habit:

  1. Set goals at three levels: Mini, Plus and Elite.

  2. The Mini goal should be the minimum or safety net goal you can achieve even on your worst day. Make it truly small, like 1-5 minutes of activity.

  3. The Plus goal should be a moderate 10-20 minute goal that you would consider “respectable”. It should be 3-20 times more difficult than the Mini goal.

  4. The Elite goal should be the most challenging goal, around 2-4 times more difficult than the Plus goal. It represents the highest achievement for that habit.

  5. The spacing between the goals is important. If they are too close together, it reduces the appeal of each level. There needs to be enough separation and difficulty between goals.

  6. The goal levels are self-correcting based on your progress. If you only hit Mini goals, make the Plus goal smaller. If you hit no Plus goals, make the Elite goal harder. And so on.

  7. Using these tiered goals gives you options and freedom to achieve what you can on a given day, rather than an all-or-nothing goal that may discourage you.

Here is a summary of the provided text:

The author discusses the importance of balancing the three levels of targets - Mini, Plus and Elite - within an elastic habit system. Evenly balanced targets help make the habit sustainable long-term.

Mini goals should be easy so they are rarely missed. Plus goals should be achievable but moderately challenging. Elite goals should be difficult but exciting when completed.

The elastic habit approach gives more freedom compared to traditional habit formation strategies. This increased flexibility and incentives can help you achieve “Elite-sized” wins more often.

The author then provides some example elastic habit ideas and targets for habits like meal upgrades, reading, expressing gratitude, and writing.

The text notes that most bad habits have multiple cues compared to good habits, which tend to focus on a single cue or trigger. However, the author argues that for some people, having multiple cues that trigger the habit throughout the day can be helpful.

The “daily cue” approach means completing your habit anytime before bed. This gives you flexibility during the day while still maintaining the stability of a daily habit. The daily cue can help you plan bigger wins and form habits with resilience.

In summary, the key takeaways are the importance of balancing targets, increasing flexibility through the elastic habit approach, considering multiple cues instead of a single cue for some habits, and using the “daily cue” strategy for maximum flexibility while maintaining the stability of a daily habit.

  1. The author describes several types of cues to trigger habits: daily cues, window cues, time-based cues, and action-based cues.

  2. The author recommends starting with a daily cue, which provides the most flexibility. This allows you to choose when and how to complete your habits based on your varying schedule and mood.

  3. However, daily cues lack structure, so commitment is important to make them successful. The author commits to completing his elastic habits every day to avoid zero days.

  4. The flexibility of elastic habits allows you to complete them in different ways at different times and in different quantities. This flexibility helps make the habit enjoyable and supportive.

  5. Even with a daily cue, the author suggests planning your habits in the morning. This gives you information about your schedule and energy level to plan how best to complete your habits that day.

  6. The key is to show up and complete your habits in some way every day. Getting a “mini win” is better than a zero day. Flexibility allows you to improvise and adapt to your situation.

That cover the main points regarding cues, recommendations, and the role of flexibility and commitment with elastic habits, according to the author’s perspective. Let me know if you would like me to expand or modify the summary in any way.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

  1. Elastic habits have 3 levels of success: Mini, Plus and Elite. There are options for completing each habit at different intensities.

  2. The main cue is to complete the habits before going to sleep. But cues can be defined for individual behaviors.

  3. The habits should be written down and displayed prominently. Either use specialized tools or make your own.

  4. Track your habits each day using colored stickers or symbols to denote the level achieved. Use a specialized tracker or a calendar.

  5. Physical tracking like a habit calendar is more effective than apps.

  6. Scoring performance is optional. You can simply track your success without scoring.

  7. In practice, it’s actually an easy system. You choose an action, do it at your intensity level and mark it later using stickers or symbols.

The key is to prioritize consistency, rewarding all levels of success. The flexibility and options keep the system feeling manageable and exciting. The iterative tracking allows for unexpected upgrades in performance.

• The core elastic habits system involves marking three boxes each day to build a stable yet flexible habit structure. You decide how ambitious your wins will be - Mini, Plus or Elite.

• Modular habits involve breaking the behavior into multiple steps and completing one or more steps for a win. The steps gradually increase in difficulty.

• Interchangeable habits allow completing the steps in any order.

• Habit pools involve choosing one behavior from a set of options for a win. You need to do more behaviors to achieve higher levels.

• Elastic routines are strings of behaviors done in succession at different intensities - Mini, Plus or Elite.

• Advanced tactics like modular habits and routines add complexity but also customization and creativity.

• Changing your targets for elastic habits should only be done if the number of wins needed is significantly off or at the end of a period like 15 days or a month. This allows you to adjust based on data and performance.

In summary, the key ideas are the flexible win conditions of Mini, Plus and Elite, and how adding modularity, interchangeability and routines can make your elastic habits even more suited to your specific needs and days. But simplicity and small daily actions remain the foundation of the system.

Here is a summary of the provided text:

The text advocates using a system called Elastic Habits to develop good habits in an incremental and sustainable way. It discusses some key points:

  • Wait until the end of the period, like 15 days or a month, to evaluate your progress and adjust your targets. This allows you to standardize your results and see how you performed with that set of goals.

  • Sprint challenges can be incorporated into the Elastic Habits framework as optional. But you should still aim for at least the “Mini win” every day to maintain momentum. The system acts as a safety net if you fail some days of the sprint.

  • Safe and supportive systems allow you to experiment and learn without fear. This can help make breakthroughs and greater improvements. The gentle slope near the lift helped the author learn to brake for snowboarding.

  • Elastic Habits provide a safe and supportive environment where you can train at your own pace and terms, while still making progress every day. This allows you to focus on building the habit instead of forcing it.

  • The quote from Benjamin Franklin reminds us that actually doing and practicing good habits is more important than just talking about them.

So in summary, the key takeaways are about using an incremental approach with safety nets, waiting until the end of periods to evaluate, incorporating sprints in a safe way, and the importance of actually practicing good habits daily.

Here is a summary of the provided text:

• The author discusses elastic habits, which have mini, plus, and elite levels of completion. Completing the mini level each day is the most important to maintain consistency.

• The author shares a story of how they completed elite levels of their habit on a day it rained. They felt motivated by having specific, tiered goals.

• The author stresses the importance of completing the mini habit level each day to maintain consistency, even if you don’t achieve plus or elite levels. The mini level acts as a linchpin to prevent you from falling off track completely.

• The author recommends trying an “all mini” day to experience the power of achieving victories with small effort. This teaches you that slower days are okay in the long run.

• The author shares some options for handling elastic habits while on vacation: requiring the same habits, modifying them to be simpler, requiring them only on days partially at home, giving yourself a certain number of vacation days off per year, or exempting all vacation days. Pre-completing habit levels before a vacation can also work.

Here is a summary of the key points in the provided text:

  1. Elastic habits allow flexibility that helps maintain habits even while on vacation. You can simply resume the habits when you return home instead of worrying about continuing them on vacation.

  2. Before a trip, you can do extra of your elastic habits to cover for the days you’ll miss while away. This helps maintain your scoring and progress.

  3. There are several approaches you can take to complete your elastic habits each day: doing them all at once early, fitting them into your daily context, focusing on one at a time, or planning a specific time. In practice, a combination of these strategies works best.

  4. Determine the intensity level for your elastic habits based on your energy, free time, and motivation. Higher scores indicate a higher intensity level you can achieve that day.

  5. Using reverse exceptions, focus on making exceptions for beneficial behaviors instead of detrimental ones. Use self-talk like “just this once” to help make a healthy exception.

  6. To overcome resistance to action, first clearly choose one activity you want to do. Then shrink that activity down to a simple mechanical action to make it easier to start.

That cover the key highlights! Let me know if you would like me to expand or modify the summary in any way.

  1. The first step in overcoming resistance is clarity: Choose one specific objective to pursue.

  2. Then simplify the action into mechanical steps that are clearly defined and easy to do. Focus on the basics to get started.

  3. Once you begin the behavior, it becomes easier to continue and make progress. Momentum builds from taking the first step.

  4. The key to commitment is self-trust. You build self-trust by meeting your commitments, even small ones consistently. This creates a virtuous cycle.

  5. There are three phases of elastic habits:

  • Phase 1 (1-2 months): Build a foundation of consistency by showing up daily, even with small actions. Focus on consistency, not performance.

  • Phase 2 (2-6 months): Gain stability and make refinements based on patterns. Build confidence that you’ll show up and do well daily.

  • Phase 3 (6-12+ months): Reach the inflection point of mastery. Set more challenging goals and aim for consistent elite-level performance.

Here are the key takeaways from the conclusion:

  1. Ultimate strength and success come from flexibility and freedom. Rigid habits often lead to frustration and quitting.

  2. Using three habits with three levels and three applications gives enough structure but not too much choice. It avoids decision fatigue.

  3. Having multiple win conditions keeps you engaged and interested. You won’t be punished for mini wins, only rewarded for consistency.

  4. Over time, you can adjust your targets based on your progress. Increase them incrementally as you master each level.

  5. Tracking your progress daily is important. Using colored stickers or symbols is recommended, not numbers.

  6. Scoring your performance each period is optional but can show if you’re progressing, maintaining, or losing ground.

  7. The system aims to provide consistency and wins at multiple levels for the long term.

To pick the best option on a given day:

  • Consider your schedule, energy level, and priorities that day.
  • Refer to your preferred options listed on your habit poster or plan.
  • Choose options most aligned with your long-term goals when possible.

The key is having good options that fit most circumstances, then flexing appropriately based on each day’s specifics. With practice, you’ll develop a sense of what works best on different kinds of days.

Here’s a summary of the key points regarding fitness goals using elastic habits:

• Elastic habits allow for second-tier options when pursuing fitness goals. This could mean lower-impact workouts when injuries flare up, or lighter conditioning when heavier weight training is difficult.

• While this flexibility can enable slacking off at times, tracking your progress honestly will help you self-correct without negative self-judgment.

• Taking action from a place of freedom and empowerment, rather than external pressure, can be more sustainable and enable greater progress over time.

• If you miss a day, the key is to not miss two days in a row. Make up for the missed day by “patching” it on your tracker to avoid negative self-talk.

• For fitness goals, focus on 3 elastic habits maximum rather than trying to do 8 different things. Transforming 3 areas can make a dramatic improvement.

• The flexibility and variable rewards of the elastic habits system can potentially mitigate motivation loss over time, keeping the conscious mind engaged even as new habits form.

How does this summary look? Let me know if you’d like me to expand on or modify any part of it.

  • The Elastic Habit Tracker is designed specifically for the elastic habit strategy. It shows one month divided into two 15-day segments. This allows each day to feel significant while also giving scores and checkpoints every 15 days.

  • You assign points for each habit win: Mini = 1 point, Plus = 2 points, Elite = 3 points. At the end of each 15 days, you calculate the total points for each habit and the combined total points.

  • There are also bonus points you can earn for things like meeting the Elite level twice in one day, achieving a perfect day with all Elite wins, streaks of Elite wins, and most importantly the Habit Master bonus for completing all habits every day that period.

  • The scoring system provides entertainment, quantifies your progress, and allows you to analyze your performance and make adjustments to improve.

  • The most important metric to look at is consistency. Did you do something every day? Focusing on showing up each day in some capacity will set you up for success in building habits.

So in summary, the Elastic Habit Tracker and scoring system provide structure, accountability and motivation through making your progress visible, quantifiable and fun. The focus on consistency and “showing up” each day helps make the habits stick.

Here is a summary of the key points in the provided text:

  1. Days 31 of months are designated as “free days” in the Elastic Habits system. On these days, you have a few options: take the whole day off, use the day to boost your previous month’s score, make up for a missed habit or day, or continue your habits to keep your streak going.

  2. Missing a habit or day occasionally won’t hurt, as long as it doesn’t become a pattern. Elastic Habits allows you one “patch” per 15-day period to make up for a missed habit or day. Using a patch keeps your win streak intact.

  3. Notation for Elastic Habits can be colored stickers or symbols to denote the Mini, Plus and Elite levels of completion. Stickers are preferred as they allow for “iterative success”, meaning you can upgrade from one level to the next easily.

  4. The objective is to simply fill the spot each day, while aiming for higher levels over time. Focus on consistency instead of the pursuit of Elite levels only.

  5. Interactive Habit Posters can be used to display one Elastic Habit clearly. Each poster has space to write the habit, objectives and options to choose from.

That covers the main points outlined in the provided text regarding Elastic Habits, days 31, missed habits, notation and habit posters. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.

Here is a summary of the key points from the provided text in a psychologically compelling way:

Interactive Habit Posters can help you make meaningful changes in your life. They work by:

• Declaring your identity - Stating “I am a runner!” or “I am a writer!” sets your intention and focuses your mind.

• Promising consistency - Committing to do something every day gives you structure and accountability.

• Providing optional levels - Choosing a Mini, Plus or Elite level each day gives you flexibility and autonomy. Higher levels challenge you more.

Creating “slap contracts” with your poster can further motivate you. A slap contract works by:

• Literally slapping the poster to signify your commitment to do that level of activity.

• Requiring you to take action immediately after slapping the poster. You are “on the hook” once you make the contract.

• Allowing you the freedom to not activate a contract if you don’t really want to do it that day. It’s optional.

The poster acts as an “arbitrator” you hand your willpower to temporarily. This “external accountability” can help you follow through when internal motivation fails.

Using small “toll booths” - like doing pushups every time you go through a doorway - can also reinforce your habits in an enjoyable game-like way.

The Elastic Habit Poster combines multiple habits into one poster by:

• Listing your habit in the left column
• Specifying the Mini, Plus and Elite options in color-coded columns
• Writing the behavior in the corresponding color for that level

This provides an at-a-glance view of your options while maintaining the benefits of horizontal and vertical elasticity.

So in summary, Interactive Habit Posters use visual aids, public declarations and optional commitments to leverage psychological factors that motivate consistent action and meaningful growth.

Here is a summarized version of the relevant information:

r and interchangeable habits can be written in black across the three levels:

Mini: r habit

Plus: r habit, interchangeable habit

Elite: r habit, interchangeable habit, interchangeable habit

These habits aren’t tied to any specific level and can be used interchangeably. Unlike standard elastic habits, you have flexibility in which behaviors you choose to use.

The key points are:

  • R and interchangeable habits can be written in black across the levels

  • Mini involves writing one of these habits

  • Plus involves writing two

  • Elite involves writing all three

  • Unlike standard elastic habits, these behaviors are flexible and not tied to any specific level. You can use them interchangeably.

Hope this summary helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

• The book argues that rigid goals and habits lack flexibility and fail to adapt to changing circumstances. It proposes an “elastic” approach that allows for choice, variation and adjustment.

• Flexibility is seen as a strength, not a weakness. The ability to bend without breaking gives goals and habits resilience and longevity.

• Choices in goal setting and habit building unlock motivation. Having options energizes people by giving them a sense of autonomy and control.

• Anchoring goals to an ultimate purpose can provide two-way leverage. Goals guide actions, and actions feed back into motivating the higher purpose.

• Strategy and system design play an important role in making habits elastic. Better strategies allow for more flexibility and adaptation to people’s circumstances.

• The book outlines a seven-step process for creating “elastic habits” that adapt and bend instead of breaking. It also provides advanced tactics and daily practices for implementing elastic habits successfully.

In summary, the key idea is that truly effective goal setting and habit building require flexibility, choices, and the ability to adjust - an “elastic” rather than rigid approach. This elasticity is what provides motivation, resilience and long-term success.

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About Matheus Puppe