Self Help

Enchantment - Guy Kawasaki

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Matheus Puppe

· 34 min read

Here are the key points in the book Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki:

  • Enchantment is the art of changing hearts, minds, and actions. It makes people like you, trust you, and want to work with you.

  • To achieve likability, make eye contact, dress appropriately, perfect your handshake, use positive words, accept others, get physically close, pursue shared passions, create win-win situations, default to saying yes, and don’t impose your values.

  • To build trustworthiness, trust others first, be virtuous, disclose your interests, give for intrinsic reasons, gain knowledge, show up consistently, expand the pie, enchant people on their terms, position yourself as an expert, and be a hero.

  • To prepare for enchantment, do something great, conduct a “premortem”, set yourself up for success, simplify your message, remove obstacles, provide defaults, set goals, and create checklists.

  • To launch enchantment, tell stories, immerse people, promote trial, prime the pump, plant many seeds, ask what they will do, reduce choices, illustrate salient points, present big then small choices, and get first followers.

  • To overcome resistance, provide social proof, create perceptions of ubiquity and scarcity, demonstrate your magic, find examples, agree on common ground, identify bright spots, assign labels, use data to change mindsets, incur reciprocal debts, enchant influencers, frame the competition, control physical sensations, and remember shared humanity.

  • To make enchantment endure, internalize it, separate believers, push implementation down, use intrinsic motivators, invoke reciprocity, build commitment and consistency, create an ecosystem, diversify your team, and promote spreadability.

  • For push technologies like presentations and email, general principles are to make it visual and emotional, tell stories, customize the message, simplify, and call people to action.

  • For pull technologies like websites, blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube, the keys are to provide value, make it visual and emotional, facilitate sharing, and build community.

  • To enchant employees, provide a meaningful vision, empower them, judge results over intentions, address your shortcomings first, don’t ask them to do what you wouldn’t, celebrate success, find a devil’s advocate, and suck it up.

  • Enchantment is the process of delighting people with a product, service, organization, or idea. The outcome is voluntary and long-lasting support that is mutually beneficial.

  • You need enchantment when you have a great goal, few resources, and fierce competition. Enchantment can help you change people’s hearts, minds, and actions to support your cause.

  • Meaningful goals require enchantment. Enchantment requires meaningful goals.

  • Enchantment has an ethical dimension. It should bring out the best in people and make the world a better place. It should not manipulate, trick or take advantage of people.

  • Enchantment is not evil or frivolous. It is necessary to make big goals happen with few resources. But it should be used ethically to improve people’s lives.

In summary, enchantment is an ethical way to achieve meaningful goals by delighting people to gain their voluntary, enduring support. It is necessary when you lack resources and face competition.

  • Enchantment involves delighting people and winning them over through positive emotional connections rather than coercion or manipulation. It transforms hostility into civility and skeptics into believers.

  • Enchantment is necessary when trying to achieve lofty, idealistic goals, make difficult decisions, overcome entrenched habits, defy crowds, or work without immediate feedback. It helps convince people to join your cause.

  • To enchant people, you need to understand their perspective - what they want, if the change is worthwhile to them, and if they feel capable of changing.

  • Ethical enchantment requires asking people to do only what you would also do, having aligned interests, full disclosure of conflicts, truthfulness, and avoiding gullible targets.

  • The examples and research cited should be seen as interesting possibilities to test and adapt rather than definitive scientific proof. The goal is changing the world, not just understanding it.

  • Personal stories are included to provide real-world examples of enchantment.

Here is a summary of the key points about how to achieve likability:

  • Make a good first impression by smiling genuinely, dressing appropriately, perfecting your handshake, and using simple, active words.

  • Accept others rather than judging them. Recognize that everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

  • Be humble. Nobody is superior at everything. Value others’ skills.

  • Focus on learning, not criticizing. Ask questions out of curiosity rather than judgment.

  • Practice empathy by seeing things from others’ perspectives. Imagine how you would feel in their situation.

  • Give honest praise to recognize others’ contributions. Compliment specific actions.

  • Listen actively without interrupting. Paraphrase to ensure understanding.

  • Admit mistakes openly and apologize sincerely when needed. Take responsibility rather than blaming others.

  • Share credit for accomplishments. Highlight team members’ roles. Say “we” more than “I.”

  • Express gratitude frequently and meaningfully. Thank people for their time, efforts, or insights.

The key is to make people feel valued, understood, and appreciated. This builds rapport and likability. By accepting and lifting up others, you create an environment where enchantment can flourish.

Here are a few key points summarizing how to achieve likability:

  • See the good in other people. Look for the positive qualities and potential in others, even those you may not like at first. We all have goodness within us.

  • Don’t impose your values on others. Respect that people have different values and perspectives. Avoid judging or trying to change them to match your own views.

  • Pursue and project your passions. Let your enthusiasm for your interests shine through. Passion is attractive.

  • Find shared passions. Look for common interests you can bond over with others. This builds rapport and connection.

  • Create win-win situations. Find solutions where everyone gains something. This builds goodwill and liking.

  • Get physically close to people. Proximity fosters bonding and friendship. Seek out face-to-face interactions.

  • Be inclusive. Appreciate diversity and bring people together. An embracing attitude draws people to you.

The key is to lead with positivity, empathy, and mutual understanding. Focus on what you have in common with others, not what divides you. This mindset and behavior creates amity and likeability.

  • Trust is essential for enchantment and relationships. Tony Hsieh built Zappos on a two-way trust between the company and its customers.

  • People who have been hurt or betrayed tend to distrust others. But most people can be trusted if you give them the chance.

  • Trust people by default. Assume they are honest and have good intentions until proven otherwise. This optimistic view tends to create positive responses.

  • Be trustworthy yourself by being honest, reliable, and keeping your word. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

  • Share personal information and experiences to show you trust others. Mutual self-disclosure builds bonds.

  • Admit mistakes openly and quickly. People trust those who are open about errors rather than trying to cover them up.

  • Trust people’s abilities by empowering them to use their best judgment. This shows confidence in their skills.

  • Extend trust first to help create reciprocal trust from others. But use common sense and withdraw trust if violated.

The key is to lead with trust and optimism about human nature, while using wisdom to avoid being exploited. This inspires trustworthiness and enchanting relationships.

  • Be honest, fair, kind, and transparent (a “mensch”) to build trustworthiness.

  • Disclose your interests upfront so people know your motivations.

  • Help others for intrinsic reasons, not to get something in return.

  • Gain knowledge and competence in your field to demonstrate expertise.

  • Show up and interact with people regularly to build relationships.

  • Focus on “baking a bigger pie” - creating value instead of just competing.

The main message is that to be trusted, act with integrity and goodwill. Develop your abilities while supporting others. Be transparent about your goals and consistently engage with people. If you provide value unselfishly, you will become more enchanting.

Here are a few key points on how to create an enchanting cause:

  • Make it deep - offer a wide range of features and capabilities to meet customers’ evolving needs. Google is a good example, providing search, email, document management, etc.

  • Make it intelligent - solve problems in clever, thoughtful ways. Ford’s MyKey for teen drivers is a smart solution.

  • Make it complete - provide everything needed, don’t force customers to assemble parts. The iPhone offered phone, music, web, apps, etc.

  • Make it empathetic - understand and cater to customers’ needs and desires. Amazon’s recommendations are very tuned to each customer.

  • Make it innovative - go beyond incremental improvements, completely rethink the offerings. The iPad created a new category of device.

  • Make it elegant - ensure the design and user experience are aesthetically pleasing and emotionally resonant. Apple products excel at this.

  • Make it ethical - do the right thing for customers and society. Companies like Patagonia and IKEA aim for this.

The key is to deeply understand your customers and market, and then create offerings that provide excellent utility but also captivate people emotionally and ethically. Combine an enchanting cause with an enchanting person presenting it, for maximum impact.

Here are the key points in summarizing the passage:

  • Complete, empowering, and elegant causes make enchanting people easier. Combine with a likable, trustworthy person for best results.

  • Premortems can identify potential problems in advance and prevent failure.

  • Make it easy for people to do the right thing by setting up clear paths.

  • Use tricolons, metaphors, similes and other techniques to make messages short, simple, and easy to understand.

  • Stay positive, show respect, and restrain enthusiasm to communicate causes effectively.

  • The author’s wife’s friend recommended a hotel in Paris, so he tried to book a room there.

  • The hotel website said there was a €5.6 (about $7) booking fee, which the author found odd.

  • When he tried to make a reservation, there were no rooms available but he was still charged the $7 fee just for trying to book.

  • This experience made the author decide not to stay at that hotel, because he did not want to pay just to attempt making a reservation.

  • The fee was like a “fence” that prevented booking. Removing such fences helps prepare your cause for launch.

  • Other examples of “fences” are things that make ideas harder to understand, like hard-to-pronounce names. Easy, fluent names remove those fences.

  • Providing default options can remove fences, but sometimes defaults can irritate people if they steer them toward options they don’t want.

  • Establishing clear goals makes your desires transparent so people know what you want. This builds trust.

  • Checklists help people take action, show you are organized, and enable people to see progress.

In summary, removing obstacles and barriers helps prepare to launch your cause by making it easier for people to understand and participate. Being organized and transparent about your goals also builds trust.

Here is a summary of the key points about how to launch a cause in an enchanting way:

  • Tell a compelling story that captures people’s interest and imagination. Use storylines like great aspirations, David vs Goliath, profiles in courage, or personal anecdotes. Stories create faith and belief.

  • Immerse people in the experience so they lose track of time and suspend disbelief. Enable vicarious experiences through demos and simulations. Recreate the context and details. Use “anchor and twist” to connect to something familiar but give it a new meaning. Differentiate from past experiences with something novel.

  • The goal is to captivate your audience so they focus completely on your cause and imagine themselves using or being part of it. Make it an engaging, memorable experience like a great amusement park ride.

Here is a summary of the key points from the article:

  • Use storytelling and immersion to get people interested in your cause. Then let them try it out for themselves through hands-on experience.

  • Make the trial easy, immediate, inexpensive, concrete, and reversible. Remove barriers that prevent people from trying your cause.

  • Appeal to people’s willingness to try something new on a whim. Allow them to proceed right away without filling out forms or waiting for approval.

  • At the end of the trial, people should see tangible results and effects. If they don’t like it, let them easily reverse their decision.

  • Reach out to many people, not just influential experts. Regular users often understand a cause better than influentials who just briefly try something.

  • Ask people directly if they intend to support you. This reveals where you stand and can nudge fence-sitters to commit.

  • Reduce the number of choices to avoid paralyzing people. But in some cases, more choices allows customization which increases satisfaction.

  • Use salient points to communicate impact through facts and stories. Illustrate the key benefits of your cause.

Here are some key points on why people may be reluctant to support a cause or make a change:

  • Inertia - People tend to resist change and prefer to stay with the status quo. Overcoming inertia requires an outside force.

  • Hesitation to reduce options - People like having choices and may hesitate to commit to one option as it reduces their flexibility.

  • Fear of making a mistake - People may avoid making a choice to avoid potentially being wrong. Not choosing is seen as safer.

  • Lack of trust - People may not fully trust the person advocating for change and need more reassurance. Building trust takes time.

  • Perceived loss of power/control - Change often means ceding some control, which can be threatening. People want to feel empowered.

  • Cognitive dissonance - People tend to seek consistency in their views and choices. A new idea that conflicts with existing beliefs may encounter resistance.

  • Herd mentality - There is comfort and safety in following the crowd. Diverging from that risks social disapproval.

The key is to understand these sources of reluctance and address them by building trust, allowing gradual change, emphasizing benefits over losses, and convincing others to help drive change. Patience and persistence are critical.

  • Role models are important because people look to others’ behavior when deciding whether to adopt a new cause. Early adopters serve as role models and make it easier for others to give the cause a try.

  • Your cause may fail to gain traction if people think it “sucks”. This resistance is hard to overcome unless you improve the cause. Instant successes are rare - fear, uncertainty, and lack of adoption are common at first.

  • Provide social proof by showing that others have embraced your cause. People infer that if many others are doing something, it must be acceptable or optimal to do.

  • Create a perception of ubiquity - make your cause seem familiar and widespread. The more available examples people can think of, the more common they will think the cause is.

  • Generate scarcity by limiting availability. People assign more value to things that seem rare or scarce. This creates buzz and desirability.

  • Display the magic of your cause - let people observe its creation and attractiveness firsthand. This gives them a vivid, positive impression to pass on to others.

Here are the key points from the summary:

  • Jerry Sternin went to Vietnam in 1990 to address child malnutrition for Save the Children. He didn’t speak Vietnamese or have a large budget.

  • Sternin recruited local mothers to weigh children and found some were healthy, despite poverty and poor sanitation.

  • The mothers of healthy kids added shrimp, crabs, and sweet potatoes to plain rice.

  • Sternin started a program where mothers of healthy kids taught mothers of malnourished kids to cook with these ingredients.

  • After 6 months, 65% of children were better nourished in the village studied.

  • The program worked because it relied on local wisdom rather than imposing American solutions.

  • This shows the importance of finding “bright spots” - examples of success - and building on them to solve problems and overcome resistance. Rather than tackling everything at once, start small with what’s working and expand from there.

Here are the key points I gathered from the passage:

  • Instead of focusing narrowly on the primary target for enchantment, consider all the influencers who may affect that person’s decision. Enchant them too.

  • For example, when trying to recruit a student, think about enchanting their grandparents, parents, significant other, friends etc. Understand each influencer’s concerns and tailor your messaging to address those.

  • Give examples like the Florida camp catering content to mothers for safety, and the Navy creating a website to enchant mothers and get them on board with recruiting.

  • The main takeaway is to map out all the influencers on your target, understand their needs, and craft your enchantment strategy to win them over as well. This expands your sphere of influence and improves your chances of persuading the primary target.

  • The goal of enchantment is long-lasting change, not one-time transactions. You want enchantment to endure and blossom by changing hearts, minds, and actions.

  • Strive for internalization - the process where people go beyond conformity and identification to truly believing and adopting your values. This is the deepest level of enchantment.

  • Separate the believers - surround yourself with people who believe in your cause. Allow unbelievers to opt out gracefully.

  • Make enchantment portable - allow people to take your enchantment with them through rituals, artifacts, stories, and interactions.

  • Charge a premium - premium pricing signals high value and exclusivity. It also screens out bargain hunters.

  • Create a cause - a cause is about changing the world, not making a profit. It inspires belief and enduring enchantment.

  • Tell your story - stories explain who you are and what you stand for. They create emotional connections and stick in people’s minds.

  • Never stop enchanting - enchantment must be reinforced continually through consistent actions, values and interactions. It’s an ongoing process.

  • Enchantment needs to endure over time to be truly effective. Some ways to make it last are:

  • Give enchanted believers space away from the rest of the organization. New ideas need room to grow without being crushed by the status quo.

  • Don’t just focus on leaders at the top. Grassroots support from the middle and bottom is crucial for lasting change.

  • Use intrinsic motivations like purpose and autonomy rather than just extrinsic rewards like money. Studies show money can actually undermine enchantment.

  • Invoke reciprocity by giving generously and without expectation early and often. Ask for favors in return when needed to deepen relationships.

  • Giving for its own sake, unexpectedly, and modeling reciprocal behavior creates enduring bonds and goodwill. Enchantment must permeate an organization to stick.

Here are the key points in summarizing how to make enchantment endure:

  • Foster gratitude with sincere thanks and avoiding entitlement. Gratitude makes people want to reciprocate.

  • Use commitment and consistency to get people to commit to your cause, then invoke their desire to be consistent.

  • Build an ecosystem of user groups, websites, consultants, developers, resellers, and conferences to complement your cause. This increases satisfaction and signals success.

  • Recruit evangelists, give them meaningful tasks, welcome criticism, and reward them to foster the ecosystem.

  • Diversify your team with different perspectives and skills to keep your cause fresh and relevant.

The main ideas are to foster gratitude, commitment, and an ecosystem, while diversifying your team. Doing these things helps make the initial enchantment last over the long term. The key is making enchantment endure by continuing to provide value, satisfaction and connection for the people you have enchanted.

Here are some key principles for using technology to enchant people:

  • Respond quickly - people are enchanted by fast, timely responses.

  • Engage with many people, not just the famous or influential. Treat everyone equally. You never know who may become a supporter.

  • Engage frequently - enchantment requires ongoing interaction, not just a few exchanges.

  • Use multiple forms of media - text, images, video, audio etc. The more ways you engage, the more enchanting.

  • Provide value - share useful content, insights, advice etc. Help people get value from online resources.

  • Give credit - acknowledge others who provide you with valuable information to pass along. Leave positive comments.

  • Assume good intent - approach people online with the belief they are honest, smart and decent. Don’t lose civility.

  • Accept diversity - be open-minded to different views and perspectives. But don’t accept abuse.

  • Don’t tolerate abuse - if people violate or attack you, don’t accept it. Stand up for yourself.

The key is balancing openness and positivity with refusing to accept cruelty or misbehavior. Follow these principles using whatever technologies emerge in the future.

Here are some tips for writing effective emails that can help you enchant others:

  • Get a professional email address that matches your domain, not something generic like gmail or yahoo. This signals you are serious.

  • Try to get an introduction from someone the recipient knows. An intro makes them much more likely to read and respond.

  • Personalize the subject line with something relevant to the recipient, like a mutual connection. Avoid generic subjects.

  • Keep emails to 6 sentences or less. Get to the point quickly. Cover why you’re contacting them, who you are, what you want, and next steps.

  • Start by sucking up - mention something specific you admire about them or their work. Do your homework first.

  • Make it about their interests, not yours. Show how your request fits with what they care about.

  • Close with a specific, reasonable ask and deadline. Don’t just say “Let me know if you’re interested.”

  • Proofread carefully. Check for typos, clarity, polite tone. Sloppiness kills enchantment.

  • Follow up if needed, but avoid seeming desperate or pushy. Persistence can pay off.

  • Always say thank you, even for a “no.” Appreciate that they took time to consider you.

Here is a summary of Garr Reynolds’ personal story:

  • Garr Reynolds is an author and presentation consultant who lives in Nara, Japan.

  • He started using Twitter in 2008 and quickly amassed thousands of followers due to the informative and entertaining content he shared.

  • Reynolds believes Twitter is a powerful tool for enchantment because it allows you to directly engage with people worldwide. He manually responds to many tweets, making the interactions more personal.

  • By sharing his expertise, insights, and personality on Twitter, Reynolds has built strong connections and loyalty with his followers. Many have become friends or clients.

  • Twitter’s immediacy and transparency provides opportunities for enchantment that traditional marketing lacks. Reynolds credits Twitter for much of his success as an author and consultant.

  • He advises being selective about who you follow, only following accounts that share content aligned with your interests. Aim to post valuable, sharable information, not mundane personal details.

  • Reynolds stresses making engagement personal by researching followers’ profiles before responding. This extra effort makes interactions more meaningful and enchanting.

In summary, Reynolds has skillfully used Twitter to build an influential network and enchant followers by generously sharing expertise, engaging personally, and providing value. He believes Twitter is a powerful tool for enchantment due to its immediacy, transparency, and worldwide reach.

Here is a summary of the key points about using Facebook to enchant people:

  • Facebook has a huge user base, making it a great platform for reaching a large audience.

  • Creating a Facebook fan page is relatively easy and inexpensive. The platform provides built-in features like commenting, posting, and sharing at no cost.

  • Facebook identities are more reliable than other platforms, so you know who you are interacting with.

  • The “liking” and sharing features help spread your message virally.

  • Create a customized landing tab to orient new visitors and encourage them to like your page.

  • Post a variety of engaging content frequently - updates, photos, videos, links, etc.

  • Respond to comments and questions to build relationships with your followers.

  • Use Facebook ads to expand your reach. Target them based on location, interests, etc.

  • Encourage people to invite their friends to like your page.

  • Integrate your Facebook presence with your website, blog, and other social platforms.

  • Analyze your metrics to see what content resonates best with your audience.

  • Enchant people on Facebook by providing value, building connections, and leveraging the platform’s interactive features.

  • Provide intrinsic value through inspiration, entertainment, enlightenment, or education. Viral videos are hard to create intentionally - focus on steadily supplying valuable content.

  • Keep videos short. Data shows most viewers abandon videos longer than 2-3 minutes. Shorter is better for retention.

  • Optimize title, description and tags for SEO. This helps people find your videos through search.

  • Interact with commenters and build a community around your channel. This builds loyalty and retention.

  • Cross-promote through your other social media accounts. This expands your reach.

  • Measure views, comments, likes/dislikes, subscribes - not just views. This gives a richer picture of engagement.

  • Ask viewers explicitly to like, comment, subscribe. Many may want to engage but need a nudge.

The key is providing ongoing value to build an enchanting video presence, not trying to score a one-hit viral wonder. Short, optimized, interactive videos that lead viewers to more of your content work best.

Here are some key ideas for enchanting employees and providing them with mastery, autonomy, and purpose:

  • Mastery - Enable employees to improve their skills and become more competent. Provide training, mentoring, and growth opportunities. Recognize and reward skill development.

  • Autonomy - Give employees freedom in how they do their work. Set clear goals but allow flexibility in how those goals are achieved. Trust employees to work independently and make decisions.

  • Purpose - Ensure employees understand the meaningful impact of their work. Communicate how they are contributing to something bigger than themselves and making a difference.

  • Fair compensation - Pay employees fairly based on their role, skills, experience and performance. Underpaying will undermine motivation.

  • Recognition - Recognize achievements big and small. Praise good work frequently and publicly.

  • Listen - Provide opportunities for employees to share ideas and feedback. Listen attentively and act on input when possible.

  • Inspire - Communicate an inspiring vision for the future. Help employees feel excited about goals.

  • Respect - Treat all employees with dignity and respect. Build an inclusive and supportive culture.

  • Wellbeing - Promote work-life balance and care for employees’ overall wellbeing. Reduce unnecessary stress.

The key is fulfilling employees’ needs for mastery, autonomy and purpose while also providing fair compensation, recognition and a great work environment. This leads to an engaged, inspired workforce.

Here are a few key points summarizing the advice for enchanting employees:

  • Enable employees to serve and delight customers by trusting them to make responsible decisions. Don’t create policies that prevent them from doing their best.

  • Judge yourself harshly by your results and others gently by their intentions. Address your own shortcomings first when reviewing performance.

  • Sometimes you need to “suck it up” and deal with adversity without complaining, like James Garner did when he got a weak script. This sets a good example.

  • Don’t ask employees to do anything you wouldn’t do yourself. Show you are willing to get your hands dirty.

  • Celebrate team successes, not just individual ones. Make it fun and cool, not extravagant.

  • Appoint a “devil’s advocate” to argue against decisions and ensure you are considering all perspectives. This prevents groupthink.

  • Make sure compensation is fair. People will accept less pay if other elements of MAP are met.

The key is to empower employees, lead by example, acknowledge them, and create an inspiring culture. This enchants employees.

Here are three key points for enchanting your boss:

  • Make your boss look good. This is the top priority. Help your boss achieve her goals and make her look successful.

  • Anticipate your boss’s needs. Pay attention to what your boss cares about and take initiative to address those needs without having to be asked. Be proactive.

  • Provide solutions, not just problems. When bringing issues to your boss, also bring potential solutions or recommendations. Don’t just dump problems in her lap.

The basic mindset is to help your boss be more effective and successful. This means understanding what she cares about, taking initiative, and bringing value by solving problems. A boss who looks good thanks to your efforts will appreciate and reward you. Just don’t be sycophantic - be genuinely helpful and strategic in making your boss look good.

  • Making your boss look good is your day-to-day job. Support your boss while operating ethically. When your boss advances, you advance.

  • Drop everything to prioritize what your boss asks you to do. Their requests take precedence.

  • Underpromise and overdeliver on goals. Set achievable targets and exceed them.

  • Prototype work early and ask for feedback. This allows course corrections.

  • Show progress on long projects so your boss stays informed. But don’t micro-manage communications.

  • Broadcast successes without exaggeration. Credit others and let third parties announce good news when possible.

  • Form professional friendships to become more effective and efficient.

  • Ask your boss to mentor you in their areas of expertise. Listen to their advice.

  • Deliver bad news early so problems can be addressed quickly. Don’t blame others, just focus on solutions.

  • Make your boss look good by doing excellent work. Their success leads to your success.

  • Avoid tempting situations where you may be persuaded to do something against your best interests, like store sales or auctions. Delay decisions if you can’t avoid the situation.

  • Consider the long-term impact of a decision - what will be the effect one year from now? Make sure it will lead to positive outcomes in the future.

  • Know your own limitations and seek a “devil’s advocate” to point out flaws in propositions. No one knows everything or can predict the future perfectly.

  • Beware of pseudo salience, correlation presented as causation, and questionable expert advice. Apply critical thinking.

  • Don’t fall for anecdotes and single examples as proof. Plural of anecdote is not data. Require statistical significance and scientific consensus.

  • Watch for emotional manipulation, vivid imagery, personal stories. While powerful, these do not prove validity on their own.

  • Maintain objectivity and awareness. Don’t let enchanters push your buttons or sweep you away on a wave of enthusiasm. Stay grounded.

The key is maintaining critical thinking, objectivity and an awareness of persuasion techniques, rather than being swept away by emotion, personal stories, or pseudoscience. Require real evidence and resist pressure to make hasty decisions.

Here are the key points from the passage:

  • Jenny McCarthy has been a prominent promoter of the discredited claim that vaccines cause autism. She based this view largely on her own experience with her son.

  • McCarthy gained a wide audience for her views through her television exposure. The James Randi Educational Foundation gave her an award for misleading people.

  • Meanwhile, extensive scientific research has found no link between vaccines like the MMR vaccine and autism. The evidence does not support McCarthy’s claims.

  • One personal experience or data point does not determine a trend. People should not let McCarthy’s views sway them in light of the preponderance of research showing she is wrong.

  • The summary cautions against letting the power of social acceptance lead you astray. It uses the example of the unwise tulip speculation in 17th century Netherlands as an example of crowd folly.

  • The summary advises being skeptical of the “wisdom of the crowds” and notes diversity, consideration of all opinions, and proper incentives are needed for crowds to show genuine wisdom.

Here is a summary of the key points in Guy Kawasaki’s book Enchantment:

Main Ideas:

  • Enchantment is the art of influencing people to take positive action through charm, strength of character, and virtue. It involves seeing situations from other perspectives, establishing trust, and having a likeable personality.

  • To enchant people: perfect your elevator pitch, achieve mastery, provide huge chunks of value for free, make your messages short, sweet, and swallowable, use stories and pictures, and sell your dream.

  • Have deep (meaningful), intelligent (strategic), complete (encompassing), empowering (uplifting), and elegant (pleasing) causes. Make your cause ubiquitous and antifragile.

  • Overcome resistance by finding bright spots, revealing your flaws first, planting many seeds, reducing choices, asking for advice, and creating the perception of monopoly or scarcity.

  • Reciprocate good deeds over long timespans. Create separate workspaces for believers. Make diversity endure through kindness.

  • Launch innovations by overcoming a fear of loss, making it easy to try your product, and allowing reversibility. Leverage vetting, social proof, and the crowd.

  • Build trust by disclosing conflicts of interest early and having trusted third parties speak for you. Exceed expectations consistently.

  • Enchant employees by hiring slow and firing fast. Address your own deficiencies first. Celebrate and reward team efforts. Enable independent work.

  • Enchant customers by making transactions frictionless. Provide swift and sincere customer service. Delight with unexpected extras.

In summary, enchantment involves capturing people’s attention, earning their trust, and motivating them to take positive action through an appealing vision, personality, and persistence. Mastering enchantment can help you influence people ethically and effectively.

scorecard for

family, 89–91

assessment of, 91

leaders of opposition, 83–84

born vs. made issue, 6

multiple sources, using, 88–89

enchanted vs. enchanter, defi nitions

Instagram, 51

of, xix

Installing enchantment

Hill & Knowlton recruitment, 53n

how- to guide, guidelines for, 133

laptop platform sales boom, Mac

pull and push technologies, 134–50

OS role in, 43

Integrity. See Trustworthiness

“Mac evangelists,” 56

Interests, joint. See Alignment of

Martin, Steve as, 32


Microsoft Slogans, 45

Internalization, and conformity, 96

The New York Times’ Styles section, 8

Index 199

PC- Mac Dogfi ght, 43

and trustworthiness, 31–32

Ranch Girl’s blog, 126

Liker, Jeff rey, 148

Toyota boards, 143, 151

Lin, Maya, 57

Web blog, 137

LinkedIn, 127

Keillor, Garrison, 12

blog posts, importance of, 133

Kennedy, John F., 79

LinkedIn For Dummies, in

Kennedy, Scott, 21, 29–30, 155–56

Enchantment Hall of Fame, 41

Keynotes, 122–23

LivePlan, 46

Kindness, practicing, 115

Locke, Nancy, 89

King- Casas, Brooks, 177

Logo creation, 47

Kitayama, Shinobu, 111

LOLcats, 136

Kleiner Perkins Caulfield Byers, 43

Long- term relevance, 61

Komatsu, Jiro, 43

Lovins, Amory, 208

Kouzes, Jim, 155

Lovins, Hunter, 208

Kripalani, Manjeet, 122

Loyalists, versus mercenaries. see

True believers

Laker, Freddy, 51

Lulu, 205

Language, benefi ts of simple, 13–14

Luntz, Frank, 16

Lasting change

Lynch, Aaron, 106, 107, 108

and commitment, 103–4 diverse team for, 109–10

MacBook Pro, 66

ecosystem for, 104–8


establishing product platform, 43–44

and enchantment, xvii–xix

goals, establishing, 50–51

evolution of, 144

intrinsic motivation for, 99–101

as great product, 39–41

and joy, 101–2

Jobs- Raskin showdown, 43

overcoming resistance, 96–98

launch lessons, 55–69

pull and push technologies, 134

logo, origin of, xviii–xix

situations for, 95

mythic origins, 56–57


Macintosh team, xviii, 56

checklist, using, 51–53

Simplicity Shootout, 57

demos for, 59–60

See also Apple; Jobs, Steve

failure, recovering from, 62

Made versus born, enchanters, 6

hero myths for, 56–57

Magliozzi, Ray, 29

lessons from Macintosh, 55–69

Magliozzi, Tom, 29

memorable details for, 58

Maharaji, Guru Dev Singh Ji, 113

preparations for, 50–53

Maison Van Gogh, 18

prototyped work for, 57–58

Malanim, Marshal, 115


Malesic, Jonathan, 96n

crisis situations, 37

Malinowski, Bronislaw, 133

200 Index

Mandelbrot, Benoit, 41

Morton, Oliver, 80

Mantras, and lasting change, 103

Moskovitz, Dustin, 10

MAP acronym, 151–52

Motion, versus inertia, 71


Motivation, intrinsic versus extrinsic,

of competition, 91–92


of great products, 60–63

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 19

on Web sites, 135–36

Munguia, Haydee, 43–44

Marshall, Joshua, 179

Mutual agreement, arriving at, 81–83

Martin, Courtney E., 158

Mycoskie, Blake, 36, 101–2

Martin, Steve, 32

Myers- Briggs personality assessment,

Materialism, 15


Mathematics, in Enchantment Hall of

Mythic qualities, and product launch,

Fame, 41


McCarthy, Jenny, 51 McCracken, Harry, 56n

Nardelli, Bob, 168

McPherson, Miller, 176n


Meaning, greater, and motivation, 100

Challenger disaster, 178–79

Mehrabian, Albert, 14

Web site, 135

Mentor, boss as, 170, 172

Networking, online, 20. See also

Mercenaries, versus true believers,

Online networking; Social




Neukard, Karen, 205

concise, creating, 46

News aggregators, 74, 130

framing around listener’s interests,

New York Times, The (newspaper)


spreading ideas in, 74

simple, importance of, 13–14, 122

Van Gogh story, 18

tailoring, 81–85


See also Slogans

cause marketing campaign, 79–81

Metcalfe, Bob, 105

Play Pumps, 101


Nikon, 131

Encarta, 100

Nonbelievers, versus believers, 97

slogans, 45

Nonverbal communication, 11

word processing innovations, xviii

Notre Dame de Paris, 174

Military, in Enchantment Hall of

Ohanian, Alexis, 10

Fame, 41

Olivares, Diana, 89

Mind reading, 6

Online networking, 20, 127–28,


135, 139

conforming to, 3–4, 96

competition, handling, 91–92

modifying, 71–72

discourse, enabling, 107

See also Lasting change

ecosystems based on, 105

Mistakes, fear of, 71–72

and enchantment, 16, 20

Mitchell, Deborah, 96n

openness, benefi ts of, 107

Index 201

and personal stories, sharing,

People, continued


leadership, recognizing. see True

and personality styles, 15


pull/push technologies, mixing, 135

liking of others, and

reciprocal altruism, 75–76

likability, 9–15

storytelling, enabling, 111

listening to, 13

trust, cultivating, 27

speaking simply to, 13–14

See also individual services

trusting, 3

for selfinterest. see Alignment of

Optivo, 90


Osho, 113

true believers among, 106–7

Ovitz, Michael, 170

See also individual types

Pacino, Al, 36

Perelman, Grigory, 19

Page, Larry, 59

Perme, Mariette Jansen, 90

Palahniuk, Chuck, Fight Club, in

Persistence, versus nagging. See

Enchantment Hall of Fame, 41

Resisting enchantment

Palm, 41

Personal interests, focusing on, 81–83

Panin, Dmitri, 19

Personal stories, 8, 25–26, 37–38,

PARC (Xerox Palo Alto Research

53–54, 68–69, 93–94, 111,

Center), 75

133–34, 150, 163–64, 171–72, 184

Paris, Texas, 41, 120

Personality styles, online resources

Parker, Sean, 10

on, 15n

Partnerships, choosing, 107

Pessemier, Edgar, 114

Passivity, avoiding, 71–72

Phillips, Michael, 51

Patzer, Amanda, 20, 51

Photography, power of, 80–81

“Pay it forward” concept, 75–76

Picasso, Pablo, 174

PayPal, 10

Pierce, David, 57–58

PeerIndex, 16–17, 130

Pinterest, 139, 205

Peer-to-peer economies, 75

Pixar Studios, 10


Planning, 49–51

blame game, avoiding, 177–78

Platform, establishing, 43–44

boss. see Boss

Pleasure, and motivation, 100–101

curiosity about, 20

Polansky, Daniel, 206

discourse among, benefi ts of, 107

Pop culture, using, 14

diversity of team, 109–10

“Positioning: The Battle for your

employees. see Employees

Mind” (Ries), 61

experts, identifying, 17

Postman, Neil, 133

family, 89–91

Power, enchanters avoiding use of, 4–5

followers, fi rst, 68, 87–88, 96–97

Praise, judicious use of, 114–15

influencers. see Infl uencers

Preparation, 39–54

202 Index

Presentation Zen (Reynolds), 122

Raymond, Colton, 106


Reciprocal altruism, 75–76

enchanting, tips for, 122–23


keynotes, 122–23

candidate enthusiasm, 53

Pressfi eld, Stephen, The Path of

checklist, using, 51–53

Least Resistance, 6

devil’s advocate in, 158–59

Price, optional or pay what you can,

job description, writing, 161


for lasting change, 109–10

Principles, focusing on, 82

true believers, 106

Problem solving, 96–98

Recursiveness, and ecosystems, 108

Product development

Reddit, 138–39, 206

hand making prototype, 164

Reeves, Martha, 79

launching new. see Launch

Reid, Albert, III, 103–4

platform, establishing, 43–44

Remember icon, 47–48

Production, prototyped work for, 167

Reminder cards, distributing, 119

Professional attire, 11–12

Rensi, Ed, 121

Project KickStart, 58, 61

Repeating key words, 14

Proof- of-concept demos, 59

Reply All e-mails, avoiding, 125

Prototyped work, using, 57–58,

Reputation, and trustworthiness, 32

164, 167–68

Research, facts versus assumptions,

Pull technologies, 134

69, 85

blogs, 135–39

Resistance to change, overcoming,

content, fi nding, 129–30


ecosystem setup, 105

Resisting enchantment, 173–82

Facebook, 139–42

caution myths, debunking, 174–75

FAQs, 136

copycat enchanters, 177–78

reciprocity, enabling, 75

crowd mentality, avoiding, 178–79

transforming to lasting change,

dogmatism, avoiding, 179


enchanter versus, 172–73

Twitter, 142–46

frame of mind for, 181

YouTube, 146–48

nagging versus persistence, 175–77

Push technologies, 112–34

in partnership, 180–81

communication methods, 122,

questioning methods, 179–80

124, 128, 130–31

unethical enchanters, 172, 176–77

live interaction, 119–22

Ries, Al and Laura, 61

memorabilia, distributing, 117–19

Riley, John G., 150

and personal stories, 133–34

Rinaldi, Kate, 159–60

reciprocity, enabling, 74–75

ROA01, 206

transforming to lasting change,

Rodin, Judith, 99n


Roosevelt, Franklin D., 64, 116

Index 203

Rosenbaum, Mark, xviii

Shirky, Clay, 68

Rosenberg, Scott, 21, 29–30, 155–56

Shostack, G. Lynn, 61

Ruth, Babe, 128

Shutterfl y, 51

Signorelli, Niccolò, 174

Simard, Celeste, 22

SA- SUSA, 98

Similarity, and commitment, 75

Salk, Jonas, 57


San Antonio, Texas, 41, 119–20

in communication, 13–14

Sandberg, Sheryl, 10

of great products, 40

Sarnoff, David, 57–58

and product launch, 57

SawStop, 184–85

shootout at Apple, 57

Scelfo, Julie, 153n–54n

Simpson, Elizabeth, 10

Schieble, Joanne, 57

Sinatra, Frank, 32

Schindler’s List, 87

Sincerity, 7–8

Schmidt, Eric, 59

Duchenne smile, use of, 11

Schoemaker, Paul J. H., 179

Singhal, Amit, 129

Scott, Mike, 204–5

Slogans, 45–47

Scott, Ridley, 10

Slope of Enlightenment, 70

Screen fl ow mockups, 23

Smith, Mark Ellwood, 127

Scuttle, Jim, 96

Smith, Patti, 36–37

Sea Lion Caves, 64n

Social networking, 16–17, 20, 127,

Secunda, Victoria, 125


Self-disclosure, 30

and blogs, 135–39

Self- interest, joint. See Alignment of

changing behavior via, 105


competition, handling, 91–92

Selling, avoiding hard, 5

discourse, enabling, 107

ethical. see Ethics

openness, benefi ts of, 107

by enchanters, 119–23

personal stories on, 133–34

Sethi, Simran, 16–17, 130

and team diversity, 110

Seuss, Dr., 106

See also individual services

7-Eleven, 64

SolidWorks, 19

Seward, William H., 116

Somojo, 16

Shakespeare, William, 109

Sony Walkman, 41

Shared interests. See Alignment of

Southwest Airlines, 64


Special, versus different, 59–60

Shaw- Garlock, Gale, 158

Spencer, Stephanie, 158–59

Shell, Richard G., 78

Staley, David J., 75

Shenk, David, 113

Stallman, Richard, 100

Shepard, Matthew, 83

Standage, Tom, 34

Shipping, from Zappos, 63

Stanford University, 59

Shirky, Clay, Here Comes Everybody,

Starbucks, 41

in Enchantment Hall of Fame, 41

204 Index

Stein, Joel, 153n

Target, 64

Stevenson, Howard H., 46

Teach for America, 96

Stewart, Potter, 69


Stories. See Personal stories

boss, and. see Boss

Storytelling, 111

competition among members of,

ecosystems enabling, 111

avoiding, 178

enabling, online, 111

for lasting change, 109–10

power of, 9

mentoring within, 170

Streisand, Barbra, 36

roles in, 108–9


Technorati, 17, 130

celebrating, 157–58

TED (Technology, Entertainment,

preparing for, 39–54

Design), xxi, 85–86

Sudar, 93–94

Suck it up, value of, 154–57

Teixeira, Tony, 67

3M Post- it Note, 41

Telesales, overcoming resistance, 130

Sullivan, Andrew, 137

Testarossa, Y

Here are the main points from the passage:

  • Guy Kawasaki gave a speech at the Indus Entrepreneur conference, speaking passionately about enchantment.

  • Kawasaki believes enchantment can help overcome resistance and create lasting change. He was enchanted by the Macintosh computer early in his career.

  • To enchant people, Kawasaki stresses likability - things like smiling, finding common interests, and avoiding impositions. He advises projecting passion.

  • To launch enchantment, focus on salient points, use stories, limit choices, and prime the pump. Overcome resistance by enlisting influencers and using data.

  • For lasting change, recruit grassroots support and promote spreadability. Use intrinsic motivation and reciprocation.

  • Kawasaki employs both “push” tools like Twitter and presentations and “pull” tools like blogging and LinkedIn. He advises avoiding temptation and considering future consequences.

In summary, Kawasaki uses his own inspirational story to advocate enchantment through likability, storytelling, Reciprocation, and grassroots advocacy. He employs social media and focuses on motivation for lasting change.

Here is a summary of the key points in Guy Kawasaki’s book Enchantment:


  • Kawasaki explains his motivation for writing about enchantment - the ability to delight people and persuade them to change. He shares his personal story of learning the importance of enchantment.

Chapter 1 - Why Enchantment?

  • Enchantment is the ability to delight and persuade people to change through likability and trustworthiness. It is needed when people are indifferent or resistant to change. Kawasaki provides examples of enchantment and how to use the book.

Chapter 2 - How to Achieve Likability

  • Tips include making eye contact, using positive language, accepting others, finding shared passions, creating win-win situations, defaulting to yes, and being authentic. Likability is built through genuine relationships.

Chapter 3 - How to Achieve Trustworthiness

  • Tips include trusting others, having integrity, gaining knowledge, showing up consistently, creating value for others, meeting people on their terms, and being a hero. Trust is built over time.

Chapter 4 - How to Prepare

  • Do great work, visualize pitfalls, set goals, simplify your pitch, remove obstacles, provide options, and create checklists. Proper preparation increases the odds of enchantment.

Chapter 5 - How to Launch

  • Tell stories, let people experience your offering, encourage trial, prime the pump, plant many seeds, reduce choices, illustrate the core value, get early adopters, and more. A strong launch drives early enchantment.

Chapter 6 - How to Overcome Resistance

  • Identify sources of reluctance, provide social proof, create ubiquitous presence, highlight scarcity, showcase uniqueness, find common ground, illuminate benefits, and leverage peer pressure. Patience and persistence overcome resistance.

Here is a summary of the key points from each chapter of the book Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki:

Chapter 1: Establishes the importance of enchantment in business and life. Explains the meaning and roots of enchantment.

Chapter 2: Offers principles for becoming more likable and building rapport. Suggests using warmth, empathy, vulnerability, and listening.

Chapter 3: Advises on how to formulate your cause, advance it with evangelism, and enable others to adopt it. Stresses having passion and conviction.

Chapter 4: Provides ways to frame your ideas and products persuasively. Recommends telling meaningful stories and using apt analogies.

Chapter 5: Discusses how to change others’ minds and motivate them to action. Proposes understanding individual interests and finding win-wins.

Chapter 6: Suggests methods for making first impressions matter. Encourages using appropriate nonverbal cues, sensory details, personalization.

Chapter 7: Offers techniques to make enchantment endure over time. Highlights building commitment, relationships, community.

Chapters 8-9: Contrast “push” and “pull” strategies for spreading ideas. Push uses presentations, email, social media posts. Pull uses websites, blogs that attract interest.

Chapter 10: Focuses on enchanting employees by empowering, addressing weaknesses, and celebrating successes.

Chapter 11: Advises how to enchant your boss by delivering, making them look good, and being helpful.

Chapter 12: Provides ways to resist enchantment by planning ahead, being wary of data, and letting yourself be enchanted in small ways.

Each chapter ends with a personal story from a different author relating to enchantment.

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About Matheus Puppe