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Matheus Puppe

· 49 min read

Here is a summary of the key points from the foreword:

  • SAP is a German-based software company that powers many of the world’s transactions and business systems, but is not well known to average consumers.

  • Storytelling is vital for SAP to communicate what they do for customers rather than just what they sell. Stories connect emotionally when readers feel part of the narrative.

  • The emergence of digital media has enabled anyone to publish content, leading to an overload of information. Businesses are struggling to capture customer attention.

  • Most company content is still promotional and brand-focused, which audiences ignore. More content creation is not the answer.

  • Businesses must create epic content that emotionally connects with audiences, not just promote themselves.

  • The author met Joe Pulizzi and was inspired by his advice on content marketing for B2B brands. Pulizzi’s book provides guidance on strategic, audience-focused content creation.

Here is a summary of the key points about creating epic content marketing from the introduction:

  • Content marketing is a better way to attract and retain customers than traditional advertising. It focuses on providing valuable content to customers rather than just promoting products.

  • Customers don’t care about your company or products, they care about themselves. To sell more, companies need to focus less on their products and more on providing content that is valuable to customers.

  • With so much content marketing clutter today, companies need to create “epic” content that stands out and connects with customers.

  • The author aims to provide insights and advice to help readers “think differently” about marketing and adopt a new approach focused on creating content that customers want.

  • Readers should look for the “one thing” in each chapter that can make a difference for their business, whether they are a large company or small business.

  • The book covers both mindset shifts as well as tangible tactics to develop a content marketing strategy. The goal is to change how readers approach marketing to grow their business.

In summary, the key message is that focusing on creating epic, stand-out content that provides true value for customers is the new imperative for marketing success. The author aims to provide the knowledge and advice to make this shift.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

  • Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and engaging content to attract and retain customers, rather than relying primarily on traditional advertising.

  • It aims to build trust and long-term relationships by consistently providing useful information to customers, rather than constantly pushing sales messages.

  • There are two main options for content - inform customers by providing helpful information related to their interests and needs, or entertain them to build an emotional connection.

  • Content marketing represents a shift away from disruption towards adding value for customers. It recognizes that people don’t care about companies or products, but rather solving their own problems and satisfying their own needs.

  • The goal is to build an audience and gain customer loyalty over time by delivering consistent value through content, rather than hard-selling products and services.

  • Content marketing has some overlap with social media marketing in that they both use content, but have different centers of gravity and processes. Social media marketing focuses within the social networks themselves, while content marketing is broader.

  • Overall, content marketing represents owning and creating media to attract customers, rather than renting space for traditional advertising. It aims to pull customers in by providing value, rather than pushing sales messages out.

Here is a brief overview of some key moments and pioneers in the history of content marketing:

  • Benjamin Franklin published Poor Richard’s Almanack from 1732-1758, providing useful information, wisdom, and entertainment to colonial American readers. It became one of the most popular publications in the colonies.

  • In 1895, John Deere launched The Furrow magazine to provide valuable information to farmers on agricultural techniques and technology. It helped position Deere as an expert and build trust with customers.

  • In 1904, Michelin created the Michelin Guides, which provided free travel guides to French motorists, along with information about Michelin tires. It pioneered content marketing for the auto industry.

  • In 1895, Jell-O published the first cookbook dedicated exclusively to gelatin dessert recipes. It helped boost sales and establish Jell-O as the standard gelatin brand.

  • In the early 1900s, brands like Arm & Hammer and Crisco published cookbooks as marketing tools to help consumers use their products and establish themselves as authorities.

  • In the 1930s, Stanley Marketing created the first custom magazine for physicians on behalf of pharmaceutical companies. This pioneered custom content marketing.

  • In 1943, De Beers launched what would become the most successful content marketing campaign in history - “A Diamond is Forever.” It transformed the diamond market.

  • In 1904, the John Deere magazine The Furrow was created to provide valuable information to farmers. It is still published today.

So in summary, brands have been leveraging the power of informative and useful content as a marketing tool for over 200 years, well before the rise of digital marketing. Content marketing has a rich history and legacy as an effective approach.

  • Content marketing is taking off because we are in a “correction period” - a shift away from the long-running bull market in paid media. Brands have been overweight in paid media and are now investing more in owned media (content marketing).

  • There are several reasons driving this shift:

  1. No technology barriers - anyone can publish content easily and cheaply now.

  2. Talent availability - journalists are willing to work for non-media companies now.

  3. Content acceptance - consumers don’t care who creates the content as long as it’s engaging. They expect brands to create content for them.

  • Content marketing helps cut through the clutter. Consumers are bombarded with 5000+ marketing messages per day but will engage with relevant content that helps them.

  • Creating epic content that educates and entertains is key. Brands must capture attention within seconds and play a useful role in customers’ lives through content.

  • In summary, content marketing is necessary today to connect with customers overwhelmed with marketing messages. Brands that provide valued content will build relationships and loyalty.

  • Customers are exposed to thousands of marketing messages daily. Compelling content that provides value stands out.

  • Barriers to creating and distributing content are gone. This allows brands, not just media companies, to publish content.

  • Brands are becoming media companies by creating valuable content. This shifts power from traditional media to brands.

  • Brands and media companies have the same goal - build an engaged audience. Loyal audiences drive business results.

  • Media companies face funding challenges compared to brands’ resources. Brand publishers are jumping on this opportunity.

  • Content marketing without an audience accomplishes little. Building an audience through content is crucial for success.

  • Media companies can still be partners to help brands grow their audience, even as they compete for the same audience.

The key is creating compelling content that attracts and engages an audience, which can then be leveraged to drive business goals. Brands have an opportunity to become publishers, but must focus on audience-building, not just content creation.

Here is a summary of the key points from the article:

  • Content marketing has been used by brands for years, with companies like John Deere creating and distributing content like a media publisher, despite having a different business model.

  • The key difference between a media company’s content and a brand’s content is how money is made. Media companies profit directly from content through advertising, subscriptions, etc. Brands profit indirectly by using content to attract and retain customers.

  • LEGO is an example of a brand that uses extensive content marketing to support its business model of selling LEGO toys. LEGO has microsites, videos, magazines, online communities, theme parks, and more to engage with customers.

  • Brands have advantages over media companies in creating content, like more resources and flexibility. Many media companies have cut research budgets while brands are hiring media talent.

  • The key is for brands to view themselves as media companies, becoming an informational resource for customers. Content supports the overall business model rather than needing to profit directly from the content itself.

  • Traditional media companies derived power from their exclusive ability to publish and distribute content at scale. This exclusivity is vanishing as technology makes publishing and distribution available to anyone.

  • Media companies serve two masters - the audience and the advertiser. Brands only need to serve the audience (their customers), giving them an advantage.

  • Brands can now act like media companies by hiring journalists, maximizing content through repurposing, developing “rent-to-own” content strategies with media partners, implementing editorial best practices, acquiring media properties, and prioritizing the audience experience.

  • The playing field is being leveled between media and brands. Brands that act like media companies can gain an edge over traditional media in their industries. The only thing holding brands back is themselves.

Here is a summary of the key points from the excerpts:

  • Content marketing focuses on the customer’s needs rather than touting your own product. It pulls customers in rather than blasting them with one-size-fits-all messages.

  • Content marketing allows for two-way conversations with customers rather than shouting at them through traditional advertising. It is more dynamic and easier to change than traditional campaigns.

  • Content marketing has a longer shelf life and provides proof that marketing is working through measurable engagement. It maximizes word-of-mouth referrals.

  • Content marketing happens before and after a sale, building relationships and trust with potential customers. It prequalifies customers by sharing your brand story.

  • Benefits of content marketing include a recruiting edge by showcasing your content to potential hires, boosting company morale when content performs well, opening communication within the company, and driving interest in your products and services.

  • Overall, content marketing complements traditional marketing tools by adding relevance, meaning, and engagement. It helps marketing work harder by pulling customers in with valuable information.

Here is a summary of the key points from the interview:

  • Content 2020 was created by a group of 40 people at Coca-Cola over 5 days as a “content manifesto” for the future of their marketing strategy.

  • It lays out a vision for doubling the size of Coke’s business through storytelling and earning a disproportionate share of popular culture.

  • Rather than keep it internal, Coca-Cola decided to “give it away” publicly to engage the advertising industry and agencies in this new approach.

  • Since releasing it, Content 2020 has generated significant discussion globally and Coke has seen great success in creative awards and business growth.

  • Mildenhall envisions it being integrated into everything Coke does - making business decisions based on strengthening stories and relationships with consumers rather than traditional metrics.

  • It represents a major shift for a huge advertiser away from interruptive ads towards storytelling and meaningful content that engages consumers.

In summary, Content 2020 lays out an influential vision for Coca-Cola staking its future business growth on creating compelling stories versus advertisements, engaging consumers as storytellers themselves. By making it a public manifesto, it aims to bring agencies and partners along in this bold new marketing approach.

Here are a few key points summarizing Ted Mildenhall’s perspective on content marketing at Coca-Cola:

  • Content is additive and complementary to traditional marketing like advertising and promotions - it fills the emotional resonance of the brand rather than replacing other efforts.

  • Content needs to work across silos and disciplines (PR, social, etc) to speak with one voice. Coca-Cola tries to encourage integrated, horizontal thinking across teams.

  • The content investment model of 70/20/10 allows focus on must-have core content while still experimenting with innovative “high risk” content.

  • The future goals are real-time marketing leveraging current events and brand curation to highlight other brands and content.

  • Coca-Cola Journey transformed the website into an online publishing platform with full-time writers and freelancers creating brand stories.

  • Red Bull Media House produces content in various formats (photos, videos, music, print magazine) that both promotes the brand and is licensed out to other media companies.

  • Jyske Bank in Denmark operates an in-house TV production studio to create financial and lifestyle content that embodies its values and vision. Its “sharing philosophy” spreads content outside its own channels.

In summary, Mildenhall sees content as an expansive, multimedia storytelling strategy integrated across teams to fill the brand’s emotional resonance, not just an add-on to traditional marketing. The future goals are real-time, curated content that leverages the brand’s assets and reach.

  • Jyske Bank is treated like a media company, not just a bank. Organizations partner with Jyske for media exposure rather than Jyske paying for traditional sponsorships. This shows the power of Jyske’s reach and credibility.

  • Jyske holds a weekly live TV program for all employees to share the company’s vision of openness and honesty. This internal training spreads the core values.

  • OpenView Venture Partners, a small VC firm, succeeded with content marketing by having employees share insights on an internal blog. This useful content attracts entrepreneurs organically instead of through referrals.

  • River Pools and Spas, a small fiberglass pool installer, dominated its market by answering every customer question on its blog. This content ranks high in search and cut River’s sales cycle in half.

  • Marcus Sheridan of River Pools advises starting simple with content marketing instead of overplanning. He says quality, opinionated content drives traction, and measuring ROI goes beyond Google Analytics. The right tools track leads to sales.

  • The author provides a “disclaimer” that this book is not a silver bullet for content marketing success. Every content strategy is unique and there is no one “right” approach.

  • Your content strategy should be a “personal statement” tailored to your business objectives and audience needs. It should not just copy what others are doing.

  • There is no definitively “right” or “wrong” approach to content marketing, only strategies that are “more right” or “less right” for your specific situation. Ask lots of questions to develop a “more right” strategy.

  • The Content Marketing Maturity Model outlines stages of evolution in content marketing approach, from inconsistent blogging to an integrated strategic content marketing program. Most companies are still at early stages of maturity.

  • Getting to an advanced stage requires executive buy-in, a documented strategy, effective processes, and integration of content across channels. It is an extensive journey.

  • Be patient and focus on continuously improving, measuring results, and increasing alignment of content with business goals. There is no definitive end point, only evolution.

In summary, there is no “silver bullet” or one-size-fits-all approach to content marketing. It requires carefully crafting a strategy tailored to your business through asking the right questions and being willing to continuously improve over time.

  • Content marketing often fails when it’s too focused on the company and its products rather than solving customer problems. Customers care about themselves, not you.

  • Don’t be afraid to take chances and experiment with your content. This can reveal new possibilities and uncover valuable customer stories.

  • Aim to create the very best content in your industry, better than competitors and publishers. You need great content to be seen as a trusted expert.

  • Source content correctly by finding internal champions and outside writers to help tell your story.

  • Ensure consistent messaging across all company communications and departments.

  • Step outside your comfort zone and do something unexpected to avoid the status quo.

  • Every piece of content should have a call to action, even if just to recognize the purpose.

  • Focus on solving customer problems, not on specific channels. Tell stories everywhere customers seek information.

  • Forget backup plans - just try and iterate. Backup plans admit failure from the start.

  • Someone must own the content marketing plan.

  • Get C-level buy-in - companies are 300% more likely to fail without it.

  • Immerse yourself in your customers’ world to gain insights for content.

  • Measure results to prove the value of content marketing and optimize efforts.

Here is a summary of the key points about epic content marketing:

  • Your content should fill a need, be consistent, human, have a point of view, avoid “sales speak”, and strive to be best in class.

  • Successful content becomes a trusted source that customers rely on, like a magazine subscription or blog they follow.

  • Ideal content is real-time, fact-based, visual, efficient, and curated.

  • Having a process is important - start with goals, define your audience, understand how they buy, choose a content niche, and develop a mission statement.

  • The goal is to create and distribute the absolute best information in your industry to positively engage customers. If your content is not high quality and useful, customers won’t care about it.

  • Study sources you rely on as a consumer - why do you engage with them? Can you provide that same value to your customers?

The key is creating truly remarkable content that solves needs and builds trust, not just promoting your company. Follow those epic content principles and processes to become a trusted source.

  • Content marketing goals can include brand awareness, lead conversion, customer conversion, customer service, customer loyalty/retention, customer upsell, and creating passionate subscribers.

  • Subscription should be a key goal - getting people to actively opt-in and engage with your content on an ongoing basis. Examples like Copyblogger Media, Kraft Foods, OpenView, and Smosh demonstrate the power of building a subscriber base.

  • Marketers need to start viewing content as an asset, not an expense. Content has ongoing value and can continue providing returns over time, like other business assets.

  • We need to think like publishers, investing in content creation and distribution to build up a library of assets. The content library becomes more and more valuable over time.

  • Measuring the return on content assets is important. Things like number of subscribers, social shares, inbound links, and ROI studies can help quantify the value of content.

  • Achieving the subscription goal requires building trust and consistently delivering engaging, high-quality content over time. Patience and persistence is key.

Here is a summary of the key points about audience personas:

  • An audience persona is a representation of your target audience that helps guide your content creation. It keeps everyone on the same page about who you are communicating with.

  • You need a different persona for each distinct audience segment. For example, if you are a university you may need personas for prospective students, current students, alumni, faculty, parents, etc.

  • Personas include demographic information like age, gender, education level, but also psychographic details like attitudes, behaviors, goals, challenges. This helps you understand their perspective.

  • Developing personas takes research - surveys, interviews, social listening, etc. You want real data not assumptions.

  • Personas are crucial because they ensure you create content that resonates with your audience’s wants, needs, interests, and problems. Without understanding your audience, you can’t create effective content.

  • Start with 1-2 primary personas when getting started. You can expand to more over time. Too many personas early on causes confusion.

  • Keep personas visible so anyone creating content for your brand can reference them. This keeps content aligned to your target audiences.

Here are some key tips for setting up effective listening posts to gather insights about your audience personas:

  • Conduct in-depth interviews with recent buyers - both those who purchased from you and those who went with a competitor. Ask them to walk through their decision process in detail.

  • Monitor social media discussions related to your industry/topics. Look for common pain points, goals, and considerations mentioned.

  • Check online reviews of your own and competitors’ products/services. Note recurring themes in what people praise and complain about.

  • Survey existing customers about what factors were most important in their purchase decision.

  • Talk to your sales team about the common objections and concerns they hear from prospects.

  • Attend industry events and trade shows. Listen to the buzz, questions, and themes that come up frequently in conversations.

  • Join relevant LinkedIn groups and Facebook communities to observe candid discussions.

  • Search for your personas’ job titles on LinkedIn and browse profiles. Make note of key skills, responsibilities, and interests that come up.

  • Sign up for Google Alerts on key terms related to your personas and topics to receive relevant articles and discussions.

  • Check Amazon reviews for popular books/resources related to your industry. Note the reviewers’ goals and challenges.

The key is to gather insights from multiple sources to get a well-rounded view. Continually update the personas as you learn more about your audiences’ needs and priorities.

Here is a summary of the key points about defining the engagement cycle:

  • The engagement cycle combines your internal sales process with how you have defined the customer’s buying cycle. This helps deliver the right content at the right time to customers and prospects.

  • Traditionally, marketers developed a sales process or funnel to categorize sales opportunities (e.g. visitors, leads, prospects, customers). But this is an internal process that doesn’t reflect the customer’s actual buying experience.

  • Your buyers don’t care about your sales process. You need to map your sales process to the emotional and realistic decision points in the buyer’s journey to create an engagement cycle.

  • An engagement cycle defines the process audiences go through as they increasingly engage with your brand, either aiding the prospect in buying or assisting the customer in spreading your content.

  • To build an engagement cycle, map your audience personas to your sales process stages to understand their mindset and questions at each point.

  • Also study analytics and customer data to see where consumers enter and exit your sales process, and what content resonates with them at each stage.

  • The engagement cycle is not perfect, but it helps develop compelling content matched to the buyer’s journey, facilitating purchase or content sharing. Start simple and refine over time.

Here are a few key points on defining your content niche:

  • Be ambitious - aim to be the leading informational expert in your niche, even if it seems uncomfortable at first. Customers should miss your content if it disappeared.

  • Identify a specific, narrowly focused topic area where you can provide unique value. Don’t try to cover too broad of a niche.

  • Think about what content only you can create based on your unique perspective, access, data, etc.

  • Consider how you can consistently produce high-quality, useful content on this niche topic to build authority and trust over time.

  • Look for creative ways to distribute and syndicate your niche content to reach your audience, not just standard channels.

  • Be patient - becoming a recognized leader in a niche takes time and consistency. Stay focused on providing ongoing value.

  • Don’t settle for less by only creating content for short-term goals. Aim to truly fill an informational gap and become irreplaceable.

The key is to pick a niche where you can make a unique impact over time through high-value content, rather than trying to be everything to everyone. Start with an uncomfortable goal, focus on quality over quantity, and keep providing consistent value.

Here is a summary of the key points about creating a content marketing mission statement:

  • A content marketing mission statement defines your purpose and guides your content strategy. It keeps you focused on the core goals.

  • The mission statement should be short, clear, and inspiring. It should resonate with your team and get them excited about the content marketing program.

  • The mission statement should address who you are creating content for, what topics and issues you are covering, and what you aim to ultimately achieve.

  • A good content marketing mission connects the content back to broader business goals like acquiring customers, building loyalty, etc. But it focuses on the role of content itself.

  • The mission statement provides a north star for making decisions about content. It helps ensure consistency and prevent scope creep.

  • Ideally the mission statement is visible and referred to regularly. It keeps the core purpose top of mind.

  • A content marketing mission aligns the team to shared goals. This leads to better collaboration and execution.

In summary, an effective content marketing mission statement expresses the core purpose and focus for your content activities. It provides guidance to keep your strategy on track and your team united.

Here are the key points from the passage:

  • A mission statement explains a company’s reason for existence and what it aims to achieve. It answers “Why do we exist?”

  • A content marketing mission statement sets the tone and strategy for creating content. It puts the informational needs of customers first, not promoting products.

  • A good content marketing mission statement identifies the target audience, the helpful information that will be provided, and the intended outcome for the audience.

  • Simplicity is key - avoid buzzwords and aim for clarity. The Inc. magazine mission statement is a good example.

  • The mission statement acts as a litmus test for proposed content - does it fit? This prevents content that doesn’t align with the strategy.

  • The mission statement should focus on an area the company has expertise in and authority to talk about.

  • It provides guidance for content creators and helps ensure consistency.

  • Ultimately, it should aim to change behavior in a way that benefits the business, by building loyalty or generating leads for example. But the mission statement itself focuses on meeting the audience’s needs rather than promoting products directly.

Here are the key points about building an effective editorial calendar:

  • An editorial calendar is critical for managing a successful content marketing program over the long-term. Most businesses don’t use them even though they are very helpful.

  • An editorial calendar is more than just dates and headlines. It should map content to audience personas, buying cycle stages, and channels. It’s an inventory of your content.

  • Key elements of an editorial calendar: prioritized content list, assigned creators/editors, target channels, metadata tags, creation and publish dates, workflow steps, status, notes, metrics, calls to action.

  • Organize your calendar in a spreadsheet or online tool in a way that works for your team. Common columns: headline, content type, persona, creator, due date, editor, channels, tags, publish date, status, notes, metrics, CTA.

  • Consider including separate brainstorming documents to capture new ideas.

  • An editorial calendar serves as both a planning tool and an editorial style guide to ensure consistent voice, tone, formatting across your content assets.

Number of Content Marketing Specialist (MCS) reports: XX

The chief content officer (CCO) leads the editorial direction, digital content strategy, and marketing for all distributed content across text, web, mobile, and social media platforms. The CCO ensures content aligns with the company’s overall marketing strategy and is carried out across all departments. The role may include overseeing public relations, corporate communications, and customer support to align messaging.

The CCO is in charge of generating high-quality, valuable content to attract and retain customers. Content formats may include blogs, articles, white papers, e-books, case studies, videos, webinars, infographics, photos, podcasts, and more. The CCO develops content ideas, works with subject matter experts, and ensures that content supports marketing goals. They oversee planning schedules, management systems, work processes, and tools to optimize content operations. The CCO serves as the public face and key spokesperson of the company on social media platforms.

The CCO manages the Content Marketing Specialists (MCSs) who handle day-to-day content creation and distribution. They work cross-departmentally to source subject matter experts to create content assets. The CCO oversees the editorial calendar, ensures assets are optimized for search, and tracks performance analytics. They identify new content opportunities and platforms, staying abreast of emerging trends. The CCO evangelizes the power of content marketing throughout the organization.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop and execute an innovative content marketing strategy to align with business goals, target buyer personas, and customer journeys

  • Create an editorial calendar to map out and schedule content creation, distribution, and promotion

  • Source internal subject matter experts and manage external professional writers to produce high-quality content assets

  • Set brand tone of voice and ensure content aligns stylistically across platforms

  • Oversee content optimization (SEO, metadata) and amplification (social media, email, partnerships)

  • Manage Content Marketing Specialists executing content operations and contributor network

  • Track content performance with web analytics and optimize based on data insights

  • Stay up-to-date on content marketing best practices and emerging trends/platforms

  • Report on content marketing metrics, results, and ROI to key stakeholders

  • Evangelize content marketing excellence and strategy throughout the organization

  • Represent the brand’s voice as a public figure, speaker, and social media influencer


  • 5+ years experience developing and executing content marketing strategies

  • Excellent writing, editing, and verbal communication abilities

  • Knowledge of SEO, social media marketing, email marketing, and analytics

  • Ability to think creatively and strategically about content opportunities

  • Skill at organizing complex projects and managing content workflows

  • Passion for staying on top of content marketing trends and best practices

  • Experience sourcing, coaching, and managing writers and creative talent

  • Data-driven mindset and analytical approach

  • Strong relationship builder and collaborator across departments

  • Leader who can inspire a content-focused team and organization

Here are some key points to look for when hiring freelance writers:

  • Writing skills are most important - strong grammar, ability to express ideas clearly, adapt tone/style for different audiences. Expertise in your industry can be taught.

  • Look for good chemistry/personality fit with your organization’s culture. This relationship is key for collaboration.

  • Review writing samples relevant to work you need done - blog posts, white papers, social media, etc. Samples should showcase ability to research and present complex topics simply.

  • Ask for references or contact info for previous clients to understand work style, reliability, ability to follow instructions.

  • Clearly communicate expectations upfront - tone, voice, subject matter, deadlines, payment terms, revisions process. Set the writer up for success.

  • Hire for a small test project first to evaluate work before assigning bigger projects.

  • Be open to writers asking questions to fully understand needs, topic, audience. Dialogue improves end result.

  • Provide writers with background materials, brand style guide, access to subject matter experts to enable strong content.

  • Give constructive feedback to writers to improve work quality over time. Building long-term relationships leads to better content.

Here are the key points from the passage:

  • When partnering with a star or influencer, be careful not to get overshadowed. Unless there is a great personality fit, keep the focus on your own brand story.

  • Hire the right writers for the job. Copywriters, journalists, and technical writers all have different skills. Make sure to hire someone suited to the content you need.

  • Clearly communicate expectations to freelancers upfront regarding content specifics, deadlines, budget, revisions allowed, etc.

  • Test out new writers with a few stories before committing long-term. Make sure their style, timeliness, and content promotion meet your needs.

  • Approach your content as an information product. Put in place product planning, testing, measurements, quality control etc. This is key for changing customer behavior.

  • Hire journalists and storytellers to oversee your content program. For larger companies, consider hiring an agency skilled at brand storytelling.

  • Maintain a strong marketing and publishing core that understands how to use content to maintain or change buyer behavior.

Here is a summary of the key points about working with content marketing agencies:

  • Many different types of agencies are now offering content marketing services, from PR firms to digital agencies. There is a lot of competition in this space.

  • Agencies that offer content marketing services often don’t practice great content marketing for their own businesses. Look for agencies that have a strong content strategy and compelling content for their own brand.

  • Many former SEO agencies are now claiming to offer content marketing, but may only focus on content production and optimization. True content marketing requires an integrated strategy across channels.

  • Agencies are often more focused on selling the execution of content (ereating the videos, writing blog posts, etc.) rather than providing strategic guidance. Make sure any agency can provide strategic planning.

  • Most agencies still see content marketing as a campaign or project rather than an ongoing business strategy. Their business models may not be set up for long-term, consistent content creation and distribution.

  • There are good agencies out there but it takes work to identify them. Look for strategic thinking, great own-brand content, and a business model that supports ongoing content marketing.

Here are the key points on creating effective blog content:

  • Focus on solving your readers’ problems and addressing their pain points. Use compelling headlines that speak to these issues.

  • Keep posts short, scannable and edited for clarity. Use bullets, short paragraphs, and get rid of unnecessary words.

  • Include a strong call-to-action in each post to drive conversion, like downloading a whitepaper, signing up for a webinar, requesting a demo, etc.

  • Think about repurposing blog content into other formats like ebooks, toolkits, webinars, etc. Plan content packages upfront.

  • Guest post on influential industry blogs to expand reach. But ensure the content is relevant and valuable for their audience.

  • Post consistently - at least 2x per week. Content consistency is key for building audience loyalty.

  • Monitor analytics to see what topics resonate best. Let the data guide your content strategy.

  • Engage with commenters and share posts socially. Blogging is a conversation.

The key is providing recurring, high-value content that solves problems for your readers. That breeds loyalty and conversion over time.

The post covers 10 tips for optimizing an e-newsletter landing page to get more subscribers:

  1. Clearly spell out the benefits of subscribing on the landing page.

  2. Show a sample picture of what the newsletter looks like.

  3. Link to a sample newsletter that opens in a new window.

  4. Have the signup form above the fold so users don’t have to scroll.

  5. Limit the form to 5-7 fields and only ask for necessary info.

  6. Include a privacy statement link below the fold.

  7. Explain how subscriber info will and won’t be used.

  8. Use “Subscribe” or “Sign Up” for the call-to-action button.

  9. Remove distractions like site navigation and ads from the page.

  10. Include testimonials and awards to build credibility.

The key is to simplify the signup process, clearly demonstrate the value, and only ask for the necessary subscriber information. Testing different variations is also recommended.

Here are the key points from the passage:

  • PTC technology is being used by College Park to develop a prosthetic foot for thrill seeker Reggie Showers.

  • PTC created both a text-based case study and a 5-minute video featuring Reggie Showers doing activities he couldn’t do before with the prosthetic foot.

  • The text case study can be found at

  • The video can be found at

  • The video shows Reggie Showers, a two-time world motorcycle champion, using the prosthetic foot developed through the PTC and College Park partnership.

In summary, PTC partnered with College Park to create a prosthetic foot using PTC technology. They documented this in a text case study and video showing Reggie Showers, a motorcycle champion, using the prosthetic foot to do amazing activities.

Here are the key points summarizing the content about digital magazines, e-learning series, mobile applications, teleseminars, podcasts, and executive roundtables:

Digital Magazines

  • A hybrid between traditional print magazine and souped-up PDF distributed by email.
  • Can integrate print content with web presence.
  • Can add video and podcasts to magazine content.

E-Learning Series

  • Tailored content for different audiences (buyers, prospects, customers).
  • Use popular mediums for target audiences.
  • Generous with real-life examples and illustrations.

Mobile Applications

  • Have a regular daily/weekly reason for use (utility).
  • Easy interface with social networks.
  • Include survey function to collect feedback.


  • Virtual presentation using just a phone.
  • Record for a podcast version.
  • Schedule for maximum convenience across time zones.


  • Define a theme and stick to it.
  • Establish a release schedule.
  • Integrate with blog for engagement.

Executive Roundtables

  • Gather industry executive experts as speakers.
  • Turn discussion into summary report/white paper.
  • Repurpose content across mediums (video, transcripts, etc).

Here is a summary of the key points from 16.12 McKinsey’s Executive Roundtable series:

Industry Ranking System

  • Rankings can be determined by objective/measurable means or subjective criteria
  • Make liberal use of links to listed resources
  • Announce updates via blogs, Twitter, press releases, etc.

Printed Book

  • Still carries an aura of authority and expertise
  • Major time investment, so plan carefully (e.g. leverage blog posts as chapters)
  • Get PR team involved early to maximize media potential
  • Consider ancillary content like excerpts, SlideShares, etc.


  • Vocal talent must be strong
  • Consider adding music
  • Give away portions/chapters for free

Virtual Trade Show

  • Use “trade show” metaphor for site navigation
  • Sell sponsored presences like real trade show booths
  • Mix of live and prerecorded content

Comic Book

  • Effective way to communicate memorably
  • Can generate buzz
  • Consider weekly online comic strip

Road Show

  • Like mini-conferences/tours for prospective customers
  • Focus on attendee takeaway
  • Careful event/promo coordination needed
  • May need to train internal talent as speakers

Here is a summary of the key points about branded content tools and applications:

  • Branded content applications gather information from users and provide customized analysis, assessments, reports, or plans in return. A coordinated launch, easy sharing, and thorough testing are key. An example is PR 20/20’s Marketing Score tool.

  • Online games should work across browsers and platforms and reinforce the brand experience. An example is TravelPod’s Traveler IQ Challenge game.

  • Infographics visually represent information and data to provide insight. They should be easy to share online. Examples are CMI’s History of Content Marketing and Eloqua’s The Blog Tree.

  • Online survey research projects poll customers and prospects using survey tools. Keep surveys short with no more than 10 questions. Target audiences like blog readers, social media followers, conference attendees, etc.

The key is to provide useful, shareable content that delivers value and reinforces the brand experience. Thorough testing and making sharing easy are important for success.

Here are the key points for conducting a content audit and analysis:

  • Do a visual content audit by gathering all your marketing content and assessing whether it focuses on customer pain points or promotes your company. This helps identify content gaps.

  • Create a content inventory spreadsheet with columns for ID, title, URL, document type, ROT score, notes, etc. This tracks what content you have and helps identify reuse opportunities.

  • Take audits further by combining with analytics data, comparing mobile vs desktop performance, and analyzing top content types. This provides insights on what’s working.

  • Analyze content every 6 months on qualities like usefulness, clarity, completeness, influence, findability, consistency, intended audience, alignment to business goals. This identifies issues.

  • Maintain content diligently through the analysis process. Lack of maintenance leads to redundant, outdated or trivial (ROT) content, broken links, missing descriptions, inconsistencies, etc.

  • Oversee content analysis regularly for successful content management. The process provides the information needed to align content to business goals.

Here are the key points and takeaways from the summarized passages:

  • Tap into executives’ knowledge by interviewing them and turning the interviews into content like blog posts and whitepapers. Let them share their expertise in a format they are comfortable with.

  • Teach executives that writing is simply transferring thoughts into words. Editing polishes it into a story later. Encourage them to free write to get ideas flowing.

  • Use techniques like freewriting and storyboarding with sticky notes to help employees generate and organize content ideas if they struggle with writer’s block.

  • Make employees aware of the content opportunities in their daily customer interactions via email and support conversations. Much potential content comes from these sources.

  • An outside perspective can help marketing see the content possibilities from employees. Sometimes an outsider can convince executives of the power of employee-generated content.

  • Don’t force processes that discourage employees. Allow flexibility in how they share their expertise. The goal is tapping into their knowledge.

Essentially, think creatively about how to extract the wealth of information employees have through the formats and approaches they are most comfortable with. This benefits the content marketing strategy immensely.

Here is a summary of key points from Chapter 19-20 of The True Secret of Writing:

Chapter 19: The Content Platform

  • Build your content platform on owned media like your website or blog, not just social media. Don’t build on “rented land” you don’t control.

  • Use a “hub-and-spoke” model where your site/blog is the hub and social media are the spokes to distribute content.

  • WordPress is a popular free content management system. Use a CMS you can easily update yourself.

  • Platform examples: (Procter & Gamble), Bettery magazine (Smart), Monetate resources section.

Chapter 20: The Content Channel Plan in Action

  • Start with content strategy, not just social media channels. Measure impact of content itself first.

  • Bring together channel, persona, content goal, type, structure, tone, integration, desired action, editorial plan.

  • Tailor channel and content to specific personas and goals. ex. Blog for marketing doers, print for executives.

  • Have clear content goals. ex. Generate leads through offers after speeches.

  • Map out detailed editorial/content calendar to plan what content goes where.

  • Spend time on tone, integration of email/social media, and desired reader actions.

  • Execute plan consistently over time. Analyze data to refine and improve.

Here are some key tips for using social media effectively for content marketing:


  • Focus on quality over quantity - well-written, engaging posts do better than frequent mediocre posts.

  • Use targeted posting to reach your ideal audience segments.

  • Optimize for Graph Search by using relevant keywords, tags, locations in posts.

  • Encourage user-generated content like photos and videos tagged with your brand.


  • Tell a consistent story and voice.

  • Use relevant hashtags to make your content discoverable.

  • Test content to see what resonates for further optimization.

  • Leverage Twitter Cards to make links stand out.


  • Publish your best long-form content.

  • Engage meaningfully in Group discussions.

  • Use your Company Page for news, events and job postings.

  • Build relationships by commenting on content from key influencers.


  • Optimize titles, descriptions and tags for SEO.

  • Promote your best videos on other social channels.

  • Encourage engagement with likes, comments, shares.

  • Analyze performance data to improve future videos.

The key is to provide value, build relationships, and tell compelling stories tailored to each platform. Measure what resonates to keep improving.

  • Cover industry events by live-tweeting to offer real-time insights for your audience. This positions your brand as an authority and gives visibility to those who can’t attend.

  • Taco Bell has a strong Twitter presence with casual, funny tone and engagement with followers. They promote events/promotions and use hashtags to reach wider audiences.

  • YouTube and Vimeo are great for video distribution. Enable embedding, mix professional and homemade videos, keep videos short and compelling, and think “compilations” over long shots.

  • Allstate’s YouTube has short, engaging videos with millions of views. They mix commercials and homemade videos.

  • LinkedIn offers publishing potential. Spruce up your company page, encourage employees to connect, share high-quality (not high quantity) content, participate in groups, and leverage recommendations.

  • Salesforce’s LinkedIn has limited but regular posting and hundreds of recommendations.

  • Google+ lets you mix media formats, use hashtags/mentions, highlight individual staff, resurface old content with commentary, and leverage AuthorRank.

  • Dell uses Google+ for consistent updates with visual content and tags.

  • Pinterest is highly visual. Consider if it fits your audience, use videos/images, showcase customers and reading lists, and reveal personality through action shots.

  • GE’s Pinterest board mixes media and great calls to action to showcase engineers and tech.

  • Foursquare is location-based. Encourage check-ins, research your market, connect with partners, create badges, and share relevant tips.

  • The NY Public Library shares tips, promotions, and has an unlocked badge for followers.

Here are the key points from the summary:

  • Instagram and Flickr are popular image sharing sites that can be leveraged for content marketing. Post relevant images that link back to your content, share behind-the-scenes and personal photos, tie promotions to images, and crowdsource content from followers.

  • StumbleUpon is a content discovery engine where users set preferences and are shown relevant content. To use it effectively, stay active on the site, utilize paid discovery options, add StumbleUpon buttons to your content, and find inspiration for your own content.

  • Tumblr is a microblogging platform good for sharing multimedia content. Use tags for searchability, post content snippets, actively engage with others’ content, and link back to your site. Focus your content on a tight niche.

  • SlideShare lets you share presentations and documents. Post e-books, recycle old content as presentations, embed slides elsewhere, optimize title slides, and create data-heavy content.

  • Quora is a Q&A site where experts can share knowledge. Build a strong profile, follow topics and influencers, ask/answer questions, show appreciation for others’ content, and compile the best content on topic boards.

Here is a summary of the key points from the provided sources:

  • Content marketing research shows steady growth in B2C content marketing budgets and effectiveness. 89% of B2C marketers are using content marketing, with 73% saying it is effective. Video is the fastest growing content format.

  • Brands like Purina ONE and Taco Bell use social media like Facebook and Twitter to engage customers and promote content.

  • Insurance company Allstate launched a successful video campaign featuring actor Dean Winters as “Mayhem” to promote their products in a humorous way.

  • Brands can use platforms like LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram to share image and video content and build their brand community.

  • Tools like Facebook Graph Search, Google Author Rank, and SlideShare allow brands to optimize content promotion.

  • Content amplification techniques like guest blogging, leveraging influencers, and SEO help expand content reach. Targeting relevant keywords and tracking performance are key SEO strategies.

Here are the key points on content syndication and the 10 to 1 content strategy:

Content Syndication

  • Identify sites in your industry that are looking for high-quality content to publish.

  • Allow them to republish your content on their site, waiting a few weeks so Google knows you are the original publisher.

  • Include backlinks in the reprinted content back to your site. This brings new readers to you.

  • Content syndication expands your reach and links back to you as the original creator.

10 to 1 Content Strategy

  • For every piece of content, think of 10 different ways to repurpose and reshape it.

  • A blog post can become a white paper, ebook, video, podcast, etc.

  • Repurposing expands your reach and caters to different audience preferences.

  • Repurposing shows customers you are completely invested in the content and maximizing its impact.

  • Turning 1 piece of content into 10 different formats makes the most of your content investments.

The key is to maximize the reach, reuse, and impact of your original content investments by repurposing into multiple formats and leveraging content syndication opportunities.

Here are the key points for summarizing how to distribute and promote content:

  • Organic search should still be a top priority for content promotion, even though its traffic share has declined. Use keyword research tools to optimize content.

  • Plan upfront for repurposing content into different formats and channels. Atomize content into smaller pieces that can be reused in multiple ways.

  • Add images to web content whenever possible - pages with images perform significantly better.

  • Commenting on relevant industry blogs is an effective way to build relationships with influencers and promote your own content. Develop a consistent blog commenting strategy.

  • Consider making some content freely accessible without gates or forms, as gated content is less likely to be shared. Focus on spreading your ideas versus capturing leads.

  • Explore content partnerships with non-competitive brands targeting similar audiences. Co-create content through “brandscaping.”

In summary, be strategic about repurposing and distributing content across channels through both organic promotion and relationship-building. Plan for reuse and sharing upfront to extend the reach and impact of content.

Here is a summary of the key points from the excerpt:

  • Content Marketing Institute (CMI) started in 2010 with a small budget but a goal of publishing daily instructional blog posts on content marketing.

  • To obtain quality content with limited resources, CMI reached out to “influencers” - bloggers, media figures, and competitors creating relevant content.

  • CMI used several strategies to get on influencers’ radar, including sharing their content, creating rankings/lists featuring them, and producing e-books with their contributed articles.

  • When CMI launched its blog, it leveraged its network of influencers to contribute posts for free in exchange for promotion. CMI edited the posts to make the influencers look like “rock stars.”

  • Getting influencers to share CMI’s content with their own audiences was critical for CMI’s growth due to its limited reach at the time.

  • The “third circle” of sharing refers to the connections of the followers of your own followers. Reaching this circle leads to maximum content reach.

  • Viral content hits are rare; focusing on regularly publishing quality content over time is key. CMI grew its audience through 500+ posts before a major viral success.

Here are the key points from the expert opinions on measuring the impact of content marketing:

  • Align measurements with business objectives and goals, not just social media metrics like retweets and likes. Focus on metrics like sales, revenue, and costs.

  • Recognize that building advocacy and engagement is a long-term initiative. Track social media follower growth and engagement over time.

  • Use the right tools to track meaningful metrics beyond pageviews - sales, leads generated, etc. Systems like HubSpot allow deeper tracking of ROI.

  • Create a culture focused on improving processes to reach goals rather than just showing graphs trending up. Avoid “weapons of mass delusion.”

  • Identify key metrics to track for each content asset. Weave together narrative showing how initiative is working.

  • It takes time - at least 6 months - to get meaningful data. Traditional advertising hard to measure, content marketing is measurable over time.

  • Set realistic expectations on metrics like video views. Build trust by being realistic on what can be achieved.

  • Agree upfront on key performance indicators, why they matter, and how they’ll be tracked. Revenue may be challenging but critical.

  • Measure content marketing impact on business goals like sales, cost savings, and customer retention. Don’t just show analytics reports to executives.

  • Return on objective (ROO) can use one metric or multiple to show impact on goals. Useful metrics include sales lift, conversions, engagement time, awareness surveys.

  • The content marketing pyramid has 3 levels: primary indicators like sales that executives care about, secondary indicators like lead quality that support primary ones, and user indicators like pageviews that content creators track.

  • Build a pyramid for each goal e.g. brand awareness. Map metrics at each level that connect to achieving that goal.

  • User indicators are checked monthly to improve processes. Secondary indicators track progress on short-term goals. Primary indicators are the key dashboard metrics reported to executives.

  • The pyramid provides insights on what’s working. You can then optimize strategy based on persona attraction, lead quality sources, subscriber retention etc.

  • Case study: River Pools used its pyramid to find customers reading more content convert better. This helped prove content’s impact on sales.

  • Consumption metrics track how many people view, download, or listen to a piece of content. These include pageviews, video views, document downloads, etc.

  • Sharing metrics show how often content is shared, such as likes, tweets, pins, forwards, inbound links, etc. Make sharing easy with buttons and social proof.

  • Lead generation metrics reveal how often content drives leads, through form fills, email signups, blog subscriptions, comments, and conversion rate.

  • Sales metrics connect content to revenue, either through closed sales tied to specific content or calculated values like lifetime customer value.

  • Use a marketing automation system to track individual engagement with content to see its impact on the buyer’s journey.

  • Look beyond standalone metrics to see how content contributes to broader goals. Set up custom reports and calculate indirect lead generation value.

  • Consumption metrics are easy but not sufficient alone. Layer on sharing, lead generation, and sales metrics to get a full view of content’s business impact.

Here is a summary of the key points about the evolution of your epic content marketing story:

  • There are always more concepts to cover, but focus on shipping your content rather than aiming for perfection.

  • Provide examples for inspiration. Epic content marketing examples include IBM’s CityOne simulation game, Red Bull’s extreme sports content, Marriott’s “Two Bellmen” series, and Dollar Shave Club’s humorous videos.

  • Consider an editorial calendar to plan and organize content over time. Map content to stages of the customer journey.

  • Let your content evolve and improve over time. Start by establishing a foundation of quality content then optimize and expand.

  • Repurpose content into multiple formats. Turn blog posts into videos, infographics, podcasts, etc.

  • Promote your content across multiple channels. Use social media, email, SEO, paid ads, etc. to maximize reach.

  • Make your content accessible. Use transcription, closed captioning, alt text, mobile optimization, etc.

  • Listen to your audience and adapt your content based on their feedback and behavior. Survey customers and analyze metrics.

  • Consider expanding into new content offerings over time like virtual events, communities, online courses, etc.

  • Stay motivated by focusing on your goals and the value you provide your customers. Content marketing takes time to work.

The key is to start creating quality content as the foundation while being flexible and optimizing over time. Continually evolve your strategy while staying focused on serving your audience.

  • Content marketing can be a powerful way for companies to engage, educate, and influence their target audiences.

  • Successful examples include engineers sharing expertise through blogs, car companies building online communities for customers to interact, and manufacturers using videos and interactive content to explain their products.

  • Law firms, banks, consumer brands, and others are using content to position themselves as thought leaders and build trust.

  • Tactics involve custom publications, educational blogs/videos, online communities, contests to generate user content, and content that focuses on serving the audience rather than promoting the company.

  • The most effective content solves problems for the audience, tells stories, provides useful information, and leverages different formats like text, images, video, social media, and more.

  • Done well, content marketing can significantly increase website traffic, leads, and brand loyalty by providing value to customers. The key is creating content specifically tailored for the target audience.

Here are the key points summarizing the examples of epic content:

  • ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth) is a concept developed by Google describing the research consumers do online before making a purchase decision.

  • Fire Protection Engineering magazine aligns its content across platforms with the help of an editorial advisory board of member and reader experts.

  • iQ by Intel is a digital magazine curated by Intel employees to showcase innovation stories.

  • Social Media Examiner went from a single daily blog post to over 200,000 subscribers with how-to content on social media.

  • is a legal resource developed by UK law firm Pinsent Masons that drives new business with over 100,000 visitors per month.

  • Marketing automation companies like Eloqua, Marketo and HubSpot create great content marketing.

  • Automation Today is a print/online magazine by Konecranes distributed to customers quarterly.

  • Comedian Louis CK made over $1 million selling a stand-up special directly to customers for $5.

  • Kraft’s iFood app provides recipes and shopping lists conveniently on smartphones.

  • Patagonia details the environmental impact of its suppliers in The Footprint Chronicles.

  • Four Seasons produces over 3000 content pieces leading to higher customer engagement and spending.

  • State Farm’s humorous videos with William Shatner reduced insurance claims related to deep frying turkeys.

In summary, epic content provides valuable information to attract and engage an audience, often in unexpected ways or formats. The most effective content aligns to customer needs and business goals.

Here are the key points from the text:

  • Kinvey grew its user community 600% in 7 months by focusing its content marketing on topics that converted well (anything Android-related).

  • To quickly get content marketing answers, focus on your target audience’s pain points, create remarkable and purposeful content, and measure return on objective rather than ROI.

  • Consistency, stopping unsuccessful initiatives, and reallocating resources are key to creating more quality content.

  • Brands can excel at content creation but need publishers for distribution; collaboration is best.

  • Focus on customer relationships, not just lead generation. Create content platforms tailored to different audiences.

  • Hire editors, focus on design, and create long-form content. Experiment with different content types/channels.

  • Refine your content mission statement. Launch a project with a partner. Focus on quality over quantity. Build thought leaders. Develop unique stories. Leverage SlideShare.

The key overall messages are to focus on the audience, create remarkable content, build relationships, and consistently refine and optimize the content marketing strategy. Collaboration between brands and publishers is recommended.

Here are some tips for getting buy-in from C-level executives on content marketing initiatives:

  • Connect content marketing to business goals and objectives. Show how it can help achieve growth, customer retention, brand awareness etc. Quantify the impact where possible.

  • Focus on the needs of their audience and customers. Executives care about reaching and engaging their target demographics. Show how content can address pain points and provide value.

  • Start small to demonstrate success. Run pilot programs, test campaigns, and build proof of concepts to get buy-in for larger initiatives. Quick wins build confidence.

  • Use data and analytics to track results. Numbers speak volumes. Report on engagement, conversions, lead generation, sales impact etc.

  • Educate them on content marketing. Many executives still think of it as simply blogging. Explain the strategic role it plays in modern marketing.

  • Find an internal champion. Having an advocate at the executive level who understands content marketing’s value can help influence the broader team.

  • Sell the vision. Paint a big picture of how content can transform the brand, customer relationships, and market position - get them excited about the potential.

  • Be patient and persistent. Changing minds takes time. Keep sharing success stories and make the case for content little by little. Stay positive!

Here is a summary of the key points about executives from the passage:

  • Executives are important sources of content. Strategies for extracting content from executives include interviews, having them write blog posts or articles, recording video presentations, and more.

  • Getting buy-in from executives is crucial for content marketing success. Executives want to know how content marketing can support business objectives. Showing them analytics and metrics can help gain their support.

  • Chief Content Officers (CCOs) are executives specifically focused on content strategy and creation. Their responsibilities include setting content direction, managing content creators, and measuring content performance.

  • CCOs require a mix of skills including journalism, marketing, technology, analytics, and leadership. Success criteria include content quality, business impact, and team development.

  • Content marketing can help CEOs and CMOs meet their goals of driving sales, brand awareness, customer retention and other objectives. Regular reporting of analytics and metrics to executives is important.

In summary, executives are important stakeholders in content marketing and their buy-in and participation is critical for success. CCOs lead content strategy but all executives have an interest in how content marketing supports overall business goals.

Metadata tags are bits of descriptive information that can be added to digital content like images, videos, and documents to help search engines and other systems better understand and organize the content. Some examples of metadata tags include:

  • Title - Provides a short descriptive title for the content

  • Description - A 1-2 sentence summary of what the content is about

  • Keywords - Relevant terms and topics related to the content

  • Author - The creator of the content

  • Copyright - Who owns the rights to the content

  • Date Created - When the content was made

  • Geo-location - Where the content was created

Metadata tags are especially important for optimizing content for search engines like Google. By providing descriptive, keyword-rich metadata, you make it easier for your content to be found by search engines and users looking for that type of information. The title, description, and keywords are particularly important.

Besides search engine optimization, metadata can also be used by content management systems and apps to organize and display content appropriately. For example, an app may pull the title, author, and date from a blog post’s metadata to display that information to users.

Overall, taking the time to create accurate, complete metadata for your content gives it the best chance to be found, understood, and used by your target audiences. This improves discoverability and helps get the maximum value from the content you produce.

Here are the key points on content marketing from the book:

  • Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant content to attract and retain customers. It goes beyond traditional advertising and focuses on providing useful information.

  • The goal is to build credibility, trust, and relationships with your audience by delivering content tailored to their needs. This helps convert prospects into customers and turn customers into brand advocates.

  • Effective content marketing requires a strategic approach, including research to identify your audience’s pain points and preferred content types. Content should be high-quality, consistent and multi-format (blogs, videos, podcasts, etc).

  • measurability is key - you need to analyze performance data to see what content resonates and drive better results over time. Metrics include website traffic, social shares, leads generated, sales, etc.

  • A strong content strategy aligns with your overall business goals. It helps you become a trusted resource and thought leader in your field. Patience and consistency are important - content marketing is a long-term investment.

  • Technology like content management systems and social media help manage and distribute content. But quality content that provides real value is the core focus.

  • Some examples of successful content marketing include Red Bull’s media content, Lego’s video series, and how Coca-Cola shifted their strategy to focus on content.

The key is providing ongoing valuable content as part of building customer relationships, beyond traditional advertising and marketing messages.

Here is a summary of the key points from the passages on sponsored content, spreadsheets, Starlight Runner, State Farm, status, storyboards, storytelling, strategy, structure, subscriptions, surveys, sweet spot, syndication, Taco Bell’s Twitter page, talent, targeting, TD Ameritrade, technical briefs, technical writers, technology, teleseminars, television shows, Tesla Motors, testimonials, testing, ThinkMoney magazine, third circle, thought leader stage, time value, title slides, titles, tone, tomorrow’s media companies, Top 15 hit list, TopRank Online Marketing, trade shows, traditional advertising, TravelPod’s Traveler IQ Challenge, trust, Tumblr, Twitter, Unilever, Urban Martial Arts blog, user indicators, value of time, verbal agreements, video, Vimeo, virtual trade shows, visual content, Wall Street Journal, Walmart, wardrobe, web analytics, webcasts, webinars, weblogs, Wheatland, white papers, Whole Foods, Williams-Sonoma, Wilson, word-of-mouth referrals, WordPress, writers, writer’s block, Yahoo!, Youtility, YouTube, Zappos, Zenith Infotech, Zero Moment of Truth research.

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About Matheus Puppe