Self Help

First in the Morning - Osho

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Matheus Puppe

· 46 min read

Here is a summary of First in the Morning:

This book contains 365 passages for daily contemplation upon waking, selected from Osho’s talks. Osho suggests starting each day by reading the passage for that day, before the mind becomes engaged in daily activities. The passages are meant to be read chronologically, to gain the full benefit.

Osho says man has the capacity for spiritual enlightenment, but each age needs a new articulation of the truth. Modern man lacks a sense of the sacred and meaning in life. We are not here by accident but are needed by existence. The core of our being is eternal, immortal and divine.

We must empty ourselves of ego and become full of God. Both cannot exist together. When we drop the ego, we attain truth, love and bliss. We have been taught negative views of life, but life is a gift, not a punishment. As we befriend life, it reveals its mysteries.

To know God, we must empty ourselves completely of thoughts, desires and expectations. When we are empty, we fill with light, music and fragrance. Osho’s words point to the silence within. We understand him by attuning to him, not by analyzing his words. His words stir us and give us new life.

The passages aim to help readers start each day consciously focused on inner awakening and connection with the divine. Regular contemplation and practice of Osho’s teachings can transform one’s experience of life.

  • Know oneself to find meaning and purpose in life. Look within to find truth and enlightenment.

  • The mind lives in the past and future, while life exists in the present moment. One must transcend the mind to fully experience life.

  • God/the divine can be found in the beauty of nature and existence. One must develop a sensitivity to this beauty.

  • Surrender to existence and the greater whole. Let go of ego and separateness. Trust in the wisdom of the universe.

  • Find bliss through surrender and letting go. Bliss is the inevitable byproduct of unity with existence.

  • Humility and love blossom when one discards the ego. God is love - one can only know God through love.

  • Paradise exists in the present moment, within oneself. One must dive into one’s own being to experience paradise.

  • Ultimately, the key messages are about transcending the mind, surrendering the ego, and finding unity with the greater whole of existence. This leads to bliss, love, and enlightenment.

  • Man is born incomplete and is on a quest to find wholeness and meaning.

  • We need to look within ourselves to find paradise, rather than outward.

  • Life is an inquiry into how to become whole. This sets humans apart from other beings.

  • We need to quiet the mind to hear the voice of existence within us.

  • We cannot be victorious on our own. We need to live according to the will of existence.

  • We need to break free of the ego and merge into oneness with all of existence. This brings bliss and an awareness of eternity.

  • Everything is infinite and divine. Our senses create illusory boundaries.

  • God refers to the quality of infinite interiority in all existence.

  • All of existence, including ourselves, belongs to this infinite whole. We just need to realize it.

  • Humans are a bridge, always becoming, never settled beings. We need to seek enlightenment.

  • Spontaneity means responding to the present, not the past. This allows us to meet existence.

  • Society teaches us artificiality and repression of our nature. We must return to our nature to find meaning.

  • Love and meditation have traditionally been separated by religions, but man needs both. They are not opposites.

  • Mere existence is not life. One has to rebel against the nonsense taught by society to truly live. Drop the past and be childlike.

  • A dance is pure when the dancer dissolves into it. Learn to dissolve into any act to experience dance and sannyas. Become one with what you see - see a rose, become the rose. Participate in existence.

  • You have an inner kingdom. Conquer your unconsciousness to become its ruler. A wise man is naturally kingly.

  • Those who deny God also belong to God. We have just forgotten our ultimate nature. A master reminds us.

  • Bliss is necessary for the soul like food is necessary for the body. Once you uncover your bliss, you see it everywhere. Existence reflects what we are.

  • God is a vision, not a belief. Belief in God is unnecessary. Godliness must be experienced.

  • The ego creates misery. Dropping ego leads to a radical change and poetry in life.

  • This vision of religion is based in fearlessness, not fear. The master shows the way, but you must follow and wake up. The first step is hardest, but then growth continues on its own.

  • Man has lived too much at war, both externally and internally. This constant fighting creates misery. The approach of non-resistance and no fight is needed. One has to learn to drop this pattern of constant fighting and embrace peace and love.

  • Love yourself, then those close to you, then the world, then the cosmos, then God. This is the journey from one bank of the river to the other, with love as the bridge. But people are afraid of love and keep themselves closed. In closing themselves they feel secure but life disappears. Love is the greatest adventure, allowing existence to take possession.

-To risk for the invisible, beyond words, logic and mind is to take a quantum leap. This seems like madness but is real sanity. A few “mad” people remain in contact with existence and allow humanity to do the same. Sannyas means taking the jump into the unknown, the immeasurable. It needs courage but leads to gaining and resurrection.

-God is not approached through logic but through love. Logic prohibits and hinders, while God is subtle. The only way to know God is through love, which opens the heart to existence and its grandeur. There is a constant, beginningless, endless dance and celebration. But hearts must open.

-Human energy can rise to three levels: sex, love, and prayer. Sex functions under gravitation, while love and prayer move upward and are more subtle. Love is in between and partly available to all. Conscious love experiences beyond gravitation. Prayer is a still point with no movement; it allows awareness of godliness and an aura.

-Ordinarily, man is empty and hollow, seeking fullness through material means. The way to become full is through love, prayer and grace - being pregnant with and available to existence. Overflowing comes from unconditionally loving existence.

-We have the potential for awakening but must actualize it. The only suffering is missing the opportunity to transform potential into reality. Only a few know life’s paradise; others remain unaware of existence’s splendor.

-Knowing one’s supreme self turns beggars into emperors.

• Self-knowledge reveals your true inner kingdom for the first time. The inner kingdom is eternal, unlike the outer world which is impermanent.

• Meditation is the most valuable thing as it leads to self-knowledge. Without meditation, one lives in ignorance of one’s true self.

• Meditation is about watching your thoughts and feelings without judgment. It leads to the cessation of the mind and attainment of peace.

• Meditation requires deep relaxation. It is not concentration, which requires effort. In meditation, one remains open and available to everything.

• Without meditation, one becomes mediocre and loses awareness of one’s true self. Meditation removes the dust and rust from one’s consciousness.

• Most people are not truly capable of seeing and hearing in a deep way. Right listening, with love and without prejudice, can lead to enlightenment.

• The message is about love - a love for existence itself, like breathing. Love should be as natural as breathing and need not depend on any object.

• Most people think they know what love is, but they have only illusions about it. True love has to be discovered through meditation.

• Love is the bridge between the inner and outer, between the invisible and the visible, between the soul and the body.

• Truth, God, nirvana, moksha, etc. are different names of reality. To know God is to know all. Not knowing God is to live in ignorance.

• All that one needs for fulfillment and happiness is already within. One has only forgotten one’s true self. Religion is a remembrance of this self.

That’s a high-level summary of the key ideas and concepts conveyed in the messages. Please let me know if you would like me to explain or expand on any part of the summary.

  • People assume they know what love is without experiencing it, so love is missing in the world. People pretend to love out of habit and unawareness.

  • Love is an art and a skill that needs to be learned and developed. While few become great painters or musicians due to talent, anyone can become a great lover by exploring love.

  • Total love includes everything and is unlimited. It is different from perfect love which tries to fulfill an idea and has rules. Total love means loving wholeheartedly without holding back.

  • Love is like a fragrance rather than a flower. It is formless, colorless, and unlimited. If given form, it becomes lust. In its unlimited form, it is prayer.

  • Fear and love are two ways of living. Fear brings death, love brings life. One must live through love, not fear.

  • Everyone has the potential to become a flower of love. One must watch out for things pretending to be love, as love gives bliss, not misery.

  • Most people live at the level of sex. Spiritual growth requires moving the energy upward through respect, affection, and friendliness towards sex. Antagonism blocks growth.

  • Breathing is to the body as loving is to the soul. Love brings the soul to life and is the greatest miracle. Loving everything, even inanimate objects, is a sign of enlightenment.

  • Love and prayer are the same energy, but love is earthly relating to a person while prayer is unearthly relating to the impersonal. In prayer, one loses their individual identity.

  • People have escaped love to avoid turmoil, but that calmness is dead. One must transform love by entering its turmoil but remaining still within.

  • Love requires immense courage because it means dissolving one’s ego, which is the hardest thing to do. But dissolving the ego brings liberation and bliss.

  • The ego defines our identity but it is based on a falsehood. Letting go of the ego is challenging but allows one to experience love and life fully.

  • Real love means respecting the other person as an end in themselves, not as a means to an end. Marriage often kills love by restricting the egos and freedom of partners.

  • Forcing children to love their parents out of duty and guilt prevents them from experiencing real love. Love cannot be forced.

  • Most people lack the awareness and willingness to let go of jealousy, possessiveness and other ego-based traits that prevent real loving relationships. Becoming more alert and aware allows love to blossom.

  • Creativity stems from a love of the world and all that is in it. Loving everything and everyone leads to an unlimited love that is prayer and meditation.

  • Higher love leads to more joy, songs of the heart, and a sense of eternity where there is no fear, anxiety, time or death.

  • The Song of Solomon is a profound expression of love and the ecstasy of merging with the divine but it is commonly misunderstood. Love is the closest human experience to the divine.

  • Life remains empty without the ability to become a “song” - to live cheerfully and joyously. The ego and the pursuit of riches, power and fame lead to a loss of joy and lightness.

  • Love and meditation are the paths to becoming powerful, respected and famous in a spiritual sense. However, one should not lose their lightheartedness and humor in the process. In fact, becoming more enlightened leads to becoming more alive and able to rejoice.

  • Love is a natural phenomenon that gives us a glimpse of the divine. Meditation is a deliberate practice that allows us to deepen our experience of love. Together, love and meditation open the door to knowing God.

  • True religion is about being spontaneously loving. It has nothing to do with rituals or worshipping deities. It is about celebrating life and existence.

  • Love has its own way of knowing that is different from the analytical mind. We can know existence through love by being silent and listening. Love is the ultimate music of life.

  • Facing the challenges and problems that come with love helps one become integrated and grace

  • We must remember our own uniqueness and follow our inner voice. Loving ourselves leads to freedom.

  • The past is a barrier to living fully in the present moment. We must die to the past each moment to remain fresh, new and attuned to existence. This leads to celebration.

  • Strength, courage and risk-taking are needed to know love, bliss, meditation and truth. Becoming undivided and individual leads to strength. Meditation helps bring our fragments together into oneness.

  • Laughter and lightheartedness are essential to religion. A passionate, intense laugh that dances in our cells makes religion come alive.

• Prayer has been misunderstood as requiring belief in God. Real prayer comes before God, and can lead to experiencing the existence of God.

• Life is a gift, but we are often ungrateful. Real prayer is expressing gratitude and thankfulness for life and existence.

• Real prayer is silent, not verbal. It is a bowing down to existence. It helps remove the ego, allowing our true self and God to emerge.

• Praying out of misery is not real prayer. Real prayer arises from cheerfulness, bliss and rejoicing in life. It is a love affair with existence.

• Prayer should be spontaneous and individual, not learned or parrot-like. We should pray by communicating with the manifest existence - the trees, stars, rivers, etc. This helps us eventually know the unmanifest.

• The journey of life moves from love to enlightenment, with prayer as the bridge. Prayer means surrendering our small ego to the whole.

• We should cultivate gratitude, seeing life and all its gifts as blessings we can’t purchase or earn.

• Real prayer is silent, beyond language, race or religion. Except for humans, all existence prays naturally and instinctively. For humans, prayer is a choice to join the flow of existence.

• Life consists of small things. For enlightened beings, even small ordinary things become great - like Jesus turning water into wine. We can find meaning in the smallest details of life.

• Ultimately, the goal is to bring the quality of prayer and gratitude into each moment of life. Enlightenment is living in such a total prayerful state.

That covers some of the main ideas around prayer, gratitude and living a prayerful, enlightened life according to the author. Please let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the summary.

  • There have been two kinds of religion: meditation and prayer. They have divided humanity. Meditation fulfills one aspect of our being, prayer fulfills the other. A bridge between them is needed for wholeness.

  • Prayer is an aesthetic phenomenon, not a religious one. A thankful heart starts feeling God’s presence. Start with prayer, not God. Prayer can lead to celebration, but without meditation it is superficial. Meditation brings maturity, prayer brings joy.

  • Meditation means thoughtless awareness. It creates silence but lacks poetry and music. Prayer comes from a heart full of love. Together, they lead to being centered yet dancing.

  • Life has much beauty, but nothing compares to meditation. It transforms how you see the world. Everyone seems luminous and full of eternal life. This gratefulness is prayer.

  • Real praise comes from understanding life’s gifts. It is prayer asking nothing, just expressing gratitude for what you have. This is the only prayer God hears. Gratitude makes you able to receive more.

  • Praise God through bliss, not words. Let every fiber of your being pulsate with joy. Become prayer itself. Words are futile; only silent joy penetrates the ultimate reality.

  • Praise nourishes prayer. It is hard to praise, easy to condemn. Praise raises others above you, reducing ego. Losing ego allows God in. Praise the beauty around you, the manifestations of existence.

  • Be creative, not critical. Praise leads to creativity - adding more beauty to life, bringing joy and love, leaving the world better. This is true worship.

  • Life is a gift. Be grateful, don’t ask for more. Gratitude makes you a receiver. Feel thankful for existence. Asking gets you nothing; gratitude gets you more.

  • Express gratitude for life and all existence has provided. Life is a gift, not to be taken for granted. Gratitude leads to growth, wisdom, and richness of experience.

  • See everything as a blessing, even suffering and pain. They help us grow, become integrated, and gain maturity. We become more compassionate and understanding.

  • Worship nature, as it is God’s creation. Feel God’s presence in nature. This helps us merge with the divine.

  • Existence cares for and esteems all. Feel immense gratitude for the gift of life. More gifts arise from gratitude.

  • The universe is in harmony, except for humans who have free will. We must choose to be in tune with existence. Fighting it leads to suffering.

  • Live on earth as if in paradise, then one can enter paradise. Become alert, sensitive, and harmonious. Experience joy and become one with the dance of existence.

  • Beauty is natural; ugliness is unnatural. Beauty radiates from within. Discover your inner beauty.

  • Share your joy, song, love, and friendliness freely. Give wholeheartedly without expectation. Life becomes a dance. There is no birth or death, just eternal recurrence.

  • Life presents an opportunity to realize your true self. Do not waste it seeking money, power, and prestige. Seek your inner world.

  • Ask for nothing from existence. Be grateful for what you have been given. You will receive the whole of existence.

  • In gratefulness, one becomes worthy. Ask, and you will miss the opportunity. Receive through gratitude, not asking.

  • Life is a journey, not static. It is always moving towards the unknown. But we cling to the known out of fear and do not allow life to move freely. We make life stagnant like a pond instead of flowing like a river.

  • Man only thinks he dies. Death is an illusion. There is no real birth or death. We exist eternally. Realizing this immortality frees us from all fear and anxiety.

  • Meditation helps us discover our true self. The truth is within us, always has been and always will be. Turning inward, we see the light. All problems disappear and life becomes a celebration. We should meditate regularly.

  • Each being is unique. We should accept and be ourselves. Imitating others leads to failure and misery. Bliss comes from being your authentic self.

  • God is oceanic, infinite and unbounded. We have fallen apart from God by identifying with our bodily and mental boundaries. Losing these boundaries allows us to feel unbounded and know God. God is not a person or thing but a presence surrounding all existence.

  • The spiritual path is difficult with many obstacles. We need constant support and encouragement from a master to continue moving forward. Though the goal seems elusive, with patience we will reach it.

  • Intelligence grows through challenge and insecurity, not comfort. The mediocre person follows others while the intelligent person follows his own light. Meditation sharpens intelligence and brings us closer to existence.

  • Life is like a nightmare. We simply need to wake up. We do not need to kill the lions or move the rocks in our dreams. We just need to awaken.

  • Life is a gift from God but we rarely appreciate it. God gives silently and anonymously. Making a deliberate effort to be conscious of the gift allows us to receive more. A grateful heart becomes more open and receptive, able to see all of life as a gift.

  • God is indefinable, indescribable, and inexpressible. Any attempts to define or describe God are futile and wrong. One can only experience God in silence.

  • The journey inward requires patience. We have become impatient and want instant results, but some things like spiritual growth require time. With patience, insights can arise suddenly. Without patience, the journey is long or may never complete.

  • Meditate regularly with patience and hope. Don’t worry about succeeding or failing, just do it. Like seeds growing into plants, meditation will bear fruit in its own time according to its own laws. Continue meditating and the rewards will come suddenly and unexpectedly.

  • Bliss arises within through meditation, which invites silence, peace and light. Ordinarily, man lives in darkness. Meditation helps the inner sun rise, bringing light to see life’s meaning and purpose. Each moment then becomes precious and eternal.

  • Remember you are divine. See the divine in all beings. Be surrounded by the divine. This remembrance brings bliss and transforms one’s perception of the world.

  • Meditation is a scientific process of detached observation of one’s thoughts and mind. Observe without judgment and the mind will disappear, leaving the observer to turn within and find self-realization.

  • Existence is not indifferent to us. That is an mistaken idea from scientific progress. Science has made us comfortable but neglected the soul. We have lost the ability to relate to existence meaningfully.

  • See yourself in all things, like the sky. Know the sky is within you. This will change your view and transform small problems into absurdities, leaving you calm, centered and unaffected.

  • We have infinite wisdom and inner treasure within us but we lose it in pursuing mundane knowledge. We need to unlearn this knowledge and let our inner wisdom emerge.

  • Meditation means sitting with yourself, being available to your own inner self. This opens you up not just to yourself but to the very essence of existence. Without tasting this mystery, life remains empty.

  • Knowledge is cheap and available from outside. Knowing comes from inner purification and seeing for oneself. It transforms you. Meditation helps release your inner wisdom.

  • We each have an infinite star of beauty within. Meditation penetrates the darkness surrounding it to reach this light. Experiencing this inner flame is knowing the divine. The journey is difficult but worthwhile.

  • Love needs courage to drop the ego. Only when the ego dissolves does love flow. The ego is the barrier, and we feel fear in losing it. But in dropping it, you find your real identity.

  • Lose yourself to find yourself. Die as the ego to be born as the divine. This is the paradox of spiritual alchemy.

  • The ego gives a superficial sense of identity that ultimately brings misery. Your real identity is eternal and blissful. Have the courage to lose the ego.

  • Follow your heart, not the crowds. The heart knows the inner treasure. The crowd lives in darkness. Follow the small still voice within.

  • Life becomes a blessing when we are tender, loving and compassionate. Insensitivity blocks experiencing the divine in life. Develop a heart, drop the head.

  • Separating life into ordinary and spiritual creates a split in us. Life is one whole; nothing needs rejection. But all needs transformation through love, joy and bliss.

• Identity: Your sense of self, who you think you are. This can include things like your name, beliefs, roles, accomplishments, etc.

• Old identity: The identity you have constructed over your lifetime based on your experiences, conditioning, and beliefs. This identity is limited and false.

• False identity: The egoic identity centered around your mind and body. It is a fragmented, constructed sense of self.

• Interval of not knowing: A period of transition where your old identity is dissolving but the new, truer identity has not yet formed. This can be a chaotic, uncertain time. The guidance of a spiritual teacher or master can help during this interval.

• True identity: Your ultimate identity as pure consciousness, as the witnessing awareness beyond body and mind. This is your infinite, eternal identity.

• Rivers/mountains metaphor: Before spiritual practice, you see the world in a limited, egoic way. During practice, your perceptions change. After enlightenment, you see the world clearly again, but from a place of wisdom and unity.

• Love leads to godliness: By cultivating unconditional love, your limited identity starts to dissolve and you come to know your true nature as divine. Where there is love, there is God.

• Integration and harmony: The goal of spiritual practice is to bring all the fragmented parts of your being into unity and harmony. This results in joy, bliss and a sense of wholeness.

• Divisions perpetuated by religion: Religions often divide people by emphasizing differences instead of unity. Their aim is often control and power rather than individual spiritual growth.

• Bliss is the highest joy: Bliss is a joy that transcends pleasure (animal) and happiness (human). It arises from realizing your true nature as infinite consciousness.

• Grace and self-consciousness: Self-consciousness inhibits grace, spontaneity and naturalness. By identifying less with the ego, you can become more graceful.

• Witnessing leads to bliss: By cultivating the witnessing awareness that observes your body, mind and experience, your limited identity starts to dissolve and you come to know oceanic bliss.

• Bliss illuminates: Bliss emanates an inner light that positively impacts others. Misery is dark and casts a shadow.

• Character from meditation: True character, dignity and integrity arise naturally from spiritual insight, not from practicing self-improvement. You see that all beings are one, so you cannot harm others.

• Bliss vs. happiness: Bliss is eternal, unconditional and comes from within. Happiness depends on external factors and is temporary. Bliss arises from wisdom, happiness does not.

  • Change is the only constant in life. Clinging to anything leads to misery. One should accept constant change and impermanence, and not cling to anything.

  • We have immense potential, like birds that can fly, but we live in cages of our own making due to clinging to ideologies, religions, etc. One should free oneself from these cages and experience true freedom.

  • True freedom comes from accepting responsibility for oneself, with all the good and bad that comes with it. Transcending the duality of good and bad leads to freedom and enlightenment.

  • The human brain is a biological computer that has evolved over millions of years. Computers can accumulate knowledge and perform complex tasks, but they cannot become aware or meditative. One should avoid becoming an ‘automaton’ and instead become more aware.

  • Becoming more aware opens one up to existence and what is happening in the present moment. This leads to more creativity, intensity, and insight into life. Awareness is the real treasure, not dead knowledge.

  • Everything, including humans and computers, are part of the whole. There should be no feeling of superiority. One should have a sense of belonging to the whole.

  • Life can become a sheer joy and celebration if one can be in the present moment, not clinging to past or future. This is what meditation and mindfulness are all about.

• Courage is the greatest religious quality. Without courage, you cannot attain other qualities like truthfulness, love, trust, and the ability to inquire into reality.

• Traditional religions have taught the opposite by cultivating fear in people - the fear of God, hell, and punishment. But love can only arise out of fearlessness, not fear.

• True courage involves dropping the known in each moment. The courageous person is able to leave the familiar shore and voyage into the unknown.

• Miracles happen frequently for the courageous because they are continually dropping the known. The familiar no longer binds or blinds them. They can see existence in a fresh and new way.

• For the courageous, wisdom and bliss arise naturally. Their life becomes Divine - full of beauty, joy and celebration. They realize the ultimate truth that “I and the Divine are one”.

• Most people lack courage and cling to the known out of fear. But this prevents them from realizing their true potential and celebrating life. Courage is needed to become authentic, free, and egoless.

• Have courage to move from the known to the unknown, and ultimately to the unknowable - which is existence itself. This brings excitement, ecstasy and enlightenment.

• Follow your inner voice, not the crowd. Have courage to be yourself - that is the only way to attain freedom and truth. Be courageous enough to live wholeheartedly, in tune with the infinite.

That’s a summary of the key ideas and messages on courage, existence and enlightenment from the passages. Please let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the summary.

• The mystic path focuses on finding ultimate bliss, not God directly. Finding bliss leads to finding God.

• Mysticism has no firm beliefs or ideologies. It is an open inquiry into truth and existence. Anyone can be a mystic.

• Ordinary religion is based on beliefs. Mysticism is based on direct experience.

• All beings - humans, animals, plants - seek bliss. Mystics seek it consciously while others seek unconsciously. This conscious seeking is what allows mystics to achieve bliss.

• Bliss is the ultimate goal of all existence. Arguments and disagreements melt away in the experience of bliss.

• The only true evolution is the evolution of bliss. If bliss is not growing, there is no progress. Technological progress means little without growth of bliss.

• Bliss makes everything beautiful. We do not love something because it is beautiful. Rather, things appear beautiful because we have fallen in love with them.

• Only blissful people can truly help others. Misery only begets more misery. Bliss creates the energy to serve and bless others.

• Life begins with the entrance of bliss. Bliss takes courage to achieve because one must be open and vulnerable. But only by opening up can the ultimate sky, or divine, enter.

• To accept the changing nature of life is to be blissful. Desire for permanence causes suffering. Surprise and unpredictability are the spice of life.

• Clinging to past experiences prevents newness from arising. Courage is needed to drop the past and familiar to make room for the unknown. Bliss is dying to the past and being born anew each moment.

• We are constantly thinking which creates a noisy and distracted state of mind. Achieving a silent and still mind is necessary to attain a blissful state.

• The mind is mediocre and repetitive. It lives in the past and is not original. Meditation, on the other hand, is brilliant and creative.

• Science and religion seem contrary but are complementary. Science deals with the objective external world, while religion deals with the subjective internal world. Both are trying to discover the truth. Science needs religion to provide meaning and purpose. Religion needs science to provide material comfort.

• The mind lives in doubt, while the heart lives in trust. Doubt creates tension and anxiety. Trust creates bliss and celebration. Science depends on doubt, while religion depends on faith.

• Momentary love is not real love. Real love is eternal and timeless. Experiencing real love transforms you and allows you to live in the sacred. You become selfless, ordinary, and overflowing with joy and compassion.

• Real love is about relating, not relationships. It is dynamic and connects you with all of existence. Relationships are stagnant and go stale. Real love flows like a river.

• Achieving a silent mind, connecting with the heart, and experiencing eternal love allow one to reach the ultimate peak of bliss. It is a bliss that comes from within, not from ephemeral pleasures or relationships.

• Life becomes stagnant and stunted when there is no growth. This leads to boredom, despair and anguish. Life should be riverlike, flowing and ever-changing. Being tethered or clinging to something limits freedom and growth.

• Never lose your freedom or limit the freedom of others. True religion encourages freedom and growth. Clinging leads to self-contradiction and suffering. People cling to what destroys their freedom out of fear of the unknown.

• TV and pop culture dull the mind and limit growth. It is better to observe your own mind which is endlessly interesting and inventive. Becoming more conscious helps free one from the grip of the mindless.

• Most people are unhappy alone and escape into relationships to avoid loneliness. A positive relationship stems from enjoying aloneness and sharing the bliss of aloneness with others. It leads to rising in love rather than falling in love.

• Life can be lived as prose or poetry, logic or love, mathematics or music. It is a choice. Man has the freedom to choose a mundane life or a life of bliss. The latter is known through creativity, poetry, dance, music, etc.

• Love transforms life into poetry and transcends logic. It leads to creativity in all areas of life. Repressed love becomes destructive; expressed love becomes creativity.

• Life is truly lived when there is an overflow of love that radiates out and touches others. Contributing to existence through creativity allows one to participate in the work of the creator and experience bliss.

• Living dangerously, always exploring and reaching for more leads to a meditative life filled with surprise and newness. This is the opposite of living a repetitive life of no significance that is a slow death.

In summary, a life of growth, freedom, love, creativity and openness to the new leads to bliss and meaning. A repetitive life of clinging and fear leads to suffering and a slow death. The choice is ours.

  • One’s inner self is like a sun that is always shining, unlike the external sun. Finding this inner light through meditation transforms one’s life.

  • The moment one is open and receptive to existence, one can experience a loving and joyous encounter with it. Existence is always open, but humans are often closed off. Opening one’s inner self allows existence to fill one with bliss.

  • It is better to live fully in the present moment rather than postponing fulfillment to an afterlife. The present moment can be paradise. Mundane things and the ordinary become beautiful and sacred when one lives in the present.

  • Gold is a metaphor for the transmutation that can occur within a person. One has the inner “chemicals” to transform into gold, meaning to achieve an inner harmony and enlightenment. This requires the right guidance and effort, as in a mystery school.

  • Without enlightenment and inner harmony, one’s inner self is like an orchestra without a conductor, chaotic and unguided. Enlightenment brings unity and harmony.

  • The inner world is vast, and searching it is the only exploration that matters. Others are foolish to search the outer world without knowing what lies within. The inner world holds the answers.

  • One’s inner voice is the voice of God and requires no external guidance. Listening to this voice transforms one’s life and leads to virtue. This voice brings intuitive knowledge which is the true meaning of virtue and morality.

  • Humans live in a dark inner night but can achieve an inner morning, an enlightenment, by claiming their birthright of bliss. But most are more interested in what others have and never explore within.

  • Existence, or God, has already accepted us by giving us birth. There is no final judgment, only the present moment. Existence is responsible for all, good and bad, and we can rest easy in its love.

  • Prayer has nothing to do with words. It is a silent gratefulness arising from bliss and contentment.

  • Unless your heart sings and dances, you are not truly living. Everyone is born with an inner song that must be sung to find fulfillment.

  • Bliss arises when all parts of your being - body, mind, heart and soul - function in deep harmony. This life can become an orchestra. Meditation helps bring the different elements into harmony.

  • Laughter is one of the most divine experiences. Total, wholehearted laughter is egoless and can lead to knowing God.

  • To live passionately and intensely is to live religiously. A passionate life sharpens your intelligence and clears the dust from your consciousness.

  • Cheerfulness is religious. Sadness is irreligious. God means celebration and festivity.

  • Green represents life, aliveness and freshness. Religions have destroyed this in humanity. People must blossom again to find contentment. The blossomed person is never sad.

  • Raw energies must be refined through meditation to create bliss instead of misery. Meditation is like the moon, transforming harsh energies into peaceful ones.

  • Each moment is an inestimably valuable gift. Knowing this leads to bliss and gratitude, which is prayer.

  • Life itself is a miracle with no explanation. The mysteries of life, consciousness and love will never be demystified.

  • The early morning, when the sun is rising and all of existence is waking up, is a magical time where one can feel intense aliveness and gratitude. This feeling of being bathed in grace is prayer.

• Life should be lived with joy, celebration and laugher. One should take it lightly, not too seriously. This attitude helps one experience the divine in the mundane.

• Appearances can be deceptive. One should not judge by outward qualities but look within to find the truth and essence. An ordinary looking person may have an extraordinary soul.

• Every person has a truth to express and a message to deliver to the world. One can only feel content after expressing one’s authentic self.

• We have always existed in different forms. Nothing is ever created or destroyed, only the forms change. To realize this timelessness is to attain bliss.

• Everyone carries tremendous glory and fragrance within. Spiritual experience is like an atomic explosion that releases this infinite glory.

• Life is an art and opportunity. One has to work on oneself by removing weeds like greed, anger, lust, etc. Only then can one grow flowers of joy, beauty and grace. One can then offer something to existence.

• The inner music is wordless and needs no instruments. It arises from dropping the noise of the mind. Only those rooted in the heart can hear it. It helps one go beyond.

• Freedom from fear is needed to know truth and bliss. One should live in insecurity and danger to truly live. Plastic security is lifeless. An intense moment of life is better than a long but insipid existence.

• Everything in existence is interconnected. Understanding even one flower deeply leads to understanding the whole universe. But this has only been felt by poets and seen by mystics.

  • We are all born with the capacity for inner transformation.

  • Very few people work to achieve this transformation and become awakened.

  • Even one awakened person can positively impact a community. Thousands of awakened people could transform humanity.

  • Identification with the physical body and worldly desires keeps us trapped. Meditation helps us transcend this limited identification.

  • True freedom comes from transcending desires and living in the present moment.

  • We all have the potential for awakening, but many die without achieving it. Conscious effort is required.

  • The new man is able to live in the world with love and freedom from attachment. This is possible for all.

  • Silence and stilling the mind are necessary to know truth and attain freedom and godliness.

  • Escaping the world is not necessary. Silence is an inner state that can be achieved anywhere. The mind must be transformed, not the outer surroundings.

  • Our inner state or gestalt determines how we experience the outside world. A silent, peaceful inner state will allow outside noise and distractions to nourish us rather than disturb us.

  • True religion is an inner transformation, a rebellion of the individual. It cannot be communicated through words but only transmitted through an enlightened master. Words and ideologies lose the truth.

  • Awakened beings who have attained inner consciousness are rare in history. It requires radical transformation from unconsciousness to consciousness.

  • Life becomes simple, harmonious and blissful when one shifts from unconsciousness to consciousness. One becomes an integrated whole, aware and alert in each moment.

  • As one’s unconscious territory becomes conscious, one starts to bloom and release an inner fragrance. This is enlightenment or christ consciousness. It is eternal and infinite.

  • Our thin layer of consciousness sits atop a vast unconscious. We must nourish our consciousness and avoid cooperating with the unconscious. Eventually, the unconscious shrinks and consciousness expands, leading to flowering.

  • Humanity is evolving to a climax. We need radical transformation into higher consciousness. Our old religious forms are too small for our growth. A new flowering is possible.

• Our separation and boundaries create bondage. When we dismantle these egoic fences, we experience freedom, truth, and love.

• One can only feel fulfilled by becoming part of the whole existence. Less than that, and there will always be a sense of lack. Total well-being comes from containing the whole existence within.

• Without meditation, one remains unaware of the beauty and splendor of life. Life becomes meaningless and joyless. Meditation is awakening to this existence and discovering one’s true nature.

• Outer revolution only brings superficial changes. Inner revolution through meditation brings real freedom by deconditioning the mind of accumulated thoughts and beliefs. It empties the mind, leaving it spacious, silent, and free.

• In this inner freedom, truth reveals itself. One experiences a new dimension of consciousness and becomes attuned to existence. Life becomes play and celebration.

• The ego keeps this new dimension hidden. By dissolving the ego through meditation, one can move from the periphery to the center of existence. At the center is bliss, God, and eternal life.

• This inner revolution brings a total transformation of one’s being. One is reborn into a new life that is spontaneous, compassionate, and creative. Fear, greed, and ignorance are transcended.

• The ultimate freedom is realizing one’s true self and oneness with existence. Then life flows effortlessly according to the whole, and one lives in tune with truth.

That covers the main points on inner revolution, freedom, meditation, and self-realization according to the passages. Please let me know if you would like me to explain or expand on any part of the summary.

  • Live spontaneously in the present moment. Let go of the past and don’t worry about the future. Live fully in the now.

  • We have a choice each moment to be miserable or blissful. Choose to be blissful. It’s up to you.

  • Don’t be dominated by the old and past. Live authentically by dying to the past each moment so you can be fresh and new. Life brings wonders, so be grateful.

  • You know yourself from within, not from the outside or what others say. Look within to find who you are. You are a temple - God is within. Once you find God within, you’ll see God everywhere.

  • Creative people are blissful as creativity arises from blissfulness. Creativity is the overflowing of an inner bliss. Non-creative people are perpetually bored and boring.

  • Find activities that inspire you so you can become creative. Do things that make you come alive. Then share your creativity to inspire others.

  • The sun has risen; now live in its light. Live according to your own inner light. Follow your own path, not the crowd’s. Your inner light is the only way to live rightly.

  • Knowing ecstasy and leading a creative life means discovering and fulfilling your hidden potential. This enriches existence and leaves the world better than you found it.

  • Ecstasy comes from becoming silent and allowing the ultimate truth to flow through you unhindered. You become an instrument for the ultimate truth.

  • There are two worlds: the outer world and the inner world. The ego separates them. Eliminating the ego unifies these worlds. Exploring the inner world is the first step to enlightenment.

  • What happens inside you reflects outside. Inner peace radiates outwards. Inner light illuminates the outside.

  • Humans live mostly unconsciously but have the potential to become fully conscious. As you become more conscious, matter disappears and you perceive the divine nature of existence.

  • Unconscious humans are typically cruel and violent. Becoming aware of your cruelty and violence transforms your energy into compassion.

  • Truth cannot be transferred from one person to another. Each person must discover their own truth. We can learn from enlightened beings like Buddha that truth is possible but we cannot borrow their truth.

  • Truth is bitter at first because it shatters our comfortable lies. But truth eventually becomes sweet. Lies seem sweet at first but end bitterly. Most people cling to lies rather than face the initial bitterness of truth.

  • People cling to ideas like immortality without experiencing life and death fully. One must experience life directly rather than cling to ideas about it.

• Thoughts are like waves in the mind, continuously disturbing it. When the mind is wavering, it cannot reflect the truth, like a lake full of ripples cannot reflect the moon.

• Once the mind becomes still like a mirror, truth is reflected in all its glory. In fact, truth reflected in a still mind is even more beautiful than truth itself.

• Truth gains richness when reflected in an enlightened consciousness. Truth is liberated by enlightened beings like Jesus and Buddha, just as they are liberated by truth.

• In the East, it is known that when someone becomes enlightened, truth rejoices. Truth and enlightened consciousness celebrate together.

• Enlightenment is the ultimate romance between truth and consciousness. Consciousness becomes a lover of truth, and truth showers all its blessings on consciousness. They melt into each other in deep ecstasy.

• When truth is reflected in ordinary consciousness, its reflection is distorted and truth appears false. But in enlightened consciousness, truth finds its mirror and manifests itself in radiant splendor.

• The mind must become utterly silent to reflect the truth. All waves of thought must subside so the lake becomes motionless. Only then can the moon shine in its purity. The inner world must be completely empty to receive the light of truth.

That’s the summary and essence of the passage on thoughts, silence of mind, and reflection of truth. Please let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the summary.

  • Man feels like a stranger on earth and unfulfilled until he looks inward to find his true home and connection with the divine.

  • Worldly and otherworldly people are both mad in their extremes. The middle way of buddhism transcends these opposites.

  • Meditation prepares you to receive the love of existence by creating inner space. It is not against thought but transcends thought.

  • Sitting silently and doing nothing allows spring to come and the grass to grow by itself. Meditation is understanding, not action. It leads to fearlessness.

  • Desires exist on the surface, like waves. At your center, desires disappear. Acting from your center, you can function in the world with grace and silence.

  • Man appears as a small dewdrop from the outside but is oceanic from within. Feeling small creates inferiority and superiority complexes. Knowing your infinite nature resolves this.

  • Living vertically in the present moment allows you to reach deep depths and high heights. This is freedom and wholeness.

  • Growth is an uphill task but contains adventure. Overcoming fear and greed, which create heaven and hell, is part of this growth.

  • The religious person has nothing to fear or be greedy for. They live fearlessly and gratefully, enjoying each moment as a gift. This gratitude, not fear or greed, connects one to the divine.

  • Live in love and bliss instead of greed and fear. Be fearless of death since it is an inevitable part of life. Meditation helps one attain an inner grace and beauty.

  • Life is made up of small things. Rejoice in everything you do, like eating, cleaning, or cooking, and it becomes sacred and an offering to existence. Love is enough to light your path in life.Listen to your heart.

  • Be patient and committed to your spiritual search. The more patient you are, the quicker your progress. Constant discontent creates misery. Understand the mind can never be content and drop this habit.

  • A contented person becomes love itself and shares it with everyone without asking for anything in return. Share your inner riches and life becomes an ecstasy.

  • True service is becoming content and a source of joy for others, not converting people to religions. Conversion means changing your consciousness from mind to meditation.

  • Become more cheerful and never miss an opportunity to be blissful. Look for chances each day to be happy instead of miserable. The world has enough misery already.

• We come into this world as empty vessels. There is no predetermined fate or destiny - we have the freedom and responsibility to shape our lives. • One’s perspective and approach to life has a huge impact. If you focus on the thorns, life will be full of thorns. If you focus on the flowers, life will be full of flowers. Choose the flowers. • Both good and bad are part of life. What matters most is one’s approach and reaction. A positive approach leads to bliss, while a negative one leads to misery. • Meditation and love are two aspects of the same whole. To be complete, one needs both. A complete person lives in this world but is also part of the beyond. • Meditation leads to an experience of oneness with existence. The sense of separateness dissolves into a sense of unity. This is enlightenment and immortality. • Consciousness is eternal. Recognizing this gives life deep meaning and purpose. Without this recognition, life seems pointless. • There is tremendous untapped potential and splendor within human beings. Meditation helps release this potential. • Enlightened beings have learned to see the world from the center of consciousness where the perspective is profoundly transformed. Though everything looks the same, nothing is the same. • Bliss is not something that can be gained or achieved. It is intrinsic to our being and needs to be unfolded through meditation and awareness. • True richness lies within, not in material possessions or things. One can use and enjoy things, but one should not be attached or defined by them. The real treasure is inside.

Here is a summary in 320 characters:

Live fully in the present. Let go of the past and future. Be intensely aware. See God in nature, in every moment. Meditate. Be blissful. Then you’ll live virtuously and nobly, giving joy to all. Transcend time. Start anew each day. Remove all limitations. Discover your infinite being. Know you’re not body or mind. Experience bliss. Meet God.

• Man appears limited from the outside, but inside he is unlimited, infinite being like an ocean. But we get identified with our outer appearance and limitations.

• Truth is within. Philosophy is concerned with circumference, religion is a jump from circumference to the center. At the center, we all are one.

• The extraordinary is hidden in the ordinary. Sacred is hidden in profane. We should celebrate life and then meditation arises naturally to discover more.

• Religions exploit human misery by making people stupid. Intelligence leads to bliss, not religion.

• Morality should change with time. We should depend on consciousness not conscience which is imposed by others. We learn by committing mistakes.

• Innocence is very precious. Valuable things can happen only to the innocent heart.

• We are in search of our home, a place of bliss and joy we have forgotten. All religions are born out of this longing.

• One has to go inward to discover one’s original face. Then arises great joy and bliss. We realize we have a purpose.

• Man has to become a child again to experience wonder and awe. But education corrupts the childlike innocence. Man becomes useful but loses spirituality.

• The summary captures the key ideas around losing outer identification, discovering one’s true inner self, importance of innocence and wonder, and how religions and education often distance us from our true nature. The passage conveys a message of going within to find meaning and purpose.

  • We have not created a society that allows intelligence to develop fully.

  • We still live with a lot of primitive fears, taboos, and superstitions.

  • Meditation means freeing yourself from all the nonsense society imposes on you.

  • It means freedom from the structures imposed on you by others.

  • Cleaning the mirror of the mind allows you to reflect reality as it is. Once reality is reflected, you become responsible and start responding to it.

  • Meditation brings eternal peace, silence and joy. It removes the barriers that prevent these qualities from arising within you. Once you know these qualities come from within, not from outside, you gain independence and freedom.

  • Religions exploit people’s fears and cowardice to manipulate and control them. They depict hell to create fear and heaven to create greed. True spirituality is about courage and rebellion, not slavery.

  • Life is a precious gift from existence. We should be grateful for this gift, not complain and take it for granted. This gratitude is true prayer.

  • Meditation without peace is forced and not real meditation. Meditation is a relaxed, effortless state of no-mind. Peace arises naturally from meditation. Forced peace is superficial and the mind remains in turmoil underneath.

  • There are two types of calmness: superficial (cultivated to impress others) and authentic (arising from awareness and meditation). Only authentic calmness transforms you at the deepest levels.

  • Love needs roots in the physical as well as aspirations for the spiritual. Like a tree, the higher love reaches for the spiritual, the deeper its roots in the physical. Love and passion should support each other, not oppose each other.

  • Meditation helps you realize you belong to existence, that you have roots and are not alone. This brings security, rejoicing and blessings. Meditation opens you to the beyond and helps you feel at home in existence.

  • Use your mind as a tool when needed, but don’t get lost in or identified with it. Remain rooted in your being, your inner silence and peace. The mind is useful but should not dominate you.

• Consciousness should reflect reality, not constantly cover you. It should be put aside when not in use. When consciousness reflects reality, one knows God is everywhere and needs no proof.

• Humanity is asleep. Becoming aware and meditative changes your lifestyle. Wrongdoing becomes impossible; you spontaneously do right. Awareness brings discipline springing from within, not imposed from outside.

• Religions teach to renounce life to reach God, a contradiction. God creates life, so cannot be against it. Live intensely, don’t escape. Celebrate life; that is the only prayer.

• Meditation needs determination. Wavering minds cannot meditate. It takes time and effort to break lifelong non-meditative habits. Resolve to meditate no matter what; intensity and patience lead to victory.

• Only meditation makes you a master of yourself. Possess yourself, not the world. Understand yourself, and you understand all existence. Then there is no death, fear, greed or lust. Live in freedom and bliss.

• Be blissful, cheerful and laugh for no reason. Laughter exercises body and soul. Laugh and make others laugh. Stop when tears come.

• Listen to your heart, not your mind. The heart connects to existence, the mind to society. Following your heart, meditation becomes easy. You see clearly and know what is right without question or regret.

• The world is alienated, having forgotten existence’s love. We exist because of that love. Remember it, and alienation disappears. Suffering becomes joy in our true home.

• Essentially divine, what happens to you is passing. Watch pleasure and pain like clouds in the sky of your being. The sky stays clear.

• Cleansing yourself, not philosophy, is the technique. Purity makes morality, qualities and flowering spontaneous. Miracles become possible; you are entitled to them.

• Osho defies categorization. He covers individual growth and urgent social issues, for future generations. Called dangerous and influential, he creates conditions for new human beings.

  • Osho is a spiritual teacher who promotes a vision of integrating the wisdom of spiritual traditions with modern science and technology.

  • His teachings revolve around becoming “Zorba the Buddha” - able to both enjoy life’s pleasures and be serene like Buddha.

  • Osho developed “OSHO Active Meditations” designed for contemporary life to release stress so people can be more peaceful.

  • Osho has written two autobiographies: “Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic” and “Glimpses of a Golden Childhood.”

  • The OSHO International Meditation Resort in Pune, India welcomes thousands of visitors annually. It provides opportunities for meditation, creativity, learning, relaxation, and celebration.

  • Programs at the resort incorporate Osho’s vision of “Zorba the Buddha.” Options include meditation, spa treatments, physical activities, nightlife, and more.

  • There are multiple places to eat organic and vegetarian cuisines at the resort. Accommodations include the OSHO Guesthouse and OSHO Living-In programs.

  • Additional resources for learning about Osho include, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more.

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About Matheus Puppe