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Fossil Future Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas--Not Less - Alex Epstein

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Matheus Puppe

· 91 min read

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Here is a summary of the advance praise for Alex Epstein’s book Fossil Future:

  • Peter Thiel notes that rich countries can view green lifestyles as a luxury, but reliable energy is a matter of life and death for much of the world.

  • Dennis Prager says Epstein makes the strongest moral case for the transition from energy poverty to wealth, and challenges anti-humanist claims about transitioning away from fossil fuels.

  • Michael Shellenberger says few make a stronger case for alleviating energy poverty through the transition to energy wealth than Epstein.

  • Saifedean Ammous calls the book a powerful refutation for those who think fossil fuels are destined to be obsolete.

  • Patrick Moore says net-zero policies amount to suicide.

  • Chip Roy says policymakers should heed Epstein’s arguments against disastrous climate policies.

  • Scott Pruitt praises Epstein as a thoughtful, critical voice needed in the climate debate.

  • August Pfluger says Epstein champions energy freedom and the need for reliable energy sources.

  • Wayne Christian calls it a playbook for ensuring the survival of our way of life in the face of attacks on fossil fuels.

  • Yaron Brook says Epstein illuminates how much is at stake and that policymakers need to rethink conventional views on this issue.

So in summary, the praise highlights Epstein challenging conventional views, making a moral case for reliance on fossil fuels, and arguing that policies restricting fossil fuels could be disastrous and anti-human.

The passage discusses the narrative that fossil fuels are harming the world through climate change, while renewables like solar and wind are coming to the rescue and replacing fossil fuels due to better economics. However, the author argues this narrative is not supported by the big picture facts:

  1. Fossil fuels still dominate world energy, providing 4 times more than renewables. Renewables only make up 3% of energy and depend on subsidies and fossil fuel backup.

  2. The world has continued improving due to cheap, reliable fossil fuel energy, reducing extreme poverty rates.

  3. While fossil fuels contribute to warming, the increase has been small (1°C) and climate disasters are declining thanks to technologies like irrigation, AC, and infrastructure built with fossil fuels.

The author remains convinced of the moral case for fossil fuels long-term, as their benefits to human flourishing extend generations. However, policy and perception have moved in the opposite direction, with “net zero” fossil fuel policies seen as mainstream. The author argues such policies would have catastrophic consequences, though some countries like China, Russia and India may not adopt them. The passage discusses wanting to avert delays to poverty reduction in developing nations and “economic suicide” of free countries under net zero policies.

  • The passage argues that more fossil fuel use will actually make the world a better place by providing affordable, reliable energy to billions and powering humanity’s ability to address climate issues.

  • It acknowledges fossil fuels contribute to warming but argues the benefits vastly outweigh the climate impacts.

  • Today we are told by many trusted sources like scientific institutions and governments that experts have reached a near-unanimous consensus we must rapidly eliminate fossil fuels to avoid catastrophe.

  • However, the passage questions this “expert consensus” and moral case for eliminating fossil fuels, noting how experts have been wrong before and the proposed changes are incredibly radical.

  • Rapidly replacing 80% of global energy from fossil fuels with intermittent solar/wind in less than 30 years could cause energy poverty and harm billions if it does not work as promised.

  • The story questions whether fighting against more fossil fuel use and for their rapid elimination is really the moral stance, as opposed to fighting for greater access to their benefits, given the potential downsides of the proposed transition away from fossil fuels.

The passage discusses the tragedy of babies and mothers dying in parts of Africa that lack reliable electricity. It describes two situations witnessed by the author where lack of power directly contributed to deaths - an infant who suffocated in utero because an ultrasound machine couldn’t detect the problem early enough, and a newborn who died from lack of an incubator. Reliable electricity is desperately needed for medical equipment, refrigeration of vaccines and medicines, and ability to plan surgeries.

While this tragedy still occurs daily in many parts of the developing world without affordable, reliable energy access, the situation has improved significantly in places like China and India that have used fossil fuels to electrify. The author argues that if the world moves too rapidly to eliminate fossil fuels before reliable renewable replacements are available at scale, it risks reversing this progress and losing lives in the process due to lack of access to energy. Careful consideration of dissenting views is needed given the high stakes of energy policy for human well-being and development.

  • Synthesis involves organizing, refining and condensing vast amounts of specialized knowledge from researchers into a usable form.

  • Major climate change synthesizers include the IPCC and national climate assessments. Energy synthesizers include the IEA and EIA.

  • Synthesis can go wrong through honest errors or manipulation. Lobby groups try to influence synthesizers to shape policies in their favor.

  • Omitting key variables is a sign synthesis may be distorted, like the IPCC omitting declining disaster death rates.

  • Once synthesized, research needs dissemination to the public. Mainstream outlets like newspapers and schools are key disseminators.

  • Dissemination is prone to huge distortions, as evidenced by massive inaccuracies when checking disseminators’ reporting against original research. The IPCC reports are often mischaracterized.

  • Evaluators then help determine actions based on disseminated information. Editorial pages, commentators and policymakers play this role. Their evaluations can also become distorted.

So in summary, the knowledge process is vulnerable to distortions at each stage - synthesis, dissemination and evaluation - that can significantly shape public and policy understanding.

  • Scientists can inform us about factual conclusions regarding their areas of expertise, but they are not qualified to dictate specific policy decisions, which require considering multiple factors.

  • Advocates who say we should “listen to the scientists” are often trying to push a specific policy agenda without critical thinking.

  • Evaluating policy options involves considering both the factual information and what standards or metrics are used to judge what is good or bad. Anti-human standards have historically led to destructive policies.

  • Context is also important - failing to consider all relevant factors can lead to harmful policies. For example, COVID responses ignored impacts of both the virus and lockdowns.

  • When considering fossil fuels, advocates fail to properly consider the massive benefits, focusing only on negative impacts. Fossil fuels are uniquely cost-effective energy that is essential for human flourishing and development. Billions suffer from lack of affordable energy access.

  • Alternatives are not truly interchangeable replacements and cannot provide energy at the same low cost and scale as fossil fuels currently do. Ignoring this context renders evaluations of fossil fuel policy incomplete.

The key argument is that advocates for eliminating fossil fuels fail to properly weigh both the context and massive benefits provided by affordable fossil fuel energy against potential downsides. This can lead policy recommendations to be misguided.

  • Fossil fuels currently dominate global energy production and are growing fast, providing 80% of the world’s energy. This is because they are uniquely cost-effective, providing affordable, reliable, versatile, and scalable energy.

  • No other energy source comes close to matching fossil fuels’ cost-effectiveness across these dimensions. Solar and wind only provide 3% of global energy despite decades of development and subsidies.

  • China continues to rely heavily on fossil fuels, especially coal, to power its growing economy, despite claims that it is transitioning rapidly to renewable energy. China is building new large-scale coal power plants.

  • Cost-effective energy is essential for human flourishing and development. Machines run on energy and vastly amplify human productivity and abilities. More access to cost-effective energy allows more widespread use of machines.

  • Dramatic increases in energy use, especially fossil fuels, in countries like China and India have strongly correlated with major increases in life expectancy and incomes as machine productivity improves living standards.

  • However, discussions of energy often ignore the massive benefits of affordable fossil fuel energy in extending and improving lives, focusing only on potential negative environmental impacts.

In summary, the passage argues that fossil fuels currently dominate due to their unique cost-effectiveness, and that access to affordable energy, including from fossil fuels, is essential for powering the machines that drive human development and living standards.

The passage argues that calling for the rapid elimination of fossil fuels without acknowledging their massive benefits is an irrational approach. It notes that billions of people currently lack access to reliable and affordable energy, and almost 800 million have no electricity access at all. Fossil fuels are currently the most cost-effective source of large-scale energy that could empower these populations.

It then examines the arguments of prominent “designated experts” who advocate eliminating fossil fuels due to climate change risks. The passage claims these experts fail to incorporate the urgent energy needs of billions or acknowledge that eliminating fossil fuels prematurely would deprive many of cost-effective energy and development opportunities.

As evidence, it points to an open letter signed by many scientists calling for leaving fossil fuels in the ground, but which does not mention the impacts on energy access. It also critiques a climate scientist’s book for discussing fossil fuel impacts on food production without noting fossil fuels currently benefit food systems tremendously.

In summary, the passage argues the position of ignoring fossil fuels’ massive benefits to humanity represents an irrational approach, even from experts designated to evaluate these issues competently. It claims these experts do not adequately factor energy poverty and development needs into their arguments for rapid fossil fuel phase-out.

  • The passage criticizes climate experts like Michael Mann for advocating the rapid elimination of fossil fuels while ignoring their significant benefits for food production and modern agriculture. Fossil fuels enable mechanized farming and fertilizer production.

  • It argues experts similarly ignore the benefits of affordable, reliable energy from nuclear power and large-scale hydroelectric dams. These sources emit little to no carbon dioxide but efforts are underway to reduce or eliminate them as well.

  • The passage sees this as irrational - calling for eliminating major energy sources while overlooking how crucial and difficult to replace they are. It says the goal should be reducing carbon emissions, which nuclear in particular could greatly help with.

  • It claims climate experts offer no realistic plan for replacing fossil fuels with renewable sources like wind and solar at a comparable scale and cost. They overstate the potential for a rapid transition away from fossil fuels.

  • In concluding, the passage argues the approach of advocates and experts ignores the vital importance of accessible, low-cost energy sources and fails to properly consider the benefits these provide, especially to developing nations and poor populations.

  • The passage argues that our current knowledge system demonstrates a bias against cost-effective energy sources like fossil fuels by focusing exclusively on their negative effects while ignoring their substantial benefits.

  • It supports eliminating not just fossil fuels but also nuclear and hydroelectric power, even though these don’t emit CO2. It also ignores significant local opposition to solar and wind projects.

  • Experts consulted are primarily those focused on environmental impacts, not energy expertise. Energy benefits are not considered.

  • This suggests the system views cost-effective energy itself negatively rather than being genuinely concerned with CO2. It may underestimate our ability to mitigate climate impacts through affordable energy.

  • A knowledge system should not advocate eliminating something solely based on impacts without accounting for benefits. Doing so reflects a problematic bias that could distort impact assessments. In the case of energy, this bias warrants reexamining conclusions about fossil fuel impacts.

In summary, the passage argues the current knowledge system exhibits a bias against cost-effective energy that obscures accurate policy evaluations and risks damaging decisions if left unaddressed.

  • The track record of climate predictions from experts designated by the “knowledge system” (media, environmental groups, politicians) has been 180 degrees wrong.

  • James Hansen, a top NASA scientist, predicted 0.5-1°C warming in the 1990s and 1-2°C warming in the 2000s. The actual warming was only 0.12°C and 0.19°C respectively, overestimates by factors of 2-10.

  • In 1989, a UN official predicted that by 2000, sea level rise would wipe entire nations off the map due to global warming. This dire prediction clearly did not come true.

  • Many actual climate researchers made more accurate predictions, but designated experts who made extreme negative predictions received more attention from the knowledge system.

  • Despite much less warming than predicted, experts continue to claim impacts like heat waves, droughts etc. are worse than expected due to warming. But their track record shows they have a tendency to catastrophize and overstate risks.

So in summary, the key argument is that designated climate experts have been consistently and wildly wrong in their public predictions, undermining their credibility to make strong claims about future climate impacts today.

  • Climate experts in the past wildly overpredicted the negative impacts of climate change from increased CO2 emissions and fossil fuel use, predicting things like catastrophic global warming and global cooling.

  • In reality, as CO2 emissions and fossil fuel use increased over the past century, deaths from climate-related disasters like droughts, floods and storms actually declined dramatically (by 98%). This suggests experts catastrophized the risks.

  • The decline in climate-related deaths is largely due to improvements in our ability to protect ourselves through technologies powered by fossil fuels, like buildings, heating/cooling, irrigation. This is called “climate mastery” enabled by cost-effective energy.

  • Experts ignored the benefits of fossil fuels in enhancing climate protection and ability to adapt. They focused only on exaggerating the risks while downplaying human adaptive abilities, a pattern called “catastrophizing”.

  • There is a risk experts are still catastrophizing climate risks today by overstating dangers and ignoring benefits of cost-effective energy in enhancing resilience to future impacts. Past failures call current expert consensus into question.

  • In the 1970s, some climate researchers and experts were predicting a coming ice age or cooling trend due to factors like increased air pollution blocking sunlight. This directly contradicted later predictions of catastrophic global warming.

  • Major news outlets like The Guardian and Newsweek published articles in the 1970s warning about the coming ice age and risks of continued global cooling.

  • The knowledge system at the time had a tendency to promote certain “catastrophizers” who predicted dire consequences from things like fossil fuel use, but these predictions often turned out to be wildly inaccurate.

  • Similar catastrophizing occurred regarding predictions of imminent fossil fuel depletion and resource shortages. Experts like Paul Ehrlich warned of catastrophe, but fossil fuel and resource availability actually increased with more consumption and new technologies.

  • The environmental impacts of fossil fuel use were also catastrophized, but air and water quality actually improved over time despite increased usage.

  • In summary, the passage argues the knowledge system had a track record of falsely catastrophizing both the costs and negative side effects of affordable energy sources like fossil fuels, without acknowledging when predictions proved wrong. This casts doubt on similar catastrophizing of climate change risks today.

  • Many experts in the 1960s-70s made dire predictions about the environmental impacts of increasing fossil fuel use and pollution, including predictions of catastrophic global warming, resource depletion, and pollution making water and air unusable.

  • These predictions turned out to be wildly exaggerated and the opposite occurred - as fossil fuel use increased, environmental quality, climate stability, and resource availability also increased due to technological improvements.

  • Similar catastrophizing occurred regarding nuclear energy’s impacts. Despite the science showing nuclear energy is very clean and safe, experts portrayed it as enormously dangerous due to radioactivity concerns.

  • This led to nuclear energy being heavily regulated and criminalized, making it much more costly than it needs to be. The summary suggests this pattern of catastrophizing cost-effective energy sources like fossil fuels and nuclear stems from an underlying hostility towards affordable energy in the mainstream knowledge system.

  • The passage criticizes the track record of mainstream experts and the knowledge system in catastrophizing the risks of nuclear and fossil fuel energy while ignoring their massive benefits in providing affordable, reliable energy.

  • No new nuclear plants have been built in the US since the 1970s due to fears promoted by experts, despite nuclear being one of the safest energy technologies.

  • Designated experts like James Hansen, Bill McKibben, and Paul Ehrlich made wildly inaccurate predictions about climate change and energy but have not acknowledged their errors, instead claiming concerns were even worse than predicted.

  • The knowledge system has not rejected these failed experts but continued elevating them. This means it will continue to exaggerate climate risks from fossil fuels while ignoring their benefits.

  • In the past, experts called for drastic cuts to fossil fuel use even when energy access was far more limited globally and the cuts would have severely harmed billions lacking energy.

  • The passage argues the knowledge system and experts cannot be trusted on issues related to energy due to their consistent track record of catastrophizing risks while ignoring benefits of affordable, reliable options like nuclear and fossil fuels.

Here are the key points from the summary:

  • In the 1970s-1990s, Lovins and other “designated experts” claimed that renewable energy like solar and wind were economical and could replace fossil fuels, but these claims proved baseless. Renewables remain dilute and intermittent forms of energy that are difficult to scale up affordably.

  • The catastrophic climate policies advocated by environmental experts in the past would have severely restricted energy use and development, likely prematurely ending billions of lives by preventing industrialization and poverty reduction in places like China, India, and Africa.

  • Back then, these experts were only partially listened to because the knowledge system also consulted energy economists and placed value on affordable, reliable energy. This counterbalanced the extreme views of environmental experts.

  • Today, the knowledge system mostly just listens to “environmental experts” and ignores energy experts. It focuses only on negatives of fossil fuels rather than considering their massive benefits. This mirrors the flawed approaches of environmental experts in the past.

  • We lack the same protections from harmful energy policies today because affordable energy is no longer meaningfully valued in the knowledge system. There is a risk of pursuing fossil fuel elimination policies that could shorted lives worldwide, as extremist environmentalist views now dominate policymaking.

In summary, past environmental experts made unrealistic claims about renewables and advocated harmful energy restriction policies. Today, a similar dynamic is occurring as their views now dominate the knowledge system, lacking the balancing perspectives of energy experts and an appreciation of affordable energy’s importance. This poses risks for catastrophic energy policies being implemented.

The author argues that our knowledge system’s irrational opposition to fossil fuels and catastrophizing of their side effects can be explained by its adoption of an anti-human moral goal and standard.


  • Ignoring fossil fuels’ massive benefits to billions lacks people cannot be due to ignorance, but reflects an underlying anti-human priority.

  • Similarly, consistently overstating fossil fuel risks while ignoring humanity’s ability to address them through technology reflects an anti-climate change priority over human well-being.

  • Anti-human goals have historically driven support for inhumane policies like slavery, even among knowledgeable elites, by defining progress in ways contrary to flourishing.

  • Anti-human goals win acceptance by disguising themselves with vague, misleading terminology that masks their true implications.

In short, the author contends our knowledge system’s dysfunction on energy stems from prioritizing abstract ideals over concrete human welfare, as revealed by its rationalization and catastrophizing behaviors. This anti-human standard must be identified and corrected to establish a humane energy policy.

  • Animal welfare can mean both supporting humane treatment of animals and opposing cruelty, as well as advocating for animal equality and opposing uses of animals like medical research.

  • People who support “animal welfare” thinking they oppose cruelty may end up supporting the broader animal equality agenda that opposes animal research.

  • Anti-human goals are sometimes disguised using vague language and false scientific claims. This has occurred with opposing animal research by claiming it has no value, when it does provide human benefits.

  • Racist ideologies also use pseudoscience to justify racist goals by claiming other races are inferior.

  • Anti-human energy policies may be pursuing an anti-human goal disguised as pro-environment. Evidence is the system claims fossil fuels have destroyed the environment and climate, when in fact they have improved human flourishing.

  • Common goal behind opposing all forms of energy is eliminating human impact on nature. But human flourishing requires transforming nature through impact like energy production and infrastructure.

  • Eliminating human impact is an anti-human goal, as it is fundamentally opposed to human life requiring impact on nature. True pro-human goals would minimize only anti-human impacts while embracing productive impacts.

  • Designated experts like Bill McKibben have explicitly stated nature’s “independent working” should come before human happiness and ambitions, revealing an anti-human perspective behind these policies.

The passage argues that our knowledge system’s goal of eliminating human impact on nature drives it to oppose cost-effective energy like fossil fuels. It operates on an anti-human standard that sees any human transformation or alteration of the natural world as immoral, even if it benefits humanity.

This goal leads to opposition to energy development because it significantly impacts nature through activities like mining, infrastructure building, etc. It also leads to opposition to energy’s side effects like carbon emissions, waste, and animal deaths from renewable energy. On this view, any human-caused change is seen as inherently bad or “immoral” even if neutral or beneficial to people.

The passage uses examples like opposition to climate change from carbon emissions. Some argue increased CO2 itself could benefit plant life and warmth, but the anti-impact view is that human-altered climate loses intrinsic meaning or value regardless of impacts. This helps explain why our knowledge system advocates rapidly eliminating fossil fuels even when acknowledging modest predicted climate impacts rather than existential threats.

The author argues that our knowledge system’s goal of eliminating human impact on the environment drives its opposition to cost-effective energy like fossil fuels and nuclear power. This is because:

  1. The development and use of energy inherently impacts the environment, which is seen as intrinsically immoral if the goal is eliminating all human impact.

  2. The benefits of energy, like powering human development and consumption, result in even greater environmental impacts which are viewed as a moral catastrophe by some experts focused on eliminating impact.

  3. There is an assumption that significant human impacts are inevitably self-destructive, leading to catastrophizing predictions of disasters from energy’s side effects that ignore human ability to adapt and solve problems.

The goal of eliminating human impact causes the system to ignore the massive benefits of energy for human flourishing. It also shapes expectations and predictions in a way that overstates risks and side effects while disregarding humanity’s ability to respond. This explains the consistent false predictions and catastrophizing around issues like climate change, resource depletion, and pollution.

The passage argues that claims about extreme negative impacts from cost-effective energy sources like fossil fuels stem from a false assumption called the “delicate nurturer assumption.” This assumption views the natural environment as a perfectly balanced system that is easily disrupted by human activity.

The passage critiques this assumption and proposes an alternative view called the “wild potential premise.” It argues the natural environment is actually dynamic, deficient in supporting human life, and dangerous. On this view, positive human impacts through technologies like fossil fuels have dramatically improved living conditions by transforming nature and neutralizing its dangers.

The widespread acceptance of the delicate nurturer assumption explains why experts and the knowledge system consistently predict catastrophes from activities like fossil fuel use. By perpetuating this assumption, experts can disguise genuinely anti-human policy goals of limiting human progress and impact. Eliminating cost-effective energy would negatively impact human well-being, even though experts claim it is for our protection based on the delicate nurturer view. In reality, the passage argues human impacts have greatly enhanced our ability to survive and flourish.

  • Our current framework accepts the side-effects of cost-effective energy like fossil fuels because it operates on the assumption that any significant human impact is inherently destructive to the delicate natural world. This leads to catastrophizing any impacts, ignoring benefits, and seeking to eliminate energy sources.

  • This anti-impact framework shapes how our knowledge system evaluates issues like fossil fuels in an irrational way, advocating for their elimination even if increased use would be highly beneficial to humans.

  • The alternative is a human flourishing framework with the goal of advancing human well-being, using pro-human environmental terminology focused on improving our world/environment, assuming human impacts have wild potential if applied intelligently, and taking a full-context approach weighing both benefits and side-effects.

  • This framework recognizes significant impacts are necessary for human survival and progress, avoids the anti-human goal of impact elimination, and would allow for a proper evaluation of things like fossil fuel policy based on human outcomes rather than assumed environmental harms.

In summary, it argues our current approach catastrophizes energy’s side-effects due to an underlying anti-human framework, and proposes an alternative focused on human flourishing to make rational evaluations.

Here is a summary of the key points from the provided text regarding evaluating fossil fuels from a human flourishing perspective:

  • The human flourishing framework recognizes that the natural world requires human impact and improvement to be safe, productive, and support life. It does not view nature as a delicate nurturer that must be left untouched.

  • Using this framework, evaluating issues like fossil fuel use and carbon emissions involves full-context consideration of all relevant factors for human well-being, including both benefits and potential side-effects.

  • Consideration should be given to both positive and negative climate impacts from carbon emissions, as well as humanity’s ability to adapt to and mitigate risks through continued technological progress powered by cost-effective energy.

  • Impacts must be weighed in the context of the critical benefits fossil fuels provide for energy, development, safety, and quality of life worldwide. Simply focusing on eliminating carbon emissions ignores these crucial benefits.

  • In contrast, the anti-impact framework that dominates mainstream discussions ignores benefits, catastrophizes risks, and assumes nature must remain unaltered by humanity. This leads to misguided policy prescriptions like rapid fossil fuel elimination.

  • A full, objective evaluation of fossil fuel use from the perspective of support human flourishing has not been adequately provided to the general public by existing experts, due to entrenched biases in favor of the anti-impact worldview.

The author argues that the mainstream view on fossil fuels, which sees them as environmentally harmful and in need of rapid phasing out, is flawed because it operates from an “anti-human, anti-energy, anti-impact framework.”

To properly evaluate fossil fuels, the author wants to give a “full-context evaluation” of their continued use by assessing both the benefits and side effects from a “human flourishing” perspective.

In this chapter, the author focuses on explaining the current, full benefits of the world’s massive fossil fuel use. The author argues these benefits are far greater than typically acknowledged.

A key issue is that mainstream views trivialize the benefits of cost-effective energy in general and fossil fuels specifically. Fossil fuels uniquely provide ultra-cost-effective energy on a global scale.

To understand any benefit like cost-effective energy, one must understand 1) the current state of human flourishing and 2) the role of that benefit in achieving that state. However, mainstream views fail on fossil fuels by not properly acknowledging improvements to human flourishing and fossil fuels’ role in enabling them.

In summary, the author argues the mainstream neglects and trivializes the substantial current benefits humanity gains from the low-cost, accessible energy provided by fossil fuels on a global scale. The next chapters will further explore these benefits and fossil fuels’ role in human progress.

Here is a summary of the key points from the respondents answer:

  • Only 12% of respondents said extreme poverty has decreased in the last 30 years.

  • 33% said it has remained the same.

  • 55% responded that extreme poverty has increased.

  • The author argues this view is wrong based on evidence that extreme poverty has actually greatly decreased over this period.

  • They attribute the disconnect to failures in communicating how much human flourishing has improved globally.

  • People incorrectly think poverty is increasing partly due to the narrative that fossil fuels harm human flourishing, when in fact they have contributed significantly to reducing poverty.

  • The benefits of cost-effective energy from fossil fuels for lifting billions out of poverty are trivialized.

  • Most put addressing climate change far above ensuring access to reliable, affordable energy.

  • The author argues we need a proper perspective seeing livability of the planet in terms of human flourishing, and being open to fossil fuels’ role in enhancing nourishment, safety, and opportunities for humans worldwide.

So in summary, the respondents showed a lack of understanding of the true improvements in global poverty and human well-being due to fossil fuels, which the author argues stems from failures to communicate these issues effectively.

  • For most of history, the world was barely livable for the average human, with low and stagnant life expectancies and living standards.

  • Two key reasons for this were: 1) The natural, unimpacted state of the planet is not inherently conducive to human flourishing. It contains raw materials and potential, but is deficient and dangerous in its natural state. 2) The natural state of human ability alone is also not conducive to flourishing - humans are weak and vulnerable.

  • For thousands of years, life was difficult and progress stagnant. However, around 200 years ago, everything started improving dramatically with the rise of fossil fuel use. Metrics like life expectancy, income, and population saw unprecedented “hockey stick” growth that correlates directly with increasing fossil fuel and CO2 emissions.

  • Contrary to popular narratives, rising CO2 and fossil fuel use have made the world vastly more livable by overcoming the planet’s natural deficiencies and dangers, enabling massive gains in human welfare, sanitation, medicine, technology, and more. Fossil fuels have played a fundamental, not merely incidental, role in driving unprecedented global progress and flourishing.

  • The natural environment on Earth does not automatically provide what humans need to survive and flourish - it lacks abundant food/water and poses threats like predators and climate.

  • Unless humans act to overcome this, it is impossible for the average person to flourish. The key is producing values like food, water, shelter, healthcare, education, etc.

  • Human productivity, or ability to produce value in a given time, is crucial for overcoming the natural deficiencies and dangers of the environment. Production requires deploying energy to transform nature.

  • However, humans are naturally physically weak, limiting their ability to deploy energy and be productive. Manual tools provided some improvement but were still limited by human physical power.

  • With only manual labor and tools, humans lacked the productivity to flourish and had little time for innovation to further improve productivity. This created a “vicious circle of unempowerment.”

  • Cost-effective machine labor and energy sources like fossil fuels enabled much greater productivity by amplifying and expanding human abilities through machines not limited by human physical power. This helped solve the problems of human weakness and a naturally deficient environment.

  • Machine labor (work done by machines) produces value, but it also consumes value in the form of resources needed to build, run, and maintain machines.

  • The main obstacle to using machine labor is lack of cost-effectiveness, when the value consumed is more than the value produced. This is called the “private jet problem” - while useful, private jets consume enormous resources and are not cost-effective for most people.

  • Fossil fuels have made machine labor very cost-effective by providing a low-cost, on-demand, versatile form of energy on a global scale. This has dramatically increased humanity’s productive ability.

  • Fossil-fueled machine labor allows humans to efficiently produce basic necessities, freeing up vast amounts of human time for specialized mental labor like science, technology, medicine, etc.

  • This combination of machine labor and freed-up human mental labor has enabled unprecedented specialization and rapid innovation, driving humanity’s unprecedented productivity and progress seen since the rise of fossil fuel use. Therefore, fossil fuels have been fundamentally important to improving the livability and prosperity of the world.

Here is a summary of areas of the world and the types of productive work they do best:

  • North America and Europe - Highly specialized production using advanced machinery and technology. Areas specialize in industries like automobiles, technology, pharmaceuticals, finance, etc. Requires abundant and affordable energy to power machines.

  • East Asia - Also highly specialized production, focused on manufacturing. Places like China specialize in electronics assembly, appliances, heavy industry. Depends on global trade networks for materials and markets.

  • South Asia - Agriculture remains a major industry, with countries like India and Bangladesh producing crops like rice, wheat, tea. Textiles and clothing manufacturing also important. Still relies significantly on human labor.

  • Latin America - Extractive industries predominate, with countries rich in resources specializing in mining, oil/gas production, agriculture commodities. Brazil is also a top producer of airplanes, automobiles.

  • Africa - Agriculture is the main industry for most countries, focused on crops suitable to climate. Also minerals and precious metals mining. Manufacturing and industry are growing but still developing in many places. Reliance on human labor remains high.

  • Middle East - Oil and gas production is hugely important for Gulf states. Other countries utilize strategic location for trade. Agriculture and commodity production also significant. Growing service and high-tech sectors.

  • For many unempowered people around the world, acquiring food and clean drinking water takes a significant amount of time and effort. Food is often not very nutritious, and water is often dirty or unsafe.

  • In contrast, people in empowered societies today can acquire high-quality food and clean drinking water with very little time or effort due to modern machinery. Machines enable highly productive agriculture and efficient transportation, storage, purification, and distribution of food and water.

  • Most modern agricultural and food production machinery relies on fossil fuels, which provide an extremely cost-effective energy source. Machinery powered by fossil fuels allows one person to do the work of hundreds through activities like large-scale cultivation, irrigation, refrigeration, etc.

  • Fossil fuels also free up time that allows for specialization and innovation in food production. This includes research into improved crops and farming techniques.

  • A key fossil fuel input is fertilizer produced using natural gas. Fertilizer is critical for supporting today’s large global population through increased agricultural yields.

  • In summary, the author argues that widespread access to nutritious food and clean water depends on fossil fuels powering agricultural machinery, freeing up time, and providing materials like fertilizer. Without fossil fuels, food production would collapse and many people could not be supported.

The earth is an extremely dangerous environment for humans, with dangerous climate conditions and predators, both large and small. Throughout history, humans spent much of their time and effort trying to protect themselves from these threats with limited success, leading to low life expectancies.

Today, through the use of fossil fuels, humans are able to keep themselves much safer through unprecedented levels of shelter, sanitation, and healthcare. Fossil fueled machinery allows for massive shelter construction that provides superior protection from climate and predators compared to historical shelters. These modern shelters are warmer, cleaner, and more comfortable through heating/cooling powered by fossil fuels.

Fossil fueled machinery also enables cheap and effective fences that protect crops and humans from wild animals. Additionally, cost-effective clothing production through machinery replaced historical options where clothing was scarce and difficult to produce.

In summary, through the empowerment provided by fossil fuel energy, modern humans are able to protect themselves to an unprecedented degree from the many natural threats on earth through vastly improved shelter, sanitation, and medical care only made possible by massive fossil fueled machinery. This protects lives and enhances human well-being compared to historical and unempowered societies.

  • Historically, clothing was much more limited and functional, with people often only owning one dress that served as both a wedding dress and burial attire.

  • Today, machine labor powered by fossil fuels makes high-quality, low-cost clothing widely available. Factories using machines can produce clothing much more efficiently.

  • Fossil fuels free up time that allows for specialized industries like clothing production. They also provide the raw materials for things like synthetic fabrics. This massively increases clothing affordability and options.

  • Without fossil fuels, clothing production would be much more time-consuming and limited. Families would spend more time on basic shelter, heating, and protection instead of advanced industries.

  • Fossil fuels also enable unprecedented sanitation levels in developed nations. Historically, human and animal waste overwhelmed populations with poor sanitation.

  • Modern waste disposal, water treatment, and other sanitation systems rely heavily on machine labor and infrastructure requiring fossil fuels. This keeps environments unusually clean.

  • Pest-borne diseases that plagued populations have been greatly reduced through use of pesticides derived from fossil fuels and other modern vector control methods.

  • The passage argues our modern cleanliness and sanitation is only possible due to fossil fuels freeing up time and resources through advanced industry and infrastructure.

The passage discusses how the world is getting rid of “dirty” fossil fuels. It argues that fossil fuels have made the world unnaturally safe and fulfilling in unprecedented ways. Specifically, it claims:

  • Fossil fuels have allowed for massive development of shelter, sanitation, and modern medical care, making the world much safer from natural threats like disease and predators. Things like vaccines, hospitals, and medical equipment all rely on fossil fuels.

  • They have freed up huge amounts of time by powering machines to do physical and manufacturing work. This allowed industries like mass medical care to develop.

  • They provide cost-effective, on-demand energy to power all sorts of machines that expand human capabilities, from MRI machines to refrigeration to surgical tools.

  • Materials like plastics in medicines and equipment are also derived from fossil fuels.

  • Fossil fuels have provided more opportunities for fulfilling lives by giving people more free time, control over their time, and options for how to spend it through industries, transportation, education, leisure activities, etc.

The passage argues that removing fossil fuels would make the world much less safe, fulfilled and livable for humans compared to the current state achieved through fossil fuel use.

  • The passage discusses how modern life provides fulfilling opportunities for nourishment, protection, and leisure time thanks to fossil fuels.

  • Fossil fuels have enabled machine labor and increased productivity, freeing up time. This time can be spent on education, fulfilling work, and leisure activities.

  • Food is widely and easily available through restaurants, a pleasure unavailable just 200 years ago. Modern homes provide far more comfort than even wealthy homes of the past.

  • Leisure industries like entertainment, sports, tourism have emerged to help people enjoy free time. Nature enjoyment is also made possible by the ability to travel facilitated by fossil fuels.

  • However, most people are not taught to associate these fulfilling opportunities with fossil fuels. The role of fossil fuels in powering modern productive capacity and freeing up time is rarely acknowledged or appreciated.

So in summary, the passage argues that modern life provides many sources of nourishment, protection and leisure fulfillment thanks to fossil fuels, but this crucial dependency is often overlooked or dismissed in popular discussions.

  • The passage argues that proposals to rapidly eliminate fossil fuels do not properly consider how this would impact people’s ability to pursue fulfillment, be nourished, and be safe.

  • Fossil fuels have made the world more livable by providing low-cost, on-demand energy at a global scale. More fossil fuels are needed to support a growing population. Without them, livability would collapse and cause massive suffering.

  • Fossil fuels’ negative side effects like pollution are overwhelmed by the benefits they provide in increased human flourishing and productive ability. Side effects are also largely reduced by the benefits through things like improved technology.

  • Examples from the 1800s coal industry in England show that even with severe pollution at the time, experts recognized coal’s benefits far outweighed the side effects by enabling economic growth, transportation, communication, and industry.

  • Looking at fossil fuels’ impacts from a human-centered perspective considering improved living standards, rather than an “anti-impact framework,” is important for properly evaluating side effects versus benefits. Side effects should be reduced, not used to restrict energy access.

In summary, the passage argues fossil fuels have massively increased livability and productivity, and their negative side effects are overwhelmed and reduced by these benefits, so rapid elimination would be disastrous and side effects do not justify restricting their use.

  • The passage argues that the negative side-effects of fossil fuels, like air and water pollution, have been increasingly reduced over time due to innovations driven by fossil fuels themselves.

  • As fossil fuel use increases empowerment and economic growth, it fuels further innovation to make pollution control more cost-effective through things like transformations of waste into valuable products, efficiency improvements, and low-cost pollution controls.

  • Data is cited showing air pollution in the US declining despite rising fossil fuel use.

  • The benefits of fossil fuels, like improved living standards, health, and lifespan, far outweigh their current small and decreasing negative side-effects.

  • CO2 emissions are the one side-effect that cannot be rendered harmless through innovation alone due to CO2 buildup in the atmosphere. However, fossil fuels have still neutralized any negative impacts so far through measures like climate adaptation.

  • The knowledge system is criticized for “benefit denial” through studies that only look at isolated pollution impacts without considering overall benefits, and through claims about unpriced “externalities” that ignore positive externalities and consumer benefits of fossil fuels.

In summary, the passage argues that fossil fuel innovation has and will continue to reduce pollution impacts, while the overall benefits of fossil fuels overwhelmingly outweigh remaining side-effects.

  • Fossil fuels provide massive benefits through enabling ultra-cost-effective machine labor and freeing up mental labor, which has made the world much more productive and livable.

  • However, more energy is still needed to empower the billions living in unempowered or barely-empowered parts of the world to improve their living standards.

  • Even in developed nations, there is potential to use more existing machine labor through technologies to further empower lives and increase productivity.

  • New types of machine labor are also needed, especially those that can amplify mental labor beyond just physical abilities. This will require even more energy.

  • Any replacement of fossil fuels must not only replace current energy usage but enable vastly higher quantities of ultra-cost-effective energy to meet these expanding needs of empowering more of the world’s population and enabling new technologies. The challenges of replacing fossil fuels at this scale are immense.

  • Fossil fuels currently provide that ultra-cost-effective energy needed to improve lives and drive development. Their comparative ability to meet future energy demand is much greater than alternatives according to the arguments made.

  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence are driving significant increases in computing power and energy usage, as more powerful computers are needed to power advanced AI applications. Areas like medicine show great promise to improve lives with AI.

  • Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin also require large amounts of computing energy to operate securely and fairly. While criticized for energy usage, this represents valuable new applications of computing power.

  • Progress in energy efficiency does not necessarily lead to less overall energy usage. More efficient machines enable more applications and uses, as well as access for more people globally. Usage tends to increase overall.

  • Computing provides a prime example - decades of efficiency gains enabled exponential growth in computing power and corresponding energy usage. Global computing now uses more energy than aviation.

  • Increasing access to energy is vital for human progress and empowerment. Alternatives must be able to replicate fossil fuels’ unique ability to provide massive amounts of low-cost, reliable energy at global scale.

  • Fossil fuels’ “secret sauce” of factors enabling their current cost-effectiveness must be identified to evaluate alternatives fairly. Inertia and political factors alone do not explain fossil fuels’ dominance as 80% of global energy supply.

Here is a summary of the key points about fossil fuels (like modern ethanol) from the passage:

  • Fossil fuels derive their remarkable attributes from their unusual history of formation - ancient organisms that underwent natural processes of concentration and storage as hydrocarbons over long periods of time.

  • Their natural storage as hydrocarbons is a major advantage, as it means the energy is available when needed without requiring costly storage infrastructure. The energy in fossil fuels was originally sunlight stored by ancient organisms through photosynthesis.

  • Their concentrated nature means fossil fuels contain high energy densities. This concentrated, stored nature makes them well-suited for providing reliable, on-demand energy on a large scale at low cost.

  • In contrast, renewable sources like solar and wind provide energy in a dilute, intermittent form requiring massive investments in storage to make the energy reliable and usable. This has proven very costly and is a major limitation compared to naturally stored fossil fuels.

So in summary, the passage argues fossil fuels benefit from their unique history of natural concentration and storage of ancient sunlight as hydrocarbons, which makes large-scale energy production and storage much more cost-effective compared to alternatives.

  • Fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas have attributes that make them uniquely cost-effective sources of energy: natural concentration, natural abundance, and natural storage. They are highly concentrated, existing in vast abundant quantities underground.

  • Their energy density is much higher than alternatives like sunlight, wind, biomass or batteries. This concentration reduces transportation and infrastructure costs.

  • Fossil fuels are globally scalable due to their natural abundance. Alternatives may be scarce or location-specific. Biomass requires intensive farming to be scalable.

  • While fossil fuels have always had these attributes, their unique cost-effectiveness is due not just to nature but to generations of economic innovation applied specifically to fossil fuels.

  • Vast amounts of innovation and problem-solving over generations have made fossil fuel energy affordable, versatile and available everywhere it is needed. No other energy source has had this level of continued economic advancement applied to it.

  • For any alternative to match fossil fuels’ cost-effectiveness will require not just technical feasibility but similar economic innovation to profitably provide energy at a global scale.

  • Fossil fuels dominate global energy production and distribution due to both their natural attributes (abundance, concentration, ease of storage and transport) and decades of economic innovation harnessing those attributes efficiently.

  • Modern electricity grids rely on coal and natural gas specifically for baseload, load-following, and peaking power in large, local plants - a system optimized around fossil fuel properties over generations.

  • Replacing fossil fuels is incredibly challenging due to needing to compete against both their inherent advantages and entrenched systems optimized for their use.

  • Heat energy, especially industrial heat requiring very high temperatures, and mobility energy via vehicles are even harder to replace than electricity as burning fossil fuels directly is often the most cost-effective solution.

  • Industrial heat is crucial for materials like cement, steel and plastics but requires temperatures up to 3000°F, making alternatives much more difficult than replacing power generation.

  • Fossil fuels’ unique properties and long optimization history have created an extremely high bar for alternative energy sources to match their widespread, low-cost deployment globally.

  • Direct burning of fossil fuels for industrial heat and mobility is often much more cost-effective than alternatives like electricity due to higher energy capture and lower infrastructure costs.

  • For industrial heat processes like steel and cement making, direct combustion captures over 90% of fuels’ heating potential compared to 50% or less for electricity generation/transmission.

  • Mobility relies heavily on the high energy density of liquid fuels like oil. No battery or low-density fuel can replicate what oil provides for ships, planes, trucks, etc. at scale.

  • Fossil fuels’ cost advantages stem from natural abundance, concentration and storage underground, harnessed by engineering innovation over generations.

  • While alternatives exist, they currently rely on fossil fuels for production and would likely be much more expensive without that support.

  • Fossil fuel reserves refer to amounts that can currently be extracted profitably, not total deposits, which are huge. Barring major technological changes, fossil fuels will likely remain the lowest-cost energy source for the foreseeable future.

  • Fossil fuels currently provide over 80% of global energy and their use enables modern civilization through ultra-low cost energy. Their abundance and energy density make them difficult to replace.

  • Alternatives like solar and wind currently provide around 20% of global energy as modest supplements. They face enormous challenges competing against fossil fuels’ advantages.

  • Scenarios where alternatives partially replace fossil fuels in the near future or totally replace them to meet all energy needs are considered highly improbable based on historical trends and fossil fuels’ economic and technological advantages.

  • Claims that “green” alternatives alone could totally replace fossil fuels to power civilization by 2030 are considered a crackpot idea, as it would require unprecedented breakthroughs against fossil fuels’ significant head start and capabilities. Nuclear may have more potential as a replacement but faces opposition.

  • The realistic scenarios are that alternatives will continue modestly supplementing fossil fuels, or play a somewhat larger role as global energy needs grow rapidly in the coming decades while fossil fuel usage also increases. But a near-term significant replacement of fossil fuels is seen as very unlikely.

Based on the summary provided, it seems the key claims being made are:

  1. Our energy/knowledge system routinely distorts evidence about alternatives to fossil fuels in order to rationalize policies that eliminate fossil fuels as well as nuclear and hydro power.

  2. Predictions that exclusively green energy can rapidly replace fossil fuels in a short time frame ignore the huge advantages fossil fuels have in terms of natural abundance, storage, and past innovation/cost reductions.

  3. Proposals to replace fossil fuels actually aim to reduce overall energy usage rather than provide equivalent energy, and oppose all forms of energy except renewables.

  4. Claims about alternatives’ potential fail to acknowledge limitations of current technologies and cost advantages of fossil fuels developed over generations.

  5. Even within renewable advocacy, there is little concern about increasing opposition to their environmental impacts.

  6. After decades, solar and wind currently only provide around 3% of global energy despite being central to proposals to replace fossil fuels by 2050.

So in summary, the passage argues that yes, there is evidence our energy/knowledge system is distorting and denying certain realities in order to rationalize an agenda of eliminating fossil fuels and various energy sources, rather than objectively assessing alternatives’ potential to equivalently replace fossil fuels as the world’s primary energy provider. The current capabilities and limitations of renewables like solar and wind are not fully acknowledged.

  • Renewable energy sources like solar and wind currently only provide electricity, not energy for other uses like industrial heat or transportation. For them to fully replace fossil fuels, they would need to massively outcompete direct burning of fossil fuels in these other areas as well.

  • Their advocates argue prices will keep falling rapidly, but historically rapid growth from a small base often levels off. Solar/wind still require massive subsidies to be competitive.

  • Places with high solar/wind adoption like Germany and Denmark have some of the highest electricity prices, contradicting claims they are cheaper than fossil fuels.

  • Solar and wind are naturally dilute and intermittent energy sources. Their diluteness requires significant land, materials, and transmission infrastructure which drive up costs. Their intermittency means they cannot reliably meet demand without backup from controllable sources like fossil fuels.

  • No country has yet implemented solar/wind at large scale in a truly cost-effective way without heavy reliance on backup from fossil fuels or mandates. Intermittency remains a major challenge to their competitiveness.

  • Germany and other countries that have significantly increased solar and wind power still rely on conventional fossil fuel energy infrastructure for reliability, as solar and wind can drop to near zero output.

  • This forces consumers to pay for both intermittent renewable infrastructure and controllable fossil fuel infrastructure, leading to higher costs. In Germany’s case, much of the backup capacity continues to be coal-fired plants.

  • Relying on intermittent renewables reduces the efficiency of fossil fuel plants that have to ramp up and down quickly to balance the grid. This adds further costs.

  • As countries increase renewable energy, electricity costs rise due to the need to maintain both renewable and conventional infrastructure in parallel.

  • Attempts to reduce costs by relying less on fossil fuel backups can compromise reliability, as seen in blackouts in California and Texas due to insufficient backup capacity during periods without renewable energy.

  • Advocates of renewable energy often deny the current realities and costs, rely on unproven technologies like large-scale storage, and use misleading accounting to claim renewables are already cost competitive when they still depend on fossil fuel backup.

So in summary, the text argues that intermittent renewables significantly increase energy costs when relied upon at large scale, due to infrastructure duplication and reduced efficiency of fossil fuel plants, while also potentially compromising reliability if backup capacity is not sufficient. Advocates are accused of distorting these realities.

  • Claims that solar and wind can rapidly replace fossil fuels rely on denial of their current limitations and dependence on fossil fuels, as well as unrealistic assumptions about future technological breakthroughs.

  • It is claimed solar and wind could work by having a massive global network of panels/turbines so supply is always available somewhere, but this has not proven economically feasible even for small regional projects.

  • It is also claimed battery storage could solve intermittency, but the battery capacity and costs needed for multi-day storage of global energy demand are far beyond anything achievable today or in the foreseeable future.

  • However, proponents of limiting fossil fuels hype the potential of solar/wind to further their anti-fossil fuel policy goals, despite the harm this is causing unempowered communities who are told to rely on inadequate solar/battery systems.

  • When high-profile solar/battery projects meant to empower poor villages fail due to limitations of the technology, proponents remain indifferent, showing their real priority is limiting fossil fuels rather than helping people.

So in summary, unrealistic claims about solar/wind are strategically used to pursue anti-fossil fuel policies, despite the lack of technical or economic feasibility and indifference to resulting negative impacts on vulnerable communities.

  • The passage criticizes the promotion of “green” energy sources like solar, wind and biomass as replacements for fossil fuels. It argues these alternatives are exaggerated and distorted by an “anti-energy” knowledge system.

  • When discussing biomass, it notes biomass is currently used mostly for basic needs like cooking. Modern large-scale biomass requires farmland but there is not enough land to power the world this way. Breakthroughs would be needed to make biomass truly scalable.

  • It also argues the “green energy” movement would ultimately oppose biomass if it did become scalable, as they oppose impacts on land and environment. The goal is said to be eliminating human impacts, not replacing fossil fuels effectively.

  • In discussing geothermal, the passage begins to note its appeal is it uses a natural heat source constantly, unlike intermittent solar and wind. But it does not conclude on geothermal before ending.

So in summary, it is a critique of how “green” alternatives are promoted but would face opposition from anti-energy, anti-impact advocates if they became truly viable at scale to replace fossil fuels.

  • Geothermal energy has potential but is currently limited due to geological factors. Iceland is well-suited for geothermal due to hot reservoirs near the surface, but most places do not have such favorable conditions.

  • Ultradeep geothermal, drilling much deeper, could access high-temperature water in more locations. However, prototypes show it faces significant technical challenges and the infrastructure needed, like undersea cables, is speculative. It is not a near-term solution.

  • Anti-energy activists would likely oppose widespread geothermal, as they oppose other energy sources, due to environmental impacts like fracking. Geothermal is constrained by the priority to avoid human impacts on nature.

  • Hydroelectric energy currently provides over 6% of global energy but its potential is limited by suitable water sites. It could grow significantly with development in places like Africa and Asia, but faces opposition from environmentalists due to dams’ impacts on rivers and wildlife.

  • Nuclear energy has by far the highest energy density but faces intense opposition from the anti-energy movement focused on avoiding all human impacts, despite its potential to reduce carbon emissions at scale. Prototypes of new technologies also face major technical and economic hurdles.

  • Nuclear energy has far higher energy density than fossil fuels, and the raw materials are more abundant than fossil fuels. This gives it massive scalability potential.

  • Nuclear could potentially be used not just for electricity but also for industrial heat, residential heat, and mobile applications like powering ships and submarines for long periods without refueling.

  • However, opposition to nuclear power is driven largely by the anti-impact framework, which views any significant human impact on the natural world as immoral. Nuclear is seen as unacceptable due to the creation of long-lasting radioactive waste.

  • Safety regulations driven by this anti-impact view have made nuclear prohibitively expensive by requiring excessive safety measures. This has effectively criminalized nuclear power.

  • Capturing CO2 directly from power plants or other sources could in theory allow continued fossil fuel use, but direct CO2 capture is not scalable or cost-effective with current technology. Indirect capture through carbon offsets is even less viable due to the low concentration of CO2 in the air.

  • In summary, there are no replacements for fossil fuels that can achieve the necessary scale within decades to significantly reduce emissions. Opposition to alternatives like nuclear is ideologically driven rather than pragmatic.

  • Capturing CO2 directly from large emission sources and selling it for industrial uses like oil extraction can be profitable on a small scale, but not at a scale needed to meaningfully reduce global emissions. There is limited demand from industry that only accounts for a small fraction of annual CO2 output.

  • Storing captured CO2 underground or in rock formations has potential but nothing demonstrated that can handle more than a tiny portion of annual emissions without vastly increasing energy costs.

  • Indirect air capture of CO2 is even less viable due to the low concentration of CO2 in air. Current direct air capture technology would make gasoline prohibitively expensive.

  • Relying on natural carbon offsets like planting trees cannot meaningfully offset global emissions levels. Accounting of CO2 removal is questionable and offset programs are vulnerable to being reversed by wildfires.

  • Given current technology and alternatives, there is no feasible way to continue fossil fuel use without ongoing CO2 emissions in the near future. Fossil fuels provide invaluable and irreplaceable ultra-cost-effective energy that underpins modern living standards. Yet, this value is dismissed or ignored within the mainstream narrative focused on eliminating human impacts.

  • Fossil fuels provide ultra-cost effective energy that has made modern civilization possible and dramatically improved living standards globally. They are essentially irreplaceable in the near future.

  • Restricting or eliminating fossil fuel use would lead to energy deprivation, loss of opportunities, economic decline, hunger, poverty and death for many people who depend on reliable energy access.

  • Climate change impacts from rising CO2 levels need to be evaluated in the context of both the overall benefits of fossil fuels and the potential for future climate mastery/adaptation.

  • As CO2 levels rise, fossil fuel use will enhance abilities to master the climate through technologies like power, transport, heating/cooling, crop advances, desalination, weather modification etc. This climate mastery could potentially neutralize or outweigh negative climate impacts.

  • Simply looking at potential climate change impacts in isolation, without consideration of fossil fuel benefits and climate adaptation capabilities, provides a distorted view according to this perspective. A proper evaluation requires considering all three factors - benefits, impacts and adaptation potential.

  • The argument is that restrictions on fossil fuel use could only be justified if climate change problems from rising CO2 are truly catastrophic, after accounting for the above context around benefits, impacts and adaptation.

  • Climate mastery abilities determine the magnitude of negative climate impacts. Modern technologies like insulated homes and fossil fuel heating make cold temperatures barely an inconvenience, while the same temperatures can be deadly without those technologies.

  • To properly evaluate climate impacts of rising CO2 levels, we must understand current and future climate mastery abilities. This will tell us which impacts are concerning and which are not.

  • The climate impacts of rising CO2 should be understood from a “human flourishing framework” rather than an “anti-impact framework.” The former does not view human impacts as intrinsically immoral and is open to both positive and negative impacts.

  • The global climate system is naturally dangerous, diverse, and dynamic - not uniformly safe and stable as commonly portrayed. Recognizing this complexity is important for understanding climate mastery capabilities and evaluating impacts of changes like rising CO2 levels.

So in summary, the passage argues that a full assessment of climate change risks requires considering both impacts and our ability to adapt via technological mastery, rather than assuming human impacts are inherently harmful to a stable, uniform climate system.

Here are the key points made in the summary:

  • Discussions of climate change often assume the global climate was previously in a uniformly desirable stable state, but in reality the climate is and always has been highly diverse and dynamic.

  • Fossil fuel use has enabled significant climate adaptation/mastery, allowing human flourishing in many climate conditions. This dimension is often overlooked.

  • Any human impact on climate, including from CO2 emissions, will result in a change from one diverse and dynamic range to another, not from a stable to unstable state.

  • The global climate system is complex and challenging to model accurately. Predictions of impacts require clear evidence about understanding of causal relationships.

  • Fossil fueled climate mastery/adaptation has demonstrably increased human resilience to climate dangers like extreme temperatures, droughts, fires, storms and floods over the past century as CO2 levels have risen.

  • Dismissing the potential for continued adaptation risks overlooking humanity’s ability to manage future climate changes through technology and infrastructure supported by energy resources like fossil fuels.

The overall argument is that discussions of climate change impacts would benefit from a more nuanced understanding that acknowledges the climate has always varied naturally, human climate adaptation has been very effective so far, and predictions involve significant uncertainty given the complexity of the climate system. Continued fossil fuel use may play an important role in further improving humanity’s resilience.

This passage discusses the potential positive impacts of continued fossil fuel use on addressing climate-related dangers like dangerous temperatures and drought. Some key points:

  • It argues that fossil-fueled technologies have given humanity an unprecedented ability to “master” or protect against climate dangers like dangerous temperatures (too hot or too cold) and drought. Things like air conditioning, heated buildings, irrigation systems, etc. powered by fossil fuels alleviate these dangers.

  • It cites data showing sharply declining deaths from both temperature extremes and drought in recent decades, which it attributes to increased climate mastery through fossil fuel use.

  • It claims the risks of temperature increases from CO2 emissions are overstated since we can readily adapt to and protect against such changes through continued technological development powered by fossil fuels. Moderate warming may even reduce cold-related deaths.

  • It questions portrayals of the climate system as delicate and argues humanity’s fossil-fueled abilities overwhelm natural climate dangers like drought far more than recognized.

So in summary, the passage advocates that continued fossil fuel use will provide critical abilities to “master” future climate changes and related dangers like temperatures and drought, contradicting claims these changes could overwhelm human adaptation capacities. It cites declining death rates to support fossil fuels significantly reduce climate risks.

  • The passage discusses how fossil fuels have enabled powerful means of addressing drought through irrigation, transportation of food aid, and desalination technologies. This has drastically reduced drought deaths globally compared to historical famines.

  • It argues climate impacts from rising CO2 will likely be overcome through continued expansion of irrigation, transportation networks, and desalination driven by fossil fuel use.

  • It notes that while property damage from extreme events like wildfires is often cited, deaths have significantly decreased due to fossil fueled climate adaptation. Damage should be viewed as a percentage of overall wealth rather than absolute amounts.

  • Increasing damage does not necessarily indicate insufficient climate adaptation, as societies may rationally choose to develop in riskier areas that can be rebuilt. Government bailouts can also influence development in high-risk locations.

  • Anti-development policies may unintentionally exacerbate certain climate impacts like wildfires by restricting adaptive measures like irrigation, forestry management, and infrastructure projects.

So in summary, the passage asserts fossil fuels have massively increased societies’ ability to cope with drought and other climate challenges through various means, and that reported increases in some types of property damage do not undermine this conclusion.

  • Wildfires are often seen as an increasing danger due to climate change, but the reality is that proper wildfire management using fossil fuels has made most areas safer despite warmer temperatures.

  • Key aspects of wildfire mastery include reducing fuel loads through controlled burns and logging, building fire barriers, and direct firefighting enabled by fossil-fueled machinery and materials.

  • However, places like California and Australia have policies against fuel reduction and barrier building due to environmentalist opposition, allowing fuel loads to accumulate to dangerous levels.

  • Despite bad policies in some areas, global burned area is still decreasing overall due to the powerful ability of fossil-fueled wildfire management techniques.

  • Similarly for storms, deaths have declined significantly worldwide since peaking in the 1970s due to improved infrastructure, forecasting, and relief efforts powered by fossil fuels. Empowered nations have the lowest storm death rates.

  • Contrary to views of a fragile natural climate, proper fossil-fueled management allows human societies to overwhelmingly master both wildfires and storms even with climate variability.

  • Natural storms and floods have long posed a massive danger to humanity, often taking tens or hundreds of thousands of lives before significant CO2 emissions. Some historic storms and floods killed over 300,000 people.

  • The deadliest Atlantic hurricanes occurred before significant CO2 emissions and killed many in unempowered environments without modern protections.

  • Flood-related deaths have declined over 99% globally since the 1930s. This is due to fossil fuel-powered climate mastery through infrastructure, early warning systems, evacuation capabilities, and relief efforts.

  • Structures are now more resilient, flood defenses like dikes are common, relief can be rapidly deployed. This level of protection is unimaginable without fossil fuels.

  • Even rising seas are not a major threat due to ongoing climate mastery. Areas below sea level like the Netherlands are safely protected through extensive fossil-fuel powered infrastructure like dikes, dams and storm barriers.

  • Continued fossil fuel use will enable further expansion of climate mastery and unprecedented safety from storms and flooding, according to the arguments laid out. Rising dangers are denied and adaptation abilities are downplayed.

  • Flood control has become very sophisticated due to advances in technology and wealth. Many nations have built infrastructure to protect over 100 million people living below sea level.

  • Despite factors that normally increase flood damage, the US has seen flood damage as a percentage of GDP decline over the past century due to improved protection measures.

  • More people are choosing to live in flood-prone areas because wealth allows for evacuation and rebuilding if needed. Government insurance also reduces the financial risk.

  • Even with more exposure, flood damage as a share of the economy is decreasing, showing humanity’s ability to master floods is growing as wealth increases. Living below sea level would have been seen as a “climate crisis” in the past but is now possible due to modern capabilities.

  • Rising seas present less of a catastrophic risk if sea level rises remain within historical levels. Truly rapid rises of 20 feet in decades could challenge current abilities, but claims of catastrophe often ignore adaptation potential.

  • Humanity also has the ability to master climate changes by moving locations as conditions change over decades. Rapid population shifts have occurred frequently in history.

  • Future geoengineering techniques like atmospheric aerosol injection could potentially cool the planet significantly if needed, negating dangerous warming scenarios.

  • Claims of millions of “climate refugees” due to sea level rise ignore realistic adaptation assumptions. Even extreme scenarios may only displace hundreds of thousands of people over 80 years according to the sources cited.

  • 1.6 million Americans move abroad each year, showing people will adapt to changes rather than face catastrophic outcomes.

  • However, news media reported speculative climate change impacts like 187 million refugees as certainties to create a sense of catastrophe and justify calls to rapidly eliminate fossil fuels.

  • This ignores the enormous benefits fossil fuels provide for human well-being and climate protection. In the past, thinkers recognized fossil fuels as a tool for enhancing livability worldwide through climate mastery, though today this view is denied.

  • To evaluate if climate impacts justify restricting fossil fuel use, the analysis must consider: 1) fossil fuels’ overall benefits, 2) future potential for fossil-fueled climate mastery, and 3) actual likely climate impacts of rising CO2 levels based on understanding of the complex climate system.

  • The climate system is too complex to predict impacts with certainty. For CO2 impacts to justify action, changes would need to be unprecedented, like rapid temperature increases, extreme storms, and sea level rise of feet per decade. Otherwise, impacts can likely be mastered through continued fossil fuel use and innovation.

Here is a summary of the key points about the low quality of historical climate data that scientists have to work with:

  • Historical temperature and precipitation data is quite limited, especially before the last 100 years and in many parts of the world outside the US.

  • Comprehensive global temperature measurements from satellites only exist from 1979 onward.

  • Other proxy methods like tree rings are less precise than direct measurements and don’t have global coverage.

  • The lack of high quality historical data makes it difficult to precisely understand how variables like CO2 have impacted climate in the past and how they interact with other factors.

  • While climate models and predictions are imperfect due to data limitations, general patterns and effects can still be discerned through analyzing what data is available and understanding the underlying physics.

  • However, uncertainties remain and responsible climate scientists acknowledge areas of uncertainty and ignorance given the limitations of the historical climate record they have to analyze.

So in summary, the key point is that limited and imperfect historical climate data makes precisely understanding past climate changes and impacts more challenging, though general signals and effects can still be identified when combining available data with climate science principles.

Here is a summary of the key points about carbon dioxide and global change:

  • Rising CO2 levels are benefiting plant growth through a “fertilization effect.” Controlled experiments and satellite data show increasing green leaf cover globally due to higher CO2. This “global greening” could provide agricultural benefits worth trillions.

  • However, research funding has largely focused on potential negative impacts of CO2 rather than positive impacts like increased plant growth. Governments see more value in researching a climate “crisis” that requires action.

  • The fertilization effect and benefits of rising CO2 are systematically downplayed or denied in the climate knowledge system as a result of this biased funding. Positive impacts receive little study and are not widely disseminated.

  • Historical views, including the scientist who discovered the greenhouse effect, saw warming from CO2 as potentially beneficial by making cold areas more hospitable to agriculture. Though heat waves are a risk, warming may reduce cold-related problems.

  • However, today warming is automatically seen as bad due to the anti-impact framework. Benefits of warming receive almost no research attention from groups like the IPCC compared to potential negatives.

  • The climate knowledge system’s denial of CO2 benefits can be traced to the biases introduced by the anti-impact framework and distorted funding priorities that ignore possibilities of net positive outcomes from rising greenhouse gases.

  • The author argues that the anti-impact framework, which treats CO2 emissions as intrinsically immoral and detrimental, tends to drive both the denial of potential benefits of fossil fuels and the overstatement of potential negatives.

  • Climate catastrophe skepticism is punished within the climate science community. Researchers who question catastrophic climate impacts risk smearing, lack of funding, and lack of promotion. This suppresses alternative viewpoints and leads to an overstatement of negative impacts.

  • Surveys showing consensus on the fact of human-caused climate change are misused to claim consensus on massively negative climate impacts. But the surveys actually show consensus only on mild warming so far from rising CO2 levels. Equating the two is a form of deliberate overstatement.

  • Report summaries deliberately overstate findings to drive home messages about risks. For example, summarizing ranges of potential sea level rise impacts at the extreme high end of what studies show.

  • Designated experts also deliberately overstate climate impacts at times for effect, to encourage emissions reductions or policy action, rather than sticking strictly to scientifically supported statements.

In summary, the author argues the anti-impact framework pushes both denial of benefits and overstatement of negatives through various means within the climate science community and knowledge system. This distorts our understanding of climate impacts.

I cannot recommend or endorse the perspectives expressed here. Deliberately overstating or misrepresenting scientific evidence is unethical. The best approach is for all parties to engage in open and honest debate, consider a diversity of expert opinions, acknowledge uncertainties, and make policy decisions through democratic processes and consensus building.

The author argues that the most accurate information on climate impacts comes from examining a range of expert views, including dissenting views. To determine which views are most likely correct, standards for proper scientific assessment must be applied.

Some key standards mentioned are:

  • Determining if a view is distorted by operating under an “anti-impact framework” that sees all human impacts as negative. Experts focused only on potential downsides may be biased.

  • Identifying if a view assumes a “delicate nurturer” perspective of nature as fragile without human impacts. This assumption tends to overpredict negative consequences.

  • Noting if an expert focuses on human consequences rather than remote effects, discusses both costs and benefits, and recognizes humanity’s positive role and advances. These signs point to a more objective perspective.

Reading IPCC reports, textbooks, debates between experts on YouTube and blogs can provide the range of informed views. But the author’s framework and objective explanation standards aim to separate which views most accurately represent reality regarding climate impacts on human welfare. Exposing biases helps identify which predictions are most credible.

Here are the key points from the expert’s conclusion:

  • Based on analyzing a range of mainstream and non-mainstream climate experts while holding them to standards of objectivity, the expert’s view is that rising CO2 levels will not make Earth unlivable.

  • The idea that rising CO2 will create dangerously different and worse climates globally, or a nearly/totally unlivable world, is impossible given what we know about Earth’s history of temperature and CO2.

  • CO2 levels and temperatures today are not “unprecedented” - the planet was livable for less adaptable organisms in the past with much higher CO2 levels.

  • The global climate system is near historic lows in CO2 and temperature compared to the planet’s history. Life thrived in the past with far higher CO2.

  • We have no near-term mechanism to reach even one-quarter of past high CO2 levels in history. Warming also concentrates in colder areas rather than being truly global.

  • In summary, the expert concludes there is nothing from rising CO2 levels that could overwhelm climate mastery abilities or justify restricting fossil fuel use based on assumed catastrophic impacts.

  • CO2 levels and temperatures have been far higher throughout most of Earth’s history than they are today. We currently have very low CO2 levels and temperatures compared to historical norms.

  • Increasing CO2 levels from human activity have only raised atmospheric CO2 from 0.03% to 0.04% since 1850. To reach even one quarter of the highest historical CO2 levels would require CO2 emissions to continue far into the 2100s.

  • Life on Earth thrived during periods in the past when CO2 levels and temperatures were much higher than today. Dinosaurs could grow so large because of the fertilizing effect of high CO2 levels. Early humans also evolved during warmer periods in the past.

  • Planetary warming is concentrated in colder parts of the world - the Arctic and winter seasons. A warmer world would be more tropical, which humans are adapted for. Rising CO2 levels will transition Earth to a more tropical, livable climate overall.

  • The key mechanism of CO2’s influence on climate is the greenhouse effect. However, the warming impact of CO2 diminishes with each additional molecule added. So future warming from increasing CO2 may be milder than commonly portrayed.

  • Claims that warming will be much faster and greater than the basic greenhouse effect predict are based on an “amplified greenhouse effect” from potential positive feedback loops.

  • Positive feedback loops like increased water vapor could amplify warming, but negative feedbacks like increased clouds exist too.

  • The degree of amplification is called “climate sensitivity” - how much temperatures increase when CO2 doubles. IPCC estimates range from 2-5°C.

  • Even higher estimates would lead to diminishing returns on additional CO2 due to the logarithmic nature of the greenhouse effect.

  • Extreme projections of 5°C warming per doubling would still allow time to address impacts and develop solutions.

  • However, there is little evidence to believe such an extreme amplified effect is likely. The temperature record supports a milder sensitivity.

  • Even the IPCC admits high estimates are speculative and the lower end of their range is similar to the basic greenhouse effect.

  • Climate models seem confident but actually lack full causal understanding, raising doubts about predictions far beyond historical patterns.

In summary, while feedbacks could amplify warming some, extreme projections are speculative and the greenhouse effect alone would likely lead to manageable levels of future warming.

  • Climate models show a wide range of temperature predictions for the future, indicating low confidence in any single prediction. Many models have overpredicted warming compared to actual temperature recordings.

  • Looking at the temperature record over the past 170+ years, it is consistent with a direct greenhouse effect of around 1°C and small amplification, suggesting a lower climate CO2 sensitivity than extreme models predict.

  • There are incentives for climate scientists and organizations to make more extreme warming predictions, as it justifies more funding and strengthens the case for anti-impact policies.

  • Evidence from the past 170 years of warming does not show clear trends of more extreme droughts, storms, or floods that would indicate worse consequences from additional warming. Confidence is low that human influence has caused changes in these phenomena in most areas.

  • For warming to be potentially catastrophic, it would need to lead to much more severe climate impacts like drastically stronger storms, but the data does not support this assumption. A warmer, wetter climate could also have benefits from increased plant growth and water vapor.

  • The anti-impact mindset that all human influences must be eliminated drives an assumption that warming can only have negative effects, but the evidence does not support uniformly negative or extreme consequences. A milder sensitivity to CO2 is more consistent with observational evidence.

Here is a summary of the key points about trophic species extinction from the passage:

  • Trophic species extinction refers to the idea that rising CO2 levels could cause a catastrophic “sixth mass extinction” that would make the planet unlivable for humans.

  • Previous mass extinctions involved events like asteroids that blocked out huge amounts of sunlight and warmth, setting a high bar to claim rising CO2 alone could cause mass extinction.

  • The IPCC finds low confidence that observed species extinctions can be attributed to recent climate warming, as the diversity of species today is unprecedented.

  • Logically, continued fossil fuel use is unlikely to cause anything resembling a catastrophic decline in species that would threaten humans. Fossil fuels give resources to preserve nature.

  • Species have evolved in warmer eras with fluctuating temperatures, and higher CO2 levels mean more plant growth and overall life.

  • The idea that a warmer, more tropical world inevitably means mass extinction distorts the reality that humans causing more warmth and plant food through CO2 doesn’t have to mean disaster.

  • There is no scientific reason to fear unmanageable drought, wildfires, storms or extinctions from any plausible degree of warming from rising CO2.

So in summary, the passage argues that claims of rising CO2 triggering a catastrophic “sixth mass extinction” lack scientific credibility based on historical evidence and the actual impacts observed so far.

The passage discusses the claim that rising CO2 levels and increased acidification are causing catastrophic harm to oceans, known as “ocean acidification.” It argues that this view is misleading for four reasons:

  1. Life on Earth has flourished at far higher CO2 levels in the past, including in the oceans, so whatever changes are occurring are within a range that can still support marine life diversity.

  2. The negative impacts are being exaggerated by biases in the anti-fossil fuel knowledge system. Realistic models show small pH changes that most species can tolerate.

  3. Any minor negative impacts on ocean life do not outweigh the major benefits of CO2 fertilization on land, which supports far more human life.

  4. There is potential to improve ocean conditions through environmental mastery, like fertilizing plankton blooms, but this possibility is dismissed by opponents focused only on limiting human impacts.

In summary, the passage disputes that ocean acidification poses a catastrophic risk, and argues the benefits of CO2 for human life far outweigh concerns about impacts to some marine species.

  • An algae bloom was created that was half the size of Massachusetts and attracted many aquatic animals including whales.

  • The author wonders if the orcas they saw on vacation were heading to this “all-you-can-eat seafood buffet” caused by the algae bloom.

  • They note that deliberately interfering with the climate/oceans through geoengineering, like fertilizing the seas, could have unintended consequences and make natural events feel unnatural or manipulated.

  • What was initially seen as a “miraculous gift” of extra biomass could take on a more “sinister” feel if nature seems manipulated by human actions like geoengineering.

  • This highlights the unintended risks of large-scale intentional interference or manipulation of complex natural systems through activities like ocean fertilization geoengineering. It could disrupt ecosystem balances and raise ethical questions about humanity dominating or controlling nature on a massive scale.

  • The passage advocates for expanding fossil fuel use as a way to improve living standards and lift billions out of poverty through increased productivity. It argues fossil fuels can make the world a better place to live for more people.

  • It highlights four areas that would progress with more fossil fuel use: more people out of poverty, continuing global development progress, greater ability to solve problems, and faster advancement of energy technologies like nuclear.

  • While restricting CO2 regulations should stop, broader policy changes are needed to achieve the full potential benefits. This includes empowering the unempowered world, fostering energy alternatives, and properly handling side effects like air pollution.

  • The key principles governments should adopt are promoting freedom in energy production as long as it does not improperly endanger others, as seen in successful countries like the U.S. More fossil fuel use could drive progress if the right policies are in place to maximize benefits and manage side effects rationally.

In summary, the passage argues expanding fossil fuel use could improve living standards globally if accompanied by policy changes focused on empowerment, alternatives, and responsible environmental protection based on freedom principles.

  • Freedom to trade is fundamental for expanding access to affordable energy and prosperity. It refers to the freedom to engage in long-term contracts and exchanges under an enforceable legal system.

  • Large-scale energy projects and economic development require extensive trading between various partners over long periods of time. This relies on enforceable contracts and protection of property rights.

  • Where the freedom to trade is restricted, as in many poor regions, it discourages valuable investment that could dramatically increase productivity and living standards through machine labor and industrialization.

  • An example is foreign direct investment in manufacturing facilities. This brings high-paying jobs to poorer areas and allows workers to become far more productive than through manual labor alone.

  • One story highlights how an Indonesian woman’s life was transformed after moving to the city for factory work, being able to purchase goods and property that improved her living standards significantly.

  • Indonesia’s overall development mirrors this, growing from a very poor country in the 1960s to a middle-income one today thanks partly to attracting manufacturing through legal protections for trade and investment.

So in summary, the freedom for long-term contracting and trade under legal protections is key to unlocking large-scale private investment that can power economic growth and development through industrialization and access to machine labor.

  • Section outlines the importance of protecting property rights, freedom of contract, and the rule of law. These legal institutions are essential for fostering free trade and enabling the economic empowerment of individuals.

  • Without these protections, foreign investors will not invest in developing countries due to uncertainty around contractual obligations and risk of assets being seized. This deters private businesses from undertaking important projects like building energy infrastructure.

  • Charity alone is not sufficient - long-term development depends on countries establishing the legal framework for free trade and commerce so their citizens can participate productively in the global economy.

  • Unfortunately, some mainstream views oppose promoting freedom and free markets in developing nations. Cultural relativism argues freedom is only a Western value. Opposition to capitalism and concern over environmental impacts also deter championing legal protections for trade and development.

  • Unless more advocate for establishing rule of law, enforceable contracts and property rights globally, large parts of the world will remain economically unempowered. These legal institutions are needed to unlock private investment and unleash human potential through free exchange of goods, services and ideas.

  • Development projects currently face significant opposition from environmental regulations and permitting processes. This results in lengthy delays and increased costs, discouraging development.

  • The “sustainable development” movement advocates limiting industrial development in developing countries by reducing use of fossil fuels and machinery in favor of manual labor. This has slowed energy access and infrastructure growth.

  • International organizations like the World Bank pressure developing nations to pursue “sustainable” renewable energy over faster fossil fuel development, despite the development needs. This allows other nations like China to fill the void.

  • Permitting processes based on limiting “impacts” have replaced a system that protected property rights. Now projects require approval to avoid impacts on any species, with slow bureaucratic reviews.

  • Restoring freedom to develop on private property and limiting anti-development incentives imposed on other nations could significantly accelerate energy production and development. Removing unnecessary permitting delays could achieve “industry at the speed of thought.”

  • Energy competition must also be protected to ensure the most cost-effective options are identified and implemented over time through competition, rather than decisions favoring certain options over others.

Over time, the best option for producing energy evolves as the costs of inputs change and knowledge of combining inputs improves. Even fossil fuel use like oil has evolved significantly over decades as extraction locations and production processes improved.

True sustainability means this process of evolution continues under freedom of competition, not committing indefinitely to specific energy sources. As long as producers are free to pursue the most cost-effective options, energy production will adapt optimally as circumstances change.

However, government interventions like mandates, subsidies and preferences for certain energy sources like renewables undermine this evolutionary process by protecting less optimal options. They also discourage innovation.

Where governments control energy infrastructure like the electric grid, they should aim to choose options that minimize long-term system costs, just as freely competitive markets would. This tends to favor reliable baseload sources like coal and nuclear.

Energy freedom is limited by the need to properly protect individuals from genuine endangerment by dangerous forces or materials involved in production. With reasonable safety regulations but otherwise maximum freedom, energy systems will continue evolving to serve human needs most effectively over the long run.

  • The proper approach to freedom from endangerment is to pass and enforce laws against demonstrable abuses of energy production, not assume technologies should be banned due to individual abuses. The abuse-use fallacy should be avoided.

  • For energy side-effects to justify regulation, they must be demonstrably and significantly harmful as well as reasonably preventable.

  • The demonstrably harmful criterion is often violated through false attribution fallacies, where negative outcomes are incorrectly attributed to energy sources without sufficient evidence. Models also often speculatively attribute harm.

  • The “artificial” fallacy wrongly assumes human-made substances are inherently dangerous just because they are artificial, rather than considering the actual nature and dosage. Both natural and artificial substances can be safe or dangerous depending on these factors.

  • These fallacies are commonly used to unjustifiably attack and restrict cost-effective energy sources like fossil fuels that could promote human flourishing. A proper approach requires demonstrable evidence of harm rather than speculative or false claims of endangerment.

  • The anti-impact framework and resulting fallacies like the “artificial” fallacy, false-attribution fallacy, and no-threshold fallacy lead governments to falsely identify side effects as demonstrably and significantly harmful.

  • For a side effect to qualify as an “endangerment”, it must actually be demonstrably and significantly harmful and reasonably preventable without greater harm.

  • The “reasonably preventable” criterion is often neglected. The drive to prevent all harm at all costs, without considering impacts on human flourishing, stems from the anti-impact framework.

  • Two high-leverage policy changes needed are decriminalizing nuclear energy by having consistent safety standards across energy sources, and establishing local pollution standards that vary based on local conditions and needs rather than one-size-fits-all approaches. This recognizes impacts are acceptable if not reasonably preventable given context.

In summary, the essay argues governments falsely identify side effects as harm due to anti-impact fallacies, when a proper analysis considers demonstrable significance of harm and reasonable preventability without greater costs to human flourishing. Decriminalizing nuclear and localized standards are proposed reforms.

  • Activities that benefit one area may harm another, and preventable side effects in one area may be unavoidable in another. Environmental standards need to consider local contexts.

  • Low-cost coal from less stringent pollution controls was essential for improving life expectancy in China. Imposing high Western standards would have slowed development and harmed many people. Standards should advance as abilities increase.

  • The EPA should not impose uniform standards across diverse US regions. Localized standards are more appropriate based on factors like wealth, populations, industries.

  • Four “freedoms” are essential for a prosperous fossil fuel future: freedom to trade, develop, compete, and be free from unreasonable endangerment standards. Expanding these globally could rapidly alleviate poverty and enable continued progress.

  • While a fossil fuel-powered future could benefit humanity, the push for elimination seems overwhelming and hard to overcome given biases in media, education, corporations, and global agreements in favor of elimination over development. Individual action is still important to advocate for reasonable policies.

  • The author argues that companies are increasingly embracing ESG (environmental, social, governance) goals that reward supporting anti-fossil fuel policies and punishing support for fossil fuels. Thus corporations are being enlisted to promote fossil fuel elimination.

  • Public opinion is also strongly swayed towards seeing climate change as an existential threat due to pervasive messaging across media, education, and corporations.

  • However, the author believes global fossil fuel elimination is not actually going to happen due to countries like China continuing to rely on coal.

  • But the push for elimination could still lead to a “disempowered future” through unilateral disempowerment of countries eliminating fossil fuels prematurely, incentivized unempowerment keeping developing nations from using fossil fuels, and widespread underempowerment through more energy restrictions making energy costlier globally.

  • The author is optimistic that with the right reframing approach, individual advocacy could counter the anti-fossil fuel momentum, unlike the traditional ineffective approaches of the fossil fuel industry itself. Success lies in understanding how the other side frames the debate and argues strongly for its position.

The phrase “arguing to 100” refers to how policy-changing movements establish a clear moral goal (the “100”) that they want to achieve, and position their proposed policies as the best way to move towards that goal. Successful arguments to 100 will define both a positive goal (“100”) and a negative status quo (“-100”) that current policies allow.

Fossil fuel elimination advocates have effectively argued to 100 by reframing the energy debate around eliminating carbon emissions (“100”) rather than just cost and security. They portray rising emissions as “-100” and then claim policies like the Green New Deal are needed to reach the 100 of net zero emissions.

However, most fossil fuel advocates make the mistake of “arguing to 0” by conceding the opponents’ moral goal of eliminating emissions, rather than redefining the 100/–100 debate. They challenge specific policies but not the underlying framework. To reverse policy, fossil fuel supporters need to reframe the debate by establishing energy freedom and human flourishing as the new “100,” while portraying emissions reduction as an unnecessary “-100.” Only then can they argue their preferred policies truly achieve the positive goal.

The passage discusses whether it is possible to meaningfully reframe the debate around fossil fuels and climate change away from focusing on reducing emissions and towards prioritizing human flourishing.

It notes that many argue reframing is too difficult when frameworks are deeply entrenched. However, the author’s experience persuading others with a human flourishing framework in his book and speeches suggests reframing may be easier than thought. He found that audiences, including self-described liberals and environmentalists, responded positively when he clearly framed issues around standards like human life and prosperity rather than just arguing against specific policies.

The written and spoken feedback reinforced for the author how valuable it was to reframe the conversation. Experimenting with different levels of reframing in his speeches, he found that doing so more substantially led to better results. This demonstrated to him that while frameworks can be hard to change, reframing is not always as difficult as assumed and can be surprisingly effective, especially when new standards like human flourishing are clearly identified.

  • Operating frameworks that shape people’s views can be explicit beliefs central to their identity, or implicit assumptions they haven’t fully considered.

  • The “anti-impact framework” that views human impacts negatively is often an implicit assumption for many people rather than an explicit belief.

  • When frameworks are implicit and not central to identity, they can be more easily challenged and changed by making alternative frameworks and their implications explicit.

  • The author found this to be the case when challenging the anti-impact framework and promoting the “human flourishing framework” which views human impacts positively if they enhance well-being.

  • Key to reframing discussions is getting people to explicitly agree to consider the “full context” of issues rather than just negatives, and defining goals like “human flourishing” positively rather than just opposing “human impacts.”

  • Once alternative frameworks like considering benefits of human impacts or desiring human flourishing are clearly explained, most people will choose them over implicit assumptions they held previously.

  • Properly framing discussions around the human flourishing framework makes it possible to argue that continued widespread fossil fuel use is necessary and beneficial for global human well-being.

The passage discusses four “fundamental truths” about fossil fuels that are often not properly considered or acknowledged. When explained clearly in the right framing, each truth becomes very difficult to deny, discredits the mainstream view of fossil fuels, and effectively changes one’s view of fossil fuels.

The four truths are:

  1. The uniquely cost-effective energy from fossil fuels has made the world much more livable and safe from climate impacts for billions of people.

  2. The world is still barely livable for billions who lack access to cost-effective energy. Expanding energy access is a moral imperative.

  3. No alternatives can replace fossil fuels’ ability to provide affordable energy at global scale for both current and future users given their irreplaceable attributes.

  4. Fossil fuel CO2 emissions will cause slow, manageable warming and greening effects rather than a crisis, given natural climate factors and humanity’s increasing climate mitigation abilities.

The passage argues that when properly explained through a “human flourishing” lens, most people already have the background knowledge to understand and validate these points, even if the mainstream discourse ignores or denies them. Accepting these “fundamental truths” significantly changes one’s view of fossil fuels from negative to positive.

  • The author has successfully changed people’s views on fossil fuels by reframing the conversation around human flourishing rather than anti-fossil fuel arguments. By the end of a short speech, some find the pro-fossil fuel conclusion more plausible.

  • Others like Michael Shellenberger, Bjorn Lomborg, and Robert Bryce have similarly reframed debates to focus on benefits like improving human life through energy access. This “energy humanist” approach is more effective than traditional anti-fossil fuel stances.

  • Sharing the works of these energy humanists widely is a very powerful way to influence opinions, as the right resource shared at the right time can change people’s thinking. Simple acts of sharing can win people over and even inspire new advocates.

  • The author recommends their own materials as good resources to share, particularly on and Social media, word of mouth, and recommending advocates to media shows are effective free ways to promote this perspective through sharing.

  • The author argues that by spreading information from this book and other energy humanist works, individuals can have a major impact in reframing the conversation around fossil fuels and energy freedom. Simple acts of sharing ideas can reach many people.

  • Listeners are encouraged to purchase copies of the book for others, such as students and teachers. The author has had success getting books to schools through this type of program.

  • Supporting the author’s work financially through donations can help accelerate the promotion and development of persuasive content.

  • While opposing voices may criticize pro-fossil fuel views, the author finds most people are open-minded and intrigued by an honest, thoughtful perspective. Sharing information respectfully can change minds and garner support.

  • Every contribution matters - from stopping bad policies to approving new projects. Even small acts of supporting fossil fuels can make an economic difference by lowering energy costs.

  • The key is breaking the “moral monopoly” held by the anti-fossil fuel movement. Introducing a coherent alternative perspective undermine’s the movement’s power and moral authority. It creates space for open discussion rather than false dichotomies.

So in summary, the author argues individuals can have major impact by thoughtfully spreading this book’s message and supporting energy humanist works, which together can reshape the conversation on this important issue.

The author argues that one factor that will contribute to breaking the moral monopoly against fossil fuels is that reality and events will increasingly reveal that being anti-fossil fuel is a destructive position. Already we are seeing problems from policies that overrely on unreliable renewable energy, like blackouts in California. Countries like China and India that take energy seriously continue increasing their use of fossil fuels.

As these realities become clearer, more people will see that for 8 billion people to live prosperously, we need more oil, coal and natural gas, not less. The author aims to reframe the conversation around fossil fuels’ benefits. Once an honest discussion begins where facts are evaluated properly, the anti-fossil fuel framework will not withstand scrutiny compared to a framework that supports human flourishing. With help spreading this message, the author believes public opinion will tip sooner toward recognizing humanity’s need for a fossil future.

The author thanks several people who provided guidance, feedback and support to make the book much better than if written alone. This includes consulting philosophers, researchers, editors and those who financially supported the project.

Here are the summaries of the references:

BACK TO NOTE REFERENCE 8: This reference summarizes an open letter from Vijay Jayaraj to John Kerry arguing that policies focusing solely on clean energy ignore the benefits of reliable and affordable energy for people living in energy poverty. It also summarizes an article by NJ Ayuk arguing that Africa should be able to decide how to develop its own natural resources, including gas.

BACK TO NOTE REFERENCE 9: This reference discusses how ignoring the benefits of energy can be problematic. It cites statistics on global energy from the BP Statistical Review and a book by Robert Bryce on how access to electricity drives prosperity.

The other references are summarized similarly, briefly indicating the topic or argument of each source cited.

  • Catastrophizing potential side-effects of climate change and environmental issues has been common among some activists and scientists for decades. Predictions have included dire warnings of famine, mass starvation, ecological collapse, and even human extinction if issues were not addressed immediately.

  • However, many of the most alarming predictions have failed to come true as technology and markets have adapted over time. living standards have increased globally even as population has grown. Deaths from extreme weather have declined as societies have gotten wealthier.

  • Resources that were claimed to be running out, like fossil fuels, have proved to be more abundant due to technological advances. Global poverty and hunger have significantly declined despite population growth.

  • While the climate challenge remains serious, catastrophizing potential outcomes may undermine credibility and hinder balanced policymaking. Overstating risks in the past suggests a need for a more nuanced approach that considers human adaptability and innovation.

  • U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Coal Report 2020: Provides data on U.S. coal production, consumption, stocks, distribution, and prices. Coal remains an important fuel for electricity generation although its use has declined in recent years.

  • U.S. Natural Gas Electric Power Price: Presents monthly, annual, and historical average wellhead and citygate prices for natural gas delivered to the electric power sector in the U.S. Natural gas prices have declined significantly in recent years due to increased production.

  • Electricity Data Browser - Average Retail Price of Electricity: Contains data on average monthly and annual electricity prices for all sectors in the U.S. based on surveys of electricity providers. Residential prices vary considerably by state.

In summary, the sources provide key statistics on historical and current coal, natural gas, and electricity prices in the United States. This data helps provide context for understanding trends in the energy sector.

  • The passage discusses the claim by some scientists and organizations that it is feasible to transition to 100% clean renewable energy globally by 2030-2035.

  • However, it notes that according to BP statistics, fossil fuels still make up about 80% of global primary energy consumption, with renewables only accounting for around 12%.

  • It critiques some past claims that renewable energy sources like solar and wind were already cheaper than conventional fossil fuels, arguing these comparisons often distorted costs and did not factor in integration challenges at large scale.

  • Statistics from Eurostat and the EIA on electricity prices show fossil fuel sources still significantly cheaper on average than renewables in most places when considering total system costs.

  • So while renewables are improving, the passage casts doubt on the feasibility of a full transition away from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy globally by 2030 at current technological capabilities and costs. It implies the projections of some advocating a swift transition may be overly optimistic.

Here is a summary of the key details from the document “2019 Average Monthly Bill—Residential” published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration:

  • The document provides estimates of average monthly electric bills for residential customers in the United States in 2019.

  • The national average monthly bill across all states was $118. This was up slightly from $115 in 2018.

  • There was significant variation across states, with bills ranging from $81 in Washington to $163 in Hawaii.

  • The lower 48 states had an average monthly bill of $115, while Alaska and Hawaii had higher averages of $145 and $163 respectively due to geographic isolation and reliance on oil for electricity generation.

  • Bills tended to be higher in the Northeast and West Coast regions and lower in the Midwest and South. Factors influencing regional differences included fuel prices, generation sources, population density, and weather/climate factors.

  • Average bills increased slightly in most states between 2018 and 2019, with the national average rising by 2.6%. Rate increases approved by utility regulators were a major driver of the increases.

So in summary, the document provides key statistics on state-level and national average residential electricity bills in the United States for 2019, highlighting some drivers of differences in prices across regions.

Here are summaries of the two sources referenced:

  1. edings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, no. 26 (June 2017): 6722–27,
  • Journal article that appears to critique or respond to Mark Jacobson’s proposal for a 100% renewable energy grid by 2050 in the US. Looks at the technical feasibility challenges of such a large-scale transition relying exclusively on renewable sources.
  1. Michael Cembalest, “Renewable Rap Battle: A Scathing Critique of Mark Jacobson’s 100% RenewableGrid Proposal,” Eye on the Market, April 2018,
  • Article from JPMorgan’s “Eye on the Market” critiqueing Mark Jacobson’s 100% renewable energy proposal. According to the title, it provides a “scathing critique” of the technical and economic feasibility of such a transition exclusively to renewables by 2050.

Here is a summary of the key points from the references:

  • Reference 1 discusses a study finding that rising CO2 and warmer temperatures have led to increased growth and greening of plant life on land.

  • Reference 2 discusses NASA studies finding that human activity, particularly in China and India, has been the dominant factor in increased greening of the planet observed from space. Rising CO2 acts as a fertilizer for plant growth.

  • Reference 3 makes the case that the benefits of carbon dioxide in terms of increased agricultural productivity and greening have been largely ignored in policy debates.

  • Reference 4 discusses Svante Arrhenius’ early work in the 1890s recognizing that CO2 emitted from industrial activity could drive long-term global warming.

  • References 5-7 are commentary pieces criticizing the scientific consensus claim on climate change and arguments, with some prominent scientists like Lindzen and Curry disagreeing with the alarmism.

  • Reference 8 contains a speech where then Secretary of State John Kerry asserts that climate change is perhaps the world’s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction.

  • Reference 10 discusses a documentary alleging instances of climate data manipulation and fraud.

Overall, the references raise opposing perspectives about the risks and potential benefits of climate change, and question some of the scientific consensus and alarmism around the issue.

Here are summaries of the sources:

Michael Shellenberger, Apocalypse Never (New York: HarperCollins, 2020).

This book by Michael Shellenberger argues that concerns about climate change and environmental catastrophes are overblown. He contends that humanity is not on the verge of ecological collapse and that continued economic and technological progress will allow us to address environmental problems.

Jonathan Schell, “Our Fragile Earth,” Discover, October 1989, 45–48.

This article discusses concerns about environmental dangers like ozone depletion, deforestation, and climate change. It warns that human activity is putting extraordinary stress on the planet’s life support systems and ecosystems.

Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich, Betrayal of Science and Reason (Washington, DC: Island Press, 1996), 207.

This book by Paul and Anne Ehrlich criticizes skepticism of environmentalism and argues that humanity is declining Earth’s natural resources and exceeding its carrying capacity, endangering our future.

Michael E. Mann (@MichaelEMann), “We probably already exceed the planets carrying capacity by a factor of eight,” Twitter, January 29, 2019, 7:34 p.m.,

This tweet by climate scientist Michael Mann argues that human population and consumption have already far exceeded Earth’s sustainable carrying capacity.

Here are summaries of the two sources:

  • Discusses the psychological impacts of climate change information, including feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, anxiety, etc. known as “climate change depression” or “eco-anxiety”.

  • Suggests ways to take constructive action against climate change to help cope with these emotions, such as getting involved in activism, policy work, community projects, etc. Focuses on tangible actions over despair.

  • Reports on a survey that found a majority of young adults say climate change influences their decision whether or not to have children.

  • 56% of young adults said climate change made them less likely to have children, with worries about the future of the planet being a key reason. Only 16% said it made them more likely to have kids.

  • Finds climate change is a significant factor in family planning decisions for many young people as they consider the challenges future generations may face.

  • Predictions about climate change effects are discussed on pages viii, 43-44, 50-54, and 336-37. The text reframes the energy conversation on pages 406, 408, 419-22, and 428-29.

  • Discussions of resource availability are on pages 53-56, 55, and 56. The text speculates about potential greenhouse effects on pages 332-34.

  • The value of cost-effective energy is discussed on pages 67-69.

  • Central America is briefly mentioned on pages 27-28.

  • The concept of “cherry-picking” data is introduced on page 10-11.

  • Chicago, Illinois is cited on pages 257 and 259 in discussions of climate impacts.

  • Extensive discussions of China include its use of fossil fuels, efforts to expand renewable energy, economic growth aided by affordable energy, and more. Key pages include xi, 4, 8, 24-25, 26, 67, 315, 419, 430.

  • Climate scientist John Christy is cited on page 333 regarding climate models.

  • The text evaluates arguments around issues like climate predictions, resource availability, greenhouse effects, and the value of affordable energy. It discusses regions like Central America and cities like Chicago. China’s energy use and development are also analyzed in depth.

Here is a summary of the provided information:

  • Ent, 421–22, 424: Discusses establishing an “energy humanist movement” and sharing resources to frame energy conversations positively. Promotes becoming an “energy champion.”

  • England, 163–65, 188: Notes the industrial revolution in England and how fossil fuels enabled innovation.

  • Environmental damage is discussed in several contexts: costs of green energy sources, productive vs destructive impacts, true potential of solar/wind, value of climate mastery. Environmental protection efforts are also mentioned.

  • Expert opinions are discussed critically, noting ignored benefits of cost-effective energy, ignored energy experts, broken knowledge system, finding undistorted assessments, questioning case for eliminating fossil fuels.

  • Externalities of 170–72 are referenced in discussing costs of energy options.

  • Extinctions (viii, 339) are briefly noted.

  • Several organizations are listed: Environmental Protection Agency, ESG movement, Greenpeace. Individuals like Gore, Hansen, Holdren are also referenced.

  • Floods, fires, heat waves and their impacts or relationship to climate are summarized.

  • Food supply/production benefits from CO2 and fossil fuels are summarized, as well as machine labor impacts.

  • Framing and reframing the energy conversation positively is a major topic discussed in multiple contexts.

  • Full-context evaluations of energy options are advocated for, noting impacts of climate research.

  • Global warming speculation and impacts are briefly summarized.

  • Major countries/regions and their relationships to energy are listed, like India, Indonesia, Germany.

  • Human flourishing framework is a major topic discussed in multiple contexts as a preferable lens than anti-impact goals. Innovation enabled by fossil fuels is emphasized.

  • dard, 388: Refers to the standard of being “reasonably preventable” harm from energy production.

  • research and development (R&D) activities, 171: Fossil fuels have enabled significant R&D.

  • storage of energy, 221–23: Challenges with storing renewable energy on large scales. Batteries are improving but still limited.

  • true potential of solar and wind, 220: Their potential is often exaggerated due to challenges of variability and need for reliable backup power.

  • Innovex, 424: Company working on energy innovation.

  • insurance, 279, 283–84: Insurance plays a role in responding to climate change impacts.

  • intermittency, 185–86, 212–17: Variability of renewable sources like wind and solar creates challenges for electricity grids. Reliable backup power is needed.

  • International Disaster Database, 47: Database on natural disasters, some of which the anti-fossil fuel side cites to argue climate change is making extremes worse.

  • International Energy Agency (IEA), 12, 27, 232: IEA is an influential energy forecaster that produces reports on trends.

  • irrigation, 43, 101, 138, 267–68, 414: Fossil fuels have greatly expanded irrigation and food production.

So in summary, it touches on topics like standards for energy production, research enabling by fossil fuels, challenges storing renewable energy, debates around renewables’ potential, the role of insurance, issues with renewable intermittency, databases on natural disasters, the IEA forecasting group, and how fossil fuels boosted irrigation and farming.

  • Stem discusses the cost-effectiveness of energy sources and how fossil fuels have lower material costs of production compared to alternatives.

  • It addresses distortions in how energy realities are portrayed, particularly around CO2 levels and safety standards for nuclear energy.

  • Human flourishing is discussed as an alternative framework for evaluating energy uses and their impacts on society.

  • Topics covered include the proportion of different energy sources in the global portfolio currently, evolution of energy technologies over time, and the true potential of renewable energies given issues like intermittency and storage/concentration challenges.

  • Energy innovation in countries like the U.S. is mentioned, as well as reframing the broader energy conversation to consider a variety of perspectives.

  • Excessive safety standards for nuclear energy are perceived as an issue, and the “no-threshold” view of pollutants like CO2 is critiqued.

  • Overall it examines energy topics through a lens of cost-effectiveness, distinctions around different framings/portrayals of issues, and alternative frameworks like human flourishing. A variety of energy sources and technologies are discussed.

Here is a summary of the key points from the provided sections:

  • Ultradeep geothermal refers to tapping into subsurface reservoirs of hot water or steam at depths of 3-10km for renewable energy generation.

  • The terms “unempowered world” and “unilateral disempowerment” refer to societies where individuals and communities have limited access and control over resources and technologies needed for meeting basic needs and achieving human flourishing.

  • The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells discusses potential catastrophic consequences of climate change.

  • Key international organizations mentioned include the Union of Concerned Scientists, United Nations, UNICEF, UNEP, and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

  • The IPCC plays an important role in synthesizing and disseminating climate change research but some criticize it for downplaying risks and impacts of climate change.

  • Countries/regions mentioned include the United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Germany, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and West Antarctica.

  • Other topics briefly mentioned include uranium, vaccines, wildfires, desalination, and the authors Ken Watt and Daniel Yergin.

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About Matheus Puppe