Self Help

Fragile Futures-The Uncertain Economics of Disasters, Pandemics, and Climate Change. (Vito Tanzi)

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Matheus Puppe

· 53 min read

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Here are the key points from the introduction:

  • Taxation, regulation, and public spending are the main tools governments use to pursue collective and national goals. Determining the right levels and allocations is challenging.

  • In democracies, there is debate over optimal tax levels, regulatory scope, public debt, and spending efficiency. This makes democracies dynamic but also difficult.

  • Over time, views expanded on the desirable economic role for government, including redistribution, promoting employment, and addressing market failures.

  • Tax and spending levels are usually set based on needs during normal times, not crises.

  • Traditional thinking assumed public goods and policies were national in scope, not global.

  • The book will argue major institutional changes are needed to address global crises like pandemics, disasters, and climate change, which require more global coordination.

  • In normal, peaceful times, taxes and regulations are set at levels sufficient to meet the routine needs of citizens and enterprises. Governments aim to keep taxes low and efficient.

  • Exceptional events like wars, pandemics, or natural disasters can require governments to temporarily increase spending, raise taxes, or impose new regulations to help citizens deal with the crisis. This challenges fiscal rules made for normal times.

  • Uncertain future events attract little preparation from governments or private firms in competitive markets, as spending resources for uncertain future needs would put them at a disadvantage.

  • Economic theories developed over decades focused on achieving equilibrium and optimality in normal situations, not crises. They did not account for uncertain future events.

  • When major unexpected events happen, there is confusion and lack of guidance on what governments should do, as rules were made for normal times. Different countries react differently.

  • Governments are pressured to intervene in crises though existing fiscal rules may constrain them. Theories of taxation and enterprise behavior did not envision random crises becoming more likely over long periods.

  • Major crises like pandemics and natural disasters are often seen as rare, random events that are not expected to occur, so economists have difficulty incorporating them into analysis.

  • In democracies with market economies, there is a tendency to assume these uncertain events won’t happen and to not change plans or operations. Centrally controlled economies may be less constrained by short-term thinking.

  • Over time, mathematicians tried to calculate mathematical expectations and statistical probabilities for repeated events like ship voyages. This allowed insurance markets to develop.

  • However, many future events are fundamentally uncertain - the risk cannot be reliably calculated. This includes pandemics, climate change, financial crises.

  • Individuals and governments often behave irrationally with uncertain events, not taking protective steps even if the event is likely to occur at some point.

  • There is over-investment in protecting against statistically predictable risks, and under-investment against uncertain risks.

  • Governments should make greater efforts to prepare for uncertain but likely crises like pandemics and climate change, even if the timing is unpredictable. Some preparation can reduce their impact.

  • Blaise Pascal, Daniel Bernoulli, and others applied mathematical principles to calculate expected values and fair prices for things like card games. They introduced concepts like risk aversion, diminishing marginal utility of wealth, and the importance of diversification to reduce risk.

  • Their work was important for the development of insurance companies and stock exchanges, which attempt to determine fair premiums and values based on statistical risk.

  • However, John Maynard Keynes pointed out that statistical relationships based on past observations often fail when making investment decisions involving the future. The future contains true uncertainty that cannot be captured by statistical risk.

  • Keynes distinguished between measurable risk and unmeasurable uncertainty. Frank Knight also made this distinction in his 1921 book.

  • Recent events like the 2007-2008 financial crisis and the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic demonstrate the impact of unexpected, uncertain events on the economy. Still, uncertainty has played a minor role in government policy and private sector planning.

  • Some recent works have analyzed the economic implications of unanticipated events. But overall, uncertainty remains a vague concept in economics compared to statistical risk. There is still insufficient attention paid to uncertain tail events versus normal probability distributions.

  • Investors often ignore the distinction between risk (events with quantifiable probabilities) and uncertainty (events with unquantifiable probabilities). This irrational behavior contributed to the global financial crisis, as investors treated risky mortgage-backed securities as if their values were certain.

  • The same reaction to uncertainty can lead to disasters in other areas like technology or infrastructure, where engineers minimize dangers rather than shut down systems for repairs. This false sense of certainty contributed to accidents with Boeing’s 737 Max and infrastructure collapses in Italy.

  • Behavioral economists should study this tendency to irrationally ignore uncertain future events, especially very rare ones with major consequences. It leads to systemic irrationality with costly consequences.

  • Future crises cannot be predicted precisely, so it is difficult to prepare efficiently. But some disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes in certain regions are more foreseeable than others. Governments and firms should try to build resilience to these known risks.

  • Knight distinguished between quantifiable risks and unquantifiable uncertainty. Insurance markets can handle the former but not the latter. This suggests a potential role for government to manage uninsurable uncertainty.

  • Overall, there is a human tendency to irrationally downplay uncertain future events, especially when attention is not focused on them. More attention should be paid to managing uncertain risks before disaster strikes.

  • Frank Knight made a distinction between risk, which can be quantified statistically based on past data, and true uncertainty, for which no statistical probabilities can be calculated due to lack of information.

  • This distinction was less sharp in John Maynard Keynes’ analysis, but he also recognized the importance of uncertainty and that statistical risk estimates can give a false sense of security by ignoring unknown events (“black swans”).

  • Nassim Taleb built on Knight’s and Keynes’ ideas, arguing that statistical risk analysis ignores tail events and discoveries that lie outside past knowledge. Major disasters can arise from tail events or true uncertainty.

  • Uncertain events cannot be insured efficiently in markets due to lack of information to calculate fair premiums. This creates a case of “missing markets” and market failure.

  • Governments may need to play a role in preparing for major uncertain events, but face challenges in doing so efficiently and equitably without clear guidelines. Characteristics of uncertain events when they occur may differ from what was anticipated.

  • Knight argued that in perfect markets, profits are eliminated by competition except when they act as payment for dealing with uncertainty. This raises questions about the theoretical possibility of perfect competition when uncertainty is present.

Here is a summary of the key points about different types of disasters:

  • Some disasters like earthquakes, tornadoes, and tsunamis come suddenly with little or no warning. They may last only seconds or minutes but can cause major destruction and loss of life.

  • Other disasters like cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons, and volcanic eruptions are more predictable in timing and location, which can help save lives but not property. They last longer, from hours to days, and damage specific areas or countries.

  • Pandemics, famines, atomic disasters, major meteor hits, and huge volcanic eruptions are more extensive in time and space, affecting entire continents or the whole world for months or years.

  • Disasters vary in their duration from seconds for an earthquake to years for a pandemic. They also differ in the area affected from very local to worldwide. This affects the ability to prepare and respond.

  • Loss of life and property damage can be immediate or spread out over time. Both are difficult to estimate initially and quantify fully over the long term.

  • The taxonomy of disasters is important for understanding how best to prepare for and respond to different types based on their speed of onset, duration, geographic scope, and immediate versus long-term impacts.

  • Disasters can affect large areas and populations. Some (epidemics, pandemics, famines) primarily impact humans directly rather than wealth.

  • Long-lasting disasters reduce standards of living and life expectancy, especially for vulnerable groups. This creates an argument for government intervention, as with the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Some future events like climate change can be anticipated within a timeframe, even if the full impacts are uncertain. Delayed and uneven impacts make climate change uniquely challenging.

  • Costs and benefits are distributed unevenly over time and countries. Poorer countries prioritize poverty over environment.

  • Lack of global coordination institutions is a failure, as some disasters require unified global responses.

  • Governments should assess disaster risks and make preparations, though options are limited for sudden uncertain events. Fiscal prudence helps readiness.

  • Past governments had fewer resources to address disasters. Advanced economies now have more tools, but still face limits without global cooperation.

  • Democracies face challenges in preparing for random, uncertain future events like natural disasters, wars, and economic crises. The short political time horizons of democratic governments create disincentives to spend on preparations whose benefits may come much later.

  • Economic crises like recessions have some regularity, leading to Keynesian counter-cyclical policies and automatic stabilizers. But other catastrophes are more unpredictable, making preparation difficult. Spending on preparations encounters taxpayer resistance and political costs.

  • Private corporations face competitive pressures that discourage preparing for crises. They aim to maximize short-run profits, keep costs low, and rely on governments as lenders of last resort.

  • Authoritarian governments like China can more easily impose preparations and restrictions. State-owned enterprises have more freedom to prepare.

  • Democratic governments have difficulty filling social gaps left by private firms focused solely on profit. Market fundamentalists reduced social programs while absolving firms of social responsibility. Trickle-down benefits failed to materialize.

  • Overall, uncertainty works against preparation in democracies and market economies. Short time horizons and competitive pressures create disincentives. The unpredictability of many crises also hinders advance preparations.

Here is a summary of the key points about major pandemics in the provided text:

  • Humanity has faced many epidemics and pandemics throughout history that have killed millions. Diseases may have become more frequent since the 1980s due to increased global travel and trade.

  • One of the earliest recorded pandemics was the Plague of Athens in 430 BC, described by Thucydides. It came from Africa, spread rapidly, killed quickly, and baffled doctors.

  • The Plague of Justinian in 541-542 AD killed tens of millions across the Roman/Byzantine Empire. It was likely bubonic plague.

  • The Black Death killed around 50 million people across Afro-Eurasia from 1346-1353. It was bubonic plague caused by Yersinia pestis bacteria. It kept reoccurring for centuries.

  • Smallpox killed millions during the conquest of the Americas after 1519 and later had outbreaks in Europe and Asia. Vaccination eventually controlled it.

  • Cholera pandemics erupted in 1817, 1829, 1852, and 1860, facilitated by trade and travel. Later outbreaks occurred into the 20th century.

  • The Spanish Flu of 1918-1919 infected one third of the world’s population and killed around 50 million people. Later flu pandemics were less lethal but still significant.

  • HIV/AIDS has killed over 35 million people since emerging in the 1980s. Antiretroviral drugs now help control but not cure it.

  • Covid-19 emerged in 2019 and rapidly spread globally. By early 2021 it had killed over 2 million people. Vaccines provide hope but virus mutations remain a concern.

Here is a summary of the key points about the major historical pandemics and plagues discussed in the provided text:

  • The Plague of Athens in 430 BC was likely a typhoid fever epidemic that killed around one-third of the population of Athens. Thucydides provided a detailed description but it did not match the symptoms of the later bubonic plague. Some speculate it may have been a form of Ebola.

  • The Plague of Antoninus in AD 166 was brought back to Rome by soldiers and lasted until 190 AD. It may have been smallpox and killed an estimated 5-10 million people across the Roman Empire.

  • The Plague of Justinian in AD 541-542 was likely the bubonic plague carried by fleas on rats. It originated in Egypt, spread through the Roman Empire, and killed an estimated 30-50 million people, contributing to the Empire’s decline.

  • The Black Death bubonic plague pandemic from 1346-1353 originated in Asia and spread via merchant ships and caravans to Europe, killing 75-200 million people, up to 40% of the population. It took 5 years to spread across Europe, devastating cities like Florence, Venice, Genoa and more.

  • The spread of plagues correlated with climatic changes. The Justinian plague followed extreme volcanic eruptions in 536 AD. Cooler temperatures of the Little Ice Age facilitated the spread of the Black Death plague in the 14th century by forcing rodents to seek food from humans.

  • In the mid-14th century, the eruption of Mount Samalas in Indonesia put large amounts of volcanic ash into the atmosphere. This blocked sunlight and caused a volcanic winter that led to crop failures and famine in Europe.

  • The deteriorating conditions encouraged migration of Germanic tribes into Roman territory, further weakening the Roman Empire. The years after the eruption saw a decline in population and the beginning of the poorer Middle Ages.

  • After 1000 AD, warmer weather allowed agricultural innovations and population growth in Italy. But in the mid-13th century, volcanic eruptions caused global cooling again, leading to crop failures, rising rents, falling wages, and worsening living standards.

  • In 1340 a banking crisis in Italy and in 1343 a major earthquake compounded the misery. These conditions set the stage for the Black Death pandemic in the 1340s.

  • The Black Death killed so many people that it led to labor shortages. This increased wages and reduced poverty for a time, a positive outcome. It may also have enabled the Renaissance by freeing up resources for the arts.

  • Other effects were increased slavery and the preservation of medieval cities left empty by the plague.

  • Pandemics inevitably lead to social and economic changes, some for good and some for ill. The lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic remain to be seen.

  • The Black Death of 1346-1352 was likely the most damaging pandemic in history, killing about one-third of Europe’s population. It spread via trade routes and was caused by the bubonic plague bacterium.

  • There were numerous other plagues and epidemics in Europe during the 15th-18th centuries, though less widespread than the Black Death. These were often called “pestilences” and killed thousands to tens of thousands in various cities and countries like Italy, France, Germany, Russia, etc.

  • Poor hygiene, crowded urban conditions, wars, famines, and cold weather during the “Little Ice Age” helped spread disease outbreaks in Europe during this time. Governments began taking some measures against epidemics like establishing “pest houses.”

  • In the 16th century, European diseases like smallpox were introduced to North and South America by colonizers, devastating indigenous populations who had no immunity. Estimates suggest the native population of the Americas declined from around 100 million pre-Columbus to just 10 million by 1650.

  • In the 19th century, a 1832 cholera pandemic in Paris killed 20,000 people. Epidemics sometimes provoked antigovernment reactions. Recent IMF research links epidemics and social unrest.

Here is a summary of the key points about pandemics, plagues, and epidemics over time:

  • Indigenous populations in the Americas experienced terrible plagues after contact with Europeans that decimated them. Estimates are that 90-95% of indigenous people died from diseases like smallpox that were new to them.

  • In the 19th century, some countries began to acquire more capacity to respond to epidemics as governments became more active and medicine advanced. However, epidemics like cholera still occurred.

  • The 1918-1920 influenza pandemic, known as the Spanish flu, was a major global pandemic that killed around 40 million people worldwide and 700,000 in the U.S. It likely originated from birds.

  • After World War II, medicine continued to advance and major pandemics were less common in developed countries, though HIV/AIDS arose in the 1980s.

  • Recently, diseases like Ebola and Covid-19 have jumped from animals to humans, showing the continued threat of new pandemics emerging.

  • Climate change may influence pandemics by affecting migration of disease carriers and weakening immunity. The Spanish flu pandemic was linked to unusually cold weather in Europe at the time.

Here is a summary of key points about famines in the USA:

  • Early American immigrants in the 17th century often faced famine-like conditions before establishing agriculture, with some settlements nearly abandoned. Harsh winters and crop failures contributed.

  • The Westward expansion in the 19th century led to hardships and food scarcity for some pioneer families moving west, especially during severe winters. Government assistance was limited.

  • The Great Depression of the 1930s saw widespread poverty and inability to purchase food, though there was no large-scale crop failure. Government programs and aid were eventually implemented.

  • Natural disasters like droughts and heat waves have periodically caused regional food shortages and higher prices, but modern transportation prevents nationwide famine. Government disaster relief programs exist today.

  • While true famine has not occurred in modern times, periods of hunger and food insecurity have affected parts of the population during economic downturns or local disasters. Government assistance programs are now expected to help prevent large-scale famine.

Here is a summary of the key points about famines among early immigrants and Native American tribes in North America:

  • Early European immigrants along the North Atlantic coast experienced extreme food scarcity and possible cannibalism as they struggled to adapt to hunting/fishing for sustenance in the new land. There was no established government to play a role.

  • In the 1800s, westward expansion by European settlers encroached on Native American lands, disrupting tribes like the Comanche and Hopi who had relied on buffalo for food. Mass killing of buffalo by settlers left tribes without their main food source.

  • Native Americans were confined to reservations which were like jails. They suffered from lack of food/starvation as well as new diseases, due to loss of buffalo and settler encroachment. This illustrates the tragic consequences when there is no functioning government or concept of community.

  • The American Civil War led to famine-like conditions for many civilians and prisoners of war due to ‘scorched earth’ tactics and insufficient food rations in prisons. The famines were a direct result of the war.

  • The 1930s Dust Bowl was partly caused by government policies like the Homestead Act that promoted farming of unsuitable arid lands. Drought and poor farming practices led to environmental disaster. Government programs like the New Deal eventually helped address the crisis.

Here is a summary of the key points about the Great Irish Famine:

  • Ireland was part of the Kingdom of Great Britain in the mid-19th century and was largely an impoverished English colony at the time.

  • The native Irish population had become heavily dependent on the potato as their main food staple. This reliance on a single crop made them vulnerable.

  • In 1845-1846, a potato blight caused widespread crop failures, leading to famine conditions. Millions were affected.

  • The British government’s response was constrained by laissez-faire ideology and incompetent administration. Policies were inadequate to address the scale of the crisis.

  • An estimated 1 million Irish died and many more emigrated, causing a major population decline. The famine and migration had long-term impacts on Ireland and destinations like the United States.

  • Bad government decisions and policies in other countries like Russia and China also contributed to devastating famines in the 20th century that killed millions.

Here is a summary of major famines starting with the one that hit Russia in the 1920s:

  • Russian famine of 1921-1922: Caused by drought, war, and Bolshevik policies. Killed around 5 million people.

  • Soviet famine of 1932-1934: Caused by forced collectivization under Stalin. Hardest hit areas were Ukraine, Volga region, Kazakhstan. Death toll estimates range from 6-8 million.

  • Siege of Leningrad in WWII: German blockade of the city from 1941-1944 led to extreme famine and deprivation. Over 1 million died.

  • Soviet famine of 1946: Food shortages again after WWII due to policies favoring the military and urban populations. Up to 1.5 million died.

  • Great Leap Forward famine in China of 1958-1961: Caused by Mao Zedong’s disastrous agricultural policies. Death toll estimates range from 15-43 million.

  • Cambodia under Pol Pot 1975-1979: Radical communist policies led to widespread starvation. About a quarter of the population died.

  • Major famines also hit India periodically under British colonial rule. Notable ones include the Bengal famine of 1943 (2+ million dead) and the Great Famine of 1876-1878 (millions dead).

Here is a summary of the key points about famines:

  • Food availability is a major factor influencing population growth, as proposed by Malthus. Lack of food has constrained population growth at times in history.

  • In recent centuries, innovations in agriculture and food production have relaxed the Malthusian constraint for the global population. This allowed rapid population growth in the 20th century.

  • However, food shortages and famines still occur in some regions, due to poor distribution of food, export-oriented economies, lack of government intervention, and other factors.

  • Famine relief requires government and international intervention, as free markets alone will not redistribute food effectively.

  • Looking ahead, there are concerns that food production may not keep up with population growth. Factors like water scarcity, soil degradation, biofuel production, and climate change could constrain future food output.

  • This raises the possibility of a return to Malthusian constraints in the future, especially for particular regions. However, the timing and likelihood of this scenario is highly uncertain.

  • Addressing potential future food shortages will require government and international action, rather than just relying on free markets. The consequences of widespread famine could be severe.

Here is a summary of the key points about natural disasters discussed in the passage:

  • Natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions can cause major loss of life and property damage. World population growth has increased human exposure and vulnerability.

  • Earthquakes result from movement of tectonic plates along geological faults. Major fault lines like the Pacific Ring of Fire make some countries like Japan and Chile more prone to earthquakes. Richter scale measures earthquake intensity.

  • Strongest recent earthquakes include 1952 Kamchatka, 1960 Chile, 1964 Alaska, 2004 Sumatra, and 2011 Japan. Costliest were 2011 Japan and 1995 Japan in property damage. Deadliest were 1976 China, 1920 China, and 2004 Indian Ocean in lives lost.

  • Tsunamis are huge waves caused by earthquakes under oceans. 2004 Indian Ocean and 2011 Japan tsunamis killed thousands and caused massive damage.

  • Volcanic eruptions like Tambora 1815 and Krakatoa 1883 killed tens of thousands. Can cause long-term climate changes. Pompeii and Crater Lake show destructive power and landscape changes from eruptions.

  • Advanced countries suffer more property damage but fewer deaths due to better regulations and building codes. Disaster costs are a form of insurance for expected future events. Uncertainty over exact risks remains.

  • Volcanic eruptions like Mount Pelée in 1902 and Armero in Colombia have killed tens of thousands of people throughout history. Vesuvius erupting in 1631 killed 3,000.

  • The Ilopango eruption in 536 AD in El Salvador led to climate changes that may have contributed to the end of the Maya civilization and the Roman Empire, as well as the beginning of the Middle Ages.

  • Thousands of volcanoes exist worldwide, many near large populations. In the US, the Yellowstone volcanic area poses a major threat.

  • Cyclones like hurricanes and typhoons are classified on the Saffir-Simpson scale from 1 to 5 based on wind speed, with 5 being catastrophic. Warming seas are making them more powerful.

  • A major hurricane hitting a large US city could cause unprecedented damage. Lack of quantified risk assessment prevents insurance markets and makes many complacent.

  • In 2020, Hurricanes Eta and Iota killed hundreds in Central America, highlighting the vulnerability of poorer countries to natural disasters.

  • Overall, volcanic eruptions, cyclones and other natural disasters have caused major loss of life and societal impacts throughout history, and continue to pose threats, especially as climate change influences their frequency and intensity.

  • Honduras was hit by storms in 2020 that caused $10 billion in damage, equal to their entire national budget for that year. Over 3 million people were affected in Central America.

  • The warming oceans are creating more frequent and stronger cyclones. Some were accompanied by massive storm surges up to 6 meters high.

  • Statistically 2020 had an unusually high number of cyclones, likely linked to climate change. Better weather prediction may help save lives in the future.

  • Past cyclones have killed hundreds of thousands in Bangladesh, China, and Myanmar. Low-lying Asian countries remain very vulnerable.

  • Other disaster risks highlighted include major floods in China and elsewhere causing mass casualties, deadly wildfires worsened by drought and heat, and unpredictable tornadoes.

  • Areas like the Amazon rainforest are being degraded, losing their global climate regulation benefits. International collaboration is needed to protect these regions.

  • Recent extreme heatwaves have killed tens of thousands in Europe and Asia, showing no areas are immune to climate change impacts.

  • Landslides are another deadly disaster risk in some countries like Venezuela. Overall, disaster risks appear to be rising with climate change. Better preparation and international cooperation on protecting the environment are needed.

Here is a summary of the key points regarding atomic disasters:

  • Atomic energy was initially seen as a promising source of cheap, clean energy that could replace fossil fuels. This led to the construction of nuclear power plants starting in the 1950s.

  • However, there were early nuclear accidents, like the Windscale fire in the UK in 1957, that released radioactive contamination. The risks were often downplayed by supporters of nuclear power.

  • More nuclear plants were built over time, including in less technologically advanced countries. Accidents continued to occur but were seen as a necessary cost by proponents.

  • A major issue was the radioactive waste generated that had to be safely stored long-term. Some worried standards were looser in the Soviet Union and China.

  • No major disasters occurred until the Three Mile Island partial meltdown in the US in 1979. This was followed by the huge Chernobyl disaster in Soviet Ukraine in 1986.

  • These major events turned public opinion against nuclear power in many countries, though expansion continued in some parts of the world. Concerns remain about safe operation and waste disposal.

  • Atomic power plants are complex systems that can experience accidents due to human error, mechanical failures, external events like natural disasters, or a combination of factors. While major accidents are rare, there have been hundreds of minor accidents.

  • The 1979 Three Mile Island accident in the U.S. was a close call. It revealed that the plant had become too complex for anyone to fully understand all possible interactions and risks. This complexity increases the chance of unforeseen events.

  • The 1986 Chernobyl disaster in the Soviet Union (now Ukraine) was catastrophic. It was likely caused by a design flaw in the reactor and pressure from Soviet leadership to boost performance. It released radiation equivalent to 500 Hiroshima bombs.

  • The 2011 Fukushima accident in Japan was triggered by a massive tsunami caused by an earthquake, which led to reactor meltdowns. Such unexpected natural disasters pose risks even at well-run plants.

  • These major accidents sent a strong message about the potential human and economic costs of nuclear accidents. The more plants exist globally, the more likely serious accidents will eventually occur somewhere. The accidents dampened early enthusiasm for nuclear power in some countries.

  • In 1986, Soviet leader Gorbachev announced plans to double nuclear power production in the next 5-year plan, to boost the economy and reduce reliance on fossil fuel exports.

  • The Chernobyl nuclear plant manager Briukhanov felt pressure to increase production, despite delays and problems with the construction of a new reactor unit.

  • The plant had previous issues with radiation leaks but Briukhanov did not want to halt production due to fear of reprimand for not meeting energy targets.

  • The Chernobyl plant was built starting in 1970, but faced many construction issues and delays. The fifth reactor unit also faced delays in design and supply of materials.

  • Construction crews were often threatened with firing over delays, leading to shortcuts being taken. Quality and safety suffered as a result.

  • There was unauthorized media reporting of problems at the plant, though official conferences downplayed safety concerns.

  • Briukhanov faced a dilemma between stopping the plant to fix issues versus continuing production to meet energy targets and avoid reprimand. The possibility of an accident was uncertain.

  • There had been previous leaks of radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear plant, but the manager Briukhanov hoped to keep the plant operating to meet electricity production quotas and keep authorities happy.

  • An article exposed construction issues at the plant but was ignored.

  • A test was planned to improve reactor safety by ensuring emergency generators would work if power was cut. This was risky but deemed minor by experts.

  • Confusion, delays and mistakes during the test led to the reactor going out of control. Safety systems failed to prevent a catastrophic explosion that severely damaged the reactor and released large amounts of radiation.

  • The explosion was shocking as experts thought the reactors were “idiot-proof”. It took time to realize the scale of the man-made disaster.

  • The radiation spread over a wide area, reaching even Scandinavia. This was likely the biggest peacetime nuclear disaster ever.

  • In the aftermath, there was confusion, terror and physical suffering for those exposed to radiation. Some plant workers later felt guilt despite acting heroically.

Here are the key points summarizing the passage:

  • There was an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine in 1986. Radiation levels around the plant and nearby city became dangerously high.

  • There was uncertainty and reluctance by Soviet officials to make decisions like evacuating the nearby city. They wanted to downplay the severity of the accident.

  • A commission was sent from Moscow but even the experts did not initially realize how severe it was. Gradually they recognized the seriousness.

  • The city was eventually evacuated but there were logistical challenges. Many firefighters and pilots suffered radiation sickness trying to contain the damage.

  • There was debate among experts about how to stabilize the plant, whether dropping sandbags would help or make it worse.

  • Information was tightly controlled by Soviet authorities, who tried to keep the scale of the disaster secret initially. But radiation spread to other countries so it became known.

  • The accident exposed weaknesses in the Soviet system’s ability to respond effectively to complex technological crises. There was denial and passing the buck of responsibility.

Here is a summary of the key points about the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters:

Chernobyl (1986)

  • Occurred in Soviet Ukraine due to a flawed reactor design and human error during a safety test
  • Soviet authorities initially covered up and downplayed the scale of the disaster to avoid panic and loss of face
  • Eventually over 600,000 people were involved in containing the damage and building a concrete sarcophagus around the reactor
  • Radiation spread across Europe, deaths and illnesses mounted, the true scale remained disputed
  • Blame was placed on lower-level technicians, the systemic issues were not acknowledged

Fukushima Daiichi (2011)

  • Occurred in Japan after a major earthquake and tsunami damaged the plant’s backup power and cooling systems
  • Despite being designed to withstand quakes, the scale of the disaster exceeded the safeguards in place
  • Eventually over 150,000 people were evacuated as radiation leaked, deaths were minimal but health impacts persist
  • Japanese authorities were more transparent but also accused of downplaying the scale at first
  • Led to national review of nuclear power safety standards and contributed to phasing out of nuclear power in Japan

In both cases, technological hubris, systemic issues, and government opacity exacerbated the disasters, though Fukushima showed some improvements in transparency. The impacts have been long-lasting for public health and attitudes towards nuclear power.

Here is a summary of the key points about the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster:

  • The disaster occurred on March 11, 2011 when an earthquake and tsunami struck the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan.

  • It caused meltdowns in three of the plant’s six reactors, leading to explosions and radiation releases.

  • The book A Seismologist Warns had warned about potential “nuclear earthquake disasters” like Fukushima, but its warnings went unheeded.

  • There were questions about whether safety measures had been compromised during construction of the plant. Mid-level technicians at General Electric had also raised some safety concerns.

  • Japan’s nuclear regulator, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, failed to provide proper oversight, in part due to a conflict of interest since it was both regulator and promoter of the industry.

  • Fears of lawsuits that could delay the project may have discouraged addressing all necessary safety measures.

  • After the accident, TEPCO admitted it had not wanted to stir “anxiety” by discussing uncertain risks like tsunamis over 20 meters high.

  • Delays in communication and poor evacuation decisions exposed many to high radiation levels.

  • The government and TEPCO were criticized for initially covering up the meltdowns and radiation releases.

  • The prime minister admitted the disaster revealed a false belief in “technological infallibility.” Siting a nuclear plant so close to the coast was a mistake.

  • Other factors like cultural reluctance to deliver bad news to superiors and poor risk assessment were also cited as contributors.

  • The Industrial Revolution brought many benefits but also created manmade disasters that had not existed before, including major transportation accidents involving dangerous substances like explosives, chemicals, and petroleum.

  • Some major transportation disasters include:

  • The 1917 explosion of a munitions ship in Halifax, Canada that killed 2,000 people.

  • The 1944 explosion at Port Chicago, California that killed 320 people.

  • The 1947 Texas City disaster, considered the worst industrial disaster in the U.S., which killed at least 578 people.

  • The 1948 Ludwigshafen chemical plant explosion in Germany that killed 207 people and injured over 3,800.

  • Major environmental disasters caused by transportation accidents include the 1967 Torrey Canyon oil spill and the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.

  • Industrial disasters can be caused by incompetence, ignorance, complexity of technologies, unexpected consequences, and corporate greed and lack of concern for safety.

  • Governments play a role through regulations intended to prevent disasters, though some argue regulations restrict personal liberty. Lax regulation may contribute to more disasters.

  • There is often a trade-off between personal liberty and public/community safety in terms of government regulations.

  • Industrial accidents will likely continue as long as dangerous technologies and substances exist alongside human fallibility. The risks can be mitigated but not entirely eliminated.

Here is a summary of the key points about industrial disasters from the passage:

  • Several major oil tanker disasters have occurred, including the 1978 Amoco Cadiz sinking off France, the 1979 Ixtoc 1 oil well spill in Mexico, the 1988 Piper Alpha disaster in the North Sea, and the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska.

  • In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, causing deaths, environmental damage, and harm to the fishing industry. BP had to pay billions in penalties.

  • Some industrial disasters have been exacerbated by natural events, like fires spreading due to dry conditions and dams failing due to heavy rain. Examples include dam failures in Italy in 1963 and China in 1975.

  • Chemical disasters have occurred when poisonous gases are released and trap people, like in Bhopal, India in 1984 and Donora, Pennsylvania in 1948. Thousands were killed or sickened.

  • Storing dangerous materials in populated areas has led to explosive disasters, like in Beirut in 2020.

  • There have been many deadly mining accidents over the years, especially before safety regulations. The worst include England in 1866 (361 deaths), Wales in 1913 (439 deaths), and Belgium in 1956 (262 deaths). A dam collapse at a Brazil mine killed 270 in 2019.

  • Modern economics was developed based on the notion of smooth, efficient, regular economic changes driven by competitive markets. Random, catastrophic events were largely ignored.

  • Some recognition of economic fluctuations came after the Great Depression, but the possibility of natural or manmade catastrophes disrupting economies was still largely ignored.

  • Governments were expected to keep taxes and spending low, maintain balanced budgets, and avoid preparing for uncertain disasters, which was seen as wasteful.

  • When disasters like the COVID-19 pandemic occur, governments struggle to respond due to lack of guidelines and often high debt levels from following restrictive fiscal rules.

  • High public debt levels historically tend to lead to explicit or implicit default according to Adam Smith. Questions remain over how current high debt levels can be sustained.

  • Possible reasons for ignoring uncertain events include: they are not quantifiable risks, irrational tendency of humans to ignore them, and traditional economic principles developed when life expectancy was lower so the long run was less relevant.

  • In the past centuries, humans have increasingly shaped the natural environment like it was their private property, rather than sharing it fairly with other species. This has accelerated since the Industrial Revolution.

  • Humans have reduced forests and wilderness areas, decreasing biodiversity. They have introduced new crops and domesticated animals that support human population growth, replacing wild flora and fauna.

  • The Earth has largely become a farm, with the weight of domesticated animals vastly exceeding that of wild ones. Cultivated areas have expanded enormously.

  • These changes bring short-term benefits for humans, but long-term implications for the whole Earth are uncertain.

  • Meat production requires unsanitary conditions or large amounts of land. Reducing beef consumption could free up land for other crops and reduce climate change impacts.

  • Cows emit methane contributing significantly to greenhouse gases. There are now 1-1.5 billion cows, about one per five humans.

  • Positive developments include vegetarian restaurants and beef substitutes emerging. Also some new cow feeds may reduce methane emissions.

  • Human activities like industrialization, population growth, and intensive agriculture have negatively impacted the environment through pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change. This threatens biodiversity and ecological sustainability.

  • Some positive developments involve sustainable farming practices like growing crops that absorb carbon, reducing fertilizer use, and producing less methane from cows. However, scaling up these solutions will take time.

  • Climate change is getting more attention in countries focused on community welfare rather than individual economic freedom. Private companies often prioritize short-term profits over environmental costs.

  • National parks protect some natural areas but are still for human benefit. Loss of coral reefs and fish stocks shows environmental decline.

  • Market economies need more attention to social costs and equity. Intelligent monitoring and correcting market failures is needed rather than replacing markets entirely. Countries like Scandinavia show this is possible without excessive reduction in liberties and incentives.

  • In past centuries, some regions experienced climate changes due to natural causes like volcanic eruptions and solar activity. These sometimes created difficulties but other times were beneficial, like warmer periods that aided agriculture and exploration.

  • The 17th and early 18th centuries were unusually cold, reducing food production in Europe and likely Asia, contributing to plagues and epidemics. The early 2nd millennium was warmer, increasing food production and aiding Viking exploration.

  • In the 19th century, the climate improved again and the Industrial Revolution brought some income gains, especially for certain social classes. Enclosure of lands spurred agricultural incentives and production. This allowed faster population growth.

  • But now a new era of human-caused climate change and global warming threatens more frequent disasters and catastrophes. Many experts warn this could make parts of Earth uninhabitable if unchecked.

  • This is not a distant future problem but already occurring, and we have been unable to change course sufficiently. It is not random but caused by human activities, so we cannot claim it as an “Act of God.” Urgent action by governments and organizations is needed to alter the tragic path we are on.

  • The Industrial Revolution brought innovations like the steam engine that required new energy sources beyond human and animal power. This led to an increasing reliance on fossil fuels like coal.

  • Coal remained a dominant energy source for industry and electricity generation from the early 1800s up until recent decades. It still accounts for a large share of global energy use today.

  • Other fossil fuels like oil and natural gas were also adopted to power new inventions like cars, buses, and planes.

  • Nuclear power gained some popularity as an energy source in the mid-1900s before atomic disasters reduced its use.

  • Recently there has been growth in renewable “green” energy from sources like solar, wind, and geothermal. New technologies like hydrogen fuel and nuclear fusion are also being researched.

  • Most of the energy used historically and today releases greenhouse gases, except nuclear and some renewables. This has led to a major increase in atmospheric carbon since the Industrial Revolution, contributing to global warming. More than half the carbon from fossil fuels has been emitted just in the past three decades.

  • Over 166,000 people were killed by excessive heat, highlighting the real dangers of climate change.

  • Carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels like coal stays in the atmosphere for a long time, creating a greenhouse effect that traps heat and leads to rising global temperatures.

  • Coal combustion releases more carbon dioxide per unit of energy than oil or gas, and still accounts for 39% of fossil fuel use and 44% of greenhouse gas emissions globally. Coal should be the first fossil fuel phased out.

  • Global average temperatures have been rising steadily, especially since the 1980s. Without rapid reductions in dirty energy use and deforestation, temperatures could rise 1.5C or more by 2050 with disastrous consequences.

  • Historically, developed countries like the U.S. contributed the most emissions by their early industrialization. But today, China and India’s rapid development and large populations make them major contributors along with the U.S.

  • Rising incomes and populations increase energy demand, often met by cheap fossil fuels, further exacerbating climate change. Limiting temperature rise to 2C may be optimistic at current trends.

  • Climate change is not the only environmental problem caused by population growth, rising incomes and unsustainable practices. Issues like agricultural runoff are also major concerns.

  • The green revolution involved the use of pesticides, fertilizers, and genetically modified seeds, which increased agricultural productivity but also caused environmental problems like pollution. It enabled a large increase in world population but was resisted in Europe due to concerns about genetically modified crops.

  • Plastic products have become ubiquitous but their disposal creates major environmental problems as plastic often ends up in oceans and waterways. Only a small percentage of plastic is recycled, while much is burned or dumped irresponsibly. This plastic pollution harms marine life and ecosystems.

  • Chemicals and plastics may also be interfering with hormones like estrogen and testosterone, potentially reducing fertility rates in rich countries. This could lead to population declines in future generations.

  • Economic growth and rising incomes increase demand for resource-intensive foods like meat and fish. This requires large amounts of land for animal grazing, reducing wilderness areas and biodiversity. Livestock like cows also produce greenhouse gases like methane as well as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.

  • New technologies often have unintended consequences that are unpredictable. There are concerns about what could happen with advanced artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence.

  • In general, human actions to improve standards of living often have unanticipated environmental and social side effects. Better coordination and planning is needed to mitigate these effects.

  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other chemicals used in refrigerants, solvents, and propellants were depleting the ozone layer. This increased harmful ultraviolet radiation reaching Earth’s surface.

  • Chemical companies initially denied the problem, but eventually the Montreal Protocol banned ozone-depleting chemicals starting in 1989. The Antarctic ozone hole is slowly recovering as a result.

  • Fossil fuel use emits carbon dioxide, causing climate change. But market prices of fossil fuels don’t account for environmental and health costs, implicitly subsidizing them.

  • Carbon taxes could address this by incorporating social costs into prices. But estimating accurate social costs is challenging.

  • Fossil fuel industries invest heavily in production and spread doubt about climate change science to protect their interests. They argue jobs depend on continued fossil fuel use.

  • Governments often prioritize regional job creation over environmental policies. Private benefits of fossil fuels outweigh widely dispersed social costs for many policymakers.

  • Economic growth and development objectives have led many countries like India and China to continue relying heavily on coal and other dirty energy sources that emit greenhouse gases.

  • The shale oil and gas revolution in the U.S. has increased domestic production but also generated social costs like water contamination. It still contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Meat production generates significant emissions but consumers don’t face the full costs in meat prices.

  • Progress is being made on green energy from solar, wind, and batteries but costs are still high and adoption is slow. Few countries are close to zero net emissions.

  • Adding renewable energy helps but doesn’t reduce the accumulated greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere. More countries need to commit and invest to decarbonize fully and rapidly.

  • With population and income growth, energy demand will likely continue rising globally. Substituting green energy may not come fast enough to prevent very damaging climate changes.

  • Effective policies and coordination among countries is essential but difficult without a global government. National governments must continue pushing for progress but capabilities and willingness varies.

  • Concerns about the environmental impact of human activities started emerging in the 1950s, initially focused on localized air pollution from leaded gasoline used in cars. This led to regulations to improve car efficiency and reduce emissions.

  • In 1962, Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring raised worries about the uncontrolled use of chemicals and their effects on the environment, at a time when the world population was growing rapidly.

  • Over time, environmental concerns expanded beyond localized issues like air pollution to include global impacts like ozone depletion and climate change.

  • Action on the ozone hole in the 1980s showed that international cooperation could effectively address global environmental issues.

  • However, climate change has proved more challenging, as the consequences are longer-term, unevenly distributed, and require costly changes by many parties.

  • Some governments and individuals oppose regulations to address climate change as infringing on liberty and sovereignty. However, climate change poses major risks if uncontrolled.

  • Effective action on climate change likely requires global coordination and cooperation between governments, as well as changes by corporations and individuals. The role of international organizations is important for facilitating this.

  • Environmentalism emerged as a movement in the 1960s-1970s due to concerns about population growth, pollution, and damage to the environment from human activities. Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring raised awareness about the impacts of pesticides.

  • In 1970, President Nixon established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and in 1972 the Clean Water Act was passed. However, later administrations like Reagan and Trump were indifferent or antagonistic to environmental concerns.

  • Polluting industries often exploited scientific uncertainty and lobbied against regulations, prioritizing profits over public health and the environment. Examples include chemical dumping in rivers and lakes.

  • New environmental problems have emerged like ocean acidification, plastic pollution, biodiversity loss, melting glaciers and ice sheets contributing to sea level rise.

  • There are conflicts between economic development and environmental protection. Governments must balance private interests with the global public good of a clean environment. Coordination between countries is needed but made difficult by competing national interests.

  • Since Rachel Carson’s influential 1962 book “Silent Spring”, there has been growing awareness of the interconnection between different parts of the planet and the various species that inhabit it. Humans do not have exclusive rights over the Earth.

  • In 1970, President Nixon made statements showing concern for the environment that were very progressive for the time. He called for strong government action to address environmental issues.

  • In the 1970s, concern grew about the environmental impacts of large dams built for irrigation and electricity in previously untouched areas. Views changed from seeing them as engineering marvels to disruptors of nature.

  • Some experts promoted the idea of a “no growth” economy that would remain naturally balanced like virgin forests. But there were many unanswered questions about how this could work.

  • Fears arose that continued economic growth would deplete natural resources like coal and oil. The 1970s oil crisis lent credence to these fears.

  • The Club of Rome advocated zero economic growth and more equal income distribution to enable this.

  • Since then, world population and GDP have grown substantially, feared resource shortages haven’t occurred, and income inequality has risen within many countries despite declining between countries.

  • Overall, awareness has grown substantially over the past 60+ years regarding the interconnectedness of the planet and the impacts of human activities. But major challenges remain in balancing economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Here is a summary of the key points about economic growth, environmental concerns, and climate change:

  • Economic policies since the 1980s have prioritized economic efficiency, growth, and consumption over more equitable income distribution and environmental sustainability. The assumption is that economic growth benefits everyone through “trickle-down.”

  • Environmental concerns emerged in earlier decades regarding specific issues like pollution and resource depletion. More recently, the focus has shifted to climate change and global warming.

  • Evidence shows human activity and fossil fuel emissions are likely contributing to climate change through increased greenhouse gases. Events like droughts, fires, storms, and floods appear to be becoming more frequent and severe.

  • Wealthier individuals and countries contribute disproportionately to climate change through their energy usage and spending. But poorer populations tend to suffer more from the impacts.

  • There is uncertainty about the precise effects and timing of climate change. But potential catastrophic outcomes mean the risks should not be ignored. Some short-sightedness and lack of altruism for future generations contributes to inaction.

  • Climate change involves issues of intergenerational equity and requires some sacrifice or altruism on the part of current generations for the sake of future ones. But addressing it has proven politically difficult so far.

  • The short-term impacts of climate change can differ significantly from the long-term impacts. Some countries like Russia and Canada may benefit initially from warmer temperatures that open up new agricultural areas, while tropical regions are more immediately hurt by storms, droughts, and heatwaves.

  • In the long run, sustained higher temperatures approaching but not reaching catastrophic levels could have very negative worldwide impacts, making large portions of the Earth uninhabitable.

  • Different regions will be affected differently, with billions potentially migrating from newly uninhabitable areas to places like the U.S. and Europe.

  • Countries that have focused more on addressing climate change tend to have more equal income distribution, while indifference to climate change often corresponds with high inequality.

  • Solving climate change requires addressing both economic growth and income inequality, not just emissions. Resistance from the rich and powerful beneficiaries of the current system is likely.

  • Climate change is not just a human issue but one that impacts ecological diversity and other species created over millions of years.

  • Climate change is leading to rising sea levels that threaten coastal cities, especially in the eastern and western US. Melting ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland could accelerate this rise.

  • Climate change is destroying habitats and threatening the survival of many species, not just humans. Clearing of rainforests and other natural areas for agriculture and mining has contributed to this.

  • Some countries like Canada and Russia may benefit from climate change while more populous countries that suffer will see large-scale migration. This could cause social and economic disruption.

  • There is a risk that if green technologies are not rapidly adopted and fossil fuel use phased out, the Earth may become significantly less hospitable for humans and other species by 2100. However, people tend to irrationally dismiss uncertain but potentially catastrophic scenarios.

  • Continued population growth, increasing consumption, and economic policies focused on growth could make an unpleasant climate scenario more likely. This could involve higher temperatures, more wildfires, methane release from melting permafrost, and other feedback effects.

  • Fundamental changes in human behavior and economic systems are likely needed soon to avoid a significantly less livable climate future within the lifetimes of people already born. But there is uncertainty if this will happen fast enough.

  • The warming of the oceans due to climate change is likely to persist even if greenhouse gas emissions are reduced, as the heat absorbed will remain for a long time. This will contribute to sea level rise.

  • Melting of glaciers and ice sheets in Greenland, Antarctica, and mountain regions will also contribute to sea level rise over a long period, though not imminently.

  • Sea level rise threatens coastal cities and regions. Adaptations like those in the Netherlands may help in the short run but long-term migration from affected areas may be necessary.

  • Warmer oceans are leading to more frequent and more powerful storms like hurricanes and typhoons, causing increasing damage.

  • Melting mountain glaciers can disrupt water supplies and agriculture in some regions.

  • More extreme weather events like floods, droughts, and heatwaves are becoming more common and damaging due to climate change.

  • Infrastructure inadequate for new climate conditions is becoming a problem requiring expensive upgrades or replacement.

  • Some climate migration out of highly vulnerable regions has already begun and is likely to increase.

Here is a summary of the key points made in the passage:

  • Traditional economic theory focused on providing routine goods/services through free markets and individual action, with limited government role. But individuals also have some collective needs, like protection against uncertain future events that affect the whole community.

  • Satisfying needs for protection against uncertain events requires coordinated action on a larger scale, increasing the potential role of government.

  • If uncertain disastrous events are global in scope, like pandemics and climate change, coordination may need to be global too, involving many national governments.

  • Individual countries acting alone may not be able to address global threats effectively. Collective action among governments has a greater chance of tackling global emergencies.

  • Classical economic theory gives a limited role to national governments and no role to global governance, with greater emphasis on individual action. But this is limited in dealing with global threats that require international coordination.

  • The probability of global disasters was seen as low in the past, limiting recognition of these issues in traditional theory. But their likelihood has now increased with globalization, requiring an expanded conceptual framework.

  • The traditional economic framework focused on competitive markets reaching equilibrium and maximizing welfare, with limited government intervention. It largely ignored uncertain, hard-to-predict events like pandemics and climate change.

  • This framework encouraged businesses to keep costs low and not retain profits as buffers for future shocks. Governments focused on short-term voter needs rather than long-term issues.

  • Recent thinking encouraged financing government spending through debt rather than taxes. This has led to record debt levels, making it harder to deal with crises.

  • There is a need for new thinking to still promote efficiency and democracy but better anticipate uncertain disasters. This could involve keeping some resources for rainy days, building resilient infrastructure, and addressing long-term issues like climate change.

  • The traditional view of maintaining fiscal space to deal with crises was abandoned. A return to some fiscal prudence may be warranted.

  • Overall, the economic framework needs updating to deal with global, hard-to-predict events while still supporting markets and limiting government overreach. More balance is needed between short-term and long-term policies.

  • The world is more interconnected today through travel and tourism, exposing people to new viruses and increasing the risk of pandemics. This requires more government investment in health research and global collaboration on things like vaccine access.

  • Climate change is an existential threat that will affect the whole planet. Even if temperature increases are contained, environmental costs will rise. Governments need to be ready to intervene, which is easier if they have fiscal space rather than large debts and deficits.

  • When crises hit, workers with little savings bear the brunt through job losses. Governments can help through unemployment programs, facilitated by sound public finances and higher taxes on the rich. Corporations that retain profits can keep workers during downturns.

  • Market fundamentalism since the 1980s has lowered taxes more on capital income than on workers. This impacts the ability of different groups to weather crises.

  • The pandemic has disproportionately impacted poorer workers through job and income losses. Meanwhile, asset prices have boomed, benefiting the wealthy. There is a case for higher taxes on the rich to address inequalities exacerbated by the pandemic.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has led to high unemployment and increased poverty rates in many countries. Millions have lost jobs and income. Debates continue on how much government assistance is needed and for how long.

  • The economic impact remains uncertain. Forecasts are often wrong. The longer the pandemic lasts, the greater the long-run consequences for economies and citizens.

  • The pandemic may lead to permanent changes in how people work, shop, learn, travel, and more. It has affected birth rates, retirement, job choices.

  • Consumer confidence has been low. Global trade has suffered. Government debt has exploded.

  • The stock market and real estate market have done well despite the economic crisis. Those with assets and high incomes are benefiting, while lower income essential workers suffer health and economic harms.

  • This disconnect suggests shortcomings in market fundamentalism and trickle-down assumptions. More equitable government tax, spending, and regulatory policies are needed.

  • Since the 1980s, tax and monetary policies have led to a greater share of income and wealth going to the top 1%. Trickle-up, not trickle-down.

  • Major tax policy changes since WWII have dramatically reduced taxes on high incomes and corporations. This has contributed to inequality.

  • Tax rates on high incomes and corporate profits have fallen dramatically over recent decades in many countries, especially the US, benefiting the wealthy far more than average workers.

  • The share of revenue from individual income tax paid by the rich has declined, while the share paid by average workers has risen.

  • The average compensation of CEOs relative to workers has soared from 20 times in 1965 to over 300 times today.

  • Many less visible tax changes like favorable treatment of capital gains have further reduced effective tax rates on high incomes.

  • Globalization and deregulation have opened up new channels for tax avoidance by wealthy individuals and corporations, shifting income to tax havens.

  • Estimates suggest trillions of dollars are now hidden in foreign accounts, escaping taxation. The US tax gap alone is estimated at $700 billion annually.

  • Corporate tax revenue as a share of GDP has plunged from over 5% to just 1% in the US.

  • Recent monetary policies have made cheap credit readily available mainly to governments and large actors rather than average citizens.

  • The effects of monetary policy have become more uncertain and blurred with fiscal policy without political oversight.

In summary, economic policies over recent decades have dramatically advantaged the wealthy over average workers, contributing to rising inequality. Tax avoidance has robbed governments of vast revenues. Monetary policy lacks accountability and clarity of effects.

  • Cheap credit policies like quantitative easing have benefited wealthy actors who can access this credit, promoting their economic interests over the public interest.

  • Low interest rates have boosted asset prices, further benefiting the wealthy who own most assets. This reduces government need for taxes, leading to higher debt.

  • Lower and middle income groups still rely on expensive commercial credit as they lack access to central bank cheap credit. This creates two monetary universes.

  • Short-term benefits like asset price increases carry long-term dangers like bubbles and uncertain events being ignored.

  • High public debt from lower taxes on wealthy inevitably increases future risk. Million dollar compensations became more socially acceptable.

  • In pandemics, taxes should focus more on fairness and spreading costs rather than long-term objectives. Those with more capacity should contribute more.

  • Simple short-run options: raise top marginal income and corporate tax rates, tax wealth over a level, transaction taxes. Given dichotomous pandemic impact, higher taxes on wealthy are fair.

  • Wealth taxes have increased relevance but require dealing with technical issues. Taxing wealth in shares may be simple given available information.

  • Financial wealth has grown significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, so higher taxes on the wealthy could come out of “excess profits” rather than impacting incomes.

  • Additional personal income taxes would largely be paid by high-income individuals who have greater ability to pay.

  • A financial transaction tax could raise significant revenue if levied at a low rate on the high volume of stock trades, without much impact during a stock market boom.

  • The pandemic has raised questions about the fairness of uncorrected market economies that ignore social and global aspects.

  • Social correctives like progressive taxes and public spending can reduce inequality and increase the legitimacy and fairness of market economies.

  • Global policies are needed to help poorer countries and address issues like climate change that require coordinated action.

  • Corporate leaders should not focus solely on maximizing shareholder returns without considering social responsibilities, especially without these correctives.

  • There is uncertainty about whether the idea of progress toward a better future for humanity still holds, given the existential dangers like climate change.

  • Strictly national policies are less able to address global issues that require coordinated solutions. Governments should push for the right kind of sustainable growth.

Here is a summary of the key points from the references:

  • Several works examine energy and environmental issues, including the challenges of transitioning away from fossil fuels (Bird, Bogmans & Li, Bullard, The Economist, Hume).

  • A number of books and articles provide historical perspectives on pandemics, natural disasters, and other catastrophes, from the Black Death to COVID-19 (Barry, Bevere & Sharan, Boccaccio, Cantor, Chotiner, Davis, Honigsbaum, Kelly).

  • Some works focus on the economic impacts of disasters, environmental damage, and climate change (Barrett et al., Caesar et al., CoreLogic, Dasgupta, Deaton, Gates, Guo et al.).

  • Other references deal with business ethics, uncertainty, and economic theory (Debenedetti, Friedman, Frydman & Goldberg, Galbraith, Greenspan, Hicks, Kay & King).

  • Several works offer broader historical context relevant to economics and society (Blanning, Cipolla, Diamond, Ehle, Fletcher, Fogel & Harris, Getty & Naumov, Gwynne, Hackett Fischer, Harvey & Conyers).

Here is a summary of the references:

The references cover a wide range of topics including economics, history, climate change, public health, finance, taxation, inequality, and public policy. Key sources include academic books and journal articles by authors such as William Nordhaus, Paul Samuelson, Joseph Stiglitz, Thomas Piketty, Angus Deaton, Nicholas Stern, and Vito Tanzi. There are also references to reports from organizations like the IPCC, IMF, OECD, and UN. Some of the historical events covered include the Black Death, Spanish influenza, financial crises, natural disasters, and major wars. The references analyze issues like climate change, global taxation, income inequality, public debt, financial regulation, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, the list indicates a broad survey of literature on economic, social, and environmental challenges facing humanity.

  • Agnolo of Pisa and the Attic Plague of 430 BC, which had high mortality rates and spread quickly.

  • The Bubonic Plague (Black Death) in Europe from 1347-1352, which killed a large percentage of the population and had long-term economic and social effects.

  • The introduction of new diseases like smallpox and measles by European explorers decimated indigenous populations in the Americas.

  • Cholera epidemics in the 19th century, facilitated by increased travel and trade.

  • The Great Influenza of 1918-1920, which circled the globe and killed millions. Climate conditions may have played a role.

  • Recent pandemics like HIV/AIDS, which emerged in the 20th century and continues to afflict millions globally. Connectivity has increased the spread.

  • Natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes. Their severe impacts are exacerbated by population growth in vulnerable areas.

  • Famines, which have multiple complex causes including weather, policy failures, and economic conditions. Mass starvation still occurs today.

  • Industrial disasters like Chernobyl and Bhopal, caused by human technological Hubris and institutional failures.

  • Anthropogenic climate change and environmental degradation, which threaten biodiversity loss and could create huge refugee crises.

  • The need for international cooperation and government policies to prepare for and mitigate disasters and their far-reaching consequences. Disaster prevention and resilience are critical.

  • Black Swan events - unpredictable events with extreme consequences, challenge assumptions of normal probability distributions. Examples include World War I, the internet.

  • Failure of prediction - many major historical events were not predicted. Future events are inherently uncertain.

  • Risk and uncertainty - Knight distinguished between risk (probability of outcomes can be estimated) and uncertainty (probability cannot be estimated). Uncertainty more common.

  • Disasters and catastrophes - Disasters are events like epidemics, famines, floods. Catastrophes are rare events with extreme impacts like meteor strikes. Climate change may increase frequency.

  • Economic markets - Prone to uncertainty, bubbles, crashes. Role of corporations, financial crises. Environmental issues influence markets.

  • Economic theory - Tensions between laissez-faire markets and need for collective action. Market fundamentalism criticized.

  • Environment - Issues like climate change, plastic waste. Activism and government regulations emerged.

  • Energy sources - Shifts from wood, coal to oil, gas, nuclear, renewables. Each has costs/benefits.

  • Epidemics and famines - Major outbreaks through history. Climate change may increase famines. Government responses varied.

  • Global warming - Rising temperatures, sea levels. Debate over human causes and solutions.

  • Government role - Providing public goods, managing markets, disasters, uncertainty. Balancing with markets.

Here is a summary of the key points about uncertainty of future events and taxation policies in the book:

  • Uncertainty is inherent in predicting future events, whether economic, environmental, technological, or social. Major economists like Keynes and Knight analyzed and categorized different types of uncertainty.

  • “Black swan” events are highly impactful but unpredictable occurrences that expose the limits of risk models. The COVID-19 pandemic is a recent example.

  • Governments struggle to plan taxation and public spending policies amidst uncertainty. Tax policies may aim to raise revenue, redistribute income, or regulate economic behavior.

  • Pandemics historically led to new taxation like excess profits taxes. Faced with COVID-19, governments have varied tax policies from relief to wealth taxes to fund responses.

  • Environmental disasters like storms and fires are growing concerns with climate change. Taxes on carbon emissions make polluters pay and incentivize reductions.

  • Energy taxes on fossil fuels and subsidies for renewables account for uncertainty of future scarcity and promote alternatives. Nuclear power’s risks spotlight uncertainty in new technologies.

  • Unforeseen events shape history, so academics study uncertainty while governments and businesses try to predict and prepare for the unexpected. Flexible policies hedge against an uncertain future.

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About Matheus Puppe