Self Help

Habits-That-Determine-80 -of-Your-Success - Unknown

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Matheus Puppe

· 19 min read

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Here are the key points on why people who are successful in the end are usually curious in the beginning:

  • Curiosity leads people to seek out new experiences and challenges that help them grow and improve their skills. The curious are lifelong learners.

  • We live in an age where intellectual curiosity can lead to great economic rewards, as there are endless opportunities to improve one’s life through learning.

  • Famous thinkers like Einstein demonstrated curiosity from a young age, asking questions about how the world worked. This curiosity led them to groundbreaking discoveries.

  • Curious people don’t just accept the status quo, they ask questions and search for deeper truths. This questioning mindset leads them to uncover solutions others miss.

  • Being genuinely curious involves having an open and growth-oriented mindset. It pushes people to constantly learn, expand their knowledge, and uncover new ideas.

  • Curiosity fuels creativity and problem-solving. It motivates people to dig deeper beneath the surface to understand root causes and connections.

  • If you lack curiosity, you risk staying stuck in limiting patterns. Curiosity expands your perspectives and possibilities, opening up new paths for success.

In summary, curiosity provides the spark for growth and achievement. It leads people to discoveries and innovations that can change the world. Without curiosity, we would all remain trapped in stale, outdated modes of thinking.

  • Becoming exceptional at one thing can give you confidence to branch out and develop other skills. Truly successful people often start by mastering one area.

  • Specializing early is conventional wisdom, and specialists are valued for their niche expertise. However, there is also value in becoming a ‘prudent generalist’ - having a specialty but being open to diverse experiences.

  • Many companies want specialists for certain roles but also want generalists who can adapt and apply knowledge across contexts.

  • Modern work requires transferring knowledge across situations and domains. The most successful people can derive new patterns, not just rely on familiar ones.

  • Curiosity beyond one’s specialty is important for success. The future will reward those who combine expertise with versatility, plasticity, and imagination.

  • Rather than just specializing, focus on becoming awesome at one thing first. Then use that specialty as a base to explore other areas. Remain open-minded and cross-train your brain.

  • Mastery gives confidence to branch out. But staying curious beyond your specialty is key. The most successful people specialize in one area but have wide-ranging knowledge and adaptability.

In summary, truly successful people often start by becoming exceptional at one thing. But they also remain open and versatile, using their specialty as a springboard to reach farther. Mastery in one domain gives confidence to branch out.

  • Obstacles and setbacks are inevitable on the path to achieving meaningful goals. How you view these hurdles affects your ability to overcome them.

  • Many great historical figures like Marcus Aurelius, Amelia Earhart, Benjamin Franklin, and Dwight D. Eisenhower turned obstacles into opportunities to succeed. Their mindset was key.

  • Seeing impediments as puzzles to solve, chances to grow, or paper tigers to confront with tenacity enables progress. Viewing them as unfairness, failure, or a sign to quit leads to giving up.

  • Obstacles literally show you the way forward by revealing what doesn’t work. Failures build resilience and wisdom to eventually find what does work.

  • Hardships present opportunities to develop inner strength and unique perspective. Progress requires the courage to attempt solutions, learn from mistakes, and persist with tenacity.

  • Adopting an “overcomer’s mindset” is essential to turn trials into triumphs. The obstacle is the way if you have the mindset to navigate the messy middle of any endeavor.

  • If you want different results in life, you need to change your mindset and develop new habits. Doing the same things and expecting different results is insanity.

  • Start by observing and learning from people you admire. What habits and routines do they practice daily? Adopt small pieces of what works for them.

  • Change takes time. Start with small, sustainable changes like waking up 30 minutes earlier or reading self-improvement books. Build momentum with consistency.

  • Optimization requires constantly improving your processes and routines, even when things are going well. Measure results, eliminate waste, and challenge yourself to get better.

  • Identify high-impact activities that drive your success. Do more of what works, not just fix what’s broken. A growth mindset is key.

  • Be patient through changes, but persistent. Upgrading your habits and mindset is how you create new results. Invest in your future self. Success comes from consistent small improvements over time.

  • Success often arises from a set of hidden advantages and extraordinary opportunities that compound over time. This is called “accumulative advantage”.

  • Small advantages can snowball into greater opportunities down the road, leading to outsized success. Like investing - small amounts compound into large sums over time.

  • The Matthew effect describes how eminent scientists tend to get the most credit, regardless of who actually did the work. Success begets more success.

  • Tiny random fluctuations early on can blow up over time into enormous differences between competitors. The “butterfly effect”.

  • Successful people get access to more rewards, resources, and opportunities that lead to further success. The rich get bigger tax breaks, star students get the best teaching, top athletes get the most coaching.

  • Once someone becomes successful, even in a small way, they tend to attract more opportunities and advantages that cement their status and lead to further success.

  • The people at the very top still have to work extremely hard to stay there, but they benefit from cumulative advantage along the way. Small advantages compound over time into greater success.

  • Massive success requires a huge commitment of time, energy, and resources. Successful people focus on repeating actions that deliver the biggest results.

  • This follows the Pareto principle (80/20 rule) - 80% of results come from 20% of actions. Identify and double down on the vital 20% actions.

  • Keep doing what works until it no longer does. Then find better or smarter options and commit fully to those.

  • Doubling down requires massive time and energy but promises big rewards if you stick with it.

  • In life, focus on repeating the actions and habits that yield the best results for you. Commit fully until you find something better.

  • Identify the 20% of actions that drive 80% of your desired results. Double down on those rather than getting distracted by less impactful activities.

The key is to commit fully to the few core actions that move you closer to your goals, rather than spreading yourself thin across too many less effective activities. Keep doubling down on what works until you find something even better to double down on.

  • Successful people commit an insane amount of time and energy to achieve their goals, whereas unsuccessful people make excuses and don’t commit fully.

  • Doubling down on what works is an effective strategy. Figure out the actions that produce the best results for you, then do more of them.

  • Analyze your current actions - what is helping you make progress and what is holding you back? Stop doing things that don’t serve you and double down on what does.

  • Apply the Pareto Principle: 80% of your results come from 20% of your actions. Identify and focus on that vital 20%.

  • Don’t continue doing things out of habit that are no longer serving you. Be willing to quit activities and reallocate your time/energy.

  • Successful people treat success as a learnable skill. They study patterns and principles that work, apply them, and repeat what is effective.

  • Developing successful habits and daily rituals is key. Small positive actions compound over time.

  • Persistence and resilience are common traits of successful people. They continue working towards their goals despite setbacks.

  • Flexibility and continual optimization are also important - be open to refining your processes to make them more effective.

  • Pursuing the wrong goals can make you miserable. Succeeding at things that don’t truly matter can cost you your life.

  • Don’t be afraid to pursue meaningful things, even if you fail. Failure in pursuit of the right goals is better than succeeding at the wrong ones.

  • Reflect on what truly matters to you. Make sure your activities are aligned with your purpose. Be willing to change direction if needed.

  • Live boldly and take risks on goals that are important, not just safe and easy. The incredible life you want is on the other side of fear.

  • The fastest way to achieve success is to make others successful. Provide value for others without expectation.

  • Share your best work and knowledge generously. Helping others opens up new possibilities for you.

  • People with high “integrative complexity” - the ability to embrace diverse skills, experiences and perspectives - achieve more and succeed faster.

  • Continuous learning across disciplines expands your thinking. Absorb ideas from many sources to increase your integrative complexity.

In summary, live purposefully, take risks on what matters, help others generously, and continuously expand your perspectives. This approach leads to meaningful success.

  • Time is our most valuable resource, even more so than money. How we spend our time determines our success and fulfillment.

  • Successful people invest their time in activities that provide long-term benefits like learning new skills, building relationships, improving their health and finances. They don’t just spend time, they invest it wisely.

  • We need to be conscious of how we are spending our time - whether we are wasting it, just spending it, or investing it for the future. Tracking your time can reveal where you may be wasting time.

  • Schedule your days and weeks to intentionally spend time on what matters most to you and your goals. Review your schedule to ensure it aligns with your priorities.

  • Eliminate pointless activities and distractions that provide little value. Limit internet and smartphone use if it is eating up too much time.

  • Your time is limited, so you need to budget it carefully, focusing on high-impact activities. Invest your precious time on what will pay the biggest dividends in the future.

  • The way you spend your time determines your success and fulfillment in life. Invest it wisely by being intentional about how you use it.

Here are a few key points on learning from successful people:

  • Successful people can provide valuable insights and lessons that can save you time and effort. Their experiences and knowledge are worth studying.

  • Read books, watch documentaries, listen to interviews to learn from successful people in fields you want to succeed in. Immerse yourself in their stories and mindsets.

  • Apply the specific lessons to your own circumstances. Adopt proven principles but chart your own path.

  • Make learning and reading a lifelong habit, like Gates, Musk, Buffett. Knowledge compounds over time.

  • Overcome barriers using insights from those who have achieved what you want to achieve. Learn from their challenges.

  • Mentors can help develop skills over time, like Buffett’s mentors helped shape his investing style.

  • Become an expert-generalist. Learn broadly across disciplines like Musk. Apply knowledge immediately.

  • Success requires constant learning and improvement. Don’t stop because you’ve ‘arrived’. Stay ahead.

In summary, you can accelerate your growth by studying successful people. But you still need to put in the work and practice to succeed. Use their lessons as guiding principles, while developing your own path.

Here are a few key points summarizing the passage:

  • Deliberate, purposeful practice is more important for success than raw talent or IQ. Thousands of hours of hard work can compensate for perceived weaknesses.

  • Even naturally talented people like Mozart had to work extremely hard to achieve greatness. Success takes passion, perseverance and self-discipline.

  • Research shows the abilities that set people apart are more related to emotional intelligence - self-awareness, self-management, empathy, social skills.

  • Cognitive control and grit - the ability to keep trying despite setbacks - is a better predictor of success than IQ alone.

  • Your ability to stick with goals over a long period of time indicates your likelihood of achieving anything worthwhile.

In summary, success requires dedication and hard work more than just natural talent. Key traits like grit and emotional intelligence enable people to keep practicing and improving to reach mastery. Raw IQ alone is not enough for spectacular achievement in most domains.

  • New research confirms that being a morning or evening person is genetically determined, with over 300 genes linked to circadian rhythms. You can’t easily change your natural tendency.

  • Trying to live against your biological clock can negatively impact your health and happiness.

  • The myth that early risers are more productive isn’t necessarily true. More hours awake don’t equal more or better work.

  • Forcing yourself to wake up unnaturally early can actually reduce productivity if it leads to sleep deprivation.

  • Peak productivity times vary for each person based on their unique circadian rhythms. The key is knowing your own energy cycles.

  • Experiment with tracking your own energy, focus, and motivation levels hourly to identify your personal peak productivity times.

  • Match your most demanding work to times when you have the most energy and focus. Save brainstorming and meetings for when your energy naturally dips.

  • Working with rather than against your natural rhythms boosts sustainability and performance. There is no one-size-fits-all optimal schedule.

  • Past success can often lead to overconfidence that rises faster than one’s actual abilities. It’s important not to become complacent.

  • Success requires certain skills, but continuing to grow and achieve breakthroughs requires a different mindset of openness and discipline.

  • Complacency is a big obstacle to future success. Assuming your status will remain high without effort can lead to failure.

  • Successful people master skills to maintain success while also embracing new ideas and improvements. They avoid getting over-attached to the past.

  • Success can change behaviors and make people vulnerable to cycles of rise and fall. Past success is no guarantee of future results.

  • It’s critical to keep learning, reinventing, and pushing yourself. Never become the “former anything.” The world changes too fast.

  • Guard against complacency. Stay hungry and don’t let past achievements make you close-minded. Success requires maintenance and continued growth.

Here are a few key points on successful people and the personal rules they set for themselves:

  • Successful people establish clear principles, values and rules that guide their behavior and decision-making. These rules help them achieve goals and become the best versions of themselves.

  • Investors like Ray Dalio and Warren Buffett have core investing rules they stick to, like “be fearful when others are greedy” or “never lose money.” Their rules are based on experience and key lessons.

  • Reading and learning daily is a common rule. Elon Musk, Bill Gates and others set aside at least an hour a day for deliberate learning to expand their knowledge.

  • Jeff Bezos sees failure as feedback when pursuing a big vision. He stays flexible on details but stubborn on vision. His rule is that experimentation and course corrections are part of accomplishing anything important.

  • The right rules build better habits over time. Successful people take their personal rules very seriously and view them as foundations for behavior that gets desired results.

  • Rules apply in life, relationships, money, health and more. Identifying and sticking to the right principles can improve your quality of life and chances of success.

Here are a few key points on successful people making smart choices instead of sacrifices:

  • Successful people don’t view their choices as sacrifices. They see them as smart decisions to achieve their goals. Sacrifice implies giving something up reluctantly.

  • They choose options that align with their values and vision. Choices that bring out their best, not restrict them.

  • They prioritize what matters most and can drive results. Whether it’s quality time for family, rest, health or meaningful work.

  • They have a long-term perspective. Short-term sacrifices may not be sustainable. Smart choices balance immediate needs with long-term fulfillment.

  • Mindset matters. Viewing choices as sacrifices breeds resentment. Reframing as smart decisions fosters empowerment and ownership.

  • Trade-offs still exist. Even smart choices involve trade-offs. But they ensure what’s gained outweighs any perceived losses.

  • Success requires discipline. Smart choices often mean saying no to tempting alternatives. But discipline enables success and happiness.

The key is mindset shift from sacrifice to smart choice, aligning choices with values and vision, and maintaining discipline to follow through. With this approach, success is not predicated on reluctant sacrifice, but purposeful and empowered decisions.

  • Waking up extremely early (like 5:30am) is not necessary for success. What matters is finding a morning routine that works optimally for you.

  • Successful people tailor their mornings around practices that make them feel energized, focused, and calm. Popular ones include meditation, exercise, reading, and journaling.

  • Don’t compare your routine to others’. Experiment to find small tweaks over time that work for your body and mind. Focus on consistency, not large overnight changes.

  • The most successful people wake up and start work on a schedule that allows them to be productive on their own natural cycle. Don’t force yourself into an unnatural routine that leaves you exhausted.

  • Morning routines are powerful because they can set the tone for your whole day. But they should feel refreshing, not dreadful. Design yours to unlock your energy and prime you for a productive day.

  • Success comes from self-awareness and optimizing your personal workflow. Respect your own rhythms and Needs. With experimentation and consistency, you can create mornings that bring out your best.

Here are the key points on how successful people achieve outlier success:

  • Luck plays a major role. The most successful people benefit from fortunate circumstances and timing that provide opportunities not available to everyone.

  • Cumulative advantage. Early successesCompound over time into greater advantages. Small opportunities snowball into bigger ones.

  • Social capital. Who you know matters. Successful people build strong networks that provide information, resources and opportunities.

  • Grit. Persistence, determination and resilience allow people to power through challenges and setbacks on the path to success.

  • Talent alone is not enough. Success is not solely determined by intelligence or skill. Many other factors come into play.

  • Wealth begets more wealth. The rich get bigger tax breaks, the best students get the most attention. Success builds on itself.

  • Hard work is still essential. While luck and circumstances play a role, successful people also put in tremendous effort to achieve their goals.

In summary, outlier success is not just an individual achievement but results from a combination of fortunate factors beyond just personal merit. However, grit and determination are still key to making the most of the opportunities presented.

  • Lasting progress takes time, consistency, and patience. Don’t expect overnight success.

  • If you fail to achieve a goal, try a different approach rather than giving up. Be prepared to start over.

  • Keep moving forward even if you experience setbacks or failures. Research shows avoiding failure often increases failure.

  • Your mindset about success and failure plays a big role. Insisting failure is not an option often leads to more failures.

  • Failure is part of the process. Successful people fail more than they succeed but they learn from failures and keep adapting.

  • If your current actions aren’t leading to your goals, develop a new system and approach. Keep adjusting your methods.

  • Icons and heroes also miss goals regularly but are good at doing more of what works and less of what doesn’t.

  • Progress requires commitment to intentional effort over time. Goals worth achieving usually require persistence through challenges.

  • Approach goals with patience. Healthy progress emerges with consistent good habits and strategic actions over time.

The key is to not give up when you stumble, review what went wrong, make adjustments, and continue moving forward with patience and consistency. Progress takes time but is achievable if you adapt and stick with it.

  • Success is like an iceberg - the visible part above the surface represents the end result, but there is a lot of hidden effort and struggle below the surface that people don’t see.

  • People tend to only focus on the visible achievements of successful people, without appreciating the hard work, sacrifices, failures, and perseverance it took them to get there.

  • There is often a disconnect between perception and reality when it comes to success. The path to success is rarely linear or smooth - it usually involves a lot of setbacks, course corrections, and persistence through difficult times.

  • Success requires grit, determination, and the ability to overcome obstacles and keep moving forward despite challenges and setbacks. The struggles faced on the path to success are often invisible to outside observers.

  • We should recognize that every success story has a “backstory” of effort and personal development. Appreciating this can help reframe our own challenges as necessary steps on the path rather than failures.

  • Hard work and perseverance are almost always required to achieve major goals and success. Having passion, optimism, and the ability to learn from failures and feedback are also key.

  • Progress often happens slowly with small wins over time, not overnight successes. Consistency and commitment are critical.

  • There are things beyond our control, but we can control our attitude, effort, habits, learning and growth. Focus on making progress in the areas within your control.

The key point is that the visible achievements of successful people are just the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of unseen factors, struggles and sacrifices beneath the surface that enable their success. Appreciating this can help us reframe our own journey.

  • Achieving long-term success requires both getting to the top and staying there, which call for different skillsets. Getting to the top involves taking risks, while staying there requires discipline, continuous learning, and adapting to change.

  • Becoming very successful can make you complacent and convince you that you’re doing everything right. This closed-mindedness and resistance to change plant the seeds of failure. Staying successful requires self-awareness, modesty, and saving/reinvesting.

  • Putting yourself to the test, challenging yourself, learning from mistakes, reinventing your skills, and pushing boundaries is key to sustained success. Don’t get stagnant or drift into complacency after an initial success. Keep evolving.

  • Stepping back and assessing where you are is as important as moving forward. It provides perspective, reveals blindspots, and highlights areas for improvement. Don’t just focus on taking the next step without periodically taking a step back.

  • Analysis paralysis from overthinking can be dangerous, but strategic reflection is vital. Build time for reflection and insight into your routines. It will enhance your capacity for positive change.

  • Having patience and staying committed during difficult periods is key, rather than constantly reacting and changing course. But strategic pivots based on insights from self-examination can be game changers.

The key is balance - move forward strategically, while regularly stepping back to reflect, gain perspective and calibrate your compass. Progress requires both action and self-examination.

  • Disappointment in yourself is normal, but don’t let it negatively impact your self-worth or derail your goals.

  • Acknowledge when you feel disappointment, but don’t overthink or ruminate on it. Move on quickly.

  • Practice self-compassion - be kind and understanding to yourself rather than self-critical.

  • Learn from your disappointments so you are better prepared to avoid repeats.

  • Pursue realistic, attainable goals to reduce instances of disappointment. Make sure you give yourself enough time and resources.

  • Remember that failures and mistakes don’t define you. You are more than your disappointments.

  • Bounce back stronger by focusing on the positives, like your past successes.

  • Disappointments are rarely as big as we imagine. Don’t let them ripple through your self-worth.

  • With self-compassion, understanding, and preparation, you can thrive despite disappointments.

  • Being curious and asking tough questions is crucial to uncovering flaws in your plans and plotting successful endeavors. Dig deeper to expose weaknesses.

  • Provide value to others. Success comes from the value you provide, not chasing money.

  • Become exceptional at one thing, then branch out with confidence.

  • Navigate the messy middle with patience and perseverance. Mindset changes lead to different outcomes.

  • Optimize performance through deliberate practice. Follow the law of progression - get consistently better over time.

  • Focus on the vital 20% of actions that drive 80% of results. Develop integrative complexity skills.

  • Make time your ally. Don’t wait for a big break. Learn from successful people.

  • Adopt an essentialist mindset. Do less but better. Develop grit and persistence.

  • Think long-term. Make smart choices, not sacrifices. Help others succeed.

  • Keep learning. Progress takes many attempts. Sustaining success is hard. Be self-compassionate. Take steps back when needed.

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About Matheus Puppe