Self Help

How Intelligent Creators Will Make Money In 2024 (The Build Teach Earn Method) - Inglês (gerada automaticamente)

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Matheus Puppe

· 4 min read

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  • The creator economy is growing rapidly and will continue to grow exponentially as more jobs become obsolete due to technology and the future of work shifts toward content creation.

  • Being a content creator is not just a job but a natural human desire to pursue one’s interests, solve problems creatively, and share value with others. Content creation allows people to be self-actualized rather than being cogs in an industrial system.

  • To succeed as a content creator, one needs an audience/people and a product or service. Content is how you attract people to your product. Relatable topics that people actively search for are good for broad social media, while products/services allow niche expertise.

  • Content should have impactful ideas by boldly taking a side on beliefs, even extreme ones, to engage and motivate the audience rather than take a neutral middle stance. Controversy and polarity help the audience care more.

  • The goal is to be 90% liked and 10% disliked to maintain engagement, like in good relationships. Content creation is about bringing one’s full self and perspective to solve problems for others in an authentic way.

  • The passage discusses several pieces of advice for writing engaging content, including embracing changing opinions and providing novel perspectives.

  • Novel perspectives are key to holding attention and can come from life experiences, researching various sources, and thinking deeply about topics.

  • Good writing structure is also important, such as using line breaks and lists to guide the reader online.

  • Content should identify a desired outcome, problem, and solution to engage people. Building an audience through consistent posting helps test and market potential products and services.

  • The passage recommends monetizing from the start on social media by using one’s content and skills to self-educate, build authority, and eventually offer products or services to that following. Developing a wide range of business skills through one’s online content career makes one valuable to other companies as well.

  • Top of funnel activities like content creation, newsletters, direct messages help nurture and build an audience.

  • Bottom of funnel is about selling products, services, upsells, and downsells to monetize the audience.

  • The advice is to start with content creation to build an audience and traffic. Content sets the foundation for your brand.

  • Then teach/educate your audience to enhance your learning and authority. Teaching reveals gaps in your knowledge that you can fill.

  • Once you’ve built an audience, you can earn money by helping others with what you’ve learned through consulting, courses, coaching, etc. Focus on a specific problem or skill set you can help with.

  • Start small with offers rather than trying to charge huge amounts right away. Package up skills like social media, marketing, sales into beginner-friendly products and services.

  • Aim to launch something new every quarter for 2-3 years to continually evolve, learn, and grow your business and authority. Creating new products forces personal growth.

  • Sell products and services in areas you already have knowledge and experience in from things you’ve purchased or used yourself. Market solutions that already have demand.

  • Continually evolve your offers to relate to your interests so you stay engaged long-term in building your business.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

  • As your audience grows, you’ll need to educate them from a beginner perspective so anyone can understand your content. This means shifting to a more introductory lens.

  • Creating a minimum viable offer (MVO) like a basic product or service is important. This allows you to test the market and refine your offer.

  • The next step is to earn more by leveraging your results and audience. At this point, you have skills, can solve problems, and have an audience.

  • Productize your consulting/freelancing process by outlining the exact steps that led to success for clients. Refine these as your unique “mechanism” or solution.

  • When marketing, appeal to desires and pains. Describe a “vision” future customers want and an “anti-vision” they want to avoid. Position your solution as filling the gap between the two.

  • Use your landing pages, newsletters, videos etc. to outline anti-vision, vision, then solution. Emulate other successful pages for templates.

  • As a solopreneur, focus on high-margin digital products rather than client work so you can scale more easily with less effort as your audience grows. Products allow you to monetize a large following without extra labor.

So in summary, the key points are shifting content to beginners, creating an MVO, productizing your process, leveraging vision/anti-vision marketing, emulating successful templates, and focusing on scalable digital products for solopreneurs.

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About Matheus Puppe