Self Help

How to Earn Money with a Website Create your personal WordPress website in less than 30 minutes and start earning money in less than 30 days - Mathew, Jack

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Matheus Puppe

· 5 min read

“If you liked the book, you can purchase it using the links in the description below. By buying through these links, you contribute to the blog without paying any extra, as we receive a small commission. This helps us bring more quality content to you!”



Here is a summary of the key points from the article on how to earn money with a website:

  • You can create a basic WordPress website in under 30 minutes to start making money online.

  • Websites are like properties online - they allow you to reach people and do business virtually.

  • Some common ways to make money with a website include advertisements, signup forms, and affiliate marketing by promoting other companies’ products and services.

  • It’s important to power up your website by choosing a theme, installing useful plugins, doing market research, and building quality content over time to attract an audience.

  • Building an audience and reputation takes work through consistently publishing great content.

  • Advertisements - you can earn money by displaying Google AdSense or other ads on your site and earning revenue based on clicks/views.

  • Signup forms - collect email addresses of your audience and earn from selling your own products/services or promotingaffiliate offers.

  • Affiliate marketing - promote other companies’ products or services through affiliate links and earn a commission when people purchase through your link.

  • With a website, you can earn money online in a scalable way like running a virtual business with low costs and effort compared to a physical business.

  • The website promotes making money online as being fun, easy, and profitable with little work required.

  • People typically go online either to find free information/content or to purchase products/services. A website can offer both - free information to attract visitors and then promote additional paid content/products for a commission.

  • Multiple revenue streams are possible, including advertising, affiliate marketing commissions, paid content/products. Once set up, the website can generate recurring passive income with little ongoing work.

  • Traditional careers require long-term education and a 9-5 job, limiting freedom and abundance. Making money online allows greater financial independence and flexibility to live how you choose.

  • Many are skeptical they can succeed financially without traditional careers, but websites/blogs have allowed ordinary people to earn significant income.

  • A blog is essentially a type of website that displays posts in reverse chronological order. Both websites and blogs can be used to make money in the same ways.

  • The key is providing valuable, relevant content to attract visitors and answer their questions on topics of interest. Tools like Google Keyword Planner help identify popular search terms to focus content around.

  • Google is by far the most widely used search engine, so focus your efforts on optimizing your website for Google searches.

  • Choose a topic to write about that has plenty of potential topics to cover over time. Ideally it should be something people might purchase related products for.

  • Sign up for web hosting with a reputable provider like iPage. They will set up the domain name, hosting account, and install WordPress for you automatically.

  • Start writing content regularly, aiming for at least one article per day. Focus on quality over quantity or speed.

  • Use your real name and biography is not necessary. Focus on providing helpful content rather than self-promotion.

  • Install themes and plugins to enhance the user experience and functionality of the site. Popular plugins mentioned are Akismet, Yoast SEO, and social sharing buttons.

  • Do keyword research to identify popular search terms related to your topic and optimize articles around those keywords.

  • It will take time for new content to start ranking in search results as Google gets familiar with the site. Be consistent with updates to build credibility over time.

The overall message is to focus on choosing a topic, setting up the website basics, producing quality content regularly around important keywords, and being consistent long-term to improve search rankings. Self-promotion and speeds are less important than helpful, optimized content.

  • Focus on long-tail keywords with low search volumes as they have less competition. These are easier to rank for as a new site.

  • Create content around these long-tail keywords, using the full keyword in titles, URLs, and distributed throughout the content. This helps search engines understand what the page is about.

  • Images and videos can help enhance the visual aspect of content.

  • Rewriting existing content on a topic while adding your own perspective is a good way to continuously develop new content.

  • Building backlinks from other reputable sites that naturally mention your content, rather than overtly promotional links, helps increase your site’s authority over time.

  • In the early stages, focus on creating quality content regularly while naturally marketing it through relevant backlinks. This lays the foundation for steady organic traffic as the site ages without aggressive promotional tactics.

  • Individuals who share your content on social media do so because they find it valuable, not because it contains keyword matches. Only 5% of links should contain the main keyword, 5% related keywords, and the rest should be generic phrases like “click here”.

  • Half of all links should be the brand/site name. 20% should be plain URLs, 20% generic link text like “click here”, and 5% the main keyword. This makes the link profile look natural.

  • To monetize, add Google AdSense ads. On average sites earn a few dollars per 1,000 views but large sites can earn hundreds from ads alone.

  • Add a signup form to build an email list. Then you can promote affiliates products to that list for recurring commissions.

  • Focus on quality content to drive organic traffic first before heavily promoting monetization tactics, which could damage perceptions of your site’s motivations if done too soon. Grow traffic naturally over time through content and backlinks.

The passage describes how to make money online through affiliate marketing and having a blog/website. It recommends:

  1. Adding Google AdSense codes to monetize the site with ads. This will generate passive income from site visitors over time.

  2. Adding a signup form using Aweber or similar service to build an email list. This allows sending promotions tofollowers regularly.

  3. Using affiliate marketing to promote and sell others’ products/services in exchange for commissions. ClickBank is recommended for digital products with higher commissions of up to 70%.

  4. Placing affiliate ads and promotions directly on the site and in emails to generate affiliate sales. Many provide pre-written ads.

The goal is building a large email list of followers/subscribers over time through consistent posting and promotions. This can generate substantial income from promotions, affiliate sales and passive ad revenue. Dedicating 1-2 hours daily can allow achieving financial freedom within a year through this approach.

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About Matheus Puppe