Self Help

How to Own Your Own Mind - Napoleon Hill

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Matheus Puppe

· 59 min read
  • The material comes from a conversation between Napoleon Hill and Andrew Carnegie in 1908.

  • Carnegie defines Creative Vision as the ability to recognize opportunities and take action on them. Imagination is an important part of Creative Vision.

  • There are two types of imagination:

  1. Synthetic imagination: Combining existing ideas, concepts, plans, facts, and principles in new ways. Most new things are just rearrangements of existing elements.

  2. Creative imagination: Creating something new that did not exist before. This is rare but produces remarkable results.

  • Creative Vision requires more than fleeting thoughts or wishful thinking. One must recognize opportunities and act on them.

  • The principles of success that are used by all successful people who apply Creative Vision include having a clear purpose, developing a definite plan, mastering details, securing cooperation, being prepared for mistakes, securing specialized knowledge, maintaining a receptive state of mind, recognizing opportunities, taking action on opportunities, embracing failures as opportunities, and refusing to accept defeat.

  • Examples of accomplishments that could benefit from applying Creative Vision include reorganizing industry, improving education, improving government, preventing war, and eliminating poverty.

  • Examples of contemporary people who have succeeded through applying Creative Vision include Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and others.

  • Creative imagination involves perceiving and interpreting new ideas that have never been known before. It taps into the subconscious mind. Examples of people with strong creative imagination include Thomas Edison.

  • Synthetic imagination involves combining existing ideas in new ways or for new purposes. It is more commonly used and applied in industry and everyday life. Edison used synthetic imagination for most of his inventions, like testing thousands of materials for the lightbulb.

  • Edison’s first major invention was the lightbulb, which combined two existing principles - that a wire glows when electricity is applied and that the absence of oxygen prevents burning. After thousands of tries with different materials, Edison’s creative imagination led him to think of using the principle behind charcoal production to control the heat in a vacuum.

  • Edison’s phonograph invention relied entirely on creative imagination. The idea flashed into his mind and the first attempt worked. He drew a sketch of the machine, had it built, and it worked within hours.

  • Key factors in Edison’s success were definiteness of purpose, persistence, obsessional desire, and faith. His persistence and obsession in the face of failures prepared his mind for creative breakthroughs.

  • Creative imagination accesses the power of the subconscious mind to create solutions and also gives a feeling of assurance about the solution. Edison could recognize the “missing link” for his inventions when the ideas came to him.

In summary, both creative and synthetic imagination were key to Edison’s genius and prolific record of inventions. Creative imagination relies on the subconscious, while synthetic imagination relies more on conscious effort and persistence. But for true breakthroughs and new ideas, cultivating creative imagination is key. Faith, desire, and persistence help prepare the mind for creativity.

  • Thomas Edison impressed his subconscious mind with the desire to invent a talking machine by focusing his mind on it intensely through concentration and making it an obsession. After a few weeks, his subconscious mind presented him with a complete plan for how to create such a machine.

  • The key method for connecting the conscious and subconscious mind is to charge the subconscious mind with definite desires through obsession and repetition of thought. Fleeting thoughts and mere wishes have little effect. Obsessional thoughts create thought habits in the mind that cause it to continue working on an idea unconsciously.

  • Examples of this principle in action include:

  1. Henry Ford’s perfection of the automobile. He became obsessed with the idea of a horseless carriage, and his subconscious mind eventually presented him with the solution of using an internal combustion engine. He persisted through many difficulties and failures before succeeding.

  2. Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone. He was inspired by a desire to create a hearing aid for his deaf wife. After much experimentation, his subconscious mind revealed to him the principle of transmitting sound on a beam of light, which led to the first telephone.

  • The key factors in these successes were:
  1. A definite purpose and burning desire
  2. Stimulating that purpose into an obsession through concentration and repetition of thought
  3. Persistence in the face of difficulties and defeat
  4. Using the conscious and subconscious mind in combination through this process.
  • The subconscious mind uses all the practical resources available to reveal knowledge and solutions to those seeking them with obsessional desire. It does not perform miracles but works intelligently with the materials at its disposal.

In summary, intense and obsessional desire, persisted in continuously, is the means by which the subconscious mind can be most powerfully and constructively engaged.

The key principles used to apply imagination are:

  1. Definiteness of purpose: Having a clear motive or goal in mind stimulates the imagination. The desire for financial gain is a common motive.

  2. Master Mind principle: Exchanging ideas with others in a collaborative manner stimulates imagination. “Round table” discussions are effective for this.

  3. Going the Extra Mile: Doing more than required or expected stimulates imagination as we find new ways to provide value.

  4. Applied Faith: Having belief and confidence in the achievement of goals stimulates imagination. Those without faith will not benefit from creative imagination.

  5. Organized Individual Endeavor: Careful planning and organizing one’s efforts depends on imagination. Definite plans are formed in the imagination.

Other sources of imagination stimulation include:

  • Fear: Can stimulate imagination for self-preservation.
  • Failure: Can stimulate imagination to overcome challenges, though sometimes has the opposite effect.
  • Questions: Asking questions stimulates imagination by forcing one to think about new ideas. Salespeople use this technique.
  • Curiosity: Wondering about the unknown stimulates imagination. Curiosity has inspired advancement in religion, science, and more.
  • Self-Expression: Expressing one’s thoughts through speaking or writing exercises imagination. Imagination develops through free expression from an early age.
  • Hunger: The basic need for food automatically stimulates imagination for survival. Lower animals also demonstrate this.

In summary, the key principles people apply to stimulate imagination are having a clear motive, collaborating with others, going above and beyond, applying faith, and planning thoroughly. Other stimulation comes from emotional states like fear, failure, curiosity, and physical needs like hunger. Allowing free expression and asking questions also sparks imagination. Overall, imagination is a critical factor for success and progress.

  • Imagination is a faculty of the mind that can be developed through deliberate use and practice. Most people fail to develop a keen imagination because they neglect to use it.

  • Imagination can be powerfully applied in sales and persuasion. For example, a successful life insurance salesman used imaginative storytelling and framing to convince a skeptical lawyer to purchase a million-dollar life insurance policy. The salesman appealed to the lawyer’s vanity and desire for publicity by crafting a fake news story about the policy purchase.

  • Dr. Harper, a former president of the University of Chicago, demonstrated masterful use of imagination in raising funds. He cleverly played two bitter enemies against each other to secure a million-dollar donation from a streetcar magnate. By subtly implying that the other enemy was being considered for the honor, Dr. Harper spurred the magnate into action to claim the recognition for himself.

  • In both examples, the salespeople were selling more than just the ostensible product. The life insurance salesman was really selling an appeal to ego and fame. Dr. Harper was selling status, prestige, and one-upmanship. By understanding human motivations and psychology, and crafting imaginative strategies tailored to their prospects, these master persuaders were able to achieve remarkable results.

The key takeaway is that imagination, when deliberately nurtured and wisely applied, can be an incredibly potent force for persuasion and influence. By thinking outside the box and understanding the deeper motivations of others, we can craft imaginative solutions that spur people to action. When a deep understanding of human nature is combined with the unexpected and creatively framed, imagination becomes a wellspring of persuasion.

  • Dr. Harper’s success was not solely due to imagination but also Creative Vision. Creative Vision involves recognizing opportunities, taking action, planning, using collective knowledge, having faith, going the extra mile, observing others, taking initiative, being self-reliant, using imagination.

  • Creative Vision is rare but leads to great accomplishments. It built American industry and society. Men with Creative Vision never limit themselves and always give more.

  • Motive and a desire for reward drives Creative Vision. The profit motive has driven much of America’s success. Limiting rewards limits achievement and creativity.

  • The American system of government and economy rewards and encourages Creative Vision and personal initiative. This is why America has produced so many visionary and accomplished people. Removing those rewards would be tragic.

  • Creative Vision and personal initiative are closely linked. Limiting one limits the other. Promoting them has led to America’s prosperity and standard of living.

The key ideas are that Creative Vision powerfully drives human progress but requires certain conditions, like personal freedom and economic opportunity, to thrive. Limiting rewards, initiative, opportunity or vision prevents the great leaps forward that visionary individuals can produce. But a system, like America’s, that unleashes human potential can lead to remarkable innovation and prosperity.

Here is a summary of what I understand from Mr. Carnegie’s response:

  1. The transition from poverty to riches begins with developing a Creative Vision to recognize the opportunity that is best suited to one’s talents and desired level of wealth.

  2. One must reject the notion of “something for nothing” and understand that riches come from providing value and service in exchange. There are no shortcuts.

  3. The change requires organized preparation and effort. It does not come from merely wishing for wealth.

  4. One must have a definite purpose backed by a practical plan for achieving it. The purpose must be specific and the plan should outline the necessary knowledge, experience, and other resources required.

  5. Persistence and determination are required to overcome obstacles and setbacks. One must be willing to sacrifice in the short term to achieve greater rewards in the long run.

  6. Going the extra mile by rendering more and better service than that for which one is paid is key. This builds goodwill and opportunities for greater responsibility and compensation.

  7. Cooperation and teamwork with others can help achieve greater success than one can accomplish alone. Helping others succeed likewise contributes to one’s own success.

  8. Continuous self-education and skill development are required to keep up with changes and open up new opportunities. Success is a journey, not a destination.

Does this summary accurately reflect the key points Mr. Carnegie described as fundamental to making the transition from poverty to riches? Let me know if you have any other questions.

The road to riches requires preparation, hard work, and persistence. It is a long journey that claims many victims who give up too easily. To succeed, one must:

  1. Clear one’s mind of negative and limiting beliefs. Take an honest inventory of one’s skills and abilities.

  2. Identify how one can provide value to others. The principle of “Going the Extra Mile” is key. One must make an effort to exceed expectations.

  3. Develop a “success consciousness.” Believe in one’s ability to achieve. Riches are attracted to those with a determined and confident mindset.

  4. Have a definite major purpose and a plan to achieve it. The purpose should be based on providing useful service to others.

  5. Apply the principles of individual achievement with persistence, especially when the going gets tough. Quitting too soon is a common reason for failure.

  6. Focus on providing service rather than acquiring riches for their own sake. The riches will follow from the service.

  7. Develop the ability to work with others in a cooperative manner. This is the most important skill for success. Apply the golden rule and go the extra mile.

  8. Arguments against these principles tend to come from those looking for “something for nothing” or those motivated by envy of others’ success. The philosophy is logically sound.

Creative vision involves seeing opportunities others miss and having the imagination to pursue innovative ideas. A lack of creative vision leads to missed opportunities and failure to recognize good ideas. Three examples illustrate creative vision:

  1. The man who failed to invest in Ford lacked creative vision. He missed the opportunity and failed to see the promise of the automobile and Ford’s abilities.

  2. James Couzens had creative vision. He invested in Ford, saw the future of the industry, and recognized Ford’s talents. He gained a fortune as a result.

  3. Dr. Harper, who procured funding for the University of Chicago, employed creative vision. He was skilled at raising money in innovative ways.

  4. Hugh Chalmers, formerly of the National Cash Register Company, also exemplified creative vision in his business dealings.

The key is seeing possibilities where others do not and having the imagination to pursue them. Creative visionaries look to the future, see the potential in new ideas, and take action to realize them.

  • A company’s business was declining rapidly due to reports from competitors that it was about to fail.
  • The CEO, Chalmers, diagnosed the problem and determined it was caused by the salesmen adopting a “fear complex” from these reports.
  • Chalmers called a meeting of all the salesmen and told them the problem was their negative attitudes and excuses, not actual business conditions.
  • At first, the salesmen began giving more excuses and complaints about poor business in their territories.
  • Chalmers interrupted them and asked for some positive reports. Finally, one salesman pledged to change his attitude and guarantee increased orders.
  • Other salesmen followed, pledging to double their business and apologizing for their previous attitudes.
  • The following month, the company’s business doubled. Chalmers’ action saved the company.
  • The story shows how people with “Creative Vision” can overcome obstacles and achieve great things through determination and a positive attitude.
  • Examples of achievements by people with Creative Vision include technological, social, political, and economic progress that improved standards of living.
  • Creative Vision is essential for business and economic success. Without it, industry and prosperity would not be possible.

The key points are:

  1. A positive attitude and determination can overcome significant obstacles.

  2. “Creative Vision” - the ability to see possibilities and persevere against challenges - is essential for progress and prosperity.

  3. Individuals with Creative Vision are responsible for most technological, social, and economic advancement.

  • Andrew Carnegie believes that individuals with Creative Vision should be rewarded and recognized for their contributions to society. They are responsible for progress and the American way of life.

  • Carnegie instituted an award system in his steel company that rewarded leaders and associates for their achievements. He thinks the government should implement a similar system to recognize citizens who demonstrate Creative Vision in various fields. The awards should be substantial, similar to the Nobel Prizes.

  • Carnegie considers knowledge and wisdom to be greater forms of wealth than money. While he accumulated a fortune, he is giving most of it away. His true riches came from learning through relationships with people.

  • Carnegie fears that Americans are discouraging Creative Vision and personal initiative. Instead, people are expecting handouts and replacing great leaders with corrupt politicians. He sees signs that the U.S. is following a path similar to the fall of the Roman Empire unless there is a renaissance of the principles on which the country was built.

  • Despite these concerns, Carnegie believes Americans have the capacity to change by recognizing and adopting a sound philosophy of individual achievement and self-reliance. He predicts this philosophy will spread gradually as successful individuals set an example for others. The philosophy will shine as a truth compared to falsehoods and gain momentum during a crisis when people seek answers.

  • Carnegie estimates it will take at least 20 years to develop a complete philosophy of individual achievement. While it may take time to gain widespread acceptance, he believes it will become popular more quickly once the groundwork is laid. A severe crisis could accelerate the spread as people look for solutions to major problems.

Does this summary accurately reflect Carnegie’s key points on Creative Vision, the need for a new philosophy in America, and his predictions on how such a philosophy might take hold? Let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand the summary in any way.

The key points from Napoleon Hill’s analysis of Creative Vision in Chapter One are:

  1. Creative Vision is different from imagination. Creative Vision considers all factors affecting a person while imagination focuses on localized circumstances.

  2. Creative Vision has been responsible for all human progress. It is the source of personal initiative and the stimulation of imagination.

  3. There are ten major characteristics of people who apply Creative Vision.

  4. Trying to get something for nothing is futile. One must provide value and service to attain success.

  5. Recognizing and seizing opportunities is key to success. Going the extra mile and strong human relationships are also necessities.

  6. Creative Vision is even more necessary today due to huge changes in civilization. The greatest threat is diminishing personal freedom and rights.

  7. The quality and quantity of service directly determines the level of pay and success. More service means more pay.

  8. Although the US still has opportunities and freedoms, many rights and privileges have been lost due to indifference and failure to act. Creative Vision is desperately needed.

  9. There are many opportunities for applying Creative Vision, including educational comic strips, radio shows and children’s books, new services for gas stations, and automobile safety devices.

  10. Ideas and Creative Vision are the starting point of all progress and achievement. Identifying needs and opportunities, then taking action, can lead to great success.

In summary, Creative Vision involves seeing opportunities and taking initiative to meet needs in a changing world. Applying one’s talents and abilities to provide value and strong service is key to personal achievement and benefits to society. Creative Vision is desperately needed today to make the most of remaining freedoms and effect positive change.

  • The passage discusses opportunities for people with creative vision in various fields like highway construction, education, religion, business, advertising, etc.

  • In highway construction, opportunities exist in developing better road materials, signal systems, and road designs that can minimize accidents. Knowledge of chemistry or engineering can help.

  • In education, the system needs to be made more interesting and dynamic to reduce truancy. Radio, TV and movies can be used. Opportunities exist for people with knowledge of psychology and media.

  • In religion, churches need to make services more interesting and help people in their daily lives. Clergy and laypeople with creative vision and skills to organize communities can help. More focus is needed on practical help rather than fear of death.

  • In business, opportunities exist to help small businesses with better merchandising, advertising and management. People with creative vision and business skills can provide consulting services.

  • In advertising and media, opportunities exist to create new print materials, courses, TV/radio programs, etc. People with writing, media and creative skills can benefit.

  • New products like soft drinks, bottling techniques, toys, sewing techniques for children, etc. can be developed by people with creative vision. Knowledge of the target audiences and markets will help.

  • New services like telephone marketing for insurance, real estate, etc. can be developed. People, especially women, with pleasant voices, marketing skills and creative vision can benefit.

  • Many people from various walks of life have achieved success through developing their creative vision, often inspired by philosophies and books on motivation, positive thinking, etc. The ability exists in many but needs to be awakened. Success stories of people in various fields are cited as examples.

The key message is that opportunities for achievement and success exist in many fields for people who can develop and apply their creative vision. Knowledge, skills and the ability to organize resources are also needed in many cases. Books and motivational philosophies can help trigger the creative vision that exists latent in many people.

  • A salesman from Indiana visited New York City and spent two hours talking with someone there.
  • After returning home, he saw things differently. His friends, wife, and surroundings seemed different to him. He himself had changed.
  • He developed a new purpose and created a plan to achieve it. His goal was to get promoted to a higher-paying job to support his growing family.
  • He presented his plan to his employer in Akron, Ohio, and returned home with a new contract for a manager position.
  • His newfound power of “Creative Vision” attracted this opportunity to him. With this mindset, achieving his goal seemed as easy as his regular job selling tires.
  • The author received a letter from an insurance salesman describing a similar awakening of his Creative Vision. The salesman started aiming for bigger sales and landed a $2 million policy, the largest in his region’s history.
  • He realized he had been limiting himself to small policies and not tapping into his true potential. With Creative Vision, his work seemed easy.
  • The story made the news, leading others to seek the book that inspired the “miracle.” The book, Think and Grow Rich, has helped others unlock their potential.
  • Another story featured a man who discovered Creative Vision through the book and turned his $45/week job into owning a successful cafeteria within months, financed solely by selling others on his vision.

In summary, the stories show how people were able to achieve greater success and prosperity by unleashing their power of Creative Vision. With a new mindset, their circumstances and lives changed dramatically as new opportunities arose and goals were easily achieved. The inspiration from a single book proved life-changing for many.

  • The author argues that ‘Creative Vision’—the ability to generate new ideas and turn them into reality—is essential for success and progress. Creative Vision enables people to solve important problems, start successful businesses, and benefit society.

  • The author illustrates the power of Creative Vision with several examples:

  1. A cafeteria manager used Creative Vision to turn around a failing business. Within a year, the cafeteria became very profitable. The manager attracted many new opportunities and partners.

  2. There are many fields ripe for innovation, like industrial chemistry, agriculture, textiles, transportation, education, food, building materials, etc. Someone with Creative Vision could revolutionize any of these areas.

  3. The Wright Brothers used Creative Vision to achieve powered flight, even though many doubted it was possible. Creative Vision allowed them to see the possibilities that others missed.

  4. Henry Ford used Creative Vision to create the automobile industry. He started with a crude engine but refined and improved it through vision and hard work. The auto industry now employs millions of people.

  5. There are many people with the potential for Creative Vision, but most do not recognize or develop this ability in themselves. They could achieve great things if they did.

  6. The country currently has more physical labor than vision. But vision is needed to create opportunities and jobs. Idle youth in particular need to discover their Creative Vision.

  • Two things are needed to develop Creative Vision: 1) a willingness to work hard, and 2) a strong motivation or purpose. With these, a person can achieve great things through vision. But vision must be applied constructively, not exploited for selfish gain.

  • The author suggests that readers do an introspective self-assessment to determine their vision and purpose in life, then make concrete plans to pursue them. What people achieve depends on what they contribute. Creative Vision can provide opportunity and power, but it must be balanced with service to others.

  • In summary, Creative Vision is a key force for positive change, and more people should work to discover and apply their vision. But vision must be balanced with hard work, strong motivation, and a desire to benefit society.

  • Organized thought is essential for success and achieving one’s goals. It requires directing one’s thinking in a systematic, intentional manner.

  • There are three charts that provide an overview of how organized thought works:

  1. Chart 1 shows the process for organizing thought and achieving a definite end goal. It starts with desire based on basic human motives. Then it requires deliberate action guided by principles of achievement.

  2. Chart 2 outlines three steps to achieve one’s major purpose: 1) Define purpose, 2) Develop plan, 3) Adhere to plan through persistence and willpower. Success requires applying key principles at each step.

  3. Chart 3 shows the 10 factors that make up the “mechanism of thought.” These include the conscious and subconscious mind, the willpower, emotions, reason, and imagination. The subconscious mind connects with and influences all other parts of the mind.

  • The key to organized thought is gaining control over one’s willpower and emotions. The willpower must dominate the emotions and direct thinking in a purposeful manner. Success comes from feeding the positive, determined part of one’s mindset rather than the negative, self-limiting part.

  • With practice and effort, organized thought can become a habit and way of life. It leads to greater self-reliance, determination, and ability to shape one’s circumstances. The chapter aims to help readers unlock their potential and gain control over their thoughts.

  • In summary, the key message is that “thoughts are things” and people have the power to control and direct their thinking to achieve what they want. Success comes from applying principles of organized thought in a systematic fashion.

  • Infinite Intelligence is the source of all thought and power. It is available through the subconscious mind.

  • The subconscious mind connects the conscious mind to Infinite Intelligence. It cannot be directly controlled but can be influenced.

  • The willpower is the “boss” of the mind and can modify, change or balance all other mental functions.

  • Reason is the “presiding judge” that evaluates ideas, plans and desires. Its decisions can be overruled by willpower or emotions.

  • Emotions are the source of most thoughts and actions. They need to be controlled by reason and willpower.

  • Imagination creates plans, ideas and ways to achieve goals. It needs self-discipline to avoid exaggeration.

  • Conscience modifies aims and purposes to align with moral laws.

  • Intuition is a “sixth sense” for subconscious decision making.

  • The five senses provide information about the external world but are unreliable and need discipline.

  • Memory stores experiences, thoughts and sensations. It also needs self-discipline.

  • Thoughts tend to manifest in physical form. Thoughts create things that resemble the thoughts.

  • Thought can be directed through habit and self-discipline. It influences the body and health.

  • Achievements start as organized thought expressed through action motivated by basic human motives.

  • The conscious mind can be controlled. The subconscious mind is influenced by Infinite Intelligence. Both work through habits.

  • Most thoughts are inaccurate opinions, not facts. Accurate thinking requires identifying and evaluating facts.

  • Desire spurs thought and imagination to find ways to achieve the object of desire. Persistent desire will activate the subconscious mind to achieve the goal.

  • Sources of thought stimulation are the senses, memory, subconscious mind, emotions, willpower, and intuition. These require self-discipline.

  • Infinite Intelligence, subconscious mind and thought stimulation sources need to be understood to organize your thinking. Constant study and application are required.

  • The faculties of reason, imagination, and conscience modify thoughts but do not originate them.

  • Reason compares thoughts to past experiences and forms judgments. Imagination shapes thoughts into ideas and plans. Conscience provides moral guidance.

  • These faculties can be strengthened through systematic use, just like developing physical muscles. It takes repeated effort to gain control over the mind.

  • Belief is an important factor in organized thinking. You must believe in the attainment of your definite major purpose. Belief allows the subconscious mind to take action.

  • There are six basic requirements of success that one must believe in: God, oneself, one’s associates, right over wrong, science, and the power of the mind.

  • Belief is the greatest power available to humans, though its nature and source are not understood. Belief has enabled many accomplishments and given us a high standard of living.

  • Many successful people succeeded because of their belief, including George Washington, Thomas Edison, James J. Hill, and the Wright brothers. Belief is contagious and belief in one thing can lead to belief in many things.

  • No one can rise above mediocrity without believing in themselves and their ability to determine their own path. An organized mind can be free from fear and strife. The mind develops through action, and belief requires action to produce results.

  • The poem “Invictus” expresses the idea of an unconquerable spirit gained through belief and action. One can become the “captain of [their] soul” by taking control of their mind through organization and purposeful action.

  • Though humans can lose possessions, health, freedom, and reputation, they always maintain the ability to control their own thoughts and mind. Most people do not attempt to control the one thing over which they have complete control.

Organized thought is the solution to all problems and the only solution. Every desire can be attained through the power of thought if the thoughts are organized and applied with belief. Organized thought is extremely powerful and works instantly.

Accurate thinking requires inductive reasoning that hypothesizes facts and deductive reasoning that relies on known facts. Most opinions are unreliable and should not be trusted unless based on facts or faith. Free advice and hearsay should be scrutinized. Accurate thinkers do their own thinking and verify facts. General information is abundant but facts require diligent searching.

Many tests should be applied to separate facts from fiction and inference. Consider the expertise, motives, interests, judgment, and reputation of the source. Corroborate facts from multiple sources. Be cautious of radical or imaginative sources. Trust your own reasoning and judgment. Emotions and desires can distort facts. Seek scientific verification when possible. Question everything until facts are established.

Watch out for propaganda from unidentifiable or misleading sources. Emotions like love, hate, fear, greed, vanity, and enthusiasm can distort facts. The senses, emotions, and memory are unreliable and require discipline to develop. The senses and emotions can be easily deceived as they respond to habits and stimuli. Hypochondriacs develop imaginary illnesses from sensory or emotional deception.

In summary, organized thought, accurate thinking, fact verification, and self-discipline are required to solve problems. Emotions, desires, the senses, hearsay, opinions, and propaganda commonly deceive and should not be trusted without scrutiny. Question everything and rely on your own sound reasoning to determine the facts.

  • Be cautious in accepting information from yourself. Many people fail because they deceive themselves in their thinking. Your mind will act on destructive or constructive thoughts, and can even produce physical symptoms based on faulty thinking.

  • Gain control of your mind and feed it the thoughts you choose. Then you can master your fate and destiny.

  • Your thinking habits come from social and physical heredity. Physical heredity provides your fixed physical traits from your ancestors. Social heredity includes environmental influences, education, experience, and external stimuli that shape your thinking. The major influences are:

  1. Religious training
  2. Educational training
  3. Political and economic training
  4. Social interactions
  5. Family traditions
  6. Career influences
  • Most people get their beliefs and thinking habits from these social heredity influences, especially from close associates and family. Children are especially susceptible to these influences.

  • The U.S. has more independent thinkers than most countries because of the incentives for free thought. In some countries, the government controls all influences to manipulate thinking. They use social heredity to impose thought patterns on people from an early age. This destroys independent thought and personal initiative.

  • Losing your ability to think for yourself is one of the greatest tragedies. The creator gave humans free will and the right to direct their own thoughts. Using social heredity to control thought is an abuse of natural law.

  • The U.S. public school system makes it hard to permanently impose ideas on youth. Schools are controlled locally, not centrally, and teachers encourage free thought and questioning. While schools teach respect for some ideals like the flag, students are free to accept or reject most ideas.

  • In the U.S., all major influences like media and schools allow free thought. Anyone can think for themselves. Faulty thinking is one’s own fault, not imposed by the system.

  • However, most Americans still don’t think for themselves and are too influenced by social heredity and those around them. Schools don’t teach enough about sound thinking and the factors influencing it. So understanding social heredity and taking control of your own mind is key to success.

  • Most opinions people hold are acquired through influence from others, not through logical reasoning or examination of facts. This is known as “social heredity.”

  • People tend to adopt the beliefs and habits of those closest to them, through constant exposure and familiarity. This is likened to a camera registering whatever images are exposed to it.

  • It is rare to find independent thinkers who form their own opinions through reasoning and analysis. Most people just absorb the ideas around them without question.

  • Precedent and social proof are very influential - people believe things just because others do or because “that’s the way it’s always been.” Questioning commonly held beliefs is uncommon.

  • New ideas are often dismissed out of hand due to “contempt prior to examination.” People have a hard time believing things that are unfamiliar or outside of their experience.

  • For every claim, most people have an opinion one way or the other without fully understanding the facts. They just go along with whatever the popular view is.

  • The combination of habit and social influences is a powerful force that shapes most people’s thinking. But by gaining awareness of how this operates, one can take control of habit and use it constructively through “organized thinking.” This involves rationally analyzing information to form valid opinions and make good judgments.

In summary, the key message is that independent, rational thinking is rare. Most people’s opinions and habits are shaped by the unexamined acceptance of social influences and pressures. But by understanding how this process works, one can take conscious control of it and develop the ability to think logically and objectively.

  • Forming habits requires proper amounts of light (mental focus or interest) and time (repetition) for the brain to register and develop them. Individuals can choose the habits they form.

  • The process of forming habits is like taking a photograph. One must choose a subject or purpose, focus attention on it, give it enough light (interest or emotion), and expose it to the mind repeatedly. This results in a clear picture that the subconscious can then work to achieve.

  • There are four key steps to forming habits:

  1. Adopting a definite purpose or goal.
  2. Creating a practical plan to achieve that purpose.
  3. Forming a mastermind alliance with others who can help.
  4. Taking immediate action to execute the plan.
  • These four steps require persistence and repetition (controlled habit) to be effective. Once habits are formed through repetition, the subconscious mind takes over and helps carry them out automatically. However, conscious effort and action are still required.

  • There are several sources of power and mental faculties involved in forming habits:

  1. Infinite Intelligence - The source of all thought and power. Humans access this through the subconscious mind.

  2. Willpower - The ability to direct the mind and body. It is required to paint a clear picture of the desired purpose in the mind through repetition. It taps into other mental faculties and the subconscious.

  3. Emotions - Provide motivation and “fire” for willpower. They must be balanced with reason.

  4. Reason - Modifies the emotions and works with willpower.

  5. Imagination - Provides ideas and ways to achieve desires and purposes. It is directed by willpower.

  6. Memory - Provides relevant knowledge and experience to draw from. It is accessed by willpower.

  7. Intuition - Stimulated by willpower coupled with a strong desire or purpose. It is a “sixth sense.”

  • Habits form in two main ways: voluntarily through willpower and repetition, or involuntarily through environmental influences and the law of social heredity. Voluntary habits are controlled, while involuntary habits follow the path of least resistance. Voluntary habits require a strong, definite motive or purpose to be effective.

  • Any thought or physical action, if repeated, can become an automatic habit. Habits begin as thoughts, and thoughts tend to produce corresponding physical actions. However, this only happens if the thoughts are voluntarily directed through willpower and repetition. Relying on “tendencies” alone is not effective. Successful habit formation requires conscious, intentional effort.

Here is a summary of Carnegie’s views on desirable habits:

  1. Habits, once formed, become automatic and control individuals. Desirable habits lead to success while undesirable ones lead to failure and misery.

  2. The mind works by forming impressions and habits in a way similar to wagon wheels forming a rut. Repetitions of thoughts create deeper impressions until they become mental “ruts” that guide thinking automatically. Unchecked, these impressions can demoralize thought.

  3. The feeling of continuous enthusiasm and drive indicate a desirable habit has been established. Such habits continue influencing you even while sleeping and make work pleasurable. They lead to greater opportunities, imagination, health, and success. Defeats become challenges instead of failures.

  4. “Action” is a key principle. Organized thought requires disciplined action.

  5. Thoughts are a form of intelligent energy distributed in the brain. They can be controlled and directed to achieve goals and are the only thing completely under one’s control. However, people often leave their minds unguarded, allowing others to interpret their thoughts. It is unsafe to leave one’s mind open and unguarded.

  6. Thoughts pass between minds, especially those in close contact. Negative thoughts from one person can spread to others. Harmony between associated minds is important for success.

  7. The “Master Mind” alliance pools knowledge and resources from different people to achieve a common goal. It represents the highest level of organized thought but requires self-discipline and control of thought habits in each individual.

  8. Definite, controlled thought habits must be formed through self-discipline. The mind naturally forms habits in response to environmental influences, but individuals can choose and intensify specific thoughts to form the habits they desire. Filling your mind with a definite purpose leaves no room for unimportant thoughts. The mind responds to whatever stimuli one provides.

  9. Habit formation is not difficult. Setting a definite purpose and making it an obsession is key to forming desirable thought habits.

  • Organized thought begins with definiteness of purpose backed by a burning desire for its attainment. This gives thoughts obsessional proportions and causes the mind to focus intensely on attaining the purpose.

  • Definiteness of purpose is expressed in terms of intense action. The emotional feeling behind the desire powers the purpose and causes one to take initiative.

  • All desires are emotional in nature, including material desires and love. Emotions can be converted and combined to attain any goal or purpose. Even negative emotions like fear can inspire action.

  • Habits become fixed through repetition and emotion, then perpetuate themselves automatically according to some unknown law of nature. Habits can be formed, modified or eliminated by adopting new habits. The key is repetition with emotion until the habit becomes automatic.

  • Motive and habit are closely linked. Most habits form to serve some motive or purpose, whether desirable or not. Desirable habits can be deliberately cultivated through self-discipline and repetition. Strong motives make habit formation easy.

  • Self-discipline and organized thinking go hand in hand. Self-discipline is required to establish thought habits and control emotions. It is easy to be self-disciplined when you have a strong motive or obsessional desire.

  • The benefits of organized thinking include: gaining control of your mind; developing purpose and definiteness; using definite plans; harnessing the subconscious mind; developing self-reliance; utilizing knowledge of others; producing more and earning more; developing analytical ability; enjoying better health; and gaining spiritual power.

  • In summary, organized thought backed by a burning desire leads to definiteness of purpose, expressed through action and initiative. Through discipline and repetition, thoughts become habits which then perpetuate themselves. Motive activates the will to establish thought habits. The benefits of organized thinking are numerous, including material gain, better health, self-mastery and greater purpose.

  1. Organized thinking leads to peace of mind and long-term happiness. One needs a definite plan and purpose to put one’s mind to good use. Unorganized idle minds lead to stray, uncontrolled thoughts that produce weeds.

  2. The benefits of organized thinking are enormous: success, orderliness, controlled habits, effectiveness, achievement, etc. Success comes from an ordered life which comes from organized thinking and controlled habits.

  3. Work and organized thinking are closely related. Work translates thought into action. One cannot rely on organized thinking until expressed in action. Habits form from action.

  4. One works most effectively doing work one enjoys and likes. Success comes from doing work you like. Those who don’t often just make a living. It is tragic more don’t do work they like.

  5. Organized thinking is most effective when doing work you choose and like, with motive and desire, under inspiring conditions. Hours mean little, joy matters more. Compensation is both pay and enjoyment.

  6. Society should help all do work they like for economy, productivity, and employee satisfaction. The system requires improved employment methods, matching people to jobs they’ll like and do well, and compensation to motivate them. Education must also improve to prepare and guide people into suitable careers and roles.

  7. Organized thinking begins with individuals, though employers and educators should also promote it. Individual responsibility can’t be delegated. The better life rewards those who think constructively.

  8. Rules for organized thinking: Recognize thought’s power and need for control and habit. Use sources of knowledge and facts, not guesses. Form alliances to supplement knowledge (Master Mind). Include women for balance and spiritual power. Spiritual power accesses greater intelligence.

In summary, organized thinking requires a definite purpose, plan, action, and habit. It leads to success and happiness. Work, knowledge, and alliances augment it. Individual responsibility is key but society and systems should enable it. Controlled thinking cultivates great power and achievement.

  • Exalted feelings such as love and faith can heighten one’s imagination, persuasiveness, courage, and ambition to undertake challenging tasks.

  • Organized thinking utilizes all possible mind stimulants and knowledge sources to maximize one’s natural and acquired abilities. Someone highly skilled at organized thinking can achieve extraordinary results.

  • While the power of thought has no limits, individuals can limit themselves through ignorance of thought’s possibilities or how to harness it. Organized thinking requires continual learning and improving one’s mind.

  • Those who use mind power for harm will ultimately fail or destroy themselves. Only those who use their minds beneficially achieve lasting success. While evil individuals may temporarily succeed, the overall progress of humanity is upward.

  • It is better to teach people the benefits of positive relationships and self-determination than force them into it. People enjoy freedom and do their best when intrinsically motivated. Destroying freedom inhibits growth.

  • Combining knowledge with action is key. Knowledge alone has no value unless expressed through organized plans of action. Growth comes from thought and habitually applying thought through action.

  • Practical experience applying knowledge is crucial. While theory provides a foundation, ability comes from fusing theory and practice. Knowledge means little without the ability to apply it.

  • Essential skills like engineering, sales, law, and medicine require fusing theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Theory alone does not enable one to achieve concrete results or reliably predict outcomes. Hands-on practice is vital.

In summary, achieving extraordinary results through organized thinking requires continually expanding one’s knowledge, combining knowledge with practical action, learning through experience, and using one’s mind for the benefit of others rather than exploiting them. Theoretical knowledge provides a starting point, but ability and lasting success come from what one does with that knowledge in the real world.

  • Practical experience is the best teacher. One learns from direct experience, not from books or schools alone. In the “University of Experience”, one either succeeds on one’s own merit or fails. There is no room for cheating.

  • Organized thinking requires coordination between one’s mental faculties and physical habits through controlled action. It also requires cooperation with others to achieve specific goals. Action is key - without action, thinking alone is useless.

  • To achieve something, one must start immediately with whatever resources one has. Do not wait to have everything ready or perfectly planned. Opportunities and means will emerge along the way. Hesitation and delay lead to failure. Decisiveness and prompt action are hallmarks of success.

  • Success depends more on the right mental attitude than on education or knowledge alone. The ability to harness one’s thought power through focused effort and persistence is key. Most people fail to do this and drift through life, taking what they can get. Definiteness of purpose is essential.

  • Action is essential to achievement. Thoughts, knowledge, skills, and opportunity are meaningless without action. Repeated action leads to habits and mastery. The most successful people are often not the most intelligent or knowledgeable but are those who take consistent action. They start immediately and persist in the face of difficulties or defeat.

  • An example is given of a successful life insurance salesman who achieves the highest sales through prompt and persistent action. He gets referrals and introductions from clients, forming a cooperative network to aid his sales efforts. His indomitable will and action orientation set him apart, not his personality, knowledge, or experience. The failure of others to emulate his approach is a mystery. Success seems to hinge on the ability to take action when an effective approach is demonstrated.

  1. Self-discipline and definiteness of purpose are important factors for one’s achievements and success. The successful life insurance salesman achieved more than others because he had a definite major purpose and worked at it incessantly with strong willpower. Others lacked the necessary urge and desire.

  2. Obsessional desire spurs action and perseverance. It keeps one motivated even in times of difficulties and setbacks. One can acquire obsessional desire by having a definite motive. Mental attitude depends on one’s emotions and can be controlled through habits based on motives.

  3. Lack of ambition and a weak imagination are common obstacles to success. One needs influence and inspiration from another person to fire up one’s ambition and imagination. Successful people often owe their success to someone else who motivated them. Association with other people shapes one’s philosophy, personality, and mental attitude.

  4. It is important to associate with people who can inspire one with higher aims and purposes. One tends to acquire the traits of people one associates with, both good and bad. Association with negative people can lead to undesirable habits and way of thinking.

  5. All interactions and relationships with other people influence one’s thinking, either positively or negatively. One’s family, work, social, and casual relationships all shape one’s mindset and mental habits. Family relationships are especially significant in influencing a person for better or worse.

  6. It is justifiable to be selective in choosing one’s close associates. One should associate with those who inspire and motivate one positively. This selectivity applies to all types of relationships, from family to casual. The influences one is exposed to through relationships constitute the “mental food” for one’s mind. Poor “mental food” can be as detrimental as poor physical food.

In summary, organizing one’s thinking involves managing one’s relationships, desires, and habits in a purposeful fashion. This requires discipline, definite purpose, obsessional motivation, and associating with the right people. One’s mental attitude and mindset depend profoundly on the various relationships and interactions in one’s life. Success comes from organizing these factors positively.

  • The concept of “controlled attention” refers to focusing one’s mind intently on a specific goal or purpose. This mental focus and persistence can help one overcome self-imposed limitations and achieve success.

  • Having a definite major purpose and repeatedly focusing attention on that purpose is key to progress. One’s mental attitude and persistence are also important.

  • The principle of controlled attention underlies many religions and philosophies, though it may go by other names. It has been used by military leaders and others to inspire action, for better or worse.

  • The “master mind” principle, where two or more people work together in harmony toward a shared purpose, amplifies the power of controlled attention. Together, people can access knowledge and inspiration beyond what any one individual has access too. Master mind groups have driven much progress in business, science, and other fields.

  • Andrew Carnegie recognized the power of controlled attention and master mind alliances in building his steel empire. However, he did not fully grasp how these principles could advance civilization more broadly.

  • Over many years of research, the mechanics and potential of controlled attention and harmonious group effort have become clearer. When harnessed for good, they can help solve even the greatest problems facing humanity. But they can also be misused for destructive ends.

  • In summary, controlled attention, definite purpose, persistence, harmony, and master mind alliances are all tools with immense power that depends entirely on how they are applied. They can lift people and societies up or tear them down. Using them for good is key.

The key ideas around controlled attention, purpose, and harmonious group effort are very powerful. But as with any tool, their impact depends on how they are wielded - for constructive or destructive ends. When applied properly, these principles have immense potential to create positive change. But they can also be misused. Overall, this passage highlights both the potency and the responsibility that comes with understanding principles of success like controlled attention.

  • Chemistry teaches us that combining elements can produce new substances with different properties. This applies to thought as well - combining thoughts in the right way can lead to new ideas and insights. However, combining certain thoughts can also lead to antagonism and negativity.

  • There is a law of harmonious attraction in nature - like attracts like. This law brings together compatible elements and units of energy in a harmonious way. The same principle applies to human relationships and thoughts. Harmonious relationships and positive thoughts attract more of the same.

  • To take advantage of the law of harmonious attraction, one must practice controlled attention. This involves:

  1. Having a definite purpose and plan. Focusing attention and efforts on this purpose. This also leads to inner harmony and attracts compatible people and resources.

  2. Forming a mastermind alliance. Associating with others who can support one’s purpose. This amplifies the effects of controlled attention through combined effort and encouragement.

  3. Applying faith. Demonstrating faith in one’s purpose by taking action. This further intensifies one’s focus and concentration. Doubts and negative thoughts are minimized.

  4. Going the extra mile. Continuous action and perseverance. This builds momentum, leads to increasing returns, and inspires further effort and progress.

  • By practicing these four principles, one can condition their mind to attract what they desire and adapt to the law of harmonious attraction. Definiteness of purpose, mastermind alliances, faith in action, and perseverance are key to achieving success through the constructive use of thought energy and cooperative relationships.

  1. Adopt a Definite Major Purpose: This helps focus one’s mind and directs attention to a specific end goal.

  2. Establish a Master Mind Alliance: Surrounding yourself with like-minded people helps build confidence and momentum.

  3. Continuous Self-Discipline: Harnessing and controlling one’s emotions leads to efficiency and productivity. Negative emotions are transmuted into positive action.

  4. Applied Faith: Having faith in one’s plans and abilities inspires confidence and perseverance. Backed by reason and planning, applied faith “defies opposition.”

  5. Organized Individual Endeavor: Careful planning, analysis, and execution ensure progress toward one’s goals. Indecision and doubt are overcome.

  6. Creative Vision: The imagination becomes active and “hunches” or ideas begin to emerge, leading to new opportunities and cooperation. Luck seems to be on one’s side.

  7. Organized Thought: Guessing is replaced by building plans based on facts. Thinking becomes systematic and strategic.

  8. Learning from Defeat: Defeats and failures become signals to try again with more determination. One learns from defeats by analyzing their results over time. Fear and discouragement fade away.

  9. Inspiration: Enthusiasm makes work enjoyable and attention becomes focused. Thoughts are impressed on the subconscious mind, which provides support. Momentum builds.

  10. Attractive Personality: Developing an attractive personality minimizes opposition from others, attracts cooperation, and improves one’s own mental attitude. The way is paved for developing desired habits.

  11. Mastery: Mastering these principles leads to mastery over oneself and one’s circumstances. Confidence, clear goals, and a plan for achievement become second nature. Self-determination is attained.

In summary, controlled attention—the habit of focusing one’s mind and efforts purposefully—is developed through the systematic application of these principles. While it requires will and effort, it is within the reach of people with average abilities. Mastery of these principles leads to self-mastery and determination of one’s own life path.

  • He has surrounded himself with trustworthy allies to help him achieve his definite major purpose. He feels a thrill from this personal power but has the self-discipline to use it wisely and for the benefit of others.

  • He has become a constructive member of society and gained immunity from harmful influences. He has learned to meet his needs without hurting others. He no longer wants something for nothing and has found inner peace. He accepts life’s circumstances and works with others for the common good.

  • There is a chemistry of the mind where one mind influences another. Harmless elements combined can become poisonous, and thoughts combined in the mind can become a powerful force greater than the sum of the parts.

  • Five principles combined in the mind can produce nearly miraculous power:

  1. Definiteness of Purpose
  2. Self-discipline and controlling emotions
  3. Controlled Attention
  4. Autosuggestion towards one’s purpose
  5. Willpower and determination
  • This combination of principles helped Edison, Bell, Wanamaker and others achieve great success and solve difficult problems. They had a definite purpose, persisted despite difficulties, kept their minds focused, suggested solutions to themselves, and exerted their willpower. The solution was often simple but required diligence to uncover. The “second sight” this process produced gave them insight.

  • Wanamaker needed money for his business but couldn’t get it through normal means. He went walking, focused his mind, and within two hours had an idea to raise the funds in 15 minutes. Controlled attention and definiteness of purpose, and possibly applied faith, led to the solution.

The key points from the passages are:

  1. There is power that comes to one’s aid when one concentrates their mind on a definite goal with determination. This power can reveal solutions that were not obvious or in one’s knowledge before.

  2. Controlled Attention refers to focusing one’s mind on a specific problem or purpose. It can tap into a “mysterious source of inward sight” or sixth sense that provides answers.

  3. President Wilson used Controlled Attention to gain guidance in making an important decision about World War 1. He received an answer within 5 minutes that proved to be the right course of action.

  4. Controlled Attention seems especially effective in emergencies when one’s mind is intensely focused. While fear can motivate physical power, faith inspires a greater power.

  5. Controlled Attention coordinates the will, emotions, reason, conscience, memory, imagination, sixth sense, and subconscious. This combination is hypothesized to connect one with Infinite Intelligence and enable great achievements.

  6. Asa Candler, Henry Ford, William Wrigley Jr., Andrew Carnegie, and King Gillette all attributed their success to concentrated effort and sticking to a Definite Major Purpose. They focused their time, money, and attention on their primary goals.

  7. In summary, the passages argue that concentrated mental focus on a goal or problem can unlock a power that transcends one’s conscious mind. This power, referred to as Controlled Attention, has enabled breakthroughs, guidance, and success in many endeavors. Maintaining determination and faith in a Definite Major Purpose allows one to tap into this power.

  • According to Edwin C. Barnes, Thomas Edison’s business partner, Edison owed much of his success to his habit of focusing his attention on one thing at a time. Other successful individuals like John D. Rockefeller, Frank Woolworth, and Wilbur Wright also attributed their success to controlled attention and concentrating on a single goal or purpose.

  • In 1933, when FDR became president during the Great Depression, he utilized the principle of controlled attention to help restore confidence and turn the economy around. He got leaders in government, the media, churches and radio to focus the public’s attention on “Americanism” and restoring faith in American institutions. This focus and unity of purpose created “magic” results, quickly turning headlines from “Business Depression” to “Business Recovery.”

  • The example shows the power of controlled attention and concentrating on a definite major purpose. When people unite behind a single goal, they can tap into a source of power that leads to success. This principle applies to both groups and individuals. Focusing one’s mind through controlled attention can unlock sufficient power to achieve aims that otherwise seem impossible.

  • In summary, the key message is that “an average lifetime is not long enough to permit one to attain more than one major goal” because achieving noteworthy success requires an unwavering focus of attention, dedication and purpose over a long period of time. Dividing one’s attention and efforts among too many pursuits dilutes that focus and reduces the chance of success in any single endeavor. Concentration of effort is key.

  1. Most problems in life are minor and self-created due to lack of controlled attention. By focusing one’s mind on the problem, one can solve even the most difficult problems. Successful people tackle the hardest problems first through concentrated effort.

  2. Cyrus H. K. Curtis turned the Saturday Evening Post into a hugely successful magazine through controlled attention, definiteness of purpose, and perseverance in the face of difficulties and naysayers. His story shows that vision, determination, and persistence can overcome any obstacles.

  3. The founding and growth of America also exemplify the power of controlled attention and unified purpose. The founders risked their lives to fight for freedom and liberty. Today, the country faces threats that require the same vision, solidarity, and perseverance.

  4. The early Mormons survived immense hardships through unified purpose and determination. Despite persecution, starvation, and natural calamities, the group persevered and prospered. Their story demonstrates the power that comes from united effort toward a shared goal, especially in the face of adversity.

  5. In summary, controlled attention, definiteness of purpose, perseverance, and unified action are key to overcoming difficulties and achieving success, whether for individuals, groups, or nations. By maintaining focus and determination, one can solve any problem or accomplish any goal. Hardship often makes the effort even more powerful. Vision, courage, and solidarity are required to overcome obstacles and realize meaningful purposes.

The key message is that through mental discipline, one can achieve what seems impossible. United and directed effort taps into a mysterious power that provides momentum and strength. Failure and defeat are not options if one persists with unswerving attention and resolve. Success, prosperity, and independence are the rewards of those willing to sacrifice and endure in pursuit of their purposes.

  • The Mormons endured immense hardship and adversity in their early history. However, through perseverance and unity, they were able to overcome these challenges. In doing so, they discovered the power of combining effort and focusing attention on a shared purpose.

  • This ability to concentrate their efforts allowed the Mormons to gain self-sufficiency instead of relying on public charity. It showed that there is power in coordinating physical effort and sharing a common goal. The Mormons effectively utilized the principles of controlled attention and mastermind alliance.

  • The Mormons’ mental attitude and perseverance in the face of adversity is an example of Emerson’s notion that adversity carries the seed of equivalent benefit. By overcoming immense challenges, the Mormons gained self-determination, recognition, and spread their mission worldwide.

  • We can learn from the Mormons’ example. We should observe any group that has found a way to live in harmony and analyze how they do so. The world needs more understanding and cooperation, so we should try to understand different philosophies and ways of life.

  • Controlled attention involves coordinating one’s mental faculties and directing them toward a specific end. It requires discipline and habit. Prayer is one example of using controlled attention by focusing one’s mind through faith and clearing it of doubt and fear. Successful prayer depends on the proper mental preparation and attitude.

  • According to Dr. Alexis Carrel, prayer is a powerful form of energy that can profoundly change one’s life. It leads to tranquility, self-discovery, and moral development. Prayer has the power to overcome the usual laws of nature, as seen in miracles. For those who practice prayer, it provides a steady source of strength and solace.

In summary, the story of the Mormons shows how adversity can lead to benefit, especially when met with a focused and determined effort. Their experience also demonstrates the power of unity of purpose and controlled attention. Prayer is one significant way to harness controlled attention and access a source of profound change and strength.

  • Prayer is a powerful and mature activity that integrates the body, mind and spirit. It provides strength and transforms personality.
  • Through prayer, we connect with the infinite source of energy in the universe. We ask for this power to be directed to our needs and to make us more like God.
  • Prayer should be a habit and a way of life, not just an occasional activity. We can pray anywhere and anytime. The best prayers are spontaneous and from the heart.
  • Prayer is urgently needed in the world today to strengthen individuals and society. By tapping into the power of prayer, there is hope for a better world.
  • Definiteness of purpose and harmony are required for effective prayer and success. This is exemplified in the teamwork of Andrew Carnegie and his business partners, and in loving relationships where people’s minds become aligned.
  • Love is the most powerful emotion for creating harmony and controlled attention between people. It is spiritual and divine, not based on selfishness or greed. Where there is true love, negative thoughts and emotions are banished.
  • Love involves people becoming one in spirit, not just between romantic partners but in all human relationships where the true spirit of Christianity is present. It fosters understanding, harmony and brotherhood.

The key ideas are that prayer and love are powerful forces that can transform lives and society. By connecting with God and focusing our attention, we can find strength, purpose and unity. Harmony and definiteness of purpose are required to tap into these higher powers. Love is the ultimate expression of controlled attention and spiritual oneness.

  • Controlled Attention leads to mastery and success in any endeavor. It involves focusing your mental powers on a definite objective and maintaining that focus.

  • Controlled Attention requires self-mastery and determination. It allows you to overcome obstacles and achieve goals that seem impossible.

  • Many famous thinkers, leaders, and achievers have recognized the power of concentrated and directed thought. They believe the mind has infinite potential if properly focused.

  • A person’s circumstances and outcomes are created by their mindset and determination, not by random chance. We have the power to shape our own destiny.

  • Great leaders and achievers have purpose and direction. They are not swayed or defeated by adversity or difficulties. They see beyond obstacles and rise above challenges.

  • A strong, determined spirit and mindset project an influence that impacts those around them. Such a mind makes its presence felt and clears space for itself.

  • According to Andrew Carnegie, Controlled Attention involves concentrating all your mental faculties on achieving a definite purpose or goal. Success comes from focusing on a specific field or objective over a long period of time. Splitting your focus reduces your power and effectiveness.

  • Specialization allows for greater concentration of effort and expertise. It leads to better outcomes and greater financial success. Modern businesses rely on specialists and subject experts. Generalists are becoming obsolete.

  • Department stores are an example of Controlled Attention in business. Though comprised of many departments, each area has specialized leadership and staff focused on serving that department. This allows for coordinated effort and increased efficiency overall.

In summary, concentrating your mind power through Controlled Attention can lead to mastery, success, and the achievement of great things. Both individuals and organizations benefit from developing expertise through specialization and a focused approach. A determined and purposeful mindset has the power to shape destiny.

  • Andrew Carnegie believes strongly in the principles of individual achievement, especially Controlled Attention, the Master Mind principle, and Definiteness of Purpose.

  • He thinks every department and position in a successful business is highly specialized. Promotion comes from starting at the bottom and working your way up, learning the skills and responsibilities of each position along the way.

  • Carnegie believes the better opportunities of the future will go to those who concentrate their efforts in specialized areas. Success in any field requires focused attention and experience.

  • While teachers can prepare to teach many subjects, universities hire specialists in different branches of education. Students should specialize in a field once they determine their Definite Major Purpose. A general education provides a good foundation first.

  • Stenographers, farmers, and bookkeepers should also specialize to advance their careers. The “jack-of-all-trades” is not good at any particular thing. Everyone should find the area they can contribute to and prepare for that.

  • Carnegie says you should choose a Definite Major Purpose before specializing in education if possible. If not, get a general education, go to work to gain experience, or go to college. You can change your purpose, but avoid constantly changing whenever the work gets hard or you face defeat. Specialization and sticking with your purpose is key.

  • Businessmen should not engage in politics. Politics is its own profession. Carnegie recommends business or industry over the professions, as there are more opportunities and potential for fortune. There is always a shortage of capable leaders in business.

  • The choice of a military, government, or business career depends on the individual and their likes, abilities, and personality. Military and government service offer limited advancement and creativity. Business has greater risks but unlimited possibilities.

  • Overall, Carnegie strongly recommends concentration of effort through specialization in any calling. He believes in having a “one-track mind” focused on attaining your Definite Major Purpose, while developing a wide range of knowledge to support that purpose.

The key ideas in the passage are:

  1. Concentration of effort through control of attention is necessary to attain any desire or purpose. Without organization and expression of knowledge through action, knowledge itself provides no power.

  2. Success consciousness becomes a habit through repeated successes achieved through concentration of attention. Failure consciousness also becomes a habit through concentration on failure, procrastination, fear, indecision, and indifference.

  3. Thoughts do not directly transform into physical realities but rather attract the circumstances that assemble their physical counterparts through natural means. Definiteness of purpose inspires action to procure its physical counterpart.

  4. Promotions and success are self-acquired through habit, self-discipline, training, and preparation. They are earned through going the extra mile, doing high-quality work, showing enthusiasm and initiative, and having a definite purpose.

  5. While the timing of promotions may involve some luck, the promotion itself is inevitable for those who deserve it. Everyone gravitates to the position in life they have prepared for through habit. Luck only determines when it will happen.

  6. Controlled attention through concentration is essential for developing the habit of self-discipline required to attain any definite purpose, whether a promotion or other success. Success starts with concentrating attention on the details of one’s daily work.

In summary, the key message is that success comes from within through controlled attention, self-discipline, preparation, and habit. Knowledge and thoughts themselves provide no power without action and expression. One earns the level of success and prosperity one reaches in life. While timing may depend on luck, the outcomes themselves do not. Consistent practice of the fundamentals of success leads to their mastery and ultimate triumph.

  • Thoroughness and concentrated attention are extremely valuable virtues. Successful executives master details and then delegate minor details to subordinates. But they still oversee all necessary details through the “Master Mind” principle.

  • Controlled attention has many benefits:

  1. It gives one control over one’s own mind through self-discipline.

  2. It helps develop voluntary habits and eliminate undesirable habits.

  3. It can clear the mind of fear, doubt, and prepare it for faith and prayer.

  4. It relates to every function of the mind and body, and human relationships.

  5. It is a form of self-hypnosis to prepare the mind for any life situation.

  6. It can be applied through emotions or will, but will is safer when combined with reason and conscience.

  • Controlled attention, backed by purpose, helps overcome limitations like fear, sorrow, and discouragement. Successful leaders acquire the habit of concentrated effort.

  • “One-idea” or “one-track mind” people, focused on a single purpose, tend to be more successful. Concentrating thought power to “burn through” problems is key.

  • Those with a definite purpose worry less and waste less energy. Decision plus action eliminates worry. Physical labor or work is a great remedy for worries and bad moods.

  • Controlled attention is a master key that eliminates unwanted things and creates wanted opportunities. It enables faith and success qualities like enthusiasm, initiative, self-discipline, purpose, vision, and thought organization.

  • Concentrating the mind on a purpose puts the subconscious to work establishing ways and means to achieve that purpose. Thoughts tend to attract related thoughts and means to fulfill them.

  • Experienced detectives say that concentration of attention can solve most crimes. Often there are no obvious clues, but detectives can uncover evidence through questioning people familiar with the crime. Concentration and observation are key skills for solving crimes and problems.

  • Developing the power of observation comes from habit and motive. When you have a clear purpose and motivation, you automatically become more observant of related details. For example, policemen on a beat observe more than casual visitors. Survival motives make Indians keen observers of details in their environment. Self-made people tend to be observant, imaginative, and persevering because they had to rely on themselves.

  • Motive is important for education. Teachers who inspire the strongest motives in students can teach them the most. The same applies to employers, parents, and children. The best way to motivate someone is by arousing their desire and attracting their attention.

  • The philosophy of individual achievement appeals to people through basic motives like material wealth, love, freedom, fame, and self-preservation. Students and teachers will be naturally motivated to focus on it. Concentrating on this philosophy will develop the habit of concentration in other areas.

  • Opportunity in America stems from the concentrated power of citizens in the democratic system of government, which provides liberty and allows people to profit from their talents and work. The industrial economic system, based on free enterprise and the profit motive, encourages people to develop purpose, initiative, self-reliance, enthusiasm, imagination, and vision in order to succeed. Remuneration depends on the service provided to others.

In summary, concentrated effort is key to success in America because the democratic system of government and free market economy reward and encourage purpose, motivation, observation, and initiative in individuals. Concentrating your mind through habit and motive leads to self-mastery and achievement.

Here is a summary of the key points from Mr. Carnegie’s thoughts:

  1. The American economic system is based on capitalism and free enterprise. Industries are owned and operated by corporations, and people can invest in and own shares of these corporations. This allows for a wide distribution of ownership across society.

  2. The ownership and management of industries is highly decentralized. Stock shares can be freely bought and sold, so ownership is constantly changing. This provides flexibility and access to capital for individuals.

  3. Advancement and opportunity for individuals is abundant. Corporations actively recruit and promote talented individuals. This provides motivation and incentives for people to develop their skills and talents.

  4. The system provides the maximum amount of personal liberty and freedom of choice. It rewards ambition, initiative and achievement. This contributes to a high standard of living and quality of life.

  5. The concentration of resources, wealth and human talent under this system is the source of its power and success. Decentralizing this concentration of power could disrupt this.

  6. The system functions through the choice of capable leaders by those they lead. Leaders are chosen based on qualifications, not by assuming power themselves. This is an example of democracy in action.

  7. The greatest virtues of the system are the opportunities it provides for self-determination, wealth creation, ambition and achieving one’s full potential. It rewards people in proportion to their contributions.

  8. The American system demonstrates the power of concentrating human effort and endeavor. This is the source of America’s strength, prosperity and success.

  9. To benefit from and perpetuate the system, individuals should choose a Definite Major Purpose that contributes value to it. They should study and apply the principles of success to improve themselves and achieve their goals.

That covers the main points from Mr. Carnegie’s perspective on the American economic system and way of life, in my analysis. Please let me know if you would like me to explain or expand on any part of this summary.

Andrew Carnegie advised embracing the American way of life and system of free enterprise. He argued against drastic changes to the economic system in favor of incremental improvements through individual initiative and effort. Carnegie pointed out that socialist experiments and utopian communities in the past had failed because they lacked essential elements of human motivation and ambition that arise from independence, self-determination, and the profit motive.

While cooperation plays an important role in coordinating resources and effort, socialism deprives individuals of the drive to push themselves and achieve more. Carnegie advocated sticking with the tried-and-true American system of democratic leadership and free enterprise. If someone thinks they have a better system, they should demonstrate it through their own life and actions first before trying to impose it on others.

The key ideas are: adhere to the American way of life, make gradual improvements through individual effort, avoid utopian schemes that limit self-determination and ambition, and lead by example rather than force. The summary reflects the perspective and arguments that Carnegie articulated according to Napoleon Hill’s account.

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About Matheus Puppe