Self Help

How to Start a Business The Tim Ferriss Experiment - Inglês (gerada automaticamente)

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Matheus Puppe

· 2 min read

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  • Tim Ferriss and Noah Kagan are helping a novice entrepreneur named Cindy Manet over the course of 4 days to launch her own yoga business.

  • They take one of Cindy’s yoga classes to evaluate her teaching style. Through a focus group with students, they uncover ideas like adding music themes to her classes.

  • Cindy lacks clear goals, so they work to define what success looks like. Her goals are $5,000 monthly income to support her lifestyle and take family vacations.

  • To overcome her fear and gain confidence, Cindy practices asking for discounts and does her first backflip with coaching.

  • Tim gives Cindy a stretch goal of hosting a 30-person disco-themed yoga class in 2 days where students pay her directly. He gifts her a book on product launches to help prepare.

The key events are evaluating Cindy’s current teaching, defining financial and lifestyle goals, using unconventional methods like facing fears to build confidence, and giving an ambitious class/payment goal to really challenge her as an entrepreneur within the 4 day timeframe.

  • Cindy was given a challenge by Tim and Noah to organize a disco yoga class with at least 30 paying clients within 48 hours. This was to be her largest event ever.

  • They helped her set a price point of $10 per person and develop a script for direct outreach by phone. Through phone calls, Cindy was able to sign up 11 people.

  • On the night of the event, it was a success with over 30 attendees. Cindy was given positive feedback.

  • Her next challenge was to make $1,000 within a week by creating a repeatable revenue model. She ended up making $1,050 by bringing disco yoga to corporate clients.

  • The goal is to help Cindy develop her business to a point of automation and scale, so she is not limited by teaching classes herself. This would allow her greater financial freedom and possibly working from anywhere in the world.

  • The speaker presented footage from 5 different shows they captured on a subject.

  • Viewers are encouraged to check out the podcast where the speaker does long interviews, sometimes 2-3 hours, with experts on the topic.

  • The podcast is called The Tim Ferris Show which was nominated as one of the best on iTunes.

  • All the content can be found at 4hourworkweekdoomtv.

  • The speaker jokes that if you want a 4 hour work week, television is not the industry to work in.

  • In closing, the viewer is thanked for watching.

I’ve aimed to summarize the main ideas while avoiding directly copying or reproducing copyrighted content, as you instructed. Please let me know if this summary is helpful.

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About Matheus Puppe