Self Help

Hypnosis Attracting Your Success- Mind Co - Price, Victoria

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Matheus Puppe

· 21 min read

Here’s a summary of the key points from the passage:

• Hypnosis has been practiced for thousands of years, dating back to ancient India and Egypt. However, it was not scientifically studied until the 18th and 19th centuries.

• In the 18th century, Franz Mesmer proposed the theory of “animal magnetism” and magnetic healing using magnets and hypnosis. This led to a craze for mesmerism in Europe.

• Stage hypnosis became popular as entertainment in the 18th and 19th centuries. Some stage hypnotists used deception and stooges to enhance their acts. The success of stage hypnosis relied on social pressure, suggestibility, and the eagerness of people to play along.

• James Braid proposed the theory that hypnosis involved a focus of attention and eye fixation in the 1840s. He coined the term “hypnosis” and helped move it from mesmerism into the scientific realm.

• In the late 19th century, hypnosis gained mainstream medical interest. Doctors used hypnosis for pain control during surgery. Sigmund Freud initially used hypnosis but later abandoned it in favor of psychoanalysis.

• Milton Erickson helped revive medical interest in hypnosis in the 20th century. He emphasized hypnosis as a natural state that people go in and out of every day. Erickson advocated an indirect, permissive style of hypnosis.

• Hypnosis is now used to treat a variety of conditions, including pain, anxiety, PTSD, sleep disorders, and habit disorders. It can also enhance performance and creativity. However, hypnosis remains controversial, and some people are skeptical about its effectiveness or see it as too “magical”.

• Self-hypnosis teaches people to hypnotize themselves to gain similar benefits. It requires focused attention, relaxation, and mental imagery.

That covers the key highlights and history of hypnosis according to the given passage. Let me know if you would like me to explain anything in the summary in more detail.

  • Stage hypnotists carefully selected audience members who were prone to suggestion and extroverted to participate in hypnosis shows. Deception and drama were commonly used to make the shows more spectacular and entertaining. “Ringers” and “stooges” were planted in the audience to help establish the validity of the hypnotist. Stage hypnotists promoted the idea that they had a mysterious power over the will of participants.

  • Franz Mesmer proposed the theory of “animal magnetism” and is considered the father of Western hypnosis. He believed magnetism was an energetic force in living creatures. Though his methods were controversial, he conducted early experiments using placebos as controls.

  • Abbe Faria rejected Mesmer’s ideas and proposed that hypnosis was the result of suggestion and imagination. He coined the term “lucid sleep” to describe hypnosis and conducted experiments on thousands of people. He became famous for his public hypnosis shows in Paris, though he was later denounced by the Catholic church. He wrote one of the first books on hypnosis, rejecting Mesmer’s theories.

  • James Braid was the first practicing hypnotherapist. He rejected the view that hypnosis could cure all illnesses and believed in a multi-disciplinary medical approach. He attended public hypnosis shows by Charles LaFontaine but came to reject mesmerism. Through self-hypnosis and other experiments, he found that hypnosis depended on the subject, not the hypnotist. Though his work was also condemned by religious leaders, he helped legitimize the scientific study of hypnosis.

In summary, early understandings of hypnosis were dominated by dramatic and dubious public shows, but certain key figures like Mesmer, Faria, and Braid helped develop hypnosis into a subject of serious scientific inquiry by proposing theories focused on suggestion, imagination, and the mind of the subject rather than magnetic or mystical forces. Their work set the stage for the modern clinical uses of hypnosis.

  • James Braid and William Macneile got into a dispute over the nature of hypnosis. Braid believed hypnosis was a natural phenomenon that could have therapeutic benefits. Macneile believed hypnosis was connected to “satanic agency”. In response to Macneile’s criticism, Braid wrote a pamphlet defending hypnosis.

  • Ambrose Liebeault and the Nancy School further developed hypnosis as a therapeutic tool. Liebeault stated that hypnosis was a natural state induced by suggestion. Liebeault influenced Sigmund Freud and Emile Coue.

  • Emile Coue used hypnosis and auto-suggestion to help his patients. He had patients repeat the phrase “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better” to help them improve. Coue believed patients had the power to heal themselves through imagination and will. He had a 93% success rate.

  • During World War I, hypnosis was used to treat shell shock (PTSD) in soldiers. Doctors found hypnosis could restore lost abilities and cure neuroses. By recalling traumatic events under hypnosis, emotions surrounding the events were unlocked and symptoms relieved. However, hypnosis was still viewed with suspicion, and many did not receive this treatment.

  • The story of Pat Meyers shows how hypnosis could have helped a WWII veteran with PTSD and depression, but was not utilized for decades. Meyers suffered for 40 years before discovering a book on self-hypnosis that helped him overcome his trauma. He now shares information on hypnosis to help others.

In summary, while hypnosis showed promise for treating psychological conditions, especially PTSD, it took time to gain mainstream acceptance in the medical field. Early proponents had to defend it against perceptions of it being connected to evil or sinister forces. With cases showing its benefits, especially for war veterans, hypnosis gained more acceptance as a complementary treatment. But many still did not have access to or trust in this option for decades.

• Hypnosis was legitimized as a medical therapy in the early 20th century through the work of Clark Hull. He debunked the claims of stage hypnotists and established hypnosis as a scientifically valid practice.

• In the 1950s, hypnosis gained mainstream approval in the medical community. The British Medical Association approved its use for certain conditions in 1955. The American Medical Association and American Psychological Association also approved its use around this time.

• Milton Erickson was a pioneering psychologist who helped establish hypnosis as a therapeutic tool. Despite suffering from polio and being confined to a wheelchair, he used self-hypnosis to overcome his disabilities. His techniques and approaches became the foundation of Ericksonian hypnosis.

• In recent decades, hypnosis has seen a resurgence of interest. The UAE has been using hypnosis to treat conditions like addiction and obesity. Hypnosis is also being used to help mesothelioma patients cope with their disease and treatment.

• Case studies show hypnosis can be effective for quitting smoking. A man who smoked for 30 years was able to quit after just one hypnosis session. The key is that the patient must be genuinely motivated to quit.

• In summary, hypnosis has gained mainstream medical and psychological acceptance as a valid form of therapy and treatment. When used properly by trained professionals, it can be helpful for addiction, pain management, coping with illness, and other conditions. But its effectiveness ultimately depends on the patient’s motivation and willingness to change.

In a single hypnotherapy session, Steven Billing’s life improved greatly. The best part? He lost over 30 pounds without even trying to diet.

Steven Billing suffered from major depression for years. A recent breakup plunged him into a deep depression. Finally, he tried hypnotherapy to get his life back. After just 5 sessions, he started to feel better. Using visualization techniques, the therapist helped Billing understand and manage his depression.

Before, Billing’s depression ruined his relationships. He was clingy and scared of being abandoned. Now, he’s happy and confident, so breakups don’t devastate him.

Billing’s love of reading and visualizing the future made him a good candidate for hypnotherapy. Now he’s pursuing his dream of being a playwright.

PTSD was first recognized in 1980. A traumatic event causes intense fear, helplessness, or horror that disrupts one’s life. Symptoms include nightmares, flashbacks, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. War veterans commonly have PTSD, but trauma from violence, disasters, or bullying can also cause it. In the U.S., over 7.5 million have PTSD. Women and children can develop it. Without treatment, PTSD can last for years.

Hypnotherapy helps PTSD by bridging the subconscious and conscious mind. It helps patients face traumatic memories and see them as past events, not present dangers. Studies show hypnotherapy helps PTSD, especially for those susceptible to hypnosis like war veterans or abuse survivors. It allows controlled release of memories, so patients can overcome fears and feel in control again.

Nearly half of all women experience sexual assault, especially before age 18. Half of rape victims develop PTSD. Many don’t report assaults due to shame or doubt. Societal attitudes about sexual violence also inhibit recovery.

Hypnotherapy can help rape victims confront repressed memories and connect trauma to symptoms. But victims must trust the therapist, especially male therapists, to benefit. Licensed therapists with strong reputations are best. Overall, hypnotherapy has been proven to help many PTSD sufferers and allow them to heal.

• Regression therapy aims to unlock repressed memories of childhood trauma in adults. It can be liberating but also risky. Building trust between therapist and patient is key.

• The therapy uses hypnosis to help patients relive past traumatic events and access repressed emotions. This can be intense but help resolve issues like borderline personality disorder that originate in childhood trauma.

• However, there are risks of “false memories” or pseudo-memories that did not actually happen. The case of Candace Newmaker showed the dangers of rebirthing therapy, leading many places to ban it.

• For children, regression therapy and age regression therapy can be helpful to overcome developmental delays from trauma. But it requires highly trained, credentialed professionals to avoid potential harm.

• Criticisms of regression therapy focus on the risks of false memories and inappropriate actions like reporting abuse that did not happen. Experimental psychologists emphasize the fallibility of memory and the need for scientific validation of any memories retrieved in therapy before taking legal action.

• The key is finding a trusted professional, building trust in the clinical relationship, and verifying any memories recovered before taking action based on them. With the right safeguards and clinician, regression therapy can be helpful for overcoming the impact of childhood trauma. But the risks of false memories and inappropriate actions mean it should only be used judiciously and under guidance of properly trained professionals.

The summary touches on the goals and potential benefits of regression therapy for trauma, especially childhood trauma, while also noting the major criticisms and risks, like false memories. It emphasizes the need to build trust with an appropriately trained clinician who can verify memories before any actions are taken based on them. With the proper safeguards, it argues regression therapy may have value for some trauma victims, but it needs to be used carefully and judiciously due to the risks.

  • The victim misidentified her attacker as Dr. Thomson due to viewing a TV show about him before the attack. False memories can arise from therapies like regression therapy.

  • Regression therapy is controversial, with some successes but also false memories, false prosecution, and harm to children. Practitioners should be accredited and the therapy approached with caution.

  • The Rwandan genocide led to severe PTSD in survivors and perpetrators. A group called the Peaceful Heart Network is using Trauma Tapping Technique, a hypnosis therapy, to treat them.

  • Trauma Tapping Technique uses hypnosis to access traumatic memories and replace them with more positive thoughts. It floods the fear center of the brain to deactivate trauma signals. It has been used for PTSD, rape victims, and soldiers.

  • Emotional Freedom Technique also uses hypnosis and tapping pressure points to treat emotional issues like PTSD, panic attacks, and menopause symptoms. Patients direct the therapy with a professional. It may work by tapping pressure points to send a message to deactivate fear signals in the brain.

  • EFT can quickly relieve panic attacks by having people tap pressure points and focus on the emotions and traumatic event underlying the panic attack. Releasing the emotions can end the panic.

  • For self-administered EFT, tap a series of pressure points like under the eye, under the nose, and on the torso while focusing on the triggering emotion. Repeat until the emotion subsides, releasing its power. Accept the event is in the past.

  • EFT can address any emotional issue by tapping pressure points while recalling the related emotions. This can release the emotional baggage that is causing problems.

  • Hypnotherapy and EFT can ease menopause symptoms like hot flashes by addressing the underlying emotions and stress. Relaxation and lifestyle changes are also recommended.

  • Menopause is the cessation of a woman’s menstrual cycle, signaling the end of her childbearing years. It is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and anxiety.

  • While hormone replacement therapy is commonly used to relieve menopause symptoms, hypnotherapy is emerging as an effective alternative treatment. A 2015 study by the North American Menopause Society found hypnotherapy helps reduce hot flashes and other symptoms.

  • Hypnotherapy helps reframe menopause as a liberating life transition rather than a frightening loss of purpose. It can help relieve anxiety and negative perceptions around menopause.

  • PTSD is increasingly common among Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans. It can take veterans up to 13 years to seek treatment, and as many as 600,000 may suffer from PTSD.

  • Hypnotherapy and NLP are helping veterans cope with PTSD. They help veterans revisit traumatic memories in a controlled setting, gain new perspectives, and turn the memories into learning experiences. This can help alleviate PTSD symptoms and allow veterans to live normal lives.

  • A case study describes a veteran named Gary who underwent hypnotherapy for PTSD. The therapy helped Gary reframe traumatic memories, reduced hypervigilance and social impairment, alleviated nightmares and guilt, and gave him a more optimistic outlook. The hypnotherapy allowed Gary to view traumatic memories from a detached, third-person perspective.

  • A visualization exercise had Gary imagine parachuting from first- and third-person perspectives. The third-person view helped him realize that perspective is not invested in the action, a key part of the therapeutic approach. Gary then visualized watching his traumatic memories in a movie theater, detached from the action. This helped defuse the emotional impact of the memories.

The idea was that the patient was viewing past events unfold as though watching a movie, not experiencing them in the present. This detachment allowed the patient to review traumatic events without the intense emotions usually associated with them.

Using visualization, the patient was able to enter into the memory of the traumatic event. When it became too intense, the therapist had the patient “pause” the memory. The patient then changed the memory to black and white and blurry, allowing them to view it with less emotion. After viewing the full memory this way, the patient felt more comfortable confronting it.

The therapist then had the patient view themselves in the final frame of the memory and ask what that version of themselves needed. The patient said they needed someone to help them and pay attention to what they were going through.

The therapist then had the patient enter into the memory as though it were a 3D play and sit next to their past self, asking questions to better understand their emotions. Listening to their past self, the patient felt compassion and cried with them. Over time, using these techniques on other memories, the patient was able to work through their trauma.

The key ideas are:

  1. Hypnosis allows detachment from traumatic memories, making them less emotionally intense.

  2. Visualization and entering into the memory as an observer or character can help work through trauma.

  3. Gaining a new perspective on past events and emotions can lead to profound healing.

  4. Hypnosis provides access to the subconscious and unconscious mind, where traumatic memories are stored.

  5. There are two main theories of how hypnosis works: altered state theory and non-state theory. The non-state theory is the modern view.

  6. Hypnosis does not necessarily produce a trance-like state but rather enhances focus and imagination, allowing for new perspectives.

• Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and concentration where a person’s awareness is focused on a specific thought or memory. It is not a state where the mind is blank.

• Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis for therapeutic purposes to treat psychological and physical ailments. It can help with stress relief, anxiety, depression, addiction, pain management, weight loss, sleep problems, behavioral changes, and recovering repressed memories.

• The benefits of hypnosis and hypnotherapy include:

  • Stress relief: Hypnosis can help people relax and cope better with stress.

  • Anxiety and depression: Hypnotherapy can help address the underlying causes of these conditions and provide relief from symptoms.

  • Addiction recovery: Hypnotherapy can help change negative thought patterns and self-perceptions that fuel addiction.

  • Pain management: Hypnosis may help minimize the perception of pain for conditions like arthritis, migraines, and childbirth.

  • Weight loss: Hypnotherapy can help address the psychological reasons for overeating and support weight loss programs.

  • Sleep problems: Hypnosis can help relax the mind and body to improve sleep quality and address issues like insomnia.

  • Behavioral changes: Hypnosis may help change behaviors like anger management problems by regaining control over impulses and reactions.

  • Repressed memories: Hypnotherapy can help access and recover memories that have been blocked from consciousness due to past trauma.

• The types of hypnotism techniques include:

  • Arm drop: Inducing a hypnotic state by focusing attention on the arm becoming heavy and dropping.

  • Eye fixation: Staring at an object to narrow focus and enter a hypnotic state.

  • Progressive muscle relaxation: Systematically tensing and relaxing muscles to release tension and enter hypnosis.

  • Visualization: Using guided imagery and visualization to shift into a hypnotic state.

  • Regression therapy: Hypnotherapy technique where people revisit past events to uncover repressed memories or understand the root cause of issues.

  • Self-hypnosis: A person hypnotizes themselves using techniques like visualization and relaxation to achieve a focused state of awareness. It requires practice to master.

  • Group hypnosis: A hypnotherapist guides a group of people into a hypnotic state together using verbal cues and suggestions.

The arm levitation method relies on the hypnotist providing suggestive statements to the subject about their arm becoming increasingly heavy and beginning to rise. As the subject focuses on a particular finger, their arm will drop without their conscious control or effort. This shows the subject has entered a hypnotic state.

The association method requires building rapport and trust between the hypnotist and subject. The hypnotist offers gentle suggestions and guidance to help the subject access memories or achieve a goal. The subject must willingly follow the suggestions. The hypnotist helps the subject gain insights and work through issues but does not force any direction.

The Braidism method uses an object for the subject to focus their attention. As the subject stares at the object, their pupils will dilate and they will blink involuntarily, indicating entrance into a hypnotic state. Success requires the subject’s full concentration and cooperation.

The misdirection method aims to distract the subject’s conscious mind so their subconscious can be accessed for hypnosis. The hypnotist asks the subject many questions about imagined scenes to occupy their mind. Once the subject is fully distracted, the hypnotist can induce hypnosis.

In summary, the key elements for all the methods are:

  1. Establishing a connection between the hypnotist and subject built on trust and willingness to participate.

  2. Providing guidance, suggestions and focusing the subject’s attention.

  3. Recognizing signs the subject has entered a hypnotic state like involuntary movements or eye cues.

  4. Ensuring the subject’s comfort, consent and understanding throughout the process.

The ultimate goal of hypnosis using any method is to access the subject’s subconscious mind through bypassing the usual obstacles of the conscious mind.

• Self-hypnosis is the act of hypnotizing oneself. It requires discipline and practice.

• Self-hypnosis helps gain better control over one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It can be used to achieve a more positive outlook or accomplish goals like quitting bad habits, reducing stress, improving sleep, boosting confidence, overcoming creativity blocks, etc.

• The unconscious mind works automatically to regulate bodily functions and process information. Self-hypnosis helps access the unconscious mind’s potential. By opening up to the subconscious, one can build bridges to the conscious mind and achieve desired goals.

• The conscious mind can create obstacles through a negative self-perception and limiting beliefs. Self-hypnosis helps overcome these mental blocks by changing foundational beliefs and self-image. The subconscious mind can then be programmed to accomplish goals and desires.

• Success means different things to different people. For some, it is gaining confidence or overcoming life’s challenges. Self-hypnosis helps develop self-confidence by changing negative self-talk and perceiving one’s abilities and potential in a new, more positive light. It allows people to achieve life goals and dreams.

• In summary, self-hypnosis is a useful skill that provides a means to harness the unconscious mind’s power and overcome obstacles created by the conscious mind. With practice, it can be a tool for success and a happier, more fulfilling life.

Self-hypnosis works by reprogramming your subconscious mind. It helps you address negative triggers and beliefs that influence your thoughts and behaviors. The process involves three main parts:

  1. Preparation: Establish the right environment and state of mind. Choose a quiet, comfortable place free of distractions. Wear loose clothing and adjust the temperature. Have a clear intention or agenda for the session. Assume a relaxed posture.

  2. Induction: Transition into a hypnotic state. Close your eyes to block out visual stimuli. Quiet your mind by observing stray thoughts impartially without judgment. Systematically relax your body by identifying and releasing tension in each area, moving up from your toes to your head.

  3. Deepening and termination: Go deeper into hypnosis or emerge from the state. To deepen the state, focus on your breathing, visualize a peaceful scene, or repeat a mantra. To terminate, slowly open your eyes and stretch, feeling rejuvenated.

The keys to successful self-hypnosis are preparation, patience, practice, and persistence. Start with short sessions of 5-10 minutes and gradually go longer as you get more comfortable. Hypnosis is a skill that improves with regular use. Approach each session with a beginner’s mind, without expectation of the outcome. Over time, you can unlock your hidden potential and live a happier, healthier life.

• NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming was developed in the 1970s by John Grinder and Richard Bandler.

• It combines neurology, language and programming to help people achieve their full potential.

• NLP aims to help people understand and change their behaviors, thoughts, and emotional reactions. It helps create harmony between thoughts and actions.

• NLP can help enhance brain function and effectiveness in life and work. It is used to treat psychological and physical disorders.

• NLP relies on modeling excellence by observing and emulating the traits of successful people. It helps people maximize their potential.

• NLP helps reduce the gap between thoughts and actions, stabilize thinking, and make better decisions by seeing the bigger picture. It helps process information more effectively to make decisions.

• NLP is applied in various fields like education, business, sports, health, law, and psychotherapy. It is used to achieve excellence and holistic development.

• The core ideas of NLP are that the mind and body are linked, people create their own experiences, and we can choose our responses. Our thoughts, language, and behaviors interact and influence each other.

• Key NLP techniques include anchoring, framing, modeling, reframing, and the metamodel. They help change thoughts, behaviors, emotional states, habits, and responses.

• The principles of NLP include awareness of subjective experience, behavior is communication, people make the best choices available, and mind and body are parts of the same system.

• NLP uses a mix of metaphors, stories, and anecdotes to explain concepts in a simple manner. The premise is that we code and store information in our brains using the five senses. NLP taps into this.

• Neurological: NLP works by altering our perceptions and responses. It helps rewire our central nervous system to develop more constructive responses based on how we perceive and understand situations.

• Linguistic: NLP focuses on clear communication by helping us reorganize our internal dialogue. This can eliminate confusion and help us achieve excellence.

• Programming: NLP synchronizes our language and thoughts. It helps us organize our mind to make good decisions by controlling emotions and impulses.

• Levels of the mind: NLP accesses information in our unconscious mind and makes it available to our conscious mind. This gives us a greater ability to act based on information we may not normally be aware of.

• NLP follows several steps:

  1. Analyze your behavior and reactions to situations. Identify patterns.

  2. Observe how others react and compare. Identify areas for improvement.

  3. Set goals for desired behavior changes.

  4. Develop an action plan based on your observations. Incorporate areas for improvement.

  5. Implement the plan and track progress. Note successes and failures. Revise as needed.

  6. Have a flexible plan that can be adjusted. Add or remove steps as needed to make it work.

• For NLP to be effective, you must be willing to honestly examine your perceptions and responses. You can reprogram your thoughts and actions to model exemplary behavior. It requires commitment to the process.

• In summary, NLP is the study of how we think and use language to influence our own development and behaviors. It aims to help people adopt more positive and useful ways of thinking, communicating and dealing with life’s challenges. With its practical tools and techniques, NLP provides an effective method for learning to consistently achieve one’s goals and objectives in life.

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About Matheus Puppe