Self Help

Hypnotic Copywriting Write Yourself Rich With The Most Powerfully Persuasive Language Patterns Every Created - George Hutton

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Matheus Puppe

· 18 min read

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Here is a summary of the key points from the Hypnotic Copywriting guide:

  • Copywriting is the ability to persuade people to take action through written words. Hypnotic copywriting uses covert hypnosis techniques to transform a reader’s medium interest into a strong buying desire.

  • The guide is divided into sections on strategy, specific language techniques, and practice. Understanding human psychology and decision making is key to effective persuasion.

  • An ideal sales letter has a “slippery slope” where resistance is low and readers easily progress from headline to purchase with no breaks in flow. Attention spans are short so content must be compelling and engaging.

  • Other techniques discussed include storytelling, appealing to common desires and pains, building trust, overcoming objections, using causality, presuppositions, social proof, scarcity, commitment, reframing, and structural reframing.

  • Effective practice, split testing, writing for different products/industries, and monetizing copywriting skills through freelancing or self-employment are also covered. Continuous practice is emphasized to develop high-level skills needed for success.

In summary, the guide provides instruction on covert hypnosis techniques, strategies, and practices for persuasive copywriting aimed at moving readers through a sales process with minimal resistance. Practice is positioned as essential to developing highly-paid skills.

  • Storytelling has been an important part of human communication for tens of thousands of years, dating back to when humans lived in hunter-gatherer societies. Stories were used around campfires to inspire courage in young hunters and prepare them for dangers.

  • Joseph Campbell’s concept of the “hero’s journey” monomyth outlines a common story structure of the hero leaving home, facing challenges, gaining skills/allies, facing a final battle with evil, and overcoming obstacles. This structure likely evolved to motivate hunters psychologically.

  • Effective sales letters and marketing can also follow a story structure, framing the product or idea as something that helps the reader overcome obstacles or fulfill a need, much like an ancient hero’s tale.

  • Stories work by creating oscillation between successes and obstacles for the protagonist to deal with. They motivate readers by associating the product with overcoming pain or obtaining pleasure.

  • Internal objections in the reader’s mind can be framed as “villains” that the product helps defeat, following the hero’s journey framework of confronting and overcoming challenges.

The key takeaway is that storytelling formats provide psychological motivation by associating the product or idea with fulfilling human needs like courage, success, or pain avoidance, just as ancient oral stories did for hunters and early societies.

The passage discusses how to craft copywriting and sales messages using concepts from storytelling and human decision-making psychology. It argues that effective copy positions the reader as the hero on a journey and frames obstacles to buying as villains to be overcome.

To understand human decision making, one must understand the concept of trade-offs. People weigh the costs and benefits of different options before deciding to act. Anything we do requires anticipating a positive return on investment by improving our situation. Subconsciously, we seek to maximize benefits and minimize costs.

Stories work because they show heroes overcoming obstacles through their journey. Copywriting should do the same, taking readers on an emotional journey from initial hesitation to enthusiastic purchase. The writer should frame the status quo as comfortable but limited, while purchasing opens up exciting new possibilities and resolves inner doubts.

By understanding decision making as an ongoing process of weighing trade-offs, one can craft persuasive messages that make the desired choice seem to optimize the reader’s subjective costs and benefits from their perspective. This helps the reader feel like the hero of their own story in making the purchase.

  • The passage discusses various aspects of human decision making and instincts related to buying and selling.

  • It outlines the process of deciding what to eat when hungry by choosing a restaurant and dish. Some plan meals ahead while others decide spontaneously.

  • Humans will always have desires to satisfy, whether through actions or purchases. Money was invented along with division of labor to facilitate exchange.

  • To sell anything, one must convince the buyer the benefit exceeds the cost from their perspective, not the seller’s. Hard selling may work sometimes but not with written copy.

  • Modern environments mismatch ancient instincts like always wanting to eat when food is available or not wanting to see others hoard resources. This can cause issues.

  • Psychological experiments show people easily solve logic problems framed as finding social cheaters but struggle with logically equivalent non-social frames.

  • As a copywriter, any appearance of being a social cheater must be avoided as it triggers innate suspicion instincts in readers.

  • Trust is as important as perceived value when making purchases. People will choose familiar trusted sellers even at a higher price over unfamiliar untrusted ones with lower prices.

The passage discusses building trust with customers and tying your product benefits to common human desires in order to be an effective copywriter. Some key points:

  • Trust is important, so understand customers’ pain points and desires to build rapport. Go shopping yourself to see what builds trust.

  • Accurately pacing a customer’s pain (problems) and desires (wants) is effective for building trust in person.

  • As a copywriter, understand common human pain and pleasures to appeal to readers who don’t know your product.

  • The “halo effect” means attractive or pleasurable things increase perceptions of other nearby things. Sexuality is commonly used in advertising via this effect.

  • Benefits should be linked to broader desires - people buy for intangible reasons beyond basic needs. Benefits itself, but hidden real reasons are more powerful motivators.

  • Imply how the product meets common human desires like social approval, but don’t state it directly or readers won’t believe it. The implication must be subtle.

  • People are motivated by what others are already doing via “social proof.” Tie your product to what’s already popular subtly.

The key takeaway is effective copywriting ties product benefits subtly to common human motivations like pain relief, pleasure seeking and social influences, to persuade readers the product meets their deeper needs. Direct statements won’t work - implication is important.

  • People have an innate instinct to follow the crowd due to our evolutionary past as hunter-gatherers. Going with the group ensured safety in numbers and higher chances of survival.

  • This leads to a strong desire for social proof and validation. People want to feel part of the group and do what others are doing. Products can be sold by implying they are popular or endorsed by others.

  • Closely related is the desire for social status and recognition. Most people secretly want to achieve great things and be admired by others. Products can be marketed by suggesting they will help buyers gain status or fame.

  • Authority is another powerful influence. The Milgram experiment showed people will often obey figures of authority even when told to do harmful things. linking a product to experts or authorities can increase sales.

  • Fear of missing out is a major motivation. The idea that a desired product may soon be unavailable or leave one excluded activates a deep-seated fear from our evolutionary past of being left out of the group.

  • Overall, tapping into these common pain points of social isolation, lack of status or authority validation can make any product more compelling to anxious buyers seeking social approval and inclusion. But implications should be subtle to avoid seeming manipulative.

  • The story describes a financial bubble known as the South Sea bubble in the 1700s. The speaker’s friend got in early and saw huge gains as the stock price rose from 700 to 900, but then it crashed down to 200, wiping out most of his profits.

  • Bubbles are fueled by fear of missing out - people don’t want to be left out while others are supposedly “getting rich.” Once even ordinary people like baristas are talking about getting rich in a market, it signals the bubble is about to burst.

  • Websites use scarcity tactics like limited stock alerts to trigger the fear of missing out and push people to buy. Even when people know it’s a manipulation tactic, it can still be psychologically effective.

  • Overcoming objections is important for sales. Objections start unconsciously as vague anxieties before emerging as conscious arguments against buying. Understanding customers’ non-price objections, like ethical concerns, is critical to addressing them effectively.

  • The concept of cause and effect is powerful but not fully understood, even by physicists. From an evolutionary perspective, our “better safe than sorry” instinct to flee potential threats was beneficial for survival, even if the threats were not always real.

Here are the key points of the summary:

  • Our brains have evolved to treat potentially dangerous situations as definitely dangerous to encourage fast responses for survival. This leads us to confuse correlation and causation.

  • Sales pages leverage this cognitive bias by describing problems in the first third, introducing a product in the second third that aligns with solving the problems, implying but not stating the product is the solution.

  • Testimonials and social proof reinforce this implied causation in the last third to overcome objections.

  • Hypnotic language can also establish causation subtly so the reader feels they discover the solution themselves rather than it being directly stated.

  • All decisions involve trading something now for something in the future based on perceptions of positive ROI. Value is subjective so one must understand the perspective of potential customers.

  • To be persuasive, one should fully understand the problems of the product, convey that understanding to build trust, and leverage authority, social proof, scarcity/FOMO when strategically appropriate to close the sale. But be cautious of false scarcity for long-term credibility.

  • Leveraging FOMO effectively can make people very wealthy, as seen by how FOMO caused Newton to lose money trading stocks.

  • Most objections to sales pages are due to trust issues, not price. Understand all possible objections from the customer’s perspective to overcome trust objections.

  • Use a “see-saw strategy” where benefits dramatically outweigh costs when presenting a product.

  • Customer purchases can be framed as overcoming obstacles in a “hero’s journey” narrative to boost the customer’s ego.

  • People want social status and recognition for accomplishments. Implying a product will help customers achieve goals taps into this motivation to buy.

  • Cause-effect language is powerful for sales because the human mind naturally assumes A causes B when presented sequentially. Phrases like “if…then…” help customers envision potential outcomes and benefits. A believable chain of cause-and-effect can be leveraged to move customers down a “slippery slope” towards a purchase decision.

  • Linguistic presuppositions are powerful techniques used in language to subtly influence others’ beliefs and perspectives. They work by presupposing certain things are true without directly stating them.

  • Examples are given of using presuppositions to imply the existence of something made up (“I have a red kufflepinger”), and to suggest social proof for a product without directly claiming it (“One reason our toothpaste is so popular is…”).

  • Some of the strongest types of presuppositions identified are commentary adjectives/adverbs, comparative “as” structures, factive verbs/adjectives, relative clauses, change of time verbs, pseudo-cleft sentences, and subordinate clauses of time.

  • When combined strategically, presuppositions allow for millions of permutations to craft persuasive language that shapes beliefs and drives desired actions like purchasing.

  • With practice using these presupposition structures, one can develop an unconscious ability to influence others’ perspectives through normal conversation, making oneself very persuasive.

In summary, it discusses linguistic presuppositions as covert persuasion techniques, provides examples of their use, identifies commonly effective types, and encourages practice to develop proficiency in shaping beliefs and behaviors.

Here is a summary of the key points about cleft sentences and other linguistic presuppositions from the passage:

  • Cleft sentences begin with “it is” or “it was” and presuppose something about the subject. For example, “It is the natural structure that makes them so powerful.”

  • Quantifiers like “only, even, just, except” can be used to presuppose benefits or aspects of a product.

  • Ordinal numbers like “first, second, third” presuppose there are multiple things/benefits when used to describe a product.

  • Complex adjectives like “new, old, previous, present” can presuppose comparisons when describing a product or idea.

  • Quantifiers like “all, each, every, some, few, many” can be used to presuppose universal or widespread benefits.

  • Practice is essential to effectively use these linguistic presuppositions in writing. The passage recommends writing one sentence per day using different presupposition techniques.

  • Mastering these techniques takes lifelong practice, not a quick formula. They are aimed at becoming a skilled persuasive copywriter, not a quick money-making scheme.

  • The collection of linguistic presuppositions is part of the larger “Milton Model” of covert hypnosis patterns pioneered by Dr. Milton Erickson, but the presuppositions are best suited for written sales/marketing content.

Here are some key points that summarize the provided text:

  • Everyone is self-conscious about their looks at times, and many have wished for whiter teeth when smiling or interacting with others.

  • The text provides examples of persuasive language techniques called “model operators” that can subtly guide the reader’s thinking from low to high probability. Words like “might” and “may” transition to stronger words like “could”, “can”, and “will”.

  • Other techniques discussed include utilization (using what the reader is already doing as the cause for a desired effect), comparative deletions (leaving out half of a comparison), I’m not going to tell you statements (which reduce resistance), and different tenses/structures like cleft sentences.

  • Examples are given applying these techniques to promote teeth whitening products, by linking them to social proof, authority, satisfaction, popularity, and results over time based on research.

  • The goal is to practice these language patterns to become more adept at subtly influencing readers’ perspectives and acceptance of claims being made.

In summary, the text outlines persuasive writing techniques focused on gradually guiding readers’ thinking and inferences through subtle wording, structure, and implied comparisons/causes. Examples apply these to promoting teeth whitening products.

The passage discusses the potential for increased social activity due to whitened teeth. It suggests that whitening one’s teeth can boost confidence and make people more comfortable socializing as a result. Having brighter, whiter teeth may lead to an increased sense of attractiveness and self-esteem, which in turn could translate to feeling more at ease in social settings and a willingness to engage in more social activities. The improved appearance brought on by whitened teeth is posited to have psychological effects that support greater social engagement and interaction.

  • Salespeople would gather weekly to discuss the most difficult objections they encountered and brainstorm ways to overcome them through roleplaying. This helped improve everyone’s objection handling skills over time.

  • It’s better to anticipate objections beforehand rather than reacting to them after they are stated. Customers feel anxiety before stating an objection explicitly.

  • Common vague objections like “it’s too expensive” are not the full objection - the real reason is the effort required exceeds the perceived value.

  • As a copywriter, anticipate objections, turn them into benefits, and build those benefits into the sales message.

  • Just because you can’t think of an objection doesn’t mean one doesn’t exist. Plan for objections you haven’t thought of yet.

  • Every objection is really a hidden reason to buy in disguise. Turn objections around by reframing the cause and effect structure.

  • There are patterns for reframing objections, like changing the frame size, applying it back to the objector, questioning the intent, or redefining the terms. The goal is to generate multiple benefits in response to each anticipated objection.

Here is a summary of the key points from the passage, showing that the second half comes from a different perspective than the first half:

The first half discusses various objection handling patterns that could be used to refute common objections to a purchase, such as “the price is too high” or “I need to shop around”. It provides examples of using each pattern to shift the conversation to reasons for buying.

The second half shifts the perspective to seeing these objection handling techniques not as direct arguments, but as ways to subtly influence someone’s thinking over time through practiced application. It discusses viewing them like martial arts training, where the skills are not consciously applied in the moment but influence reactions subconsciously after extensive practice.

It then provides recommendations for regularly practicing the techniques through writing out potential objections and reframes, to internalize flexible thinking. The goal is not to consciously rebut objections, but to naturally shift thinking to the benefits. With practice, objections can be “blocked” instinctively like blocks in martial arts.

The emphasis shifts from direct selling techniques to developing confidence and belief in one’s abilities to sell through nuanced persuasion. It warns that the techniques could be misused but sees them as tools for creative thinking development rather than overt manipulation.

In summary, the first half focuses on examples while the second half shifts to discussing practice, subtle influence, confidence and viewing the techniques as skills developed over time rather than direct arguments - a changed perspective.

  • To become a world-class copywriter, extensive practice is necessary, as with any skill. Regular practice with presuppositions and reframing is important foundational work.

  • Additional skills are needed as well, like compelling storytelling and creating vivid mental images for the reader. The goal is to make even mundane products sound exciting.

  • Different types of practice are recommended: 1) Expanding general knowledge like conditioning in sports. 2) Daily writing drills with patterns like presuppositions and reframing. 3) Scrimmages - writing with actual intended outcomes to measure persuasiveness, similar to competitive games.

  • When scrimmaging, the writer should measure views/reads of their content and actions taken by readers, to gauge effectiveness. Posting regularly on a discussion forum and linking to other posts is one proposed way to start measuring engagement and persuasiveness.

  • The practice should involve both conscious focus on techniques as well as some more natural, instinctive writing to allow for unconscious improvement over time, similar to playing pickup basketball games. Continuous testing of different techniques is important to refine skills.

  • With practice and consistent feedback, writing skills can improve both consciously through drills and unconsciously through experience. The goal is reaching a “flow state” where writing feels automatic.

  • When starting out, focus on drills and don’t overthink initial writing. Skill will develop gradually like an athlete training.

  • Practice converting readers through links in forums and blogs to build a testable sales funnel. Analyze metrics to optimize content.

  • Guest posting on article sites provides practice opportunities while building an audience and samples for portfolio.

  • Hemingway’s advice to “write drunk, edit sober” means letting ideas flow initially then carefully refining later.

  • The Pareto principle suggests 20% of content drives 80% of results. Analyzing top-performing content reveals the writer’s strengths.

  • Writing 1,000 articles over 3 years of dedicated practice could lead to highly optimized, profitable samples showcasing elite skills for portfolio or job applications.

  • Persistent improvement has no cost ceiling and massive earnings potential without expensive degrees if the writer measures and refines their craft over time.

  • Making money without understanding why is dangerous as it can lead to false assumptions about one’s skills and abilities.

  • Early success from things like buying traffic too soon may just be beginner’s luck, not a sign of true competency. More practice and testing is needed.

  • Traffic itself does not convert - it is the quality of the offer/copy that determines conversions. A good offer will convert most traffic well, while a poor offer will struggle to convert no matter the traffic source.

  • Start monetizing slowly after writing many articles/posts and understanding what does and doesn’t convert based on data. Avoid risky bets on traffic before optimizing offers.

  • Compare conversion rates across traffic sources scientifically to understand drivers of performance. Spending money on traffic should not be a gamble without insights.

  • Split testing specific elements is important to iteratively improve conversions over time through continuous learning and optimization. Even small improvements regularly can lead to large gains in performance.

  • When earnings are connected to skills, it enhances motivation and the learning process. Money makes the process feel real and powerful.

  • Split testing is an effective way to test different persuasive writing techniques like social proof, authority, and scarcity. By testing different linguistic presuppositions with these techniques, you can find combinations that work best.

  • Start with what’s already working and make small, incremental changes, testing the impact on conversions each time. This ongoing testing allows you to continually improve results over time.

  • Consider having a portfolio of content that you are constantly split testing to refine and optimize. This proves your skills to potential clients.

  • An option to practice and earn money is promoting appropriate third-party products on your platforms. Test different sales scripts and measure what resonates best.

  • Buy traffic strategically once content is optimized, using it to further fine-tune your approaches. Budget testing periods to gather usable data without risk of losses. Ongoing testing and improvement is key to developing strong copywriting abilities and results.

  • Hiring oneself out as a freelance writer or copywriter can be a good way to start earning an income from writing without needing to develop one’s own products or affiliates.

  • Affiliate marketing requires selling other people’s products, which builds strong copywriting skills but can be difficult to achieve a positive return on investment at first.

  • Freelance copywriting builds skills more slowly as income is not directly tied to writing ability alone. Freelance content writing often pays very little per word.

  • Developing one’s own portfolio of profitable sales pages and articles provides income stability and allows continual skills improvement through testing and optimization.

  • Both copywriting and content writing can be lucrative, so one should focus on the type of writing that pays the most while avoiding getting stuck only doing lower-paid content work long-term.

  • Persuasive copywriting is a rare and valuable skill that can be applied to selling many types of products and services, potentially leading to a high income over time by demonstrating ROI for clients.

  • Copywriting is a valuable skill that can earn you money by writing persuasive sales letters and copy that generates returns over 1:1 (for every $1 spent, you get back $1.10 or more). This ability to leverage words is a kind of magic.

  • There are different career paths as a copywriter: freelance “hired gun” copywriter who works for various clients, corporate in-house copywriter with stability, or owning your own products and selling information products you create.

  • The more skills you develop as a copywriter, the more money you can earn. Start by rewriting existing sales pages to improve conversions. Practice daily to improve.

  • Becoming a copywriter takes dedication and is not easy, but it offers independence, high earning potential, and the ability to work anywhere. Many dream of being writers but few put in the hard work needed.

  • With daily practice of techniques, persistence over time, and avoiding distractions, anyone can become a highly skilled copywriter. Improving skills now through hard work means more freedom and leisure later. Mastery requires long-term, regular practice.

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About Matheus Puppe