Self Help

Law of Attraction - Michael J. Losier

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Matheus Puppe

· 17 min read

Here’s a summary of the main points of the book:

  • The Law of Attraction is the science of attracting more of what you want and less of what you don’t. It’s about creating positive thoughts and feelings that attract positive experiences.

  • You’re already using the Law of Attraction in your life, whether deliberately or not. Your thoughts and feelings send out vibrations that attract experiences that match them.

  • There are 3 steps to the deliberate use of the Law of Attraction:

  1. Identify your desire. Become clear on what you want by identifying contrast and limiting beliefs. Create a “desire statement”.

  2. Give your desire attention. Raise your vibration by focusing your thoughts and feelings on your desire. Use tools like rewording affirmations and the desire statement.

  3. Allow it. Let go of doubt and any resistance. Allow the Universe to manifest your desire. Use tools like making allowing statements, celebrating evidence of your desire, and expressing gratitude.

  • Apply the Law of Attraction to become more abundant, attract ideal relationships, and teach it to children.

  • Stay connected to the message by practicing the techniques, reading the book again, and connecting with others.

The key message is that you attract what you focus on, so focus on what you want. Raise your vibration and open yourself up to receiving it. Let go of doubt and limitation. The Law of Attraction can help you achieve your dreams.

  • The Law of Attraction states that you attract into your life whatever you focus on, whether positive or negative.

  • The Law of Attraction has been referred to in various teachings and books over many years. Some refer to it as “like attracts like.”

  • There is a scientific basis for the Law of Attraction relating to energy, vibrations, and magnetism. Our thoughts and feelings emit vibrations that attract like vibrations.

  • The Law of Attraction works for good or bad - so we attract into our lives what we give our attention, energy and focus to. We attract what we expect and desire.

  • In order to deliberately use the Law of Attraction, we need to adjust our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions to attract what we want, rather than what we don’t want. We need to radiate out what we want to attract into our lives.

  • Many common expressions actually refer to the Law of Attraction at work, e.g. “Out of the blue,” “Meant to be,” “Fell into place,” “Luck,” “Karma,” etc.

  • The key is to consciously and deliberately use the Law of Attraction through positive thoughts, visualizations, affirmations, and a positive expectancy and belief. We attract what we radiate out.

That’s a high-level summary of the key points regarding the Law of Attraction according to the information you provided. Let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the summary.

  • Vibrations are feelings that can be either positive or negative. We constantly emit vibrations through our thoughts, words, and observations.

  • The Law of Attraction responds to our vibrations by giving us more of the same. If we emit positive vibrations, we attract more positive things. If we emit negative vibrations, we attract more negative things.

  • We often emit negative vibrations through observing what we lack, using negative language (like the words don’t, no or not) or by talking about what we don’t want.

  • To change what we are attracting, we must become deliberate about the vibrations we send out. We can do this by observing what we currently have, using positive language, and focusing on what we do want.

  • Words are emphasized in the Law of Attraction because the words we use generate the vibrations we emit. By choosing our words deliberately, we can choose the vibrations we send out and what we attract.

e you selfish about what you hear?

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If you answered yes to these questions, then why not be selfish in all areas of your life? Your goal is to limit contrast in allareas of your life by identifying what makes you feel good and doing more of it.

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f What You Don’t


Becoming clear about what you want begins with observing contrast briefly. The key is to not dwell on what you don’t like for too long.

Ask yourself “So, what do I want?” when you notice contrast. This will help shift your focus to clarity.

It’s ok to be selfish by identifying what makes you feel good and doing more of it. Limit contrast in all areas of your life.

The amount of time you spend focused on contrast is up to you. Observe it briefly then refocus on clarity.

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• The Clarity Through Contrast process helps you gain clarity about what you really want by first identifying what you don’t want (contrast).

• The more contrast you identify, the more clarity you’ll generate. Aim for 50-100 items on your contrast list.

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• Complete the Clarity Through Contrast Worksheet by listing your contrast (what you don’t like) on Side A. Then for each item ask “So, what do I want?” and write your answer on Side B.

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• Once you have identified what you do want for each item of contrast, cross out the matching item on Side A.

• The examples showed how Janice used this process to gain clarity about her ideal relationship and Greg used it to gain clarity about his ideal financial situation. ant and Less o

• Apply this process to any area of your life where you want more clarity about what you desire.

f What You Don’t

• Take your time completing the contrast list. Do it over days or weeks. The more you ponder it, the more contrast will come to mind.

• Referring to past episodes will help trigger more contrast. Use all your senses to recall details.

• Enjoy gaining clarity about what you really want! Your deliberate desires will become more focused.

Based on the context here, these affirmations would offer a positive vibration if:


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  • They feel believable and attainable to you

  • They resonate with you and make you feel good when you read them

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  • They generate positive emotions like hope, optimism or excitement

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  • You are able to visualize them as if they are already your reality

f What You Don’t

In contrast, they would offer a negative vibration if:

  • They feel unrealistic or unlikely

  • They make you feel frustrated, doubtful or resentful

  • You have trouble visualizing them or believing they can happen

  • There is too big of a gap between where you are now and what the affirmation states

The key is your emotional reaction and level of belief in the affirmation. The words themselves don’t determine whether the vibration is positive or negative. Your feelings do.


How to Improve Your Affirmations

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To make your affirmations effective, here are some tips:


♦ Make your affirmations believable. Say “I am open to attracting a loving relationship” rather than “I have a perfect life mate.” Start with affirmations you can believe are possible and work your way up to more ambitious ones as your beliefs expand.


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♦ Focus on the feeling. Affirm what you want to feel rather than just material things or outcomes. For example, say “I feel happy, calm and fulfilled” rather than “My business is booming.” The feelings will help attract the desired outcomes.


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♦ Use present tense but not excessive repetition. Using present tense helps you visualize what you want as already real. But constantly repeating an affirmation can backfire by highlighting the lack of what you want. A few times a day is enough. e o

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♦ Address limiting beliefs. Notice any negative or doubtful thoughts you have about your affirmation. Address them with counter-arguments to shift your beliefs. Our thoughts create our reality, so work on adopting beliefs that support what you want.

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♦ Act as if. Take small actions that align with your affirmations as if they are already true. This helps generate the feelings and vibrations of having your desire now. Your actions don’t need to be big - even small gestures work.

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♦ Be flexible. Don’t get too attached to exactly how your desire needs to materialize. The Universe may have an even better way of delivering what you want that you can’t foresee. Stay open to all possibilities.

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♦ Practice self-love. Speak to yourself with kindness and compassion. Affirm your own worthiness and deservingness to have good things in your life. When you feel good about yourself, it’s easier to attract your desires.

f What You Don’t

♦ Stay positive and patient. Remember that your vibrations will attract outcomes. Maintain positive vibrations of hope, optimism, and belief. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see instant results. Stay focused on the good feelings, and your desires will materialize when the time is right.

These tips can help you craft affirmations that raise your vibration and work with the Law of Attraction. But affirmations alone may not be enough, which is why I recommend using Desire Statements.

The Desire Statement:


A Tool to Raise Your Vibration

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The Desire Statement is a simple yet powerful tool I created to Attractio

help raise your vibration. It combines an affirmation with visualization and feeling to ensure you are sustaining the attention, energy and focus required by Step 2 of the Deliberate n

Attraction process - Give Your Desire Attention.

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The Desire Statement formula is:


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I am {present tense verb} the feeling of {desired feeling} because I now have {desired outcome}.

Here is an example:

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I am enjoying the feeling of financial freedom and abundance because I now have an additional income stream of $5,000 per month.

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This Desire Statement:

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  • Uses present tense (I am enjoying)

  • Focuses on the feeling (the feeling of financial freedom and abundance)

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  • Visualizes the desire as already attained (because I now have)

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  • Gives positive emotions and sensory details to energize the statement (an additional income stream of $5,000 per month).

f What You Don’t

The more you can visualize what you desire as already real, and feel the emotions that come with its fulfillment, the more powerfully you will attract it. Desire Statements help to raise your vibration by sustaining your focus and positive feelings about your goal.

To create your own Desire Statement, fill in the blanks:

I am {present tense verb} the feeling of {desired feeling} because I now have {desired outcome}.

Repeating your Desire Statement, especially when you first wake up and before bed, will keep your desire within your Vibrational Bubble so the Law of Attraction can match it. This simple tool, when used consistently, can work miracles!

Here is a summary of vibration:

  • Vibration refers to the frequency of energy generated by our thoughts and emotions.

  • Positive vibration feels good and attracts positive things. Negative vibration feels bad and attracts negative things.

  • The Law of Attraction responds to your vibration. It brings you more of whatever vibration you are offering.

  • Tools to raise your vibration include: gratitude, meditation, affirmations, desire statements. These help focus your thoughts in a positive way.

  • Affirmations and desire statements need to feel believable to you in order to be effective. Use phrases like “I’m in the process of…” or “My ideal…” to make statements feel true.

  • Monitor how thoughts and statements feel to you. If they feel good, you’re offering a positive vibration. If they feel bad, you’re offering a negative vibration. Adjust as needed.

  • Keep practicing vibration-raising tools. Your vibration will improve over time. Stay focused on what you want, not what you don’t want.

  • Allowing is the absence of negative vibration (doubt)

  • Doubt creates resistance, canceling out your desire

  • The Allowing Game illustrates how doubt (sticks) blocks manifestation (marbles falling)

  • Removing doubt (sticks) allows desires (marbles) to manifest

  • You know you are allowing when you feel relief, possibility and “maybe I can have this”

  • Allowing is the most important step but least understood part of the deliberate attraction process

  • Tools like meditation and visualization can help remove doubt and allow desires to manifest

Having a strong desire is not enough to manifest what you want. For your desire to be realized, your resistance and doubt need to be removed. The faster your resistance and doubt are removed, the faster your desire will manifest.

The speed at which the Law of Attraction responds to your desire depends on how much you allow. Even if you have a strong desire, if you have strong doubt, your desire will manifest slowly or not at all. If you have a strong desire and just a little doubt, your desire will come slowly. If you have a strong desire and no doubt, your desire will manifest quickly.

Doubt often comes from limiting beliefs, which are repetitive negative thoughts. To identify your limiting beliefs, notice when you say “I can’t because…”. You can use Allowing Statements to help lessen doubt by asking yourself if anyone has what you want, and how many. Write statements referring to others in general terms. Reading the statements helps you feel relief from doubt so the Law of Attraction can bring you your desire.

For example, Janice wanted an ideal relationship but doubted it because she thought she was too old. Her Allowing Statements referred to others finding partners, to help her feel it was possible. Greg wanted an ideal financial situation but doubted it because of his background. His Allowing Statements referred to others receiving money and wealth to help relieve his doubt.

Does this summary accurately reflect the key ideas about Allowing and using Allowing Statements? Let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the summary.

That’s great to hear, Ivor. Keeping a record of the proofs and evidence of the Law of Attraction working in your life is a powerful way to build your belief and trust in the process.

Here is a summary of the tools discussed so far:

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• use the expression “I’m in the process of…” to shift your focus from lack to abundance and offer a positive vibration.

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• use the expression “I’ve decided…” to take your focus off of lack and put it back onto your desire. Deciding generates positive emotions.

• use the expression “Lots can happen…” to shift from doubt to possibility. This allows the Law of Attraction to work for you.

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• ask for information instead of the actual desire. This reduces resistance and allows the Law of Attraction to bring your desires to you.

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• create an Attraction Box to collect representations of your desires. This helps you focus on what you want and offers a positive vibration.

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• keep an appreciation journal to maintain positive vibrations. Appreciation helps you offer strong positive vibrations.

• look for proof to rejoice in your successes, both big and small. This helps raise your vibration and reminds you of the power of the Law of Attraction.

f What You Don’t

• Remember that the Law of Attraction responds to your vibration, not your reality. Focus on positive vibrations to attract what you want.


These are all tools and techniques for shifting your vibration from negative to positive so you can activate the Law of Attraction and attract what you desire. The key is to focus on offering positive vibrations rather than negative ones. Maintaining positive vibrations will allow the Universe to orchestrate people, events, and circumstances to help you achieve your desires.

Here are some tools to help you include the vibration of abundance in your Vibrational Bubble:

  1. Notice and acknowledge the little things that make you feel abundant. When someone gives you a free sample, buys you a coffee or treats you to lunch, notice how good that makes you feel. Say to yourself, “I’m feeling abundant.” Celebrate the little abundance that is coming into your life to attract more.

  2. Keep a gratitude journal and list things you have in your life that make you feel abundant. Maybe you have a loving family, good health, a nice home – focus on what you have that makes you feel abundant.

  3. Use abundance words and phrases as often as possible, such as “I have plenty of…,” “There’s more than enough…,” “Abundance is everywhere…,” “Money flows to me easily…,” “I’m prosperous and thrive in abundance.”

  4. Visualize what abundance and prosperity look like for you. See yourself living an abundant life with all that you desire. Feel the abundance as if you already have it. Visualize money flowing into your life from all directions.

  5. Take financial risks that make you feel abundant. For example, donate money to a good cause, treat someone to lunch, buy someone a gift or tip generously. While this may seem counterintuitive, it helps you feel abundant by giving money away freely.

  6. Surround yourself with images of abundance. Look through home decorating magazines or websites and save images of beautiful homes, vacations and lifestyles that represent abundance to you. Place them where you can see them often.

  7. Take a money challenge. For example, put $5 or $10 in a jar every time you feel abundant or prosperous. Then use that money to treat yourself or donate to a cause you support. This helps you focus on abundance and associate positive feelings with money.

The more you can duplicate the feeling of abundance, the more abundance you will attract into your life. Keep working at including abundance in your Vibrational Bubble!

Law of Attraction: T

he Science of

Attracting More

of What

You Want and Less

of What You


• Your vibration is like a radio frequency. When it’s high (around 98.5), you attract positive experiences and people. When it’s low, you attract more negative experiences.

• The distance between your vibration and someone else’s equals the amount of negativity you feel around them.

• You can maintain a high vibration even when talking to “Negative Nellys” (people with a low vibration) by asking them to focus on what they want instead of what they don’t want. This raises their vibration closer to yours.

• When your vibration harmonizes with someone else’s, you “click” with them. When vibrations clash, you don’t feel good around them.

• You’re not obligated to match other people’s low vibrations. You can choose to maintain your own high vibration.

Here is a summary of the tips for teaching the Law of Attraction to children:

  1. Keep your words simple. Use words kids can relate to, like ‘vibes’ instead of ‘vibrations’.

  2. Get children to answer questions from their own experience. This helps them relate the concepts to their own lives and understand them better. For example, ask for examples of negative vibes they have felt.

  3. Kids love secrets. Present the Law of Attraction as a ‘secret’ they can learn. This makes it exciting and fun for them.

  4. The core message is that when you focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want, your vibes change from negative to positive. Help children identify examples of focusing on what they don’t want in their lives. Then have them reframe these into what they do want. This simple activity helps them grasp the main idea.

  5. Make it fun by doing interactive activities together. Come up with games and worksheets to help reinforce the lessons.

The key is to teach the Law of Attraction to children in a simple, fun and engaging way so they can understand it and apply it in their lives. Focus on relating it to their direct experiences and helping them make the connection between their thoughts, vibes and results. With regular practice, they can get quite good at using the Law of Attraction!

  • Michael Losier has transformed his own life by applying the Law of Attraction.

  • Although he had a happy childhood, he credits the Law of Attraction for his current success and fulfillment.

  • Michael grew up in Canada and studied NLP and coaching.

  • In 1995, he was introduced to the Law of Attraction, which led him to explore related topics like Huna and Feng Shui.

  • He aimed to present the Law of Attraction in an easy to understand way.

  • Michael shortened his work week to 4 days so he could spend one day a week coaching clients.

Michael Losier is the author of Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t. He has been teaching the Law of Attraction since 1996 and has reached over 15,000 people through his talks and teleclasses.

Michael outlines a 3-step formula for deliberate attraction:

  1. Identify your desire. Create clarity about what you do want by identifying what you don’t want, known as contrast. Limit contrast in all areas of your life.

  2. Give your desire attention. Raise your vibration to fuel your desire using tools like rewording affirmations and writing desire statements.

  3. Allow it. Release doubts and limiting beliefs. Use allowing statements and other tools like recording proof, gratitude, and seeing yourself as “in the process of” attaining your desire.

Beyond the formula, Michael recommends becoming more abundant, attracting ideal relationships, and teaching the Law of Attraction to children using simple words and engaging tools.

The summary outlines the key concepts and tools in Michael’s approach to applying the Law of Attraction.

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About Matheus Puppe