Self Help

Love and Orgasm (alexander lowen) - Philippe

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Matheus Puppe

· 61 min read

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This passage discusses the difference between sexual sophistication and sexual maturity. Some key points:

  • Sexual sophistication provides knowledge about sex but not fulfillment or resolution of conflicts/anxiety. It is a “cloak” covering immaturity.

  • Sex manuals offer facile solutions but sexuality is tied to overall personality, so can’t be changed independently of personality.

  • A person’s emotional and sexual problems reflect the same underlying personality disturbance. One cannot have separate “compartments” for daytime and bedroom behaviors.

  • Sexual sophistication views sex as a performance for ego rather than expression of feelings for a partner. Masturbation is seen as defeat rather than natural.

  • There is an emphasis on ego valuation and technical expertise rather than feeling connection. The body is seen as an object to be displayed rather than accepted as part of one’s nature.

  • True sexual maturity understands sexuality as an emotional experience integrated with one’s whole personality and nature, allowing for fulfillment, joy and satisfaction rather than frustration or conflicts around sex and intimacy.

In summary, it discusses the difference between a superficial knowledge-based approach focused on ego and performance, versus a deeper understanding of sexuality as integrated with one’s overall emotional self and relationships.

  • The sexually sophisticated person claims to be free of sexual guilt and inhibition, but sometimes struggles with sexual performance issues like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

  • Viewing sex as a “performance” implies it is done for others’ observation/evaluation rather than one’s own pleasure. This can induce anxiety and cause the very issues one fears.

  • Repressed fears, anxieties, guilt and hostility often underlie performance fears. These need to be addressed to gain genuine sexual maturity beyond a façade of sophistication.

  • Loss of erection may reflect a lack of true interest in one’s partner due to underlying emotional conflicts, rather than a “failure.” Honest self-examination is needed to understand one’s feelings.

  • Casanova-like compulsions to seduce many partners stem from weak ego/masculinity issues rather than emotional fulfillment. Authentic feelings emerge when compulsions are reduced through therapy.

  • The patient expresses deep fear and hostility toward women, indicating unresolved issues with his mother and difficulty having positive feelings toward female partners.

  • His sexual feelings are so enmeshed with the need to satisfy women that he has little left for his own needs, making true intimacy and performance difficult.

  • His mother was both a source of oral dependency and genital attraction for him as a child, creating ambivalence that underlies his impotence as an adult.

  • For sophisticated individuals, the fear of failure has become associated with the inability to experience or control strong sexual feelings, due to early masturbation guilt being unresolved.

  • Premature ejaculation reflects the unconscious fear of losing control and attempts to control arousal that paradoxically increase tension and hasten climax.

  • Lack of orgasm for women should not be seen solely as a measure of sexual adequacy or performance, as multiple psychological and relationship factors can inhibit response.

  • True sexual maturity requires resolving early guilt and shame around masturbation and sexuality rather than rationalizing or condoning it, as this is where underlying issues are most apparent.

  • Masturbation is a natural activity that can help counteract sexual guilt. Inability to masturbate with satisfaction indicates remaining sexual issues that need resolution.

  • Physical expression and body posture provide insights into personality and character structure. Repression of feelings is reflected in chronic muscle tensions and distorted body positions. Early toilet training issues often result in pelvic/anal muscle tensions that interfere with sexual function.

  • Sexual sophistication can hide underlying sexual guilt or immaturity. Piercing this “veil” exposes lack of pleasure, fulfillment, or self-acceptance in sexual acts.

  • Health, vitality, and lack of fatigue are important determinants of sexual response. Psychological factors alone cannot overcome physiological limitations. Chronic fatigue is common today and reduces sexual satisfaction.

  • Exploring topics like masturbation helps address sexual worries or guilt that may have persisted despite previous therapy. Clarifying the normalcy of masturbation can provide patients relief from “haunting” concerns.

  • The passage discusses the relationship between sex and love. It argues that sex is an expression of love, and that viewing them as totally separate is a neurotic perspective.

  • Sex brings people into physical closeness and union, which satisfies the human desire for intimacy that is present in all forms of love between individuals. The sexual act involves spiritual intimacy and knowing one’s partner.

  • Physiologically, sexual arousal is linked to blood flow and congestion in the genitals. This parallels how intimacy involves contact between blood-rich, sensitive body parts like kissing and breastfeeding.

  • Love can be a localized bodily feeling, like in the heart region. The passage draws connections between the physiology of love, sex, intimacy and how humans experience these emotions in the body.

  • In summary, it argues that sex and love are intertwined rather than separate, based on how they both fulfill the human need for closeness on both physical and spiritual levels, as reflected in our bodies and language. Viewing them as totally separate is considered a neurotic perspective.

Here is a summary of the key points about the atron saint of love:

  • The heart and blood are commonly used symbols to represent love. Expressions like “my heart aches for love” show an unconscious association between the heart and feelings of love.

  • Blood is also linked to love through concepts like family blood ties and lovers pledging their love by mixing their blood. Shedding one’s blood for another expresses love.

  • Freud proposed that some biological substance should represent Eros or life force energy, and that blood could be associated with this.

  • Erections can be seen as an unconscious expression of the desire for love and intimacy. However, morning erections arguably occur without conscious feelings of love or desire.

  • Morning erections still indicate the body is sexually aroused on an unconscious level, even if the mind is not consciously focused on sex. They represent a potential dissociation between physical arousal and conscious feelings/thoughts.

  • Early childhood experiences of nurturing/feeding and attitudes around infant sexuality can influence how an individual associates sex and love later in life. Deprivation of maternal love and affection in early stages can impair adult sexual and emotional functioning.

  • Early childhood experiences of lack of love, affection, attention and basic needs like food shape the development of the individual. Psychoanalysts call these “narcissistic supplies”.

  • Deprivation of these early supplies affects functions associated with independence like walking, movement, and sexual maturity. Psychiatrists have found impaired functions in these areas in individuals who experienced oral deprivation.

  • Physically, these individuals often have underdeveloped legs and muscles, weak feet, stiff posture to compensate for weakness. Coordination and endurance is poor.

  • Psychologically, they are emotionally underdeveloped, dependent, longing for closeness but unable to form mature relationships due to lack of inner resources.

  • They experience a split between oral desires/needs and genital/sexual maturity. Love and sexual feelings become divided and oppositional rather than unified. This leads to orgasmic impotence.

  • Early childhood experiences of prohibition or punishment around infantile sexuality and exploration can also cause lasting conflicts between love and sexuality.

  • Rigidity in both body and mind develops as a coping mechanism to deal with these early conflicts and frustrations, but ultimately imprisons the adult.

Here are the key points made in the passage:

  • Freud argued that love is “aim-inhibited sexuality” - the erotic gratification aspect is removed from the sexual impulse, leaving affection and the desire for closeness. Others have rejected this view and see love and sex as separate psychological vs physical phenomena.

  • The passage argues against a strict separation of love and sex, and sees them as intimately related even if distinct. Sex predates love evolutionarily in animals.

  • Animal sexual behavior started simply with little physical contact between males and females (fish), but more intimate contact evolved over time in amphibians and mammals as sexual functions grew more complex.

  • Tenderness and affection first appear correlated with increasing physical closeness and intimacy between sexes during mating as evolution progressed.

  • Love in humans develops from the sexual function - psychologically, love feelings derive from and build upon early infant-caregiver bonding and sexuality. Evolutionarily, behaviors like affection emerged from and built upon basic sexuality.

So in summary, the passage argues that while love and sex are distinct, love psychologically and evolutionarily derives from and is intimately related to the basic biological functions and phenomena of sexuality. Freeing the libido from erotic aims leaves the intimate bonding aspects we recognize as love.

This passage discusses the relationship between love, sex, and caregiving behaviors in humans and animals. Some key points:

  • Sexual penetration in land animals provides a fluid medium similar to the ancient seas, allowing fertilization and embryo development.

  • Greater physical intimacy between sexual partners in birds and mammals is associated with behaviors reflecting affection, tenderness, and love.

  • Maternal care behaviors in animals correlate with offspring dependence - those depositing eggs show no care, while birds/mammals with close physical relationships display affection.

  • Nursing and sex share biological similarities - the nipple/penis and mouth/vagina involve secretion exchange through contact. This connection may explain relationships between orality, genitality, and concepts like semen nourishment.

  • In humans, the psychological progression from sexuality to conception to birth to nursing suggests these events are logically connected. Attitudes in one area likely influence those in subsequent areas.

  • A mother fulfilled in her sexuality can more easily fulfill her child’s needs from an abundance of love. Unresolved sexual issues may limit maternal love.

  • In early infancy, a child’s love is simply a biological reaction to having needs met or denied by their mother. They cannot understand her emotional issues.

  • Around 3 months, infants recognize human faces and seem aware of memory and anticipation. By 8 months they distinguish their mother from others and feel anxiety around strangers.

  • By 3 years, when speech is well developed, children can express feelings of affection for their mother in words like “I love you, Mommy.” Their biological attachment has become a conscious psychological experience they can verbalize.

  • Psychoanalysts see children forming images of a “good mother” who meets needs and a “bad mother” who causes pain. Feelings are directed at the good mother to avoid internal conflict.

  • Adult love objects embody aspects of the good mother image. Love and intimacy helps increase sexual attraction by psychologically distancing the lovers, heightening each other’s importance.

  • Sex aims to reduce this distance through pleasure and discharge, with more tension creating more pleasure. Face-to-face contact deepens awareness of the partner.

  • In healthy people, spiritual and physical expressions of love are complementary and reinforce each other. But culture also brings problems and potential conflicts to complex relationships.

  • Love and sex have an intimate psychological connection to their opposite, death. This connection is symbolized by things like the womb/tomb and grounds/caves representing both sex and death.

  • Orgasm anxiety, the fear of ego dissolution during sexual climax, is perceived as a fear of dying. This association of sex with death could be due to neurotic anxieties, or it may have roots in basic biological processes.

  • Death only occurs in living organisms that have developed a fixed body organization and reproduce sexually. Primitive organisms like amoebas that can split in two do not truly “die” from natural causes.

  • Individuality, the development of a fixed body structure, only emerges through the process of sexual reproduction. Sexuality plays a role in both the emergence of individuality and its termination through death.

  • So the connection between sex, individuality, and death may not just be psychological, but reflect deeper biological realities - that sexuality is involved in the rise and fall of individual forms in living organisms. Death allows for the renewal of individualized life through successive generations.

  • The amoeba and other single-celled organisms like bacteria reproduce through cell division, splitting into two identical daughter cells to continue growing and multiplying.

  • The amoeba likely needs to divide because continued growth would create too much internal pressure and cause it to burst. Cell division reduces this pressure by splitting the mass while increasing surface area.

  • Volvox shows early signs of multicellularity, sexual differentiation, and natural death of individuals. It reproduces both asexually through budding of daughter cells, and sexually by producing male and female gametes that fuse.

  • Sexual reproduction in Volvox creates offspring that are different combinations of parental genes. The parent cell that produces gametes then dies once it completes its life cycle, representing the first occurrence of natural death.

  • Death allows for the continuation of life through offspring and is ultimately related to the loss of libido/sexual energy production as organisms age. So long as excess energy fuels sexuality, natural death does not occur. Sexuality promotes both individual and species longevity.

  • In summary, cell division, sexual reproduction, individual mortality, and the relationship between death and loss of sexuality can all be seen in the evolutionary transitions from single-celled to multicellular life.

  • Death is the inevitable outcome of developing a rigid individual structure over time, as flexibility and energy decline with age.

  • Sexuality counteracts this process of individuation by causing us to lose our sense of self and merge with another, experiencing renewal as individuals through procreation.

  • In Genesis, Adam and Eve gained the knowledge of good and evil when they understood their own nakedness and physicality. This marked humanity’s transition from an instinctual, animal state to a conscious, self-aware one.

  • Realizing one’s own naked body implies awareness of sexuality, mortality, and individuality. This brought fear and anxiety, as humans recognized they were separate from nature and would one day die.

  • Sexuality is therefore closely linked to both individuality and death in human consciousness. The emergence of ego and self-awareness created an antagonism between the ego and bodily instincts like sexuality.

So in summary, the text discusses how sexuality, individuality, and awareness of mortality are intertwined in human nature and the story of Adam and Eve, according to Freudian and existential perspectives. Sexuality both affirms and threatens individual existence.

  • In religious texts like the Bible, the story of Adam and Eve losing their innocence in the Garden of Eden depicts humanity’s transition from a state of unity with nature and lack of self-awareness, to gaining self-consciousness and knowledge of morality. This came with both advantages like higher cognition, but also disadvantages like shame, labor, and awareness of mortality.

  • Psychoanalytically, the development of self through consciousness of one’s body, activities, and interactions creates separation from a primitive state of unity. This gives rise to ego, sense of individuality, and division between higher mind and lower body/instincts.

  • Awareness of sexuality and death are linked, as both relate to the finite physical body. Love offers a psychological counter to awareness of death by merging the self with another. Facing death courageously also involves sublimating ego through love of a cause higher than oneself.

  • As individuation develops, so does awareness of one’s separateness and aloneness. This contributes to modern anxiety, though individuality is also what defines human uniqueness and personality. More primitive humans had less self-awareness and anxiety through stronger group identities.

This passage discusses the phenomenon of homosexuality and society’s attitudes toward it. Some key points:

  • Homosexuality seems to contradict the view that human sexuality is inherently heterosexual. It raises questions about the nature of gender and sexuality.

  • Many non-homosexual people have intense negative reactions and hostility toward homosexuality, suggesting repressed same-sex desires of their own.

  • Societies that emphasize aggression, competition and masculinity discourage more artistic/feminine pursuits, pushing some men toward homosexuality.

  • Simple societies with less division of labor have less homosexuality, as roles are less rigidly defined. More complex societies provide a milieu where homosexuality can become a lifestyle.

  • Repressive social sexual norms can cause defiance in strong personalities, perversion in weak ones, and neurosis in others. Societal restrictions contribute to the existence of individuals who will seek indirect sexual expression like homosexuality.

So in summary, the passage discusses how both individual and societal factors can influence the development and expression of homosexuality. It examines social attitudes and their psychological roots.

  • The chapter examines whether there is a special weakness or predisposition that characterizes homosexuality. It argues homosexuality stems from emotional and personality factors, not just sexual urges.

  • Homosexuality may be more prevalent today but many homosexuals still feel isolated and insecure living in a heterosexual society. They see their attraction as an emotional illness.

  • John, a homosexual man seeking therapy, illustrates these problems. He feels depressed and anxious after being rejected by his long-term lover.

  • John’s body appears stiff and dead. Drawings he did portray people as puppets lacking feeling. He reported little sensation beyond his genitals.

  • His early homosexual experiences seemed driven by a need to discharge genital tension, not intimacy. He had many transient sexual encounters to relieve this tension.

  • The chapter analyzes John’s case as an example of how homosexuality involves a disconnect between one’s genitals and the rest of their unresponsive, lifeless feeling body. This disconnect is seen as the root “weakness” or predisposition toward homosexuality.

This summary covers various factors that influenced John’s homosexuality and difficulties maintaining relationships:

  • John had strong but repressed feelings of hostility and fear toward women, blocking sexual gratification with them. Homosexual encounters relieved tension but excitation returned quickly.

  • His encounters also allowed him to avoid a sense of losing his genitals or “dying” via castration that orgasm with a woman represented.

  • John’s encounters often had masochistic and sadistic elements, expressing contempt for himself and partners.

  • He lacked a strong male role model due to an alcoholic, abusive father and overidentified with his seductive, close-binding mother. This complicated his psychosexual development.

  • John’s body felt “unalive” and rigid, forcing him to seek excitement through dangerous chance encounters to feel stimulated. His sexuality was an attempt to feel alive.

  • Therapy helped John increase self-awareness, utilize body work to feel more embodied, and have a sexual response to a woman, showing potential to address his conflicts. However, full resolution would require continued introspection and relationship work.

  • John, a homosexual man, underwent about a year of therapy but did not resolve his homosexuality. He sought homosexual encounters before therapy sessions, though they became less satisfying over time.

  • Max, another homosexual man, was arrested for making advances in a public restroom. He too showed physical signs of tension like John. He tried to reduce sexual feelings through tightening his body and staying busy.

  • The author argues homosexuality stems from physical and psychological issues. Physically, the body lacks feeling and mobility. Psychologically, there are fears and hostility toward the opposite sex relating back to childhood relationships with parents.

  • Therapy aims to increase body awareness and reduce tension physically, and analyze relationships with parents and opposite sex psychologically. Developing self-gratification is also important to overcome guilt around masturbation from childhood.

  • In summary, the author views homosexuality as rooted in biological disturbances early in life that distort the healthy expression of love and affection. Therapy addresses both the physical and mental aspects.

This passage discusses Sigmund Freud’s theories about the origins of homosexuality. Some key points:

  • Freud believed that in certain cases, a homosexual orientation arises due to an infant receiving erotic pleasure from nursing or close contact with their mother. If the mother uses the infant to fulfill her own needs, it can lead to incestuous fixation.

  • As an example, it analyzes Leonardo da Vinci’s life and works, suggesting his mother may have exploited him this way. Freud interpreted da Vinci’s drawings as representing repressed homosexual fantasies relating to his relationship with his mother.

  • It claims this type of inappropriate maternal relationship causes the child to feel like a passive sexual object for the mother’s pleasure, rather than an active participant. This is believed to contribute to homosexuality later in life.

  • Other theories mentioned include anal fixation arising from frequent enemas as children, and social/cultural factors potentially influencing views on homosexuality in ancient Greece.

  • In summary, it discusses Freud’s psychosexual developmental perspective on the hypothesized roots of homosexuality in disturbed infant-mother relationships and sexuality.

This summary focuses on some key psychological aspects of homosexuality presented in the passage:

  • Homosexuality can be seen as an attempt to achieve both self-love from infancy and an adult love relationship, combining aspects of both.

  • The love object of the homosexual represents an image of oneself on one level, and may represent the opposite sex on an unconscious level through taking gender roles.

  • Homosexuality is often rooted in unresolved incestuous feelings towards the mother from childhood, with the mother having an emotionally immature or disturbed relationship with the son.

  • Family dynamics like an overinvolved mother and hostile/inadequate father contribute to difficulties resolving these feelings, leading to repression of sexuality.

  • Homosexual relationships act out these repressed childhood feelings towards parents in an ambivalent way involving love/hate, fear/hostility etc.

  • There is often a psychological feeling of partial castration and emotional/somatic deadening as defenses against sexual feelings. Homosexual activity provides sensual feeling rather than just sexual drive.

This passage provides a summary and analysis of lesbian personality types, highlighting two case studies:

  • Debora appeared very masculine externally with her large, gorilla-like body. However internally she saw herself as a “premie” (premature baby), insecure and needing warmth. Her masculine appearance protected her vulnerable inner self. Through therapy she was able to integrate these opposing aspects.

  • Mary prided herself on being the best lesbian lover, always taking the dominant/active role. She claimed to experience many orgasms but later admitted she never had a real one. Externally she appeared strong and capable through her rigid, muscular body. But internally she was a scared little girl, using her masculine appearance to impress and frighten other women to prove how strong and protective she could be.

The key points are that outward masculine appearances in lesbians can belie an inner vulnerability and need for warmth/nurturing, and that homosexuality in these cases serves to avoid confronting inadequacies through heterosexual relationships while fulfilling emotional needs through same-sex partners playing traditional gender roles. The therapy aimed to help the patients integrate their opposing inner and outer selves.

This summary provides context about a woman named Mary who was undergoing psychotherapy for issues related to homosexuality. Some key points:

  • Mary engaged in lesbian relationships but experienced little feeling or orgasm from them. They seemed to function more as a way for her to gain some small sexual thrill vicariously.

  • Physically, Mary’s body seemed relatively “dead” with tense muscles, poor skin color, and shallow breathing. She lacked femininity or sex appeal.

  • Mary perceived male and female bodies in an infantile way, emphasizing masculine strength vs feminine weakness. Her own drawings of bodies looked more hermaphroditic.

  • Mary’s frequent need to engage in sexual activity seemed compulsive and aimed at keeping some feeling alive in her body. She had a lack of sensation otherwise.

  • Her relationships reflected acting out her infantile relationship with her dominating mother, taking both dominant and submissive roles with partners.

  • Physically, Mary had broad, tense shoulders and a tight pelvis, reflecting both a fear of being penetrated as a woman and an identification with her mother’s struggles. Therapy helped her relax and breathe more fully.

This passage discusses two case studies of women struggling with their sexuality: Mary and Joan.

Mary presented as more masculine and aggressive, defending against feeling exploited through her masculinized appearance and independence. Her anxieties and guilt around sexuality relaxed through therapy, allowing her to develop intimate heterosexual relationships.

Joan appeared more confused and dependent. She had a schizoid personality, lacking a clear sense of self or sexual identity. Her body appeared adolescent and anxious. Her lesbian relationship offered warmth and fulfillment where heterosexual relationships had failed.

The passage suggests homosexuality develops due to rejecting family dynamics, like a critical father and submissive mother. Therapy aims to help patients accept their bodily selves through relaxation and feeling their sensations, allowing previously rigid defenses to soften and intimacy to develop. Different lesbian personalities reflect varying underlying anxieties and levels of dissociation from one’s bodily self.

  • Lesbianism is commonly found among prostitutes. The association is not surprising, as both the lesbian personality and prostitute involve a denial or dissociation from the body.

  • Joan struggled with not being able to cry freely due to tension in her jaw and throat. Her lesbian relationship provided companionship and some sexual satisfaction but not true fulfillment.

  • Joan’s relationship with her father lacked feeling. She both denied and repressed sexual feelings toward him, explaining why they were uncomfortable together.

  • Joan realized her lesbian orientation defended against fear of disappointment from men, stemming from feeling rejected by her father. Her hostility toward men blocked relationships with them.

  • Joan’s dream suggested unconscious frustration and anger at the lack of a penis in her lesbian partner, stemming from impulses to bite and her guilt for wanting to. Her tight jaw represented defense against these biting impulses.

  • Homosexual relationships involve dynamics of dominance and submission that distort the relationship compared to equality in heterosexuality.

  • Lesbians generally feel contempt for men like their mothers did, but this fades for genuinely masculine men. They have mixed feelings toward women, feeling inadequate but also superior to justify their homosexual relationship.

  • Homosexuality involves a compulsive quality from needing to recover suppressed sexual feelings, rather than purely for pleasure as in healthy sex.

This passage summarizes some key theories regarding homosexuality from a psychoanalytic perspective:

  • Homosexuality results from the suppression of sexual feelings in childhood. Homosexual individuals do not experience a normal “latency period” between childhood and adolescence.

  • Sexual feelings that were suppressed in the body become redirected into fantasy and obsession with sexuality.

  • Lesbian relationships frequently involve sadomasochistic behaviors, reflecting underlying masochism in homosexual personalities. This masochism arises from infantile feelings of anger and frustration that become turned inward due to an inability to express aggression.

  • Masochism allows for the release of sexual excitement through humiliation and degradation, as this is perceived as an alternative to castration. It represents a loss of self-respect.

  • Not all children become masochists - some succeed in adapting to reality through parental support that respects the child’s personality. Failure to do so can cause loss of bodily pleasure and pride.

  • Homosexuality involves chronic muscle tension and suppression of feelings, especially in the pelvic region, inhibiting sexual expression. Masochism provides a way to feel sensations again, even if only pain.

  • Homosexual individuals experience emotional problems but are not “monsters.” Their condition merits sympathy and can often be improved through psychotherapy to reduce tensions and suppression.

This passage provides insights into John’s complicated feelings for his partner M., which he describes as a confused mixture of love and hate, desire and rejection. Some key points:

  • John feels trapped in the relationship and resentful of the loss of freedom, but also wants M. to stay and wants to stay himself.

  • He wonders if he loves M. in a motherly way, taking care of him and providing for him. This suggests unresolved issues with his own mother.

  • John sees M. as both part of himself (“a part is where I am not”) but also separate (“leaving off now when through, and go on to the next involvement”). This ambiguity likely contributes to the conflicting emotions.

  • John’s feelings make sense in terms of their contradictions - wanting to love and reject the same person. This is reflective of the ambivalence that is often part of homosexuality according to the summary.

  • John has some insight into his complex inner workings, but feels powerless to change them. The summary posits that this type of situation - desiring intimacy but only being able to express it in socially unacceptable ways - leads to great unhappiness and limits human potential.

In summary, John is grappling with deep-seated emotional conflicts and ambivalence in his relationship with M. that reflect broader societal and psychological issues described in the passage. His words give a raw glimpse into the inner turmoil of forbidden desires and complicated love.

  • William was very close to his overprotective mother as a child. Weaning was difficult for him and he felt rejected and abandoned.

  • There was an unhealthy anal attachment between William and his mother that undermined his independence. She gave him frequent enemas which made him feel passive and feminine. This laid the groundwork for feeling trapped by women.

  • These childhood experiences hindered William’s adult sexual functioning. He had difficulty comfortably approaching women. When a relationship ended, he felt desperate and vulnerable to latent homosexual feelings as an “easy solution.”

  • Ted was also very attached to his grandmother as a child. She overindulged and overprotected him. As an adult, Ted outwardly presented as very masculine but had underlying insecurities and fears of abandonment, failure, and aggression.

  • Ted’s fears revealed latent homosexual tendencies, like being afraid of anal assault by the therapist. Uncovering these fears helped Ted address his deeper anxiety around abandonment and castration that was hindering his relationships and satisfaction in life.

This summary describes elements of latent homosexuality in several patients based on case studies analyzed by the author:

  • Ted manipulated women financially and psychologically in a way that reflected trauma from his mother and grandmother, indicating latent homosexuality expressed in heterosexual relationships.

  • Rose accepted homosexual feelings but felt submissive in heterosexual sex, revealing unconscious conflict from equating sex with loss of control. Analyzing her homosexual tendency helped her understanding.

  • Anna felt uncomfortable being touched by other women but fantasized about intimate contact, showing confusion over latent homosexual feelings. Her dependency needs and exhibitionism also reflected underlying issues.

  • All three cases show how analyzing latent or unconscious homosexual tendencies provided insight into disturbances in heterosexual functioning and sexuality. Such tendencies often derive from deep psychological conflicts around control, sexuality, and early familial relationships. Understanding these tendencies helps resolve wider sexual problems.

This passage discusses how unconscious desires from early childhood experiences with one’s parents can manifest later in life through romantic and sexual relationships. Some key points:

  • It argues that homosexual relationships unconsciously recreate the infant-mother relationship.

  • It describes a woman’s fantasy about caressing breasts that revealed underlying desires for her own mother’s breast from infancy.

  • Her fantasies and relationships depicted infantile experiences with the mother, showing unfulfilled longing from a lack of fulfillment as a child.

  • Deprivation as a child led to later fury if needs weren’t met by partners. One fantasy depicted violently devouring a man.

  • A patient’s dream after expressing homosexual desires showed unconscious anger towards his mother.

  • Rigid/tense muscles in some males and females indicate repressed homosexuality through compensation. Exaggerated traits cover opposite tendencies.

  • Early trauma like anal penetration by a parental figure can cause anal fixation and influence later homosexual feelings as a result of anger and violation.

So in summary, it analyzes how unconscious dynamics related to the parental relationships in early life can influence adult sexuality and relationships in hidden, complicated ways. Repressed desires and deprivations from childhood need fulfillment.

  • The passage discusses latent homosexuality and questions whether all humans are fundamentally bisexual. It cites Freud and others who argued that repressed homosexual urges can manifest in neuroses or be sublimated into things like friendship.

  • The author disputes this, arguing neurosis often causes homosexuality rather than the other way around. Case studies are presented of bisexual and confused individuals to support this view.

  • “Jim” engaged in both heterosexual and homosexual acts but felt a lack of masculinity. His homosexuality fulfilled a need for male incorporation.

  • “Robert” had lifelong homosexual interests but maintained heterosexual relationships as long as certain conditions were met. His second marriage dissolved when responsibilities of fatherhood and financial obligations overwhelmed him, and he immersed himself in his homosexual circles.

  • The author argues bisexuality is often a sign of immaturity, confusion over sexual role, and inability to establish stable heterosexuality - not true satisfaction of both genders. Treatment of bisexual individuals can have better outcomes than confirmed homosexuals.

  • The passage discusses the concept of heterosexuality and argues it is rarely analyzed in the way homosexuality is. To properly understand it, we must define what distinguishes it from homosexuality.

  • Merely not engaging in homosexual acts does not make someone heterosexual. Many heterosexual relationships involve homosexual attitudes and identifications.

  • Identifying primarily with one’s partner’s experience and excitement, focusing on their arousal over one’s own, is a homosexual attitude that can be present in heterosexual relationships.

  • “Servicing” one’s partner by prioritizing their climax without regard for one’s own experience also reflects a homosexual dynamic rather than a truly heterosexual encounter based on sexual difference.

  • Overall, the passage argues we must look beyond surface behaviors and examine underlying attitudes, identifications, and priorities to determine whether a relationship involves heterosexual or homosexual psychologies even if opposite sex partners are involved. A fully heterosexual encounter respects sexual difference rather than collapsing it.

The passage discusses issues of masculinity, femininity, and sexuality in relationships. It criticizes the view that a man’s role should be to “service” and satisfy a woman sexually. This leads men to lose their own identity and be subservient.

Pretending to have multiple orgasms is seen as inauthentic and not satisfying for either partner. True satisfaction comes from fully experiencing sexuality together, not performing for each other.

Fear of premature ejaculation and a need to satisfy the woman are seen as stemming from anxiety about potency and a fear of women. This results in dysfunctional sexual experiences where pleasure is inhibited.

Identifying with the partner’s gender role is said to decrease satisfaction, as it transforms the heterosexual relationship into a homosexual one. Masculine identification in women and focusing on pleasing the partner rather than experiencing one’s own pleasure are critiqued.

The overall argument is that true satisfaction comes from both partners authentically experiencing their own sexuality together as equals, not taking on subservient gender roles or focusing on performance and pleasing the other person. Inhibition and fear are seen as barriers to mutual fulfillment.

The play Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee portrays the relationship between Martha and George, a married couple. Martha is ambitious and sexually aggressive, dominating George who is more passive. Martha seems to identify more with her father than her husband.

Throughout the play, Martha and George refer strangely to a son they are supposed to have. It becomes clear this son is a fiction they have maintained for years. The author believes this fictional son actually refers to George’s penis, which Martha feels entitled to control.

This dynamic in their relationship reflects tendencies toward homosexuality. Martha takes on masculine traits like dominance, while George remains passive. They lack intimacy and respect. Their marriage seems to be based more on this shared fiction than emotional connection.

The play uses their dysfunctional relationship to showcase how adopting strictly masculine or feminine gender roles can undermine intimacy between partners. It promotes the idea that for a healthy heterosexual marriage, both partners must be able to assert their own desires and personalities, without complete dominance or submission.

This passage discusses the importance of mutual respect between men and women in heterosexual relationships. Some key points:

  • Respecting each other as equals, acknowledging differences, is important for sexual satisfaction and avoiding unhealthy behaviors like sadomasochism.

  • Respect means not dominating or infantilizing the other person. Women should not try to “make a man” out of a man, and men should not take a paternalistic role toward women.

  • Respect comes from respecting one’s own body and sexuality, as well as the other person’s. Losing this respect often starts from lack of nurturing physical contact as an infant.

  • Early parenting practices around breastfeeding and physical pleasure can shape a child’s feelings about their body and sexuality. Both physical and oral contact with the mother are important.

  • Western culture has promoted an artificial dichotomy between sexuality and higher values/culture. In reality, healthy cultural engagement and sexuality are intertwined and enrich each other.

  • A truly heterosexual person sees sexuality as part of their whole identity, not something compartmentalized. They can express sexuality freely without need for escapism or “proving” something.

  • Mutual respect between partners allows a coming together as equals, enabling full sexual satisfaction and potency rather than neurosis or dysfunction. It describes an ideal type of healthy relationship.

The passage discusses the psychosexual development of individuals in three periods: pregenital, latent, and genital.

The pregenital period lasts from birth to around age 6. During this time, the child develops motor coordination and establishes genital primacy as the source of pleasure. Masturbation occurs but is not aimed at climax.

Around age 6, the child becomes aware of their genitals and engages in infantile sex play and curiosity. This signals the end of the pregenital period as the child becomes psychologically weaned from the mother.

The latent period follows where sexual interest decreases. The genital period begins at puberty when sexual maturity is attained.

The psychosexual development differs for males and females. Factors like masturbation, relationships, and attitudes toward the body and sexuality are influenced by this developmental process. Fulfillment of needs in the pregenital period is important for healthy development and avoidance of fixation at that stage.

  • In the pregenital stage (ages 0-6), there are no functional differences between males and females. Children are primarily sexually undifferentiated and focused on developing their personality and sense of self.

  • Traumatic experiences during this stage like lack of affection, forced physical contact, or disregarding a child’s feelings can be psychologically harmful.

  • Around ages 5-6, the Oedipus complex emerges where children begin recognizing their own gender identities and develop sexual feelings towards the parent of the opposite sex.

  • In latency (ages 6-puberty), sexual interest subsides as children focus on learning skills for adulthood. Masturbation or sexual play may occur if earlier issues were unresolved.

  • During puberty/adolescence, males and females develop primary sex characteristics. Males experience increasing genital focus/function while females experience internalization of sexual feelings related to biological changes. This marks the beginning of the genital stage of psychosexual development.

This summary aims to objectively describe the development of sexuality from an early developmental perspective. Key points include:

  • Genital and vaginal feelings intensify after puberty for females as energy flows inward, whereas for pre-pubescent females this distinction is absent.

  • A distinction emerges between superficial and deep responses for mature females due to strong, deep vaginal feelings only triggered by full penis penetration.

  • The clitoris retains sensitivity in mature females but its importance is reduced compared to vaginal feelings.

  • Family/societal influences can impact this natural inward turning if femininity is devalued, diverting energy outward and fixing arousal on the clitoris alone.

  • Vaginal sensitivity is an emotional/sexual phenomenon mobilized via movement in intercourse, not just touch sensitivity like the clitoris. Only penis-vagina interaction enables full orgastic discharge.

  • Male outward energy flow and musculature impact initiation, pursuit roles in sexual relations on average compared to female reception roles, though both have individual variations.

The summary aims to describe typical developmental patterns while acknowledging individual differences and complex influences on sexuality.

The passage distinguishes between sensuality and sexuality. Sensuality refers to an emphasis on sensory stimulation and prolonged excitation during sexual activity. The sensualist strives to prolong arousal for as long as possible. Sexuality, on the other hand, aims for satisfaction and fulfillment through orgasm and the release of excitation.

While sexuality does involve sensual pleasure, the focus is on building arousal to a climax and release through orgasm. The sexual experience has two phases - arousal through stimulation, and release through movement and orgasm. For most people these phases blend together, but some can fixate on just arousal or release.

Pleasure results from the release of tension according to Freud. The greater the tension and the faster its release, the more pleasure is experienced. Examples include relieving hunger and bowel movements.

So in summary, sensuality prioritizes prolonged arousal while sexuality seeks satisfaction through climax. The passage aims to distinguish these approaches to the sexual experience.

  • Pleasure can be derived from both the buildup of tension/excitation as well as the release/discharge of that tension. This is known as “anticipatory pleasure” during the excitation phase and orgasmic pleasure during the release phase.

  • Freud’s notion of pleasure as simply tension discharge has been expanded to recognize that organisms can experience pleasure even in states of tension, as long as release/discharge is anticipated.

  • Sexual pleasure follows this same model, with anticipation/forepleasure building arousal and tension, which is itself pleasurable if release is expected, and orgasm providing the release/discharge pleasure.

  • “Sensuality” focuses too much on prolonged excitation and anticipation rather than seeking the resolution of tension through discharge/orgasm. It prioritizes sensory pleasure over full sexual/orgasmic experience.

  • Movement, excitation and discharge are natural energetic processes that living organisms undergo, and sexual desire depends on the existence of excess bodily energy becoming focused in the genitals through stimulation.

The passage contrasts sensuality and sexuality. Sensuality is limited to surface-level physical excitement and ignores intimacy, privacy, and deeper feelings. It leads to a never-ending search for more extreme stimulation as excitement fades. Orgies and excessive foreplay risk missing the satisfaction of orgasm.

Sensuality involves a fear of intimacy and committing fully to sex and love. It is associated with feeling unalive, emotionally repressed, and physically unresponsive. These individuals use sex compulsively to feel excitement or aliveness temporarily.

Fear of the strong involuntary feelings of orgasm, called “orgasm anxiety,” also contributes to a sensual rather than sexual attitude. Though pleasure is normally not something to fear, individuals can associate it with guilt from sexual repression. Patients report consciously controlling excitement to avoid being overwhelmed.

Psychologically, orgasm anxiety stems from repressed negative and hostile feelings from one’s upbringing. These feelings are walled off by a polite, adjusted surface personality. Breaking through to deeper feelings of love and sexuality threatens to mobilize powerful repressed fears and anxieties. Physically, orgasm anxiety is an inability to tolerate strong excitation due to chronic muscle tension and rigidity in the body. Resolving this tension can increase sexual pleasure.

This passage discusses negative feelings, sexual impotence, and theories around sexuality and sensuality. Some key points:

  • Negative feelings can lead to erectile impotence in men and frigidity in women, by negatively impacting their surface personality layer.

  • It’s relatively simple to distinguish between erectile vs orgasmic impotence in men, but women’s sexuality is more complex to assess. Lubrication does not necessarily indicate absence of frigidity.

  • The concept of “frigidity” is often misused, especially by men trying to seduce women. Lack of arousal with one partner is not evidence of overall lack of sexuality.

  • Sensuality refers to a passive, pleasure-seeking orientation focused on oral gratification. It stems from oral fixation due to deprivation or overindulgence as a child.

  • Sexuality requires maturity and ability to assertively achieve satisfaction. Excessive focus on genitality can also hide fears of sensuality.

  • Rigidity is a defense against feelings and collapse into infantile behavior. It suppresses sensuality and feelings, destroying self-fulfillment.

  • Orgastic potency was an important concept introduced by Reich, referring to ability to fully discharge sexual excitement and tension, leaving no energy for neurosis. Healthy individuals are orgastically potent.

  • Reich argued that the capacity for orgasmic experience is an important part of emotional health. However, there is debate around whether neurotic patients are incapable of orgasm.

  • Reich’s view was that only to the degree a patient’s sexual function improved through therapy could they integrate insights from therapy. And he found a correlation between neurotic disturbances and lack of sexual fulfillment.

  • There is disagreement on what constitutes a “satisfactory sexual life” and what exactly qualifies as an orgasm. Reich defined orgasm as a total release and fulfillment, not just any climax.

  • The orgasmic experience can vary between individuals and situations. A key element is the physical feeling of satisfaction. Moans/groans don’t necessarily indicate pleasure.

  • Satisfaction implies total commitment to the sexual act and partner. Fantasies or distractions indicate a lack of commitment.

  • For Reich, orgasm involved the total participation of the body in pleasurable involuntary movements, distinguishing it from homosexuality or genital-only climaxes.

  • Orgasm provides the deepest, most satisfying expression of love through a joyful, unrestrained release coming from the heart. True sexuality is characterized by joyfulness.

  • The passage discusses partial and full orgasms. A partial orgasm provides some release but is not fully satisfying physically. It can be rewarding for women who have never experienced climax.

  • It is difficult to definitively say whether someone has experienced an orgasm, as it is a subjective experience. Ego factors like feeling successful after seducing a partner can distort perceptions.

  • The normal sexual act progresses through foreplay, penetration, and movements building to climax. During penetration both partners feel relaxation and a sense of completeness/filling.

  • Voluntary movements synchronize breathing and pelvis to build pleasurable sensations. Control shifts from mind to pelvis. Deeper penetration and friction mark increased involuntary tempo toward climax.

  • Orgasm begins with contractions in genital muscles. The body convulses in pleasurable waves as sensations melt and flow downward. For men it includes ejaculatory pulsations, while women experience parallel sensations without ejaculation. The orgasm involves total body response and ejaculation for men.

  • An orgasm can involve involuntary muscular contractions without ejaculation of semen, or vice versa. A full orgasm requires both involuntary contractions and ejaculation/pulsation.

  • For women, the counterpart to ejaculation is rhythmic vaginal muscle contractions, which men feel as “pumping” of the penis. Both responses are intensified if orgasm is simultaneous.

  • During orgasm, there is a loss of ego consciousness and a sense of merging/unity with one’s partner and the universe. Orgasm can be experienced as a symbolic rebirth or renewal.

  • Movement, not just sensation, is key to achieving orgasm. Involuntary whole-body contractions are required for full release and satisfaction. Voluntary movements alone cannot achieve orgasm.

  • The body functions like a bow and arrow during sex - pelvic movements flex and charge the body, building tension until involuntary release/orgasm. Rigidity or weak integration can impair this.

  • For full “bow” function, the ego and contact with the ground must anchor the body to withstand increasing tension before release. Underdeveloped egos may prematurely “let go” without building sufficient tension.

  • Voluntary sexual movements follow the “reality principle” and are purposeful, controlled and coordinated. They involve flexing the body like a bow to build tension.

  • Involuntary orgasmic movements follow the “pleasure principle.” They are spontaneous expressions of feeling that aim to immediately discharge built-up tension. During orgasm the movements reverse from being ego-directed to being directed by pelvic sensations.

  • Orgasmic movements resemble those of an infant in being random, uncoordinated expressions of feeling rather than goal-oriented. They allow a person to temporarily overcome feelings of isolation.

  • Passive experiences like meditation can also help overcome isolation but do not actively involve the total body in movement the way orgasm does.

  • Orgasmic experiences are described as “being moved from within,” feeling part of something greater, glowing, luminous, a feeling of rebirth and renewal as rigidities dissolve. It is a creative experience.

  • In orgasm one reverts to a more primal type of movement that was at the origin of one’s being, driven by life’s deepest forces rather than ego-control.

The passage discusses orgastic impotence, or the inability to achieve a satisfying orgasm, in males. It argues this is primarily due to fears and anxieties around fully surrendering to movements and sensations during sex.

Two criteria determine if a climax is truly orgasmic - subjective experience of physical satisfaction, and objective involvement of the total body in a coordinated response. Orgasmic potency issues are related to taboos and anxieties surrounding sexual movement.

The dialogue illustrates some of the cultural distortions that view movement during sex negatively. The woman was taught it was “bad” to openly seek pleasure, and that she should “lie still” so others won’t know. While she enjoys movement with attraction to a partner, she still feels embarrassment and shame at times. Overall the passage argues that limiting movement and surrender due to internalized social restrictions can inhibit truly orgasmic experiences.

The person views movement and engagement during sex as inauthentic and done more to impress or stimulate their partner rather than for their own pleasure. They see it as “work” rather than an expression of care or intimacy.

They believe it is difficult to truly let go and move freely during sex because of underlying issues like past bad sexual experiences, neuroses, or lack of fulfillment/satisfaction. Moving for one’s own pleasure requires a level of self-confidence, freedom from inhibitions, and autonomy that they have yet to achieve.

Their comments suggest they often do not fully enjoy sex or experience orgasm. When sex is over, the other person usually leaves, leaving them feeling empty. They seem dissatisfied and confused by what sex means to them personally.

In general, the person seems to lack a fully affirmative view of sexuality and intimacy. Unresolved emotional issues appear to be getting in the way of experiencing sex in a self-affirming, caring way that could lead to greater fulfillment and pleasure for both partners.

  • Premature ejaculation stems from a man’s unconscious fear of being sexually aggressive toward women due to early experiences with his mother.

  • This manifests as a fear of the sexual movements involved in intercourse. Men with this issue tend to have rigid, tense bodies that cannot hold sexual excitement.

  • They unconsciously view the sexual thrust as a hostile or sadistic act of piercing/raping the woman. This is associated with castration anxieties and repressed hostility toward females in general.

  • The “virtuous” or “good” man personality type seen in these men is actually a defense mechanism against negative feelings toward women stemming from early childhood frustrations in erotic gratification from the mother.

  • Their virtue, concern over pleasing women, and idealization of women are all ways of covering underlying contempt, hostility, and insecurity in their masculinity.

  • Treatment should aim to release muscle tensions, help face underlying fears and hostilities, and encourage free movement during sex rather than inhibition, in order to reduce overexcitation and prolong arousal.

  • Premature ejaculation (prematurity) can be avoided if the entire body is actively engaged during sex, rather than focusing tension and strain on the genitals alone. Sex should take place in a relaxed environment without fear of being heard.

  • Another form of male orgasmic dysfunction is delayed ejaculation (ejaculatio retardans), where ejaculation is restrained or only occurs after excitement has subsided, resulting in a weak climax without satisfaction.

  • Normal intercourse time ranges from 3-20 minutes, depending on factors like age, level of arousal, and frequency. Delayed ejaculation can prolong sex to 30 minutes or more.

  • A case study is presented of a man named Paul who suffered from delayed ejaculation and chronic headaches. His sexual encounters with his wife lasted 1-2 hours but lacked satisfaction for him. His headaches were linked to suppressed sexual feelings and tension.

  • Therapy helped reduce Paul’s tension, headaches, and dependence, but he struggled to assert himself and had an unresolved resentment toward his wife and family. He both wanted to be taken care of like a child but also wanted independence.

  • Paul struggled to balance functioning like a responsible adult with his desire to regress to being an infant dependent on his mother. Neither approach was successful.

  • He was obsessively focused on proving his masculinity through sex with his wife, maintaining erections for long periods and believing he gave her pleasure.

  • When he lost his sexual feelings and became depressed, he retreated into fantasies of his wife being with other men or his therapist.

  • His relationship with his wife mirrored his relationship with his idealized mother, whom he never said anything negative about.

  • His inability to climax or lose erection was a way to “serve” and challenge his wife to prove she couldn’t defeat him, though this led to futility.

  • His physical rigidity and inability to relax his pelvis paralleled his inability to fully “let go” sexually. Light tapping helped release this tension.

  • His issues stemmed from blocked genital aggression and strong castration anxieties, leading to masochistic submission to avoid this fear.

  • His problems oscillated between attempts to be an adult and wishes to regress as an infant dependent on his mother/wife sexually and non-sexually.

  • Kinsey’s research found that about 20% of males experience little to no feeling during orgasm.

  • Around 45% experience some muscle tension or twitching in parts of the body but no aftereffects. This is a partial orgasm response but not a full orgasm.

  • Around 15-20% experience more intense muscular tension and rigidity throughout the body accompanied by breath holding, eye movements, etc. but still no marked aftereffects.

  • Small percentages experience reactions like laughter, pain/fear, hysteria or panic.

  • Kinsey confused these physiological responses with orgasm itself. True orgasm involves pleasure, not just physical reactions. Many men experience fear or inability to fully surrender and experience a true orgasm due to unconscious fears and hostility towards women.

This passage discusses the different types of orgasms that women can experience - clitoral vs. vaginal. Some key points:

  • Some women are only able to achieve orgasm through clitoral stimulation, not vaginal penetration alone. But they feel this is less fulfilling than a vaginal orgasm.

  • Clitoral orgasms are seen as more “surface-level” and not as deeply satisfying or releasing as vaginal orgasms. Vaginal orgasms involve a feeling of fullness and relaxation.

  • The author argues vaginal orgasms are not solely dependent on vaginal stimulation or anatomy, but involve a total body response and feeling of intimacy. They can potentially be achieved through clitoral stimulation if combined with the appropriate sexual movements.

  • Some sexologists argue clitoral and vaginal orgasms are essentially the same since the clitoris is more sensitive. But women’s descriptions support the experience of vaginal orgasms as deeper and more fulfilling.

  • Tactile stimulation alone is not the cause of arousal - the emotional/feeling component is important. Vaginal orgasms involve a feeling of love versus just mechanical stimulation.

In summary, it discusses different female orgasm experiences and argues vaginal orgasms are deeper and more psychologically/emotionally satisfying than clitoral alone. Tactile stimulation is not the sole factor - emotional intimacy is important.

  • Freud and others viewed clitoral orgasm as a sign of immaturity and argued that sexuality should fully transfer to the vagina in mature women. However, the clitoris does not actually lose sensitivity in adult women.

  • While orgasm can be achieved through masturbation or clitoral stimulation, most women prefer full vaginal penetration and intercourse as a richer experience that allows for intimacy and sharing of feelings with a partner.

  • Arguments that clitoral and vaginal orgasms are equally physiological fail to account for the emotional and subjective experience differences. Lab studies cannot replicate real-life intimate experiences.

  • Anatomically, the clitoris is homologous to the penis but functionally insignificant compared to the vagina, which allows for full body contact and penetration during intercourse. Relying solely on clitoral orgasm represents an inability to sexually accept oneself as a woman.

  • The case example provided illustrates how a woman’s inability to achieve vaginal orgasm correlated with immaturity and disturbances in her overall personality and sexuality. Full maturity involves developing the ability to receive a partner through vaginal embrace and mutual orgasm.

  • The woman describes her past two marriages. Her first husband was dishonest, irresponsible, and their relationship was superficial. The sex was frequent but never satisfying.

  • Her current husband is sensitive and honest, but their sex life is brief and less sensual than before. She wants a deeper emotional connection.

  • When asked to draw figures of a man and woman, she portrayed them as immature and vacant. The woman had a sneer, reflecting feelings of scorn and lack of fulfillment.

  • Her first husband had a psychopathic personality. She was attracted to him due to an immature desire to care for him, lacking self-worth and independence.

  • As a child, she was very passive and submissive due to overbearing mother who treated her like a doll. Her mother also gave her frequent enemas, conditioning fear and pain around penetration.

  • This early experience led to resentment of penetration during sex, only finding release through domination of relationships while maintaining a facade of devotion. She had unconscious contempt for men and submission during sex.

  • May had difficulty achieving vaginal orgasm and focused solely on clitoral stimulation during sex with her husband. This reinforced feelings of sexual immaturity and inferiority in her.

  • May’s sexual issues stemmed from an inability to separate her roles as mother/caregiver and sexual partner to her husband. She saw sex as submitting to a man’s desires rather than an experience to be shared mutually.

  • Doris also struggled to orgasm during sex and felt “empty” inside. She had ambivalent feelings about her femininity and sometimes wished she was male.

  • Both women’s difficulties achieving orgasm (orgastic impotence) were related to unresolved psychological tensions and physical muscle tensions in their pelvic areas that restricted movement.

  • Through therapy including addressing early life experiences, psychological interpretations of dreams/fantasies, and physical exercise, both women were able to gain insights into their issues and make progress in resolving their sexual difficulties. The analysis explored how their upbringings and views of gender/sexuality shaped their neurotic attitudes that contributed to orgastic impotence.

This summary discusses Doris’s childhood issues that impacted her ability to achieve orgasm as an adult:

  • She had fantasies of having a sexual relationship with her father and becoming pregnant by him, likely due to feeling her father could not be trusted.

  • She struggled with conflicts between her desire to let go during sex vs feeling the need to “keep her head” and remain in control.

  • She had an inability to relax her abdomen and had always felt the need to suck it in, connected to fears her abdomen would reveal she was pregnant even though she wasn’t.

  • Her inability to achieve orgasm was connected to fears of “letting go” and something embarrassing coming out, reflecting a childhood fear of releasing fecal matter and it making a mess.

  • Issues with swallowing and biting were also connected to fears of becoming pregnant by taking something in orally.

  • Therapy helped uncover these deep-seated issues and how Doris used sexuality as a way to find love, reflecting the confused example set by her parents. Resolving these childhood conflicts ultimately helped Doris progress in her ability to experience sexual pleasure and intimacy.

The passage discusses two major life events that led to positive changes for Doris. First, she became aware of feeling tired and needing to pay more attention to her physical well-being. This helped her focus on herself and strengthen her sense of independence. It also led to her first experience of orgasm through masturbation.

The second event was losing her job of many years, which gave her a sense of freedom and relief. For the first time, she did not need to work and could “let go” of herself. In the context of her new outlook, she started experiencing orgasms during sex, though not fully. Her relationship with an understanding young man also helped her development as a woman.

Overall, Doris had blossomed into a very different, happier and more confident person. She now focused on self-care like nutrition, sleep and exercise after neglecting herself. The passage emphasizes that genuine change for Doris came through slow personal growth, not magical transformation. Deeper resolution of conflicts was needed for her to fully achieve orgasmic potency.

  • Primitive societies had a “participation mystique” where individuals saw themselves as part of a collective group rather than distinct individuals. The emergence of the ego led to distinctions like self/other, male/female.

  • Knowledge of male role in procreation contributed to overthrow of matriarchal systems where women were seen as the generative principle.

  • Development of metal tools and ability to produce surplus food through agriculture enabled control over nature and establishment of private property, shifting power to masculine domain.

  • Double standard served to ensure male heirs and property inheritance, offering psychological guarantee of power transfer through generations. It split female roles into sexual object and mother confined to domesticity.

  • In ancient Greece, confinement of women led to male homosexual attachments or visits to courtesans, reflecting a societal misogyny. Religious and secular prostitution were common.

So in summary, it traces the development of patriarchal societies from primitive participation mystique through emergence of agriculture/technology, private property, and double standards around sexuality and gender roles.

  • Many ancient Greek cities like Corinth had thousands of dedicated prostitutes who attracted tourists and made the cities wealthy. There were also independent prostitutes.

  • Most hetaerae (high-class courtesans) were slaves or from poor families. While some were musically talented, their main value was as sexual objects.

  • In ancient Greek culture, women were viewed primarily as objects for sex or motherhood. This attitude began to change somewhat later but still influences modern views.

  • Growth of individuality came at the expense of others’ rights, like slaves. Two forces tried to address this - Christianity’s concept of love, and romantic love which ennobled women.

  • Women have four principal roles - sexual object, sister, romantic ideal, mother. These represent stages of development - daughter, sister, sweetheart, mother. Arrest at an early stage can fixate one’s personality on that role.

  • Lack of parental love can lead women to adopt the role of a psychological or actual prostitute as a way to deny need for love and project it onto others through pseudorelationships and viewing all men as needing/desiring them. This is an inability to form normal relationships.

This passage provides a psychological analysis of prostitution and promiscuous behavior. Some key points:

  • Professional prostitutes repress their need for love and act out negative feelings towards men through antisocial behaviors. Psychological prostitutes repress rebellion and act out their need for love through promiscuous relationships.

  • Laura is presented as a case study of a “psychological prostitute”. She gave herself freely to men without demanding anything in return, drifting from relationship to relationship.

  • Laura’s background involved an overclose relationship with her father and emotional distance from her mother. Her promiscuity is seen as a way of searching for her lost father.

  • Laura was fixated at the “daughter stage” due to an unresolved Oedipus complex. She clung to the role of “daddy’s little girl” and sought to fulfill men’s needs through submission, unable to progress to mature sexual relationships.

  • Laura’s frigidity is attributed to muscular rigidity in her pelvis from an inability to resolve her inner psychological conflicts. She was unable to fully “let go” during sex.

  • All women have an inherent awareness of their ability to satisfy men sexually, according to their nature, though this must develop healthily through normal childhood development. Laura’s behavior echoed that of a prostitute trying to fill an inner emptiness through consuming men.

The passage describes the “sisterly relationship” some women have with their male partners. These women see themselves more as companions and helpmates rather than sexually. Their relationships stem from unresolved childhood issues, particularly with their mothers. They formed closer bonds with their fathers as children but repressed sexual feelings due to the mother’s dominance.

As adults, sisterly women seek male partners they can sympathize with and boost the ego of, mirroring their role with their fathers. However, this comes from a place of contempt, as it diminishes the man’s authority. The relationships are based on feelings of helplessness rather than passion. This dynamic stems from fears related to their mothers and conflicting desires to both support and compete with their partners. The sisterly attitude represents an incomplete resolution of childhood psychosexual problems.

  • The “sisterly woman” identifies unconsciously with her domineering mother and feels superior to/resents the man’s weakness, subtly dominating the relationship in a masculine-aggressive way.

  • She is limited to clitoral orgasm requiring her partner’s cooperation, taking on a quasi-homosexual quality.

  • The “romantic-ideal” woman relates to men sexually but fears being possessed, keeping her virginity/purity on some level. Her psychosexual development is arrested at 16-18 due to an unresolved Oedipus complex.

  • She dissociates feelings of love and sexuality due to parental conditioning making sex taboo. This produces hysterical reactions in some.

  • As a wife, the romantic ideal fades, creating loss of sexual excitement. She remains flirtatious/seductive with others for romantic stimulation.

  • Physically, she may have tensions/rigidities reflecting sexual rejection by her father and need for independence/not being possessed.

So in summary, it discusses two female personality types - “sisterly” and “romantic ideal” - and their dynamics regarding sexuality, relationships, and potential psychological/physical issues stemming from their backgrounds.

This summary covers Carol’s journey in psychotherapy to overcome rigid defenses that stemmed from her relationship with her father. Some key points:

  • Carol had a close relationship with her father as a young girl but he denied her need for tenderness and affection, seeing her only in terms of his own image. This denied her sexuality.

  • In therapy, physical exercises helped Carol connect tensions in her body to blocks against surrendering to strong sexual feelings. Expressing anger physically also helped release repressed hostility towards men.

  • Insights led Carol to understand she saw masculinity as powerful and femininity as weak, due to her relationship with her father. Accepting her anger allowed her to yield sexually without feeling threatened.

  • The summary also discusses Ruth’s case, how she took on a mothering role with her husband due to her close bond with her father as a child, sitting in his lap and feeling safest with him. This dynamic contributed to issues in her marriage.

Overall it describes how early relationships with fathers can shape neurotic tendencies and sexual roles that play out negatively in adulthood relationships. Expressing repressed emotions was key to overcoming those dynamics.

  • Ruth grew up in a home where she was very close to her father but antagonistic towards her mother. This led to an unresolved Oedipus complex.

  • As a young girl, Ruth was seen as very mature and dependable for her age but physically awkward, taking after her father’s appearance. This precocious maturity may have been related to avoiding sexual feelings for her father.

  • When Ruth was 13, her mother had another baby but hemorrhaged a week later. Ruth took on the primary caregiver role for the baby, indicating her willingness to assume her mother’s role.

  • Therapy revealed Ruth still had deep affection for her father and feared sexual feelings would lead to rejection. She tended to be attracted to “misunderstood” men she could mother.

  • Having a sexual experience caused Ruth great distress, crying out for her “Daddy.” This showed her unresolved feelings and desire for her father’s protection as a child.

  • Ruth took on a mother/martyr role as defense against being seen as a sexual object. This allowed focusing on caring for others over her own needs and sexuality.

Based on the summaries provided:

  1. A good example of the personality that develops when emotional growth is arrested at the level of the son is seen in the individual known as the son-lover. The son-lover accepts himself on an infantile level of omnipotence but rejects his right to possess either the female or money. This reflects his underlying conflict between acceptance and rejection of himself.

  2. The brother-protector’s personality reflects arrest at the brother role. His underlying conflict is between aggression and passivity - he uses aggression for the benefit of the woman while his own needs remain unsatisfied, forcing a passive position towards the female and matters of money/power.

  3. The knight-hero figure reflects arrest at the adolescent knight role. His conflict is between surrender and resistance to the female - an inability to surrender prevents mature relationships and leaves him fixated in adolescent attitudes around sex anddemonstrating his ego through money.

  4. The authoritarian father personality reflects arrest at the father role. His underlying conflict is between dominance and submission - he dominates his family compulsively while submitting to the sexual morality of his own father and those with power above him.

  • A playboy is someone who dissipates both their money and sexual energies in an immature way through excessive sensual pleasures like alcohol and promiscuous sex.

  • This behavior stems from an inability to contain excitation/tension and a need to rid themselves of guilt, often related to masturbation during childhood.

  • The expression “pissing it away” indicates squandering money in pursuit of pleasure to relieve tension, not finding satisfaction. Similarly, playboys have indiscriminate sex more as a means of tension relief than finding fulfillment.

  • This behavior is characteristic not just of the “jet set” but also of alcoholics who waste money on drink, showing an underlying inability to constructively hold or use money/sexual feelings.

  • This relates to issues of sexual guilt stemming from infantile masturbation which was viewed negatively. Some substitute urination as a way to indirectly touch themselves sexually.

  • Playboy tendencies often stem from a developmental arrest at the “son” stage where one remains attached to their mother and fearful/resentful towards their father. This prevents normal ego development and fixation at an immature level.

  • The “brother” type can hold down a job but not achieve high success, as that implies power/dominance over women like a father figure. They lack sexual fulfillment due to seeing women as siblings rather than partners.

  • Robert realizes he has issues with money stemming from his childhood, where money was seen as dirty and politics was equated with nasty behavior. His family never had much money.

  • He lets his wife handle all financial matters and avoids thinking about money. While he likes earning money now, he used to talk himself out of raises due to mixed feelings.

  • Robert revealed he rarely spends money on himself despite a good income. He turns money over to his wife to satisfy his wants and desires.

  • Robert’s inability to spend on himself reflects guilt over self-indulgence and masturbation. He feels guilty about masturbating.

  • By giving his wife financial responsibility, Robert also handed her the obligation to satisfy his sexual needs. This was the basis for his complaint about her lack of responsiveness.

  • In one respect, Robert sees himself as the big brother who earns money and protects his wife, but in another way he sees himself as the little brother who looks to her to provide for his needs.

  • Robert’s lack of identification with his father and fear of his father’s temper led him to identify with his mother against his father as a boy. This fixed him in a brother relationship with women.

  • Only by asserting his manhood could Robert achieve the sexual relationship he desired. Having power, like wealth, enhances a man’s sexual attractiveness according to Freudian theory.

Here is a summary of the key points about the character and traits of the neurotic father type male:

  • Resolves the Oedipus complex by identifying with his strict, authoritarian father rather than rebelling against him. This leads to neurotic identification with the father role.

  • Goal is power and authority, often in the form of accumulating money and wealth. Relationships are based on asserting control rather than equality.

  • Anal-sadistic personality structure due to harsh toilet training involving physical punishments like spanking by the father. This leads to compulsiveness, obstinacy, orderliness and parsimony with money.

  • Rigidity stems from inhibited sexual feelings and drive for power. Resists self-gratification and intimacy in relationships in favor of ambitious pursuit of status and wealth.

  • Adopts patriarchal views of women as subordinate sexual objects or controlling mothers. Strives to gain father-like power and control over wife and children through financial dominance.

So in summary, the neurotic father type male develops from a harsh Oedipus complex where he identifies with the authoritarian father rather than challenging him, leading to a compulsive pursuit of power, wealth and control in relationships as substitutes for intimacy.

This passage discusses the association of money with sexual power and fertilizing power in human cultural development. Some key points:

  • Early humans associated sexuality with fertility/fertilizing power in magic rituals. This was later replaced by the fertilizing power of excrement, which became associated with gold and money in the human psyche.

  • The fear of “spending” money relates to the fear of “spending oneself” through orgasm and ejaculation, seen as depletion. Religious texts like the story of Onan supported this view of ejaculation as a loss of power.

  • Productivity and wealth became emphasized goals that displaced physical pleasure and joy. Relationships lost personal meaning. Some men sought affairs or called girls as compensation for loss of pleasure.

  • The double standard operates differently for men, who can claim sexual superiority as proof of masculinity, intellect, etc. Sexuality provides a basis for power over women as objects to be acted upon. This dissociates love from sex and power from sexuality in conflicted ways.

  • Double standards also create conflicts around work, family roles, discipline, and forming unified personal identities for men. Overall it analyzes how cultural ideas shaped associations between money, sexuality, power and gender roles for men.

  • There is currently confusion about modern sexual values as traditional morality breaks down but no new consensus has emerged. Some see sexuality as a path to fulfillment and social salvation amid an increasingly industrialized world.

  • Others worry this will lead to a “scientific objectivism” that reduces sex to a formula, stripping it of meaning. There is a danger of developing a neurotic preoccupation with orgasm as a means rather than an end.

  • Orgasm represents emotional health when it unifies consciousness, unconsciousness, ego, body, affection and aggression. Most modern people lack this unity and full orgasmic experience. But orgasm itself does not resolve personal problems.

  • The basic conflict is between man’s rational and animal nature, the ego and sexuality. Western culture overly emphasizes the ego and intellect, negating the truth and needs of the body.

  • Sexual difficulties stem from physical tensions and rigidities in the body that parallel emotional issues. Popular thinking separates body and mind but they are interconnected.

  • To know the “truth of the body” means being aware of one’s physical state, tensions, movements and impulses rather than denying the body’s reality through rationalization or masking feelings. Integrating body and mind is key to resolving modern conflicts around sexuality and personal fulfillment.

The passage discusses the relationship between emotions, the body, and sexuality. It says anger may not be felt due to muscle tension, and orgasm expresses love for a partner. It argues that saying “I love you” often indicates a need for love rather than a true feeling of love in the body.

Tension in the chest, diaphragm, shoulders, belly, and buttocks can interfere with fully experiencing sexuality and love. Masculine postures that emphasize control over feelings reduce orgastic potency. Modern society’s focus on rationality disconnects people from their natural bodily feelings.

Reich proposed a morality based on “genital self-regulation,” where fully experiencing sexuality and orgasm results in healthier attitudes and behaviors without moral compulsion. However, centuries of sexual repression have created a societal fear of freedom and pleasure that has made self-regulation difficult to achieve. While the ideal of self-regulation founded on orgastic potency is logical, it has not proven practicable as a therapeutic tool. Sexuality depends on health of the whole body, not just genital function. A truly healthy individual can explore creative living, of which fully experiencing sexuality is a key part.

The passage discusses the concept of health and sexuality. It argues that true health involves having a vital, coordinated body that one fully identifies with (i.e. no dissociation between ego and body). Neurotic individuals tend to have dead or frozen parts of their body, leading to an incapacity for full sexual enjoyment and climax. This dissociation from their body is what causes their neurosis.

It notes that the problem for homosexuals is not their genital sexuality per se, but their dissociation from the rest of their body. This traps them in their perversion since they believe genital feeling alone is the key to life. In reality, only reconnecting with their full bodily feelings can free them from the fears preventing a relationship with a woman.

More broadly, it argues that being truly in touch with one’s body and feelings prevents lying, as lying creates internal tension that dissociated people are unaware of. It promotes the idea of founding an internal morality based on self-knowledge and self-acceptance that incorporates the truths of one’s body. The sexually mature person it describes respects themselves and others, and has an “open heart” through overcoming fears to fully love and be loved in return. Overall it links psychological health to reconnecting the mind and body.

I do not have access to the full text of Genesis chapter 39 to summarize. Could you please provide a brief high-level summary of the key events in the chapter instead of page-by-page summaries?

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About Matheus Puppe