Self Help

Millionaire Success Habits - Dean Graziosi

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Matheus Puppe

· 49 min read
  • Dean Graziosi wrote this book to share the habits that took him from struggling to great success, hoping to make an impact on readers’ lives. The book has become a global bestseller.

  • Graziosi shares the story of “J.P.”, who grew up poor with a single mother, was in a gang, and was told by a teacher he would never amount to anything. But J.P. developed success habits like doing his best at every job, which led to raises and better opportunities.

  • The book will show you how to adopt success habits in small, gradual shifts in your daily routines. These habits can bring wealth and abundance whether you are an entrepreneur, business owner, executive, investor, employee or just starting out.

  • While focused on financial success, the methods can also improve other areas like family, friends, and health. Success habits lead to fulfillment and achievement.

  • Graziosi will share principles, recipes and exercises to give you a competitive edge and catapult you to the next level. By replacing habits that don’t serve you with positive new ones, you can create a path to the life you want.

  • John Paul DeJoria started with very little, overcame homelessness and adversity, and built hugely successful companies through developing positive habits like persistence, vision, doing his best, and staying positive.

  • DeJoria advises young entrepreneurs to believe in themselves, follow their instincts, and take risks. His story shows that where you start in life doesn’t determine where you can end up.

  • Developing the right success habits can put you on a path to achieving your goals, no matter your circumstances. The book aims to provide these success “recipes” in an easy-to-follow way.

  • The author relates how his own struggles with dyslexia as a child led him to become a visual, audible learner who can create simple success recipes for others to follow, unlike traditional trial-and-error approaches.

  • Following proven recipes for success can save time compared to figuring things out from scratch. The book promises to share the author’s recipes for success habits that allowed him and others to achieve breakthroughs.

  • There is a growing gap between productivity and wages - people are working harder and accomplishing more, but incomes are not keeping up. This leads to financial stress.

  • The middle class is shrinking as the gap between the top 1% of earners and everyone else continues to widen. Income inequality is increasing.

  • Even those considered “middle class” are feeling squeezed financially. The definition of middle class has changed.

  • New habits and strategies are needed to become financially bulletproof in the face of these economic changes.

  • The book aims to provide recipes - simple shifts in habits - that can help anyone achieve greater success and wealth, regardless of their starting point. Small changes to routines can yield big results.

  • The time is right for changing habits and mindsets to take control of your financial future. Don’t wait for a “break” - create it yourself through the strategies outlined.

  • Success habits, when made routine, are the fastest path to reaching your goals. The book shares universal principles used by the wealthy and successful.

  • It’s not your fault you feel stuck. But you have the power to make changes through new millionaire success habits.

Here are the key points from the text:

  • The traditional definition of the middle class may not match people’s lived experiences. Many feel unfulfilled despite financial stability. We need to redefine what it means to have a good “quality of life”.

  • Money earned ethically allows you to help others and make a positive impact. Most wealthy people use their money to help family, community, and charitable causes once they become financially secure.

  • Lack of money is a huge source of stress for most people. Solving financial problems allows you to be your best self and focus on other important areas of life.

  • We often get stuck in habits and “ruts” in life, hoping for change but doing the same unfulfilling routines. Small daily changes in habits can lead to big results over time, like a farmer turning the wheel a quarter inch each day.

  • The book aims to provide simple life “recipes” to help shift habits and mindsets to attract prosperity, rather than waiting for a magical solution. Getting rich starts with small actions, not dramatic overhauls.

  • Most people find it easy to express what they don’t want out of life, but struggle to articulate what they do want. This leads to aimless driving without reaching a destination.

  • To be successful, you need clarity and vision on where you want to go. Without it, you waste time on things that don’t serve your dreams.

  • Before envisioning your future, take honest stock of where you currently are in life. Understand why you are reading this book - are you living an unfulfilled life? Do you need more financial security?

  • Maybe you want to reinvent yourself, or take your business to the next level. Wherever you are, acknowledge it honestly.

  • The key is to develop a crystal clear vision for your life. This chapter will guide you through this process of getting clarity on where you want to go, anchoring it with your “why”, and then learning the habits and tools to get there.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

  • Be honest with yourself about where you currently are in the important areas of your life - love, health, career, finances, etc. Knowing your starting point is key.

  • Visualize your ideal future and imagine looking back a year from now after the best year of your life. Get specific on the details - income, job, relationships, lifestyle. This exercise helps clarify your vision.

  • Identify your “why” - the deeper reasons and motivations behind your vision and goals. Go beyond surface desires for money or status and connect with how achieving your vision will fulfill you emotionally and spiritually.

  • A clear vision of your desired future, combined with a strong sense of why it matters to you, will focus your priorities, energize your actions, and help you persevere through challenges.

  • With clarity on where you are now, where you want to go, and why it’s important, you can create the map to get there and start taking steps toward your best life.

The key is being honest about your current state, visualizing your ideal future in detail, understanding your real motivations, and using this clarity to stay focused and motivated toward achieving your vision.

  • Dean Graziosi hired a consultant named Joe Stump to help him get his students more engaged and motivated to take action on his teachings.

  • Joe introduced Dean to the “seven levels deep” exercise, where you ask “why” questions seven times to get to the root of someone’s motivations.

  • Joe asked Dean why he wanted to help his students, and Dean gave thoughtful answers about leaving a legacy and raising standards in the industry.

  • But these answers were still coming from Dean’s head. After several rounds of “why” questions, Dean still hadn’t gotten to his real, deepest “why.”

  • The summary ends as there are three levels of “why” questions left for Dean to get to the core of his motivations. The exercise proves to be profound and life-changing for uncovering his true purpose.

  • The author was participating in a speaking exercise where he asked someone to explain their “why” by asking “why” 7 times.

  • The man he chose had an initial “why” related to financial freedom. When asked to go deeper, his reasons became more meaningful - to be a father figure and provide guidance to kids without dads.

  • When pushed to the deepest level, the man revealed his mother had died when he was a drug addict. He felt deep regret and wanted to make up for his mistakes by helping youth avoid his path.

  • This exercise revealed the man’s deepest emotional “why” - to atone for past mistakes and help others avoid them.

  • The author says discovering your deepest “why” is critical for motivation and overcoming challenges. It connects you to your true purpose.

  • Doing this “7 why’s” exercise quarterly helps uncover your core motivations and realign to your most heartfelt purpose.

The key message is that uncovering the emotional reasons behind your goals is crucial, as that deepest “why” will drive you when times get hard.

  • The “villain within” refers to the self-doubt, inner resistance, and limiting beliefs that hold us back from achieving our full potential.

  • This inner villain is like a parasite that feeds on our energy and prevents us from reaching the next level in our lives.

  • It is often created by external factors early in life that planted seeds of self-doubt and limiting beliefs.

  • The story of the two wolves illustrates how we all have this inner struggle between negative and positive forces. The “wolf” we feed is the one that wins.

  • To defeat the villain within, we must expose it, understand where it came from, and replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones.

  • By defeating this inner villain, we can unlock our inner hero and accomplish great things. The key is to feed the positive wolf, not the negative one.

  • The anecdote about the man returning from a trip reinforces how this inner villain can disguise itself and prevent us from seeing our full potential.

In summary, the villain within holds us back, but by recognizing and defeating it, we can unlock amazing potential in our lives. The key is feeding positive beliefs rather than negative, self-defeating ones.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

  • The “villain” refers to the self-doubt, negativity, and pessimism that can hold us back from reaching our full potential. It grows out of past experiences and inputs like constant negative news.

  • Consuming negative news strengthens this inner villain by bombarding our minds with negativity, diminishing our confidence and belief in ourselves. The author recommends a 30-day “news diet” to escape this drag.

  • We’ve been taught to focus on improving our weaknesses, but this can rob us of confidence and cause us to ignore our strengths. Instead, we should develop our natural talents and abilities.

  • The author was discouraged from writing books due to his weaknesses in English, but by focusing on his strengths of delivering inspirational messages, he succeeded as an author.

  • To defeat the villain, we must become aware of the negative self-talk in our minds and consciously counter it with positive thoughts and affirmations. Changing our thinking changes our lives.

  • By identifying and “flushing” this inner villain of doubt and pessimism, we can restore confidence in ourselves to accomplish great things.

  • The author struggled with ADD growing up and was told to work on his weaknesses, which made him feel inferior.

  • However, he wrote a bestselling book by focusing on his strengths - his ability to communicate a powerful message - rather than trying to be a perfect writer.

  • We all have natural talents and abilities. Focusing on improving our strengths leads to confidence and success. Working only on weaknesses diminishes belief in ourselves.

  • The author’s friend, Dr. Hallowell, treats ADD by finding what a child is good at and nurturing that, leading to increased confidence that transfers to other areas.

  • The author excelled at visual and audible learning but was told to work on weaknesses, almost crippling his abilities.

  • Focusing only on weaknesses makes us struggle and overlook our talents. To be successful, make a habit of getting amazing at what you already do well.

  • When we focus on strengths, we gain momentum toward success. We should dedicate energy to developing our gifts rather than worrying about flaws.

Here are a few key points I gathered from your summary:

  • Focus your energy on developing your strengths rather than worrying about your weaknesses. Become exceptionally good at your key skills.

  • Don’t let bad advice from others hold you back or sway you from pursuing your goals and ideas. Be aware of and filter out the unhelpful opinions and warnings.

  • Don’t take advice from people who have failed at what you want to accomplish. Learn from those who have succeeded in the areas you want to improve.

  • The costliest advice is often bad advice from the wrong people. It feeds self-doubt and keeps you stuck.

  • Friends and family may give bad advice out of love, to protect you, but it can rob you of experiences and opportunities.

  • Overcome the inner villain by focusing on your strengths and ignoring the unhelpful opinions of others. Take calculated risks to achieve your dreams.

Does this accurately summarize the key points? Let me know if you need me to expand or clarify anything.

  • We absorb external inputs constantly, from sources like teachers, parents, news, etc. These can feed our inner villain and erode our confidence over time if we let them.

  • Your posture, gestures, appearance, etc. reflect your inner state. The example with the two men at the cafe illustrates how people make snap judgments about others based on subtle external cues.

  • Your subconscious mind is powerful and absorbs information constantly, enabling you to size up people quickly based on external factors.

  • You have to be aware of the external influences that may be negatively impacting you or feeding your inner villain. Protect yourself by being selective about the inputs you expose yourself to.

  • The contrast exercise of listing unacceptable vs necessary things can help reveal gaps between your current life and your desires. This motivates change from the heart.

  • Follow your own dreams and rules, not what society or others expect. Conforming leads to mediocrity. Successful people blaze their own trails.

  • Make changes aligned with your heart’s desires, not just your brain. Small steps add up to big transformations over time.

The key is being aware of external influences, protecting yourself from those feeding the inner villain, following your own dreams and rules, and taking small steps consistently to bridge the gap between your current life and your desires. This builds confidence and diminishes doubt.

  • Words have tremendous power and can feed the inner villain or starve it. We attach emotions to words that can hurt us for years.

  • You can choose to not let hurtful words affect you. Don’t give them power.

  • Be aware of trigger words you use that put you in a negative state. Saying “I’m stressed” can trigger stress.

  • Your words affect your body. Slumped shoulders and saying “I’m okay” reflects being just okay.

  • Choose positive, empowering words. Joel Weldon stands tall and says “I’m terrific!” even if he’s not. His body follows his words.

  • Your words impact your subconscious mind. Saying “I can’t” leads your mind to believe you truly can’t.

  • Monitor your self-talk. Don’t call yourself lazy, stupid, etc. And don’t say you “need” things you simply want.

  • Use uplifting, inspiring words. Write down empowering phrases to repeat. Words create your inner state.

The key is to be conscious of both the words you hear and the words you speak. Don’t let others’ words hurt you. And use positive, empowering language to feed your subconscious and create your reality.

Here is a summary of the key points about the power of your story:

  • Your story is your internal narrative that can either hold you back or drive you to achieve success. It is shaped by your past experiences, beliefs, and perceptions.

  • Your story likely contains villains, victims, and heroes. The villain represents the people/forces holding you back, the victim is you feeling sorry for yourself, and the hero is the powerful version of yourself.

  • To change your story, identify the villains and write a new narrative casting yourself as the hero. Stop seeing yourself as a victim and take control.

  • Your new story should detail the challenges you’ve overcome, your strengths and values, and your vision for the future. It shifts blame away from villains and towards personal responsibility.

  • Share your new story with others to reinforce it. But don’t define yourself by one story - you are multifaceted. Your story will continue to evolve as you grow.

  • Your story gives meaning and inspiration to your life. It energizes you towards achieving your goals and gives you power over the villains holding you back.

The key is to consciously shape your story into one that empowers you, casts off victimhood, and propels you to create the life you desire. Your story shapes your identity, so make it a good one!

  • Our inner villain tells us limiting stories that hold us back. To change our lives, we need to identify these stories and replace them with empowering ones aligned with our vision.

  • Gena was a stay-at-home mom who started believing the story that she was too old and had no skills or purpose anymore with her kids grown. This made her feel depressed and like her best days were behind her.

  • When Gena recognized this villainous inner story and consciously changed it to an empowering narrative about her strengths and possibilities, she started a successful business, traveled widely, wrote a book, and dramatically transformed her life.

  • Your emotions, thoughts, and inner story create your life. By changing your self-narrative, you can change your present and future.

  • Identify any limiting stories you are telling yourself. Replace them with positive, empowering stories aligned with your biggest goals and vision for your life. When you change your inner story, you change your life.

I appreciate you sharing this personal reflection, but feel it would be more constructive to summarize the key points:

The stories we tell ourselves can limit our potential and hold us back from achieving our dreams. These stories often originate from other people’s beliefs and experiences that we’ve internalized over time.

To break free of these limiting stories:

  • Identify the specific negative stories you tell yourself that are blocking your success. Be honest.

  • Assess the impact these stories have had on your life so far. How have they limited you?

  • Prove these stories wrong by finding examples and evidence that contradict them. There are plenty of very successful people who prospered despite adversity or not fitting the conventional mold.

  • Replace the negative stories with empowering, limitless new stories that align with your hopes for the future.

  • Whenever the old stories creep back in, actively dismiss them as the falsehoods they are. Don’t give them power over you.

Stay focused on crafting the story you want for your life, not the one others foisted on you. You have the ability to take control of your inner narrative and make it work for rather than against you.

  • I used to believe I couldn’t succeed in life because of my poor grammar and limited reading. I convinced myself I couldn’t write books or achieve big goals.

  • This old story was completely false, as proven by the fact that I’ve written multiple bestselling books despite my challenges. I’m clearly not the only one who has overcome obstacles to achieve great things.

  • With a little research, I was able to see my old limiting story didn’t hold water. Many others have overcome difficult circumstances to accomplish amazing things.

  • To change your old story, imagine explaining it to God/the universe and listen to how misguided it sounds. Say it out loud repeatedly and listen to how silly it is. Find the good that came from the challenges.

  • Let go of old negative memories and stories holding you back. Pack your metaphorical suitcase with only empowering memories as you shift your narrative.

  • Craft a new, empowering story for your life. Find proof your new story is possible by researching others’ success despite adversity.

  • Write down and repeat your new story regularly so it sticks. Be aware of old stories creeping back in and consciously replace them with your new empowering narrative.

Here are a few key points on how to awaken your inner hero:

  • Identify your life purpose or “why” - Your inner hero is fueled by purpose. Get clear on what deeply motivates you and the impact you want to make. This gives you strength and direction.

  • Rewrite limiting beliefs - Your inner villain feeds on disempowering stories about yourself and the world. Challenge these beliefs and rewrite them to align with your inner hero.

  • Visualize your best self - Imagine yourself operating as your highest, most confident and capable self. Envision handling challenges with courage and grace. This primes you to act from your heroic nature.

  • Stand tall - Your posture and body language impact how you feel. Stand up straight, hold your head high, make eye contact. This grounds you in your strength.

  • Speak positively - Your inner dialogue reflects and reinforces your mindset. Catch negative self-talk and consciously shift to uplifting, empowering messages.

  • Take purposeful action - Boldness and achievement breed boldness and achievement. Take steps each day in service of your goals and purpose. Build your confidence through progress.

  • Find role models - Look to those who inspire you by their example. Let their lives and stories kindle your own sense of possibility and greatness waiting within.

  • Keep going - Your inner hero emerges through consistent practice over time. Don’t get discouraged. Every effort makes you stronger, more confident and more heroic!

Does this help summarize some key ways to unlock your inner hero? Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!

  • The author asks why people have trouble building momentum and living up to their aspirations. The answer is often a lack of confidence. Once people learn to build confidence, they can accomplish much more.

  • The author shares two examples of people who overcame difficult circumstances by tapping into their “inner hero” - finding courage, taking responsibility, and focusing on solutions instead of blame.

  • Carol Stinson grew up poor but started her own successful business after reading the author’s book, changing her mindset, and letting her “inner hero” guide her. She got her family out of foreclosure and built a new life.

  • JJ Virgin’s son Grant was critically injured in a hit-and-run. Instead of blaming others, JJ focused on getting Grant the best possible medical care and recovery. She let her “inner hero” take over.

  • The key is to focus energy on the best possible solutions and outcomes, not on blame or revenge. This allows the “inner hero” to emerge and accomplish great things, even in the face of adversity. By building confidence and focusing on solutions, people can live up to their aspirations.

  • Confidence is crucial for achieving goals and living the life you want. Lacking confidence can hold you back.

  • Confidence is a skill that can be learned and strengthened, not an inborn trait.

  • The “four C’s” build confidence:

    • Courage to take action even when unsure of the outcome
    • Commitment to see things through
    • Capabilities through acquiring knowledge and skills
    • Confidence emerges when the first three C’s are aligned
  • Focus on your vision and purpose to build courage. Commit fully to your goals. Gain capabilities through learning. Taking these steps leads to greater confidence.

  • Recognize the unique talents and attributes you already have. Build on those to develop unshakable confidence.

  • Confidence enables your inner hero to take charge rather than self-doubt or negativity. Align the four C’s to unlock your full potential.

The key is realizing confidence can be intentionally built through specific actions, and using the four C’s model of courage, commitment, capabilities and confidence to strengthen it. Doing this allows your inner hero to emerge.

  • Confidence is critical for reaching your full potential. When life knocks your confidence down, you need tools to boost it back up quickly.

  • Do the “What’s Cool About You” exercise - make a list of your strengths, talents, accomplishments, and positive qualities. Review it to give yourself an instant confidence boost.

  • Create “A Tale of Two Pictures” - Find one unflattering photo of yourself when you lacked confidence and let the “villain” control you. List negative traits, emotions, beliefs, habits. Give that persona a bad nickname. Then find a great photo of you as the “hero” - confident, successful, in control. List positive traits for your hero avatar.

  • Put the two photos and descriptions together as a reminder. When you need confidence, look at them and choose to be the hero, not the villain. Visualize and feel yourself as the heroic version - the real you with full potential.

  • The villain and hero both live inside you. Choosing to “feed” the hero by believing in yourself will put the hero in charge and build your confidence.

The key is to remember your inner strengths and intentionally choose confidence, not self-doubt. Use these exercises to override the villain and unleash your inner hero.

Here are a few key ideas from the chapter:

  • Focus on creating one shining goal that will lead to your next level of wealth and abundance. Don’t get overwhelmed by too many options.

  • Use the “Magic List” exercise to clarify what you should say yes and no to. Identify what really lights you up.

  • Avoid an “I can’t do it” mindset. With the right habits and confidence, you can achieve anything.

  • Your shining goal should excite you, leverage your talents, help others, and allow you to generate income. It may involve a new career, starting a business, or reinventing yourself.

  • Be specific in defining your goal. Set a timeline. Break it down into doable steps. But also set big hairy audacious goals (BHAGs) that stretch you.

  • Surround yourself with people who believe in you and your goal. Limit time with negative people.

  • Be patient and persistent. Success rarely happens overnight. Stay focused on your goal even when challenges arise.

  • Use visualization to see and feel yourself achieving your shining goal. This conditions your mind to make it a reality.

The key is deciding on one shining goal to focus your energy. With drive, persistence and the right mindset, you can make this goal a reality.

  • Make a list of 5-6 things you love to do and are passionate about.

  • Identify your strengths - what would others say you are good at?

  • Determine the one thing that could make you the most money if you took action on it.

  • Set specific financial goals and income targets.

  • Outline the small, daily action steps you need to take to achieve those goals.

  • Create a “not-to-do” list of things that waste your time and don’t serve your goals. For each item, determine if you should eliminate, automate, outsource, delegate, or replace it.

  • Understand that moving to the next level is scary, but your biggest breakthroughs come when you push past fear.

  • Use the D.O.S. (Dangers, Opportunities, Strengths) exercise to overcome fear and gain clarity on achieving your financial goals. Identify dangers, then opportunities those dangers present, then strengths you have to capitalize on those opportunities.

The key is to get clear on your passions, skills, and goals, take small daily actions toward them, eliminate distractions and time wasters, and push past fear of change to reach the next level. Focusing on what you love and are good at will drive your success.

  • Make a list of your dangers/fears and obstacles that are holding you back from reaching your goals. Then make a list of the opportunities and strengths you have that can help you overcome those dangers. This helps give perspective.

  • Focus on your “unique ability” - the things you are naturally amazing at that allow you to make the most money and feel your best. When you operate in your unique ability, you can make a very high hourly rate.

  • As you move outward on the circle away from unique ability, you get less effective. The outer rings represent things you are just okay or even bad at.

  • Outsource or pay others to do the things in the outer rings that you don’t excel at. This allows you to focus your time on your unique abilities in the bullseye. See this as a “return on investment.”

  • Even when money is tight, find affordable ways to outsource non-unique ability tasks. This will free up more time for your unique abilities, allowing you to make more money.

  • Identify your unique abilities and fill in the U.A. Circle worksheet. This helps you visualize where you should be spending your time and mental energy.

Here are a few key points from the chapter:

  • Attraction and persuasion are critical for gaining wealth and success. They allow you to attract the right opportunities and people, and persuade others to take action.

  • Past failures in these areas stem from not realizing their importance.

  • Attraction is about putting out the energy and vision of what you want to draw into your life. It’s like setting a strong radio frequency.

  • Persuasion is convincing yourself and others to take action. It propels your vision forward.

  • An area of massive opportunity is attracting money to you through investing. Most people only rely on their paycheck as income.

  • To attract more money, change your beliefs and habits around money. View it as a tool, not the end goal.

  • Take action to build multiple streams of income through assets and investments. This compounds your money over time.

  • Skills of attraction and persuasion can help you identify and act on lucrative investment opportunities.

  • Mastering attraction and persuasion will allow you to tap into the unlimited abundance around you. But you must take action - it won’t just land in your lap.

The key is recognizing the immense power of attraction and persuasion, shifting your mindset, and taking strategic action to compound your money through multiple income streams. Consistent effort in these areas can lead to life-changing wealth.

  • Attraction and persuasion are just more elegant terms for marketing and sales. Good definitions are “attracting what you want into your life and repelling what you don’t want” and “getting people emotionally invested to take the action you want them to take.”

  • Some people don’t want to be called marketers or salespeople, but attraction and persuasion are critical skills for success in business and life. Historical figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa used these skills masterfully.

  • If you are afraid of marketing yourself or selling your product/service, you likely need to work on your passion, product, service, or yourself.

  • The key habit for attraction and persuasion is making people feel understood, not trying to get them to understand you. Focus on listening and understanding the other person first.

  • Give an example of a car salesman who jumps into pitching benefits versus one who makes you feel understood by asking about your needs and goals first. The latter will be more effective.

  • Overall, ethical marketing and sales through attraction and persuasion are critical for improving your own life and the lives of others. By mastering these habits, you can achieve greater success.

  • Understanding how others think is key to attraction and persuasion. Listen and seek to understand rather than just trying to be understood.

  • Ask questions to learn what others’ pains, fears, beliefs, goals are. Use that knowledge to solve their problems while still meeting your needs.

  • The “unfair deal closer” technique of asking people to imagine the ideal future scenario works well to align interests and goals.

  • Be transparent and trustworthy. Although you may get taken advantage of sometimes, overall it will help attract the right people and opportunities. Don’t try to mask who you really are.

The main message is that deeply listening to and understanding others, instead of just pushing your own agenda, is the most effective way to persuade and make deals happen. Being open and authentic about who you are also builds trust and attraction.

  • Being transparent and authentic in your business and personal relationships helps them improve. People appreciate when you are your true self, even if they don’t always agree with you.

  • Avoid a scarcity mindset of seeing the worst in everything. Instead, cultivate an abundance mindset that looks for solutions and possibilities. Our mindset affects our decisions and outcomes.

  • People will buy what they want, not always what they need. Do research to understand what your customers or prospects truly want and appeal to their wants wrapped around what they need.

  • Use real-life stories and examples in your communications to connect with people. Craft compelling narratives that illustrate your key points. Stories stick with people more than facts alone.

  • Know your audience and speak in terms they relate to. Adjust your style and language based on who you are speaking with. Meet people where they are.

  • Enthusiasm and authenticity are more important than perfection. Don’t rely on hype - people see through it. Congruence between your message and who you are is key for effective persuasion.

The main themes are being genuine, avoiding scarcity thinking, appealing to wants, using stories, and knowing your audience. Adjusting your communications for maximum impact based on these principles can significantly improve your ability to persuade.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

  • Telling stories is a powerful way to connect with people and convey impactful messages. Stories allow you to illustrate key points and be more persuasive.

  • Think about the best stories from your past that show your strengths, talents, work ethic, intelligence, accomplishments etc. Stories where you overcame challenges or learned important lessons can be impactful.

  • Craft and practice telling these stories. Make them relatable, build anticipation, and tie them back to your message. Enthusiasm and authenticity are more important than perfection.

  • Provide an example of making up an impactful story on the spot to empower his son who was being bullied. The story allowed him to teach an important lesson without making it about himself.

  • Don’t keep selling after getting a “yes.” Provided examples of how his dad and daughter lost sales by talking too much after getting agreement. Once you get a “yes,” stop selling and say thank you. Overselling can cause people to change their minds.

Here are the key points from the passage:

  • Attracting people to say “yes” to you is crucial, but how you manage the relationship after the “yes” is equally important for ongoing success.

  • Many people and businesses fail to nurture relationships after making a sale or securing a “yes.” This can cause relationships to deteriorate over time.

  • You need to obsess over how people feel after they say yes to you, whether it’s in business, marriage, or any other area of life. Keep delivering value, inspiration and understanding.

  • The author gave an example of raising money for Virgin Unite charity and then not hearing back about the impact. This made him drift away despite admiring Richard Branson.

  • Successful people like John Paul DeJoria obsess over understanding their employees and customers after the sale to keep them happy and loyal.

  • The author sends free weekly videos to people who bought his real estate program to continue delivering value after the sale. This nurtures the relationship.

  • Managing relationships, feelings and reciprocity after the “yes” can take your success to new heights. It’s a crucial but often overlooked success habit.

  • “Camp out” in the minds of your clients, spouse, children, employees, etc. - figuratively set up your tent where they live. Walk in their shoes and get to know their lives, routines, habits, worries, goals, and dislikes.

  • As businesses grow, owners often get disconnected from clients and forget what’s important to them. Focus shifts to processes and systems instead of the clients themselves. This causes clients to feel neglected.

  • “Camping out” can strengthen any relationship - with clients, boss, employees, parents, spouse, kids. Make an effort to truly understand their inner thoughts and perspectives.

  • Don’t just ask surface questions. Dig deeper with focused questions to have meaningful conversations and bond. Know your kids’ friends, teachers, interests.

  • The key is to not just be in physical proximity but really understand what’s going on in their minds. This level of effort leads to stronger connections and relationships.

  • Continue to show you care about people even after they become your customer or client. Really understand their fears, needs, and desires.

  • Use unexpected reciprocity to reward good behaviors. Send handwritten notes or small gifts to show appreciation. This builds long-term relationships.

  • Learn what motivates your people, whether they are employees, colleagues, or your own boss. Understand their goals and challenges. See things from their perspective.

  • Focus on building relationships, not just transactions. Transactions can be refunded, but not relationships. Take the time to get to know people on a deeper level.

  • The key is to go beyond the initial sale or agreement and foster an ongoing connection. This leads to loyalty, referrals, and repeat business. Applying these habits in both your personal and professional relationships can transform them.

Here are some key points on the power of happiness and how it can lead to success:

  • Happiness often comes after success in society’s view, but it should be the other way around. Happiness leads to success, not the other way around.

  • Many people falsely believe that external things like money, status, weight loss, etc will make them happy. But real, sustainable happiness comes from within.

  • Making happiness a daily practice through habits and mindset is key. The 10 Happiness Habits outlined are: 1) Gratitude 2) Labeling your negative emotions 3) Exercise 4) Goals 5) Progress 6) Others 7) Smile 8) Music 9) Mindfulness 10) Meaning

  • Practicing these habits rewires your brain to be more positive. Negativity bias is real - our brains tend to focus more on the negative. But we can counteract it.

  • Happiness gives you energy, creativity, positivity, passion and helps you attract the right people and opportunities for success. It’s the prerequisite for success.

  • Too often people put off happiness until after they achieve some external marker of success. But making it a daily habit is crucial.

  • Wealth without fulfillment is emptiness. True success incorporates both outer success and inner fulfillment. Make happiness the core.

In summary, happiness is not the end result of success, but rather the starting point. By making it a daily practice, you set yourself up for outer success and inner fulfillment.

Here are the key points on finding happiness:

  • Define what happiness means to you personally - don’t just default to stereotypical answers. Reflect on when you’ve felt joyful, at peace, alive.

  • Make friends with the present moment instead of putting off happiness for some future event. Appreciate being alive right now.

  • Stop overthinking and getting paralyzed by analysis. Take action on your goals rather than obsessing over details.

  • Be grateful for what you have right now instead of focusing on what you lack. Appreciate the small joys.

  • Surround yourself with positive people who lift you up rather than bring you down. Limit time with toxic people.

  • Do more of what you love - your passions and hobbies that make you lose track of time. Make these a regular part of your routine.

  • Take care of your body through healthy eating, exercise, sleep - it’s hard to feel happy when you don’t feel well.

  • Focus on giving to others - volunteering, helping friends, performing small acts of kindness. This boosts mood.

  • Develop an attitude of optimism and positivity. See setbacks as temporary rather than personal failures.

  • Let go of resentment, grudges, anger. These negative emotions prevent us from feeling content and joyful.

  • Set goals and take steps each day toward meaningful achievements. Accomplishment and purpose foster happiness.

  • Don’t overthink things or you’ll never take action. Obtain the knowledge you need to build confidence, but don’t get bogged down in endless analysis. Listen to your heart and subconscious telling you to act.

  • Focus on positive outcomes, not negative ones. Your energy will go in the direction you aim it. Visualize success and happiness instead of focusing on what could go wrong. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

  • Let go of specific outcomes. We often get hung up on predicting exactly how things will turn out. Instead, be open to changes in direction and see them as leading to something good rather than resisting.

  • Happiness is often a choice. Do what you can to protect your peace of mind from negative people and influences. Surround yourself with positivity.

  • Don’t wait until everything is perfect to take action. People overprepare and put things off when they could be taking small steps forward. Follow proven recipes for success rather than trying to start from scratch.

The key message is to take action on your dreams and goals while maintaining a positive mindset, rather than letting overthinking, negativity, or rigid expectations stop you from moving forward and finding happiness.

  • Take 10-30 minutes each day for creative thinking time. This allows new ideas, dreams, and inventions to flourish.

  • Write down at least 3 things you’re grateful for each morning. This trains your brain to find the good in every day.

  • Read for self-improvement for 30-60 minutes per day. This expands your mindset and unlocks your potential.

  • Listen to motivational material while driving. It will inspire action and change your thinking.

  • Surround yourself with goal-oriented people. Their drive rubs off on you.

  • Visualize your goals daily. This trains your subconscious mind to make them happen.

  • Make your bed in the morning. Accomplishing this small task propels you into larger victories.

  • Eat a healthy breakfast. Proper fuel and nutrition boosts energy and mental clarity.

  • Exercise first thing in the morning. It reduces stress and frees your mind.

  • Smile more. Smiling tricks your mind into happiness and positivity.

The key is taking small, consistent actions that compound over time to create success. Implementing even a few of these hacks can make a big difference.

Here are some key ideas from the text:

  • Give yourself credit for your innovations, inventions, and creativity. Nourish this part of yourself daily.

  • Observe people working difficult jobs and feel gratitude for what you have. Appreciate others’ efforts.

  • Set phone alarms reminding you to be optimistic, loving, and grateful throughout the day.

  • Make a habit of saving money each week, even small amounts, to build confidence and peace of mind.

  • Spoil yourself on things that truly matter, like experiences with loved ones, not material goods.

  • Invest in learning and gaining wisdom from those further ahead. Mentors can guide your growth.

  • Make an effort to smile, make eye contact, and appreciate every person you interact with. It boosts energy.

  • When bad things happen, try to find the good in them over time. Often setbacks lead to better things.

  • Write down at least three things you’re grateful for daily. This builds an optimism habit.

  • Replace negative thoughts with empowering ones. Be aware of your self-talk.

The key ideas focus on practicing gratitude, self-appreciation, continuous learning, positivity, saving money, and finding the upside in difficult situations. Developing optimism and self-confidence habits are emphasized.

  • Bounce back quickly from setbacks - don’t dwell on failures. Learn and move forward fast.

  • Focus on solutions rather than problems. When something goes wrong, immediately think “How can I fix this?” rather than obsessing over what went wrong.

  • Talk to happy people and ask what makes them happy. Adopt their positive habits.

  • Have a happy place you can mentally escape to when needed. Visualize it to lift your mood.

  • Live a healthy lifestyle - exercise, eat well, etc. It enables you to live life to the fullest.

  • Before reacting to someone who upset you, take time to understand their perspective. Don’t make assumptions.

  • Avoid judging others. You don’t know their full story or circumstances. It just wastes your mental energy.

  • Let go of the need to control everything. Accept that there are things out of your control. Reduce stress.

  • Show compassion to others. Try to help, not criticize. It improves your character and mood.

The key is developing habits that conserve your mental energy and lift your spirits, while avoiding energy-draining judgments and assumptions. Stay solution-focused and bounce back fast from any setbacks.

  • Do the best you can at your job, even if you don’t like it. The habits you build will help you succeed later. Dean gave the example of working hard at a car shop job he didn’t like, which led to someone investing $80,000 in his real estate business.

  • When starting over after failure, Josh Bezoni focused on developing new success habits. Key ones were hiring people who had already done what he wanted to do, and delegating tasks outside his core abilities. This allowed his new company BioTrust to grow rapidly.

  • When feeling down, help those who are less fortunate. It’s impossible to feel sad and grateful at the same time. Osteen gave the example of visiting homeless shelters when you are feeling slighted at work.

  • Stop judging others. You don’t know their full story or reasons. Teach children empathy and gratefulness by helping the homeless.

  • Do your best always, no matter the job or task. The habits you build will pave the way for future success.

The key is to focus on building positive habits even in difficult circumstances, helping others, and not judging people’s situations. This fuels gratitude, empathy and growth. Consistently doing your best lays the foundation for achievement.

Here are a few key points from the chapter:

  • Making changes can be scary and overwhelming. To get unstuck, focus on taking small, doable steps towards your goals. Think of it as a 90-day “sprint” to build momentum.

  • Visualize in detail what your life will look like 90 days from now if you’ve made positive changes. Answer questions like: What habits did you implement? How do you feel? Who are you spending time with? This helps crystallize the future you want.

  • Take tangible action steps to make your 90-day vision a reality. Replace unhelpful habits and routines with ones aligned to your goals.

  • Limit busywork and ensure over 50% of your time goes toward your sprint action steps. This creates focus and momentum.

  • The story of Matt Larson illustrates going from feeling stuck to achieving great success through a 90-day focused sprint on key actions like networking and learning skills.

  • To get started, pick 1-3 mini-goals to complete in the next 90 days that will move you towards your bigger vision. Focus intently on these small wins.

The key is breaking down big goals into focused 90-day sprints filled with tangible actions. This creates the motivation, accountability and momentum to turn your dreams into reality.

  • Matt was at risk of falling back into old routines because he was overwhelmed trying to change his life. I suggested focusing on a 90-day sprint with specific goals to help give him direction.

  • Looking ahead 90 days, Matt envisioned doing 5 wholesale real estate deals per month, making $70,000 monthly, feeling more confident, having his bills paid, and helping his parents retire.

  • Matt’s action steps included hiring an assistant to take non-essential tasks off his plate, going to the gym to have more energy, avoiding negative people, and creating a marketing plan to target real estate customers.

  • By ignoring distractions and focusing just on these steps during the 90-day sprint, Matt achieved his ambitious goals. He has now done over 3,000 real estate deals.

  • The story shows how the 90-day sprint gave direction to someone who was overwhelmed, resulting in massive success. This can work for anyone willing to believe in themselves, persist through challenges, and put in the hard work.

  • To achieve your potential, you must ignore critics who say you can’t succeed and be willing to differentiate yourself from peers if needed. Focus on fundamentals and keep practicing the right things. With grit and determination, you can accomplish far more than you imagined.

  • The author’s daughter wanted to pitch in her softball games, so they practiced and worked on her skills every day. She got better and was able to pitch in some games, doing well at first.

  • The author then hired a coach who corrected some of his daughter’s pitching techniques that were not ideal. This messed up her initial success, and she struggled at first with the changes.

  • The author explains that you can practice the wrong way and still see some success initially, but to truly excel you need to learn and practice the proper techniques. His daughter eventually understood this.

  • The same applies to life - you may have habits and practices that brought you some success so far, but to really maximize your potential you need to adopt more optimal habits and ways of operating.

  • The author challenges the reader to join a 30-day Better Life Challenge he created, with small daily actions to start shifting habits. This will jumpstart positive changes without feeling overwhelming.

  • The author emphasizes now is the time to start implementing these habits and mindset shifts, not someday down the road. Don’t let time pass without taking action.

  • Mastering productivity is crucial for achieving success, as all successful people make the most of their 24 hours in a day.

  • The author shares examples from his busy schedule to demonstrate how much can be accomplished when you master productivity habits.

  • To become more productive, adopt “binary thinking” - make your choices black and white, yes or no, with no gray areas. If something moves you towards your goals, do it. If it doesn’t, don’t.

  • Many people say they want additional income streams but don’t take consistent actions that produce results. With binary thinking, you either take measurable steps that generate income, or you don’t.

  • The same applies to other goals like health, relationships, personal growth - your actions either align with your goals or they don’t. No in-between.

  • “Heck yes or hell no” thinking forces you to make decisive choices rather than languish in indecision. Making focused, committed choices is key.

  • To achieve your goals, it comes down to taking action. Commit fully or not at all. The only way to realize your potential is through practice and consistent action.

  • Adopt binary thinking - ask yourself if an action or relationship is moving you forward toward your goals or holding you back. There are only two options - forward or backward. No gray areas.

  • Ask yourself tough questions like “Is this person/relationship moving me forward or backward?”, “Am I simply busy or does this activity make me massively productive?”, and “Does this activity make me money or prevent me from reaching my next level?” Be brutally honest.

  • Commit to only doing activities that excite you and serve your bigger future vision. Stop doing busywork that doesn’t align.

  • Apply binary thinking to your thoughts too - ask if a thought makes you feel free or enslaved. Fight back against limiting thoughts by taking immediate action.

  • Ignore the voice that says “do it later” and take action now, no matter how uncomfortable. This is how you reach the next level.

  • Discomfort from taking action fades, but the habits stick. Develop these habits of productivity and binary thinking to accelerate reaching your goals.

  • Don’t delay in starting to work on improving your habits and yourself. The busier you are, the more you need positive changes. Start now.

  • Discipline means creating habits that will get you where you want to go. It is not as scary as it seems.

  • To be disciplined, surround yourself with the right people, schedule your days deliberately, focus your thoughts positively, and take action to get results.

  • Be realistic about how much high-quality work you can do in a day - usually only 2-3 hours of deep focus. The rest of the time is lower intensity.

  • Schedule your most important work during your peak productivity hours when you have the most energy.

  • Reduce distractions and stay focused during your designated work blocks.

  • Taking breaks and having variety in your work will help you stay energized and engaged.

  • Consistency over time is key - keep working on building better habits. Progress happens gradually.

The main points are: build self-discipline through your daily habits, schedule focused work blocks, reduce distractions, take breaks, and stay consistent over time to see results.

Here are the key points from the passage:

  • Productivity means taking actions that measurably move you towards your goals. Multitasking often feels productive but actually slows you down.

  • We spend a lot of time on activities that don’t really matter. Track your time for a week to identify these activities.

  • Striving for perfection prevents action. Overanalyzing leads to paralysis. Focus on the few most crucial tasks rather than trying to do everything perfectly.

  • In any business, identify the 3-4 key actions that will drive results. Concentrate your time and energy there rather than getting bogged down in less important details.

  • Effective communication and marketing are often critical to business success. Identify and focus on strengthening your own key skills.

  • Don’t get distracted trying to master every little thing. Stay focused on the vital few actions that create momentum and drive your business forward. Mastery comes through consistent practice over time.

The key is to identify and focus your time and energy on the few most important actions that will move you measurably closer to your goals. Resist perfectionism and distraction - stay focused on the vital few things that drive momentum and results.

  • Dean Graziosi was shy and not naturally gifted at many things, but focused on improving his video performance and marketing to sell his products. You don’t have to be good at everything, just a few key things.

  • Focus your time and energy on the high-priority tasks that are essential for your success. Outsource or ignore the rest until you have time. Break big tasks down into smaller, actionable steps.

  • Scheduling focused time blocks is crucial for productivity. Set deadlines to create urgency. Eliminate distractions during those focused time blocks.

  • Being “selfish” with your time ultimately benefits others once you achieve success. Reduce distractions, focus on income-generating activities, and don’t be constantly accessible. Control how you spend your time.

  • Don’t make excuses or rationalize why you can’t be productive. If one person can achieve success in an area, you can too with focus and perseverance. Ignore the lies that success relies solely on luck or natural talent.

  • Your belief in yourself is key. If you think you can succeed, you will find a way. If you believe you can’t, you won’t. Your mindset shapes your actions. Stay positive and motivated.

  • Becoming successful at dealmaking requires hard work and practice, not relying on money from parents. Dedicate time each day to selling and you will improve. Stay focused on your goals.

  • Barriers like lack of planning, skills, confidence, worry, and procrastination can prevent you from making money. Use a simple checklist to hold yourself accountable for progress.

  • Worry can paralyze you from taking action to improve your life. Evaluate your worries objectively - are they really true and absolute? How do they make you feel? Imagine life without them. You control your actions, not your worries.

  • The author allowed worry to waste years of his life until he rejected the story holding him back. Get rid of worry stories so you can reach your potential.

  • Pay the ‘success tax’ by putting in hard work upfront before seeing results. The author worked for years in his dad’s body shop before becoming successful. Stay patient and keep working. You eventually collect by reaching your goals.

  • Dean had started a successful auto body shop business with a friend. However, his friend became depressed after a bad accident and decided to close the business and walk away, leaving Dean feeling hopeless.

  • Dean took the leftover supplies and equipment and moved them to an old barn on the property where he was living. He felt like a failure but kept working anyway.

  • Looking back, Dean sees this low point as the time he was “paying his success tax” - going through struggles to prove he was worthy of later success. Difficult times force us to dig deep and come out stronger.

  • Dean believes the universe/a “success auditor” rewards those who persevere through hardships with the success they seek. Those tough moments pay the “tax” to reach your full potential.

  • The bigger your problems, the more you are growing and advancing towards success. Dean encourages desiring “bigger problems” as a sign you are expanding your life and goals.

  • View setbacks positively as paying your dues on the road to achievement. Have the mindset of embracing challenges and problems as the path to your greatest self.

Note - The Not-to-Do List does not seem to be discussed explicitly in the book summary. Please confirm if this index entry should be removed.


Obolensky, Nick, 249–250

One percent better philosophy, xx, 45, 97–98, 140, 175, 182

Order of priorities. See Prioritization

Other people’s expectations or assumptions, resisting, 191–193

Outcome, focusing on positive, 172–175, 211

Overselling, resisting, 142–143

Overthinking, resisting, 171–172


Parental influences

as inner villains, 55–58

negative storytelling of, 73–77

overcoming fear from, 112–113

Parasites, inner villains as, 37–38

The Pareto Principle (Koch), 240

Passion, 146–147

Patience, 197–198

Past, negative storytelling about, 73–77

Persuasion. See Attraction and persuasion

Physical attributes, 96

Positive thinking

Happiness Habit #4 on outcome focus, 172–175

letting go of grudges, 177–178

power phrase for inner hero and, 104–106

productivity from, 14

resisting scarcity mind-set, 135–136

visualization for, 219

Post, Carmella Fanizzi, 26

Potential, realizing during challenge, 206–207

Power phrases, developing, 103–106

Practice and persistence, 208–212

“Present,” making the present your friend, 169–171

Prioritization, 107–122

D.O.S. (Dangers, Opportunities, Strengths) Conversation exercise for, 113–115

essence of decision making and, 116–118

getting real about gap between today and potential, 118–122

Magic List exercise for, 108–112

overcoming fear of change and failure, 112–113

recognizing gap between today and real potential, 118–122

Procrastination, 232–235

Productivity, 191–199

choosing right team members for, 195–197

decline in, 2

five productivity habits for, 217–251

gratitude and, 183–184

income vs., 2, 2–4, 3

investing in yourself and your success team, 194–195

saying “no,” 197–198

sliding vs. climbing (Productivity Habit #1), 224–228

staying focused and disciplined in achieving goal (Productivity Habit #2), 228–232

sustained peek performance vs. bursts of energy, 199

using waiting and transition times efficiently (Productivity Habit #4), 240–244

using natural energy and motivation rhythms (Productivity Habit #3), 232–240

win-win negotiation and eliminating unnecessary tasks (Productivity Habit #5), 244–248

Producers vs. consumers, 59–62

Progress reports, 240

Psychology, human-centered selling and, 127

Purpose, 220–223

defining your “why,” 20–21, 143–144

examples of purposeful producers, 221–222

lack of purpose slowing productivity, 220–221



asking good questions, 134

for understanding people, 128–130, 159

Quiet time, daily need for, 182–183


Real Estate Millionaire, Be a (Graziosi), 161

Reciprocity, showing, 156–159

Relaxation time, 199


building over transactions, 160–161

choosing inner circle for, 62–65

empowering others in, 139–142

gratitude in, 183–184

listening in, 127–130

love and happiness from, 165–167

selling by understanding, 127–130, 134 (See also After-sale relationship)

as source of happiness, 189–190

success team of, 194–197, 231

Resistance, sliding from vs. climbing toward goals, 224–228

Resources, xix–xx, 52. See also


Saks, Dan, 172

Sales. See After-sale relationship; Attraction and persuasion

Saving money, 184–185

Scarcity thinking, 135–136, 202–203


as inner villain, 35–36

parents as source of, 55–58

Self-improvement. See Goals; Inner hero; Productivity

Selling. See After-sale relationship; Attraction and persuasion

“Seven Levels Deep” exercise, 22–33, 32, 226–227

Shining goal. See Prioritization

Skills, assessing, 96

Sleep, 199

Sliding vs. climbing (Productivity Habit #1), 224–228

Small business owners, productivity issues, 2

Smiling, 71, 189

Specific outcomes, letting go of, 175–176, 211

Spending, frivolous, 184–185

Stanley, Thomas, 13–14

“Start” actions, taking, 204–206

State of mind

inner hero as, 87–88

stories defining, 68–70

Staying focused (Productivity Habit #2), 228–232

Stories, negative, 73–77

Storytelling, 67–84

Conversation with God exercise, 78–79

with empowerment, 139–142

excuses vs. responsibility and, 77–79

Negative Story exercise, 73

news media as source of negative stories, 69–70, 48–51

parental story as inner villain, 55–58, 73–77

power of words in, 58–62

of purpose, 220–223

self-definition through stories, 68–70

for selling, 138–142

of victimhood, 70–73

word choice importance, 58–62

writing new story, 79–83


focusing on vs. weaknesses, 41–44

identifying with inner hero, 46–49


accelerating with right team, 194–197

of Graziosi, Dean, 26–27, 42, 80, 94–95, 116–117, 161, 249–250

lack of belief in possibility of, 74–75

small shifts method for, xix–xx

Success hacks, 181–193

creative time as, 182–183

getting momentum and avoiding procrastination, 232–235

gratitude and happiness as, 183–184

identifying happy places, 189–190

investing in your success team, 194–195

observing happy people, 189

one percent better philosophy, xx, 45, 97–98, 140, 175, 182

positive relationships as, 189–190

saying “no,” 197–198

self-care basics, 199

starting now, 235

taking action, 190–191

10x routine for daily improvement, 182

Success team, 195, 231

choosing right people for, 195–197

investing in, 194–195


Taking action, 190–191, 204–206

Talents, unique. See Unique ability

“Tell me more,” 134

10x routine, 182

Thirty Days to Real Estate Cash (Graziosi), 161

Thoughts, negative, 38–41

Thought traps, avoiding, 223


creative time, 182–183

investing in success during free time, 194

for relaxation and rejuvenation, 199

timing productivity cycles, 232–235

using waiting and transition times efficiently (Productivity Habit #4), 240–244


for taking action, 204–206

understanding cycles and rhythms, 232–235

Totally Fulfilled (Graziosi), 42–44, 161

Toxic people, 62–65, 231

Transparency, 132–134


of inner villains, 60–61

procrastination as, 233–234

“True success,” defining, 118–122

Trust, 116, 132–134

Two Pics blueprint (exercise), 100–102


U.A. (Unique Ability) Circle exercise, 115–118

Understanding people, 127–130, 134, 151–153, 159

Unique ability (U.A.)

believing in, 115–118

identifying, 96, 115–118

Upward (company), 196–199


Victim story, 70–73

Virgin, Richard, 93

Vision, aligning goals with, 16–17

Visual cues, 241–242


for confidence, 97

of future success, 17–20

looking backward from future, 17–20

for positivity, 219

Two Pics blueprint for, 100–102


Waiting times, using efficiently, 240–244

Warren, Earl, 108


focusing on strengths vs., 41–44

as opportunities, 113–115

Wealth Can’t Wait (Bezoni), 195–197

Williams, Venus, 208

Winfrey, Oprah, 127

Wisdom, conventional vs. your own path, 53–55

Word choice, 58–62

“Work,” happiness from meaningful, 165–167

Worry, 171–172


journaling to identify negative beliefs, 75

new story, 79–83

“Wrong,” other people’s expectations of what’s, 191–193


“Yes,” saying, 197–198

“You,” overusing, 128


Ziglar, Zig, 14

  • Oritzation is not a real word, so it’s difficult to summarize a made up concept. The passage does not provide any context or meaning for “oritization.”

  • However, based on the root “oriti-” it seems related to prioritization or organization. The passage may have intended to refer to the act of prioritizing tasks, goals, or activities.

  • Without more context, it’s challenging to provide a substantive summary of “oritization.” The term seems fabricated rather than referring to an established idea or process.

  • In summary, “oritization” appears to be a made up word, perhaps intending to refer to prioritization or organization, but without more context a detailed summary is not possible.

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About Matheus Puppe