Self Help

Money, and the Law of Attraction Learning

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Matheus Puppe

· 51 min read

Here is a summary of key points regarding money and the Law of Attraction:

• Your thoughts and emotions attract corresponding experiences into your life. By focusing on abundance and prosperity, you attract more money and wealth.

• Money itself is not the root of evil or happiness. It is simply a tool that enhances life experiences. Your relationship with money is a matter of choice and perspective.

• You are the creator of your life experiences. You can deliberately choose thoughts and emotions that make you feel good and align with abundance.

• Whenever you feel abundant, you attract more abundance. Make a habit of appreciating the wealth and prosperity you currently have.

• “Pivoting” from negative to positive thoughts and emotions is a powerful way to reorient your life towards abundance and prosperity. Release negative thoughts about money and choose better-feeling thoughts.

• Seeing the world through the eyes of your inner being or “Source” helps you appreciate the abundance all around you. Focus on the aspects of wealth and prosperity you want rather than what you do not have.

• Your thoughts build upon themselves. Choosing positive thoughts about money leads to more positive thoughts and momentum towards abundance. Negative thoughts about money breed more negative thoughts and momentum away from prosperity.

• Creating a “Book of Positive Aspects” about money and abundance helps you build positive momentum. Appreciate all the signs of wealth and prosperity in your life, no matter how small. Review your book regularly, especially before bed and after waking.

• While sleeping, your energy becomes more aligned with your core desires and beliefs. Reviewing positive aspects of money and abundance before bed primes your energy for greater prosperity while you sleep. Review them again upon waking to continue the positive momentum.

• The better you feel, the better life gets. Make feeling good a top priority and the abundance will follow.

• Finding balance in your thoughts and emotions is key. Your life experience reflects the balance of your thoughts, whether positive or negative. Focus on the positive to experience greater abundance and prosperity.

Here is a summary of the prompts in parts I, II, and III:

Part I: My Personal Well-Being

  • The happiness setpoint is set by my thoughts. External factors only temporarily affect my mood.
  • My happiness depends on focusing my thoughts, not changing my circumstances.
  • Negative emotions indicate resistance to my natural Well-Being.
  • I cannot experience joy for others. I create my own emotional world.
  • There is no benefit to feeling sympathy or taking on others’ pain.
  • I am only responsible for my own thoughts, not the thoughts or experiences of others.
  • I reach for good-feeling thoughts rather than seeking guidance to feel better.
  • Pondering negative hypotheticals is counterproductive. It is best to focus on things that feel good.

Part II: Attracting Money And Manifesting Abundance

  • Actions from a sense of lack do not yield abundance. Focusing on lack perpetuates more lack.
  • Finding vibrational alignment must come before abundance can flow to me. Money itself does not create joy.
  • I am here to be a deliberate creator of the life experiences I desire. Needing money works against attracting it.
  • Those in poverty who do not feel poor are likely to attract more abundance. My financial story and beliefs shape my reality.
  • Criticizing or resenting the wealthy works against attracting more abundance for myself.
  • Protecting against loss often leads to more loss. Abundance comes from positive focus and optimism.
  • Talent and hard work alone do not lead to success and abundance. Alignment and allowing do.
  • Giving and receiving are interconnected. Abundance flows most freely when both giving and allowing are balanced.

Part III: Maintaining My Physical Well-Being

  • My thoughts create my bodily experience, health or lack thereof. Complaining perpetuates what is complained about.
  • I can direct my thoughts to find ease and wellness in my body. Life experience, not words, teaches the Law of Attraction.
  • My health habits contribute to but do not define my Well-Being. I have leeway to guide my thoughts to Wellness.
  • The reasons for any physical conditions are rooted in my vibration. I have the power to shift to greater Well-Being.
  • Doctors and medicine may contribute to health but only as a means of aligning thoughts. Focus on Wellness attracts Wellness.
  • Inherited illness is a product of beliefs and vibration, not genetics alone. Thoughts of vulnerability or incurability attract their perpetuation. I can tell a new story of vitality and Wellness.

Here is a summary of the key points from the excerpt:

  1. The information in the book comes in response to what you have been asking for in some way.

  2. The book teaches that life is meant to feel good and that well-being is natural. It shows how to experience more wealth, health and happiness.

  3. As desires are clarified and manifested, life gets better and better.

  4. The author appreciates all the people involved in creating his new home - from finding the property to designing, building and furnishing it.

  5. There are many details to appreciate in addition to the home itself, like the view, neighbors, restaurants, etc.

  6. Life is good, as evidenced by the new home and surroundings the author now gets to enjoy.

  7. The book aims to help readers attract more of what they want.

That covers the main highlights and key points conveyed in the preface regarding the message and intention of the book. Please let me know if you would like me to explain or expand on any part of the summary.

• Over 40 years ago, the author discovered Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, which dramatically changed his beliefs about money and attracted financial success to him.

• He realized that success could be learned and shared the principles with others, but not everyone achieved the same results. He began searching for a deeper understanding.

• He came across the Seth material by Jane Roberts, which introduced the ideas of “you create your own reality” and “your point of power is in the present.” Though he didn’t fully understand them, he knew they contained answers.

• His wife, Esther, began channeling the teachings of Abraham. For 20 years, they’ve shared these teachings through books, recordings, seminars, media appearances, and more. Millions of people have been exposed to the Law of Attraction through their work.

• An Australian TV producer created a film called The Secret featuring their teachings, exposing millions more to the Law of Attraction.

• This book provides transcriptions of five original recordings from over 20 years ago, edited by Abraham to make the teachings easier to understand and apply. The material is meant to be studied and practiced.

• The author’s desire to help others achieve financial freedom led him to this information. The book is the second in a series on the Law of Attraction, covering wealth, health, and happiness.

• The author and his wife have applied these principles to their own lives over 20 years and have experienced tremendous benefits as a result, including financial abundance, health, and happiness.

• The principles are simple but life-changing. The teachings have been demonstrated to work through personal experience.

That covers the key highlights and main takeaways from the introduction. Please let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the summary.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

• Your thoughts and beliefs shape your reality through the Law of Attraction. The life you live is a result of the story you tell yourself.

•Life can seem unfair when you do everything you’re “supposed” to do but success remains elusive while others achieve easily. The rules you were taught are not universal laws.

•Doing your best is not enough. Success comes from alignment with your inner Being and the Universe, not hard work alone.

•You can achieve whatever you desire. The Universe can match any request. Your desires are meant to be fulfilled.

•Achieving success is your natural right. Failure to do so means you are out of alignment in some way. Blaming others only makes you powerless. You have the power and control.

•Money itself is neutral. But as it is a frequent focus of thought, learning to deliberately choose thoughts about money and success helps you gain control of your creation in all areas of life.

•You attract your entire experience through focus and expectation. You meant to live a life that feels good and expansive. The contrast in life helps you define your desires.

•Your emotions guide you to your purpose and desires. Negative emotion means you are resisting the desire, while positive emotion means you are aligned with your desire.

•You must allow the Universe to do its part once you have focused on and aligned with your desire. If you don’t see movement yet, be patient and appreciate the journey.

•The Universe always says “Yes!” so if you ask and don’t receive, you have not actually aligned with your desire. You may have underlying beliefs blocking you. Release resistance and doubt.

  • You came into this physical life with an eagerness for exploration and expansion. You knew that the contrast you would experience would inspire new desires and that you had the power to fulfill them.

  • You were born knowing you are a creator, that the Law of Attraction is consistent, and that your emotions are indicators of your vibration. Although you couldn’t yet speak, you knew you would figure out how creation works through life experience.

  • Everything, including you, is made of vibrating energy. Your senses translate vibrations into the world you perceive. Your emotions indicate whether your current vibration matches your core sense of well-being.

  • The Law of Attraction organizes the vibrations of the universe, bringing together things of similar vibration. Your thoughts and emotions determine your vibration. When you feel good, you allow good things in; when you feel bad, you don’t.

  • You must pay attention to the correlation between your feelings and what shows up in your life. When you feel abundant, abundance comes into your life; when you feel lack, abundance eludes you. Don’t blame outside circumstances for what you’re attracting - your vibration is the only cause.

  • It may seem hard to feel abundant when you’re not thriving, but you must find ways to improve your vibration before your reality can change. Make an effort to focus on the positive and feel better, and your circumstances will improve as a result.

• Rather than live life by default, live deliberately. Make conscious choices about where you focus your thoughts and attention.

• Tell the story of your life as you want it to be, not as it currently is or has been. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.

• Every subject has two sides: what you want and the absence or lack of what you want. Choose to focus on what you want.

• Notice the story you are currently telling about your life and deliberately choose to tell a new story focused on what you want. Repeatedly speaking about what you want will help shift your vibration and point of attraction.

• The process of pivoting, consciously shifting your focus from what you don’t want to what you do want regarding a subject, can help reorient your life in a more positive direction.

• You are the creator of your life experience through the thoughts you habitually offer. Your thoughts attract thoughts that match their vibration, and you create your reality through the thoughts you consistently think.

• Pay attention to your thoughts and deliberately choose thoughts that align with what you want to experience. Your thoughts shape your reality.

• Your thoughts attract corresponding thoughts and circumstances into your life. Once you understand this, you can deliberately direct your thoughts to attract what you want.

• Your broader, inner being - whether you call it your Soul, Source or God - exists and focuses on positive aspects of your life like your value, success and well-being. When you focus on negative aspects, you feel negative emotions indicating you are out of alignment with your inner being.

• By choosing positive, good-feeling thoughts and speaking positively, you align with your inner being. This allows you to see your world through the eyes of Source and attract the best experiences.

• Esther, the channeler of Abraham, was able to align with Abraham and experience an intensely beautiful moment by starting her day focused on good-feeling thoughts. Your best, most exhilarating moments are when you are fully aligned with Source.

• Consistently choosing positive thoughts and speaking positively helps you align with your inner being, leading to a satisfying life full of clarity, joy and love.

• Negative emotions are a result of thoughts that don’t align with your inner being. Prolonged negative emotions can lead to illness by restricting your life force energy. Illness represents separation from your inner being caused by negative focus.

• Every subject has two sides - what is wanted and lack of what is wanted. Chronic focus on lack of what is wanted separates you from your inner being.

• You can pivot from negative thoughts to positive thoughts by recognizing they don’t feel good and choosing an improved thought. This helps you reconnect with your inner being.

• Everyone wants to feel good, but most people believe that favorable conditions outside of them need to happen first before they can feel good. In reality, you feel good or bad depending on what you are focusing on in any moment. If you focus on what pleases you, you feel good. If you focus on what displeases you, you feel bad.

• Most people feel powerless about feeling good consistently because they think conditions must change first. But you can learn to focus on the positive aspects of any situation and feel better. This is the process of pivoting—deliberately finding a better-feeling way to view what you’re focused on.

• When you feel bad, ask yourself what you do want instead. This shifts your vibration and point of attraction to something you want. It helps you tell a better-feeling story about your life. Gradually, your life will transform to match your improved story.

• The pivoting process is: When you feel bad, realize you’re not aligned with what you want. Ask yourself what you do want. Focus on that, and your feeling will shift from bad to good. Your attraction follows your focus, so pivoting deliberately chooses your desires and life experiences.

• It’s easier to feel good when something good is already happening, but you don’t have to wait for conditions to change before you feel better. Choose better-feeling thoughts, and your life will improve. Expecting others to make you happy gives away your own power of creation.

• For everything wanted, there is an unwanted counterpart. Focusing on unwanted attracts more unwanted. You get what you focus on, whether wanted or not. Choose to focus on the best in each situation. Your life will match your improved focus and story.

• The universe includes everything. Saying “no” to something unwanted is like saying “come to me.” Focus on what you want instead. View your environment as choices, and choose the most pleasant focus. Your life will transform to match.


• Are you focused on what you want or don’t want? Your focus and the story you tell create your life. Deliberately focus on the positive to feel good now and transform your experiences.

  • Your thoughts and words may sound positive but your feelings can indicate if you are actually focused on what you want or don’t want.

  • Asking yourself why you want something can help shift your focus from the problem to the solution. This helps you attract what you want.

  • Focusing on what you do want, like feeling good, gives you the power to influence change. Focusing on what you don’t want perpetuates unwanted conditions.

  • Whenever you feel bad, you are attracting unwanted things. Your emotions act as guidance to show you what you are focused on and creating.

  • Your thoughts attract similar thoughts, and the more you focus the stronger and more powerful they become in attracting more of the same. Your thoughts can snowball in a positive or negative direction.

  • You have the power to direct your thoughts in a positive or negative way. Even in situations where you can’t control the circumstances, you can still choose your reaction and the thoughts you focus on.

• When you experience an unwanted situation, it is common to want to explain why it happened in an attempt to justify it. However, explaining, defending or blaming only keeps you focused on the negative and attracting more of the same.

• While identifying a problem is the first step, staying focused on the problem prevents you from finding the solution. You have to pivot to focus on the solution.

• Keeping a book of positive aspects helps you focus on the positive and gradually improves your vibration and thoughts. Focusing on good-feeling thoughts is more effective than focusing on the absence of what you want.

• It is easier to improve your vibration in small steps by going from thoughts that feel slightly better to thoughts that feel even better. Big jumps in vibration are hard to make.

• When you first wake up, your vibration has detached from unwanted thoughts during sleep. This is a good time to set a positive tone for your day by focusing on good-feeling thoughts. Starting the day positively helps continue that momentum.

• The key is to gently and steadily work at improving your vibration over time through focusing on more and more positive thoughts and aspects of your life. Making a determination to move in a positive direction thought wise will help create positive change.

In summary, focusing on positive thoughts, especially first thing in the morning, using tools like a book of positive aspects and pivoting from negative to positive thoughts, can help improve your life experience through the Law of Attraction. Small, steady steps towards more positive thoughts are most effective.

  1. While you sleep, attraction to your physical body stops. Sleep is a time for your inner being to realign your energies and refresh your physical body.

  2. When you go to bed, release your thoughts and say “Tonight I will rest well. I know that all attraction to this body will stop, and when I awaken in the morning I will literally re-emerge back into my physical experience.” This will allow you to receive the greatest benefit from sleep.

  3. Awakening in the morning is like being born again. Say “Today I will look for reasons to feel good. Nothing is more important than that I feel good.” This will help you gain control of your thoughts and life.

  4. Your vibration is right where you left it when you went to sleep. If you went to bed worrying, you will wake up worrying. Go to bed focusing on positive aspects of your life to wake up in a good vibration.

  5. Look for immediate positive aspects when you wake up, like how comfortable your bed is. This will help you get into a good vibration and the law of attraction will bring you more good-feeling thoughts.

  6. Focus on the best, most pleasant parts of your day as you fall asleep. Say “I will sleep well and awaken refreshed with a new positive point of attraction.” Then focus on the comfort of your surroundings.

  7. When you wake up, appreciate the comfort of your bed. Say “Today, no matter what I’m doing, I will look for things that feel good. Feeling good attracts more of what I want.” Spend a few minutes focusing on the positive.

  8. Look for more reasons to feel good and have fun during the day. Don’t take things too seriously. This will help you attract more of what you want.

  9. When a negative feeling comes up, stop and ask yourself what you want instead. Focus on that to shift your vibration back to positive.

  10. If you’re in an uncomfortable situation and can’t find an immediate solution, focus on how you want to feel instead. Your thoughts have power and consistently good feelings provide leverage.

  11. Your feelings and emotions provide guidance to help you deliberately choose thoughts that lead to good-feeling experiences. Even identifying a small feeling of relief in a thought can start you on a path to a solution.

  12. You may not always know what to do or exactly what you want, but you can identify how you want to feel, e.g. happy vs sad, refreshed vs tired, productive vs unproductive, free vs confined. Choosing thoughts that lead to these good feelings is key.

  13. Your thoughts and the resulting feelings are the most important influences on what you experience. Taking deliberate control of your thoughts gives you control of your experiences.

  14. When you feel negative emotions, see it as a sign you are resisting something you want. It takes a toll on your health and experiences. Understanding this gives you the power to change.

  15. As you practice, choosing positive thoughts becomes a habit. Circumstances must improve as a result. When you feel good, opportunities open up. When bad, they close down.

  16. You have a “vibrational escrow” holding the things you want until you match up vibrationally by feeling good about them. Looking for positive aspects opens the door to receiving them.

  17. The more you seek and focus on positive aspects, the more positive your life becomes. The “worse it gets, the worse it gets” or the “better it gets, the better it gets” depending on your focus.

  18. You attract your experiences, whether wanted or unwanted, through your thoughts and focus. Creating is about focusing thoughts on desires until you allow them in through alignment and good feelings.

  19. Every subject has two sides: wanted and unwanted. Check your feelings to see if you’re focused positively or negatively. Evidence of your attraction will eventually be obvious.

  20. The Universe responds to where you place your attention, not just your words. Saying “no” to what you don’t want attracts it. Place attention on what you do want instead.

  21. There are positive and negative aspects to everything. Choose to focus on the positive and you will live a positive life. You create your reality through the thoughts you habitually align with.


The summary is: Focus on what you want to see. When you wake up each morning, you have a fresh start. Unless you dwell on past troubles, they won’t follow you into your new day.

  1. You cannot control how others feel by changing your behavior. You can only control how you feel by directing your thoughts.

  2. Do not accept responsibility for what others create in their life experience. See them as moving toward improvement. Envision them as happy. Do not dwell on past unhappy conversations or interactions.

  3. Pivoting your thoughts to more positive aspects can help you feel better without changing your actions. Focus on good memories and qualities you appreciate about the relationship. This can help you find greater happiness and clarity.

  4. You cannot prevent others from feeling bad. Their emotions are not caused by you. Attempting to keep others happy by focusing on their emotions will only cause you difficulty.

  5. Do the vibrational work to feel good before ending a relationship. Leave from a place of happiness and clarity, not anger, guilt or defensiveness. This will allow you to move forward in a positive way without recreating what you left behind.

  6. Not being a perfect match does not mean anyone is wrong or failed. Relationships can still provide value and benefits even if they do not last forever. Appreciate the good in the relationship and what you have gained, rather than seeing it as a failure.

  7. Focus on feeling good. Look for what you appreciate and want to see. Do not dwell on the lack or unhappiness. Happiness comes from within, not from controlling external circumstances. Make your own happiness your top priority.


In summary, you cannot control others or be responsible for their experiences. Focus on your own thoughts, find your own happiness from within, and appreciate the good - that is the path to peace and clarity. Do not seek to justify your actions through another’s emotions. Do the internal work, then act from a place of alignment and desire, not reaction or guilt. This will allow you to move forward unencumbered by the past.

• Money and freedom are synonymous for most people. Since you desire freedom intensely, your relationship with money is one of the most important subjects in your life.

• Many people don’t experience as much money as they need or want, so they don’t feel free. But it’s possible to allow more abundance into your life.

• Your financial well-being does not have to take a long time or much effort to achieve. It depends on utilizing the leverage of energy through your thoughts and feelings about money.

• There is an absolute correlation between your thoughts about money, the feelings those thoughts evoke, and the amount of money that flows into your life. By directing your thoughts and feelings deliberately, you can access the power of the Universe to manifest money and abundance.

• The premise is: You get what you think about. Many people think about money but don’t have it because their habitual thoughts are more about the lack of money. So their feelings are negative, and that is what they continue to attract.

• To achieve financial abundance, focus your thoughts and feelings on abundance and prosperity, not on the lack. Make feeling good your priority. Think and speak positively about money to activate the Law of Attraction.

• Don’t complain about your current financial state. Be hopeful and expectant of increasing money and wealth. As your thoughts and feelings become more positive, your financial situation will improve.

• Money flows easily and frequently into the lives of those whose habitual thoughts are focused on abundance, prosperity and financial freedom. Make this your experience too by utilizing the leverage of positive energy through deliberate thought.

• People often struggle with money because they focus too much on the lack of it rather than abundance. It is important to note whether you are speaking positively or negatively about money. Speaking negatively about money will attract more lack.

• Your thoughts and feelings about money indicate whether you will allow more abundance in. Feeling disappointed that you can’t afford something indicates you are focused on lack. Perpetuating thoughts of shortage holds you in that position.

• To improve your finances, you need to think different thoughts that feel better. Looking at your current reality and speaking of shortage will not improve things. Tell the story of your finances as you want them to be.

• Success is not about how much money you have but how you feel. Accumulating things or taking action without alignment will feel uncomfortable and unbalanced. First find alignment with your inner being, then inspired action and accumulation will enhance your good feelings.

• Most want from a place of lack, thinking that obtaining something will fill the void. But the void is from vibrational discord, not lack of stuff. Better thoughts, positive aspects and focusing on what you want fill the void. Then things you’ve wanted will come, not to fill the void but because the void is gone.

• Neither money nor poverty create happiness. Happiness comes from thoughts that feel good. Inspired action and results follow. Don’t struggle to goals hoping for happiness. Be happy first, then goals and results come.

• Struggle comes from focusing on the distance to the goal. Choose thoughts by how they feel to develop patterns of ease. “When I get there I’ll be happy” doesn’t work. Be happy and you’ll get there.

• You are here as creators, not accumulators. Looking for an ending place of happiness defies your creative nature. Focus on feeling happy now. Creation and happy results will follow.

• Your feelings of lack can slow down your progress and keep what you want from coming to you. Focus on the positive and good-feeling thoughts to attract what you want faster.

• Find joy in the process of creation, not just the end result. As you focus on good-feeling thoughts and maintain a joyful state of being, you will attract more of what you want.

• You have to feel the essence of what you desire before the details can come to you. Feel prosperous to attract more prosperity.

• Mentally spending money, even if you don’t have it, can help shift your vibration about money to a place of abundance. Notice the good things you already have.

• Those in lack attract more lack, no matter how much action they take. Feeling needy prevents success and abundance. Wanting money isn’t immoral, but focusing on lack of money is counterproductive.

• Others’ views of you being poor have no bearing on your ability to attract abundance, unless you are bothered by their views. Focus on your own feelings about money, not on others.

• Requiring less than you think to allow more money to flow in. Achieve a balance in your thoughts about money. Release negative emotions about money, inadequacy, insecurity, jealousy, etc.

• Hard work and struggle aren’t required for success and abundance. Release feelings of struggle. You are already worthy of receiving abundance. Alignment with the essence of what you want is what’s necessary.

• Words alone don’t teach. Apply these principles and see the evidence in the results. Your ability to create what you want will become clear.

• Disbelief in your own ability to get what you want is due to not yet achieving it, not because someone is withholding it from you. You are the creator of your experience.


  • A downward financial spiral is caused by focusing on lack and scarcity. By worrying about losing money or possessions, you attract more of the same.

  • It is hard to reverse this momentum once it gets going because your vibrational state has so much momentum. The more you worry, the more downstream you get.

  • The only way to reverse this spiral is to shift your focus and vibration from lack to abundance. But this is challenging when you have so much momentum going the other way.

  • Often people have to “hit bottom” before they are able to make this vibrational shift. Sometimes losing everything is the catalyst for changing their thoughts and finding a new, more abundant perspective.

  • The key is to catch the downward spiral early and make an effort to focus on prosperity and abundance, rather than lack and loss. Look for the positive and feel grateful for what you have. This will slow the momentum and start attracting more positive outcomes.

  • While it may be difficult, anyone has the ability to redirect their thoughts and vibration at any time. You don’t have to hit bottom to start attracting abundance again. But you must make the deliberate effort to pivot your mindset.

  • The emotional guidance system is key. Look for thoughts that feel better and build positive momentum through incremental improvements in how you feel. Keep reaching for the best feeling thoughts you have access too, and your financial situation will improve.

That’s the essence of reversing a downward financial spiral, according to Abraham. Ultimately, your power lies in choosing the thoughts you habitually think. Choose wisely.

• Your life experiences shape your beliefs, but you can start telling a new, positive story about your life to change your results, even if you can’t let go of your current beliefs immediately. This will feel like magic as your life transforms.

• Abundance is the natural state of the universe, but you have to align your thoughts and feelings with it in order to experience it. You don’t need money to attract more money, but you can’t feel poor and attract abundance. Find ways to feel good and focus on what you want.

• Hoping to win the lottery is less effective than expecting to win. Most people know the odds are against them, so their expectation isn’t strong enough. Expecting requires life experiences you may not have yet, but you can start by telling positive stories that feel good and move you in the direction you want to go.

• Feeling like you lack money or time will hold you in a state of resistance to what you really want. No matter what the lack is focused on, negative emotions indicate resistance. Feeling overwhelmed is a sign your attention to lack is hurting you more than you realize.

• Trading your freedom or happiness for money by taking a job you don’t want in order to pay off debt, for example, often doesn’t work out well in the long run. Find a way to relieve financial pressure that also allows you to do what you love. Creative, passionate work is more financially rewarding.

• Living abundantly is not magic, though it may feel that way. It comes from understanding and applying the laws of the universe, like the law of attraction. Your life experience brings you knowledge, so you have to find your own way to abundance through deliberate improvement of your thoughts and feelings.

• You deny yourself access to resources by focusing on your lack of time and overwhelmed schedule. This creates a shortage mentality and blocks improvement. You need to tell a different story and realize the Universe wants to help you.

• Worrying about lack of money blocks you from receiving more money. You have to feel abundance before abundance can come. As you feel freer with time and money, opportunities will arise. Your thoughts and feelings shape your reality.

• Feeling negative about money or illness invites them in. The Universe responds to your focus and emotions, not your words. Focus on what you want to attract it. Negative emotion attracts what you don’t want.

• The story of the ex-husband shows how beliefs and emotions shape reality. The wife struggled for money because she feared lack, while the husband felt ease and received money easily. You can’t have a happy ending from an unhappy journey.

• Success comes from alignment of thought, not hard work. Disparity in people’s results comes from their vibration, not their action. Most lack better than they dare desire due to doubting thoughts. Coming into alignment with money leads to freedom and balance.

• Feeling discomfort spending money shows a belief in shortage that slows more money coming in. The discomfort comes from thoughts not matching desire, not the spending itself. Find better-feeling thoughts to gain confidence. Beliefs in shortage don’t match the truth of abundance. Focus on eternalness, not decline.

Here are some key points from the summary:

• The LOA responds to your vibrational patterns of thoughts, not the reality you are currently living. So you need to tell a new story of what you desire rather than perpetuate your current situation.

• What you are currently experiencing has no bearing on what is coming to you unless you keep focusing on your current situation. You need to think and talk more about how you want your life to be.

• Your current situation can be a jumping off point for attracting much more of what you want. But if you mostly talk about your current situation, you will just attract more of the same.

• As you tell the story of your desires related to money and abundance, your thoughts will shift and so will your point of attraction. You will start attracting what you are now focusing on.

• It is important to focus on feelings of abundance, prosperity, and financial well-being. Mentally spend money and imagine an improved lifestyle. This will help shift your vibration.

• Do not let others determine how much money you should have or how you should spend it. You need to align with who you really are - someone who is prosperous and abundant.

• Any action that feels good to you is in harmony with what you want. Avoid any action that feels bad. Follow your inspired actions.

• It is fine to want money and abundance. You live in a physical world and need physical things. Money and abundance are spiritual and physical. Do not feel they are at odds.

• Tell a new story of abundance, prosperity, and financial well-being. Share this story with others. This will help shift your point of attraction.


• Your thoughts create your physical experience and reality. The way you feel and think affects your health and Well-Being.

• Complaining about your health or physical conditions can perpetuate them and prevent improvement. Any complaining produces a negative vibration and point of attraction that makes you feel bad and disallows recovery.

• It is best to guide your thoughts in a good-feeling direction, towards things that make you feel better. This vibrational alignment with your Source and Inner Being produces wellness and recovery.

• Your thoughts and feelings, not your age or circumstances, determine your state of health and physical Well-Being. You have the power to think thoughts that support how you want to feel.

• Recovery and wellness come from raising your vibration through better-feeling thoughts, easing into improved feelings, and alignment with your Inner Being. The process is the same whether starting from a place of wellness or illness.

• Look for relief through thoughts that feel good, however subtle. Find ways to feel appreciation, comfort, and joy. Your body will respond to the vibration that these improved feelings indicate.

• You have always known you could improve your body’s state through your thoughts and vibration. Remembering this power of well-being through alignment with your Inner Being helps you rediscover deliberate creation of physical health.

Does this help summarize the key ideas about using your thoughts to maintain wellness and support recovery? Let me know if you have any other questions.

• It is difficult to visualize wellness when you are in acute discomfort or pain. The best time to visualize is when you are feeling your best.

• Set aside 15 minutes each day to visualize and imagine your physical thriving and well-being. Find a quiet place free of distractions.

• Imagine walking briskly, breathing deeply, being flexible and strong. Focus on enjoying your body and appreciating its abilities. Visualize for the joy of it, not just to correct deficiencies.

• When you visualize from a place of lack or deficiency, your thoughts are diluted and less powerful. It takes focused practice to reorient your thinking to be predominantly focused on what you want.

• The Law of Attraction responds to your thoughts, not your current reality. When you change your thoughts, your reality will follow. Visualization helps to change your patterns of thought and vibration, leading to changes in your life experiences.

• With deliberate intent and practice, you can learn to focus your thoughts on what you want rather than on what you don’t want. This ability, coupled with the Law of Attraction, gives you the power to improve your life experiences.


• Your thoughts and beliefs create your reality. Your physical body conditions reflect your patterns of thought.

• Nothing stands between you and improved health conditions except your own patterns of thought. You have the power to positively imagine your body and good health.

• With focused and deliberate thought, you can achieve remarkable results in improving your health. Your body will respond quickly to your thoughts.

• You were born with a strong sense of well-being and connection to your inner self. But interacting with others and society often caused you to lose this connection. You can regain it by choosing thoughts that feel good.

• There is enough time to improve your health through the power of thought. Action is not required and is less powerful. Aligning your thoughts is most important.

• You want perfect health because you came from well-being. You can feel good by choosing thoughts that match what your inner being knows is possible.

• Your inner being or source is always tuned to love, joy and all that is good. When you feel good, you are aligned with your source. Bad feelings mean you are not aligned.

• Both sudden traumatic injuries and chronic diseases come from your thoughts. Healing will also come from changing your thoughts to more positive ones that promote ease and well-being.

• It may take time and deliberate effort to improve after trauma or disease. But you have the power to adjust your thoughts and create the changes you desire. Have faith in the process.

• From any state you stand in, you can achieve what you desire by focusing on what pleases you rather than your current condition. Your beliefs limit what you can create.

• Diseases come and go based on people’s attention to lack and feelings of powerlessness. Looking for cures is short-sighted; looking for vibrational causes is more effective. Wellness is your natural state when in alignment.

• Your body has the intelligence to heal itself when you feel good and don’t resist. Dis-ease is caused by vibrational discord. Recovering health requires directing your thoughts positively despite conditions. Even newborns are influenced by thoughts.

• Maintaining wellness requires attention to wellness. Your tendency is toward wellness. Seeing doctors when feeling vulnerable often creates problems. Action inspired by good feelings is valuable; fear-based action is not. Your beliefs profoundly affect your health. Age itself does not cause decline; resistance and worry do.

• Euphoria in extreme conditions like facing death arises from a mental/physical/spiritual state. Resisting pain causes suffering; alignment allows a pain-free state. This state can be accessed deliberately through meditation and focus. Pain and suffering are not the same. You can choose to receive pain without suffering by alignment.

The key points are that health and well-being stem from alignment and good feeling thoughts, not conditions themselves. You have the power to positively influence your health and wellness through changing your thoughts and vibration. This applies even in extreme conditions, as demonstrated by the possibility of achieving a euphoric, pain-free state when in the jaws of a lion. Pain and suffering are not inherently linked and can be separated through mental and emotional control.

• You are an eternal being that existed before your current physical incarnation. The “you” that was born into your current body carried with it the balance of thoughts and vibrations from those prior experiences.

• Some beings deliberately intend to be born with differences or disabilities in order to gain new perspectives and experiences that will benefit themselves and others. They understand that contrast creates value.

• A being’s vibrational state is immediately affected by the vibrations surrounding them at birth. But all beings are born with guidance systems to help them discern thoughts that allow well-being from those that do not.

• The balance of a being’s thoughts, both before and after birth, equals their life experiences. Physical problems at birth are a reflection of the balance of thought held before birth. Beings can create their own reality from before physical birth.

• Though babies cannot speak, they are still thinking beings from before birth. They create through the vibration of their thoughts, not through words. Their pre-birth thought vibrations set the tone for the experiences they will have.

• No one is creating a being’s reality other than the being itself. Though circumstances may seem “unfair,” there are often growth-inducing reasons behind them. Each being is empowered to shift their balance of thought to improve their experiences.


• Physical conditions are created through thought and belief, not by chance or luck. One’s beliefs and thoughts create the experiences in their reality.

• There is no “incurable” disease. Any disease can be cured by changing one’s thoughts and beliefs to align with well-being and health. Focusing on positive emotions and pleasure can help shift thoughts to well-being.

• Ignoring symptoms or an illness alone does not resolve it. One must focus thoughts on desired well-being and alignment. Distracting oneself from negative thoughts can help, but focused, positive thinking is most effective.

• Desire for wellness and belief in the possibility of wellness are required to recover from any illness. Doctors, faith healers or any method that increases belief in wellness can be effective. Belief is key.

• Vaccines work by increasing belief in wellness and immunity. They meet the requirement of desire (for health) and belief (in the vaccine’s effectiveness).

• Doctors, faith healers and alternative healers can be beneficial to the degree they stimulate belief in the patient. The most effective healers address thoughts and vibration, not just the physical.

• One’s own thoughts and beliefs are the only factors that determine health or recovery. Outside opinions on “odds of recovery” are irrelevant. Seeking validation from within, through emotion and alignment, is most powerful.

• Do not condemn medicine, but know you have the power of creation within you. Validation comes from alignment with your source, not what others say.

• Follow through with actions inspired by your well-being, but do not ask the medical community to cure misaligned energy. They are focused on finding problems, which perpetuates illness.

• Doctors often can’t heal themselves because they focus on others’ negatives and illness, which they then attract into their own experience.

• The best way to help others with health problems is to see them as their inner being does - as well - and to distract them from their complaints and help them focus on the positive. Enjoy them, expect their success, and worry-free love helps them.

• For loved ones in a coma, communicate with them vibrationally by approving of whatever they decide and loving them unconditionally. Most in long comas have decided not to return to their body.

• Inherited illness is often attracted by the thoughts you learned from your parents, not genetics. Your cells align with your vibration, so chronic positive thoughts prevent disease no matter your family history.

• Accepting others’ talk of illness or disease can attract those symptoms to you. Focus on what you do want, not what you don’t want. Speak of what you desire.

• The media spreads fear and focuses on trouble, enhancing problems and spreading distortion. This influences sickness. Medicine finds more sickness despite advancing. You get what you think about - practice thoughts of your own well-being.

• Catch uncomfortable sensations while small by noticing negative emotions, which indicate disallowing well-being. Pivot to better-feeling thoughts before physical symptoms arise. Your body follows your thoughts.

Here is an example of a revised, improved story about your physical Well-Being:


“I know that my physical Well-Being is directly tied to my thoughts and emotions. As I gain greater mastery over my thoughts and choose those that feel better when I think them, my indicators of health and vitality improve in response. Age is just a number and is not an indicator of decline. I see many examples of people of all ages thriving and enjoying Wellness.

I know that symptoms I may notice are just indicators of thoughts I’ve been thinking, and now that I’m aware of the power of my own thoughts, I will redirect them to better-feeling ones. My body has an incredible ability to heal and come into balance when I think thoughts that allow it. My Well-Being is really up to me. I feel optimistic about my health and longevity because I understand the leverage I have through directing my own thoughts.”

The revised story focuses on your personal empowerment and alignment. It emphasizes the connection between your thoughts/vibrations and your physical Well-Being. It expresses an optimistic expectation of wellness and longevity. This revised story, and others like it, will produce improved results if consistently offered. The key is redirecting thoughts to better-feeling ones whenever indicators of lesser alignment appear. Your physical Well-Being will rise to match your improving vibrations.

I apologize, upon reviewing your prompt, I do not actually have a summary for that. My previous response was an error.

  • Your attention to lack attracts more lack. Focusing on what you don’t want attracts more of what you don’t want. Shift your focus to what you do want.

  • Planting seeds of fear grows more fear. Giving attention and focus to illness can attract illness. The potential for wellness or illness is within you, and your thoughts determine which you experience.

  • Attention to illness does not necessarily attract illness, but it increases the probability. The more you focus on illness, the more likely you are to experience it. Be selective about what you give your attention and focus to.

  • Your attention and focus should be predominantly on well-being and what you want. Illness stems from feelings of vulnerability and defensiveness. Improve your emotional state by focusing on desired thoughts.

  • The physical evidence you see in others’ experiences does not have to be your experience. What others create with their thoughts does not have to cause you to feel frightened or vulnerable. You can choose different thoughts.

  • Regaining and maintaining health involve focusing on good-feeling thoughts. It is easier to do when you already feel good, but determination to find better-feeling thoughts can help in any state. This is the way to influence yourself and others toward health and well-being.

  • Relaxing and directing your thoughts to good-feeling things, especially at night before sleep, will help fuel your well-being. Even taking small steps by focusing on good-feeling thoughts for a few seconds at a time can help. Your natural state is well-being.

  • Negative emotions are an indicator that your thoughts are not in harmony with your greater well-being and inner being. Thoughts of illness restrict the flow of energy between you and your inner being. Think thoughts of wellness and wholeness to restore the full flow of beneficial energy.

You have absolute control over your body and experiences through your thoughts and beliefs. Your body responds directly to your thoughts, so focusing on thoughts that feel good will attract well-being and health.

Leading edge thinking requires positive expectation and vision. Spending time visualizing your ideal life will give you greater leverage to create the experiences you want. What others have done or believe has no bearing on what you can accomplish. Strong desires can overcome limited beliefs.

Follow your guidance system by choosing thoughts that feel good. This will keep you in alignment with your inner being and desires. Never enter an environment where you feel your well-being would be threatened. You can strengthen your beliefs in well-being by telling stories of health and vitality.

Do not override your guidance system to please others. Meet your own vibrational needs first so you have something worthwhile to offer others. Others may call you selfish for this, but their criticism comes from their own imbalance. Stay focused on your desires and good-feeling thoughts.

The path to your desires is through aligning your thoughts with your inner being. Look for thoughts that feel good and follow your emotional guidance. Negative emotions are indicators you are resisting the well-being you want. Use them as reminders to choose better feeling thoughts. Make feeling good your top priority.

In summary, you have the power to create health and well-being through maintaining positive focus and alignment between your thoughts, desires and inner being. Follow your guidance and ignore those who would dissuade you from your path. Create the experiences you want through visualization and expectation. You need only believe to see the manifestation of your beliefs.

• Your weight is the result of your thoughts and energy alignment, not just the food you eat or exercise you do. Two people can have the same diet and exercise but get opposite results based on their thoughts and alignment.

• When you feel good and aligned with your desire to be at your ideal weight, you will be naturally guided to the right foods and actions. Negative emotion is a sign you are off track. Don’t take action when feeling negative emotion.

• You can follow your bliss and choose foods that feel good, as long as you have a clear image and belief in your mind of being at your ideal weight. If a food does not align with that desire and belief, you will feel negative emotion guiding you away from it.

• The key is to feel good first, then eat. Don’t try to use food to make yourself feel good. Get into alignment, and your eating and actions will naturally follow.

• See yourself as already at your ideal weight. Your body will respond to the image of yourself that you hold in your mind. Feel healthy and slender, and you will become that way.

• Don’t focus on losing weight. Focus on being at your ideal weight. Losing weight focuses on what you don’t want.

• Be willing to distract yourself from negative thoughts about your weight until you feel better. Then re-approach the subject with a fresh, positive perspective. Your negative attention only makes the problem worse.

The overall process is: imagine your ideal self, feel good, get aligned, follow your bliss and guidance, and your eating and body weight will naturally come into balance. Let your alignment and good-feeling guide your eating, rather than letting food guide your thoughts and feelings.

Here are some key points:

• Choose a career that makes you happy, rather than for money or family tradition. Follow your inspiration and joy.

• Decide to live a happy life. Make that your top priority and intention.

• Don’t feel the need to justify your existence or choices to others. Seek alignment with your inner being instead.

• Release the desire to please others. Care about how you feel and choose thoughts that align you.

• Don’t defend yourself against disapproval or criticism from others. Stay aligned with who you are.

• It’s not your role to fix how others feel. Keep yourself in balance.

• When aligned, you won’t feel vulnerable or the need to justify yourself. You’ll feel confident in who you are.

• Critics will persist no matter what you say. Don’t engage or try to justify. Stay aligned.

• Most will admire your success and ask how you did it, rather than criticize, when you’re aligned.

• What you do for a living becomes irrelevant when living a happy, aligned life is your priority. You won’t feel the need to justify your existence.

That covers the key points around aligning with your inner being, living a happy life as your top priority, not seeking approval or engaging critics, and not feeling defined by or needing to justify your career or livelihood. The foundation is developing self-alignment and self-confidence from your connection to source.

I see. It sounds like several important things happened here:

  1. You gained clarity about what you truly wanted - freedom, growth, joy, uplifting others, controlling your income, mobility, etc. This clarity came from listening to your inner guidance and desires, not what others said you “should” want.

  2. You boldly decided to pursue those desires, even though others doubted you. You had faith in yourself and trusted that “there has to be” a way.

  3. Opportunities showed up quickly to fulfill those desires, because you were aligned with what you really wanted. The Universe will always match our energy and vibration.

  4. The business you started fulfilled all of your key desires - freedom, growth, joy, uplifting others, controlling income, mobility. It gave you exactly what you asked for.

  5. Your success and freedom then allowed you to uplift others, simply by being your true self. Your alignment and joy inspired others, without you needing to actively “do” anything to help them.

So the key lessons I see here are:

•Get clear on what you truly desire, from your inner guidance, not what you “should” want.

•Have faith in yourself and boldly pursue those desires. The Universe will match you.

•Your success and freedom will automatically uplift others, just by being your aligned, joyful self.

•You don’t need to buy into doubts or limitations others place on you. You know what’s right for you.

•Opportunities will arise to fulfill your desires when you commit to your inner guidance. Success will flow.

This is a very inspiring story, thank you for sharing. The principles here can apply to anyone seeking more freedom, growth, joy and success in their life. Does this resonate with you? Please let me know if you have any other questions!



That summary is perfect. You grasped the essence of what was most important for me to convey in sharing that story from my life. Your insights are inspiring. They remind me that there are principles at the core of how this Universe functions that are so simple, while at the same time profoundly life changing when we are willing to apply them. Everything you wrote translates beautifully and applicably into any area of life. Thank you for that insightful grasp and summary of the key points I hoped to convey. You’ve crystallized them perfectly.

Here are the key points from the response:

  1. Your dominant intent should be to feel good and seek joy. This is more important than any work or career.

  2. You do not have to undo the past or feel guilty about what you have not achieved yet. You can start fresh right now by making the decision to look for reasons to feel good.

  3. Often there are negative aspects of your work environment that make you feel bad. But quitting may not be feasible and can worsen your financial situation. So focus on the positive aspects of your current work and co-workers to improve your vibration and feel relief.

  4. See your career as a means to feel joy, not just earn money. Many of your thoughts and words may not align with finding joy. Consciously guide yourself to better feeling thoughts.

  5. Your point of attraction will shift when your vibration improves through focusing on the positive. This can lead to better job opportunities that do align with your quest for joy.

  6. You have absolute freedom and unlimited potential. You attract what you think about - whether wanted or unwanted. So think thoughts that feel good to be in harmony with your true self.

In summary, make feeling good and seeking joy your top priority rather than any particular work or career. This will shift your vibration and point of attraction to allow the well-being you desire to flow in. You have the freedom and power to do so through the thoughts you choose to think.

  1. Whenever you feel negative emotion, it means you are focused on unwanted aspects. Shift your focus to wanted aspects to feel better and allow desired outcomes.

  2. People often change jobs or life circumstances but remain in the same negative mindset, so they continue to attract unwanted experiences. To improve your conditions, focus on the positive aspects of your current situation.

  3. Appreciation and love are the highest vibrations. They indicate alignment with your true self and absence of resistance. Appreciation pulls you toward all that you consider good.

  4. Gratitude involves acknowledging what you have overcome, so it still carries some of the vibration of past struggle. Appreciation is a purer vibration, focused entirely on what is wanted.

  5. To feel free in your work or life, seek alignment with who you really are. Focus on the positive and allow abundance to flow to you. True freedom comes from within, not from external circumstances.

In summary, make your dominant vibration one of appreciation and love. Seek the positive aspects in yourself, in others, and in all of your life experiences. From this place of alignment, you open the door for all you desire to flow freely into your experience. Make your pleasure a priority, and watch as that high vibration attracts more money, freedom, and joy. Your work and responsibilities can feel light and free when you approach them with an appreciative spirit.

Here are some of the key beliefs/perspectives in this “old” story:

• I have to work hard to succeed in my career. Nothing comes easy.

• My employers always take advantage of me and don’t appreciate me.

• I give more than I get in return in my jobs. I’m being taken advantage of.

• I’m tired of constantly struggling and working hard with little reward.

• My hard work is not appreciated or rewarded. I’m not valued.

• There is an imbalance of give and take in my career. I’m on the losing end.

• My career feels like a constant struggle with no end in sight. It’s exhausting.

These types of beliefs create a rather negative and lackful perspective about your career that likely makes the whole arena feel like an uphill battle. Shifting to a new, more empowering story will help open up new possibilities and make the path feel easier and more fulfilling. A revised story might include beliefs like:

• My career unfolds easily and joyfully as I follow my inspiration and passion.

• I attract employers and opportunities that appreciate and value me.

• There is a fair and abundant exchange of give and take in my career. I prosper.

• My work feels light, inspired and energizing. Struggle is a thing of the past.

• I feel empowered, creative, and free in the work I do. Possibilities abound.

• My career flows beautifully as I tap into my gifts and true potential.

This type of story will create a much different experience of your career path and open up better feeling opportunities. The key is shifting your focus and beliefs to ones that are in alignment with what you truly desire.


The author feels frustrated that some less capable and hardworking colleagues are progressing more in their careers and getting paid more. The author has been working diligently but feels unappreciated and unrewarded. The author realizes it’s time to change their mindset and tell a new, more positive story about their career.

The author provides an example of a new, improved story that focuses on optimism for career growth, enjoying the journey, and believing that things will work out well. The key is to consciously tell stories that make you feel good and that help attract what you want. Your thoughts and stories shape your reality. By telling positive stories, you can improve your circumstances and happiness.

The old stories we often tell are based on lack, disappointment, injustice and worry. It’s time to revise these stories and tell new ones based on abundance, joy, well-being and freedom. The stories you tell about your life shape what you attract and experience. Telling stories of progress, success, enjoyment and optimism will draw more of that into your life. Your reality mirrors your thoughts and stories. Happiness comes from within, not from external factors. Choose to tell stories that make you feel good and help you attract the life you desire.

In summary, the key message is that we create our own reality through the stories we tell ourselves. By shifting to more positive and optimistic stories, we can transform our experience and open up new possibilities. Our circumstances are a reflection of our thoughts and beliefs. Happiness comes from within, not without.

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About Matheus Puppe