Self Help

MONEY Master the Game - Tony Robbins

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Matheus Puppe

· 8 min read

• Tony Robbins is a world-renowned life and business strategist. He has studied success and performance for nearly 40 years.

• Robbins wrote this book to share strategies for gaining control of your financial life, especially after the 2008 crisis. The key is following proven principles to achieve financial freedom, not chasing fads or hype.

• Robbins interviewed extremely successful investors like Ray Dalio, founder of the world’s largest hedge fund. Dalio said most investors should avoid competing with pros and use passive investing. Even the best are sometimes wrong, so you need a balanced system.

• Dalio shared his “All Seasons” portfolio, which has produced 9.9% annual returns for 30 years. Robbins aims to provide access to once privileged strategies.

• Robbins’ key principles are: pay yourself first, understand your relationship with money, be wary of myths and hype, favor low-cost index funds and passive investing, build an all-weather balanced portfolio, focus on the long-term.

• Pay yourself first by saving at least 10% of income. Increase the percentage over time. Money is a tool that can be used for good or bad, depending on your mindset.

• There are two phases to investing: accumulation and decumulation. Reach “critical mass” accumulating, then preserve capital decumulating. Avoid hype, use index funds. Experts recommend them over active management, which rarely beats the market.

• Key factors are minimizing costs, diversifying, limiting trading, maximizing tax efficiency. Balance active and passive approaches. An “all weather” portfolio withstands ups and downs. Frontier markets may reward active management.

• 401(k)s shifted retirement planning burden to individuals. While some welcomed control, many struggle. Fees reduce savings up to 70%. Success needs saving early at high rates in low-cost accounts.

• For 401(k)s to work, individuals must make complex decisions correctly, including when to start saving, how much to save, how to invest, and how to withdraw money in retirement. The odds of getting all these right are low.

• Some solutions are target-date funds, professional advice, financial education. But individuals must act to benefit.

The overall message is follow proven principles, not hype; pay yourself first; index funds and passive investing help; build an all-weather portfolio; focus on the long-term; and be wary of retirement plans and products with high fees. Making the right decisions and taking action drive success.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

  1. Focus on your own path to financial independence rather than comparing yourself to others. Success is defined individually based on your needs and priorities.

  2. Use a retirement calculator to create a tailored plan. Input your financial details and it provides scenarios for different returns so you can choose a suitable path. Tax rates and tax-advantaged accounts are key factors.

  3. Generally, Roth accounts are preferable to traditional accounts. Returns are tax-free, and they shield you from potential tax increases.

  4. The “Save More Tomorrow” plan automatically increases retirement contributions with income so saving accelerates painlessly over time. This significantly speeds progress.

  5. Most people will likely fall into one of three groups: young but finding a path; closer to security than realized, maybe just 5-10 years away; or started late but can still achieve goals, though it may take longer.

  6. Examples show that people in debt or who started later achieved security through having a plan, increasing income, controlling debt, consistently saving, and tax-advantaged accounts with solid returns. Time, saving and compounding are effective.

  7. Don’t be surprised if results look too good to be true. Recheck assumptions, but many are closer to security than they think. Saving, returns and time are powerful.

  8. Over 10-20 years, consistent action and compounding can achieve a lot. Focus on your own progress and keep improving.

  9. Five strategies to accelerate your plan: Save more and invest the difference; pay off mortgage faster, with half to principal; cut housing/transport/food costs; reduce small regular expenses; make a realistic spending plan to cut waste and spend on what matters.

The key takeaway is that financial independence is achievable for anyone with discipline and time. Have a tailored plan, focus on your progress, use tax-advantaged accounts and the power of compounding. Accelerate where possible through increased saving and reducing costs. With consistency, you can achieve security even from a disadvantaged start. The journey is key; compare yourself only to your past self.

Here is a revised summary:

The key message is that making small changes and continuous improvement over time can lead to big results. Specifically:

•Developing valuable skills through continuous learning and practice. This makes you more valuable to others and opens up opportunities for greater income and independence.

•Working hard and providing value to others. Contributing to the lives of other people through your work or business is key to financial freedom and success.

•Increasing your income and building wealth over time through saving, budgeting, and wise investment of your money. Small improvements in earning, spending, and saving habits compound over the long run.

•Constantly reevaluating your habits and making incremental improvements. Don’t make big overhauls all at once. Make steady progress through ongoing self-reflection and small changes that stick.

•Having long-term financial and lifestyle goals to work toward. Know where you want to be in 5, 10 or 20 years from now and make plans to achieve your key milestones and objectives over time.

•Making the choice each day to improve your situation rather than remain stagnant. While the outcomes are gradual, the daily choices to learn and grow are what really shape your future success and freedom.

In summary, achieving wealth and independence is not about radical changes or any one big windfall. It is the cumulative effect of continuous self-improvement through developing skills, working hard, saving money, making good choices each day, and having long-term goals to guide your progress over months and years. Small changes and daily disciplines do make a big difference in the long run.

Does this summary accurately reflect the key principles around achieving financial freedom through continuous improvement? Let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand my summary further. I’m happy to provide additional details and examples.

• Sir John Templeton was an optimistic investor who believed in embracing maximum pessimism in the markets and focusing on global opportunities. He felt spiritual and personal growth came from facing challenges, constant self-improvement, and an attitude of gratitude.

• Technology is progressing exponentially, bringing huge benefits. While disruptive, new technologies primarily improve lives. An optimistic and abundant mindset will help humanity thrive despite challenges.

• Scarcity, or fear of lacking enough, is a natural human concern. But technology and innovation have historically overcome resource constraints. Young entrepreneurs are solving major problems with new technologies.

• Individuals like Easton LaChappelle, 14, built a robotic arm and provide low-cost prosthetics globally. A “Maker Revolution” of do-it-yourselfers solves problems through collaboration. President Obama hosted a Maker Faire celebrating this movement.

• Major challenges like aging populations, debt, and environmental issues are coming. But technology and human ingenuity can solve problems and usher in a better future. Technological trends tend to overcome cycles.

• Ray Kurzweil predicted technologies by understanding exponential growth. Exponential technologies seem magical but will transform the future. Advancements in water, food, health, and more can overcome scarcity. Craig Venter’s team built the first artificial life form. Health care will radically improve.

• Scientists are growing human organs and enhancing human abilities in implausible ways. While hard to believe, these accelerating advances are happening now. Technology building on itself has almost limitless potential to improve the human condition.

• The key messages are: adopt an optimistic and abundant mindset; technology and innovation will solve humanity’s challenges; the future will be radically different in positive ways hard for most to envision today. But maintaining an open and forward-looking perspective can help overcome the natural tendency toward pessimism and scarcity-based thinking. The future is bright if we choose to pursue progress over doubt.

Does this summary accurately reflect the key highlights and main conclusions from the discussion? Let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the summary.

  • Technology and abundance will improve lives in exponential ways beyond most expectations. The future looks incredibly optimistic.

  • Advancements will regenerate organs, enhance bodies and make computing ubiquitous, but automation may eliminate jobs. Adaptability is key.

  • While abundance could increase happiness, meaning comes from passion, growth and empowering others. Survivors find purpose in philanthropy. Giving time, money or skills produces well-being.

  • Micro-donations have big impact. Small actions together can solve issues like hunger, lack of water and human trafficking. The secret to living is giving whatever you have.

  • Your life is shaped by your focus, the meaning you make and your actions. Retrain your mind with gratitude to live positively, focus outward and find purpose. Meaning comes from growth, contribution and empowering others.

  • Tony Robbins and his foundations are dedicated to empowering people through donations, partnerships and volunteering. What started as feeding two families grew into a global movement that believes helping others leads to joy and fulfillment.

  • Pay less for investment access. Tap opportunities at lower cost. Maximize control and flexibility. Globally diversify. Become financially literate. Invest in high-growth emerging markets.

  • Take control of your financial life. Break through limiting beliefs. Learn how the industry works. Set meaningful goals. Choose a winning investment strategy. Build wealth. Generate income. Maintain an optimal mindset. Take action to achieve greater prosperity.

The key themes are using technology, abundance and giving to improve lives; finding meaning, purpose and empowerment beyond material excess; gaining financial freedom through education, strategy, action and an outward mindset focused on mutual success. Overall, the future is bright if we adapt to change, contribute value to others, and continually progress as individuals and a society.

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About Matheus Puppe