Self Help

Overthinking How to Declutter and Unfu_k - Robert Leary

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Matheus Puppe

· 18 min read

• Overthinking is analyzing and processing more information than needed to complete a task. It leads to distraction, negativity, and difficulty making decisions.

• Overthinking is often caused by:

  • Social expectations: Fear of how others perceive you.
  • Relationships: Worry and insecurity in personal relationships.
  • Trauma: Past traumatic events can lead to overthinking as a coping mechanism.
  • Social media: Exposure to curated glimpses into the lives of others can fuel overthinking and anxiety.

• Information overload makes overthinking worse by providing too many options and details to process. Reducing information intake can help.

• Decluttering your mind and environment reduces overthinking by minimizing distraction and stress. Forming good habits like mindfulness, positive thinking, and adequate sleep can replace negative overthinking habits.

• Recognizing and removing negative influences, like unhealthy relationships, also helps minimize overthinking. Focusing on meaningful goals and purpose provides positive motivation.

• Overthinking is a form of anxiety caused by excessive, unrealistic worry. Reducing anxiety and learning to redirect negative thoughts can help address the root causes of overthinking.

• Social expectations and pressure are major contributors to overthinking. Expectations around career success, relationships, appearance, and lifestyle can trigger unhealthy thought patterns.

• Career pressures like finding a job, advancing, and competing with coworkers can lead to overthinking about self-worth, competence, and how you measure up to others. This starts early with expectations around education and follows us into our careers.

• Relationship pressures from media, friends, and society can lead to overthinking about attractiveness, jealousy, trust issues, and self-esteem. Comparing your relationship to unrealistic ideals causes problems.

• Overthinking in relationships and careers stems from distorted perceptions of yourself in comparison to others. Social pressures and expectations have shaped these perceptions since childhood.

• Common overthinking triggers include:

  • Worrying about where you are in your career or education compared to peers
  • Comparing your relationship or partner to unrealistic ideals
  • Doubting your competence or self-worth due to perceived failures to meet social expectations
  • Jealousy, trust issues, and low self-esteem fueled by comparisons to media images
  • Embarrassment over not achieving an expected life milestone like marriage, kids, home ownership, career success, etc.

The key is recognizing these influences and perceptions are distorted. Every person’s path in life is unique. Comparing yourself to unrealistic social ideals will only lead to more overthinking and unhappiness.

• Comparing your relationship to unrealistic portrayals in media can lead to overthinking and missing what makes your relationship special. Focus on communication instead.

• We are all unique in how we experience and deal with emotions and problems. Different does not mean wrong. Comparing yourself to others is unhelpful.

• Past trauma can contribute to overthinking by causing you to view current and future events through the lens of that trauma. The pain of trauma often needs to be addressed to avoid distorting your thinking.

• Social media addiction is a major source of overthinking. We see curated versions of others’ lives and compare ourselves, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

• Information overload from excessive social media use can lead to feeling burned out. We seek out constant new information to feel engaged but then discard most of it. This habit forms similarly to how drug addiction does, activating pleasure centers in the brain.

• Breaking the social media habit, even briefly, can provide insight into your relationship with it and how it may be affecting your thinking and well-being.

The key points are that overthinking is often caused or exacerbated by unhealthy comparisons to others, unaddressed trauma, and information overload from social media addiction. Addressing these root causes through reflection, limiting social media use, and professional help if needed can help establish a healthier thinking pattern.

• We are constantly feeding our brains with information from social media, news, entertainment, etc. This constant stimulation leads our brains to crave more and more information. We can become addicted to this overload of information.

• This information overload is an illusion created by companies and media to keep us engaged and addicted. They design platforms and content to be highly stimulating and attention-grabbing.

• Too much information can negatively impact our ability to make good decisions. It leads to burnout, fatigue, and difficulty prioritizing important information. It can cause mistakes, emotional reactions, and rash decisions.

• Information overload at work, like receiving hundreds of emails a day, can significantly impact productivity and mental health. It contributes to burnout and reduced cognitive capacity.

• Information overload in relationships can lead to unrealistic expectations and poor decision making. We are flooded with images of perfect relationships that don’t reflect reality. This can lead to giving up too quickly or making rash relationship decisions.

• The more critical the decision and the less time we have to make it, the more damaging information overload can be. It can have severe, long-lasting consequences. Examples include distracted driving or mistakes made by air traffic controllers.

• Strategies to reduce information overload include: recognizing how it’s negatively impacting you; limiting phone/screen time; replacing it with exercise, social interaction, and mindfulness; setting clear priorities; limiting distractions; and learning to say “no.” Reducing information overload improves health, happiness, relationships, and productivity.

  • Take a walk, listen to soft music, play with pets, color in an adult coloring book to relax your mind

  • Limit multitasking and focus on one thing at a time to improve quality and output

  • Make real phone calls or meet friends in person - put away devices and have meaningful conversations

  • Take short breaks every hour at work to walk around, stretch and recharge your mind

  • Limit consumption of doom and gloom news stories which can lead to information overload

  • A cluttered, overthinking mind can lead to isolation, anxiety and depression over time

  • Many crowding thoughts come from outside influences like marketing and social media, not your own priorities

  • The human brain can only truly focus on one thing at a time, though some people seem adept at quickly switching between tasks

  • Constantly “multitasking” and switching between many tasks reduces quality and increases chances of mistakes

  • “Brilliant multitaskers” may be quantity over quality and end up carrying stress between work and home life

  • A cluttered mind that can’t unwind leads to missing out on life’s simple pleasures and time with loved ones

  • A cluttered mind can have negative effects over time, including poor decision making, repeating unhelpful thoughts, and adopting harmful coping strategies.

  • To declutter your mind, identify negative or unhelpful thoughts and write them down. Come up with positive thoughts to counteract each negative one. Then practice interrupting the negative thoughts when they arise, replacing them with the positive ones. This rewires your brain and makes it easier over time.

  • With a decluttered mind, you can find your true passion, purpose, or goal in life. Think back to childhood joys and passions. These can still bring happiness as an adult.

  • Adults don’t have to give up freedom of mind, playfulness, curiosity, passion or other childlike traits. Find ways to experience joy and presence like a child.

  • Write down childhood joys and passions. Then determine how to manifest them in your life now as an adult. Experience them in a mature, purposeful way rather than trying to relive the past.

The key steps are:

  1. Identify negative or unhelpful thoughts and write them down.

  2. Come up with positive, countering thoughts for each negative one.

  3. Practice interrupting the negative thoughts and replacing them with the positive ones.

  4. Think about childhood joys, passions and purpose.

  5. Determine how to manifest them in a mature way in your present life.

  6. Experience presence and joy like a child, in a purposeful adult way.

  7. Rewire your brain through consistent practice of positive thinking.

That covers the essence and steps to declutter your mind and rediscover purpose and passion in life. Let me know if you would like me to explain anything in the summary in more detail.

  • Make a list of things you enjoyed as a child and find photos or videos from those times. Remember the joy those activities brought you.

  • Think about current interests and hobbies. When was the last time you had time to pursue them? It may take time to rediscover current interests. Consider learning a new hobby.

  • Choose one or two hobbies or interests to focus on to bring happiness and relaxation into your life. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Make time for them daily, even if just for a short time.

  • Consider taking a class on something you’ve always wanted to learn. You may find like-minded people. The more you pursue personal growth, the more it will find you.

  • Decluttering your environment can help reduce overthinking. Discuss decluttering with anyone you share your space with.

  • Examine why decluttering and reorganizing is important. Your environment reflects your mental state. Look around and see how your space makes you feel. Address thought processes before decluttering or the space will return to disarray.

  • Decluttering applied mostly to those who feel overwhelmed. Accept the need to go slowly, one room or one area at a time. Have boxes for donation, trash, and keeping/reorganizing. Remove everything from the space before cleaning and reorganizing. Consider professional cleaning help for difficult areas.

  • Dispose of unneeded items through donation, yard sales, or trashing. Minimalism, reducing belongings to essentials, may be worth considering, though not for everyone. At minimum, declutter and reorganize your space.

  • Minimalism is a lifestyle that focuses on living with only the essentials and avoiding excess clutter and consumption. Practitioners aim to declutter their lives and gain freedom from the constant pressures of modern society.

  • Reasons for choosing minimalism include environmental concerns, desire for more freedom and clarity, and realization that material excess does not lead to happiness. Minimalism leads to a simpler, more sustainable lifestyle.

  • Minimalism applies to both physical belongings as well as mental clutter and information overload. Decluttering your home and physical space leads to a decluttered mind. Minimalism cultivates presence, gratitude, and enjoyment of life’s simple pleasures.

  • Forming good habits is key to maintaining a minimalist mindset. This includes prioritizing real human relationships over social media and device use, making time for self-care, spending time in nature, limiting information consumption, practicing mindfulness and meditation, keeping a gratitude journal, and pursuing hobbies and creative activities.

  • Challenge yourself to engage in real conversations with people in your daily life instead of constantly being on your phone. Reconnect with friends and loved ones you haven’t spoken to in a while. Make your relationships a priority.

  • Take time for self-care through exercise, spending time outdoors, meditation, journaling, or pursuing hobbies and creative interests. Limit information consumption from social media and devices. Practice being fully present in the moment.

  • Keep a gratitude journal to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Appreciate the simple things in life.

  • Review your priorities and habits regularly to make sure you are living according to your values. Continuously re-focus your mindset through mindfulness practices. Minimalism is a lifelong journey.

The key habit changes recommended are:

•Keep a journal and log your progress and challenges. Journaling helps keep you focused and accountable.

•Eat healthier by making small changes to your diet like lowering sugar and eating more greens. Don’t overhaul your diet. Small steps lead to long-term success.

•Exercise in small ways. Even just standing more or walking can help. Start where you’re at and build up slowly. Compare yourself only to your past self.

•Make time for yourself to do relaxing and rejuvenating activities like reading, napping or stretching. Choose healthy alternatives to junk food or TV.

•Create to-do lists and organize by priority. Learn to say no to non-essential tasks and obligations. Protect yourself from feelings of guilt by choosing yourself sometimes.

The overall message is to start small by making one or two habit changes at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Protect your mental space and reclaim your time and energy. Choose self-care. Celebrate small wins and be accountable through journaling. Make progress over perfection.

Focus on high-priority tasks like grocery shopping and feeding your kids before less important chores. Make separate lists for things to do today and things to do this week to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Ask for help when you need it. Don’t feel like a failure for asking for help. Let people help you and use it as an opportunity to strengthen your relationships.

Practice gratitude. Be grateful for the good things in your life, both big and small. Gratitude helps shift your mindset to a positive one and helps you live in the present moment.

Remove negative influences from your life. Identify sources of overthinking, stress, and negative emotions in your life and work to eliminate them. This could include traumatic past events, bad friends, social media that makes you feel bad about yourself, etc.

Talk to friends who are negatively influencing you. Explain that you are trying to live a healthier life and the ways in which their behavior is hindering that. Ask them to change their behavior or cut ties if needed. They may even want to join you in self-improvement.

Talk to loved ones or partners who are negatively influencing you. This will likely be very difficult but is important for your wellbeing and progress. Come from a place of caring for the relationship in the discussion. You may need to cut ties in some situations.

The overall message is to simplify your life, focus on what really matters, nurture positive relationships, and remove unhealthy influences. This will help shift your mindset and support your journey to overcoming overthinking.

• If you are in a toxic relationship, address it as soon as possible. Don’t confuse fixable issues with unfixable ones. Communication is key. Many relationship problems stem from poor communication.

• If the relationship has a history of abuse, confront it and get support. Leave immediately if in danger.

• For breaking up or addressing issues, set aside time to talk honestly and openly. Listen to each other. If worth saving, come to an understanding.

• Give yourself time to recover after ending a relationship. Don’t rebound. Rely on your support network.

• Bad habits like unhealthy eating or substance abuse are hard to break. Take baby steps, like cutting back one day a week. Alter your environment and routine to avoid triggers.

• Limit exposure to negative media and advertising that affect self-esteem. Follow and see less of things that make you feel inadequate. Spend less time on your phone and social media. Replace with new healthy habits and interests.

• Become less dependent on others’ advice. Listen to yourself. No one knows you better than you. Stop following personalities that make you feel bad about yourself.

• A dead-end or unfulfilling job can sap your motivation, passion, and energy. Success is not just money or climbing a career ladder. Life is short—don’t spend it all on a job you don’t love.

• Make sure where you spend most of your time, like your job, is where you want to be. Don’t just do what others expect. Find work you’re passionate about.

• Take a risk and make a change to improve your situation. Have courage and believe in yourself. Happiness comes from within, not from what others think of your choices.

• Surround yourself with positivity. Rid your life of negative influences and fill it with inspiration and motivation. Keep your goals and priorities in sight. Stay strong and determined. You’ve got this!

  • Mindfulness, meditation, and positive thinking are closely related concepts.

  • Mindfulness is about being fully present and aware of your surroundings and your feelings. It involves paying close attention to the current moment. The benefits of mindfulness include feeling hope, clarity, and happiness.

  • You can practice mindfulness by going outside, finding a quiet spot, closing your eyes and focusing on your senses - what you hear, feel, and smell. Try not to form thoughts about these sensations, just experience them. Start with a few minutes a day and build up.

  • Meditation is closely related to mindfulness. Meditation techniques involve sitting quietly, closing your eyes, and focusing your awareness. In Zen meditation, allow thoughts to come and go without sticking to any particular thought. Continuously return your focus to the present moment.

  • The goal of meditation and mindfulness is to avoid getting stuck in thoughts about the past or future, and instead experience the present moment. The brain likes to predict and make sense of things, but this can make us miss what’s actually happening now.

  • Practicing mindfulness and meditation leads to benefits like clarity, hope, happiness, and awareness of life’s beauty. Start with small, manageable steps and build up your practice over time.

The key message is that being fully present and aware of this moment, without judgment, leads to greater peace and contentment. Let go of thoughts that take you out of the now. Keep practicing and be gentle with yourself. Moment by moment, you can train your mind to settle into the present.

The key points are:

  1. Practice mindfulness by paying attention to your surroundings and your thoughts without judgment. This helps you avoid dwelling on any one thought and remain present.

  2. Meditation comes in many forms and there is no single right way to do it. The important thing is to do it consistently. Some options include mindfulness, dance, or walking meditation.

  3. Practice positive thinking by starting each day with an open and optimistic mindset. This allows you to notice opportunities for joy and happiness that you might otherwise miss if you dread the day ahead. Positive thinking is supported by the idea of the “law of attraction” which suggests that positive thoughts attract positive outcomes.

  4. Journaling about your goals and the steps to achieve them can help make positive thinking more effective. Visualizing what achieving your goals will be like also helps motivate you to accomplish them.

  5. Getting adequate sleep is essential for your health, productivity, and practicing the other habits discussed here. Most people need 7-9 hours of sleep per night, though some need a little more or less.

  6. Not getting enough sleep can have many negative health effects like impaired memory, weight gain, increased risk of disease, and a shortened lifespan. It also makes negative emotions and impulsive behavior more likely.

  7. Several things can help improve your sleep like limiting screen time before bed, practicing relaxation techniques, keeping a consistent sleep schedule, limiting caffeine and alcohol intake, and exercising daily. A good sleep environment is also important.

The key message is that developing good habits around mindfulness, positive thinking, and sleep can have significant benefits for both your physical and mental well-being. Putting in consistent effort to strengthen these habits and skills leads to better health, improved mood and focus, stronger relationships, and an overall happier life.

• Information overload and lack of sleep negatively impact our decision making and cognitive abilities. Inadequate sleep deprives our body and brain of vital rest and repair. Driving while sleep deprived is as dangerous as driving intoxicated.

• Most adults do not get enough sleep. Work hours have increased, and people think nothing of working long hours or overnight shifts. Lack of sleep leads to mental dullness, impaired performance, and mistakes over time. We often don’t notice the effects until it’s too late. Adequate sleep makes a big difference in how we feel and function.

• The body follows a natural circadian rhythm or 24-hour cycle. Our biological clocks regulate wakefulness and sleep. Melatonin helps induce sleepiness. Following our circadian rhythm leads to a healthy sleep-wake pattern. The natural rhythm involves peak alertness around 10 am, a healthy lunch around noon, peak coordination in the afternoon, and melatonin secretion around 11 pm signaling sleepiness.

• Sleep is essential for health, learning, and memory. Our body repairs cells, clears waste from the brain, and consolidates memories during sleep. Skills and lessons are embedded in our memory during sleep. Adequate sleep is especially important for children’s development and learning.

• Improving sleep hygiene requires observing your habits and making gradual changes. Stop eating late, avoid screens/bright lights before bed, and reserve the bed only for sleep. These changes help establish the proper cues for relaxation and sleep. Waking during the night or too early becomes less likely. Cultivating proper sleep hygiene leads to higher quality, longer sleep over time.

In summary, lack of adequate sleep has significant negative impacts on our health, cognition, performance and quality of life. Following our natural circadian rhythm and practicing good sleep hygiene are vital for well-being. Making gradual lifestyle changes to prioritize sleep leads to noticeable improvements in how we feel and function during the day. High-quality sleep is essential for learning, memory, productivity, and health.

•Implement the changes recommended in the book in your daily life to improve your sleep. Establishing good sleep habits can increase your energy, improve your mood and productivity.

•Address any overthinking before bed. Practice meditation or take time for yourself to relax your mind. Having an overactive mind at bedtime makes it harder to fall asleep. Complete tasks earlier and reserve the hour before bed for relaxation.

•Sticking with good sleep habits will lead to significant improvements in how you feel and function. Share your new healthy sleep habits with others who have poor sleep. They will benefit too.

•All the tips in the book, including getting better sleep, will help you achieve clarity and become the improved person you aspire to be.

•Review your progress regularly and be proud of how far you’ve come. Success requires consistency and determination. Believe in yourself and your ability to make necessary changes.

•Reflect on your journey and appreciate how far you’ve come from where you started. It’s hard to see progress when you’re struggling, but you can look back and see all the steps you’ve completed.

•Share what you’ve learned with others who seem to be overthinking and stressing. Helping others benefits you too.

•If you found the book helpful, leave a review on Amazon.

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About Matheus Puppe