Self Help

Product-Led Onboarding How to Turn New Users Into Lifelong Customers - John, Ramli

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Matheus Puppe

· 26 min read



Here is a summary of the key points about product-led onboarding from the book:

  • The book provides a step-by-step framework called EUREKA to improve user onboarding. The framework guides companies on understanding users, defining success, driving engagement, optimizing the onboarding experience, and making onboarding a continued area of focus.

  • It emphasizes the importance of user onboarding for driving metrics like activation rates, engagement, retention and advocating the product. Poor onboarding can lose customers.

  • The book teaches how to get organizational buy-in for onboarding improvements and form a cross-functional onboarding team from different departments like marketing, product, success etc.

  • It provides tactical advice on running an onboarding optimization project with techniques for improving each step of the onboarding flow through testing and data.

  • Stories and examples from companies like Wistia are shared to illustrate best practices in tracking metrics, understanding users, aligning stakeholder goals and driving engagement through the onboarding.

  • The book makes the case that user onboarding is a vital tactic for sustainable growth and should be a top priority, yet is often overlooked by companies. It aims to help companies apply its actionable recommendations for improved onboarding.

  • Neglecting user onboarding is a wasted opportunity, as onboarding is often the only experience every user goes through. Poor onboarding leads to low retention and growth.

  • The book introduces the EUREKA framework, a six-step approach developed by ProductLed to improve onboarding based on fields like growth marketing, UX design, and copywriting.

  • The framework helps users quickly experience the value of the product so they have their “Eureka!” moment and become lifelong customers.

  • It includes building an onboarding team, defining success criteria, simplifying signup, engaging users with comms, and involving sales/support.

  • Implementing the strategies can shape how new users thrive with the product through an exceptional first impression and onboarding experience.

  • The goal is for readers to absorb and apply the EUREKA framework to improve their own onboarding processes and growth.

So in summary, the intro establishes why onboarding matters, introduces the EUREKA solution framework, and invites the reader to learn and implement the strategies to boost their onboarding and growth.

  • User onboarding is often misunderstood and its definition is vague. It’s important for teams to be aligned on what it means.

  • Contrary to common myths, the goals of onboarding are not just to create an “Aha” moment after signup or to simply teach users how to use the product.

  • Onboarding starts before signup, with the first impressions and touchpoints. The goal is to guide users through a series of “Aha” moments from discovery to adoption.

  • Onboarding does not end after signup or when a user becomes a paying customer. It’s an ongoing process to help users get value from the product.

  • Successful onboarding requires collaboration between marketing, sales, and product teams to ensure clear positioning and messaging from the start that sets appropriate expectations.

  • The onboarding process spans both the acquisition (before signup) and activation (post-signup) stages in the user lifecycle. It aims to plant the seeds of value from the very first interactions.

In summary, the key takeaway is that user onboarding is a holistic, ongoing process from early discovery through adoption, not isolated to post-signup tasks. It requires alignment across teams to set the right expectations upfront.

  • Jonathan Kim, founder of Appcues, observed that paying users are not the same as successfully onboarded users. Many people would pay for a trial but then not fully take advantage of or engage with the product.

  • User onboarding goes beyond just getting users to pay - the goal is to make sure users are getting meaningful value and sticking with the product long-term.

  • Slack defines a successfully onboarded team as one that has exchanged 2,000 messages on their platform. This is the threshold where 93% of teams continue using Slack going forward.

  • Onboarding is not complete until users are regularly using the product and integrating it into their workflows/lives. Getting initial payments isn’t enough to build a sustainable business if those users don’t stick around.

  • The key is to focus onboarding on helping users improve their lives with the product, not just teach them features. Onboarding success requires users to experience value multiple times to form new habits.

  • Onboarding is a cyclical process - users should continue experiencing new value over time through additional product capabilities and use cases. This helps with revenue growth and retention.

So in summary, the lesson is that successfully onboarding users means making sure they are truly engaged, continuing to use the product regularly and derive meaningful value from it over the long run.

  • User onboarding is the process of helping new users understand and adopt a product. It sets the stage for long-term success and growth.

  • Onboarding is crucial because it directly impacts retention and revenue. Research shows users who have a positive onboarding experience are more likely to continue using and paying for a product long-term.

  • Improving retention through onboarding acts as a revenue multiplier. Even small increases in retention can lead to significant growth in monthly recurring revenue and overall revenue over time.

  • Good onboarding lowers customer acquisition costs. Users who are successfully onboarded are less likely to churn, so companies don’t have to spend as much to replace them with new customers over time.

  • Yet user onboarding is often overlooked or neglected. It’s important for companies to recognize onboarding as the foundation for growth and invest properly in the initial user experience. The earliest customer interactions set the trajectory for long-term outcomes.

So in summary, user onboarding lays the groundwork for retention, revenue, and efficient growth. It deserves careful attention and optimization as the starting point in a product-led growth strategy.

  • The summary discusses effective user onboarding and its impact on key metrics like customer acquisition cost (CAC) and retention rates.

  • It notes that good onboarding, which helps users understand and adopt a product quickly, can lead to higher activation and conversion rates from free trials to paying customers. This results in lower CAC.

  • In contrast, bad onboarding where many users don’t complete signups, don’t come back after one use, or don’t upgrade after a trial period indicates issues that increase CAC over time.

  • Some signs of bad onboarding are high abandonment of signups, low trial to paid conversion, many customers churning after the first invoice, and rising CAC over time.

  • Effective onboarding requires clear ownership, a cross-functional strategy aligned across teams, success metrics to measure outcomes, and continuous optimization.

  • The better companies can guide new users to easily perceive and experience the product’s value through onboarding, the more likely those users are to continue using and paying for the product long-term.

Here is a summary of the key points from Chapter 4 of the product onboarding framework:

  • User onboarding requires a collaborative, cross-functional team approach to deliver a seamless experience for new users. It can’t be pieced together by individual teams working in silos.

  • Many companies make the mistake of assigning user onboarding responsibilities to just one person or department, like the product team working alone. This siloed approach results in a fragmented user experience.

  • To be effective, the onboarding team needs representation from various functions like product, marketing, customer success, support, etc. Each brings a unique perspective to improve different touchpoints of the onboarding process.

  • The chapter encourages forming an “onboarding A-team” to own user onboarding holistically. It will be focused solely on improving the onboarding experience through collaboration across the organization.

  • Establishing clear roles and responsibilities for the onboarding team is important for accountability. The team also needs alignment on goals and metrics for success.

  • In summary, the chapter emphasizes that user onboarding requires a cross-functional, collaborative approach to deliver a cohesive onboarding experience for new users. Working in silos will result in suboptimal outcomes.

In summary, the passage argues that having an effective user onboarding process requires a cross-functional team approach rather than having individual departments work in isolation. It says that in reality, having separate teams working on onboarding without collaboration is a recipe for disaster. Key points:

  • Onboarding needs input from various teams like product, marketing, customer success, sales who all impact the onboarding experience.

  • Working in silos slows innovation and doesn’t provide a cohesive experience for users.

  • An onboarding team with representatives from different functions allows for a holistic, seamless onboarding experience.

  • Cross-functional collaboration is important for addressing onboarding challenges and driving product growth.

  • Not having leadership buy-in and clear ownership of onboarding efforts can result in it becoming a side project rather than a priority.

So in short, the passage claims that a solo, non-collaborative approach to onboarding without a dedicated cross-functional team is not effective and will likely be a disaster. Teamwork across departments is needed for onboarding success.

  • Leadership buy-in is critical for an onboarding team to be successful. An executive-level champion is needed to help the team overcome bureaucracy and inertia.

  • The benefits of improved user onboarding and the costs of neglecting it need to be communicated to leadership. Data showing retention differences for users who do and don’t complete onboarding can help make the case.

  • Once leadership is on board, the onboarding team needs to be identified and come to a common understanding of what onboarding means for their company. They should discuss goals, team members’ roles, and what success looks like.

  • The team then needs to gather qualitative and quantitative user data to understand users’ desired outcomes and pain points. This includes understanding why users signed up, where they get stuck, and reasons for dropping off.

  • With leadership support and a cross-functional team aligned on goals and user insights, a company can then work to design an onboarding process that addresses users’ needs and transforms hope into excitement about the product. The goal is to help users achieve better outcomes in their lives.

  • Successful user onboarding experiences help bridge the gap between a user’s current circumstances/problems and their desired outcomes/aspirations.

  • Onboarding is like a job interview for the customer - you need to understand the “job” or role the product/service will play in the user’s life.

  • This “customer job” has three components - functional (outcomes), emotional (how it makes them feel), and social (how it impacts their relationships/image).

  • There are four “progress-making forces” that influence whether a user adopts a new solution - the push from current problems, the pull of potential benefits, anxiety about risks, and inertia resisting change.

  • Onboarding should help amplify problems, showcase benefits, reduce anxiety, and overcome inertia in order to move the user forward successfully.

  • The best way to understand all of this is through different types of user interviews - with new, prospective, active, inactive, and churned customers. This provides invaluable insights to improve onboarding.

So in summary, the key message is that successful onboarding bridges the gap for the user by understanding their desired “job” and addressing the various internal and external forces impacting their adoption of the new solution. Thorough customer research is essential for gaining these insights.

  • Defining success metrics for user onboarding is important to measure the effectiveness of the onboarding experience. There are three key moments that matter:

    • Completing the signup process
    • Experiencing the product’s value for the first time (“First Strike”)
    • Using the product consistently as a habit (“Tipping Point”)
  • The “First Strike” refers to accomplishing the desired outcome/customer job with the product as quickly as possible. It’s the first measure of success that users are on the right track. This may look different depending on the product and user segment.

  • The “Tipping Point” is when users start using the product consistently as a new habit. If they use it enough times, they’re more likely to continue using it going forward.

  • Opt-in vs opt-out signup processes involve different trade-offs between conversion rates and number of trials. Both require qualifying leads post-signup.

  • Defining clear success metrics tied to these milestones helps measure the effectiveness of onboarding and determine when users have been successfully onboarded.

  • A product adoption indicator (PAI) is a metric that signifies a user is likely to continue using a product going forward. It marks a tipping point where they’ve adopted the habit.

  • Well-known examples include sending 7 messages in 10 days at Facebook and following 30 people on early Twitter.

  • Characteristics of a good PAI include being an early indicator of retention, focusing on repetition of a key action, being easy to understand, having a timeframe, and occurring early in the user journey.

  • To determine a PAI, companies look at baseline retention, create a hypothesis involving a key action within a timeframe, gather data to validate the hypothesis by seeing which threshold maximizes overlap between retained and engaged users, and validate the PAI by comparing retention curves.

  • For WhatsApp, the hypothesis was sending 3 messages on day 1 would lead to continued use after 21 days. Data showed sending 3 messages had the best overlap with retained users, validating it as the PAI.

So in summary, a PAI signifies if early user behaviors correlate with long-term retention and adoption of a product. It marks a tipping point where users transition from testing to regular use.

Here is a summary of key points from the provided section:

  • It’s important to evaluate the onboarding path/journey for new users to ensure every step early on is efficient and effective.

  • The goal is to help users achieve the “First Strike” as quickly as possible, which is when they accomplish their desired outcome or task for the first time.

  • In bowling, hitting a strike means knocking down all pins on the first try. The lane is narrow and pins are far away, so it’s difficult for new bowlers.

  • “Bumpers” are used in bowling to block balls from falling in the gutter, giving a better chance to hit pins. Similarly in apps, bumpers help users achieve the First Strike through triggers like onboarding emails, in-app messages, tours, etc.

  • The onboarding process should provide a “straight-line” path for users to most directly accomplish their goal, just like professional bowlers aim for a straight roll down the lane.

  • The chapter will evaluate the onboarding path/journey to ensure it is efficient and helps users achieve the First Strike as quickly as possible through optimal steps and prompts.

Here is a summary of the key points about building a straight-line onboarding experience:

  • Straight-line onboarding aims to get users to experience the core product value (their “first strike”) with as few steps as possible. It reduces unnecessary friction.

  • To build it, map out your current onboarding path step-by-step from the user’s perspective. Identify every field, button click, etc.

  • Evaluate each step for necessity, ease, and simplicity. Remove or delay steps that don’t directly contribute to the first strike experience.

  • Common unnecessary steps include email confirmation, redundant logins, collecting optional data upfront. These can significantly reduce conversion.

  • The goal is to decrease time-to-value (TTV) so users experience benefits faster and are more likely to continue using the product.

  • Examples of companies that optimized onboarding include UserGuiding (doubled conversion rates) and Snappa (estimated 30% more annual revenue).

  • A few cautionary notes: don’t cut so deep that it hinders onboarding effectiveness. And optional customization can boost engagement if it gives users a sense of ownership.

The key is focusing the onboarding on the core value proposition from the very beginning with minimal friction or delays between steps. This gets more users to their first successful experience quickly.

  • People were willing to pay 63% more for assembled furniture than the same furniture that was pre-assembled. This shows that people are willing to put in some effort if it saves them money in the long run.

  • Before removing a step from your onboarding process, ask if it helps guide users to the next step and ultimately to achieving their goals/completing tasks (the “first strike”).

  • Ask if it helps personalize the experience for each user.

  • Ask if it delights and engages users.

  • These questions form a “DAD test” to determine if a step should be kept or removed from the onboarding.

  • The BJ Fogg Behavior Model states that for a new behavior to occur, motivation, ability, and prompt must converge simultaneously.

  • User onboarding aims to convert users to a new workflow or way of life (behavior change).

  • Section 1 focuses on making the onboarding easier by reducing cognitive load. Tips include visual cues to guide users, reducing options, and breaking down complex processes.

  • Visual cues like images, tours, and tooltips can guide users through each step as Product Bumpers. Tours are preferred over constant tooltips.

  • The goal is to make the behaviors as easy as possible through streamlined steps, context cues, and breaking down complex tasks.

  • Sections 2 and 3 will cover increasing motivation and adding prompts both inside and outside the product to encourage the new behaviors and keep users engaged in the onboarding process.

The key takeaways are that the BJ Fogg Behavior Model provides a framework to understand user behavior change. And making the onboarding process as easy as possible through reduction of steps and addition of visual cues can help lower cognitive load and encourage adoption of new behaviors.

  • Product bumpers and onboarding should not be used as a band-aid for a poor user experience. They are often just added on without real strategy and can disrupt the user’s momentum rather than excite them to use the product.

  • Empty states during onboarding, when a user first starts out without data, should show helpful context rather than just being placeholders. They can paint a picture of the value and encourage action through clear calls to action.

  • Providing templates, cheat sheets and other resources as content can make onboarding easier by allowing users to quickly fill empty states rather than starting from scratch. This reduces friction.

  • Increasing user motivation is important for building new habits. Speaking to user desires, showing progress, and welcoming users can boost intrinsic motivation rather than just relying on external rewards. Progress indicators, in particular, tap into psychological factors like goal-setting and incomplete tasks.

The key takeaways are that onboarding should be strategic rather than an afterthought, provide value and context through empty states, reduce friction with templates/resources, and increase user motivation intrinsically rather than just with rewards.

Here is a summary of the key points about using prompts with users during the onboarding process:

  • Prompts are cues or triggers that encourage users to take desired actions. They are important during onboarding to help users achieve outcomes and experience value, as well as continue using the product.

  • Prompts can occur inside the app (via tours, checklists, etc.) or outside (emails, SMS, notifications). They create an engaging environment for learning and deciding on fit.

  • Prompts should be omnichannel, considering where users are in onboarding across channels like email. Email is effective due to accessibility, expectations, and understandability.

  • Prompts need to be personalized and timely based on user actions, not just time. They should drive users to the next onboarding step and adapt to individual needs.

  • Prompts should reiterate product value, which is defined by users based on context of use, not just features. Segmentation may be needed based on customer jobs.

  • A three-step process identifies key onboarding milestones, maps desired behaviors, and designs communications to encourage those behaviors. Prompts are meant to guide users through the onboarding process.

Here is a summary of the key points about applying the BJ Fogg Behavior Model to improve user onboarding:

  • The BJ Fogg Behavior Model says that for a behavior to occur, there must be high motivation, high ability (ease), and an effective prompt all at the same time.

  • To improve motivation, speak to user desires, show progress, welcome users, celebrate wins, use social proof.

  • To improve ability, provide visual cues, helpful empty states, templates/resources to make onboarding easy.

  • Prompts should be omnichannel, personalized/timely, and reinforce product value.

  • Identify key onboarding milestones.

  • Add prompts based on user behavior inside the product to help them complete each step.

  • Fill in prompt details - one CTA, make personal, keep simple, optimize for mobile, segment users.

  • Experiment and test different onboarding flows, prompts, timings to improve results over time.

The goal is to keep improving motivation, ability and prompts at each step of the onboarding process to drive higher completion and adoption through repeated behavior.

Here is a summary of key points to include in an onboarding communication plan:

  • Identify stakeholders that need to be communicated with during the onboarding process, such as new hires, managers/team leads, HR, etc.

  • Determine the type of communication each stakeholder needs - this could include emails, check-ins, training materials, etc.

  • Create a timeline of communication touchpoints outlining what will be communicated and when during the onboarding period (e.g. week 1, 2, 3, etc.).

  • Assign ownership of each communication task to ensure accountability.

  • Develop templates/content for each communication type, customizing for different audiences as needed.

  • Include how communication will be tracked and monitored for effectiveness. Get feedback from new hires and other stakeholders.

  • Determine how communication will continue post-onboarding as new hires transition fully into their roles.

  • Coordinate with all relevant departments to ensure role-specific and organizational onboarding aspects are addressed.

  • Clearly communicate the plan and ownership internally so the onboarding process is seamless for all parties involved.

  • Review and update the plan periodically to optimize the onboarding experience based on feedback and changes to process/resources.

  • Sales-assisted or hybrid onboarding combines product-led and sales-led approaches to onboard new users. It can increase conversion rates compared to pure product-led onboarding.

  • Whether to use sales-led, product-led, or hybrid onboarding depends on the annual contract value and complexity of the buying process. Higher value/more complex deals are better suited for more sales involvement.

  • Salespeople add value in the onboarding process by handling deals over a certain size, assisting with complex sales, and driving further expansions within organizations.

  • Their role differs in a product-led organization by focusing more on expansion within accounts than new logos.

  • A sales team should reach out to assist with onboarding for larger deals or more complex sales, allowing the product to still lead for smaller deals.

  • Many companies like Slack transitioned from product-led to hybrid strategies as they moved upmarket and needed sales assistance for larger enterprises.

The key takeaway is that hybrid onboarding combines the strengths of product and sales-led approaches depending on deal size and complexity for optimal conversions. Sales can complement but not replace product-led onboarding.

  • User onboarding exists on a continuum from low-touch, product-led onboarding to high-touch, sales-led onboarding. Most companies incorporate elements of both depending on their product, market, and customers.

  • Product-led companies often adopt sales assistance for onboarding as they pursue larger deals or move downmarket. Sales-led companies shift to help new users find value as they pursue smaller deals.

  • Sales can complement self-serve onboarding by guiding users to experience value, facilitating expansion/adoption within organizations, and helping navigate the buying process for larger deals.

  • The role of sales changes to more of a coaching model, focusing on helping users who have already tried the product achieve better outcomes rather than pursuing new leads. Sales frames the product differently for different audiences.

  • In a product-led model, the most qualified leads are those who have used the product (PQLs). Sales assistance is focused on users who have engaged well with the product based on defined criteria.

  • Companies define their product-qualified lead (PQL) differently, but a good indicator is when a user completes the straight-line onboarding and achieves their first meaningful action/engagement (e.g. first strike).

  • To implement sales-assisted onboarding, companies should rank users by their level of engagement with the product. This helps identify users who are PQLs versus those who are not.

  • For a product-led sales journey, the sales-qualified lead (SQL) has two criteria: 1) They are a PQL based on product engagement 2) They fit the ideal customer profile.

  • Users can be mapped on a matrix with product engagement on one axis and customer fit on the other. Users high on both are SQLs for sales outreach. PQLs high on engagement but low on fit should receive support. Low engagement users who fit the profile should be nurtured. Ignore low engagement/fit users.

  • Sales should reach out to “hand raisers” who request help. For proactive outreach, target high value accounts at key moments like after signup or when users achieve goals.

  • The goal is to add value to the product experience and welcome sales involvement, not add friction. Sales acts more as a coach than a traditional seller.

The key takeaways are how to identify PQLs and SQLs, when sales should reach out, and ensuring sales enhances instead of detracts from the product-led experience. The matrix mapping engagement and fit is also a useful framework.

  • Great businesses are built on high customer retention, not just acquiring new customers. An essential part of retention is providing a successful onboarding experience.

  • The author learned this through consulting for a SaaS company that was spending heavily on acquisition but seeing very low conversion rates. He realized users were getting stuck in the onboarding process.

  • Optimizing the onboarding led to huge improvements, with free users converting much more and retained customers sticking around longer.

  • This showed onboarding optimization could be a repeatable framework, which became the EUREKA model.

  • EUREKA stands for Establish team, Understand user goals, Refine milestones, Evaluate/optimize path, Keep users engaged, Apply/repeat.

  • Applying this framework helped clients double conversion rates and increase monthly recurring revenue by over 300% just by streamlining one onboarding step.

  • Continuous iteration and making onboarding part of product design/development is important for ongoing success. When done right, onboarding feels seamless and users have an “Aha!” moment embracing the product.

So in summary, the key idea is that optimizing the user onboarding process through a collaborative, data-driven framework like EUREKA can dramatically improve customer retention and growth.

Here is a summary of the key points about conducting Jobs-to-be-Done user interviews from the appendix:

  • The goal is to understand what problems or “jobs” people are trying to get done that led them to your product.

  • You should interview a variety of user types: new users, churned customers, shoppers, active customers, inactive customers.

  • Start by interviewing your best-fit and most active customers to understand what they love about your product.

  • Interview churned and inactive users to identify any gaps in positioning or onboarding.

  • Make clear the interview is for research purposes only, not to win them back as a customer. Offer an incentive like a gift card.

  • Request 30 minutes for the interview to allow enough time for deeper questions.

  • Send scheduling links for concrete times rather than open invites.

  • Send interview requests in batches to spread them out over weeks and tweak the process as needed based on response rates.

The key is to get a variety of perspectives from users at different stages to truly understand the problems and jobs your product is helping to solve.

Here is a summary of the key points about product bumpers from the passage:

  • Product bumpers help users experience meaningful value in the product early on. They are arguably more important than conversational bumpers.

  • Common types of product bumpers include welcome messages, product tours, progress bars, checklists, onboarding tooltips, and empty states.

  • Welcome messages greet new users and make them feel invited. They restate the value prop and motivate users before they start using the product.

  • Product tours eliminate distractions and guide users through 3-5 important steps in a straight line onboarding experience. They help users make the right decisions early on.

  • Other bumpers like progress bars, checklists, etc. provide feedback on tasks completed and tasks remaining to help users feel a sense of accomplishment and progress.

  • The goal is to use product bumpers to guide users to value as quickly as possible through streamlined onboarding experiences tailored to different user types/needs. This increases engagement and retention.

Here are the key highlights from structuring your product tour:

  • Product tours should guide users to achieve their goals in the product and set them up for success. They typically have 3-5 steps.

  • Consider using a “focus mode” that hides unnecessary elements like navbars to limit distractions during the tour.

  • Progress bars indicate how far a user has come and motivate them by showing progress. Break large goals into smaller achievable steps.

  • Onboarding checklists break complex tasks into bite-sized items and motivate users through the Zeigarnik effect and perception of near completion.

  • Tooltips help users learn how to use features and reduce support burden. Guide users to value, not just clicking buttons for its own sake.

  • Empty states prompt actions to experience value by showing what needs setup. They avoid dummy data and set expectations on next steps.

The key is using these bumpers strategically to guide users efficiently to meaningful value in the product at the right points in their journey.

  • Welcome emails have the highest open rates of all user onboarding emails. They should train the audience to open future emails and set expectations for what’s to come.

  • The welcome email should have a clear call-to-action and could ask why the user signed up to learn their desired outcome.

  • Usage-tip emails nudge users to take steps in the product to set them up for success. They should direct users to specific pages or help articles.

  • Sales-touch emails are best sent after the user experiences value from the product. Frame it as a “success meeting” and invite inactives to a demo.

  • Case-study emails address common objections by showcasing customer stories and outcomes. Pair testimonials with the top objection heard.

  • Better-life emails focus on communicating product benefits directly. Highlight the functional, emotional, and social outcomes users will get.

The key is to progress users through the onboarding emails - from welcoming them to providing tips, celebrating their success with a “sales” meeting, addressing objections, and continually selling the benefits of fully using the product. Timing and framing emails appropriately is important.

Here are some key benefits that get potential buyers most excited to upgrade:

  • Increased productivity - Features that save users time and allow them to work more efficiently. Things like automated workflows, collaboration tools, etc.

  • Enhanced features and functionality - Access to advanced features only available in paid plans. Things like more storage, additional user licenses, premium support, etc.

  • Better experience - Improved user experience from things like no ads, faster speeds, priority support, customization options, etc.

  • Data security - Peace of mind knowing sensitive data and information is secure with paid updates and security features.

  • Growth capabilities - Ability to scale with the business as it grows with larger user/file limits, bigger team licenses, etc.

  • Competitive advantage - Access to cutting-edge tools that give an edge over competitors still using free/limited versions.

  • Value for money - Sense that the investment in an upgrade pays for itself through increased productivity, sales, reduced costs, etc.

To summarize, the key benefits that are often no-brainers for people to upgrade are things that significantly increase productivity, unlock powerful new features, provide a better overall experience, ensure data security, allow for future growth, and give competitive advantages - all at a good value relative to the impacts. Highlighting these types of benefits is important when trying to get users to upgrade.

The passage discusses using post-trial survey emails to improve the customer experience and drive retention. It suggests that if a user indicated the product was too complex in their trial, a customer success representative could reach out to walk them through the product.

The analogy is made to bowling - if you don’t get a strike on the first throw, you get another shot. Similarly, post-trial survey emails can be used as another opportunity to reconnect with interested users who didn’t complete the trial. The goal would be to help them overcome whatever issue prevented adoption, just as additional throws help in bowling.

By rekindling the opportunity and providing an excellent onboarding experience, the company has a chance to turn interested free trial users into paying customers. It’s important to help users who expressed interest but didn’t convert for a specific reason during their initial trial.

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About Matheus Puppe