Self Help

Rich Habits The Daily Success Habits of W - Thomas Corley

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Matheus Puppe

· 9 min read
  • Phoenix Upman is an insurance salesman who is struggling financially. He tells a bartender he can’t afford to send his son to even community college.

  • Phoenix feels like a failure as a salesman and provider for his family. He doesn’t have enough insurance to even make his death worthwhile.

  • A stranger named Champ Dailey overhears Phoenix’s troubles at the bar. Champ gives Phoenix his business card and tells him to come to his office, saying he can help Phoenix.

  • Phoenix is initially skeptical but takes Champ’s card. The passage ends with Phoenix studying the card, seeming unsure about whether to trust Champ’s offer of help.

  • Overall, the passage depicts Phoenix as down on his luck and despairing over his financial situation and inability to provide for his family. Champ reaches out, claiming he can help turn things around for Phoenix.

  • John Andrews, CEO of Sunblade Inc., is having issues with his secretary Dee calling in sick frequently.

  • His office manager Nina informed him Dee called in sick for the third time this month.

  • John is frustrated and asks Nina what he should do about Dee.

  • It’s implied Dee may be abusing her sick days rather than actually being ill.

  • John has to decide if he should take disciplinary action against Dee for her repeated absences or try to address the situation in some other way.

The main points are that John’s secretary Dee keeps calling in sick, he’s frustrated by her frequent absences, and he’s asking his office manager for advice on how to handle the situation.

  • Dee Worthy is an employee at Sunblade who has a history of tardiness and absenteeism due to family issues and poor health.

  • Her boss John tries to be understanding but his supervisor Nina wants Dee fired for her poor attendance.

  • John makes a deal with Dee to leave early on Fridays if she makes up time on Thursdays, or she’ll be fired after 3 violations.

  • Dee agrees but soon starts leaving early on Thursdays. After 3 violations, John fires her as agreed.

  • Without her job, Dee becomes homeless and goes to a food kitchen where volunteer Jan sees her struggle to get food.

  • Jan shares his story of being down and out until a stranger taught him ‘Rich Habits’ to turn his life around and become a CEO.

  • Jan refers Dee to a free ‘Rich Habit’ training program to help get her life on track. The story implies Dee will take Jan’s advice and work to improve her situation.

Herb Riser was a top car salesman who finally got the chance to buy his own dealership. Initially sales were slow, but Herb was confident they would pick up. However, he struggled with the responsibilities of being an owner and his sales remained lackluster.

Eventually, Herb realized his dealership was failing. He did not know how to tell his family, who were expecting him home for dinner as normal. Herb sat outside on the porch, dreading going inside to break the news.

When he finally told his wife, she was devastated, worried about paying the mortgage and bills. The next day, Herb went to work but avoided his staff, who sensed something was wrong. He got no answers from calls to his banker.

That evening, as Herb was closing up, a woman named Susan Changer came in looking to buy a car for her daughter’s graduation. Initially Herb tried to make a sale, but then told Susan he would soon be going out of business.

Susan stayed and kindly listened to Herb’s whole story. She revealed she had gone through bankruptcy herself years ago. Susan offered to help Herb, saying someone had once helped her in a similar way. Herb was stunned by her compassion.

Here is a summary of the key points in the story:

  • The accountant is mourning the death of his wife Denise, who passed away from cancer that went untreated due to the family’s lack of health insurance and finances.

  • Denise needed surgery for a condition called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, but they couldn’t afford the $5000 deductible. She put off the surgery, thinking they could afford it after tax season when business picked up. But by then the cancer had spread and it was too late.

  • The accountant blames himself for their financial struggles and not prioritizing her health.

  • After having a dream where Denise tells him to “ask the right questions”, the accountant starts questioning why his successful clients are doing well financially while he struggles.

  • He develops a list of 20 questions to ask both his successful and unsuccessful clients to uncover their habits and mindsets around money.

  • He discovers huge differences between the habits of his wealthy and poor clients, which he categorizes into “Rich Habits” principles.

  • The accountant starts applying these Rich Habits to his own life and experiences improved finances and new opportunities.

  • He then tries to help one of his struggling clients by getting him to follow the Rich Habits program for 30 days in exchange for free financing assistance.

  • The Rich Habits Training Program aims to dispel the myth that financial success is due to luck alone. While luck plays a role, there are different types of luck. Successful people attract “opportunity luck” through good daily habits.

  • The first Rich Habit is to form good daily habits and follow them consistently. Identify bad habits, invert them to form good habits, and hold yourself accountable to following the good habits 80% of the time.

  • The second Rich Habit is to set daily, monthly, yearly, and long-term goals. Focus on your goals daily. Successful people are goal-oriented while unsuccessful people drift aimlessly.

  • Examples are provided of daily to-do lists and monthly goals to keep you focused and accountable.

  • Following the Rich Habits of good daily habits and goal-setting is key to attracting opportunity luck and achieving financial success.

Here are some key points on achieving health and fitness goals:

  • Monitor your calorie intake and be aware of your daily needs. Use an app or journal to track what you eat each day.

  • Eliminate high-calorie, low-nutrition foods. Limit sweets, fried foods, sugary drinks, etc. Focus on lean proteins, fruits/veggies, whole grains.

  • Exercise daily - aim for 30+ minutes of moderate activity like brisk walking, swimming, cycling etc.

  • Incorporate both cardio and strength training. Do a mix of aerobic exercise and resistance training for full-body fitness.

  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

  • Get enough sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours per night for optimal health.

  • Manage stress. Make time for relaxing activities and don’t take on too much.

  • Set specific, measurable goals. Write down your health goals and make an action plan.

  • Make it a habit. Consistency over time leads to results. Stick with your routine daily.

  • Track your progress. Weigh yourself, take measurements, note fitness improvements.

  • Get support when needed. Enlist friends/family, hire a trainer, join a class for motivation.

The key is developing sustainable, lifelong habits - not temporary quick fixes. With commitment to daily fitness and nutrition, you can achieve your health goals.

  • Successful people build and nurture relationships every day. They devote time to networking and improving connections.

  • Successful people live balanced, moderate lifestyles. They avoid extremes and addictions. Their emotions and behaviors are even-keeled.

  • Successful people accomplish tasks promptly. They adopt a “do it now” mindset instead of procrastinating.

  • Successful people read and seek knowledge daily. Reading expands their thinking and skills.

  • Successful people exercise and stay fit. They make health and fitness a daily habit.

  • Successful people manage their weight through calorie tracking and exercise. They understand their calorie needs.

  • The key habits include relationship building, moderation, prompt task completion, daily reading, regular exercise, and weight management. Following these habits leads to success.

  • Successful people are goal-oriented, proactive, and get things done in a timely manner. They are not reactive and don’t procrastinate.

  • Successful people engage in “Rich Thinking” - they think positively, use affirmations, control their thoughts, and replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

  • Successful people pay themselves first by saving 10% of their income. They have retirement plans, monitor their finances, and use financial professionals.

  • Successful people are masters of their thoughts and emotions. They don’t let negative emotions control them. They think, evaluate, and then react to situations.

Here is a summary of the key points in the passage:

  • J.C. Jobs is an accountant who has developed a “Rich Habits Training Program” to help his clients achieve financial success.

  • He asks one of his clients to follow the program for 30 days by reviewing and living the Rich Habits daily.

  • The client follows the program diligently and starts to see positive changes in his life. He quits gambling, gets to work on time, spends more quality time with his wife, sets goals, exercises more, and eats healthier.

  • His business and relationship improve as a result of incorporating the Rich Habits.

  • After 30 days, the client is excited to share his transformation with J.C.

  • J.C. asks the client to refer others in financial distress to him so he can help them like he helped the client.

  • J.C. reflects that he wants to help as many people as he can achieve financial success, as a way to deal with his own regrets and find meaning.

The key points are:

  • J.C. developed a Rich Habits program to help people financially

  • The client follows it for 30 days and transforms his life

  • J.C. wants the client to refer others so he can help more people

  • J.C. finds meaning in helping others avoid his financial regrets

  • Dee attends a Rich Habits training program and learns techniques to improve her health, finances, and relationships. She loses weight, reconnects with her former boss to get her job back, and stops enabling her manipulative family members.

  • Herb is a car dealer who realizes he needs to improve customer relationships to grow his business. He reaches out to his former boss for advice, refinances his debts, and transforms his dealership’s culture to be more customer-friendly. This leads to great success with multiple dealership locations.

  • Phoenix is an insurance salesman who commits to daily self-improvement by reading industry materials for 45 minutes per day. This fills his pipeline with leads and doubles his appointments. He becomes a top producer and trains others on the Rich Habits.

  • The key message is that making small but consistent changes to your daily habits in areas like health, relationships, personal growth, and business can compound over time to create dramatic positive impacts on your life and career. The Rich Habits training provides a blueprint for this kind of transformation.

  • Phoenix follows the Rich Habits program and experiences great success at work, improving his sales numbers and earning monthly bonuses. He adopts habits like morning reading, exercise, making evening cold calls, and controlling his eating and drinking.

  • Phoenix loses weight, becomes the top salesperson in his company, and is asked to train others on the Rich Habits. He is able to pay for his son’s college education.

  • The story concludes with the funeral of J.C. Jobs, creator of the Rich Habits program. Over 3.5 million people’s lives were transformed by Jobs and the Rich Habits. The mourners at the funeral credit Jobs and the program with saving their lives financially and emotionally. They go up one-by-one to kiss his casket in gratitude.

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About Matheus Puppe