Self Help

Screw Business as Usual - Richard Branson

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Matheus Puppe

· 48 min read



Here is a summary of the contents of Richard Branson’s book “Screw Business as Usual”:

  • The book has chapters discussing capitalism, reinventing businesses, using resources for good, exploring new frontiers, protecting the environment, building communities, and case studies of companies doing business differently.

  • It is dedicated to Branson’s children and their children, with the hope that businesses will prioritize people and the planet over just profits.

  • Branson wants to inspire entrepreneurs and businesses to “screw business as usual” by integrating social and environmental goals into their work in a way that also improves business prospects.

  • The preface describes how Branson’s family home on Necker Island burned down in a hurricane, but everyone was safe, reminding him that experiences and relationships matter more than possessions.

  • The foreword talks about how businesses are increasingly combining doing good with doing well financially. Branson writes to support entrepreneurs integrating higher purpose into their work.

  • Overall the book advocates an approach to business that considers people, communities and environmental sustainability, not just profits, arguing this can benefit both businesses and the world.

  • The passage discusses how business as usual is no longer working and is damaging the environment and creating inequality around the world. Things need to change.

  • It gives examples of people taking entrepreneurial action in places like townships in South Africa, villages in India, and emerging markets to address issues like poverty, lack of sanitation and electricity.

  • It notes that world leaders like Obama and the Queen are also discussing the need to address issues like climate change, failing economies, and declining living standards.

  • The author argues that business must play a role in solving these problems since business helped create them. Business can be a force for good by doing good, which will also be good for business through profits.

  • The book aims to provide examples of businesses thriving by being socially responsible and addressing environmental and social issues. This new form of “revolutionary” capitalism will help create opportunities for entrepreneurs and economic freedom.

  • The author discusses using his entrepreneurial skills and philanthropic organization Virgin Unite to support social entrepreneurs and new approaches to issues. The goal is to establish a more balanced, healthy and peaceful world.

This summary covers key points from the provided text:

  • The author reflects on turning 60 and his efforts to do memorable things on his birthdays, like kite surfing across the English Channel with family which had to be aborted due to dangerous weather conditions.

  • While waiting for better weather, the author visited the town of Rye and a local grocery store called Jempson’s that sold locally sourced, sustainable products at reasonable prices and supported small charities. This gave the author examples of responsible, community-focused businesses.

  • The author also highlights Finisterre, a sustainable clothing company, as another good model.

  • The experiences reinforced the author’s belief that business needs to change to be more socially and environmentally responsible. The book aims to show how this change can be achieved.

  • The author has always tried to give everyone a fair chance in life through his businesses like Student magazine and a student advisory center providing information on health issues.

  • The passage describes the evolution of Richard Branson’s social enterprises and views on business. It started with a mental health support center in London in the 1970s that still operates today.

  • During the HIV/AIDS crisis in 1987, Virgin set up Mates to produce and sell condoms at low prices, using profits to raise awareness. This included getting the BBC to run their first condom ad campaign.

  • As Virgin expanded, it focused on empowering employees and considering environmental and social impacts. Branson believes taking care of people leads to business success.

  • Many small businesses now operate with a similar social focus. Some large corporations are also transforming to have social goals.

  • The passage introduces the term “Capitalism 24902” to describe businesses that take responsibility for all people and the planet. It argues this approach is needed for long-term sustainability given threats like climate change and resource depletion.

  • In summary, it traces Branson’s evolving views that business must go beyond profits to address social and environmental challenges facing the world.

Bill gave a stimulating presentation showing how urban architecture can be designed with principles from nature to be more sustainable and beautiful. Buildings featured vertical farms, roof gardens, solar energy and plants everywhere with zero environmental impact. His belief is that addressing design can solve issues since the Industrial Revolution by emulating nature’s 3 billion years of research.

Richard Branson reflected on starting to feel he wasn’t making a big enough difference given his good fortune. Though business was going well, more needed to be done to ensure the planet’s survival and reduce poverty. He realized Virgin needed to do more than lip service and engage all businesses in driving real change.

Peter Gabriel helped crystalize the urgency and scale of change required. His song “Biko” about anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko resonated with themes of “business as usual” no longer being acceptable.

Branson discussed Virgin Unite’s work to provide entrepreneurial opportunities, and his mother Eve’s passion for giving people chances in life by supporting grassroots businesses. Early experiences like helping neighbors and giving clothes to a tramp shaped his view of charity as active service not just money.

  • Jean spent several years helping build mobile phone companies around the world. While the work was exciting, she felt something was lacking and wanted to improve lives through business and social sectors working together.

  • She joined VISTA, similar to the Peace Corps, and worked at a homeless shelter in Chicago. This opened her eyes to the scale of youth homelessness in the US.

  • Jean returned to the mobile business but continued seeing social issues everywhere. She eventually took a job with Virgin Mobile Australia.

  • Jean and Richard Branson shared a vision of using business to drive social change. They founded Virgin Unite to leverage the Virgin Group’s resources differently than traditional philanthropy.

  • Virgin Unite would partner with organizations and involve all Virgin employees in creating solutions. It launched in 2004 and connected businesses, NGOs, governments and others to make change through entrepreneurship.

  • Jean and Branson had different philosophies but this “philosophical collision” led to something new that mobilized the Virgin businesses around a new type of capitalism focused on people.

  • Virgin Unite brought together people from all sectors willing to create innovative solutions and never accept unacceptable problems. Branson was excited by this community and entrepreneurial energy focused on doing good.

  • The passage describes Jempson’s, a family-run grocery store business in Sussex, UK that is now on its third generation of family leadership.

  • They have grown from a small shop to now having four stores serving 100,000 customers per week, while maintaining high standards of quality, ethics and customer service.

  • Key aspects of their business model include supporting local farmers and suppliers, fair trade, skilled food counters run by local specialists, and community initiatives like a bus service and charity support.

  • They aim to be the most prestigious UK food retailer through innovation, design and fresh food excellence while guaranteeing honesty and good value.

  • The passage also highlights the ethical clothing brand Finisterre and how it pioneered more sustainable surfwear.

  • Finally, it discusses how the large retailer Marks & Spencer launched an ambitious plan called Plan A to become the world’s most sustainable retailer by 2015, with positive business and environmental impacts.

The passage discusses how people are at the core of sustainable business practices. It tells the story of Jackie McQuillan, who worked tirelessly to organize a relief flight from Virgin Atlantic with medical supplies for hospitals in Iraq during the war. The author explains how grassroots efforts by companies and individuals to help those in need exemplify sustainable capitalism.

It then discusses Peter Avis, the manager of a restaurant owned by Virgin Limited Edition. Under Peter’s leadership, the restaurant focuses on sustainable practices like using an on-site composting system and sourcing ingredients locally. The author notes how he noticed a small detail about Peter, demonstrating the importance of caring about employees as individuals. Peter overcame challenges with dyslexia to succeed in his career. Both stories highlight how Virgin Group employees take personal initiative to make a positive social and environmental impact through their work.

  • Peter applied for a job as an under-manager at Babylon restaurant when he was 24. He did well initially but struggled with spreadsheets showing profits/losses.

  • Due to his dyslexia, this triggered feelings of inadequacy and he resigned. However, the People Director understood he was hiding his dyslexia and worried it would cost him his job.

  • She assured him dyslexia was not a firing offense. She gave him a limited budgeting task he could handle, boosting his confidence. He realized the “dragon” of not being able to do certain tasks didn’t exist.

  • Peter thrived in his role, later becoming manager. He won two major awards for his dedication and leadership. When informed of the awards, Branson arranged for Peter to stay at his private island as a guest to celebrate.

  • Peter broke down in tears of gratitude at the opportunity. The story highlighted how giving people a chance, regardless of challenges, can lead to great success and reward for both the individual and business.

  • The passage describes Richard Branson’s early experiences starting his first magazine called Student while still in school as a teenager in the 1960s. He had ambitions to address important issues and secured early advertisers like Barclays Bank which helped launch the magazine.

  • It then talks about how he set up the Student Advisory Centre at age 19 to provide sexual health advice and resources, which was controversial at the time due to outdated laws. He fought to change these laws.

  • Branson visited his old school Stowe many years later in 2008 and reflected on how the school had helped shape him and instilled values like debate, respect and broadening his outlook.

  • He established the Branson Scholars program at Stowe which provided scholarships for South African students, after being inspired by his philanthropic work in South Africa through Virgin Unite and the Branson Centres of Entrepreneurship. The story describes how he and colleague Mike Parsons visited one of these centres in Johannesburg.

So in summary, it recounts Branson’s early entrepreneurial experiences as a teenager and his reflections on the influence of his school, and how this led him to establish education programs and scholarships for South African youth.

Taddy Blecher, a South African actuary, decided not to move to the US but stay in South Africa to help address poverty. He founded the ConnectED International Development Academy (CIDA), a university providing affordable business education to students from low-income backgrounds.

CIDA kept costs extremely low, charging students around $350 for a full degree program including accommodation. Its graduates went on to earn good salaries and help their communities. Over time, CIDA graduates were projected to earn billions of dollars in salaries.

Taddy inspired Richard Branson to establish the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship in South Africa to train young entrepreneurs. The Centre helped entrepreneurs expand small businesses and create jobs. Branson saw entrepreneurship as key to economic growth and freedom in South Africa.

The summary focuses on how Taddy Blecher founded CIDA to provide affordable education, and how this inspired Branson to support entrepreneurship training in South Africa through the Branson Centre as a way to address poverty and lack of opportunity.

Here is a summary of the key points about Ulusaba private game reserve:

  • Ulusaba is a private game reserve located in South Africa surrounded by small local villages. Many villagers work at the reserve which is run as a tourist hotel.

  • The area has been badly hit by HIV/AIDS, orphaning many children. Ulusaba and Virgin Unite started a community initiative called Pride ‘n Purpose to build a clinic, schools, market gardens and businesses to support the local communities.

  • Mike met with Richard Branson at Ulusaba to discuss community projects. This gave Mike the idea to sponsor some underprivileged South African students from a local school to attend the prestigious British public school Stowe.

  • After overcoming initial doubts, Branson and Mike set up a program funding tuition and expenses for students from the Dominican Convent School in Johannesburg to attend Stowe. The project aimed to provide opportunities for deprived youth.

  • Ulusaba is surrounded by local communities and runs community support initiatives through its tourism operations, providing an example of sustainable tourism that benefits the local area.

  • Mark Christophers was a venture capitalist who invested in a struggling Cornish pasty company started by friends. It grew successfully and was eventually sold for over £30 million.

  • Mark then volunteered at the Branson Centre in South Africa to help entrepreneurs. He was paired with Cornelius Maluka, a bead artist struggling to sell his work.

  • Cornelius’ large bead animal sculptures were no longer being stocked at the local curio shop because they took up too much space. However, the shop manager said they could sell smaller, practical items like coasters, mats, and necklaces.

  • Mark encouraged a shy Cornelius to speak to the shop manager himself. He realized his animal sculptures were too big but could make smaller jewelry and accessories. Mark helped connect Cornelius to a potential market for his work in a way that was sustainable.

  • It’s an example of Mark using his business experience constructively to help a struggling local entrepreneur by giving practical advice tailored to the market and helping make a connection to sell his products.

  • Cornelius needed more beads for his business, so Mark flew him to Johannesburg to buy more beads. Mark also helped Cornelius with pricing, as Cornelius wasn’t charging enough to make a profit.

  • With Mark’s help, Cornelius expanded his product line and was able to employ 4 people within 2 months. Mark continues to mentor Cornelius remotely on a monthly basis.

  • Mark also helped the Gaming Zone business by suggesting improvements like moving the cash desk to increase accessibility. This led to a 30-50% increase in sales. Musa and Amos’s future plans then expanded rapidly and they were able to employ 15 people.

  • Both experiences showed Mark how listening is important when mentoring businesses you don’t have experience in. While he could provide frameworks, the business strategies had to come from the entrepreneurs themselves. Mark was humbled by his experiences in South Africa and committed to supporting an orphan’s medical bills for 10 years.

  • Entrepreneurship can change the world through job creation. Some entrepreneurs are also using it to start businesses that help solve social and environmental issues. Jeff Skoll used film to drive social change through companies like Participant Media, which produced impactful films on topics like climate change and education.

  • Jeff Skoll founded the film production company Participant Media in 2004 to make films about important social issues in order to raise awareness and spur action.

  • He was inspired by films like Gandhi and Schindler’s List that told meaningful stories. He saw a lack of such films coming out of Hollywood which focused more on blockbuster entertainment.

  • Participant’s early films were successful both critically and commercially, gaining Oscar nominations. They also ran advocacy campaigns around each film to discuss the issues and ways for people to get involved.

  • Skoll has faced pushback from industry groups opposed to some of Participant’s messages on issues like climate change, fast food, and education reform. But the goal is to have important conversations.

  • Skoll also founded other organizations like the Skoll Foundation and Skoll Global Threats Fund to support social entrepreneurs and address global problems like pandemics and climate change.

  • All of Skoll’s work aims to create a more sustainable, just and peaceful world through issue-driven storytelling and philanthropic initiatives. It has taken creativity and perseverance to make progress on these challenging goals over time.

  • Jeff Skoll and Richard Branson share a belief that people are generally good and will do the right thing if given the opportunity.

  • Jeff has created a “social change keiretsu” (interlocking group of companies) through organizations like the Skoll Foundation, Participant Media, and the Capricorn Investment Group to further social change and sustainability.

  • Richard Branson’s son Sam wants to follow a similar model through his production company Current Sponge, making films that educate on important issues in an entertaining way. His ultimate goal is to make “passion projects” and documentaries that spark debate on issues like climate change.

  • The story highlights how Muhammad Yunus pioneered the concept of microfinance through Grameen Bank after realizing very poor women in Bangladesh struggled to access fair credit. This enabled them to start small businesses and provided an alternative to predatory money lenders. Microfinance has since grown tremendously and empowered many individuals living in poverty.

  • Both Jeff Skoll and Muhammad Yunus exemplify taking initiative and creating innovative solutions to drive social change, inspired by a vision of using business for higher social purposes rather than just profits.

  • Grameen Bank has very high repayment rates from borrowers in Bangladesh compared to defaults elsewhere, without using written contracts. It is based on trust between the bank and borrowers.

  • 97% of Grameen Bank’s borrowers are village women. This is notable given how few women typically get loans from large commercial banks in Bangladesh.

  • Yunus met with Franck Riboud, CEO of Danone, to discuss ways to help feed the poor in developing countries where Danone sells products.

  • Over lunch, Yunus spontaneously proposed a partnership called Grameen Danone where Danone would help produce affordable, nutritious yogurt that Grameen women could sell door-to-door.

  • To Yunus’ surprise, Riboud immediately agreed to the partnership without hesitation. It would be a major new social business between a multinational corporation and Grameen Bank.

  • Danone moved extremely quickly to implement the partnership, going against its usual business model. Grameen Danone was the world’s first consciously designed multinational social business.

  • The yoghurt company’s future plans involve creating an edible rice cup that can hold the yoghurt, providing both packaging and extra nutrition. This would be more ecological than plastic cups currently used.

  • In October 2006, exactly one year after starting, Grameen Danone was successfully providing additional nutrition to millions of people at low cost. Working women involved were earning more money. Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank received the Nobel Peace Prize that month for their work alleviating poverty.

  • There are opportunities for businesses to support communities in meaningful ways, as Danone did through Grameen Bank. Even small companies can find proactive ways to support environments they operate in.

  • Political uncertainty makes business difficult, yet SABMiller invested in opportunities in war-torn Southern Sudan, creating jobs and working with farmers. This paved the way for other investors and improved the region.

  • Yin Guoxin built a large garment company in China with early sustainability practices like recycling and energy efficiency. This socially responsible approach is good for both people and business.

  • The “bottom of the pyramid” market among the world’s poor is over $5 trillion, yet most Western investors avoid it as too risky. But research shows the poor reliably pay debts, and products can improve lives while businesses make money. Seeing opportunities to ethically serve the poor through small loans or product design can lift people out of poverty.

  • Nora dedicated her life to supporting hungry and homeless children in her community. She took in over 200 children and fed them daily using very limited resources in her small tin shack.

  • Virginia visited Nora and saw her cooking large pots of mealie porridge and vegetable stew with no meat to feed the children. Nora walks long distances to collect food donations to sustain the children.

  • After seeing Nora’s dedication, Virgin Unite provided funding through Starfish charity to upgrade Nora’s facilities with small buildings for meals/shelter and gardens for fresh vegetables. This helped expand Nora’s efforts.

  • The story reminds the author of a Virgin Atlantic trip to Kenya where they partnered with Free the Children NGO to support communities through schools, gardens, wells and small businesses.

  • The author argues successful social/development models could be amplified by treating people like Nora as entrepreneurs rather than charity cases, giving them access to loans and investments to grow their impactful work.

  • Chris West of the Shell Foundation pioneered business models blending philanthropy, small business support and impact investing, such as GroFin which provides loans/training for small African businesses. This provides a model for harnessing corporate resources innovatively.

Here is a summary of the key points made in the passage:

  • Throwing money at charities is like putting a bandaid on a wound - it’s not a real solution. People in places like Africa need jobs, not just handouts, to escape poverty.

  • Chris believed philanthropic organizations should take a business-like approach. Treat issues like lack of jobs as “market failures” and support solutions that create choice for poor people rather than see them as victims.

  • Starting a social business from scratch is difficult. It’s nearly impossible for an organization to expand and make a big impact if growth isn’t one of its goals from the beginning.

  • Shell Foundation partnered with organizations but found they needed more than just money - support, networks, guidance. They helped their partners get additional funding to help ideas grow and have wider impact.

  • One project, GroFin, provides financing and support to small businesses in Africa that may not qualify for traditional bank loans. It’s helped thousands of entrepreneurs and had a much lower default rate than typical bank loans in the West.

  • However, there is a limit to how fast even a successful initiative like GroFin can expand. The world needs hundreds more organizations tackling problems in entrepreneurial ways.

  • Small isolated “islands of excellence” aren’t enough to solve huge global issues like poverty and climate change. Bold action is needed to change systems and rules on a larger scale.

  • Alex Friedman, former CFO of the Gates Foundation, argued that philanthropic dollars and investment decisions need to work together to tackle social problems, rather than being seen as separate. He proposed four steps like foundations lending from assets, financial institutions partnering with foundations, social impact investment products, and incentives.

  • Inspired by Alex, the author has been working with others to encourage financing that delivers social/environmental impact, promoting the idea of meeting needs and making money at the same time. Economists argue the concepts of giving vs profit need to change.

  • Opportunities exist not just in emerging markets but also locally, like Fair Finance in London offering small loans. This aligns with supporting entrepreneurs in South Africa.

  • Virgin Money was formed by bringing together Virgin’s financial products and services. Jayne-Anne Gadhia was recruited to develop a holistic brand around making everyone better off through win-win relationships.

  • The author and Jayne-Anne discussed how banking should focus on retail customers rather than prioritizing investment banking. Virgin Money’s brand and values help guide decision-making and develop the right employees.

  • Virgin Money later sponsored the London Marathon as a way to tie a philanthropic event to their brand in a meaningful way by considering each company’s capabilities differently.

  • The London Marathon was looking for a sponsorship partner. Virgin Money was interested but had concerns about the cost and fit with their brand as a financial services company.

  • Jayne-Anne, the CEO of Virgin Money, came up with the idea of Virgin Money operating an online charitable donation platform to handle marathon fundraising rather than the existing provider JustGiving, which took a large cut.

  • Virgin Money Giving was launched as a not-for-profit and handled marathon sponsorship donations with much lower fees, providing a great service for runners and charities. It also gave great promotion to the Virgin Money brand.

  • Virgin Money Giving has since expanded to process donations for over 4,000 UK charities. It was a win-win that helped charities, promoted Virgin Money’s brand through meaningful engagement, and provided meaningful work for Virgin Money employees.

  • Virgin businesses across 15 industries have focused on helping young people through initiatives like the Branson Centre in South Africa supporting young entrepreneurs and programs ensuring homeless youth have housing in other regions.

  • Virgin Media in the UK launched Virgin Media Pioneers, an online community for young entrepreneurs to develop ideas, skills and networks. They have been listening to youth to create a major new initiative amplifying youth voices and solutions.

  • Quotes from a 1960s Student magazine show issues of gaps between youth and society, and protests, remain relevant today.

  • Kids Company founder Camila Batmanghelidjh is cited for her expertise using advocacy to build her charity’s profile. Her article on the 2011 London riots had great insight into causes.

  • Kids Company provides support to vulnerable youth, some with severe trauma, and helps them engage in the community. An estimated 2 million British children live vulnerable lives but the system struggles to adequately help them. Kids Company fills gaps where government support falls short.

  • Camila Batmanghelidjh has represented many abused children in judicial reviews against politicians, winning every case so far. She argues politicians ignore abused children because they can’t vote or hold politicians accountable.

  • The author and Camila are both shaped by their dyslexia, which they see as a strength allowing them to see the big picture. The author credits his dyslexia for his success spotting business opportunities.

  • Virgin businesses have supported Camila’s organization and others working with vulnerable youth through donations, mentorship, internships, and partnerships. This has benefited both the youth and Virgin employees.

  • Rick Koca started an organization helping homeless youth with his own money. Virgin Mobile USA partnered with him after researching youth homelessness. Employees experienced homelessness for 24 hours, realizing the urgency of the problem.

  • Virgin Mobile launched Re*Generation to help end youth homelessness using customer donations and engagement. It has invested $7 million since 2006. The author praises how they built helping youth into their core rather than just a marketing campaign.

  • The author argues that to influence social change today, businesses must understand social media and harness networks to spread awareness, not just create good ideas or public announcements. The Virgin Mobile Festival example is praised for “earning” viral discussion of the issue.

  • Virgin Mobile USA launched social initiatives to combat youth homelessness by leveraging celebrities and social networks. They partnered with Lady Gaga who encouraged donations and stopped concerts to recognize fans who donated. Videos of these moments went viral and raised awareness.

  • They also held music festivals called “FreeFest” where fans could volunteer at homeless shelters to earn tickets. This “Karma Bar” raised money for homeless charities.

  • These social initiatives helped thousands of youths and grew Virgin Mobile USA into a successful public company with over 5 million customers. It shows that companies can do good through social change projects.

  • The passage also talks about Jane Tewson’s work creating Comic Relief and other philanthropic organizations that empower people and shift the dynamic from donors to partnerships. Her approach influenced Virgin Unite’s model of bottom-up, empathetic solutions.

  • Jane Tewson believes that productive conversations that connect people in a position to help with those who need help can spark creative ideas for change. She thinks the problems societies don’t talk about reveal a lot.

  • Recently she published a book called “Dying to Know” to stimulate discussion about death and dying in a way that connects people on a profound level. This fits with her work creating Comic Relief, which uses engaging topics to spark passion.

  • She has facilitated initiatives through Virgin Unite like a mentoring program between Virgin staff and formerly homeless youth in Australia. The conversations have been life changing for all involved.

  • On a trip to a maximum security youth prison in Australia, she introduced the author to an in-house social enterprise program where inmates produced and sold T-shirts to support charity. This inspired the author to try replicating such programs in the UK.

  • Programs that engage prisoners in entrepreneurship through social enterprises can significantly reduce recidivism and prove that alternative, humane approaches to prison reform can work.

  • The author took a trip through South Africa in 2004 and was deeply disturbed by what he saw - endless funeral billboards and overcrowded hospitals filled with dying AIDS patients just waiting for others to die so beds would free up.

  • He opened a health clinic called Bhubezi to provide free HIV/AIDS testing, treatment and healthcare to 100,000 local people.

  • However, the South African government was denying the link between HIV and AIDS, frustrating his efforts to combat the crisis.

  • After the death of an employee from AIDS complications, the author publicly took an HIV test to encourage others. But people still distrusted the retroviral drugs needed.

  • At a government dinner, frustrated, the author openly accused President Mbeki of crimes against humanity for depriving people of treatment. Others worried this would get them kicked out.

  • Surprisingly, Mbeki personally wrote the author a sincere letter, and they agreed to work together by establishing a center for disease control in South Africa to help address the issues.

  • The author believes speaking out was the right thing to do, even if risky, and it ultimately led to positive change rather than negative consequences as feared.

  • The passage discusses progress and challenges in combating HIV/AIDS over the past 30 years. While drugs have improved, many still cannot afford treatment and millions continue dying unnecessarily.

  • It profiles Dr. Ernest Darkoh, who helped launch the African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships (ACHAP) in Botswana. Through public-private partnerships, ACHAP increased treatment access and compliance rates, saving many lives.

  • Victoria Hale founded OneWorld Health and Medicines360 to develop affordable treatments for neglected diseases. OneWorld Health identified existing drugs that could treat conditions like visceral leishmaniasis in India. Medicines360 uses a hybrid nonprofit/for-profit model to develop and sell drugs to both commercial and low-income markets.

  • The passage advocates for new hybrid health models that involve both the public and private sectors. It discusses some examples innovating in healthcare delivery, like Motorbike health workers in Kenya and “Avon ladies” selling health products in Uganda.

  • In summary, it profiles pioneers in public-private partnerships and hybrid nonprofit/for-profit models for developing and delivering more affordable healthcare, especially to low-income populations afflicted by neglected diseases.

  • The narrative recounts Richard Branson receiving a phone call from Nelson Mandela asking for help saving thousands of jobs at South Africa’s largest gym chain, Health & Racquet Clubs, which had gone into administration.

  • Branson agreed to look into it and within 4 weeks, Virgin Active had acquired the 76 clubs for around £30 million. This saved many jobs in South Africa.

  • The story then shifts to discussing Virgin Active’s expansion of gyms and community outreach programs in South African townships like Alexandra.

  • It expresses optimism for a new Virgin Active flagship gym opening in Soweto and community programs in local schools.

  • globally Virgin Active now has 250 clubs worldwide with over 1 million members.

  • The narrative also covers Virgin launching incentive programs like Virgin HealthMiles in the US and acquiring medical services provider Assura Group to provide more community-based NHS support in the UK.

  • It discusses Virgin’s involvement in stem cell banking through Virgin Health Bank and hopes that the private sector can help advance new medical technologies that may later benefit public healthcare.

  • Virgin Health Bank has relocated its international headquarters to Qatar Science & Technology Park, where it operates a state-of-the-art facility for processing and cryogenically storing stem cells. This allows parents in Qatar to have their newborn babies’ stem cells collected and stored.

  • The author argues that more entrepreneurial approaches are needed in healthcare and education to find innovative solutions. Examples given include KIPP charter schools in the US and Khan Academy’s free online education resources.

  • aims to inspire people to unlock their potential through inspiring videos and online tools. The author is chairing this new organization.

  • Pioneers in the organic/ethical food industry like Ben & Jerry’s and Newman’s Own are highlighted for their successful social businesses that also generate profits for charitable causes.

  • Adam Balon, a former Virgin employee, co-founded Innocent Drinks with two friends after discussing entrepreneurial ideas on trips together. Their concept of fruit smoothies in bottles took off as an easy but healthy product.

  • Three friends went on a holiday and one suggested starting a smoothie business. They did market research at a music festival and found enthusiasm for the idea.

  • They faced many challenges in getting the business off the ground like lack of capital, product development, branding, distribution, etc. They quit their jobs to focus on it full-time.

  • Raising initial funding was difficult and they lived off friends’ support. An angel investor eventually provided $250k in funding.

  • The business grew slowly at first under the name Innocent. After 10 years, they wanted to expand internationally but lacked funds.

  • Coca-Cola provided $30 million for a minority stake, allowing for faster growth. While some criticized this as “selling out”, the founders saw Coca-Cola as sharing their values of health and sustainability.

  • Innocent has continued growing but now faces challenges from climate change impacts on their fruit suppliers around the world.

  • In southern Spain, where Innocent sources their strawberries, water resources are under strain from increased agriculture and development. This area is important for protecting the Doñana National Park wetlands that support migratory bird populations.

  • In 2010, Innocent partnered with a supplier and university on a project to map the water footprint of strawberry farms in the region. The data will help farmers reduce water use and support water management planning.

  • A similar water footprint study is being done in Kenya by the Gates Foundation and Coca-Cola for the mangoes Innocent sources from there.

  • Another study in India is assessing how climate change will impact the aromatic Alphonso mangoes used in Innocent’s smoothies. The region is already experiencing warmer weather and monsoon changes.

  • Farming practices are being developed in India to help mango trees adapt to climate change while still producing quality fruit. Trial farms saw reduced chemical use, higher fruit retention and larger sizes.

  • AGRA (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa) aims to reduce food insecurity in Africa by increasing access to inputs like seeds, finance, and markets for smallholder farmers. Their goals include halving food insecurity in over 20 countries and doubling incomes for 20 million smallholder farmers.

  • AGRA is seen as a partnership between government, business, and non-profits that combines their strengths to address challenges like hunger and climate change facing African agriculture.

  • The text notes ongoing famines in places like Somalia that impact over 13 million people, highlighting the need for more efforts like AGRA.

  • Environmental problems like drought from depletion of natural resources will exacerbate hunger issues going forward. Some countries are purchasing land in other countries for food and water security due to growing scarcity.

  • Opportunities exist in businesses that protect and utilize natural resources sustainably while reducing carbon emissions. This is seen as one of the largest frontiers for opportunity currently.

  • The plight of lemurs is dire as Madagascar has lost most of its natural habitat and many lemur species are critically endangered. The political situation has further exacerbated the problem.

  • Branson wants to help lemur conservation by selecting some endangered species for ex situ breeding programs to establish assurance colonies, in consultation with experts. He does not plan to import directly from the wild.

  • While some were concerned about releasing lemurs in the Caribbean, experts suggested keeping them in large open-air enclosures to avoid impacts. Branson agreed to this approach.

  • Ex situ breeding alone cannot solve the problem, so Branson also plans to increase his commitments to in situ conservation directly in Madagascar.

  • Branson recognized the concerns raised were valid and has committed to working with experts to establish a responsible breeding and conservation program for lemurs, while also contributing to conservation efforts in their native habitat in Madagascar. His initial idea was well-intentioned but needed refinement based on expert advice, which he was open to.

  • Every manufactured product requires raw materials that must be extracted from the natural environment, releasing carbon dioxide and using up resources. This consumption at massive global scales is negatively impacting the planet’s natural cycles.

  • Even a single laptop uses 40,000 pounds of raw materials. A car’s impact is presumably much greater due to requiring more materials.

  • With billions more people demanding increased consumption, the environmental damage will continue to grow incrementally and significantly unless addressed.

  • Warmer ocean temperatures are killing coral reefs, destroying underwater ecosystems and fisheries that people depend on for food and income.

  • Bees are also threatened by disease, yet they play a vital role in pollinating crops worth billions annually worldwide. Their decline could seriously damage global food systems.

  • Jochen Zeitz is a pioneering business leader who implemented sustainable practices and impact accounting at PUMA to measure and reduce the company’s environmental and social footprint. His efforts demonstrate how businesses can be part of the solution through ethical practices oriented around “a better world for future generations.”

  • Ray Anderson founded carpet tile company Interface Inc. in the 1970s. By the late 1990s, customers began asking what Interface was doing for the environment.

  • Ray was initially confused by these questions but realized his customers and salespeople were looking for environmental answers he did not have. He launched a taskforce to address this.

  • Reading Paul Hawken’s book “The Ecology of Commerce” was an epiphany for Ray. He realized industry was harming the environment and Interface needed change.

  • Interface conducted an audit that shocked Ray with how much waste the company generated. He set about transforming the company to be more sustainable and reduce its environmental impact.

  • Interface achieved significant reductions in waste, energy and water use through its sustainability initiatives. It also started leasing carpet tiles to customers rather than selling them.

  • Ray showed how focusing on sustainability could be good for both the environment and business. Interface continued making progress on sustainability goals even after Ray’s death in 2011.

  • The author discusses being inspired by visionaries like Ray and committing Virgin Group profits to renewable energy investments through the Virgin Green Fund.

The passage discusses three entrepreneurs who have developed clean and renewable energy companies:

  • Sam Wyly founded Green Mountain Energy in 1997 to offer customers electricity from clean sources like wind and solar. The company has grown significantly and helped prevent over 11 billion pounds of CO2 emissions.

  • Jigar Shah launched SunEdison in 2003 with a innovative solar financing model where customers pay for solar power through long-term agreements rather than upfront installation costs. This helped solar gain widespread adoption. SunEdison became the largest solar company in North America.

  • Chris Kilham is an ethnobotanist who travels the world studying traditional herbal medicines. He partners with pharmaceutical companies and helps indigenous groups commercialize valuable plant-based medicines, providing income while helping to conserve forests.

The key message is that entrepreneurs like these are developing innovative solutions in areas like renewable energy, energy efficiency, water desalination and herbal medicines. Their companies create business opportunities while reducing environmental impacts and dependency on fossil fuels. Their stories show how entrepreneurship can drive meaningful change.

  • Chris is developing a TV series called “The Medicine Hunter” to showcase natural remedies he has found in places like the Amazon rainforest. Virgin Group is involved in producing and marketing the series.

  • Rainforests are vitally important for absorbing carbon, producing oxygen, and harboring undiscovered medicines. However, they are being destroyed for industries like oil, cattle, and palm oil. This threatens future medicine discoveries and exacerbates climate change.

  • Tyler Gage discovered guayusa, a caffeine-containing plant drink used by indigenous people in the Amazon. He teamed up with Dan MacCombie to start a company called Runa to develop a sustainable market for guayusa.

  • Runa worked with Kichwa farmers to plant guayusa trees without slash-and-burn techniques. This increased farmers’ incomes while protecting forests. Runa markets guayusa tea in stores across the US.

  • Large companies like Walmart and GE are demonstrating how sustainable practices can benefit both the environment and business goals. Walmart is reducing emissions in its supply chain and sourcing more from small farmers. GE transitioned to green tech under CEO Jeffrey Immelt while maintaining growth targets.

  • GE launched an initiative called Ecomagination in 2005 to view environmental problems as business opportunities. They committed $1.5B annually to clean tech R&D.

  • By 2009 they had already spent $1.5B, exceeding their 2010 target. Over 5 years they invested $5B in R&D and generated $70B in revenue from Ecomagination projects.

  • GE reduced its own greenhouse gas emissions by 21% compared to 2004 levels, exceeding their 1% target reduction. They also improved energy efficiency by 34%.

  • New clean tech products from Ecomagination like more fuel-efficient engines provided significant environmental benefits for customers too.

  • Virgin America partnered with GE to launch their new fuel-efficient engines on Virgin America planes. This would reduce CO2 emissions from each plane by 3,600 tons annually, equal to emissions absorbed by 240,000 trees.

  • Both GE and Virgin America showed that environmental and economic goals can be aligned through investments in clean technology. The initiatives proved good for business and the planet.

  • The passage discusses how increased connectivity through technology and social media has both positive and negative effects. It provides examples of each.

  • Positively, social media helped coordinate community clean up efforts after the 2011 London riots. It also allows increased information sharing and gives citizens more power relative to governments and organizations.

  • However, the riots themselves showed the dark side, as social media allowed looters to rapidly mobilize in large numbers. This suggests increased connectivity can exacerbate problems when people feel excluded from their communities.

  • The passage argues we have entered an “Age of People” where businesses must deliver benefits not just to shareholders but also people and the planet. Those that embrace this new model of “Capitalism 24902” by prioritizing social and environmental impacts will thrive, while others clinging to outdated models will struggle.

  • It provides the example of Strive Masiyiwa and his mobile company Econet, which has connected many across Africa while also giving back through education, health, and entrepreneurship programs. This illustrates both the power of connectivity and a sustainable business model.

  • The passage discusses the need for new models of global leadership that can break down silos and address issues that know no boundaries, like climate change and environmental degradation.

  • Existing political and corporate leadership models are limited due to short-term priorities like reelection and profits. Collaboration between sectors is lacking.

  • Ray Chambers is highlighted as exemplifying a new approach. He uses his business skills and status to convene partnerships between businesses, governments, and non-profits to address issues like malaria.

  • Through his organization Malaria No More, Chambers helped raise $4 billion and coordinate efforts that will save over 4 million lives from malaria by 2015. His leadership brought together diverse groups around a common goal.

  • Chambers demonstrated how business leaders can take responsibility for wider stakeholders, not just shareholders. His success shows the potential of collaborative leadership models to make progress on global challenges.

  • The passage describes Richard Branson joining the Global Commission on Drug Policy at the request of its founder, former Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

  • The Commission aimed to evaluate drug policy objectively and promote an open debate on alternative approaches. It included figures like George Soros, former Latin American presidents, and Kofi Annan.

  • Branson spoke at the Commission’s launch press conference in 2011, arguing that the war on drugs has failed and alternative regulatory approaches should be considered. He received support from journalists like Martin Wolf who criticized the war on drugs.

  • Branson saw the drug issue as a global problem requiring collaborative solutions. He was passionate about ending the focus on criminalization and supporting the Commission’s work through Virgin Unite.

  • The passage then shifts to discussing how Peter Gabriel and Branson envisioned creating a group of elder statesmen called The Elders to provide global leadership. They unsuccessfully tried to get Nelson Mandela to meet with Saddam Hussein before the Iraq War.

  • After subsequent conversations with Mandela about utilizing the experience of elder figures, Virgin Unite created a business case to formally establish The Elders organization.

  • The Elders initiative was launched by Nelson Mandela to bring together prominent global leaders to work on peace and human rights issues. Founding members included Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Graça Machel.

  • Early meetings were held in 2006 with supporters like Peter Gabriel to refine the vision and values of non-partisanship, integrity, and moral courage. Test gatherings on Necker Island helped get buy-in from potential Elders like Jimmy Carter and Tutu.

  • The organization aimed to break down silos and bring diverse leaders together. A management structure and funding partners were identified.

  • The first official Elders meeting in 2007 was a success, inspiring further commitments. Last-minute fundraising met a $18 million goal before the public launch on Mandela’s 89th birthday.

  • Key figures involved in establishing The Elders included Richard Branson, Peter Gabriel, Jean Oelwang, and Scilla Elworthy. The unconventional process helped shape the philosophy of bringing different perspectives together.

  • The Elders was launched on July 28, 2007 as an independent group of global leaders using their influence to tackle difficult issues facing the world.

  • In 2008, Elders Jimmy Carter, Graça Machel and Kofi Annan planned a trip to Zimbabwe but were denied entry by the government. They held meetings in South Africa instead to raise awareness of Zimbabwe’s humanitarian crisis.

  • In 2009, the author joined some Elders on a trip to the Middle East. During a meeting in the West Bank, the author introduced his friend Jeff Skoll as Jewish, creating an awkward moment but one that led to open communication.

  • While supporting the Elders’ meetings, the author and Jeff Skoll had some humorous moments navigating doors and being mobbed by people who only recognized the author. Their conversation with locals provided insights into the conflict.

So in summary, it describes the launch of The Elders organization and recounts two anecdotes from the author’s experiences accompanying some Elders on travels related to their work.

  • The conversation is between two young men discussing peace in the Middle East. They had coffee with some Palestinians at a cafe and were able to change their perspective, getting them to agree that peace is possible if we give it a chance.

  • After leaving, one of the men reflected on how impactful small interactions like changing hearts and minds over a coffee can be. They discussed how hard world leaders like President Obama are working for peace.

  • The rest of the passage details the work of The Elders, a group of prominent world leaders founded by Richard Branson and Peter Gabriel to tackle global challenges. Some key points:

    • The Elders meet and have influential discussions on issues like conflicts in Korea, Sudan, the Middle East.

    • Being around The Elders at their meetings was an incredible experience for the author to hear their perspectives and anecdotes.

    • The group has been very committed and effective in quietly working on issues behind the scenes.

    • It highlights the diverse team that has helped The Elders serve “the global village” through their wisdom and focus on humanity.

So in summary, it discusses a positive interaction for peace, then outlines the important work of advocacy group The Elders, founded to address challenges through collaborative leadership.

  • The Carbon War Room applied expertise from outside the shipping industry to identify barriers within the sector and provide solutions. Shipping industry leaders, including the world’s largest shipping company Maersk, agreed with many of their ideas.

  • They found entrepreneurs with efficient shipping ideas faced no demand, as companies didn’t know which ships were most fuel efficient. Companies could save 15-30% on fuel costs by choosing efficient ships.

  • They discovered companies knew their fuel bills were large but had no way to evaluate ship efficiency. This simple data gap caused customers to miss out on major cost savings.

  • They launched a website,, to provide this data and help transform the industry. This demonstrated how an independent approach could make a big environmental impact.

  • Their work shows how non-profits like the Carbon War Room can incubate initiatives, then leverage massive change by helping overcome barriers like the data gap faced by entrepreneurs and companies in the shipping industry.

The passage discusses how companies can build powerful communities that drive positive change in the world. It argues that global brands have built large communities through their products and services, and could mobilize these communities to take action on important issues.

It provides examples of companies like Ben & Jerry’s, Body Shop, and Cafédirect that successfully engaged their communities around social and environmental causes. These companies found ways to make customers feel part of a movement for change, not just like anonymous buyers. Initiatives like Ben & Jerry’s “Peace Pops” raised awareness of important issues.

New digital platforms and social enterprises are also building large active communities committed to pressuring decision makers on global challenges. Avaaz is cited as an example of an organization with over 9.7 million members that has powered petitions and campaigns on issues like drug policy reform.

The passage emphasizes that with the right approach, companies can mobilize their diverse stakeholders including employees, suppliers and customers to solve problems and drive positive change in the world by engaging them as individuals and making them feel part of an impactful community.

The passage discusses how communities and groups of independently minded people across businesses and organizations can drive positive change. It provides examples of how hit squads, connection trips, and communities within Virgin Unite have supported non-profits and grassroots organizations. It also discusses how Auret van Heerden mobilized communities of black workers in South Africa to stand up against apartheid through mutual funeral funds and unions. Ela Bhatt is mentioned for building one of the largest grassroots communities in the world through the Self-Employed Women’s Association of India. Overall, the passage emphasizes how independently minded people can come together in communities to address real needs and drive large-scale change.

  • Shah was sharing a speech she had given at the UNDP in 2011 about the need for a new development model that empowers local communities and meets basic needs locally rather than focusing solely on urbanization, technology, and GDP growth.

  • Her vision is of communities that can meet 6 basic needs like food, shelter, education, healthcare within a 100 mile radius to create local livelihoods and self-sufficiency. This approach addresses creating jobs and feeding people at the local level.

  • She argues the current model prioritizes capital, exports, and profits over people and the environment. A new partnership with the poor is needed with an emphasis on living lightly on the earth.

  • Branson discussed how Necker Island became a place to incubate big ideas through gatherings like with The Elders. Bringing diverse thinkers together and exposing them to on-the-ground issues helped spark solutions.

  • He highlighted how being stranded on the island during a hurricane strengthened bonds between attendees like Julie Hill and facilitated high-quality conversations that could fuel positive change. The experience exemplified Necker’s role in connecting people to find new approaches to global problems.

  • Richard Branson and his team were having discussions on Necker Island about initiatives for social good. Julie Hill was part of the group and impressed Richard with her passion and ideas about making businesses a force for good.

  • Specifically, Julie proposed the idea of a “Business Elders” group similar to Richard’s Elders group, to bring together CEOs committed to broader stakeholder responsibilities. Richard was excited by the idea and offered for Julie to work with Virgin Unite to develop it.

  • Around the same time, philanthropist Kelly Smith was discussing her plans to open the Center for Living Peace in Orange County, aimed at teaching children about positivity, compassion, and spiritual well-being. Richard was initially skeptical but became convinced of Kelly’s sincerity and passion after grilling her about her plans and vision. He decided to support the Center’s launch.

  • In both cases, chance meetings and discussions on Necker led Richard to offer his support for initiating new organizations focused on promoting peace and a stakeholder model of business, seeing genuine commitment and potential for impact in Julie and Kelly’s visions.

  • The author describes attending a fundraising event on Necker Island with an injured leg, arriving dressed as a pirate. Kelly handed him a $250,000 cheque for Virgin Unite which had been raised quickly.

  • Memories are shared of wonderful gatherings and inspiring people met on Necker island over the years. One example is Creel Price, a successful Australian entrepreneur who invested in projects in Zimbabwe and South Africa.

  • Connection trips to South Africa introduced entrepreneurs like Nina Quiros who helped a fashion designer Lesego Malatsi expand his business.

  • The goal of Capitalism 24902 is building communities of entrepreneurs supporting each other and creating positive change. Each business can “screw business as usual” through responsible practices.

  • A hurricane later burned down the main house on Necker Island but the important things were the family, friends and ideas generated there. The book is dedicated to the author’s grandchildren.

  • A few additional case studies are briefly mentioned exemplifying Capitalism 24902, including the Aravind Eye Care hospital model, the John Lewis employee ownership model, and the Dutch Postcode Lottery social mission.

  • The article discusses three social businesses: Postcode Lottery, TOMS Shoes, and

  • Postcode Lottery is a Dutch lottery that donates 50% of profits to charities. Winnings are shared by entire postcode areas/communities. It has expanded internationally and donates hundreds of millions annually.

  • TOMS Shoes follows a one-for-one model where a pair of shoes is donated to a child in need for each pair sold. This addresses health issues caused by lack of shoes. They have expanded this model to eyewear.

  • uses 1% of time, products, and equity to support non-profits. Their cloud computing model reduces carbon emissions. Employees volunteer extensively with non-profits.

  • It also briefly discusses Ecotact, a social business that addressed sanitation issues in Nairobi slums by developing a franchise model for low-cost public toilets. This improved health and dignity for local communities.

So in summary, it profiles four social businesses using innovative models to generate profits while also creating social impact through charitable donations, buy-one-give-one programs, non-profit partnerships, and addressing important community needs.

The article describes several social enterprises that are achieving both social impact and financial sustainability through innovative business models.

Ikotoilet builds and operates portable toilets in Kenya on a build-operate-transfer model with municipalities. This allows it to recover costs while eventually handing the toilets over to municipalities. It also generates additional revenue by renting space in “toilet malls”.

Pavegen creates electricity-generating paving slabs made from recycled materials like car tires. People walking on the slabs powers the slabs, with the energy stored and used for lighting.

Living Goods operates a franchise model in Uganda, empowering women as “health entrepreneurs” to sell affordable healthcare products door-to-door. This delivers products to customers affordably while providing income opportunities.

Method creates environmentally-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products. It innovates with sustainability in mind, such as using compostable wipes and packaging made from recycled plastics.

VeeV makes açaí-based spirits while promoting conservation of the Brazilian rainforest and communities through donations.

Working Assets provides communications services while donating 1% of revenues to non-profits, empowering customers to advocacy through its networks. It has supported over $67 million in donations.

Here is a summary of the provided text on

  • Working Assets promotes the idea of companies mobilizing their communities to make a positive difference in the world.

  • The Big Issue is mentioned as an example. It is a street newspaper sold by homeless individuals in the UK and elsewhere. It provides them an opportunity to earn an income and reintegrate into society. Since 1991, it has supported over 2,900 homeless people.

  • Kimberly Clark is highlighted for their “tubeless toilet roll” innovation which eliminates cardboard tubes, reducing wastage of over 17 billion tubes annually in the US alone. However, it does remove a common craft material for school children.

  • Barefoot Power is an Australian social enterprise that has brought solar lighting to over 1 million people across Africa, Asia and Latin America who previously relied on expensive and unhealthy kerosene. It has created a profitable business model that reduces carbon emissions and eliminates energy poverty.

The main message is that by mobilizing communities and customers, companies can make a positive social and environmental impact while also being financially sustainable through innovative products and initiatives. The examples provided illustrate different ways businesses have approached this idea of doing well by doing good.

Here is a 250-word summary:

This summary highlights some of the key people, organizations, events and ideas from the source text. It discusses Richard Branson’s work establishing the Branson Centre in South Africa and the Caribbean to provide entrepreneurship training and support social enterprises. It describes Branson’s efforts to address climate change through the Carbon War Room and promote renewable energy and electric transportation.

The summary also discusses Branson’s involvement with international organizations like the Elders and efforts to tackle global challenges like HIV/AIDS, malaria, famine and human rights issues. It notes some of Branson’s investments in companies pursuing social and environmental goals like Virgin Green Fund, Virgin Unite, and the Carbon War Room. Business models incorporating ethical and environmental standards are discussed in relation to companies in Branson’s portfolio like Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Trains.

Key figures that Branson has worked with are mentioned, such as Al Gore, Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela on issues of climate change, global health initiatives, and philanthropic ventures. The advent of new technologies and their potential role in social change is touched on. Finally, the summary reflects on Branson’s embrace of entrepreneurship and pushing the boundaries of traditional business to have a positive social and environmental impact.

Here is a summary of some of the key details from the list:

  • Jeff Skoll founded the Skoll Foundation and Skoll Global Threats Fund, which support social entrepreneurs and address global threats.

  • Muhammad Yunus pioneered microfinance through Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. Microfinance allows small loans to poor individuals.

  • Virgin Unite is Richard Branson’s non-profit that supports entrepreneurs, disaster relief, and environmental/social causes. It operates Connection Trips and Hit Squads.

  • Jigar Shah is an renewable energy entrepreneur who founded SunEdison and Carbon War Room.

  • Jochen Zeitz transformed Puma’s operations to be more sustainable and green as chairman.

  • Ricken Patel co-founded Avaaz, an online activist network with over 45 million members worldwide.

  • Vanessa Redgrave and her family were early supporters of Richard Branson’s ventures like Student and Student Advisory Centre.

  • Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu were anti-apartheid leaders in South Africa who later advocated for peace, democracy and reconciliation.

  • Sal Khan founded Khan Academy to provide free online education videos on many school subjects.

  • A number of entrepreneurs addressed issues like healthcare access in India, environmental conservation, microfinance, clean energy, and more.

Here is a summary of the key points from the acknowledgements section:

  • The author thanks all the wonderful people and organizations mentioned in the book for their inspirational work to change business as usual and make the world a better place.

  • A special thank you is given to Jean Oelwang at Virgin Unite for helping to put the book together and for being the heart and soul of their foundation and much of the book’s content.

  • Thanks are also given to the Virgin Unite community of people who have worked with them over the last several years and whose commitment made many of the stories in the book possible. This includes trustees, steering committees, business champions, and the Virgin Unite team.

  • Thanks are also given to front-line partners, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists who have joined their community to work together on entrepreneurial approaches to changing the world.

  • Lastly, the author thanks his family for consistently being there and supporting him through all his adventures, including his mother and children.

  • The author looks forward to continuing this work with all these people and organizations to further change business as usual.

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About Matheus Puppe