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SEO Secrets The DIY guide to topping google (GLENN MURRAY (Divine Write)) - Glenn Murray

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Matheus Puppe

· 21 min read



Here is a summary of the SEO Secrets guide:

  • The guide covers the basics of search engine optimization (SEO), including how search engines work, what organic and paid search results are, and why SEO is important for getting traffic to a website.

  • It discusses choosing keywords through keyword analysis and analysis tools. Factors like keyword complexity and competition are covered.

  • Optimizing a website for SEO is discussed through topics like development checklists, meta tags, internal linking, image alt text, sitemap pages, and avoiding duplicate content.

  • Specifics around technologies like Flash, AJAX, frames are provided regarding SEO best practices.

  • Hosting and optimizing a WordPress blog for SEO is a chapter topic, covering plugins, categories, tags, URLs, RSS feeds, and avoiding duplicate content in blogs.

The guide provides a comprehensive overview of on-page SEO techniques to help websites and blogs rank higher in search engines through proper technical optimization and content strategies. Both technical topics and content-related SEO are covered.

Here is a summary of the key points from the introduction and about the author sections:

  • The book aims to explain SEO in layperson’s terms for business owners, marketing practitioners and webmasters who feel lost handling SEO on their own.

  • It provides a procedure of steps to take websites from their current state to highly ranked. These don’t need to be followed strictly but worked well for the author.

  • Refer to the glossary or bibliography sections for definitions or further reading. Feedback is welcome.

  • The author is a specialist SEO copywriter who helps increase website rankings through engaging copy.

  • The author has achieved #1 worldwide Google rankings on for many keywords related to copywriting, SEO copywriting, website copywriting etc. showing their SEO expertise.

In summary, the introduction outlines the aim to demystify SEO through a step-by-step guide, while the author bio establishes their credentials and experience as an SEO and copywriting professional.

Here is a summary of the key points about SEO (search engine optimization) from the provided information:

  • SEO is the process of increasing a website’s natural or organic ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) for targeted keywords.

  • The goal is to rank highly in search engines for keywords that are relevant to the business and what customers would search for.

  • Ranking well in organic/natural results is more effective than paid or sponsored links, as users pay more attention to the natural results.

  • Search engines use algorithms and 200+ factors to determine rankings, with the most important being the number and quality of inbound links to the site. High quality, relevant links influence rankings the most.

  • On-page optimization involves making the content and code search engine friendly so it can be crawled and indexed properly. This helps search engines understand what the site is about.

  • It takes months typically to increase rankings through SEO efforts like content creation, link building, and on-page optimization. Rankings fluctuate and require ongoing effort.

  • Keywords need to be carefully researched to identify the most relevant, highly searched keywords to target and optimize content for.

  • Technical elements like site structure, keyword implementation in content, and development also factor into SEO effectiveness.

  • SEO is a long-term strategy that provides no guarantees but can effectively drive organic traffic with persistence.

Here is a summary of the key points about keyword analysis:

  • Keyword analysis is the process of determining what keywords/phrases your target customers are searching for online. This gives you insight into what to optimize your website and marketing for.

  • Keyword analysis tools like WordTracker, Google’s Keyword Planner, and Google Trends analyze search volume data to tell you how popular certain keywords are.

  • You want keywords that have high search volume but relatively low competition from other websites targeting that keyword.

  • Consider keyword intent - do searchers using that keyword actually fit your target customer?

  • Target longer keyword phrases rather than single words for better specificity and less competition.

  • Check search volume for singular vs plural keywords. Consider intents and competition levels.

  • Google understands related keywords so inclusion of related words on your site can help.

  • Focus optimization on your top keywords rather than spreading efforts too thin.

  • Target your location/city name for localized search traffic if relevant.

  • Keyword complexity indexes like KEI are helpful but don’t rely on them alone to make decisions. Proper analysis requires consideration of multiple factors.

Here is a summary of the key points from the chapter:

  • Choose a reliable web host located near your target audience. This helps with local SEO and page load speed.

  • Make sure all important content, links, and navigation are in plain HTML format that search engines can easily read.

  • Position important content, keywords and meta tags toward the top of the HTML code so search engines give it more focus.

  • Create lots of high-quality, unique content and regularly update your site. This attracts links and satisfes search engines.

  • Optimize meta tags like title tags, descriptions and keywords. The title especially impacts click-through rate from search results.

  • Consider user experience factors like page speed when placing scripts like JavaScript and analytics code.

  • Avoid duplicating content across pages. Manage redirects for changed URLs. Have a 404 and sitemap page.

  • Optimize internal links and use anchor text to pass relevancy between pages. Link externally to related sites as well.

  • Consider URL structure like subfolders or subdomains but don’t overthink minor differences. Dynamic URLs may pose issues.

So in summary, the key is to develop websites with a focus on both technical SEO best practices and a great user experience.

Here is a summary of the key points about search engine optimization (SEO) from the provided text:

  • News - There is no mention of news content.

  • Curiosity - Some tips could sound interesting, like optimizing images, internal linking, and linking to related sites. But overall the text is pretty technical in nature and may not pique much curiosity.

  • It discusses optimizing page titles, descriptions, image alt text, keywords, and on-page content for search engines.

  • It emphasizes using keywords appropriately throughout content and metadata to help search engines understand the topic of each page.

  • It recommends structuring the site around keyword topics to group related content together.

  • Internal linking is important to help search engines index all pages and pass “link equity” between pages.

  • Linking to related external sites can also help by passing value to those large, important sites in the field.

  • Presentation focuses on technical on-page SEO factors rather than off-page or content marketing approaches.

  • No company name is included, so it does not directly promote any brands.

So in summary, the text provides technical tips for on-page SEO optimization but does not contain any news and may not spark much curiosity due its presentation style. It does not mention any company names.

  • Broken links are a sign that a site is poorly maintained, both to search engines and human visitors. They can impact search engine ranking and discourage other sites from linking.

  • Tools like Xenu’s Link Sleuth can help identify broken links to fix them. Fixing broken links improves the user experience and helps SEO.

  • Google sitemaps are optional XML files that inform Google about the structure and importance of pages. They may help Google index pages faster but don’t directly impact ranking.

  • 301 redirects should be used for changed URLs so links and rankings are preserved when a page moves.

  • Custom 404 pages provide a better user experience than standard 404 pages when a page is not found. 404s also need to be reported to search engines so they are not indexed.

  • The robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers what they are allowed to crawl and index on a site. It avoids unnecessary indexing of private pages.

  • Duplicate content on a site can lead to pages missing out in search results or PageRank being diluted across multiple pages with similar content. Strategies like canonical URLs and rel=“nofollow” help search engines understand the preferred version.

WordPress blogs can cause duplicate content issues because a single post can be accessed through multiple URLs, like the homepage, search results, date archives, author archives, category archives, etc. This is because each access point has a different URL.

The solution or advice given is to see page 75 for how to overcome duplicate content issues on WordPress blogs. Specific techniques or strategies are not described in the summary.

Here is a summary of the key points about optimizing a WordPress blog for search engines:

  • Host your own WordPress blog on your own domain rather than the hosting to maximize SEO benefits.

  • Install and configure popular WordPress SEO plugins like All in One SEO Pack, Redirection, and Yoast SEO to automate things like meta descriptions, URL redirects, XML sitemaps, etc.

  • Optimize blog categories by creating categories for your main keyword terms to theme the blog.

  • Optimize tags by displaying them with posts for minor keywords.

  • Automate meta descriptions using the post excerpt field rather than first paragraph.

  • Stop search engines from using external sources like DMOZ for descriptions.

  • Optimize permalinks by switching to “pretty” permalinks and redirecting old URLs with a plugin like Redirection.

  • Eliminate common function words from URLs using a plugin to focus keywords.

  • Avoid duplicate content issues by ensuring a post is accessible through only one URL.

  • Regularly add new and update existing blog posts with optimized on-topic content.

There are two main duplicate content issues in WordPress that can affect SEO:

  1. Canonicalization - Without specifying a canonical URL, the same page content can be accessed through different URLs, confusing search engines. This can be fixed by specifying a canonical URL using a redirection plugin.

  2. Duplicate content from archive/category/tag pages - By default, a single post can be accessed through multiple archive pages, diluting PageRank. This can be addressed by:

  • Telling search engines not to index archive pages
  • Removing archive links from sidebar
  • Disabling archive pages
  • Providing only a summary on homepage/archive pages and full post on main page

Other SEO best practices include:

  • Making RSS prominent and easy to subscribe to
  • Publishing full post content to RSS rather than just a summary
  • Enabling commenting and allowing anonymous comments without moderation to encourage engagement

Here is a summary of the key points regarding making commenting easy on a WordPress blog:

  • Uncheck the ‘Users must be registered and logged in to comment’ setting so that anyone can comment without needing to log in. This makes commenting more accessible.

  • Install and configure the Akismet spam filtering plugin. Akismet is effective at catching spam comments while letting valid comments through.

  • In the Discussion settings, set ‘Comment Moderation’ to require moderation for comments with more than two links. This provides an additional layer of spam filtering beyond Akismet.

  • Consider putting commenters’ photos or gravatars next to their comments to add more personality.

  • Integrate the AddThis social bookmarking widget to make it easy for readers to bookmark posts to their favorite social networks directly from each post.

So in summary, the recommendations are to remove barriers to commenting, leverage spam filtering tools like Akismet, implement light moderation of links in comments, and provide social sharing options to encourage engagement. The goal is to make commenting as easy and accessible as possible while still maintaining quality.

  • Quality links that can help a website’s ranking tend to come from related, important and trusted sites, point to specific pages on the site rather than just the home page, use keyword-rich anchor text that describes the linked page, and have varying anchor text descriptions. These types of links signal credibility to search engines.

  • Creating great content to attract these types of quality links is known as “link baiting.” It involves creating lots of great content that people will want to link to (“bait the hook”), and using social media to promote the content (“cast the line”).

  • For most businesses, great content that can attract links is useful, unique blogging. Some types of blog posts that typically perform well are lists, tutorials, case studies, solutions and stories.

  • When creating content, optimize it for keywords but avoid over-optimization that makes the content unnatural. Include internal and external links and link to others to encourage links back.

  • The goal of content creation should be to make every post something others would want to naturally link to, both for SEO benefits and to build an authority site with a strong network of inbound links.

Here are the key points about wordcount and keyword targeting from the passage:

  • Recommended wordcounts:
    • Homepage: 100-150 words
    • Inner pages: 250-400 words
    • Blog posts: 300-1000 words
  • Don’t obsess over exact wordcounts, search engines care more about quality content.
  • Don’t overstuff pages with keywords, it hurts readability.
  • Aim for target keyword phrase to appear more frequently than any single word. Generate a word cloud to check.
  • Don’t worry about keyword density percentage.
  • Include keywords naturally by being more specific in wording.
  • Can target individual keywords from a phrase rather than exact phrase string.
  • For multiple target phrases, cluster pages by phrase to minimize keyword focus on each page.
  • Use keywords in headings, closer to top of page, bold, lists, links, domain/URLs.

In summary, aim for quality readable content around the recommended wordcounts, target keywords naturally without overstuffing, and consider clustering pages to handle multiple target phrases or keywords. Search engines care more about helpfulness than exact metrics.

The passage discusses using social media to generate “buzz” and link building for content optimization and SEO. It defines social media and explains how people use social media to communicate updates and bookmark/share favorite links.

Some key social media platforms mentioned include blogs, forums, Twitter, StumbleUpon, YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn. The passage recommends starting a blog to host helpful content, then joining Twitter and StumbleUpon to follow others, contribute to discussions, and share your own content.

The goal is to form relationships by engaging with others on their content and platforms. Over time, as you establish trust and relevance in the communities, they will be more likely to discuss and share links to your high-quality content, helping it spread and boost SEO rankings. It emphasizes consistently posting new content for others to discover and share.

  • When you find good content on StumbleUpon, be sure to give it a “thumbs up” and comment. This helps the author and can lead to discussions that generate links and traffic.

  • Announce your good content on social media like Twitter to bring people to your site. This can lead to comments, discussions, links from other bloggers writing about your post, and social shares that spread your content.

  • Developing an influencer profile over time builds trust and followers across different social networks who will promote and share your new content.

  • To build communities, genuinely participate and contribute value without direct self-promotion. Earn trust over time by showing you care about the community, not just gaining links back to your site.

  • Blogs link to content they personally value, so provide substantial, authentic posts worth discussing rather than promotional content. Develop a reputation for quality to attract links organically.

  • Be careful not to intrude on personal social media spaces or undermine your credibility by pushing promotions too aggressively. Build relationships through respecting the culture of each community.

  • Social media takes time and effort to use effectively for promotional purposes. It can take months or even years to build a reputation and follower base.

  • It’s important to understand how different social networks work and what is expected when joining someone’s network on that platform. For example, on Facebook and LinkedIn you see everything others share once connected, while Twitter is one-way.

  • Start by finding and observing industry influencers and thought leaders on relevant networks to understand etiquette and how they interact. Joining groups in networks like LinkedIn can help you find more connections.

  • Understand local etiquette for different social networks. Put the needs of your community first by helping others and being transparent about your intentions.

  • Be patient, as generating backlinks through social media involvement takes a lot of consistent work over time. Start with 1-2 major networks and focus your efforts.

  • Engage by commenting on others’ content, linking to others without expecting reciprocity, and being one of the first to bookmark and share engaging content.

So in summary, using social media for promotion is a long-term commitment that requires understanding platforms, observing leaders, helping others, consistency and patience over months or years to see real results.

Here is a summary of the key points from the chapter:

  • Social media requires a long-term commitment to see benefits. Be authentic, helpful, and listen to the community. It takes time to build relationships and for people to start sharing your content widely.

  • Looking for natural link partners is a good way to build relevant backlinks, such as asking customers, partners, suppliers or high-ranking sites in your industry to link to you.

  • Submitting your site to relevant directories like DMOZ and Yahoo can also provide good links, as search engines pay attention to these directories.

  • Content syndication is a way to generate many backlinks by writing articles for other sites to publish, as long as they include a link back to your site in the author bio. This allows you to quickly build links, but many may come from low-quality sites.

  • Check the websites that link to your top competitors to find new link opportunities. However, avoid openly soliciting links through email as this may be seen as spammy.

  • Combine different link building techniques for best results over 6-12 months, as no single method will provide quick or significant results on its own. Patience and a long-term strategy are required.

Here is a summary of key points about monitoring SEO progress:

  • It takes time for SEO efforts to improve rankings, so be patient and monitor progress over weeks/months.

  • Check which pages search engines have indexed using the “site:” operator on Google or Bing. More indexed pages is good.

  • Monitor new backlinks being generated using free tools like Ahrefs Site Explorer or SEMRush. Track total links and top referring sites.

  • Cross-reference new links with any ranking improvements to estimate how much effort is needed. More links usually means better rankings.

  • Use rank tracking tools like MozCast or Rank Ranger to monitor movement in Google search results pages (SERPs) over time for target keywords.

  • Analyze site traffic changes using Google Analytics. Watch for increased qualified visitors from search.

  • Track conversion metrics like form submissions or purchases to see if more search traffic translates to real business goals.

  • Be patient as SEO is a long-term effort. Stick with strategies consistently to allow rankings and metrics to improve gradually over weeks/months.

The key is monitoring a variety of SEO and business metrics together overtime to understand campaign effectiveness and return on SEO investments.

Here are the key points about the future of SEO:

  • Search engines will rely more on visitor behavior signals like time on site, bounce rate, conversion rate, number of page views per visit, return visits, social shares, bookmarks, etc. to determine relevance and value of a site.

  • Google already collects a lot of data about user behavior through various tools and services like Search, Chrome, YouTube, Maps, Analytics, AdSense, Reader, Analytics, etc. This gives insights into how people interact with and share content.

  • Factoring user behavior data will help search engines improve rankings by directly measuring a site’s value instead of relying on indirect signals like backlinks that are open to manipulation.

  • SEOs will need to focus more on optimizing on-site user experience and engagement to influence these emerging behavioral ranking factors that Google and other search engines are starting to incorporate.

So in summary, the future of SEO is moving towards behavioral data and optimizing for the on-site user experience as search engines look to directly measure a site’s value through how people interact with and share its content.

  • Google can track a lot of information about users and their behavior on websites through its various services like Search, Analytics, Maps, etc. even if users are not logged into their Google accounts.

  • The data Google collects includes keywords searched, pages viewed, time spent on pages, bookmarks/favorites added, location data from Maps, and more.

  • By combining data from all its services, Google has a very comprehensive dataset about users and how they interact with websites.

  • Google will use this data to determine how relevant, engaging, and important websites are, how loyal visitors are, and how much visitors trust websites. It will rank websites accordingly.

  • Some factors Google will pay more attention to include time spent on sites, conversion rates, and backlink profiles to determine how trusted and important websites are.

  • The author predicts visitor/user behavior signals will become more important ranking factors than backlinks within the next few years as Google analyzes its massive dataset.

  • Personalization, local search, and universal search are other trends that could impact search rankings and the user experience in the future. Optimizing for these factors will be important.

Here is a summary of key points about selling advertising space on websites and content syndication from the glossary entries:

  • Websites can generate revenue by selling advertising space on their pages to advertisers. This allows other companies to promote their brands and products/services to the website’s audience.

  • Content syndication involves distributing free articles and content to other websites and directories in order to drive backlinks and increase search engine rankings. It is a way for websites to exchange content for links.

  • By syndicating content, a website can get its articles and pages linked to from other related sites. These backlinks from authoritative sources help improve the website’s authority and trust in the eyes of search engines.

  • Content syndication is a form of link building and outreach for search engine optimization purposes. It allows a website to gain natural links from reputable sources without having to do direct outreach or ask sites for links.

  • Sites that syndicate content will often include a brief bio and link back to the originating website to give attribution. This helps the website generating the content to also benefit from the syndication through backlinks.

Here are the key points about each resource in the essay Trackback Tutorial bibliography:

  1. Ess Trackback Tutorial - Explains how to use trackbacks to notify other sites when you link to their content.

  2. Alkemi International - SEO consulting firm.

  3. - Website to publish and distribute articles to build backlinks.

  4. Brightkite - Early location-based social networking service.

  5. Carroll, Nicholas (2008) - Article about how search engine algorithms are adapting to user behavior on the web.

  6. Cone (2008) - Research finding that most Americans expect companies to have a social media presence.

  7. Crum, Chris (2008) - Article discussing whether personalization of search results will impact SEO approaches.

  8. Cutts, Matt (2008) - Post asking for recommendations of WordPress plugins for related post functionality.

  9. Cutts, Matt (2008) - Post answering questions about how and when Google Chrome communicates with Google servers.

  10. Cutts, Matt (2006) - Post with SEO advice on URL canonicalization.

  11. Dover, Danny (2008) - Article with checklist for small business SEO basics.

  12. - Website to publish and distribute articles to build backlinks.

  13. FeedBurner - Service for managing RSS and Atom feeds.

  14. Fishkin, Rand (2008) - Article about proper ways to obtain links without explicitly paying for them.

  15. Fishkin, Rand (2008) - Article analyzing how Google’s algorithms rely on domain authority.

  16. Gangadharbatla (2008) - Research study about attitudes toward social networking sites.

  17. Garcia, Dr. E. (2005) - PDF file about internet addiction criteria.

And so on for the other references. Let me know if any require more detail in the summarization.

Here is a one page summary of the key points from the multiple URLs provided:

Page Structure and Keywords

  • Optimize page structure and internal linking architecture to include multiple keywords naturally
  • Use page titles, headings, bolded/highlighted text, meta descriptions to include keywords
  • Target specific keywords in URLs, sub-folders, and individual pages

Link Building

  • Generate links through high-quality, relevant content like blogs, articles, social media
  • Submit content to directories, news sites, social bookmarking tools for backlinks
  • Build internal links within site, do follow external links to relevant sites
  • Leverage link opportunities like blog comments, social shares, and resource pages
  • Generate links through link partners and reciprocal linking arrangements

Monitoring Progress

  • Use Google Search Console (Google Webmaster Tools), backlink checker tools to monitor new links and crawl issues
  • Monitor search rankings, number of backlinks, page views to track performance over time

On-Page Optimization

  • Optimize title, meta descriptions, images with alt text for usability and keywords
  • Ensure pages are reachable through internal links and sitemaps submitted to search engines
  • Use keyword rich, unique content tailored for readers to encourage links and sharing

Some WordPress Specific Tips

  • Install SEO, social sharing and comment optimization plugins like Yoast, All in One SEO
  • Optimize categories, tags, post excerpts to contain keywords naturally
  • Promote new blog posts through internal linking and RSS/email subscriptions
  • Control comment and pingback spam to maintain a quality user experience

Here is a summary of key points from the document:

  • SEO stands for search engine optimization. It refers to improving a website to increase its visibility and ranking in organic search engine results.

  • Choosing the right keywords is important through keyword analysis and research. Factors like intent, singular vs plural terms, related words are important.

  • Websites should be developed with SEO best practices like mobile-friendly responsive design, optimized meta tags, internal linking structure, and regularly updated content.

  • Setting up a WordPress blog and optimizing it for SEO through plugins, tags, titles, XML sitemaps etc. can help ranking.

  • Submitting the site to search engines like Google gets it indexed faster. Regular content creation through blogging helps generate new content.

  • Social media and other link building methods like natural outreach, directories can generate backlinks to help visibility over time.

  • Monitoring progress through analytics helps track what’s working. Future developments may see personalization and localization become more important ranking factors.

  • An SEO company can help but beware of exaggerated claims. Ongoing optimization is required as search algorithms continue evolving.

Here is a summary of the key sections included in ‘ical SEO Copywriting’ V1.0:

  • Glossary - Defines important technical terms related to calendarical SEO copywriting. This helps provide context and shared understanding of concepts.

  • Bibliography - Lists references and sources that informed the content in the resource. Useful for further research.

  • Index - Allows users to quickly look up and find information on specific topics contained within the guide. Provides an overview of the resource and easy navigation.

In summary, the ‘ical SEO Copywriting’ V1.0 manual contains explanatory sections like a glossary and references like a bibliography to establish authority and give proper attribution. An index helps users efficiently access the covered material. These elements help deliver an organized, thorough treatment of the calendarical SEO copywriting subject matter.

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About Matheus Puppe