Self Help

seven spiritual laws of success a practical guide to the fulfillment of your dreams, The - Deepak Chopra

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Matheus Puppe

· 10 min read



Here is a summary of Deepak Chopra’s book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”:

  • The first law is the Law of Pure Potentiality. This law states that our essential nature is pure consciousness or spirit. Pure consciousness is infinite potential, creativity and possibility. When we connect to our true self as pure consciousness, we align with the power that manifests all creation.

  • The second law is the Law of Giving. To receive more, we must give more. An abundant and generous spirit attracts abundance. Giving without expectation of return purifies our intentions and opens us to receive.

  • The third law is the Law of Karma or Cause and Effect. We become what we think. Our reality is shaped by our thoughts and actions. We must take responsibility for our past and present to create a positive future.

  • The fourth law is the Law of Least Effort. When we are in alignment with higher forces like our spirit, the universe supports us and we can accomplish more with less effort. Resistance creates struggle while non-resistance allows for easy, effortless progress.

  • The fifth law is the Law of Intention and Desire. Our intentions and desires must be in harmony with our highest self in order to manifest positive outcomes. We must desire from our heart and soul, not just the mind or ego.

  • The sixth law is the Law of Detachment. We must remain detached from rigid attachments to outcomes while still being deeply committed to our visions, values and work. This allows serenity and flow rather than tension and strain.

  • The seventh law is the Law of Dharma or Purpose. When we live and work in accordance with our dharma or purpose, success follows naturally and effortlessly. Our purpose gives meaning and fulfillment to our lives.

  • Self-power comes from realizing one’s true self, which is fearless, respects all people, and feels superior or inferior to no one. This is true power that lasts permanently.

  • Ego-based power from things like titles, money, jobs is false power that only lasts as long those things last.

  • Self-power draws people and opportunities to you through support from natural laws and grace. It creates bonding through true love.

  • To access the field of pure potentiality (infinite creativity, freedom, bliss), one must experience silence, meditate, practice non-judgment, and spend time in nature.

  • Silence, meditation, and non-judgment allow one to access their true essence beyond the ego. This essence is fearless, free, immune to criticism, feels superior or inferior to no one, and is full of magic.

  • As one gains access to their true nature, they will spontaneously receive creative thoughts from the field of pure potentiality, which is the field of infinite creativity and knowledge.

  • The key is going beyond an active internal dialogue to connect with the abundant, creative mind of nature. This allows one to create with the stillness of infinite mind and dynamic individual mind simultaneously.

  • The passage discusses the Law of Giving, which it describes as an expression of the dynamic exchange of energy in the universe through giving and receiving. Giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of life energy.

  • For wealth or anything else to circulate in one’s life, it is necessary to give as well as receive to keep the flow of energy moving. When circulation stops through hoarding or stagnation, the flow of life is obstructed.

  • True giving is joyful and unconditional, done without expectation of return. The intention should be to create happiness. The return will be proportional to the giving when it comes from the heart.

  • Practically, one can apply the law by deciding to give something to anyone they encounter, even if small like a kind word, flower or prayer. The most powerful gifts are non-material like caring, affection and love.

  • Silent blessings and prayers for others are mentioned as powerful forms of giving. Making giving a regular habit can increase one’s confidence in receiving abundance from the universe.

So in summary, it outlines the Law of Giving as dynamic exchange in the universe, explains how to apply it through joyful, unconditional giving to others, and says this keeps the flow of life energy circulating to support abundance.

The passage discusses the law of karma or cause and effect. It states that every action generates energy that returns to us in a similar manner. Our thoughts, words and deeds create a network or net around us through karma.

Karma implies conscious choice making. We are infinite choice makers and can choose actions that bring happiness or distress. Most choices are unconscious conditioned responses. Witnessing our choices can make them conscious.

The right choice creates happiness for ourselves and others. We can sense if a choice feels comfortable or uncomfortable in our body, especially the heart area. The heart intuitively knows the correct choice.

We can use karma to create affluence by consciously choosing actions that circulate wealth and joy. Our future is determined by present choices.

Regarding past karma, we can pay karmic debts, transmute karma into learning opportunities, or transcend karma through sustained meditation practice to sever karmic ties. Overall karma is about conscious choice making and responsibility for our actions.

Here is a summary of the key points about karma, memory, and desire from the passage:

  • By becoming consciously aware of karma (cause and effect), memory, and desire, one becomes a conscious generator of reality rather than unconsciously reacting to external influences.

  • By making conscious choices, one begins to generate actions that are evolutionary both for oneself and for those around them.

  • As long as one’s karma/actions are evolutionary and bring happiness/success to both oneself and others affected, then the fruit of those actions will be happiness and success.

The passage then provides steps for applying the law of karma:

  1. Witness one’s choices in each moment to bring conscious awareness.

  2. When making a choice, consider the consequences and whether it will bring fulfillment/happiness to oneself and others.

  3. Check with one’s heart for guidance, and be guided by feelings of comfort or discomfort with the choice. Discomfort indicates need to re-evaluate consequences.

So in summary, the key is becoming consciously aware of one’s karma/choices and generating actions that are evolutionary for self and others according to the law of cause and effect. This will lead to happiness and success.

The passage discusses the Law of Intention and Desire, which states that intention and desire have infinite organizing power to influence the quantum field and manifest outcomes. At the quantum level, everything is energy and information. Human consciousness can consciously change the informational content within its quantum field through attention and intention.

Attention energizes and intention transforms. Whatever we put attention on will grow stronger, while things we take attention away from will fade. Intention organizes its own fulfillment by triggering the transformation of energy and information. With infinite organizing power, intention can orchestrate countless events to achieve the intended outcome, as long as the other spiritual laws are followed.

Nature beautifully demonstrates this infinite organizing power through synchronization across living systems. While human intention is not rigidly fixed like other systems, it has flexibility to consciously command the laws of nature and fulfill dreams through setting intentions. Intention activates the field of infinite correlation to allow for effortless manifestation.

Effective intention is paired with detachment from outcomes, as desire alone attached to results is weak. Intention in the present moment while accepting what is allows for most effective manifestation of the future, as the future is created in the present. The passage cautions to use intention for humanity’s benefit and in alignment with the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

The law of detachment states that in order to acquire anything in the physical world, one must relinquish attachment to the desired outcome or result. Detachment means maintaining intention for what you want while surrendering attachment to how it manifests. This allows for freedom and creativity in the manifestation process.

Attachment comes from a place of fear, insecurity and relying on symbols for fulfillment rather than the true self. Detachment comes from wealth consciousness - knowing your true self as the source of all abundance. With detachment, symbols like money are created spontaneously through joy and laughter rather than anxiety.

Seeking security through attachment is an illusion that prevents evolution. True security comes from the wisdom of uncertainty - stepping into the unknown with openness to possibilities rather than clinging to the known past. Uncertainty is the fertile ground for creativity and freedom to manifest constantly new outcomes. The principles of intention, detachment and uncertainty allow manifestation of desires through alignment with infinite organizing power.

  • The Law of Dharma says that everyone has a unique purpose or talent to offer the world through service to others. Finding and fulfilling one’s dharma leads to spiritual fulfillment and abundance.

  • There are three components to the Law of Dharma: 1) Discovering one’s true spiritual self beyond physical identity. 2) Expressing unique talents in a way that fully engages one’s talents. 3) Service to humanity by using talents to help others.

  • Fulfilling one’s dharma involves discovering spirituality within, uniquely expressing talents in a way that loses track of time, and dedicating talents to helping others through service. This aligns one with divinity and provides permanent abundance rather than temporary gains.

  • Shifting one’s internal dialogue from “what’s in it for me?” to “how can I help?” transforms one’s mindset from ego to spirit, allowing fulfillment of dharma and connection with one’s universal nature. Fulfilling dharma leads to spiritual ecstasy and enlightenment.

In summary, the Law of Dharma is about discovering and using one’s unique talents and spirituality for service that uplifts humanity, leading to fulfillment and abundance.

  • Meditation is the most useful way to access the domain of spirit, but simply shifting one’s internal dialogue to “How can I help?” can also access this domain of universality and awareness of our connectedness.

  • To maximally use the Law of Dharma (purpose), one must commit to: 1) Seeking the higher self through spiritual practice 2) Discovering unique talents and finding bliss through enjoying using them 3) Asking how best to serve humanity and putting it into practice by using talents to serve needs.

  • Sit down and answer: What would you do if money was no object? How are you best suited to serve humanity? Discover your divinity, talents, serve humanity with them and wealth will flow from manifesting needs. You will experience life as a miraculous, divine expression and true success/joy.

  • Applying the Law of Dharma involves committing to: nurturing the inner divinity, listing talents and loves, asking daily “How can I serve?” and “How can I help?” to help and serve with love.

  • The 7 spiritual laws are perfectly expressed by cells in the body through birth, giving, karma, least effort, intention, detachment and dharma - seeking the higher self, serving fellow cells, and expressing unique talents to help maintain integrity of whole body.

Here is a summary of Deepak Chopra:

  • Deepak Chopra is an Indian-American author, public speaker, alternative medicine advocate, and founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in La Jolla, California.

  • He has written numerous books on subjects related to Ayurveda, meditation, spirituality and alternative medicine. Some of his best known books include The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Perfect Health, Ageless Body Timeless Mind, and Quantum Healing.

  • He has also produced several audio programs and guided meditations.

  • Through his books, media appearances and workshops, Chopra aims to spread ideas from Ayurveda and other South Asian medical and spiritual traditions. He promotes holistic health and believes that the mind can have a powerful healing effect on the body.

  • The Chopra Center offers various wellness and medical programs based on these ideas of integrative medicine and mindfulness. It provides services like medical consultations, detox programs, yoga and meditation instruction.

  • Chopra founded the Global Network for Spiritual Success to encourage people worldwide to practice principles from his book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success on a daily basis. He believes this could help transform individuals and society.

  • He remains an influential figure in promoting alternative wellness approaches and spirituality to Western audiences. However, some of his views are considered controversial within mainstream medicine.

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About Matheus Puppe