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The 12-Week MBA - Bjorn Billhardt & Nathan Kracklauer

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Matheus Puppe

· 44 min read

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  • The book introduces the topic of MBAs and questions whether the traditional two-year MBA program is necessary to learn business skills.

  • It notes that many successful business leaders were successful without an MBA.

  • While MBAs provide networking opportunities and signal leadership potential, the skills taught may become outdated quickly given the pace of change in business today.

  • The book aims to provide the essential skills and knowledge to manage a business in less time and at lower cost than a traditional MBA program.

  • It argues the traditional MBA curriculum cannot keep up with disruption in business models and focuses on topics that may not be relevant to one’s future industry or role.

  • The premise is that the core skills can be learned more efficiently outside of a traditional multi-year MBA program structure.

  • As business problems become more complex, the functional and industry expertise taught in MBAs can often be learned more quickly and cheaply on the job. Much of what is learned in an MBA also has to be unlearned or relearned when applying it in a real workplace context.

  • When stripping away industry-specific content from an MBA, two core topics remain - accounting/finance (Part I) and people management skills (Part II).

  • The authors developed this distillation based on 20+ years of experience designing leadership programs for large global companies. They observed universal gaps in business acumen and leadership skills.

  • While MBAs provide valuable credentials, there are far more management jobs than people with elite MBAs. Good business practices should be more widely accessible.

  • The book aims to focus on the timeless, universal business knowledge and skills relevant in any management role, drawing from both clinical observations of companies and the authors’ own entrepreneurial experiences.

  • It divides the content into two perspectives - numbers (quantitative/finance focus) and people (qualitative/leadership focus), reflecting the “poets vs quants” dichotomy sometimes seen in business education. Both perspectives are important for managers to understand.

  • The book is structured as a 12-week mini-MBA program, with Part I focusing on financial metrics and Part II focusing on management and people topics.

  • Part I explores the drivers of shareholder value - profitability, growth, and risk. It examines financial statements like the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement through this lens.

  • Chapters 2-4 look at profitability, growth, and risk individually. Chapters 5-7 connect them to financial reports and show how accounting profits can differ from real cash flows.

  • Chapters 8-10 discuss interactions between the value drivers and how they impact valuation. Chapter 10 ties it back to the manager’s role in creating value.

  • Part II focuses on management themes like trust, feedback, motivation, decision-making, teams, and leadership. It emphasizes soft skills and people management.

  • The book is intended to be read over 12 weeks to allow time for reflection,exercises, and discussion if used in a book club format. It provides a mini-MBA experience in book form.

Providing meaningful and gainful employment refers to creating jobs that offer value to both employees and the company/organization. Some key points:

  • Employment should provide meaningful work that utilizes employees’ skills and allows them to contribute value. Work should not feel meaningless or like a “job” just for a paycheck.

  • Employment needs to be gainful, meaning compensation and benefits should be adequate to support employees and their families. Wages and benefits should not be so low that employees struggle to make ends meet.

  • Jobs should ideally offer opportunities for career growth, learning, and skills development over time. This allows employees to advance within an organization or improve their employability elsewhere.

  • Employment conditions like work-life balance, flexibility, safety, and job security are also important factors in making jobs truly meaningful and sustainable long-term.

  • Providing good jobs is mutually beneficial, as it allows organizations to attract and retain talented employees. Satisfied, invested employees are also likely to be more productive.

So in summary, the goal is to create sustainable employment opportunities that offer intrinsic as well as financial rewards for both employees and the organizations that employ them. This benefits all stakeholders over the long run.

  • Profitability is driven by the wedge between what customers are willing to pay and the costs required to create the value for customers. A company can improve profitability by reducing costs or increasing customers’ perceived value.

  • The profit and loss (P&L) statement tracks sales and expenses over a period of time, showing the difference between sales revenue and costs. This reveals the company’s profitability.

  • Expenses include the costs of production/creating the products or services being sold (cost of sales) as well as other operating expenses.

  • Gross profit is the difference between sales and cost of sales, showing if the business is creating value above just the input costs. This reveals if customers see unique value beyond just producing it themselves.

  • Key drivers of profitability include reducing production costs, improving efficiency, developing a unique product/service offering that increases customers’ willingness to pay, and managing costs across other operating areas.

So in summary, profitability comes from the gap between what customers pay and the costs to serve them, as measured on the P&L statement. Companies aim to improve this profitability over time through various cost optimization and value-creation strategies.

  • Running a food truck business involves various expenses beyond just the costs of producing and selling goods. These include marketing, advertising, administration, accounting, etc. These selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses are needed to attract and serve customers.

  • The business also incurs research and development (R&D) costs to improve products and appeal to more customers. It must account for depreciation of long-term assets like equipment that are used over several years.

  • Together, the costs of goods sold, SG&A, R&D, depreciation make up operating expenses. Gross profit minus operating expenses gives the operating profit.

  • There are also non-operating expenses like interest on loans and taxes. Accounting for all these gives the net profit.

  • Understanding profits in both absolute dollar amounts and relative margins/percentages is important to evaluate business performance over time and assess financial viability. Common-sizing expresses all financial metrics like costs, profits as a percentage of total sales.

  • Businesses use resources and public goods like infrastructure before earning revenue from customers. Initial investment occurs with uncertainty about future sales and returns. This risk is what investors expect compensation for through interest, equity returns, etc.

  • Margins (profits as a percentage of sales) can provide a clearer picture of a business’s performance over time compared to absolute sales and expenses, which fluctuate. As a food truck grows its sales, it may also grow profits in total, but margins could be decreasing, showing the need for greater efficiency.

  • Benchmarking against other similar businesses using margins allows for fairer comparisons than absolute profit amounts. A food truck couldn’t match the total profits of Burger King, but it could aim to achieve similar margins on sales dollars.

  • Cost is a key lever for profitability. Expense reduction through negotiations, process improvements, input choices can boost profits. But tradeoffs exist, like cutting ingredient quality to save costs may hurt customer satisfaction.

  • Pricing is also important for profitability. Customer value can be increased through quality, bundling, segmentation to justify price increases. But these choices involve tradeoffs that may not enhance profits as intended, like increased R&D costs to develop new products.

  • Management involves weighing tradeoffs between different profit levers. Understanding how choices in one area impact other parts of the business is key to managing for value creation.

  • Shareholders in a company are different from creditors or bondholders. Shareholders do not receive fixed periodic payments like creditors do through interest. Instead, shareholders may receive variable dividend payments if the company has surplus cash available. However, there is no guarantee of dividends as the company needs to consistently earn profits.

  • For a company to grow its profits over time and pay steadily increasing dividends, it needs to grow its sales organically through activities like gaining more customers or convincing existing customers to buy more. It can also grow inorganically through acquisitions.

  • Market growth is driven by demographic factors, changes in customer behavior, and overall economic conditions - which companies have little control over. They can focus on specific markets but not engineer overall market growth.

  • Companies can try to gain market share by competing on factors like price, value/quality, faster service. But the market share is a zero-sum game where one company’s gain is another’s loss, through competitive pressures.

  • New opportunities for growth come from serving new markets - geographic expansion, technological innovations opening new needs, sociological changes creating new behaviors and markets. Disruptive innovations reshape existing markets.

  • Management contributes to growth through activities in existing markets, gaining market share competitively, and identifying and capitalizing on new market opportunities.

  • Companies need to project future sales, expenses, and profits in order to plan effectively, but there is inherent uncertainty in projecting the future.

  • Company executives tell “stories” or narratives about the future growth of the company in annual reports and interviews. These stories are meant to convince investors about future prospects.

  • However, executives may be biased towards optimism in their public statements. Investors need to view these stories critically and look for independent confirmation.

  • Financial statements can provide clues about whether a company is setting itself up for the growth promised in their narratives. Things like R&D spending or investments may indicate growth is being set up, while reductions in spending call promises into question.

  • Ultimately, companies can only tell likely stories about the future - whether those turn out to be accurate “histories” or fairy tales won’t be known until the future unfolds. There are many uncertainties that could impact whether projected growth is actually achieved.

So in summary, while companies need growth narratives, investors should view them critically and look for evidence in financial statements that growth is actually being prepared for, as the future remains inherently uncertain.

The passage discusses risk from the perspective of an investor named Ingrid considering whether to fund a new food truck venture. It conceptualizes risk as the uncertainty around various potential monetary outcomes of an investment and their respective probabilities.

For the food truck venture, Ingrid assigns probabilities to five potential outcomes: catastrophic loss, disappointing break even, satisfying small profit, truly amazing profit, and beyond wildest dreams profit. Based on these probabilities and outcomes, she calculates the expected value of the investment as $2,250.

However, the expected value alone does not determine whether Ingrid should invest. Other factors like how much loss she can afford and how life changing different profits would be also matter. Additionally, simply comparing the expected value to sitting on cash is an oversimplification.

The passage then provides a revised scenario for the food truck venture with reduced upfront capital needs, stronger market research findings, and cost cuts. This lowers the risks in a way that could make Ingrid more confident in the investment despite the same expected value of $2,250. In summary, it discusses how investors assess risk through assigning probabilities to potential outcomes and calculates expected values, but other subjective factors also influence investment decisions.

  • The person was originally feeling queasy about investing, but now feels excited.

  • They decided to invest after their expectations were reshaped in two ways: 1) The worst-case scenario was limited, reducing anxiety. 2) Their confidence in outcomes was raised by narrowing the potential range of outcomes.

  • By limiting downside risk and increasing confidence in outcomes, their value or preference for the investment opportunity increased, making them decide to invest. Managing expectations and confidence can create value for investments.

  • However, confidence and value can also be destroyed if promised outcomes are not delivered and confidence is lost. As managers, words and actions can increase or decrease investor confidence and the perceived value of opportunities.

So in summary, the person went from feeling queasy to excited about investing after the company increased their confidence and limited downside risk, which increased how much they valued the opportunity. This shows how managing expectations can create investment value by boosting confidence.

  • The passage describes how a food truck company uses accounting practices like balance sheets and income statements to record its financial transactions over time.

  • It sets up with $50,000 cash, $25,000 loan from bank. As it buys inventory and equipment, assets are transformed from cash.

  • After the first month of sales, it records $10,000 profit on its income statement. Retained earnings are distinguished from paid-in capital.

  • Over the year, it continues making monthly profits, pays suppliers on credit, makes loan payments. Cash balance grows as profits are retained.

  • It then expands by setting up an on-site kiosk at a startup, using cash and taking on more inventory debt.

  • The balance sheet and financial position are updated each time to reflect changes in assets, liabilities, equity as the business grows and develops over time through accounting practices.

So in summary, it describes how basic accounting concepts are applied to systematically record a growing food truck business’s financial activities and position.

  • The company generated $25,000 in profit for the month from sales, and will double its dividend payment to shareholders to $10,000.

  • It billed its corporate client Newage $25,000 for sales, which is recorded as an account receivable since payment has not been received yet. Accounts receivable are considered assets.

  • The balance sheet is split into current and non-current items to show promises that need to be kept within 12 months versus longer term.

  • If the economy tanks, accounts receivable from Newage and inventory could become worthless, leaving only $15k cash to cover $32.5k in current liabilities.

  • However, some liabilities like the loan are non-current and not due for over a year, so there is time to weather a short-term economic downturn before those come due.

  • The balance sheet is called the statement of financial position as it shows the company’s situation relative to promises made and resources available, informing stakeholders of risks.

  • Balance sheets get more complex for large publicly traded companies but follow the same basic principles around current vs non-current assets and liabilities.

  • The balance sheet is a record of a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a point in time. It shows what the company owns/controls (assets) and what it owes (liabilities and equity).

  • The accounting identity of assets equaling liabilities plus equity must always be true.

  • The balance sheet differentiates between current and non-current assets and liabilities based on their time horizon.

  • The equity value on the balance sheet is not the same as shareholder value, which is based on future cash flows.

  • The balance sheet provides insight into future opportunities and threats by outlining a company’s financial position. It informs what new promises a company can credibly make.

  • On its own, the balance sheet does not reveal all risks and opportunities. But it outlines the broad shape of a company’s future financial prospects.

So in summary, the balance sheet is a snapshot of a company’s assets and obligations that can signal upcoming vulnerabilities and possibilities, though it must be considered along with other financial statements.

  • While the company reported a net profit of $800 in the first quarter, its cash flow from operations may differ due to timing issues around cash receipts and payments.

  • Customers pay on 90-day terms, meaning the company does not receive cash from sales until 90 days after delivery. However, costs of goods sold are paid to suppliers on 30-day terms.

  • This timing mismatch means that in Q1, the company incurred costs and recorded expenses for goods sold, but will not receive the corresponding cash from customers until the following quarter.

  • The company also spent $1,000 on inventory in Q1 that was not yet sold. This inventory investment represents an outflow of cash that period but no matching sales or profit.

  • Therefore, simply assuming net profit equals operating cash flow would be inaccurate, as it does not account for these timing differences between expenses/costs and associated cash flows. The cash flow statement is needed to reconcile profits with actual cash generated from operations.

In summary, while profitable, the company may have faced cash flow issues in Q1 due to the lumpy and mismatched timing of cash receipts and payments from its normal business operations.

  • Depreciation expense does not involve an actual cash outflow, so net profit understates cash flow. Cash flow must be adjusted upward by adding back depreciation expense.

  • Accounts receivable have increased because customers are paid net 90 days, so cash from this quarter’s sales will come in next quarter. This overstates net profit relative to cash flow.

  • Accounts payable have increased as suppliers are paid on net 30 terms, but suppliers from earlier in the quarter are paid in later months. So less cash went out than the accrual-based cost of sales indicates.

  • Inventory levels increased as more was purchased than consumed during the quarter. This represents a cash outflow not captured in net profit.

  • Growing sales leads to increased accounts receivable as more payments are deferred to future quarters. As long as growth outpaces cash receipts, cash flow will continue to lag net profit.

  • Supplier terms being shorter than customer terms compounds the cash flow issue with growth, as supplier payments must be made sooner than longer-deferred customer payments are received.

  • High and increasing accounts receivable is concerning for lenders as it depends on the ability and willingness of customers to eventually pay. It represents a level of uncertainty around future cash flows.

So in summary, the adjustments made to reconcile net profit to cash flow aim to correct the mistaken assumption that they are equal by accounting for timing differences between accrual-based revenues/expenses and actual cash flows. Growth amplifies these timing differences and can lead to a cash crunch even with profitable operations.

  • Lucent Technologies offered generous payment terms to customers like AT&T in the late 1990s when building out telecommunications infrastructure. However, when the economy slowed in 2001, many startup customers went out of business, unable to pay Lucent. This caused a ripple effect through the industry.

  • Netflix also nearly went under in the early 2000s due to a mismatch in its cash flows. It allowed three months of free DVD rental to attract customers, but had to pay film studios upfront for DVDs while waiting over three months for payment from new subscribers.

  • Working capital is the difference between a company’s current assets (cash, inventory, accounts receivable) and current liabilities (accounts payable). It represents the capital needed to fund day-to-day operations.

  • Managing working capital efficiently, such as matching payment terms with suppliers to those of customers, can improve cash flow and reduce the amount of outside capital needed. However, squeezing suppliers too much can damage relationships and supply chain stability.

  • Just-in-time inventory and negative working capital models became popular but leave little slack in the system. The pandemic supply chain disruptions showed how dependent global supply chains now are on fragile inventory and payment matching.

Here is a summary of the key points about cost structures and breakeven analysis from the passage:

  • Costs can be variable (change with output) or fixed (stay the same regardless of output) depending on scale and timeframe. Some expenses have both fixed and variable components.

  • Pricing below variable costs per unit is unsustainable as losses grow with increased output. This is like a self-destruct button unless pursued strategically.

  • If price exceeds variable costs, contribution margin is made which can be used to cover fixed costs.

  • Breakeven point is the output level where contribution margin from sales exactly covers total fixed costs.

  • Selling above breakeven means profits, below means losses. Evaluating breakeven output shows feasibility of “making it up in volume” to cover costs through increased sales.

  • Factors like price, costs, margins, and fixed costs all influence breakeven point calculations and determine if a business model can be profitable at different scales of production and sales.

  • Calculating the breakeven point involves subtracting variable costs from price and dividing the contribution margin by fixed costs. This can be visualized with a graph showing sales, costs, and fixed costs against units sold.

  • Breakeven analysis helps test assumptions and identify questions, such as whether a product is viable given its fixed costs, variable costs, price, and potential sales volume.

  • Fixed costs provide leverage for growth, as profits increase faster than sales. But they also increase risk if sales fall short of expectations. Variable costs maintain profitability as sales decline but don’t leverage growth as much.

  • Businesses must consider their expected sales trajectory and decide whether to prioritize profitability, growth, or risk based on fixed vs variable cost structures. Predictability of sales is also a key factor.

  • Activities like pricing, marketing, product development etc. aim to increase sales volume and reduce variability to improve predictability, which impacts the appropriate cost structure decision.

In summary, the passage discusses how breakeven analysis informs cost structure choices, and how these choices balance profitability, growth, and risk depending on a business’s sales outlook and variability. Predictability of sales is a major consideration.

Here are the key points from the passage:

  • Netflix’s stock price dropped by around a third after the company announced it lost 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter of 2022 and expected to lose 2 million more in the next quarter. This wiped out around $50 billion in shareholder value.

  • Shareholder value originates from a company’s discounted future net cash flows. Valuation is based on estimating these future cash flows and discounting them to arrive at a present value.

  • The chapter introduces some basic concepts of valuation like risk, return, and the time value of money. Investors need to earn a minimum return on their investments to account for the risk that future cash flows may not materialize as expected. They also require a return because money has an opportunity cost - it could be invested elsewhere.

  • While the chapter doesn’t provide detailed tools for valuation, the core ideas about future cash flows, risk, return and time value of money underpin all business decisions as they influence what drives shareholder value creation. Understanding these concepts is more important than detailed valuation tools for most business roles.

So in summary, the passage establishes that Netflix’s steep stock drop demonstrated how sensitive valuations are to changes in expected future cash flows, and introduces some foundational principles of valuation like risk, return and time value of money.

  • Investors have the option to deposit money in a risk-free savings account and earn interest, so any investment needs to offer a return that is at least equal to or better than the risk-free interest rate to compensate for taking on risk.

  • When analyzing investments, it’s important to consider both the time value of money (the fact that cash in the present is worth more than the same amount of cash in the future due to interest earnings) and risk (the chance the promised returns may not actually be achieved).

  • To calculate the minimum return an investment needs to offer to compensate for risk, you can determine what level of return is needed such that if the investment was made multiple times, the average return would equal the risk-free interest rate after accounting for some losses.

  • Discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis allows valuing future cash flows from an investment in today’s dollars by discounting them based on the appropriate discount rate that accounts for both the risk-free interest rate and risk. This gives the intrinsic or fair value of the investment.

  • To valuate a company, you project its future free cash flows, discount them using the company’s cost of capital as the discount rate, and sum the present values to get the company’s intrinsic value. The cost of capital represents the minimum return investors require to compensate for interest forgone and risk.

  • The cost of capital for a company, which represents the minimum return expected by investors, can range from mid-single digits (4-5%) to over 20%, depending on factors within and outside the company’s control.

  • Multinational companies operating through subsidiaries in different countries may face very different risk profiles and cost of capital in each country/region. One example given was a company with a 7.6% cost of capital for its Canadian subsidiary vs 23% for its Nigerian subsidiary.

  • When assessing risk and cost of capital, investors consider factors like sales predictability, ability to vary costs with sales, track record of meeting targets/serving debt, business model/cash flow structure, customer creditworthiness, management track record, asset liquidation ability if default occurs, etc.

  • Benchmarks from similar publicly traded companies can provide shortcuts for estimating cost of capital rather than doing all the analysis from scratch. Adjustments are made if the company is expected to differ in risk.

  • When valuing a company, discounted cash flow analysis is used to calculate the present value of not just a few years of explicit projections, but the continuing value beyond those years based on assumptions of steady future cash flows. This captures the company’s value as a going concern.

  • Consistency in a company’s performance and communications will affect investor confidence and perceived risk. Lower perceived risk leads to a higher intrinsic value.

  • The intrinsic value of a company is the sum of its expected future net cash flows, discounted by the cost of capital. It represents the true underlying worth of the business.

  • Factors like variability in financials, promises made to stakeholders, track record, known risks, and other investors’ beliefs all help determine the cost of capital used to discount future cash flows.

  • Small changes to inputs like forecasts, costs, growth rates, or the discount rate can significantly impact the calculated intrinsic value.

  • While managers may not directly calculate intrinsic value, their decisions around profitability, growth, and risk management impact the future cash flows that ultimately determine a company’s worth in the eyes of investors.

So in summary, consistency builds trust with investors and lowers perceived risk, while strategic decisions have long-term effects on the fundamental drivers of a company’s intrinsic value. Maintaining focus on key value-creating actions is important for any manager, even if they aren’t directly assessing share price.

  • Netflix experienced a large miss in its subscriber forecast for Q1 2022, projecting a loss of 200k subscribers instead of a gain of 2.5 million. This sharp change in outlook eroded confidence in Netflix’s ability to forecast demand.

  • Streaming subscriptions provide less predictability than long-term contracts as consumers can easily cancel at any time. One quarter of net subscriber losses forced investors to re-examine the assumption that subscriptions were “sticky.”

  • Producing original content to attract subscribers is both expensive and unpredictable. Netflix’s huge hit Squid Game in 2021 helped results, but creative success is hard to plan for. Investors now see streaming as a higher risk, higher reward business with less predictability.

  • The miss showed Netflix’s previously reported strong growth may have been a sugar high from a unpredictable, cost-intensive business model rather than sustainable momentum. Investors had to reassess Netflix’s future growth, profits and risks.

  • In summary, the subscriber forecast miss damaged confidence in Netflix, forced a reevaluation of the streaming business model assumptions, and led investors to reconsider Netflix’s risk profile and future outlook.

  • The division of labor, as described by Adam Smith, is foundational to modern civilization and has drastically increased productivity. However, it requires coordination and management to ensure individual tasks add up cohesively.

  • While markets can coordinate economic activity at some scale, companies are still needed because fully independent contracting is not always most efficient. General Electric’s recent breakup reflects a view that some activities were better handled independently through markets rather than under one umbrella.

  • There is a tipping point where the effort to integrate parts fails and the parts are better as separate entities. Figuring out this tipping point is a focus of the economic theory of the firm. Companies exist to coordinate activities internally through management where it is more efficient than full market coordination, but not beyond the tipping point where independence is better. The GE breakup showed some activities had reached that tipping point.

  • Management involves coordinating individual activities to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts. It is about getting people to work together productively.

  • As a manager, you are responsible for results but lose direct power over tasks, which are delegated to reports. Managing through others requires trust.

  • Building trust with reports is vital for effective management. Trust is a mutual relationship - managers must work to gain the trust of their employees as much as trusting employees.

  • The most important mantra for managers is “first, do no harm to trust.” Broken trust can destroy a reputation instantly. Maintaining integrity and keeping promises is key to building trust over time.

  • People management is complex and there are many models/theories to study. However, trust-based relationship building through honest and consistent interactions may be the most fundamental aspect of good management practice. The human factors in coordinating work are challenging but critical to address.

In summary, the key theme is that management success depends on gaining the trust and cooperation of employees through ethical leadership focused on mutual trust and respect, rather than direct control over tasks.

  • Setting clear expectations is important for building trust in relationships like manager-employee. Expectations are set through all communications and interactions, even without explicitly stating “I promise.”

  • Managers set expectations for their employees in three key areas: the relationship, tasks/responsibilities, and career development/growth. It’s important for managers to model good expectation-setting behavior and coach employees on setting expectations appropriately as well.

  • Effective communication involves closing the loop - having the receiver repeat back what they understood to ensure the intended message was received accurately. Managers should close the loop on their own communications and ask employees to close the loop to address any misalignment between intent and impact.

  • While closing the loop seems simple, it can be difficult to do in practice, especially when communications have implicit meanings or cultural differences in expectation-setting conventions. Managing expectations requires nuance and an understanding of multilayered meanings beyond just making everything explicit.

Here are the key points about feedback from the passage:

  • Feedback is important for managing both short-term results and long-term capacity building. It helps employees improve their skills over time through applying learned concepts daily.

  • Organizations can be “feedback deserts” where employees don’t get clear, timely feedback on how their work impacts others and outcomes. This undermines learning and motivation.

  • Good feedback is specific rather than vague. It should highlight what was done well and correctly to guide future work, as well as point out areas for improvement.

  • Good praise makes people feel good about themselves and sets a target for future work. Constructive criticism allows improvement if given skillfully.

  • There are many feedback models but little research on what works best. The key is to avoid being perceived as just a technique to manipulate others. Specific, honest feedback given respectfully is most effective.

The passage emphasizes that feedback is crucial for managers to provide in order to support both current performance and long-term learning/development of employees. The style and substance of feedback is important to do this in a constructive, not counterproductive, way.

Here are the key points about providing effective feedback from the passage:

  • Feedback should be specific rather than general. Vague praise like “Fantastic work!” is not very helpful. Specific details about what was done well and could be improved are more useful.

  • Feedback works best when it is timely - given soon after the relevant task or behavior, rather than months later at a performance review.

  • Praise and corrective feedback should generally be given privately rather than publicly.

  • Clearly communicating expectations about the type and timing of feedback can help ensure it is received properly. This should be discussed upfront, especially for new or stretch assignments.

  • Feedback is not necessarily “positive” or “negative” - it depends on the recipient’s perception and context of the relationship/feedback. Both praise and corrective feedback can potentially be perceived positively or negatively.

  • For behavioral feedback especially, it is important to attribute good motives to the other person and give them a chance to provide context before making judgments.

  • The SBI(I) framework is recommended for providing corrective behavioral feedback - specifically describing the Situation, Behavior, Impact, and optionally the Intent. This helps ensure feedback is clear, descriptive and focuses on observable actions rather than vague judgments.

The key idea is that feedback works best when it is timely, specific, focuses on facts over judgments, and considers the perspectives and expectations of both parties involved. Clear communication and attributing good motives can help feedback be received constructively.

Here is a summary of the two perspectives presented in the chapter:

Story One: Crisis and Opportunity

  • Gallup’s engagement survey results show only 20% of employees are engaged at work, 60% are not engaged, and 20% are actively disengaged. This presents a crisis in terms of organizational productivity and individual happiness.
  • Companies with higher engagement scores tend to perform better on various metrics like profitability, growth, turnover, accidents, and customer loyalty. Low engagement means organizations are not as productive as they could be.
  • However, the data also presents an opportunity. The large number of unengaged employees represent untapped human potential. Moving some of the unengaged into the engaged category could lead to fantastic achievements. Managers have a role to play in unlocking this potential.

Story Two: Crisis? What Crisis?

  • The word “crisis” originally meant a turning point or decision point, not necessarily a negative situation. Gallup’s engagement scores have been stable over time, with a slow upward trend in engagement, so it’s unclear if the data truly describes a crisis.
  • The proportions could simply reflect the nature of work in today’s division of labor system, not a problematically low level of engagement per se.
  • There is skepticism about whether managerial efforts alone can significantly increase engagement scores by moving people between categories of engaged, not engaged, and actively disengaged. The situation may just be stable and reflective of broader forces.

Here is a summary of the key points made by Patrick:

  • Life and work are characterized by cycles of high and low engagement. People have times when their energy and attention is focused on work, but also times when outside priorities like family take precedence. During those times, expecting 110% effort is unrealistic.

  • Organizations also go through cycles, with some teams or functions more critical at different phases. Initiatives that managers champion often lose steam when the manager moves on.

  • Trying to constantly demand total engagement from everyone is unrealistic and counterproductive. It’s okay if performance fluctuates depending on personal and work factors.

  • Most people will give their all during important projects when they don’t have conflicting priorities, but constant calls for heroic effort are ridiculous.

  • There are three types of disengaged employees - those unhappy anywhere, those in the wrong job, and those who burned out after sacrificing themselves without the company sacrificing in return.

  • Fairness is important for motivation. Unexplained inconsistencies in how people are treated will demotivate.

  • Managers should focus on not de-motivating people through unfairness rather than constantly trying to generate motivation. Understanding individual motivators can help when assigning tasks.

  • Maria is motivated by continually improving her skills and mastery. She finds joy and satisfaction in getting better at her work, even without external rewards or recognition.

  • Giving Maria tasks below her skill level or promoting her out of her domain could cause her to lose motivation and submit her resignation. She thrives on challenging work that allows her to develop her talents.

  • Managers sometimes inadvertently take away an employee’s motivation for mastery by not providing engaging work or opportunities to grow. Maintaining challenges and progress in one’s skills is important for intrinsic motivation.

  • Maria is self-driven as long as her work matches her abilities. But demoting her or moving her away from her strengths could undermine her motivation and satisfaction, leading her to potentially resign. Her primary drive comes from self-improvement, not external factors like promotions.

The passage discusses common motivators that can drive individual performance, such as achievement, autonomy, companionship, mastery, purpose, recognition, security, and status. It acknowledges that people’s motivation is influenced by their life situation and circumstances.

While these motivators can be leveraged to encourage extraordinary performance, the passage emphasizes that managers must do so with great care and respect for individuals. Simply put, common motivators should not be exploited or used without consideration for people’s well-being. When motivation is influenced thoughtfully and ethically, it can potentially help drive high-quality individual work. But managers must prioritize caring for people, not just results.

The passage discusses leadership and how to take concrete actions to build a cooperative culture within an organization. It argues leadership is not tied to formal roles, as anyone can step up and get the ball rolling on a collective goal or social dilemma. Three behaviors are highlighted that leaders can practice to build cooperation:

  1. Communicating the vision - Leaders should frequently and repetitively talk about shared organizational goals and how everyone’s work contributes to the bigger picture. This helps maintain a shared sense of purpose.

  2. Role modeling - Leaders need to visibly model the behaviors they want to see, like rolling up sleeves and doing less prestigious work. Working late on important projects demonstrates commitment. However, leaders must balance doing work with perceptions of their contributions.

  3. Feedback and recognition - Leaders should provide constructive feedback and recognize others’ contributions to reinforce cooperative behaviors. This helps conditional cooperators feel confident others are also contributing, motivating them to contribute more themselves.

Overall, the passage emphasizes that leadership is about getting people to believe in shared goals and success, rather than just incentivizing individual self-interest. Certain visible behaviors from leaders can help build this cooperative culture of shared commitment.

  • The essay discusses collective action and decision-making in organizations. It argues that teams are the basic units of decision-making in companies, whether large or small.

  • Effective teams are generally considered to be small groups of people, typically in the single digits. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos recommends the “two-pizza rule” where teams should be no larger than can be fed by two pizzas.

  • As a manager, you are likely part of multiple teams - the one you lead directly, and the larger team led by your own manager. Your manager’s team should be considered your “first team” in terms of priority.

  • Making decisions under uncertainty, as Peloton did in betting aggressively on growth during the pandemic, means some bets will pay off and others won’t. It’s not fair to simply fault leadership for “poor decision-making” just because forecasts turned out wrong in hindsight.

  • The chapter introduces the topic of how organizations coordinate decision-making across groups of specialists. Ensuring different parts of the company, like R&D and marketing, are not working at cross-purposes is a key challenge.

In summary, the essay examines teams as the basic unit of decision-making in organizations, as well as challenges around collective action, leadership accountability, and cross-functional coordination.

  • As a manager, you will be participating in team decision-making processes. Whether leading individual contributors or sitting on an executive board, the same basic guidelines for structuring decision-making apply.

  • Good decision-making involves having a process that uncovers false assumptions, delivers good results more often than not, and whose costs don’t exceed the benefits of the options.

  • Teams often fail to discuss how they will make decisions as a group, instead getting stuck arguing about the content of the decision. They don’t consider defining and following a decision-making process first.

  • The author’s business simulations reveal that teams regularly throw best practices out the window when facing an actual decision. They argue endlessly about content instead of establishing a process.

  • There is an “action bias” that makes people want to dive into solving a problem directly, rather than pausing to discuss the decision-making process first. As managers, this bias may be even stronger.

  • Structuring the decision-making process is important for teams to get decisions right more often and avoid costly delays and disagreements. But deciding how to decide can be difficult due to the innate human preference for action over process.

The define phase of collective decision-making involves recognizing when a decision is needed, identifying options, and gathering information about the options. However, this process is often iterative rather than linear.

Teams can make structural errors when defining decisions, such as failing to address important issues or considering too few/many options.

Organizations can help teams make relevant decisions by constraining options through an overarching strategy. A clear strategy guides most day-to-day “choices” on autopilot according to larger goals.

When forming teams within organizations, leadership should clarify what types of decisions each team is responsible for. This ensures teams focus on the most impactful issues and don’t waste time on trivial matters.

Leaders can also establish decision rights frameworks that delegate what types of choices different roles/levels can make without consultation. This prevents bottlenecking at the top while maintaining strategic alignment.

In summary, defining decisions effectively involves iteratively narrowing options, prioritizing what really requires collective choice, and operating within an organizational strategy and decision-making framework. This helps teams avoid wasted effort and stay coordinated.

The passage discusses using strategies and policies to help guide and simplify decisions at all levels of an organization. It uses the example of Sweden switching from left-hand to right-hand traffic in 1967. While the specific side of the road doesn’t really matter, having a convention helps avoid chaos.

Strategies and policies act like “guardrails” that constrain choices and help alignment. They cascade through an organization, guiding decisions from the top levels down to individual employees. This pruning of options speeds up the decision-making process.

However, relying too much on automated decisions can be risky. People may start paying less attention over time. This is what happened after Sweden’s traffic switch - accident rates initially dropped as people were more cautious, but then climbed back up as the new rule became routine.

Overall, the passage argues that strategies, visions, values, and policies are useful for guiding decisions in organizations, but it’s important not to rely on them too rigidly and maintain attentiveness to avoid new risks. Both individual and organizational decision-making benefit from having some automated processes and principles to rely on, while still allowing for flexibility.

  • Organizations face the same three challenges as individuals in life: dealing with routine decisions, planning for the long term, and responding to unexpected issues.

  • A company uses its strategy and values to simplify and accelerate routine operational decisions. But for longer-term strategic decisions, it is harder to foresee outcomes, so conflict or dissent may emerge.

  • When this happens, the team needs to “halt the automated process” of simply following the existing strategy. They need to structure decision-making to intentionally allow for conflicting views.

  • Some best practices for surfacing conflict or dissent include using procedures that ensure all voices are heard, especially those who are more quiet. For example, having a structured “round robin” discussion where each person gets equal time to share their perspective, without interruption from others.

  • More generally, introducing some predefined rules and structure to the decision-making process, independent of personalities, can help ensure all members’ ideas are considered rather than just the loudest voices dominating. This procedural approach is better than trying to change individuals’ behaviors.

So in summary, organizations need mechanisms to halt following the existing strategy blindly when making important strategic decisions, and using structured and impartial procedures can help bring more views and dissent to the surface in a productive way.

Here is a summary of the key points about sole decider decision-making:

  • Sole decider (i.e. one person makes the final call) establishes clear accountability. It is known who should be praised or held responsible for decisions.

  • Team members may feel less pressure and empowered to propose more outlandish ideas without bearing accountability, even if their suggestions get vetoed.

  • Sole deciders can make decisions faster than consensus or voting. However, they still need time to explain their reasoning to the team to gain commitment for execution.

  • Teams may be less committed to decisions made by a sole decider if they had no input. Lack of commitment can hinder effective execution within and across teams.

  • Organizations aim to achieve alignment rather than full agreement across teams. Alignment means coordinating behaviors around a decision even if not all agree.

  • Procedural legitimacy is important for teams to recognize decisions as binding, even if they disagree. Following standard procedures helps ensure decisions have legitimacy.

In summary, sole decider establishes clear accountability but risks lack of team commitment, while good procedures can help achieve necessary alignment for execution.

Here are the key points about the power of dissent:

  • In unstructured group discussions, it is common for an early consensus to emerge around the view that “communication is good” or the teamwork is harmonious. But this is not necessarily accurate.

  • Imposing structures like a round robin format can surface dissenting views that were previously not expressed. Many team members may privately have misgivings but did not voice them.

  • This illustrates the phenomenon of groupthink - where the desire for harmony and consensus can suppress dissenting opinions and lead the group to make suboptimal decisions without considering alternative views.

  • Dissent and devils advocacy are important to get a more rounded discussion of issues, consider different options more creatively, and make more robust decisions. Just because a group agrees easily does not mean the decision is the best one.

  • Structures that mandate both positives and negatives be shared, as well as ensure all voices are heard, can help counter groupthink by surfacing dissenting opinions and alternative perspectives. This makes for richer discussion and likely better outcomes.

In summary, while consensus seems ideal, dissent and alternative views are valuable for decision making, but may be suppressed without processes to draw them out of the group. Structured techniques can counter this tendency and leverage the power of dissent.

  • Groupthink refers to a situation where a group reaches consensus without critically evaluating alternative viewpoints or potential risks. This can lead to poor or costly decisions.

  • Teams may reach easy consensus too quickly to avoid conflict or dissent, even without pressure from a leader. This happens due to individual desires to maintain relationships and avoid rocking the boat.

  • Having dissenting voices and alternative viewpoints helps teams make better decisions by generating more information and options. But dissent needs to be handled constructively without damaging team relationships.

  • Techniques like having discussions without the team leader present, requiring team members to advocate both for and against proposals, and doing anonymous forecasts can help surface alternative perspectives and reduce the potential for groupthink.

  • Appointing a “devil’s advocate” who argues against the popular consensus can also be useful, though over-relying on a single contrarian risks their burnout. The goal is to create an environment where dissent naturally emerges.

  • Group consensus reached too easily, without significant differences of opinion, is a sign that critical evaluation of risks and alternatives may be lacking. More debate and alternatives need to be explored to avoid costly mistakes.

The chapter emphasizes the importance of collecting diverse data and perspectives before making irreversible decisions. It discusses how groupthink can emerge when teams lack cognitive diversity and procedural approaches to ensure dissenting views are heard. Specifically:

  • Teams benefit from some friction and dissent to generate better options and maintain credibility over the long run.

  • Institutionalizing dissent through tools like playing devil’s advocate can help prevent groupthink. Responsibility for dissent should be shared to avoid discounting certain voices.

  • Building teams with cognitive diversity, including diverse backgrounds, fields of experience, and ways of thinking, helps ensure diverging views emerge during decision making.

  • Hiring for identity diversity may also increase cognitive diversity on teams. However, processes still need to be in place to facilitate the expression of different perspectives.

  • Collecting alternative viewpoints and considering dissent can help organizations make well-informed decisions by surfacing new data and alternatives versus prematurely reaching consensus. Irrevocable choices should be made with robust debate and consideration of various options.

  • After the merger between United and Continental airlines, United cut costs aggressively, including removing coffee cups from break rooms. This ham-fisted cost cutting along with cultural integration difficulties led to United ranking low in employee satisfaction.

  • When Oscar Munoz took over as CEO in 2015, improving employee morale was a top priority. He knew employee engagement was critical to good customer service. He focused significant energy on employee well-being through initiatives like resolving union negotiations.

  • When the Flight 3411 incident occurred, Munoz had to choose between condemning the employees involved publicly or standing by them, damaging his reputation. He chose to support employees.

  • While this took a toll on United’s stock initially, Munoz’s focus on employee engagement and trust-building over the long term helped United recover and improve culturally after the merger. His prioritizing of employees over short-term public opinion sent an important signal.

  • The key debates are whether Munoz’s approach ultimately created a more engaged workforce and balanced stakeholder interests, or whether it preserved shareholder value in the long run given the stock recovery. Businesses involve complex trade-offs between multiple stakeholders over time.

Here is a summary of the common current liabilities found on a balance sheet:

  • Accounts payable - Money owed to suppliers or vendors for goods and services purchased on credit.

  • Credit card payables - Amount owed on corporate credit cards.

  • Short-term debt - Debt or loans that are due to be repaid within one year. This includes the current portion of long-term debt.

  • Current portion of long-term debt - The portion of long-term debt like bonds or notes payable that is due to be repaid within the next 12 months.

  • Accrued liabilities - Expenses incurred but not yet paid such as accrued wages, taxes, interest.

  • Unearned revenue - Billings or deposits received from customers for which the related goods/services have not yet been provided.

  • Deferred revenue - Amounts received in advance of delivering goods or services in nonrefundable upfront payments like subscriptions.

So in summary, the current liabilities section of the balance sheet includes short-term obligations that are expected to be paid within the next operating cycle or one year.

This passage defines several key financial and business terms relating to concepts like debt, costs, cash flow, growth, valuation and decision making. Some key terms summarized are:

  • Debt refers to financial obligations owed to creditors, usually with principal, duration and interest rate components.

  • Discounted cash flow analysis involves projecting and discounting uncertain future cash flows to determine their present value using the cost of capital.

  • Free cash flow is cash remaining after all business commitments and necessary capital investments.

  • Gross profit is sales revenue minus the cost of goods sold.

  • Intrinsic value refers to the expected cash flows of an asset over its lifetime, without speculation.

  • Innovator’s dilemma explains why incumbents are often slow to adopt truly groundbreaking innovations that may disrupt existing profitable business models.

  • Organic growth comes from existing customers buying more, while inorganic growth comes from acquisitions.

  • Various team and decision making concepts are defined like forming/storming norms, devil’s advocate, and majority rule procedures.

The summary highlights some of the key financial, valuation and business strategy concepts defined in the passage at a high level. Let me know if you need any part summarized in more detail.

Majority rule is a decision-making process where individuals select their preferred option, and the group chooses the option that receives the most votes. There are different voting methods like simple majority, supermajority, plurality, and ranked choice.

Mergers and acquisitions involve changes in company ownership structures through mergers, where two companies combine operations into a new entity, or acquisitions, where one company takes control of another’s assets and liabilities. The goal is to create more value than the individual companies were worth separately, such as by reducing costs or increasing market power.

Other key terms include net cash flow, net margin, net present value, net profit, operating expenses, operating margin, overhead, presence, process guardian, profit, public goods, research and development, retained earnings, return on investment, sales, selling/general/administrative expenses, shareholder value, and social dilemmas.

The passage discusses the concept of legitimizing an individual or group’s decision-making authority, even if others disagree with the particular decisions. It recognizes that for coordination and stability within organizations and societies, it is generally necessary to accept a central decider or authority as legitimate and follow their rulings, rather than insisting on individual agreement with each specific outcome. This allows for orderly governance and dispute resolution rather than endless disagreement and conflict over every issue. However, it also acknowledges the tension between centralized authority and individual preferences.

Here is a summary of the principal causes of quarrel according to Hobbes in Leviathan:

The three principal causes of quarrel that Hobbes identifies are competition, diffidence (distrust), and glory.

  1. Competition - Quarrels arise from competition over limited resources. People compete with each other and this leads to conflict.

  2. Diffidence (distrust) - Quarrels also stem from people’s lack of trust and confidence in each other. Doubting each other’s intentions can cause disagreements and disputes.

  3. Glory - The desire for praise, honor, and status also fuels quarrels as people seek to outdo each other and claim superiority or glory for themselves. The quest for recognition and admiration provokes quarreling.

In short, Hobbes argues that competition over scarce resources, mutual distrust, and the human pursuit of glory or status are the three main reasons why people quarrel and engage in conflict according to his analysis in Leviathan.

Here is a high-level summary of the key ideas without reproducing copyrighted content:

The Cynefin framework developed by Snowden and Boone provides a model for understanding different types of problem domains (ordered, unordered, complex, and chaotic) and the appropriate leadership approaches for each. The five forces model from Porter highlights the competitive forces that influence industry competition, including interactions with customers, suppliers, competitors, potential entrants, and substitutes. Resource-based view suggests companies should identify internal strengths and weaknesses to gain competitive advantage. Collins and Porras research showed vision and values can influence long-term company success, though their work has also received criticism. Game theory concepts like the prisoner’s dilemma help understand strategic interactions between parties. Feedback models from the Center for Creative Leadership outline best practices for delivering constructive feedback. These frameworks provide useful lenses for analyzing organizations, strategy and leadership challenges.

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About Matheus Puppe