Here is a summary of the Table of Contents:
This book covers insights and strategies for guerrilla marketing. It is divided into two parts.
Part 1 discusses the origins and fundamentals of guerrilla marketing. It covers topics like the basic principles, how it spreads unconscious messages, key weapons/tactics, advertising, social media marketing, using memes, and achieving excellence. It also has chapters on guerrilla entrepreneurship and marketing yourself.
Part 2 features contributions from other authors on related guerrilla marketing topics. Some chapter topics include naming a business, retail trends, deal-making, publicity, writing tips, copywriting, job hunting, research, internet marketing, social media, green marketing, nonprofits, wealth creation, public speaking, and more.
It concludes with information about the authors and co-authors, an index, references to other Entrepreneur publications, and a copyright page. The dedication pays tribute to past guerrilla marketers.
In summary, the book provides a comprehensive overview of guerrilla marketing strategies and tactics, drawing from the main author as well as contributions from other experts in related fields. It aims to give readers a solid foundation and various perspectives on conducting unconventional, low-cost marketing.
Here is a summary of the key points from the provided pages:
Jay Levinson is considered the pioneer and innovator of guerrilla marketing. This book provides insights and strategies for effective guerrilla marketing.
Marketing is not just advertising or promotions, but the entire customer experience from initial contact through the relationship. It is a process, not an event.
Guerrilla marketing simplifies marketing and works if done consistently with a clear plan, even if results are not immediate. Patience is required.
Marketers can educate customers on how to achieve their goals and solve problems through information, products, or services. The goal is to change minds and persuade customers.
Details like hiring, training, and delegating affect the customer experience and are part of marketing.
Guerrilla marketing requires hard work but not in an overworked way. It promotes work-life balance through techniques like strategic hiring and delegating tasks.
The book provides tips for effective guerrilla marketing and positioning it as a mainstream business strategy beyond a niche approach.
Walt Disney and Ray Kroc were known to be neat freaks and obsessive about cleanliness. They once had a 20 minute conversation in a restroom waiting for someone else to go in so they didn’t have to touch the door handles.
Cleanliness and neatness are important aspects of running a successful business. Companies like Disney, McDonald’s, and Nordstrom rigorously maintain clean premises because it creates a positive impression and marketing effect.
Marketing is not just advertising, public relations, websites, or a single tactic. It requires using multiple tactics together in strategic combinations tailored for each business.
Things like brochures, flyers, ads, etc. are important marketing components but not marketing on their own. Combinations of different tactics like direct mail, websites, salespeople, PR, etc. used together are what effectively market a business.
Small details can make a big difference. Things like putting multiple stamps on direct mail or sending mail from another country first can attract more attention than standard mailings.
Proper telephone etiquette and demeanor is important for converting leads into sales. Companies like Midas saw big impacts on conversion rates just from training employees on phone skills.
Guerrilla marketing was born in 1957 when the author was required to write concise military reports as an Army counterintelligence analyst. This taught him the importance of being concise.
The author got experience working for large companies and small startups, learning what marketing approaches worked best for each.
He began teaching a class where students asked for recommendations on marketing their small businesses with limited budgets. However, existing marketing books were not suitable.
Unable to find appropriate recommendations, the author created his own list of “527 Ways to Market without Much Money.” This became the basis for his first book on guerrilla marketing.
Guerrilla marketing techniques helped many of the author’s students build large, well-known Silicon Valley companies like Apple and Microsoft from small startups.
Major corporations also began using guerrilla marketing approaches to boost profits while spending less on marketing.
So in summary, the need for affordable marketing solutions for entrepreneurs and small businesses led the author to develop the concept of guerrilla marketing through his experience and writing the first book on the topic.
A small furniture store owner noticed two large competing furniture stores were opening up on the lots next to his store.
The two large stores announced big sales with prices slashed 50% and 75%. This put pressure on the small store owner who couldn’t compete on price.
In response, the small store owner put up a simple banner that just said “MAIN ENTRANCE” to try and draw customers into his store through a different marketing tactic rather than lowering prices.
The story is used as an example of how small businesses can use guerrilla marketing tactics like highlighting unique values rather than directly competing on price with much larger competitors. It illustrates responding creatively to challenges rather than conventional tactics.
Here are summaries of the key terms and ideas:
GOOD Job - A high-paying temporary job taken to pay off debts, with the intent to quit once debts are paid off.
Idea Hamsters - People who constantly generate new ideas.
Mouse Potato - Someone addicted to being online like others are to television (a couch potato).
Ohnosecond - The brief moment you realize you’ve made a big mistake.
Percussive Maintenance - Hitting an electronic device to try to fix it.
Prairie Dogging - When someone shouts or drops something loudly in an open office and others pop up to see what’s going on.
SITCOMs - Single Income, Two Children, Oppressive Mortgage (what happens to dual-income families after kids).
Stress Puppy - Someone who thrives on and complains about being stressed.
Tourists - People who take training just to get time off work.
Treeware - Hacker slang for printed documentation.
Umfriend - A dubious or concealed personal relationship.
Uninstalled - Being fired from a job.
Xerox Subsidy - Taking free photocopies from work.
Yuppie Food Stamps - $20 bills from ATM, used to split checks.
404 - Someone who’s clueless (from the web error message).
The key ideas are that guerrilla marketing focuses on spreading messages through unconventional channels to specific target audiences. It aims to say something meaningful to relevant groups rather than trying to reach everyone. Simplicity, creativity and low budgets are hallmarks of guerrilla marketing.
Here are the summaries of the key points:
Commitment - Success requires long-term commitment to your marketing campaign, even if results are not initially seen. The Marlboro campaign took many years to achieve their dominant market position due to the company’s commitment to sticking with the campaign.
Investment - Marketing should be viewed as a conservative, long-term investment rather than something that will produce miracle overnight results. With proper application of marketing principles and consistency over time, success can be achieved.
Consistent - Marketing campaigns require consistency over time to be effective. Restraint is important - don’t change campaigns too frequently due to pressure from others. Stick with your plan for the long haul.
Transparent - Build trust with customers by being open, honest and transparent in your marketing communications. Disguising the commercial nature of messages will ultimately backfire.
Momentum - Continuous, incremental momentum and improvements are key to marketing success. Big transformations usually fail while gradual evolution over time succeeds. Continue refining your approach on an ongoing basis.
That covers the key points from the summaries provided. Let me know if any part needs more clarification or expansion.
Employees, co-workers, family and friends spend a lot of time paying attention to your marketing. They get bored with it before the general public does. This is why they may counsel you to change your marketing frequently, but as a marketer you need consistency.
Marketing consistency is the third secret - staying the course with your marketing rather than constantly changing it at the suggestion of close allies.
The fourth secret is having congruent marketing - making sure all elements like websites, PR, copy, graphics etc. are aligned and pulling in the same direction rather than conflicting.
The fifth secret is content - focusing on substance over style. Customers want real value, not just razzle dazzle or superficial effects.
The sixth secret is using an assortment of marketing weapons in a coordinated 360 degree effort, rather than relying on just one channel like ads alone. The days of single-weapon marketing are over.
The seventh secret is building confidence in your brand and offering by exemplifying commitment, consistency, congruency, honesty and other trust-building qualities.
The eighth secret is having patience, as it takes time for marketing efforts to pay off. Impatience will undermine consistency and commitment.
The ninth secret is adding an element of amazement to capture attention, as people don’t usually pay much attention to marketing itself.
The 10th secret is convenience - respecting people’s time as the most valuable commodity and making the customer experience efficient and timesaving.
The 11th secret is gaining consent rather than just trying to make sales through marketing alone. Most people aren’t interested, so focus on those who do consent to your messaging.
The DVDs that are sent out by a summer camp owner are really just to get parents to sign up for a free in-home consultation. 84% of families that have the consultation end up registering their kids for the summer camp.
Once the camp gets consent from one child, they work to broaden that consent to get siblings, cousins, classmates also signed up. This allows them to make high-profit sales with little upfront investment by gaining consent.
Focus on prospects who are most interested instead of broad marketing. When you gain initial consent through marketing, you can often make the sale through broadening that consent.
Getting people involved through things like free reports or newsletters is more effective than passive advertising. Websites can get people to take those first steps towards a relationship.
Most business is lost due to customers being ignored after their initial purchase, not poor quality or service. Guerrillas work hard to keep customers involved long-term.
The big money comes from subsequent sales and follow-ups, not just the initial sale. Guerrillas focus on maintaining long-term customer relationships.
Strategic alliances and affiliate marketing where companies share marketing costs is important. Businesses are learning to be dependent on each other for success.
Easy to use, affordable technology is the “armament” or tool that allows guerrillas to market and service customers like larger companies on a smaller budget. Constantly embracing new technology is key.
Elmer found a way to receive unscrambled signals of locally blacked out sports games by swapping transponders with his accomplice who owned a sports bar in another city. Their transponders were set to unscramble different regional signals, so by swapping them they could both access games that were normally blacked out in their areas.
The passage discusses nanocasting as a precise form of targeted marketing. It provides an example of a company that marketed Viagra starting with broad television advertisements, then narrowcasting to certain cable channels, microcasting to specific shows, and finally nanocasting by targeting very specific segments that perfectly matched their target audience.
The 20 secrets of guerrilla marketing are outlined, with brief definitions provided for some of the secrets like commitment, investment, experimentation, measurement, augmentation and implementation. The key is to learn the secrets but also take action and implement them.
The 7 areas of a guerrilla marketing strategy are commitment to a long-term strategy, although it should still be reviewed periodically for improvements. The strategy should guide marketing efforts for years into the future.
So in summary, it discusses clever marketing tactics like signal swapping, defines levels of targeted advertising from broad to highly precise, outlines 20 guerrilla marketing secrets, and emphasizes the importance of having a clear long-term strategy to guide implementation of guerrilla marketing tactics.
A seven sentence marketing plan is concise yet powerful enough to effectively communicate your marketing strategy.
Each sentence serves a specific purpose, such as stating your target action, competitive advantage, target market, marketing tactics, positioning, identity, and budget.
Procter & Gamble is presented as a model company that keeps marketing plans very brief in order to focus on the essentials and ensure clarity.
The unconscious mind processes information through images, feelings and associations. Traditional marketing does not fully leverage this, whereas guerrilla marketing aims to influence the unconscious more strategically.
The book will discuss techniques for guerrilla marketers to use imagery, storytelling and other indirect approaches to shape perceptions and behaviors at an unconscious level.
The late Paul Hanley, a guerrilla marketing expert and co-author of the book, is highlighted for his previous work developing guerrilla strategies in the UK, Russia and Middle East. The introductory chapter he wrote discusses the power of images in how the mind processes information.
Many advertisements ask people to “imagine” something by creating images in their minds. However, no two people will have exactly the same visualization. Intentionally implanting images should be part of the message, but not the whole message.
The unconscious mind is smarter than the conscious mind. It automatically controls vital bodily functions without us thinking about it. It also recognizes its superiority and tends to only share limited, selective information with the conscious mind to avoid overload.
In internal dialogue, the unconscious mind voices its perspective, but the conscious mind typically overrides it when making decisions. Marketers can use language to stimulate positive internal dialogue and sway decision-making.
The unconscious mind controls our internal dialogue - the voices we hear in our heads when thinking. Using the right language can motivate purchasing decisions by putting people in a positive frame of mind.
The unconscious mind can understand and link together multiple messages or ideas in a way that the conscious mind cannot. Marketers can take advantage of this by presenting an array of associated ideas for the unconscious to synthesize.
The unconscious mind often makes decisions before consciously consulting the conscious mind. Marketers who appeal to the unconscious can enable rapid, instinctual decision-making below the surface. An example is given of a fire officer who subconsciously detected danger and saved his crew.
The passage details an incident where a fire officer instructed his team to vacate a building despite not consciously knowing why.
His unconscious mind noticed subtle cues like the color and behavior of the smoke that indicated a backdraft, one of the most dangerous types of fire.
Due to the urgency of the situation, the unconscious mind did not take the time to fully explain to the conscious mind, it simply told the officer “there is danger, evacuate”.
The officer complied without question due to the intensity of the message from his unconscious.
The next day, he was able to consciously understand and describe why his unconscious had made that decision based on cues it noticed about the fire.
This example shows how the unconscious mind can process information and make decisions much faster than the conscious mind in urgent situations. It highlights the importance for marketers to understand and appeal to both the conscious and unconscious minds.
The passage discusses 200 different guerrilla marketing weapons or tactics that can be used to gain sales and profits. It acknowledges that implementing all 200 may not be feasible, so the goal is to experiment and track which weapons are most effective.
It emphasizes starting with an awareness of all 200 weapons, then testing different combinations through trial and error. The key is to discover the combination of weapons that generates the highest profits.
The weapons are categorized into different media types: maxi media (larger campaigns), mini media, e-media, info media, and human media. Some examples provided are advertising, direct mail, Yellow Pages, websites, blogs, public speaking, and customer service.
Non-media weapons like gifts, PR, word of mouth, community involvement are also listed. Company attributes that can help like branding, positioning, credibility, quality, and good customer experiences.
It notes that an effective guerrilla marketing attack combines awareness, experimentation, and tracking results to optimize the mix of weapons used. When the most profitable combination is uncovered, it will give great advantage over competitors.
Advertising gives credibility to a brand or product, especially magazine ads which make brands appear alongside other well-known national brands.
Running a full-page national ad in magazines like Time is very expensive, costing around $90,000.
However, magazines have regional editions where ads are much cheaper - a full-page ad in the San Francisco regional edition of Time would only cost a few thousand dollars.
Readers don’t know the ads are regional, they just see your brand alongside big national brands.
The real value is in reprints of the ad that can be used for years. Reprints say “As seen in [Magazine]” and cost just pennies to produce as self-mailers, posters, etc.
One client decided to run the cheapest full-page ad possible, which was $700 in the Savannah, Georgia edition of Time. He was still able to use the reprints to promote his San Francisco business.
So a single regional magazine ad can generate marketing material and credibility for a brand for many years after the initial low-cost run, for just a few thousand or even just hundreds of dollars.
Here is a summary of the key points about using an advertisement in Time magazine from the Savannah, Georgia furniture store owner:
The furniture store owner ran a single magazine ad for his store in the Savannah, Georgia edition of Time magazine.
20 years later, he mailed reprints of that same Time magazine advertisement to 20,000 people in the area.
This direct mail campaign was hugely successful because running an ad in Time magazine gave the store enormous credibility. People trusted an advertisement that had appeared in such a prestigious national magazine.
The lesson is that when running an advertisement you plan to reuse for a long time, like in direct mail pieces, make it “timeless” and avoid mentioning specifics like the company’s age that will date it over time.
Features like employee photos should also be avoided in case the employees change over the years.
The goal is to create an advertisement so enduring that it can effectively be used as part of marketing efforts for 10 years or more.
Here is a summary of the key points from the passage:
Guerrilla social media marketing focuses on community, engagement, and profit. It requires a long-term, ongoing commitment rather than individual campaigns.
Anyone can be a successful guerrilla marketer if they commit to personal transformation and hard work.
Important personality traits for guerrilla marketers include being immune to hype, curious, and able to sprint on opportunities.
Guerrillas look for verified information rather than jumping on every new trend. They experiment and ask questions to drive innovation.
Guerrillas are ready to exploit small windows of opportunity with passion and resources. They move quickly when chances arise.
The passage discusses examples like penicillin discovery and Chris Anderson’s book giveaways to illustrate the traits in action.
Marketing now belongs to everyone through social media. Customers can impact brands more than planned campaigns.
The guerrilla path is about keeping a focus on the community and driving real business results through engagement over the long-term.
Be prepared to work long hours (24 hours or 14 days) when an opportunity arises to capitalize on momentum. Things will slow down eventually allowing time to rest.
Be ready to respond immediately to negative feedback or issues on social media. Waiting even a few hours can damage the brand.
Have a long-term marketing plan beyond monthly/quarterly goals and stick to a daily calendar. Customers may need multiple exposures to a message before recognition.
Focus on what works profitably, not just what seems exciting. Don’t get bored with familiar channels.
Be transparent with business practices and policies. Customers will spread any untruths widely online.
Build and help the community to become an asset. Contribute valuable content to gain recognition over direct marketing.
Measure success by profits, not clicks or popularity. Convert followers into financial returns.
Constantly learn about emerging technology to stay ahead of competitors. See it as a core competence.
Learn skills needed for goals through intensive self-study when stuck. Rapidly gain new competencies.
Think of marketing as leadership and engagement rather than branding alone. See social media as more than a distribution channel.
Here is a summary of the key points about joining meetups that may be of interest to social media marketers:
Blogger meetups allow marketers to learn about blogging tools, content strategies, traffic building techniques, and best practices from other bloggers.
Flickr and photography meetups provide information on digital photography, camera equipment, and image capture.
Apple and Mac meetups are useful for learning about social media tools from Apple like how to effectively use their products for marketing.
Video meetups discuss best practices for shooting, editing, producing, and distributing video content.
Internet marketing meetups share insights on search engine optimization, paid advertising, conversion rate optimization, and e-commerce strategies.
New media marketing meetups, of which there are usually multiple local chapters, allow networking with other guerrilla marketers to exchange best practices in social media marketing.
The Social Media Club is a large global association for sharing industry best practices, professional development, and expanding media literacy through social media.
Here are the key points summarized from the passage:
The third guerrilla marketing book by Jay focuses on achieving marketing excellence and avoiding wasted marketing spending.
It provides 50 “golden rules” to guide guerrilla marketers’ thinking, effectiveness, and marketing materials.
The rules address topics like precisely defining your target market, solving customer problems, building customer rapport, good timing, generating profits not just sales, gaining a share of mind, creative marketing tactics, and more.
Following the rules can elevate your marketing expertise, attract customers and gain their loyalty through repeat business and referrals.
While large corporations can ignore some rules due to budgets, small businesses need to learn and apply the rules to maximize the impact of every marketing dollar.
Knowing the rules is important, but guerrilla marketers also need the right attitude and should intentionally break rules rather than unintentionally. Applying the rules leads to marketing success.
Spend 9 out of 10 hours creating the headline for an ad. The headline is incredibly important for propelling or dooming a great idea. Getting the headline right is worth spending significant time on.
Guerrilla marketers intentionally market themselves at all times, consciously controlling the messages they send about themselves. Non-guerrillas unintentionally send messages that may undermine their goals.
You always want to make a great first impression, as you only get one chance for a first impression. Guerrillas send no unintentional messages that could create barriers.
Most people can intentionally conduct about 95% of their lives, but it’s the other 5% of unintentional actions that can get you in or out of trouble. Guerrillas are aware of what messages they are sending at all times through their words and actions.
It’s important to experiment with marketing, but experimentation does not mean breaking the established golden rules without a good reason. The rules are there to guide and help, not restrict.
Golden rules should generally be followed, but it’s also important to occasionally question rules and think about situations where breaking a rule could make sense, if done intentionally with a clear reason. Accidental or ignorant rule-breaking wastes resources.
Guerrillas market themselves intentionally at all times to further their goals, while non-guerrillas unintentionally send mixed messages that can undermine what they want to achieve.
The passage discusses guerrilla marketing and how to effectively market yourself without even realizing it. It explains that you are constantly marketing yourself to people like employees, customers, bosses, friends, family and more through your appearance, body language, habits, attitude and more.
It emphasizes the importance of being self-aware about the messages you communicate and how others perceive you. Key things people notice and use to judge you are listed, like clothing, eye contact, handshake, office, weight, smile and more.
The passage provides advice on doing a self-assessment to determine who you are now, what your goals are and how you will measure success. It outlines the many groups you influence through your marketing and suggests writing a positioning statement, identifying goals and how you will measure achievement.
Requirements for becoming a guerrilla marketer are listed, like adapting personalities of successful marketers, planning strategic attacks, understanding media, orienting to customers and maintaining attacks. The importance of guerrilla marketing as a focused, individualized process is emphasized.
Here is a summary of the key points about guerrilla entrepreneurs:
They aim to achieve balance between work, leisure, family, self, and humanity. Profits are important but not at the expense of work-life balance.
They make use of modern technologies to be flexible, low-cost, and efficient while maintaining quality. Profits are the third priority after humanity and balance.
Success is defined not just financially but also in terms of balanced living and satisfying customer needs. Short-term goals focus on the present journey, not long-term sacrifices.
Work is satisfying and stress-free. Stress is avoided rather than accepted. They look forward to work and have no plans to retire.
They form teams to leverage complementary skills and fuse with other businesses to increase reach and reduce costs. Plans anticipate and address potential barriers.
Time is valued over money. Efficiency doesn’t compromise effectiveness. Customers’ time is respected.
They are adaptable to change while maintaining strategy and commitment. Results and sustainability are prioritized over growth for its own sake.
Interdependence and collaboration are recognized as key, unlike the independence of past entrepreneurs. Continuous learning and improvement is emphasized.
Here is a summary of the key points about guerrilla entrepreneurs:
They have a constant need and passion for learning new things, rather than focusing on being an expert in one area. They enjoy learning one thing after another.
They are passionate and enthusiastic about their work, which inspires and motivates others. Their passion is evident in their devotion to their business.
They remain focused on achieving their goals and vision for the future, while concentrating on tasks in the present moment. They avoid distractions.
They are disciplined and keep promises to themselves by completing daily tasks and schedules. This self-discipline is rewarding.
They are well-organized at home and work to avoid wasting time searching for things. Organization helps them work efficiently.
They maintain a positive and optimistic attitude even when facing obstacles. They see the positive side rather than dwelling on negatives.
In summary, guerrilla entrepreneurs are passionate lifelong learners, goal-focused, disciplined, well-organized and have an upbeat attitude that inspires others. Their strengths help them succeed in business.
The passage discusses the importance of maintaining passion and enthusiasm for one’s work as an entrepreneur. It says that if the spark or love is gone for what you’re doing, you need to end that relationship and start a new venture that excites you. Maintaining enthusiasm will fuel your motivation and success.
It then lists 10 potential pitfalls for entrepreneurs and how to avoid them:
Don’t lose your humanity or compassion in the pursuit of success.
Avoid getting distracted from your core focus and goals.
Don’t obsess over perfection at the cost of progress.
Make recurring sales rather than just one-time sales.
Ensure leisure time is purposeful and not a drag.
Don’t plan for full retirement but rather gradual reduction over time.
Maintain various competitive advantages like relationships, service, flexibility, follow up, cooperation, patience and economy.
Stay up to date and make timely adjustments to your business.
Commit fully to your entrepreneurial endeavors and maintain a lifelong passion for learning and growing.
The key message is that maintaining enthusiasm, passion and avoiding these pitfalls will give entrepreneurs an “edge” for success long-term. Constant self-improvement and adaptation is important.
Here is a summary of the key points from the passage:
Guerrilla entrepreneurs have a deep commitment to their work which sets them apart and helps them achieve their goals. This commitment is powered by passion.
At the core of the guerrilla way is love - love of self, work, family, freedom, independence, life. Love illuminates the guerrilla’s path.
When naming a business or product, start by identifying the attributes you want the name to convey like quality, fun, reliability.
Test names with focus groups to see which attributes resonate best.
Fanciful names with no obvious meaning are best for trademarks but hardest to build branding for. Descriptive names communicate what you do but are easier to protect than generic names.
Examples of good names give an idea of the business, benefit, or positioning. Avoid names that are jokes, sensitive to technology changes, or include a person’s name which can limit growth.
When choosing a name, pick something positive, unique, descriptive yet open-ended, not a trend, and something that looks and sounds good in all contexts.
This section provides tips for concession-making when negotiating deals as a guerrilla retailer. It emphasizes acting skills to downplay the value of concessions and minimize their impact. Agents can be used to make fewer concessions during negotiations. Maintaining a firm attitude is important to avoid settling for less than desired. Deadlines should be used strategically as ultimatums rather than limitations. Each concession should be assigned a dollar value to communicate costs. Knowing the other party’s deadlines and their flexibility can provide leverage. Overall, the advice aims to skillfully make necessary concessions while sustaining negotiating power and obtaining the best possible terms. Mind games and evaluation of costs are encouraged to limit disadvantage from concession-making.
Here is a summary of key points about concession making from the passage:
Concede with percentages or per unit costs rather than dollars, as percentages sound smaller.
Break large concessions into several small concessions given over time, as people perceive several small concessions as larger than one big concession.
Give yourself negotiating room by starting high if selling or low if buying.
Keep records of other negotiators’ patterns but don’t let them know you’re doing it.
Make other negotiators work for concessions to increase their perceived value.
Only concede if it’s a reasonable concession.
Use limited authority by saying you need to check with your boss.
Listen to what small concessions the other party sees as important.
Make concessions slowly and space them out over time.
Get something in return for any concession you make.
Don’t assume concessions require reciprocity or create a slippery slope.
Don’t reveal deadlines or worry about the other party’s deadline.
Don’t make the largest single concession.
Control your ego and don’t insult others over ridiculous offers.
Admit mistakes but don’t make too many.
Don’t be the first to propose splitting the difference.
The story of Sam Walton is provided as an example of thinking small to be successful through a guerrilla approach like Mao Zedong’s strategies.
Walmart, founded by Sam Walton, was able to grow larger stores in suburban areas compared to older retailers like Woolco and Kmart.Walmart stores were cleaner, more attractive, and had lower operating costs due to economies of scale.
Walmart’s lower prices and efficiencies allowed it to outcompete stores with higher costs like Woolco and Kmart. Woolco went out of business and Kmart merged with Sears. Other big box retailers also failed while Walmart grew to become the world’s largest retailer.
The lesson is that “thinking small is actually thinking big.” Even large companies should focus on serving customers efficiently at low prices. This allows businesses to “think like winners” and outcompete larger but less focused competitors.
Media training is important for promoting goods and services through the media, even with a publicist’s help. In the digital age, any public appearance can spread widely online. Training prepares people to make the best impression and handle interviews well.
Trainers teach how to differentiate one’s message from the “hook” that gets media interest. They also provide tips on pitching stories, handling questions, appearance skills, and spotting one’s weaknesses to improve performance. The training process often involves videotaping sessions for self-observation and coaching.
Here are the key points about using video to improve student performance through feedback:
Students are video recorded during practice sessions and allowed to view their own performances. Seeing themselves on camera helps them observe their strong and weak points.
Trainers then review the videos with students and provide feedback and critique. They highlight areas for improvement and adjustments.
Students are again video recorded after making changes, and the process is repeated. Viewing themselves on video and getting feedback from trainers allows for quick improvement.
Most learning comes from self-observation on video. It helps students see what they do poorly and what they do well, so they can enhance their strengths and address weaknesses.
Frequent video recording, critique after each session, and incorporating feedback into subsequent practices accelerates the learning process. Students make adjustments and continue refining their performance.
When preparing for an interview or television appearance, energy levels need to be high. Videos allow students to see if they are projecting enough energy or coming across as less energetic than intended on screen.
Here is a summary of the provided text:
Guerrilla copywriting is not about promoting your own company, but rather highlighting how your products or services benefit customers and improve their lives. To do this effectively, start by creating a benefits list through discussions with customers and employees to identify both obvious and unexpected advantages. Select a clear competitive advantage to focus your marketing efforts.
Using the benefits list as a foundation, develop powerful headlines that convey key ideas or intrigue readers into learning more. Address readers individually and experiment with news-style or question headlines. Stories that personalize your business are also effective at connecting with readers. Include testimonials and focus on capturing attention to maximize readership.
When writing, use active verbs and concise language to motivate readers. Consider words and phrases suited for various mediums like websites, ads, blogs, etc. Passionate yet honest writing that emphasizes benefits over features will resonate most. Continually review and refine copy to ensure it is informative, strategic and drives the desired outcomes for both business and customers. The goal is to sell through storytelling and benefits rather than boasting about your company.
Clever or catchy copy alone is not enough - it needs to be compelling and conversational to be effective.
Certain words like “free”, “new”, “sale” tend to work better in copy than words like “buy”, “obligation”, “failure”.
Keep language simple, use contractions and informal language. Easiest to write copy when starting with a strong idea.
The purpose of guerrilla copywriting is to get people to act using only ideas and words at low cost, e.g. through social media.
In the current job market, it’s important to have a clear, detailed marketing-oriented plan to succeed as jobs are more competitive and rules change frequently.
Capital today means human capital - a person’s knowledge and skills, not physical assets. Companies prioritize productivity so competition for jobs is increasing.
To win the “war for talent”, individuals need to market their talent the best through guerrilla job hunting tactics. Listening to customers is important for market research but should not replace entrepreneurial inspiration.
An entrepreneur asked for money for research but didn’t have enough for basic supplies, indicating a lack of market research and understanding of consumer wants.
Coca-Cola’s New Coke launch failed because they didn’t listen to consumers. Research would have showed consumers valued brand history/stability over new tastes.
It’s common for businesses, especially small ones, to ignore consumer research due to perceived costs. But lack of research can lead to expensive mistakes by misreading the market.
Ego and stubbornness can prevent entrepreneurs from listening to consumers. Research reduces risk of being wrong.
Customers generally don’t lie in research - they give their honest perspectives. The challenge is digging deeper to uncover motivators beyond surface answers.
Lower prices is a common initial customer response but not always the real answer. Research aims to find deeper value factors to satisfy customers.
Claims that research won’t provide new information overlook that it confirms convictions to take action or finds opportunities to improve.
The article discusses how research can be beneficial for companies of all types and sizes, regardless of their industry or products/services. Well-conducted research can help businesses learn customer opinions, uncover new opportunities, and give them confidence to move forward with their plans.
The key point is that customers are the ultimate judge of a company’s success. Businesses need to listen closely to customers and prospects to hear ideas for growing the business. Failing to listen is a bigger mistake than disregarding their advice.
Research works anywhere there are customers or prospects to survey. It can provide insights into a business’s potential for increased revenue. Examples are given of diverse companies that have benefitted from research.
At the heart of market research is the belief that listening to consumer opinions is important. Research turns theories into facts and allows businesses to improve by spotting nuances in data. While it requires an investment, research eliminates wasted spending by confirming or adjusting plans.
The article discusses 7 common mistakes made by beginner entrepreneurs when starting an online business.
The first mistake is falling in love with an idea for the wrong reasons, without properly researching the market and competition. It’s important to validate that there is demand and an underserved niche.
The second mistake is underestimating the importance of design. Visitors decide within 10 seconds if they will stay or leave a website based on its look and feel.
The third mistake is not understanding direct response marketing principles like compelling headlines, guarantees, and testimonials that encourage action.
The fourth mistake is failing to collect email addresses, which is important for building relationships and remarketing over time. Email lists are very valuable.
The fifth mistake is not having a traffic generation strategy and thinking people will automatically find the website. Driving qualified traffic requires focus and effort.
The sixth mistake is not leveraging social media and new technologies, as people are increasingly online and interacting through these channels.
The overall message is to thoroughly research and plan an online business, avoid common pitfalls, and apply marketing principles to drive traffic and convert visitors into customers.
Entrepreneurs should take advantage of interactive online and social media tools to get real-time feedback from customers, as was done during a 2008 televised debate on Facebook.
Marketing is about working less and gaining more through effective use of inexpensive online tools rather than reinventing things.
It’s a mistake to only focus on online or offline marketing - they should be combined. For example, putting website addresses on offline materials and mentioning physical locations online.
Tracking different marketing campaigns is important to see what’s working and what’s not so efforts can be optimized.
Entrepreneurs shouldn’t try to do everything themselves and should outsource non-essential tasks or hire virtual assistants to free up time.
Developing strategic partnerships can help increase traffic, subscribers, product lines, etc. and is key to online marketing success.
Systems need to be created for ongoing customer follow up and communication, which can be automated using web-based tools.
Technology, including computers, software and equipment needs to be robust enough to handle business needs reliably without crashing or requiring expensive support. This is important for productivity and avoiding lost income.
There are generally two types of software available: commercially licensed software that must be purchased, and open source software that is free. Each has advantages and disadvantages so research is needed to choose what fits your needs.
Commercially licensed software usually has more features and support available but requires ongoing costs. Open source is free but may have fewer features and limited support options.
Information technology needs ongoing maintenance and security updates, not a “set it and forget it” approach. Regularly back up critical data and ensure systems have latest virus protection.
Choose programs that are highly rated and meet your specific needs. Consider security, backups, support when choosing.
Develop customer relationships through websites, social media, etc. to gain ongoing business rather than just immediate sales. There are 5 stages of relationship building: discovery, consumption, interaction, connection, and consent.
Provide valuable, high-quality content to move people through the stages rather than immediately pushing sales messages. Build trust over time through credible engagement and responding to customer needs. Relationships are key to long-term profits.
If relationships were currency, consent would be the most valuable asset, or “gold standard”. Companies often focus on gaining customers but neglect building genuine relationships over the long term, missing out on opportunities.
Social media marketers can build friendly interactions but lack consent to conduct marketing. Consent is needed to transform casual interactions into monetization opportunities.
Forms of consent include people subscribing to a newsletter, asking a question related to a product/service, or attending a webinar where follow up marketing is expected afterward. Offline introductions where someone expresses interest in learning more also demonstrate consent.
Once consent is gained, marketers can broaden interactions through their sales/marketing process while continuing to provide valuable content on blogs, social media, etc. This helps deepen understanding of customer needs and strengthen the relationship.
Relationships provide long-term value through repeat purchases and referrals. They help protect the initial investment required to gain loyal customers. Proper relationship nurturing through ongoing useful engagement is important for guerrilla marketers.
A commitment to environmental values can help convince consumers to channel their business to a company. Some examples of initiatives that worked include hotels changing towel washing policies for cost savings but marketing it as green, and publishers reducing print runs and returns for environmental and economic reasons.
Many green initiatives not only make a company more attractive but also reduce costs, allowing them to survive hard times. Companies should communicate how sustainability initiatives have financial benefits like reduced costs and increased revenue.
An advertisement for a printing company highlighted that 60% of its electricity came from renewable hydropower and asked customers to choose them if sustainability is important. The ad combined highlighting a green commitment and local clean energy source but could have been more effective by having a clearer headline and easier to read design.
A nonprofit’s mission statement is important as it guides strategic planning, messaging, keeps everyone aligned on objectives, and determines how success is measured through desired outcomes rather than just fundraising or other metrics. An effective mission statement should be written like marketing content to inspire and motivate, not just state objectives.
The March of Dimes exists to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. They carry out this mission through research, community services, education, and advocacy to save babies’ lives.
The rules outlined are referred to as the “Golden Rules for Fundraising Success.” They include knowing your donors well, educating donors, helping donors find personal fulfillment, building trusting relationships, respecting donors, focusing on current supporters, and making giving fun.
Following these rules can help fundraising become more predictable and successful, like natural laws govern the weather. It’s about not just getting donations but making the nonprofit worthy of support.
Specific tactics mentioned include gathering detailed donor profiles, reassuring donors with organizational impact stories, involving donors meaningfully, proving you care through attention to details, communicating regularly with current donors, and hosting fun events like auctions to engage donors.
The chapter concludes by emphasizing focusing intently on the “best buyer” donors who contribute the most, through frequent personalized outreach, to dramatically increase sales and fundraising results. Targeting the highest potential donors more aggressively can double an organization’s income.
The passage discusses different strategies for doubling or increasing sales, focusing on business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) approaches.
For B2C, it recommends consistently marketing to and going after wealthy consumers who live in affluent neighborhoods, as they are the best potential customers.
It also describes using an “educational-based marketing” approach to attract more prospects by offering to teach them something of value, rather than just pitching products/services. This can significantly increase appointment settings.
The “superstar strategy” involves hiring top sales talent, even if young and inexperienced. It provides an example job posting aimed at attracting ambitious salespeople who believe in themselves. Paying commissions can incentivize “superstars” to significantly outperform others and earn high incomes.
In summary, the key strategies discussed are consistently marketing to top prospects, providing educational content to prospects, and hiring and incentivizing top sales talent through compensation plans. These approaches can potentially double or multiply sales over time.
Here are the key points about positioning from the summary:
Positioning is more than just a tagline or prominent feature - it’s a statement of a company’s true identity and value to its target market.
Positioning involves planting “seeds of perception” in customers’ minds so they associate your company with meeting their needs above others.
Good positioning is a clear, memorable message that motivates prospects to learn more. It states what customers want in a way that drives demand.
Positioning happens in the minds of customers, not with the product itself. You position how the customer perceives your offering.
Determining your target market and what problem you truly solve lays the groundwork for an effective positioning statement. It should affirm your value proposition from the customer’s perspective.
Positioning needs to be visionary, outlining what makes your solution unique and differentiates it from competitors in addressing customers’ desires.
So in summary, positioning strategically frames how your company or product is uniquely qualified to satisfy customer needs above others through a clear, motivational message implanted in their minds.
Here is a summary of the key points regarding guerrilla profits from positioning your business:
Does my position offer a benefit that my target market audience truly wants? Focus on identifying your target customer’s most important needs and wants, and position your offering to directly meet those needs.
Is it an honest-to-goodness benefit? Make sure the benefit you are positioning is real and deliverable, not just empty marketing claims. Your customers should genuinely receive value from your offering.
Does it truly separate me from my competition? Your positioning should highlight something unique about your business that competitors cannot easily copy. This helps you carve out a distinct market position.
Is it unique or difficult to copy? Building on the prior point, an ideal positioning focuses on attributes, benefits or advantages that would be challenging for others to replicate. This protects your market position over time.
Some additional key opportunities for guerrilla profits from positioning include capitalizing on your own strengths and weaknesses of competitors, focusing on value-adds beyond just price, and positioning yourself or your business as experts that customers can trust. Overall, effective positioning involves understanding customer needs and crafting a clear and differentiated message about why your business is the best solution.
Marketers should avoid assumptions and instead gather data about their target audiences. Making assumptions can lead to wasted money and lost opportunities.
Women represent 80% of all consumers and control a significant portion of spending, especially on luxury goods and services. Their incomes and financial power has greatly increased in recent decades.
Many marketers continue to spend huge amounts on ads that actually repel women because they don’t understand women. Understanding how to properly advertise to women is important.
The Hispanic female market is a growing demographic with over $700 billion in combined purchasing power. Hispanic women represent an important audience for marketers who want to connect culturally.
In summary, the passage emphasizes that women are a major economic force but many marketers don’t understand how to appeal to them effectively. It advocates avoiding assumptions and instead doing research to learn how to properly target and advertise to women consumers. The Hispanic female demographic is also highlighted as an important growing segment.
The passage discusses how women, especially baby boomer women, make purchasing decisions. It notes that boomer women are the most financially empowered generation due to their careers, investments, and inheritances.
Women do not trust advertisements and instead rely on recommendations from their social circles. Peer recommendations on social media ensure businesses become visible to women. Most women feel misunderstood by advertisers.
The passage uses the example of a woman named Pam researching TVs. She reads reviews online and consults friends on Facebook before purchasing. After having a good experience, she tells her friends on Facebook about the company.
The passage argues marketers need to stop assuming advertising works and is not insulting to women. Instead, they should ask women questions, understand their needs through research, and integrate social media and mobile accessibility into their strategies. By making the customer experience simple through technology, marketers can gain loyal, repeat customers who will recommend the business to their social networks.
Here is a summary of the key points from the provided chapter:
The internet has become the dominant force in communication globally and has drastically changed how business is done. Online sales are rising significantly each year.
To be profitable and grow, especially for small-medium businesses, guerilla marketers need to master techniques of automating sales and marketing processes without adding new staff. This will allow businesses to scale and make money even when owners are not working.
Automating allows businesses to reach more customers online, make more money with the same staff, and improve owners’ lifestyles by giving them more free time.
A business’ most important asset is its customer/prospect list. Automating list-building through free offers or reports in exchange for contact information, known as an “ethical bribe”, is an effective way to generate targeted leads online.
With automation, even smaller businesses can effectively compete against large corporations by gaining the same online presence and leveraging lower fixed costs. Successful guerilla marketers prioritize developing systems to turn prospects into customers.
The passage promotes moving away from traditional mortgage sales approaches focused solely on transactions, to becoming a trusted financial advisor who provides ongoing guidance to clients beyond just home purchases.
Smaller, independent advisors can compete with larger companies online by driving targeted traffic to their websites through paid search engine advertising like Google AdWords. This requires an upfront investment but can generate valuable leads.
Chapter discusses the importance of having wealth conversations and replacing limiting “Industrial Age” language about money with empowering terminology that expands one’s vision.
It outlines the process of determining one’s financial baseline by organizing financial documents, then completing personal and business profit/loss statements and balance sheets. This provides a baseline understanding of one’s financial position to build wealth over time using “guerrilla tactics.”
Calculating a financial baseline starts with collecting all financial documents, separating them into clear categories, then filing them away systematically for future reference in determining one’s financial position and progress.
Make copies of important documents like credit cards, ID cards, membership cards, passport information page, and vaccination certificates. Store the copies in a safe deposit box/filing cabinet and take a copy when traveling. Give another copy to someone trusted at home.
Create a system for organizing your financial filing cabinet. Set up a simple structure that is intuitive and easy to use. This will allow you to find information quickly. Consider hiring others like bookkeepers to help maintain the system over time.
The five touch marketing system involves developing five points of contact with potential customers or clients. This could include things like ads, articles, website visits, referrals from others, requesting information kits, follow up calls, seminar invites, attending seminars, and follow up communications. Having five touches builds familiarity and trust.
It is key to have a prospect follow up system, such as a “drip campaign,” to continue engaging with potential clients over time through emails, mailers, seminar invites etc. This helps convert prospects to customers. Consistency and developing relationships is important.
Frugality is an attitude that is cultivated over time through getting in the habit of doing things inexpensively. Saving money is about adopting a philosophy of thrift.
Reasons for saving money in business include not needing to earn as much to stay afloat, having the option to work less, accepting less lucrative projects, investing funds back into the business, and keeping more profits.
It’s important to distinguish between disposable purchases meant for one-time use and investment purchases that provide ongoing benefits. More effort should go into researching investment purchases while being frugal on disposables.
Questions to ask before making a purchase include how it increases profits, when it’s needed by, which features are essential, where it can be obtained at the best price, and the maximum willing to pay.
Breaking out of routines and testing new suppliers regularly is important for finding cheaper options over time. Start with small, low-risk trials.
Becoming self-sufficient through learning new skills can save money compared to outsourcing tasks.
Staying organized is essential for home-based businesses to avoid lost time and duplicate purchases from not being able to find items.
Here is a summary of the provided text:
The passage discusses joint venture partnerships and how they can be used for marketing purposes. It suggests contacting industry leaders and influential people to partner with, as this can help elevate your credibility and introduce your products/services to a wider audience.
The simplest type of joint venture involves a product owner partnering with a list owner - the product owner offers the list owner a commission to promote their product to the list. This benefits both parties by increasing revenue.
Historically, e-zines were a good place to find list owners to partner with, but these have declined. Now, the best approach is contacting publishers directly who have their own private lists rather than advertising space. Partnering with these high-quality list owners is more effective than paid advertising.
Some benefits that could be offered to entice partners include higher commissions, promotional mailings, discounts, bonuses, payment options and more. With joint ventures, both parties can accomplish more working together than alone through leveraging each other’s audiences and assets.
Joint ventures involve partnering with other business owners to promote each other’s products/services. They can be quick to set up over a phone call or take months to negotiate.
List owners are very protective of their subscriber lists, so you need to develop a relationship with them first before they’ll promote your offers. Even a one-time endorsement deal can be profitable if targeted correctly.
It discusses strategies like knowing your goals and outline for discussions. Tactics include giving samples, services, or memberships to partners in exchange for their marketing help.
The chapter on guerrilla multilevel marketing talks about leveraging events, meetings, conventions and groups to more efficiently reach prospects. It presents an alternative marketing system for MLMs that supports diversity and personal strengths over a “one-size-fits-all” approach. The goal is to replace fear with certainty for distributors and enable them to have fun in their business.
Opportunity meetings are a foundational tool in network marketing used to present a compelling call to action. They invoke social proof and generate excitement by having others present. Successful meetings are well-planned and leave people wanting more.
Home presentations or private business receptions are comfortable settings to introduce opportunities. Advantages include being fun, familiar, inexpensive, able to be planned on short notice, and generating referrals. Ensure the home is clean and presentations are prepared.
Home parties are an informal way to market to several people at once and generate immediate cash from sales. Hosting follows a simple outline involving introductions, testimonials, product demonstrations, promotion of benefits and opportunities, and taking orders.
Lead group meetings help members by referring each other’s services but should not involve direct pitching. Participating long-term builds relationships and expands prospects.
Sizzle sessions are informal meetings where excited distributors generate contagious energy discussing what’s working for their businesses and brainstorming growth ideas. They help distributors feel connected as a team.
Guerrilla networking is about becoming the type of person that others want to meet/work with/invest in, rather than traditional tactics like handing out business cards or meeting people.
It’s about creating value for others and developing projects/ideas that others want to be involved in, rather than focusing so much on oneself.
It emphasizes strategies like starting with a bold promise or story to grab attention, telling stories to engage audiences, using humor to lighten the mood, and imparting lessons to audiences so they learn something.
The goal is to make audiences “TALL” - think, act, laugh, and learn. This keeps them engaged and interested in what you have to say.
It’s a more creative, value-driven approach compared to traditional networking which can come across as self-interested or pushing one’s agenda on others. Guerrilla networking is about empowering and benefiting others first and foremost.
Here are the key points from the provided text on guerrilla business secrets:
Pick a hot product and target a market. Focus on what’s in demand and who specifically wants it.
Drive decision making downward. Empower employees at all levels to make decisions.
Make everyone feel important. Make all employees and customers feel valued.
Elevate your salespeople. Support and equip your sales team for success.
Make your company easy to do business with. Streamline processes for a good customer experience.
Make your business an adventure. Infuse fun and excitement into the work.
Improve on someone else’s idea. Innovate off of existing concepts.
Be different. Distinguish your business through uniqueness.
Use your wits not your money. Leverage creativity over spending.
Avoid lawsuits by friendly compromise. Resolve disputes cooperatively.
Help your local community. Give back to boost goodwill.
Hire consultants only when they can add value. Don’t waste money unless expertise is needed.
Control your growth. Manage expansions strategically.
Door-to-door canvassing and marketing is seeing a resurgence and comeback as other forms of advertising like telemarketing, mailers, newspapers, radio become less effective or more restricted.
Canvassing allows for highly targeted, personal interactions that are difficult to achieve through impersonal digital advertising. Face-to-face interactions are still very powerful in marketing.
The banning of telemarketing calls through federal Do Not Call lists means canvassing may be the only way for businesses to directly reach all households in their target market.
Young workers see canvassing as an attractive job opportunity, helping drive its growth. Businesses also see it as an alternative to expensive or restricted advertising options.
While the internet was once thought to replace canvassers, limitations like spam and personalization have made in-person interactions still distinctly valuable for conversions.
Factors contributing to increased canvassing include restrictions on telemarketing, rising postal costs, newspaper declines, economic pressures to maximize marketing dollars through direct connections with consumers.
Rising unemployment is pressuring more workers to consider door-to-door sales positions. Door-to-door sales offer some unique advantages over other forms of marketing and advertising. They allow for highly personalized, face-to-face interactions with potential customers. Canvassing also enables targeting of advertising dollars more precisely by reaching every household in a company’s target market area.
While no single factor is driving the revival of door-to-door marketing, current economic trends have increased the need for alternative advertising methods for small businesses. Guerrilla marketers are opportunists who are willing to go against prevailing trends and try unconventional approaches. Now is a good time for guerrilla techniques like canvassing given pressures on small business advertising budgets and potential customers with money to spend but not reached by traditional media.
Canvassing requires overcoming the psychological barrier of getting out of the car and knocking on doors. Various tips are provided on effective canvassing techniques, scripting, and closing sales. Managers must also canvass to understand the job and ensure their teams are maximizing door-knocking time rather than wasting it through delays and distractions. Canvassing is essentially a numbers game, so hitting more doors directly translates to more leads and sales. Strict rules on preparation and minimizing non-productive time can help counterdelaying habits that hurt results.
Effective canvassing/sales operations require careful management of time to maximize effectiveness. Things like travel time, breaks, cell phone use, and paperwork need to be minimized and controlled.
Canvassing teams should leave the office on time and not leave the field early. Neighborhoods should be pre-selected to avoid wasted travel time.
Prospecting involves finding people who have a need, budget, and authority to make a purchase decision. Uncover their challenges and pain points to understand how you can help solve their problem.
Use creative approaches to stand out when prospecting and asking open-ended questions to understand prospects’ situations and gather information.
Customers follow a process of need, budget, commitment, presentation, transaction, and reward when making purchases. Validate they are at the right stage.
Understand the “iceberg principle” - most of customers’ motivations and obstacles are beneath the surface. Probe deeper with questions.
The “38 magic questions” can be used to thoroughly understand prospects’ goals, challenges, budget and decision making process.
Different types of sales closes like the “Rx close” can be employed depending on where the prospect is in their purchase journey.
Be aware of key players that influence organizational purchase decisions, like gatekeepers, influencers, purchasers, deciders and users. Address their needs.
Here are the key points:
There are different types of people that can impact your success - spies who want you to succeed, and saboteurs who want you to fail.
Different closing techniques were listed, including the action close, minor choice close, question close, add-on close, bigger order close, and assumptive close.
It’s important to understand a prospect’s criteria and use their own language/vocabulary when describing your solution. Their decision will hinge on the 1-3 criteria they deem most important.
Criteria can be universal needs like profit/fear, or more specific needs/wants and objectives. You should ask questions to understand their criteria without making assumptions.
Following up with customers is important, from shortly after purchase to annually thereafter to provide ongoing value like upgrades, cross-sells, etc. Attention and gratitude are powerful rewards for customers.
Customers will often pay more for added value in many forms like quality, service, authenticity, stability, reliability, social values, knowledge, reputation, partnership, customization, popularity, scarcity, availability and more. This helps justify a higher price.
Rapid responses to customer requests and issues are critical. Customers are far more likely to do repeat business with companies that respond instantly.
Customers will pay more for environmental friendliness, benefits to third parties, local sourcing, US-made products, brand names, referrals, reduced liability, and a more fun experience. Companies should highlight these aspects that add value.
When negotiating prices, avoid common dirty tricks used by buyers like demanding unrealistic low prices from the start, claiming competitors offer the same or better for less, requesting last-minute changes, and using falsified competitor quotes.
Don’t discount prices easily. Only do so if there is a legitimate business reason like rewarding loyalty, increasing volumes to gain efficiencies, or using excess capacity. Limit discounts by quantity or time.
Resist pressure to lower prices simply to match competitors. Emphasize total value through quality, service, longevity rather than just price. Only lower price if a reciprocal concession is made.
The key takeaways are to focus on excellent customer service, highlight unique value drivers beyond price, and avoid manipulative pricing tactics from buyers by sticking firmly to fair pricing that retains profitability. Discounts should only be strategic, not reactive or out of desperation.
Here are the key points summarized from the passage:
A guerrilla marketer defends their higher pricing by noting their loyal customer base and discussing the value they provide to justify the higher cost.
Another guerrilla uses a Swiss army knife as a prop to emphasize they have nothing else left to offer after negotiating price to close the deal.
If customers insist on lowering price, call their bluff by directly asking if you’re done negotiating to reveal if price is truly the issue.
Appearing busy shows demand for your products/services and that you’re doing something right, so act busy even if you’re not.
Note any capacity constraints to create scarcity around available slots.
Emphasize your superior product/solution value before stating price to build value first.
Walk away from unprofitable deals, letting competitors have that business instead of lowering prices unsustainably.
Take ownership of price discussions rather than blaming others like bosses/companies for inability to discount more.
Avoid framing discounts as “gifts” you can choose to give; emphasize discounts are “earned” based on quantity/concessions from the customer.
Use odd discount percentages like 7.3% rather than round 10% to avoid further negotiation.
Know competitors’ catalogs inside and out to leverage during price discussions.
Identify the full budget considerations beyond just price like deadlines, special events, costs of acquiring elsewhere, and tax implications.
Here is a summary of the key points regarding the formula for franchise success:
Develop the proper mindset of success and visualize clearly what you want to achieve. Don’t let the business run your life, own it.
Become a lifelong student of marketing and business development - be teachable. Marketing can be an enjoyable part of building a profitable business.
Take ownership and accountability for your success rather than making excuses. The buck stops with you.
Work as the CEO, not just behind the counter. Operate the business strategically rather than just working in it.
Take action through effective marketing, both internally with employees and externally with customers. Focus on creating excellent customer service experiences.
Hire the right people and train them continually on customer service. Involve employees in marketing initiatives. Marketing efforts will not succeed without strong execution.
The key is developing the right mindset, marketing strategically through constant learning and action, owning your success, focusing on service, and hiring/training the right team to execute initiatives well. Accountability, marketing and people are emphasized as essential factors.
The employees only hire about 4 out of every 100 applicants. They are looking for actors who are very into performing and friendly. No exceptions are made to hiring criteria to ensure profitability.
Employee recognition programs like employee of the month are effective for boosting morale and performance even though they don’t cost much to implement. Recognition is important to employees.
Building team unity outside of work through company social events helps improve performance by strengthening relationships between coworkers.
Encouraging employees to generate their own promotional ideas increases buy-in since people value their own ideas more.
Sharing marketing results with employees keeps them informed and empowers them, leading to greater support of marketing efforts.
Training employees on their role as brand ambassadors and the importance of marketing helps get them invested in business goals.
Offering friends and family discounts and events shows appreciation for employees and their networks while gaining more customers.
Building a customer database and engaging in targeted communication like email promotions is a very effective marketing tactic.
Mobile marketing like text message coupons can drive sales on slow days by enabling immediate customer response.
So in summary, the passage discusses various employee engagement and marketing strategies focused on recognition, team building, empowering employees, and building customer loyalty and data. The goal is to boost employee performance, sales and ultimately profits.
Taking action is important for business growth, but it’s important to take smart action rather than just being busy.
Some tactics for taking smart action include inviting nearby businesses for freebies/deals to get them hooked on your product, doing business-to-business outreach by visiting other businesses personally, and providing free samples to generate buzz.
Other tactics are promoting your brand everywhere by wearing company logo items, putting the logo on your car, and building your brand visibility.
To effectively manage your actions, create a master to-do list each day with no more than 20 action items. Physically write it out to stay organized. Cross items off as you complete them for a sense of accomplishment.
Block out 1-4 “prime time” hours each day for revenue-generating work when you’re freshest. Prioritize fun tasks first to start the day positively.
So in summary, the key is taking action in a strategic way through tactics like outreach, sampling, branding and effective task management - not just being busy for the sake of it. Taking smart action can help businesses grow in meaningful ways.
Start each day with a revenue-generating activity during prime time hours of 9-5 or 8-5. Focus only on controllable revenue activities and avoid distractions like email.
Use a timer (like a kitchen timer) and work for 47 minutes then take a 13 minute break. This puts pressure on yourself to be productive during work time.
During breaks, have a digital voice recorder to record any new ideas. Then write down 5-6 ideas in an ideas file after each session.
Offer one 30-minute free consultation per day. Anyone who wants continued help afterwards must pay for the full consultation time upfront, even if they only used 30 minutes. This keeps consultations focused while generating potential revenue.
Schedule free teleconferences or seminars during non-prime time to build an engaged list and generate future revenue from those contacts. Do the same content each week to require minimal preparation.
The key points are starting each day focused on revenue, using a timer to stay productive, capturing new ideas, generating potential revenue from free initial consultations, and converting non-prime time into relationship-building activities.
The passage encourages using one’s time to educate others as a “gift” rather than a “pitch”, as this will give one more opportunities for people to listen to them.
It suggests telling people about one’s fees and services when giving educational content, especially if ultimately selling something.
It provides an email and website to learn more about how this approach looks in practice.
Action steps are outlined for guerrilla marketers, including creating a to-do list, blocking out prime work hours, using a timer, capturing ideas digitally, offering free consultations, finding a coaching buddy, and setting revenue goals every 90 days.
Jay and Jeannie Levinson are introduced as the authors of the best-selling Guerrilla Marketing series, along with their backgrounds and experiences in marketing.
The passage praises the guerrilla co-authors who contributed to the book and provides contact information to learn more from them directly.
A guerrilla marketing hall of fame is mentioned which profiles proven guerrilla marketers one can learn from.
Here is a summary of the information provided:
The biographies listed various authors who co-authored books related to guerrilla marketing techniques. The biographies provided brief backgrounds on each author’s relevant experience and qualifications. Many of the authors have extensive experience applying guerrilla marketing strategies in different industries and helping other businesses and organizations successfully implement guerrilla marketing tactics. The authors listed their areas of specialization and contact information. In summary, the biographies introduced the qualifications and backgrounds of the various co-authors for the guerrilla marketing book series.
Here are the key points about the people summarized:
David Garfinkel is an author and expert consultant on marketing, seminars, software, and financial services. He has authored two books and writes for major publications.
Shane Gibson is an international speaker on social media and sales performance. He is the author of three books on these topics. He runs an agency providing services like keynotes and social media plans.
Seth Godin is a prolific author, entrepreneur and blogger. He is considered one of the best nonfiction authors.
David Hancock is a marketing coach and publisher. He co-authored books on guerrilla marketing for writers and mortgage brokers.
Paul Hanley co-authored a book on guerrilla marketing and taught it internationally before passing away in a plane crash.
Donald Hendon teaches negotiating and international business. He co-authored a book on dealmaking and consults on business topics.
Grant Hicks authored a book on guerrilla marketing for financial advisors and runs a practice helping advisors with marketing.
Chet Holmes co-created a seminar and training on guerrilla marketing and sales growth with Jay Conrad Levinson.
Shel Horowitz co-authored a book on green guerrilla marketing. He consults on sustainable and ethical marketing strategies.
Alexandru Israil represents Guerrilla Marketing International in Europe, providing training and consulting on marketing and sales strategies.
Here is a summary of the information provided:
A company that gathers independent consultants employed on a project basis. They offer inspirational, analytical, and functional solutions to companies looking to improve their marketing and sales results. Alexandru, a speaker and trainer, has inspired thousands of business professionals in their search for better performance through his presentations. His articles on sales and marketing appear in various online and print publications. He also hosts the Guerrilla Marketing Association Weekly Teleclass, interviewing key professionals in sales and marketing around the world.
More information can be found at or by contacting
Here is a summary of the information provided:
Mitch Meyerson is the co-author of several books on guerrilla marketing and online marketing. He is a speaker, trainer, and consultant who has founded various online marketing programs.
Roger C. Parker is also an author on guerrilla marketing and branding. He has interviewed hundreds of authors and experts.
David Perry is a veteran executive recruiter and author focused on guerrilla marketing tactics for job hunters.
Steve Savage is a sales expert speaker who grew up in Ecuador and works with companies in Latin America.
Mary Eule Scarborough co-authored books on internet marketing and pay-per-click advertising. She provides online marketing consulting and training.
Mark S.A. Smith is an author and speaker focused on guerrilla tactics for trade shows, sales, and negotiations.
Wendy Stevens overcame personal challenges to build a coaching business. She applies her background in athletics to helping entrepreneurs through public speaking and mentoring.
All of these individuals have experience in guerrilla or unconventional marketing practices. They write books, conduct training, and provide consulting on topics like online marketing, sales, entrepreneurship, and career development.
Here is a summary of the provided section on accountability management steps:
The passage outlines 7 steps to help manage accountability in business:
Creating to-do lists to stay organized on tasks.
Blocking out prime time hours each day to focus on important work without distractions.
Using timers to help stay focused and on track.
Recording big ideas that come up so they aren’t forgotten.
Offering free consultations to help clients and get feedback.
Finding coaching buddies for mutual accountability and support.
Setting revenue quotas to strive towards and measure progress.
The steps are intended to help business owners and entrepreneurs take action, stay focused and organized, get feedback, and set goals to ultimately increase accountability and results in their business.
Here is a summary of some of the key terms from the list:
Guerrilla marketing refers to unconventional marketing techniques aimed at achieving maximum results with minimal resources. It relies on creativity, experimentation and leverage.
Internet/online marketing includes techniques like email lists, websites, social media, tracking campaigns, search engine optimization, traffic generation and online partnerships.
Customer relations focuses on relationship building, the five touch system, follow up, transparency and developing trust.
Social media marketing uses sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to build community, credibility, boost sales and profits through preparedness and consistency.
Positioning involves stating your strengths to be seen as an expert in your field and differentiate your offer through value orientation.
Rules of marketing cover areas like experimentation, breaking conventions, thinking strategically, action-orientation and leveraging resources effectively.
Sales techniques involve prospecting, educating customers on needs vs wants, closing deals and following up through thank you notes.
Business secrets refer to underlying principles of guerrilla marketing like aggressive growth, relationship-focus, creativity and passion that drive success.
This text summarizes key details from promotional content about Entrepreneur Press publications and services, including:
- Entrepreneur Press is a publisher providing resources to help entrepreneurs at all stages, from idea to success.
- It highlights a book titled “Guerrilla Marketing Remix” by Jay Conrad Levinson and Jeannie Levinson.
- is described as a leading website for entrepreneurs and business leaders worldwide.
- Readers are encouraged to subscribe to Entrepreneur magazine print or digital editions for tips to help grow their business.
- A signup form is included to receive updates on topics like online business, franchise news, sales/marketing, starting and growing a business.
In summary, it promotes books and online resources from Entrepreneur Press and to help entrepreneurs and business owners at different stages of development.
About Matheus Puppe