Self Help

The Coffee Book Barista tips recipes beans from around the world - Anette Moldvaer

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Matheus Puppe

· 22 min read



  • There are two main species of coffee trees grown commercially, Arabica and Robusta, representing around 99% of global production.

  • Arabica likely originated from a cross between Coffea canephora and Coffea eugenioides in Ethiopia/South Sudan. There are many cultivated varieties of Arabica.

  • Robusta is native to West Africa. From the Belgian Congo, it was planted in Java and spread from there worldwide. There are several varieties but they are commonly referred to as simply Robusta.

  • In total over 124 Coffea species have been identified to date, more than double from 20 years ago. New species are still being discovered.

  • The look and flavor of coffee is influenced by many natural factors like soil, sun exposure, rainfall, wind, pests, and diseases.

  • Typica trees planted in Java were the genetic starting point for coffee trees around the world. Bourbon was a natural mutation of Typica.

  • Today, most varieties are natural or cultivated mutations of Typica and Bourbon varieties.

  • Coffee grows on trees that are carefully cultivated. Arabica trees are generally propagated from seed while Robusta trees are grown from cuttings.

  • The flowers mature into coffee cherries which are harvested when ripe. Processing then converts the cherries into familiar roasted coffee beans.

Here is a summary of the key points about cupping coffee:

  • Cupping is a process used in the coffee industry to evaluate and score coffee quality. It provides a snapshot of the flavors in coffee beans.

  • Coffee is typically scored on a scale from 0-100 during cupping.

  • It involves grinding coffee beans and brewing a small amount in individual cups or glasses. The coffee is smelled, slurped, and evaluated.

  • Important steps include grinding beans separately for each cup to isolate any defects, and smelling/evaluating the aromas before and after brewing.

  • Key equipment needed includes a burr grinder, digital scale, heatproof cups or glasses, boiling water, and coffee beans.

  • Cupping allows one to identify flavor notes and compare coffees side by side. It helps introduce consumers to subtle coffee flavors and varieties from around the world.

  • While expertise builds over time, cupping is accessible for novices to learn what styles of coffee they enjoy or dislike.

So in summary, cupping is a tasting process used in the industry to evaluate coffee quality through carefully examining aroma, flavor, body and aftertaste in small samples brewed in individual cups.

  • Arabica and Robusta are the two main coffee species, but describing coffee as only Arabica or Robusta does not provide enough information about quality.

  • Blends are mixes of different coffee beans that create a particular flavor profile. Labels should describe the individual beans used and how their flavors combine.

  • Single origins refer to coffee from a single country, but this does not guarantee quality as the coffee could still be a blend of regions, varieties, and processes within that country.

  • The most detailed descriptors of high quality coffee will provide information about the specific region, variety, processing method, and expected flavors. This level of traceability and honesty helps discerning consumers make informed choices.

  • While blends can create consistent flavors, single origin coffees labeled only by country of origin may still vary widely in quality depending on specific farm and processing details not stated on the label.

  • A blend refers to a mix of coffee beans from different origins/countries, while single origin means from one specific country, cooperative or farm.

  • Specialty coffee companies clearly label the components of their blends and celebrate each one.

  • Attributes like acidity, flavor notes, texture are used to describe blends.

  • Traceability to a specific farm, cooperative or producer is ideal but not always possible for blends.

  • Packaging should protect the beans from oxygen, heat, light and moisture to preserve freshness. Ideally beans are packaged in an air-tight bag with a one-way valve.

  • Whole beans stored properly in an airtight container in a cool, dark place can stay fresh for several weeks. Pre-ground coffee goes stale quickly.

  • Factors like roast level/date, origin, processing method can provide clues about the expected flavors of the coffee.

  • Moderately priced specialty coffee is often a better value than cheaper mass-produced varieties. Expensive doesn’t always mean better quality.

Here is a summary of the key points about roasting coffee beans at home:

  • Home roasting allows you to experiment with different beans and roasting methods to find flavors you enjoy. It’s a satisfying way to learn more about coffee flavors.

  • Most home roasts should take 10-20 minutes. Shorter roasts may result in underdeveloped, astringent flavors while longer roasts can make the coffee taste flat or hollow.

  • Coffee beans go through distinct stages as they roast - drying, cracking, and maillard reaction where sugars caramelize. Pay attention to the first and second cracks.

  • Cool beans fully after roasting, then allow 1-2 days to de-gas before brewing filter coffee or 1 week for espresso.

  • Start with fresh, high-quality green beans. Old or low-quality beans cannot be improved through roasting and may yield unpleasantly dark, burned flavors.

  • Experimentation is required to master home roasting. Be prepared to try different roasting methods and don’t be discouraged by early results as your technique improves. Home roasting allows customization to one’s preferences.

  • Espresso is a brewing method that uses high pressure to force hot water through finely ground coffee.

  • Proper preparation involves warming up the machine, cleaning parts, dosing the right amount of freshly ground coffee, distributing it evenly in the portafilter basket, and tamping it firmly.

  • The shot is brewed by inserting the portafilter into the group head and pushing the dispense button to force hot water through the compacted coffee grounds.

  • Achieving consistently good espresso takes practice in dialing in variables like grind size, dose amount, and brew time.

  • While theories vary, espresso at its core is simply a brewing method that can be used with any roast level or coffee variety. Mastering technique is more important than strict definitions.

Here are some common pitfalls to brewing the perfect espresso according to the passage on p.50:

  • If the shot extracts more than 1.5 fl oz in 25-30 seconds, the grind size may be too coarse and/or the dose is too low.

  • If the shot extracts less than 1.5 fl oz, the grind is too fine and/or too much coffee is being used.

  • If the espresso is too acidic and sour, the water may be too cold, the beans too lightly roasted, the grind too coarse, or the dose too low.

  • If the espresso is too bitter, the water may be too hot, the machine dirty, the beans roasted too dark, the grinder burrs too dull, the grind too fine, or the dose too high.

The passage provides tips on how to adjust grind size, dose, water temperature, and cleanliness of the machine and grinder to dial in the perfect extraction and avoid common faults that make espresso too sour, bitter, fast or slow extracting.

  • Latte art involves patterns and designs created with steamed milk foam poured into espresso. Common designs include hearts, rosettas, and tulips.

  • Proper pouring technique and textured milk foam are required to achieve latte art. The milk should be poured from around 2 inches above the coffee at a steady pace.

  • When pouring a heart, the milk is poured into the middle of the crema to create a circle, then a line is poured through the middle to pull it into a heart shape.

  • A rosetta involves rocking the pitcher from side to side while pouring to create zigzag patterns, then pouring a line down the center.

  • A tulip is more advanced, using a stop-and-start technique to push the first circle forward into petal shapes.

  • Practice is needed to master the techniques. Pouring height, speed, and foam texture all need to be balanced. Latte art takes the simple acts of pouring milk and coffee to an artistic level.

Here is a summary of the designs to create the specified latte art patterns:

Multi-tulips: Use multiple circular motions with the milk to create multiple small tulip shapes clustered together at the center of the milk surface.

Chasing hearts: Use a continuous swirling motion to trace heart shapes connected to each other, resembling a string of chasing hearts across the milk surface.

Swans: Use two circular motions to trace the body and neck of a swan, followed by a third circle for the head and beak shape coming off the neck circle.

Rosetta hearts: Use a circular motion followed by extending lines outward from the center in a heart shape, similar to a traditional rosetta pattern but in the shape of a heart instead of a circle.

Here is a summary of the provided text:

  • Rwanda’s coffee industry has grown significantly in recent years, with about half of the country’s export revenue now coming from coffee.

  • Most coffee grown in Rwanda is Arabica varieties, primarily Bourbon. Small amounts of Robusta are also grown.

  • High altitudes and steady rainfall provide good conditions for high quality coffee. Processing is mainly washed coffee, with some natural.

  • The Southern and Western provinces along Lake Kivu are known for producing some of the highest quality, complex coffees in Rwanda.

  • Some challenges include the occasional “potato” defect from bacteria, but overall Rwandan coffee is considered soft, sweet, and floral.

  • Over 500,000 smallholder farmers are involved in coffee cultivation across the country. Washing stations have expanded to improve quality and access to markets.

This summarizes information about Uganda and its coffee production:

  • Uganda is the 2nd largest exporter of robusta coffee in the world, as robusta is indigenous to the country.

  • Arabica was introduced in the early 1900s and is now mostly grown on the foothills of Mount Elgon.

  • Small farms in Bugisu and around Mount Elgon grow washed arabicas at elevations of 5,250-6,200 feet, producing heavy bodied and chocolaty coffees.

  • Roughly 3 million families rely on the coffee sector for income. Some arabica varieties like typica and SL are produced.

  • New production and processing practices are increasing coffee quality for both arabica and robusta.

  • While robusta is usually thought of as inferior, it grows well in Uganda’s lowland areas.

Here is a summary of key details about coffee production in Zimbabwe:

  • Coffee production started commercially in the 1960s and saw growth in the 1960s-1990s.

  • Political and economic instability in the 2000s led many farmers to abandon their lands, and production dropped to just 7,000 bags in 2013.

  • Remote areas like Honde Valley are now seeing a resurgence, with the number of small farmers growing from around 2,000 in 2000 to an expected increase in the coming years.

  • Zimbabwean Arabicas are known for their citrusy, winelike, and sweet characteristics.

  • Early small farms were established in the 1890s but diseases and droughts hampered growth for decades.

So in summary, coffee production grew significantly from the 1960s-1990s but then sharply declined in the 2000s due to political/economic issues, though remote areas are now experiencing a comeback. Zimbabwe is known for its citrus- and wine-flavored Arabicas.

Here is a summary of the key points about coffee in Sri Lanka:

  • Sri Lanka is thought to be one of the earliest locations coffee was introduced outside of Ethiopia, brought by Moorish traders in the 1500s.

  • The Dutch first engaged in organized coffee production in the 1700s, bringing their own coffee plants. They largely failed and locals grew and sold coffee preserving diversity.

  • British continued coffee production making it viable, and by 1860s Sri Lanka was a top 3 producer globally.

  • Most production is Robusta focused on export, grown in intermediate zone of south-central hills.

  • Emerging specialty market is reviving heritage varieties and techniques for unique floral and fruity profiles rarely seen elsewhere.

  • Local tradition mixes spices like cinnamon, cloves and coffee powder brewed at home referred to as Sri Lanka coffee powder.

  • Coffee was first introduced to Sri Lanka by the British in the 1820s. By the 1880s, a coffee leaf rust wiped out the market.

  • Some Ethiopian coffee varieties were protected by small producers and survived the rust. Focusing on heirloom varieties, these farmers are taking a sustainable approach to coffee cultivation.

  • In Nepal, a man named Hira Giri first brought coffee in 1938. Rust destroyed most coffee in the late 1970s but new seeds from India revived small coffee farms. Coffee now grows across 42 districts providing income. Plans are in place to significantly expand production.

  • Countries focus on sustainable and environmentally friendly methods like those used by some small Sri Lankan and Nepalese farmers, who help protect important plant resources and specialty coffee industries in those areas.

  • The passage describes coffee production in Papua New Guinea.

  • Most coffee is grown by small producers or in plantations, with some state-run production. Almost all is high-altitude washed Arabica.

  • Key varieties include Bourbon, Arusha, and Mundo Novo.

  • Papua New Guinean coffee features dense textures and low-medium acidity, with herbal, woody, and tropical flavors.

  • Two to three million people rely on coffee farming for their livelihoods.

  • The Eastern Highlands region, with altitudes up to 6,200 feet, produces some of the best, most complex coffees due to high altitudes and rainfall.

Here are the key points about coffee production in Papua New Guinea:

  • PNG ranks 17th in the world for coffee production, contributing 0.55% to the global market.

  • The main growing regions are in the highlands between 3,900-6,000 feet above sea level. This includes the provinces of Chimbu and Jiwaka, Eastern Highlands, Enga and Western Highlands, and Central and Southern Highlands.

  • 95% of production is Arabica varieties like Typica, Bourbon, Arusha, Blue Mountain. 5% is Robusta.

  • Harvest time is April-September. Processing methods include washed and pulped coffee.

  • Flavor profiles vary by region but include bright and fruity notes from higher altitude areas and more herbal and nutty flavors at lower elevations.

  • Coffee farming is typically done by smallholder farmers on plots of less than 2.5 acres.

  • Most of Thailand’s coffee is grown in the northern regions at altitudes of 2,620-4,900 feet above sea level. Arabicas are generally washed while Robustas are processed naturally.

  • Interest in Thai coffee has grown in recent years which has helped farmers produce higher quality coffee. However, follow up was lacking after farmers were originally encouraged to plant premium Arabica varieties.

  • Robusta grows well in southern Thailand and represents nearly all the coffee grown there.

  • Vietnam began producing coffee in 1857 and was once the second largest producer in the world. Today the government aims for balance between supply and demand with Robusta as the main crop.

  • Laotian coffees are usually naturally processed which can lead to savory and sweet flavors. The vast majority is grown on the Bolaven Plateau.

  • The Philippines was once a large coffee producer but production declined after a disease in the 1880s. Domestic demand is driving efforts to increase quality coffee production.

  • Chinese coffee is mainly grown in Yunnan province, with over 95% produced in key regions there. Varieties include Catimor as well as some older Bourbon and Typica.

Here is a summary of key details about coffee production in Colombia:


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profiles in the beans. Arabica coffee is almost exclusively grown, across three main regions - the

the coffee is exported, with the US, Germany, Italy, and Japan being the



major importers. Exports totaled $3


Eastern, Central, and Western. Established varieties include Typica, Caturra, and Colombia. Coffee


RIZAL Santander


billion in 2019. Colombia is the world’s



third largest producer of coffee by

culture runs deep, with two million Colombians relying on coffee for their livelihoods. Most coffee is

quality, and its coffee ranks with the

exported, with major importers including the US, Germany, Italy, and Japan. Exports totaled $3 billion

best in the world. The traditional

in 2019. Colombia is considered one of the world’s top producers of high quality coffee.

Avatar process includes hulling, fermentation, and drying. Mechanization is increasing.



This region encompasses the coffee growing areas in the mountain valleys north and south of La Paz, Bolivia known as the Yungas. Coffee here is usually sweet and balanced with floral or herbal notes. Yungas produces the majority of Bolivia’s coffee crop.

The El Beni region in northern Bolivia also produces some coffee, though on a smaller scale. Overall, Bolivia is a small coffee producer but grows high quality, often organic, Arabica varieties with potential for expansion and export. Key challenges include unreliable domestic transportation networks, lack of wet mill processing facilities in growing areas, and lack of technical support for farmers. Further investment could help Bolivia better develop and market its coffee.

  • The largest coffee-growing region in Guatemala is Cobán in the department of Alta Verapaz. Coffee grown here at altitudes of 4,260-4,590 ft has a heavy, balanced and fruity flavor profile due to the low temperatures, high rainfall and humidity.

  • Huehuetenango produces some of the highest quality and most complex coffees from Guatemala due to its very high non-volcanic altitude with little rainfall and late harvest season, resulting in floral and fruity flavors.

  • Areas around Lake Atitlán benefit from a level altitude similar to Antigua but with more rain and humidity, producing coffees with good complexity.

  • Antigua was the first coffee region in Guatemala and produces coffees at a very high altitude of Acatenango volcano, giving bright, crisp flavors.

So in summary, the key coffee regions in Guatemala and their distinctive flavor profiles due to varying climatic and geographic factors. Cobán, Huehuetenango and areas around Lake Atitlán stand out for their quality.

  • Nicaraguan coffee shows a range of flavors from sweet, fudge, and milk chocolate to more floral, delicate, acidic, herbal, savory, and honeyed. Flavor profiles vary by region.

  • It is a large, thinly populated country capable of excellent coffee, but has struggled with hurricanes and political/financial instability.

  • Most coffee is grown by small farms under 7 acres at altitudes of 2,620-6,200 ft above sea level. Varieties include Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Pache, and Pecán.

  • Key regions producing distinct coffee styles include Matagalpa, Jinotega, Madriz, and North Atlantic Coast. Matagalpa is famous for its dry-processed coffee.

Here are the key points about coffee production in Mexico:

  • Around 70% of Mexican coffee is grown between 1,300-2,950 feet above sea level.

  • Mexico involves over 300,000 coffee producers, most with small farms less than 60 acres.

  • Low yields, limited financial support, poor infrastructure, and lack of technical assistance make it difficult for producers to improve quality.

  • Almost all coffee produced is washed Arabica varieties like Bourbon and Typica. Harvest starts in November in lowlands, finishing in March in higher regions.

  • Specialty coffee buyers and higher altitude producers are starting to export coffee with more complexity.

  • Mexico accounts for around 2.4% of the world’s coffee production. Processing methods include washed and some natural.

Here is a summary of the key points about coffee production in Mexico:

  • Mexico is the 10th largest coffee producer in the world. The main types of coffee grown are 90% Arabica varieties like Bourbon, Typica, Caturra and Catimor, and 10% Robusta.

  • The main coffee producing states are Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Puebla and Morelos. Notable regions include Oaxaca, Chiapas and Veracruz.

  • Coffees grown at different altitudes and regions take on distinctive flavors, ranging from nutty, citrusy tones to chocolatey and stone fruit flavors.

  • Challenges to the industry include low yields, limited financial and technical support, and poor infrastructure.

  • Coffee seedlings first grow in nurseries under shade before being planted on farms. Proper growing conditions are needed to produce high quality coffee.

So in summary, Mexico produces a variety of coffees from different regions with distinct flavors, though productivity is limited by various challenges facing the industry. Arabica varieties dominate production.

Here are the key steps for using a French press:

  1. Boil water and allow it to cool slightly until just off the boil (approximately 200°F or 93°C).

  2. Add coffee grounds (usually around 1 tablespoon per 6 ounces of water) to the carafe.

  3. Gradually pour boiled water over the grounds, stopping once you reach the desired amount (usually 4-6 scoops of grounds per liter).

  4. Stir briefly to saturate all grounds.

  5. Allow coffee to steep for 4 minutes. The ideal steeping time can vary based on taste preference - from 3-5 minutes.

  6. Slowly press the plunger down to separate grounds from coffee.

  7. Pour coffee into cups and enjoy! Some people prefer to leave a bit of sediment at the bottom of the carafe.

The French press brews a full-bodied coffee with oils intact. It’s easy to use and clean and produces delicious results. Just remember not to press the plunger until steeping is complete.

A French press allows coffee to brew through a mesh filter, which pushes through the brew while leaving behind fine particles and oils. This gives the coffee a great texture. The process involves placing coarse ground coffee in the press filled with hot water. It steeps for 4 minutes before plunging the filter down to collect the grounds. Allowing it to rest for 2 more minutes allows particles to settle before pouring. The filter pushes through the brew while trapping fine particles and oils, imparting texture to the coffee.

Here is a summary of the instructions for using WORKS:

  • Pour hot water into the bottom pot until it’s just under the inside valve.

  • Fill the filter with loosely packed coffee using a ratio of 1 oz per 16 fl oz water. Level it off.

  • Place the filter in the bottom pot and screw on the top section.

  • Heat over medium heat with the lid open. Monitor until coffee goes pale and bubbles.

  • Remove from heat when done. Wait for bubbling to stop then serve.

  • Allow to cool for 30 mins before dismantling or run under cold water.

  • Wash parts gently with hot water and a soft cloth or sponge, without soap. Rinse filter and store in fridge.

So in summary, it involves heating water in the bottom chamber, adding coffee to the filter, assembling the top section, heating it until done, then allowing to cool before cleaning parts gently with hot water.

Here is a summary of the steps:

  1. Place the ceramic filter in the porcelain pour over filter holder and place it over the coffee cup or thermal carafe.

  2. Add the ground coffee to the ceramic filter. The grounds should be fine enough to slowly pass through the layers but coarse enough to hold back the water and allow for sufficient extraction time.

  3. Place the porcelain filter holder on top of the cup/carafe.

  4. Slowly pour just-boiled water over the grounds in a circular motion.

  5. Once you’ve added enough water, remove the filter section and use the lid to keep the coffee warm.

This passage discusses two traditional coffee drinks - café au lait and caffè Touba.

For café au lait, a darker roast is recommended to complement the whole milk. While a moka pot can make a stronger brew than a drip coffee maker, many French people still use moka pots at home to make café au lait. Whole milk is warmed slowly on the stove and complements a strong, dark roasted filter coffee.

Caffè Touba is a spicy coffee drink from Senegal named after the holy city of Touba. Green coffee beans are roasted with peppers and spices, then crushed and brewed through a cloth filter. It can be sweetened to taste. The spiced coffee is gaining popularity beyond Senegal.

Here is a summary of the Scandinavian Coffee recipe:

  • The recipe uses egg to bind the sour and bitter components of coffee together, resulting in a mild brew with full body.

  • Directions involve mixing ground coffee, an egg, and cold coffee water to make a paste. This paste is then boiled for 3 minutes with water in a saucepan.

  • After boiling, cold water is added and the grounds are allowed to settle.

  • The coffee is then divided between mugs, poured through a fine mesh or cheesecloth to filter, and served. Sugar can be added to sweeten.

Here is a summary of the s (see p.146). Pour into your glass recipe:

This recipe is for a coconut cream coffee drink. To make it:

  1. Whisk 1 egg yolk and 2 teaspoons cream of coconut together until fluffy.

  2. Gently spoon the mixture over brewed coffee so it floats.

  3. Sweeten the coffee to taste with demerara sugar.

  4. Serve with a spoon.

This recipe for Snow White describes a chilled coffee drink that combines the unusual flavors of strawberry and licorice.

To make it, brew two shots of espresso and dissolve 1 teaspoon of white sugar into it. Add the sugared espresso and ice cubes to a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously.

Fill a tumbler with 1 tablespoon each of licorice flavoring and strawberry flavoring. Add ice cubes to the tumbler. Strain the shaken espresso mixture over the top.

For a creamier version, add 11⁄2 fl oz of cold milk before pouring the espresso over the ice. Serve with a spoon to stir all the ingredients together.

Here is a summary of the instructions on p.152:

Cold-brewed coffee is served double-strength over ice cubes in a tall glass. 3-4 frozen milk cubes are added to the glass along with 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, 1 tbsp tupelo honey, and 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon. Then 31⁄2 fl oz (100 mL) milk is poured into the glass followed by the cold brewed coffee. It is served with a stirring spoon.

  • This cocktail recipe variation uses Cognac or brandy as the spirit. Caffè Brulot was invented during Prohibition to conceal alcohol using citrus and spice.

  • The recipe calls for heating 1 fl oz of Cognac/brandy and adding brown sugar, cinnamon stick, clove, lemon twist and orange twist.

  • 5 fl oz of coffee is brewed using a French press or AeroPress and poured into the glass.

  • The ingredients are stirred until the sugar dissolves and flavors infuse.

  • It is served warm in a snifter glass.

  • Caffè Brulot was a clever way to conceal alcohol during Prohibition using the citrus and spice ingredients. The recipe mixes heated brandy or Cognac with coffee and spices to create a warm, aromatic alcoholic coffee drink.

Here is a summary of the coffee-related terms from the provided text:

  • Africa: Coffee originated in Ethiopia. Major coffee growing regions include South Sudan, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Congo, Ivory Coast. Varieties include Typica, Bourbon.

  • North America: Regions include Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Central America. Varieties include Guatemalan Antigua, Kona.

  • Central America: Countries include Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama. Varieties include Bourbon, Caturra, Pacamara.

  • Caribbean: Countries include Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic.

  • South America: Countries include Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil. Regions in Brazil include Sul de Minas, Matas de Minas, Cerrado. Varieties include Typica, Bourbon, Caturra, Catimor.

  • Asia: Major producers include India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Vietnam, China. Indonesian varieties include Typica, Bourbon, Timor Hybrid.

  • Oceania: Countries include Australia, Papua New Guinea.

It also discusses coffee production methods, processing, roasting, brewing techniques like pour over, French press, Turkish coffee and espresso drinks. Different grinds and recipes for lattes, cold brew, iced coffees are summarized.

Here is a summary of the key sections in the coffee book:

  • Introduction - Provides an overview of coffee culture, the journey of coffee beans from plant to cup, common coffee species and varieties, growth and harvesting, and processing methods.

  • Coffee Know-How - Covers indicators of coffee quality, choosing and storing beans, home roasting, grinding, brewing espresso, steamed milk and latte art, and decaffeinated coffee.

  • Coffees of the World - Profiles the major coffee growing regions of Africa, Asia, Indonesia and Oceania, South and Central America, and the Caribbean and North America.

  • Equipment - Describes and compares different coffee brewing methods like espresso machines, pour-over, French press, AeroPress, syphon, etc.

  • Recipes - Includes recipes for classic coffee drinks like lattes and cappuccinos as well as iced, alcoholic, hot and cold coffee beverages.

  • Glossary, index, about the author, acknowledgments - Provides definitions of coffee terms, references contributors and gives background on the author.

The book thus comprehensively covers the full spectrum of coffee from farm to cup through regions, brewing techniques and drink recipes. It serves as a guide for both enjoying and learning more about coffee.

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About Matheus Puppe