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The Essentials of Supply Chain Management New Business Concepts and Applications - Hokey Min

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Matheus Puppe

· 100 min read



Here is a summary of the key points from the table of contents of the book “The Essentials of Supply Chain Management”:

  • Chapter 1 provides an introduction to supply chain management concepts like the evolution of the supply chain, strategic alliances, change management, and interfaces between functions like purchasing, production, and marketing.

  • Chapter 2 covers strategic supply chain planning including push vs pull strategies, strategic integration of processes, and auditing internal and external supply chain strategies.

  • Chapter 3 focuses on customer service as the ultimate goal, including understanding customers, building relationships, and formulating customer service strategies.

  • Chapter 4 examines demand planning and forecasting as well as sales and operational planning and the bullwhip effect.

  • Chapter 5 covers inventory control and planning for both independent and dependent demand, distribution resource planning, just-in-time principles, and cycle counting.

  • Chapter 6, which is not summarized, is about warehousing.

The book introduces foundational concepts of supply chain management and explores specific topics like strategy, customer service, demand planning, inventory management, and warehousing. It aims to provide an essential overview of the field.

Here is a summary of the key chapters from the textbook:

  • Warehouses are an important part of the supply chain. Different types include public, private, contract warehouses. Costs include operating, inventory, taxes. Layout and automation impact productivity. WMS help manage inventories, orders.

  • Transportation links the supply chain. Regulations impact carriers. Surface, water, air options. Intermodal reduces costs. Rates negotiated. TMS help plan shipments.

  • Sourcing decisions involve in-house vs outsourcing analysis. Relationship management of suppliers vital. Risk management of supply sources. Global sourcing expanding. E-procurement growing.

  • Logistics intermediaries like 3PLs play roles in transportation, warehousing. Types include freight forwarders, carriers. Trends towards outsourcing, integration.

  • Global supply chains involve strategy of multinationals, alliances. Hidden costs and cultural factors impact operations across borders. Documentation, payments standards for imports/exports.

  • Legally and ethically responsible practices regarding labor, environment, discrimination, imports bring compliance and reputation risks if not followed. CSR programs address societal impact of supply chain activities.

Here is a summary of the contents page provided:

This textbook on supply chain management covers 13 chapters on key topics like the triple bottom line, laws applicable to supply chains, supply chain ethics, green supply chain management, measuring supply chain performance using metrics and KPIs, emerging technologies like ERP and RFID, and cases for each chapter. Some specific topics outlined include types of laws relevant to supply chains, resolving supply chain disputes, defining the balanced scorecard approach, describing the SCOR model, and trends in IT for global commerce. The book aims to help readers understand essential concepts and principles in supply chain management based on learning objectives, study questions, and real-world case examples for each chapter.

  • The author engaged in numerous consulting projects with over 50 organizations across various industries such as transportation, manufacturing, chemicals, etc.

  • The focus was on helping these organizations improve their supply chain management through strategies like inter-organizational integration and coordination, information sharing, joint planning, and strategic partnerships across the supply chain network.

  • The goal was to enhance operational efficiency, profitability, and competitive position for both the client organizations and their supply chain partners.

  • Areas of focus included materials management, physical distribution, logistics activities, asset utilization, customer service, and sales/profitability through improved supply chain visibility and responsiveness.

  • Successful examples referenced included Dell growing its US PC market share significantly from supply chain integration, as well as Walmart enjoying rapid growth initially from its supply chain leadership.

So in summary, the author provided supply chain management consulting to help organizations better integrate their internal and external supply chain networks for benefits like cost reductions, increased customer value,optimized assets, and improved financial performance.

  • In the era of mass customization, there will be more variety in customer needs and requirements, making it more difficult for firms to accurately predict demand. Forecasting errors will have more serious consequences as a result.

  • In complex supply chains with many layers of suppliers and distributors, the effects of forecasting errors can be amplified beyond what a single firm can comprehend or control. This is known as the “bullwhip effect.”

  • Upstream suppliers with little resources are often hardest hit by forecasting errors, as they have less visibility into true end customer demand. Demand information passed down the chain can be distorted.

  • The bullwhip effect leads to increased supply and demand misalignment. Upstream suppliers receive order volumes from downstream customers that exaggerate true end customer demand patterns.

  • This causes issues like delayed product development, shortages, cancellations, excess inventory, production scheduling problems, and overcapacity down the chain. Mitigating the bullwhip effect is important for financial performance.

  • Forecasting errors and supply chain disruptions can significantly reduce stock returns, increase share price volatility, lower profitability, and hurt long-term firm performance according to some studies.

The passage discusses the value chain concept in supply chain management. The value chain focuses on identifying and assessing all the business processes and activities that create value for customers. It aims to separate value-adding from non-value adding activities. Value is determined by the amount customers are willing to pay, which is reflected in revenue. Higher value leads to greater profits and competitive advantage.

The value chain looks at the customer’s value and connects customer needs to sourcing, manufacturing, logistics and marketing activities across organizational boundaries. It is driven by reducing uncertainty, increasing speed, increasing revenue through customization, and increasing productivity.

While the demand chain, value chain and supply chain have some different perspectives, their fundamental concepts and goals are ultimately customer-focused and emphasize coordination between business activities for competitiveness. They can generally be considered synonyms. The passage then discusses strategic alliances and partnerships, and how structuring partnerships by type, dimensions and process links can help manage challenges and risks.

Here are summaries of the key points:

  • ets - Electronic trading systems (ets) allow companies to buy and sell through online marketplaces and exchanges using technologies like the internet. This can help create efficiencies in procurement.

  • application software - Software programs designed to perform specific tasks for end-users or organizations. Examples include enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, inventory management systems, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, etc. Allow organizations to digitize and automate business processes.

  • real-estate - Physical facilities and land required to support business operations, such as factories, warehouses, distribution centers, offices, retail stores. Owning/renting real estate assets allows companies to have physical infrastructure for production, storage and sales activities. Must manage real estate portfolio to optimize costs and alignment with business needs.

  • The passage discusses the importance of compatibility, both organizational and technical, between supply chain partners for effective real-time communication. It provides some metrics like EDI transaction rates that can measure compatibility.

  • Technology transfers between supply chain partners can reduce R&D costs and help improve overall profitability if a firm’s technology is passed on to partners.

  • Risk is a key element of supply chain integration that needs to be mitigated. Potential risks discussed include quality failures, information failures like the bullwhip effect, and various operational risks.

  • Strategic alliances between supply chain partners can facilitate organizational learning as partners gain knowledge from each other. There are two types of knowledge - explicit and tacit. Learning can occur at the operational and strategic levels. Trust between partners is important for effective learning.

  • The passage discusses the interfaces between key business functions like purchasing, production, logistics and marketing. It provides an example of how changes in one area can impact costs and activities in other areas due to the interdependencies between functions in a supply chain.

The passage discusses applying the Theory of Constraints (TOC) to help manage supply chains more effectively. TOC proposes that every system has at least one constraint that limits the system’s output. For a supply chain, the weakest link represents the constraint.

The passage uses the TOC concepts of “drum-buffer-rope” to analyze a supply chain. The supplier’s production capacity is the “drum” that sets the pace. Inventory acts as a “buffer” to absorb disruptions. The “rope” ensures delivery rates don’t exceed production rates.

The passage recommends five steps to optimize supply chains using TOC: 1) identify the weakest link, 2) determine how to maximize output of the constraint, 3) adjust other processes to support the constraint, 4) eliminate the constraint, and 5) continue improving by finding new constraints.

It also discusses how change management is needed to transition organizations to supply chain management. This involves three phases: unfreezing old habits, changing processes and systems, and refreezing the new approach. Specific steps and questions for planning and guiding the change process are provided.

Here are the key points about building new ways of doing business in the corporate culture and change initiatives from the passage:

  • Build in new ways of doing business and create new visions in the corporate culture. Focus on transforming the corporate culture to support new ways of working and a new vision for the business.

  • Reward the change agents and those involved in change initiatives to cement and reinforce the change. Recognize and reward the people driving change efforts to encourage and sustain the changes over time.

  • Celebrate and recognize success. Publicly acknowledge and celebrate successes from the change initiatives to build momentum and morale around the changes.

The main ideas are to transform the corporate culture itself to embrace new ways of operating, reinforce the changes by rewarding those leading the change efforts, and boost support for the changes by celebrating early wins and results. The goal is to cement the changes into the ongoing culture and ways of working through these actions.

  • Erica discussed Zara’s supply chain challenges from expanding globally and maintaining its fast fashion strategy of getting products from design to stores within 10-14 days.

  • China was mentioned as one of Zara’s emerging markets along with the US. Entering these new markets poses difficulties as stores are more spread out compared to its dense European markets.

  • Air shipping is needed to meet fast delivery timelines but adds significant costs, especially with rising fuel prices. Shipping long distances by ocean would take too long.

  • Zara’s manufacturing is heavily concentrated in Spain, making it vulnerable to disruptions there from weather, labor issues or other events. Wages are also relatively high in Spain.

Here is a summary of the key points from the passage:

  • Supply chain management is inherently strategic because it cuts across functional and organizational boundaries, with broad and long-lasting impacts.

  • Supply chain strategy aims to plan how resources will be used to meet objectives. It must be aligned with the overall business strategy.

  • There is a difference between strategy, philosophy, and doctrine. Strategy determines how goals will be achieved, philosophy guides overall approach, and doctrine defines specific policies and procedures.

  • Developing the right supply chain strategy involves formulating alternative strategies and selecting the one best aligned with the business strategy and changing environments.

  • An effective supply chain strategy framework assesses efficiency and effectiveness at achieving goals.

  • The supply chain strategy must be adjusted over time as the business environment changes to continue meeting objectives.

  • Leadership requires both establishing a clear vision for the future as well as implementing systems and tools to achieve that vision, like an effective supply chain strategy aligned with business goals and responsive to changing market conditions.

In summary, it explores the strategic nature of supply chain management and provides insights into developing an effective supply chain strategy that is aligned with business goals and adapts to changing market dynamics over time.

A strategy is a series of plans to achieve a company’s long-term objectives of supporting markets. It differs from a corporate philosophy which is about how business is done, and from a business doctrine which represents beliefs like slogans.

Strategies can be categorized as corporate, business unit, or functional depending on their scope. Corporate strategy concerns decisions about which industry sectors a company competes in. Business unit strategy concerns decisions about target markets. Functional strategy focuses on managing tasks within business functions like marketing.

When elevating supply chain perspectives to a strategic position, the supply chain manager is responsible for charting the company’s direction. They should carefully formulate and select a supply chain strategy by answering questions about the company’s core competencies, how to improve, and how to adapt to changes.

Strategies can be red ocean or blue ocean. Red ocean is about competing in existing markets while blue ocean is about creating new demand in unexplored markets. Strategic planning involves cognitive, social/organizational, and political processes to manage organizational change when implementing new strategies.

  • The vision of the firm specifies its current and future business scope, markets, geographical coverage, key partners, and philosophy to integrate business activities into a supply chain.

  • The vision is translated into supply chain planning guidelines regarding horizons, environmental factors, responsibilities, and goals.

  • Strategic action plans are formulated to sustain long-term competitive advantage by identifying core competencies, allocating resources, and developing the business portfolio.

  • The progress of action plans is monitored using measurements like cost/benefit analyses, risk analyses, financial efficiency, and adherence to schedules.

  • Support is garnered from stakeholders like top management to ensure the success of action plans.

  • Strategic integration of supply chain processes begins with linking sourcing to manufacturing. Sourcing strategies are segmented based on supply risk and economic opportunity.

  • Logistics strategies are formulated to synchronize inbound materials flow with sourcing and outbound flow with marketing. These strategies aim to mitigate supply disruptions.

  • A competitive advantage can be achieved by developing a value-creating strategy that leverages distinctive competencies like supply chain excellence.

  • Companies can enhance customer value and their bottom line through various supply chain strategies like manipulating volume, velocity, and variability.

  • Increased volume from economies of scale can reduce unit prices and increase customer value. Shorter lead times from faster velocity (response time) can improve customer service. More product/service choices from increased variability can give customers more options.

  • However, simultaneously increasing volume, velocity, and variability is difficult due to their conflicting nature. Volume production takes more time, reducing velocity. Increased variability undermines mass production and fast response.

  • Volume is inversely related to velocity, and variability is inversely related to volume and velocity. Visibility is also impacted - diversified offerings make demand forecasts harder, while buffer inventory reduces visibility and faster production/delivery increases it.

  • Companies must consider these complex dynamics between volume, velocity, variability and visibility in their supply chain strategies and frameworks.

  • The two main supply chain strategies are push (produce based on forecasts) and pull (produce based on actual demand). Push relies on forecasting but can result in unwanted inventory, while pull better adapts to changes but is harder to implement. A hybrid push-pull strategy uses both forecasts and actual orders.

This passage discusses different types of supply chain strategies and how to evaluate them. The key points are:

  • There are several typologies of supply chain strategies presented, including lean, agile, leagile, efficient, risk-hedging, responsive, and agile strategies. The appropriate strategy depends on factors like demand and supply uncertainty.

  • Strategies aim to balance priorities like cost efficiency, risk mitigation, customer responsiveness, and time sensitivity.

  • Companies should conduct internal and external supply chain strategy audits periodically to evaluate effectiveness and alignment with priorities.

  • Internal audits examine alignment within the organization, while external audits get feedback from customers and partners on value added and responsiveness.

  • Audits help identify strengths/weaknesses, opportunities for improvement, and alternative strategies to refine the approach on an ongoing basis.

So in summary, it discusses frameworks for different supply chain strategies and emphasizes the importance of regular evaluations and audits to ensure the strategy stays optimized over time as markets and priorities change.

Here is a summary of the key points about Dell’s supply chain strategy:

  • Dell pioneered a direct sales model where customers configure and order PCs directly from Dell online or over the phone, rather than buying pre-made products from retail stores.

  • This allows Dell to postpone final assembly of PCs until after receiving customer orders. inventory only consists of components rather than finished goods.

  • Dell uses small supplier warehouses near its assembly plants to keep component inventory low. Suppliers pay to store inventory in these warehouses.

  • Postponing assembly until after sale means Dell has little dead stock and improved cash flow since payment is received before delivery.

  • Benefits include lower inventory levels and higher turnover, no retail markups, faster response times, and faster cash-to-cash cycle.

  • Inventory turnover is much higher than competitors like HP due to the postponement strategy and direct sales model.

  • Key performance metrics would be inventory turnover rate, cash-to-cash cycle time, order fulfillment timelines, and customer satisfaction/retention rates.

  • Dell’s value propositions prioritize low prices enabled by efficient supply chain, high levels of customization, and fast/convenient ordering directly from the customer. Customer experience is a top priority.

  • Dell experienced success in late 2008 but fell short of earnings expectations. Since then, Dell’s market share and profit margins have declined significantly.

  • Multiple factors contributed to Dell’s struggles, including acquisitions, severance payments, and the economic downturn. Dell also faced cost and productivity issues.

  • To address these issues, Dell laid off workers, closed manufacturing facilities, and looked to new strategies like cloud computing, faster product development, and focusing on emerging markets.

  • However, Dell’s market share continued to shrink against competitors like HP and Lenovo. As of 2014, HP led the market while Dell ranked third.

  • Dell’s old direct sales model no longer worked as well as rivals duplicated it and retailers became more important. Dell was forced to resume retail sales after abandoning them in 1994.

  • The article discusses key dilemmas Dell faces in regaining market leadership like changing distribution channels and dealing with commoditization in the PC industry.

Here is a summary of the key points from the provided text:

  • Customer service has a direct impact on a firm’s competitiveness, market share, revenue, profitability, and inventory costs. Effective customer service is critical for business success.

  • Customer service involves understanding customer expectations and meeting or exceeding those expectations. It encompasses all aspects of a customer’s interactions with a company throughout the pre-sale, sale, and post-sale periods.

  • Major elements of customer service include pre-transaction elements like written customer service policies; transaction elements like order fulfillment, delivery times, and product availability; and post-transaction elements like returns, repairs, and support.

  • Pre-transaction elements establish policies and guidelines around customer service. Transaction elements are the primary customer touchpoints during ordering and delivery. Post-transaction elements involve support after the sale.

  • Customer service is an important consideration across the supply chain, as it impacts inventory levels, product availability, and the overall customer experience. Coordinated efforts are needed to continually meet and improve customer expectations.

Here is a summary of the key points about actual availability of critical inventory items:

  • Stockouts (when inventory runs out) should be carefully recorded for each individual product and customer. This allows gaps in availability to be monitored based on priority.

  • Order information is important for keeping customers informed about inventory status, order status, expected shipping dates, and any backorders. Providing timely information can help substitute for actually holding inventory.

  • The full order cycle from when a customer places an order to completion of delivery should be tracked, as certain unpredictable elements like variations in delivery time can lead to unnecessary inventory buildup. Reliability is more important than speed to customers.

  • Expedited shipments using premium transportation methods like air freight can help reduce transit time in emergencies. But expedited service should be reserved for high-value customers based on their contribution to profits.

  • Transshipment, or transferring inventory between regional warehouses, can help meet demand when a specific product is out of stock in one area but available elsewhere. It can also help redistribute inventory ahead of shifting customer demand across markets.

  • System or order accuracy is important to avoid errors like fulfillment mistakes, wrong quantities/prices, or product specification issues that can lead to costly reorders, reshipments and refunds. Automation and electronic ordering can help minimize errors.

  • Customer demographics like age, gender, income, education, marital status, and ethnicity can be used to segment customer markets.

  • Lifestyle factors like activities, interests, values, and life stages can also be used for segmentation.

  • Individual behaviors like shopping channels, brand preferences, loyalty, and communication preferences provide additional bases for segmentation.

  • Older customers tend to prefer brands like Cadillac, while younger generations do not.

  • Young dual-income couples without kids spend more on furniture, while empty nesters spend more on travel and education.

  • Age can affect brand and product preferences. Demographic and lifestyle factors provide various ways to segment customer markets. Understanding these differences helps target customers effectively.

Here is a summary of the key points regarding customer profitability and assessing long-term customer relationships:

  • To determine profitability, a company needs to calculate the revenues generated from each customer minus the costs associated with acquiring, serving, and retaining that customer. This determines each customer’s net contribution to profits.

  • The appropriate time horizon for assessing long-term customer profitability is 3-5 years. This allows companies to account for the full lifecycle costs and revenues of customer relationships over multiple years.

  • Customers with the biggest profit potential are those who generate high revenues and/or have low acquisition/service costs. These “star” customers contribute disproportionately more to profits.

  • Companies should understand how dependent they are on a small number of valued customers who account for the majority of total profits. High dependence increases risk.

  • Customer groups that have been eroding profitability over time through increased costs and/or decreased revenues should be analyzed to understand causes and address issues.

  • Resources should be allocated based on customer profitability potential - prioritizing valued, profitable customers over less important ones.

  • Relationships that continue to generate recurring losses despite intervention should be considered for termination to avoid further loss of profits.

  • Parasuraman et al. (1985) identified four possible “service gaps” that can occur between expectations and perceptions of management, employees, and customers in a service context.

  • Gap 1 is between what customers expect and what management perceives customers expect. Gap 2 is between management’s perceptions of customer expectations and the service quality specifications.

  • Gap 3 is between the quality specifications and the actual service delivery. Gap 4 is between the actual service delivery and how the service is described in external communications.

  • Measuring customer satisfaction and setting service benchmarks are important to identify gaps and guide continuous improvement. Key steps in establishing a benchmark include identifying important customer attributes, developing metrics, comparing performance to benchmarks, and developing an action plan.

  • A winning customer service strategy should consider the customer’s perspective, objective measurement, cost-benefit analysis, and efficient information flow within and across the organization.

  • Important dimensions of a customer service strategy include customer selectivity, service mix/portfolio, and mass customization to meet diverse customer needs at scale. The goal is to increase customer satisfaction, repeat business, sales, market share and ultimately profitability.

  • Mass customization strategies have been adopted by various sectors like automobiles and services to offer different bundles and configurations to cater to different customer needs. For example, cable operators offer bundles of TV channels, internet, calling plans etc. at different price points.

  • Customer service is a key to supply chain success as it provides value to customers. However, many firms treat it as an afterthought instead of strategically. Customer service scope varies by industry/market and involves pre, during and post transaction interactions.

  • Information sharing has become important for customer service due to demand for order status updates. Many firms invested in IT to improve communications and customer service. However, supply chain partner collaboration is also needed for continuous information flow.

  • Customer feedback is essential for understanding actual needs but requires customer relationship management efforts to establish rapport with customers.

  • The case study is about Shiny Glass Inc., a glassware manufacturer facing declining sales and customer complaints due to issues like erratic delivery, order errors and inconsistent post-sales service. The summary analyzes Shiny Glass’ logistics network, order processing system challenges and explores options to improve customer service.

  • George discovered that Shiny Glass’s order accuracy over the past 3 years was 91.5%, which is below the industry average of 95%. Order accuracy is measured as the ratio of error-free orders to total orders shipped.

  • Most order errors are only discovered after customers complain or threaten to file a claim. Customer acknowledgement without complaints is considered evidence of an error-free order.

  • Fulfilling orders is time-consuming and labor intensive, accounting for 50-65% of the sales department’s expenses.

  • Shiny Glass adopted an omni-channel sales strategy selling through outlets, catalogs, grocery stores, TV, and online retailers like Amazon. This has increased complexity and difficulty in forecasting demand across channels.

  • The proliferation of products and impaired supply chain visibility from forecasting issues has led to stockouts of popular items, negatively impacting customer service.

  • George suspects the omni-channel strategy may be contributing to order fulfillment errors due to the increased complexity and challenges in managing different sales channels.

  • Overall, Shiny Glass appears to have some customer service gaps and room for improvement based on their lower-than-average order accuracy and complaints only being addressed after the fact. The omni-channel approach seems to be straining their existing order processing system.

Accurately forecasting and managing demand is important for businesses to avoid failures caused by insufficient or excessive supply. However, demand is often volatile and uncertain, making it difficult to accurately predict.

Businesses typically forecast demand based on past patterns but the reliability can vary depending on the forecasting methods, time horizons, and demand characteristics. Even accurate forecasts are meaningless unless effectively communicated to suppliers.

Effective demand management involves four key steps: 1) Planning demand through forecasting and considering business strategies, 2) Communicating demand forecasts to suppliers, 3) Influencing demand through marketing, pricing, etc., and 4) Prioritizing demand when capacity is limited to meet unexpected surges.

Proper communication helps avoid issues like bad news not being shared or lack of trust among partners. Influencing demand helps convince customers to buy enough to meet sales goals. Prioritizing demand is risky but necessary when capacity is limited to determine which customers receive priority based on factors like profitability. Demand forecasting underpins all business planning but reliability depends on various factors.

  • Demand forecasting is critical for business success but cannot be perfectly accurate as it relies on past trends continuing in the future.

  • TiVo struggled after failing to predict explosive growth of the HDTV market, showing how important accurate forecasts are.

  • Exponential smoothing and moving averages are commonly used short-term forecasting techniques. Exponential smoothing gives more weight to recent data, while moving averages average a set number of past periods.

  • Exponential smoothing works best for stable demand but struggles with trends and seasonality. Moving averages are sensitive to fluctuations and number of periods used.

  • The summary explains these methods using examples of smartphone sales and airline passenger forecasts, showing how accuracy depends on factors like trends, seasonality, and smoothing constants used. Accuracy of both tends to decline over longer time horizons as it’s harder to rely only on past patterns.

So in summary, it discusses the importance of demand forecasting, introduces exponential smoothing and moving averages as common techniques, and illustrates their application and limitations through examples. Accuracy depends heavily on nature of demand being forecasted.

Here is a summary of the key points about trend analysis:

  • Trend analysis is a long-term time series technique that examines past data patterns to project future trends. The trend can be linear (straight line) or nonlinear (curve).

  • For a linear trend, the slope and intercept can be calculated using least squares regression. The trend is modeled by the equation Y = a + bt, where a is the intercept, b is the slope, and t is the time period.

  • To calculate the slope b and intercept a, the time periods are first centered by allocating values around 0 (such as -1, 0, 1). Then the slope and intercept are calculated using simplified equations.

  • The trend line is used to forecast values for future time periods by plugging the t values into the trend equation.

  • Trend analysis works best for long-term forecasts of 2 years or more where there is a clear trend in the historical data. It can be used to forecast things like new product sales, economic trends, etc.

  • A limitation is that it may overinflate forecasts if there is an upward trend in the data. It also does not capture turning points or abrupt changes well.

  • At least 5 years of annual historical data is recommended to start, to identify an established trend pattern.

  • The example provided a step-by-step demonstration of using trend analysis to forecast airline passenger data over multiple years.

Here is a summary of the key points about sales and operational planning (S&OP) and forecasting:

  • S&OP is an integrated decision-making process that brings together various functional plans (sales, production, finance, etc.) on a periodic basis, usually monthly, to agree on sales forecasts and production plans. Its goal is to balance demand and the company’s ability to meet that demand.

  • Important inputs to S&OP include demand forecasts from various functional units. S&OP helps reconcile different or conflicting forecasts.

  • S&OP links high-level business plans to more detailed processes like demand planning and production scheduling. It enhances cross-functional communication and planning.

  • S&OP involves decision makers from top and middle management like the CEO, CFO, sales/marketing VP, operations VP, etc.

  • S&OP maturity evolves through 4 stages - from simply reacting to demand to fully integrated cross-enterprise strategic planning.

  • Forecasting techniques are used to develop demand projections, which are then evaluated and consensus forecast is formed through the S&OP process.

  • The goal of S&OP is to reduce costs, shorten lead times, improve customer service through balanced supply and demand. It enables production planning, inventory management, resource allocation.

  • Key outputs of S&OP include optimal sales rates, production plans, inventory levels agreed upon across functions.

Here is a summary of the key points about chain efficiency, collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR), and the bullwhip effect:

  • Efficient consumer response (ECR) aims to increase chain efficiency throughout the entire supply chain. This results in reduced costs and increased financial leverage. ECR focuses on efficient store assortments, replenishment, promotions, and product introductions.

  • CPFR is a collaborative planning process between supply chain partners to improve demand forecasting and order fulfillment. It involves 9 steps like developing agreements, sales forecasting, resolving exceptions, and generating orders. CPFR provides benefits like reduced inventory, improved in-stock rates, and stronger partnerships.

  • The bullwhip effect describes how forecasting errors are amplified as you move up the supply chain. Each member only sees demand from the next downstream member and not actual end customer demand. This can lead to overstocking or shortages as demand signals get distorted further up the chain. Lack of collaboration and information sharing between members exacerbates the bullwhip effect.

  • Demand planning enables companies to develop production plans that impact other business functions like capacity, marketing, logistics, finance, and workforce. Poor demand planning can cause business failures.

  • Demand forecasting projects future demand to adjust production capacity accordingly. It determines if future demand warrants continuous production and employment.

  • Forecasting techniques are qualitative (judgment-based) or quantitative (data-driven). Qualitative methods are subjective while quantitative methods eliminate human errors.

  • No single technique is perfect. Selection depends on forecast accuracy needs, time horizons, data availability, and ease of use.

  • Collaborative commerce facilitates information sharing between supply chain partners to improve forecasting accuracy.

  • Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) was introduced to share demand data and create joint forecasts, reducing errors and costs.

  • The bullwhip effect is a leading cause of supply-demand misalignment and excess inventory, incurring high costs. Integration and timely information sharing across the supply chain can eliminate it.

In summary, the passage discusses the importance of demand planning and forecasting for business, different forecasting techniques, factors that impact forecasting accuracy like information sharing, and issues like the bullwhip effect that result from a lack of coordination across the supply chain. CPFR is presented as a method to address these challenges through collaboration.

Here is a summary of the key points in the case:

  • Seven Star Electronics is a leading manufacturer of consumer electronics like TVs, smartphones, appliances etc. It is facing declining sales and market share due to increased competition.

  • The consumer electronics market is very competitive with short product life cycles. Seven Star needs to continuously innovate and offer better customer value.

  • It has manufacturing plants across Asia and North America but quality issues are arising due to differences in operations. This is leading to higher rejects and losses.

  • Major customers like Best Buy, Walmart are complaining about late/incomplete shipments impacting their promotions. Losing such customers will hurt Seven Star’s brand.

  • Demand forecasting is a challenge due to volatile demand and new product launches. Marketing provides forecasts but they are often inaccurate.

  • Production managers want to increase forecasts by 10% as buffer but excess inventory also leads to losses.

  • John learns about CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment) at a conference. He feels this can help improve forecasts by involving customers.

  • John calls meetings with marketing and key customers to explore CPFR adoption. He also needs an immediate forecast for a new large screen 4K TV based on past LCD TV data.

In summary, the case highlights Seven Star’s challenges in demand forecasting and inventory management due to inaccurate forecasts and volatile demand. John is exploring CPFR as a potential solution to improve forecasts with customer collaboration.

  • Inventory is a necessary asset for meeting customer demand but can also be costly if not managed properly. It represents an idle asset that is not generating revenue.

  • There is a tradeoff between customer service from having inventory available and costs of carrying excess, obsolete, or wrong inventory.

  • The main goals of inventory management are to maintain optimal inventory levels to balance service and costs, avoid excess or obsolete inventory, and keep inventory turning over regularly.

  • Different types of inventory exist, including raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods inventory. Each serves different functions in the supply chain.

  • Inventory carries two main costs - ordering/setup costs for purchasing inventory and carrying costs for holding inventory in stock. These costs must be balanced.

  • ABC classification divides inventory into groups based on annual usage value. This helps focus attention on the most important inventory items.

  • Key performance metrics include inventory turns, which measures how quickly inventory is sold and replaced, and accuracy of demand forecasting and inventory records.

  • Tools like economic order quantity (EOQ), materials requirements planning (MRP), distribution requirements planning (DRP), and just-in-time (JIT) help determine optimal inventory levels and reorder quantities.

  • New approaches like vendor-managed inventory outsource inventory management to suppliers to better coordinate supply and demand.

  • Inventory management aims to maintain optimal inventory levels to meet customer demand while minimizing costs. It involves developing inventory policies, planning based on demand patterns, and controlling inventory levels.

  • The main reasons companies hold inventory are to act as a buffer against unexpected demands, take advantage of economies of scale, anticipate future needs, account for transportation lags, and decouple stages in the supply chain.

  • The main types of inventory are raw materials, work-in-progress, finished goods, and supplies.

  • Inventory can be classified using methods like critical value analysis (which prioritizes based on importance) and ABC analysis (which categorizes based on usage value - A items are highest usage/value, C are lowest).

  • Proper inventory management and classification helps companies meet demand while controlling costs associated with holding too much or too little inventory. The goal is to apply more control and planning to higher priority/value inventory items.

The passage summarizes key concepts related to inventory control and planning, including:

  • The ABC classification scheme which categorizes inventory items into A, B, and C items based on their annual usage value and ranks them according to priority. A items have the highest value/usage and priority while C items have the lowest.

  • Customer service strategies should be developed according to the ABC classification, with higher levels of service and management focus for A items.

  • Independent demand inventory refers to items with demand unrelated to other items, like finished goods. Dependent demand inventory demand is driven by demand for other items, like raw materials.

  • The economic order quantity (EOQ) model aims to determine the optimal order quantity and timing to minimize total annual inventory costs, which include carrying costs and ordering costs.

  • The EOQ model makes assumptions like constant demand, lead time, unit price, ordering/setup costs. It calculates total annual inventory cost as the sum of average inventory level times carrying cost per unit, plus ordering cost per order times order frequency.

  • Key components of inventory carrying costs include cost of capital, storage, insurance, taxes, obsolescence, shrinkage. Key ordering costs include purchasing, receiving, expediting, accounting, documentation.

Here is a summary of the key points about the continuous review inventory model with quantity discounts and freight discounts:

  • The model considers both quantity discounts on the unit purchasing price as well as freight discounts for larger order quantities. This addresses the tradeoff between smaller order sizes incurring high freight costs vs larger orders incurring high inventory carrying costs.

  • The total inventory cost equation includes costs for inventory carrying, ordering, purchasing, and freight. It is a function of the order quantity Q.

  • Due to the changing unit price and freight rate with order quantity, the total cost curve is discrete rather than continuous as in the basic EOQ model.

  • To find the optimal order quantity, the EOQ is first calculated for the lowest unit price break. If it is not feasible (less than the price break quantity), the next higher price break is used to calculate EOQ.

  • Total inventory costs are then calculated and compared for feasible EOQs as well as price break quantities. The order quantity with the lowest total cost is optimal.

  • The model allows finding an order quantity that balances purchasing, freight and inventory carrying costs when both quantity discounts and freight discounts are offered by suppliers. This helps address the small order vs large order cost dilemma faced by JIT companies.

  • The article formulates expressions for the total annual inventory cost, which includes direct shipping cost, in-transit inventory carrying cost, ordering cost, recipient’s inventory carrying cost, and purchasing cost.

  • It accounts for volume and shipping discounts by developing notation for factors like order quantity, annual demand, carrying costs, transit time, freight rates, etc.

  • Optimal order quantity is determined by taking the derivative of the total annual cost function and setting it equal to zero.

  • The optimal order quantity needs to fall within a discount interval to be valid. A sample problem is provided to illustrate determining the global optimal order quantity.

  • Risk pooling is discussed as a strategy to aggregate demand across locations to reduce variability and safety stock needs. Dependent demand inventory requires different approaches like material requirements planning (MRP).

  • MRP calculates material requirements and schedules orders to meet changing demand while minimizing excess inventory. It ensures availability of materials for production by planning activities and schedules ahead of time.

  • The key inputs and functions of MRP are discussed, including the master production schedule, bill of materials, and inventory records that drive the MRP process.

Here is a summary of the key points about purchasing of materials with start and finish dates using MRP:

  • MRP (Materials Requirement Planning) is a inventory management system that helps plan purchases and production of materials/components to meet demand.

  • It takes inputs like customer orders, forecasts, bills of materials, and inventory levels to calculate materials and production requirements.

  • The key calculations involve netting (subtracting on-hand from demand), lot sizing (determining order quantities), and time-phasing (determining order dates based on lead times).

  • It generates outputs like planned production/purchase orders, inventory status reports, open orders reports, etc.

  • It addresses questions like what materials are needed, what is on hand, what needs to be ordered, and when to order to meet demand on time.

  • This is demonstrated through an example of planning seat, seatback and other component orders for a folding chair over an 8 week period to meet a customer order.

  • MRP helps plan purchases/production of materials/components with the right quantities and start/finish dates to efficiently meet demand schedules while minimizing costs and inventory levels.

  • MRP (material requirements planning) and DRP (distribution resource planning) are inventory management techniques used to optimize production and distribution planning.

  • MRP focuses on manufacturing and works backwards from a bill of materials (BOM) to determine material needs. DRP focuses on distribution and works backwards from customer demand using a bill of distribution (BOD).

  • DRP aims to predict future inventory shortages across distribution channels like warehouses and recommend preemptive actions to balance supply and demand.

  • DRP uses sales forecasts, inventory levels, lead times, transport modes etc. as inputs to generate time-phased shipping schedules and replenishment plans.

  • DRP helps coordinate purchasing, production and logistics to fulfill customer demand while reducing inventory levels, transportation costs and backorders.

  • JIT focuses on eliminating waste like defects, delays, excess inventory etc. by producing or procuring goods only as needed, precisely when needed to meet demand. This minimizes resources tied up in non-value adding activities.

Here is a summary of the key points about JIT requirements and cycle counting:

JIT Requires:

  • Small lot sizes (5-20% of daily usage)
  • Short lead times
  • Close proximity of suppliers
  • Short, reliable delivery (several times a day)
  • Short setup and changeover times
  • Multiskilled workers and job security
  • Dependable quality from fewer suppliers
  • Total quality management

Cycle Counting:

  • Compares physical inventory to records to find variances
  • Done on a cyclical schedule to check accuracy
  • Identifies causes of variances like misplacement or picking errors
  • Uses on-hand or transaction tracking to analyze variances
  • More efficient when counting a percentage daily with item frequencies
  • Assigns responsibility to improve accuracy over consecutive years

The main goals of JIT and cycle counting are reducing waste, improving accuracy, exposing problems, and maintaining inventory visibility through small batches, short lead times, quality, and frequent checking. Both require close cooperation across the supply chain.

Here is a summary of key points about inventory counting:

  • What to count: High risk or frequent movement items like fast-selling products (A-items)
  • How often: Weekly count for A-items is generally desired, every 12-13 weeks for others
  • When: Non-shipping days, less busy days, when inventory is lowest
  • How: Manually counting physical inventory and recording amounts
  • Who: Cycle counter, warehouse operator, inventory control manager
  • Records: Compare physical count to computerized inventory records

Some additional notes:

  • Counts should ensure all receipts, orders, returns are properly recorded
  • Set dates and train counters in advance
  • Develop procedures to enhance efficiency like mapping areas, barcoding, off-hours counting
  • Set tolerance levels for discrepancies (e.g. 1% for A-items, 2-5% for B-items)
  • Recount if over tolerance and audit counts
  • Analyze areas with frequent errors to address underlying issues

The key aspects covered are what types of inventory to focus counting efforts on, how regularly to count, when is the optimal time, how to practically conduct counts, assigning responsible roles, and ensuring accurate inventory records are referenced during the process. Proper procedures and guidelines help make cycle counting a more effective inventory control technique.

Here is a summary of the key points from the provided text:

  • Sandusky Winery is experiencing space constraints in their production facility and warehouses due to excessive inventory levels and a large number of slow-moving and obsolete stock keeping units (SKUs).

  • Their current “earn and turn” inventory management approach has not helped identify fast vs. slow moving products or control excess inventory levels.

  • Inventory and financial records are not well aligned, making it difficult to determine the value of obsolete inventory.

  • Additional costs like storage, relabeling, and disposal were not fully accounted for in past inventory cost analyses.

  • Changing production schedules, expanding current facilities, or renting external warehouses all have challenges.

  • The company’s purchasing and inventory management practices may need to be reformed to better track costs and ease space constraints.

  • A more thorough analysis of inventory holdings and costs is needed to inform strategic decisions around inventory and warehousing optimization.

In summary, Sandusky Winery faces inventory management and warehousing issues due to poorly aligned systems and costing approaches that have led to excess, obsolete inventory occupying valuable space. A comprehensive review is needed to reform practices and control inventory levels.

Here is a summary of the key points from the passage ptg16425222:

  • Warehouses play an important role in storing products at various stages of the supply chain. Their traditional functions include receiving, putaway, order picking, packaging, and shipping.

  • Trends like JIT, e-commerce, and customer service have transformed warehouses into “flow-through” facilities that provide more value-added services like customization and returned item processing.

  • Warehouses are classified as private, owned by a company; public, owned by a third party and rented on an as-needed basis; or contract, dedicated space for a company under long-term lease.

  • Private warehouses give more control but require large startup costs. Public warehouses are more flexible but lack ownership benefits. Contract warehouses provide a compromise.

  • Warehouse layout, technology, performance metrics, employee management, and costs are important considerations. The warehouse management system is a key tool for enhancing productivity.

  • Emerging trends continue to change warehouse roles and push for faster, more customized and error-free order fulfillment through increased automation and integration with the supply chain.

Here is a summary of the key points about customized leasing contracts and compliance requirements:

  • Leasing contracts can be customized in terms of which party (lessee or lessor) is responsible for various expenses like insurance, maintenance, utilities, taxes, etc.

  • Common types of lease contracts include gross leases, net leases (single/double/triple net), flat rental leases, adjustable/graduated leases, and percentage leases. Each allocates expenses differently.

  • Lessees need to carefully assess the lease options and select one that best fits their needs and risk tolerance in terms of expenses.

  • Leases may have requirements for compliance with zoning, permits, facility access and other regulations that lessees are responsible for following.

  • Depending on the lease terms, lessees may be responsible for expenses like insurance, maintenance, utilities, taxes, and liability for injuries on the leased property.

  • The customized nature of leasing contracts allows both parties to negotiate an agreement that balances responsibilities and risks. But it also means lessees must understand the legal and financial implications of the lease terms.

  • Warehouse centralization refers to having fewer, larger regional warehouses, while decentralization means having more, smaller regional warehouses closer to customer locations.

  • Centralization can reduce transfer costs between warehouses but increase direct shipping costs and response times to customers. Decentralization has the opposite tradeoffs.

  • To choose between centralization and decentralization, companies should do a profile analysis considering factors like investment, market needs, regulations, infrastructure, etc.

  • Important aspects of warehouse layout include space allocation for receiving, storage, order picking, shipping. Layouts can be U-shape, straight-through, modular spine or multistory depending on material flow.

  • Factors like product demand, size, characteristics influence storage area allocation in the layout. Faster items are stored closer to picking areas.

  • Proper warehouse asset management of the building, equipment, fixtures is important for long-term efficiency and cost control. Periodic maintenance and replacement plans are needed.

Here is a summary of the key points about warehousing, bins, inventory, and order picking from the passage:

  • Inventory in a warehouse represents goods that are in transit, and ownership may change during movement and storage. Goods need to be tracked to transfer responsibility for potential loss or damage.

  • Under the UCC, a warehouse is liable for loss/damage from failure to properly care for goods. But they are not liable for natural disasters they could not avoid. Liability may be limited by contract terms.

  • Automated solutions like RFID, GPS, etc. can track goods in warehouses to enhance visibility, security, and asset utilization.

  • Material handling refers to activities of moving, storing, protecting, sequencing, and picking materials efficiently. It represents a large percentage of warehouse costs.

  • Order picking is the most labor intensive and costly warehouse activity. The main order picking methods are discrete, batch, zone, and cluster picking.

  • Discrete picking has one picker get a whole order. Batch picking groups orders into small batches. Zone picking divides storage areas into zones. Cluster picking organizes storage by product Groups.

  • Proper warehousing design requires assessing current processes, defining objectives, generating alternative designs, selecting the best design, and implementing the system. The 20 CICMHE principles provide guidelines for an effective material handling system design.

  • Batch picking is efficient for small item orders with significant travel distances, as it reduces repeat trips and wasted travel time. It’s useful when there is a high concentration of SKUs over a large area. However, order pickers may have to travel the entire area and block each other. Batch picking is common in food, fashion, and e-commerce.

  • Zone picking assigns each order picker to a specific area or “zone” of the warehouse. Zones are divided by item types. Orders are passed between zones as they are picked. This reduces travel time and increases familiarity and accuracy. However, it requires more people to handle consolidated picks.

  • Wave picking groups orders by characteristics like destination and picks all zones simultaneously. Items are later sorted and consolidated. It’s the quickest for multi-item orders but sorting can be time-consuming. Effective for large warehouses with thousands of SKUs or high volumes.

  • Productivity measures include external measures like order cycle time and internal measures like accuracy rates and labor productivity.

  • Theft prevention includes security rules, random load checks, cycle counts, RFID, undercover investigations, and pre-employment screening.

  • Warehouse automation uses conveyors, AS/RS, AGVs, pick-to-light systems etc. to optimize material flow, track orders, prevent shortages, and accommodate shipping needs. Successful automation requires careful planning including process mapping and identifying repetitive operations.

Standardizing carton sizes, shapes, and labels can enhance the efficiency of automated material handling systems. Conducting a sensitivity analysis to understand how additional volume during peaks may impact operations, and developing a flexible process to handle cartons that aren’t labeled properly or are damaged, are important to consider for a proposed automated warehouse system. Assembling a cross-functional team including those closest to the work to provide input into the automation project is valuable, and assigning a project manager to track progress is important for success.

  • WMS service fees range from $5,000 to $75,000. Maintenance costs are typically 15-20% of the license fee.

  • Other pitfalls of WMS include lack of standards/compatibility, limited functionality, frequent updates/modifications, and employee resistance to changes.

  • Key WMS functions include order management, receiving, putaway/storage, picking, inventory management, shipping, and reporting.

  • WMS needs to be configured and customized to match a company’s specific warehousing needs.

  • WMS works best when integrated with other systems like ERP, EDI, TMS to share accurate and timely data. Integration with RFID and voice technologies can further improve efficiency.

  • Implementation involves user training, system configuration, testing, customization and integration with other systems. The goal is to match WMS capabilities to a company’s warehousing activities and processes.

The passage discusses the issues of handling returned products and the importance of reverse logistics. It notes that product returns cost businesses over $100 billion annually in the US. Having an organized return process can help firms improve warehouse efficiencies and save costs.

Some key points made include:

  • Returns involve more complexity than forward logistics due to multiple channels, small individual returns, longer order cycles, and various disposition options like repair vs liquidation.

  • Returns can be controllable (preventable) or uncontrollable. Controllable types include damaged goods or defects while uncontrollable types are seasonal or obsolete products.

  • Developing a returns management strategy is important. This could include asset recovery through reselling returned goods, outsourcing returns to third-party logistics providers, gatekeeping to reduce unwarranted returns, and recycling/refurbishing returned products.

  • A supplier “zero-return” program provides discounts to customers in exchange for not returning goods except for defects, passing the reverse logistics responsibility to the customer.

  • Pedro Lopez is the new warehouse executive of’s warehouse in San Antonio, Texas.

  • The previous warehouse director, Harold Maxwell, retired earlier than planned due to health issues.

  • Harold briefs Pedro on issues like high employee turnover (35-50%) and declining productivity/rising costs.

  • The San Antonio warehouse has lower throughput and higher shrinkage than the similar Louisville warehouse.

  • Harold hints some workers constantly complain about compensation/benefits and cramped workspace.

  • Carlos Gonzalez, a supervisor, has been a source of headaches for Harold.

  • Carlos was previously a star order picker but missed practices and argued with his coach as a soccer player.

  • While charismatic, Carlos often sets unreachable picking pace goals that cause frustration among workers.

  • Pedro will have to address issues like Carlos’ leadership, high turnover, and improving productivity/costs.

So in summary, Pedro has inherited a warehouse in San Antonio with performance problems like high turnover, low productivity and high costs. The previous director Harold identifies Carlos, a supervisor, as a troublemaker who may be exacerbating issues with his leadership style and goals. Pedro will need to diagnose the root causes and make changes to turn things around.

I see this as a complex situation with no clear or easy answers. Here are a few suggestions on steps Pedro Lopez could consider:

  1. Document everything - make thorough notes of all incidents, behaviors, conversations, etc. to build an objective record.

  2. Talk to Carlos (if/when he returns) to get his perspective, but do so carefully without making accusations. Try to understand the root issues respectfully.

  3. Consult with HR and legal on proper disciplinary procedures. Clarify expectations and consequences going forward.

  4. Address morale/productivity issues openly but positively. Thank people for their work while also motivating improvements.

  5. Consider retraining or coaching for Carlos if behaviors are correctable, but be prepared to terminate if sabotage continues.

  6. Implement consistent performance standards and a grievance process to support managers going forward.

  7. Engage union respectfully but firmly explain how certain behaviors affect business. Seek mutually agreeable solutions.

  8. Look inward as well - was there a failure in hiring/onboarding Carlos? How can future issues be prevented?

  9. Continue leading by positive example. Prioritize respect, communication and problem-solving over tensions or costs.

  10. Seek advice from others but own the process. Make decisions firmly but fairly once all factors are considered.

The key is to de-escalate conflicts, follow process, document thoroughly, understand all perspectives and do what’s best for the viable long-term functioning of the business. But there may not be perfect answers.

Here is a summary of the key points from the newsletter for Warehouse Management and Control Systems Users, 4, 3:

  • The article discusses the importance of warehouse labor management and retaining skilled warehouse employees. It notes the high turnover rates in warehouse jobs and the challenges associated with recruiting and training replacement workers.

  • Effective labor management strategies are needed to improve employee satisfaction and reduce turnover. These include competitive pay and benefits, training programs, clear performance metrics, opportunities for career growth, and a safe and comfortable work environment.

  • Technology can help address some labor challenges by improving productivity and reducing physically strenuous tasks. Implementing warehouse management systems and equipment like automated guided vehicles can reduce labor needs over time.

  • Strategic use of temporary/contract labor during busy seasons can meet spikes in demand while controlling permanent labor costs. Temporary agencies can quickly recruit workers for short-term assignments.

  • Managing overtime effectively is important for controlling labor costs. Overtime should be monitored and only used to meet critical business needs, not as a solution for ongoing understaffing.

  • Proper staffing levels and job design are necessary to ensure workloads are balanced across employees and tasks. Understaffing can lead to burnout while overstaffing wastes money.

  • Overall the article stresses the importance of effective warehouse labor management for retaining skilled staff, controlling costs, and enhancing productivity and customer service. Both technological tools and strategic HR practices are needed to address labor challenges.

Here is a summary of the key points from the passage:

  • Transportation plays a vital role in connecting different parts of the supply chain by moving resources and goods to where they are needed. It fulfills important functions like reducing distance gaps and making resources available at the same time and location for production.

  • Advancements like GPS tracking, globalization, and just-in-time delivery have increased the complexity of transportation that must be planned for.

  • Central place theory explains how the location and size of trading areas/markets influence transportation activities based on producer and consumer perspectives. Distance and available products/services impact transportation.

  • Regulations and deregulations by the government heavily influence transportation due to its importance. Regulations set rules while deregulation aims to enhance competition and safety in transportation. Fuel prices and technology also impact transportation strategy and planning.

  • To develop an effective transportation strategy, questions around needed services, purchasing options, supporting resources, and revenue generation must be considered. Flexibility is important to address changing business environments.

  • Transportation regulations address both economic and safety issues. Economic regulations aim to correct market imperfections, while non-economic regulations focus on safety and environmental protection.

  • Major economic regulations include setting maximum freight rates, preventing discriminatory pricing, controlling entry/exit to markets, and improving resource utilization. They govern areas like market entry, expansion/contraction of services, exit from the industry, freight rates, mergers/acquisitions, and financial practices.

  • Non-economic regulations focus on issues like seatbelt usage, driving hours, smoking bans, vehicle registration taxes, and emission standards to protect public safety, health and the environment.

  • Various government agencies develop, administer and enforce transportation regulations, led by the Department of Transportation and including agencies that oversee specific modes like highways, aviation, railroads, etc.

  • Transportation regulation originated from English common law and grew in the late 19th century as the railroad industry faced issues like discriminatory pricing and lack of control. This led to the establishment of agencies like the Interstate Commerce Commission and Acts to regulate the emerging industry.

  • Regulation has gone through three periods - initial restrictive policies, expanded regulation from WWI-1970s, and more recent relaxation of rules in response to inefficiencies and costs of past approaches.

  • Several landmark deregulatory acts in the late 1970s and 1980s significantly reduced government control over the transportation industry in areas like market entry, rates, and services. This included acts deregulating air cargo, airlines, trucks, railroads, and shipping.

  • The impacts of deregulation included less restrictive entry requirements, significantly increased numbers of carriers (particularly trucking carriers), more flexibility in rates and service offerings, increased use of negotiation and contract carriage, and improved logistics efficiency through practices like freight consolidation and intermodal transportation.

  • However, deregulation also led to unstable carrier earnings as competition intensified. Carriers prioritized cost-cutting, sometimes at the expense of service quality and safety. Labor unions also lost influence amid more carriers employing lower-wage contracts.

  • In response to rising truck crash fatalities, the FMCSA introduced stricter hours of service (HOS) regulations in the 2000s-2010s to reduce fatigue-related accidents. However, HOS compliance represented substantial new costs for carriers and was controversial in the trucking industry.

Here is a summary of the key points about hours of service (HOS) rules for drivers and carrier management:

  • HOS rules limit drivers to 70 hours of on-duty time in any 8 consecutive days. This includes up to 11 hours of driving time per day. Drivers must take 10 consecutive hours off duty between duty periods.

  • Drivers can restart their 7/8 day period after taking 34 or more consecutive hours off duty, including two periods between 1-5am. This restart can only be used once per week.

  • Figures 7.1a and 7.1b show examples of a driver schedule that complies with HOS rules and one that violates them by exceeding the 14 hour on-duty limit without taking 10 hours off duty.

  • Carrier management involves tasks like carrier selection, routing, staffing, safety, billing, and more. Carrier selection criteria include factors like cost, time/speed, reliability, equipment options, services provided, and carrier qualifications.

  • The main carriers types are private carriers (own goods), common carriers (serve public), contract carriers (long term contracts), and exempt carriers (agricultural goods).

That covers the key points about hours of service rules for drivers and an overview of carrier management decisions and processes. Let me know if you need any part of the summary explained further.

  • A TL carrier transports freight loaded into a semi trailer, which is typically between 26-53 feet long. TL carriers require substantial freight amounts to be economical and transport freight at an average rate of 47 mph.

  • Once a carrier is selected, the next step is to choose the right combination of transportation modes, which include trucks, rail, water carriers (barges), and air carriers.

  • Surface transportation modes like trucks and rail have continued to gain larger shares of the domestic freight market in ton-miles from 1990-2010. Trucking share rose from 28% to 41% while rail fell from 47% to 29% over this period.

  • To deal with economic and competitive challenges, trucking companies try to eliminate partial trips, consolidate shipments, reduce empty mileage, optimize routing/scheduling, and boost driver performance through incentives.

  • Rail is often more cost efficient than trucking for longer distances over 500 miles. Railroads are classified based on revenue and distance/coverage.

  • Water carriers primarily move bulk commodities long distances via inland waterways like the Mississippi river system. A single barge haul is equivalent to many rail cars or trucks and is very fuel efficient.

  • The passage discusses transporting goods from one location to another via multiple modes of transportation, namely 02 miles by rail and 514 miles by barge.

  • It notes that water carriers are less prone to traffic congestion than trucks, so they should be considered a viable alternative for surface transportation.

  • However, water carriers also have some drawbacks, such as dependence on government subsidies and infrastructure like locks/dams, influence of weather, and environmental concerns over dredging. Many locks/dams are outdated.

  • Without investment in upgrades, waterways could become congested and offset the benefits of water transportation. Lack of funds could also lead to higher user fees.

  • Another challenge is that global business requires use of ocean carriers under different jurisdictions.

  • In conclusion, the passage advocates for considering water carriers as an alternative to surface transport, while also acknowledging some challenges that need to be addressed.

  • This section discusses transportation documentation and pricing. Various documents like bills of lading are needed to track movement of goods. A bill of lading is one of the most important documents that lists goods received by a carrier for transport.

  • There are different types of bills of lading like straight, order, bearer, and surrender. Bills of lading can also be classified as inland, ocean, through, or air waybill depending on transport mode.

  • Transportation pricing depends on factors like distance, weight, cargo type, mode used, and service quality. Pricing can be determined through published tariffs, negotiated contracts, or open market arrangements.

  • Published tariffs contain fixed rates and classifications. Rates can be class rates that apply universally or commodity rates for specific goods. Pricing principles include cost of service and value of service approaches.

  • After deregulation, carriers have more rate flexibility. Shippers can negotiate discounted rates through contracts specifying dedicated equipment and addressing claims. Brokers can represent shippers but not assume their roles. Successful rate negotiation impacts transportation costs and company profits.

  • Rate negotiations between shippers and carriers should be based on careful strategic plans that involve accurately estimating costs and studying market trends.

  • From 2003-2005, factors like driver shortages tipped negotiations in favor of carriers, leading to double-digit rate increases for shippers. In 2006 the economy reversed and rate increases became more reasonable.

  • Given volatility, negotiation strategies could include negotiating a modest rate increase, taking a hard line to seek a freeze or rollback, conducting a freight bid to leverage discounts, or using freight derivatives to mitigate risks.

  • Revenue management aims to maximize profits from fixed but perishable resources like airline seats. It has spread from airlines to other industries like Amtrak. It involves capacity allocation, price bidding, and direct price adjustment.

  • Transport management systems help manage transportation planning, load planning, carrier selection, routing, documentation, tracking, payments and more. They aim to reduce costs, increase visibility and satisfaction.

  • Terminals are facilities where freight/passengers originate, terminate, or are consolidated for transshipment. They provide interchange, transfer, consolidation and accessorial services.

  • Transportation is critical for connecting places and enabling the flow of goods, services, people and information. It plays a vital role in the supply chain as it dictates efficiency and effectiveness of traffic flows.

  • Terminal operations, like managing facilities, equipment and employees, involve various costs that need to be estimated and controlled. These include construction/leasing, maintenance, handling/loading costs, information processing costs, labor costs, utilities and administrative expenses.

  • Terminal location is very important and influenced by factors like transportation routes, proximity to shippers/carriers, access to transport infrastructure, available land, taxes/subsidies, weather, wages and room for expansion.

  • Different modes of transport face specific location factors - for example, congestion for trucking terminals and noise/safety concerns for airports.

  • Optimization of terminal operations is key to ensuring supply chain success as terminals link different legs of the transport network. Managing costs is important for terminal efficiency and competitiveness.

  • In summary, the chapter discusses the role of transportation in connectivity and economic activity. It emphasizes the importance of terminals and highlights factors that influence their location and operation. Optimization of terminal operations is important for supply chain performance.

Here is a summary of the key points from the case:

  • The Louisville metro area has experienced population growth but lacks sufficient public transportation options, especially in suburban areas like Oldham County.

  • Traditional taxi services in Oldham have received many complaints about poor quality, unreliable service, driver behavior issues, and lack of accessibility.

  • A new company called Louis Cab launched an on-demand ridesharing service using taxi booking apps and tracked vehicles, which received positive reviews.

  • Existing taxi operators filed a complaint arguing Louis Cab violated regulations by using unregistered vehicles and calculating fares differently.

  • The local council banned Louis Cab but faced significant public backlash given the service’s popularity and precedence set in other jurisdictions regulating ridesharing as transportation network companies.

  • Key issues revolve around how to classify and regulate new on-demand ridesharing services compared to traditional taxis, resolving the policy dilemma to satisfy public demand for better service options while addressing taxi operator concerns.

The case outlines challenges in transportation services and differences between traditional taxis and new on-demand ridesharing models, raising questions about how to balance regulation, competition and meeting community transportation needs.

Here is a summary of the key points about in-housing versus outsourcing in sourcing:

  • Sourcing involves deciding whether to produce goods/services internally (in-house) or obtain them from external suppliers (outsourcing).

  • Factors that influence this make-or-buy decision include costs, value-add, production capacity/capabilities, quality control, time/responsiveness, financial resources, control/flexibility, technology ownership, patent rights, and production volume.

  • In-housing allows more control but requires investments in production assets, workforce, equipment upgrades, etc. Outsourcing transfers these costs and responsibilities to suppliers but relinquishes some control.

  • A careful assessment of pros and cons is needed for each option based on the company’s needs and capabilities.

  • Outsourcing has become more prevalent as a sourcing strategy over time. Studies show the percentage of outsourced materials and IT functions have increased significantly for most companies.

  • Cost savings are a major driver but outsourcing also allows companies to focus on core competencies and gain access to supplier expertise, production scalability, and geographic reach.

In summary, sourcing involves strategic make-or-buy decisions that require balancing trade-offs between control, costs, capabilities and flexibility across in-house and outsourced supply options.

Here is a summary of the key points about web hosting needs according to NetStride Internet Solutions:

  • Outsourcing web hosting allows companies to focus on their core competencies rather than managing IT infrastructure. It reduces costs and risks.

  • When choosing a hosting provider, factors like reliability, scalability, security, support and pricing should be considered.

  • Different hosting options include shared, VPS, dedicated and cloud hosting. The right choice depends on factors like website traffic, customization needs, security level required, etc.

  • VPS and dedicated hosting provide more control and customization over resources compared to shared hosting. Cloud hosting is highly scalable.

  • High uptime and redundancy, regular backups, DDoS protection, SSL certificate, spam filtering are important features to look for in a reliable host.

  • Content delivery network helps improve page load speeds globally. Managed services can help with security, maintenance and software updates.

  • Carefully reviewing the service agreement and choosing a reputable provider are important for long term success of web hosting outsourcing.

Here are the key points about ion and reward/penalty structure in outsourcing relationships:

  • Include clear performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) in the contract. These should measure things like quality, timeliness, customer satisfaction, etc.

  • Establish a reward/penalty structure tied to meeting or missing the KPIs. Rewards could include bonuses or rate increases, while penalties could include fines or rate decreases. This incentivizes the outsourcer to hit the targets.

  • Review performance regularly (e.g. quarterly) against the KPIs and apply any rewards or penalties. The reviews hold both parties accountable and allow issues to be addressed proactively.

  • Consider a balanced scorecard approach that rewards contributions to multiple goals, not just cost reduction. This encourages collaborating to maximize mutual benefit.

  • Make sure rewards and penalties are reasonable and don’t damage the relationship. The goal is continuous improvement, not gotchas or windfalls for either side.

  • Revisit the KPIs and structure periodically to ensure they stay relevant as priorities and circumstances change over time. An adaptive approach leads to long-term success.

So in summary, well-designed metrics, reviews and incentive programs tied to mutually agreed goals help align the outsourcer’s interests with the client’s and promote high performance throughout the relationship.

  • The understanding of cost drivers is critical for managing overhead expenses and minimizing cost errors in activity-based costing (ABC). ABC links overhead costs to activities and cost objects using cost drivers.

  • ABC can be implemented by defining activities, developing an activity/process map, determining cost drivers, calculating total activity costs, and estimating cost driver rates. It differs from traditional costing by focusing on tracing costs to activities rather than allocating costs.

  • Other cost management techniques discussed include life cycle costing (LCC), which considers all costs over an asset’s life, and value analysis, which aims to maximize value by identifying unnecessary supply chain activities.

  • Value analysis involves asking questions about a product/service’s function, costs, alternatives, and importance of functions to identify areas for improvement. It can be applied in areas like design, production, packaging, and disposal. Conducting value analysis typically follows six steps, and a value stream map can help identify value-adding vs. non-value-adding activities.

  • Understanding cost drivers, properly applying ABC, and using techniques like LCC and value analysis can help managers better analyze costs, identify inefficiencies, and minimize expenses to improve profitability. But ABC also has disadvantages like difficulty in data collection and employee morale impacts.

Here are the key points about areas for potential lean transformation according to the summary:

  • The goal setting phase should set achievable goals and develop clear value propositions.

  • The planning phase should lay out specific plans to create value through lean methods.

  • The evaluation phase should develop clear performance metrics to measure outcomes and assess how well lean goals are being met.

  • The assessment phase should establish milestones to check progress on lean plans on a regular basis.

  • The implementation phase involves actually putting lean plans into practice and continuously improving the process.

  • The reporting/follow-up phase presents outcomes to stakeholders and seeks feedback to further improve lean transformation efforts over time.

  • It’s important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of any proposed changes as part of lean transformation.

So in summary, potential areas for improvement involve setting clear and achievable lean goals, developing specific plans, establishing metrics to measure outcomes, checking progress regularly, continuously improving implementation, and getting stakeholder feedback to guide further enhancement of lean efforts. Ensuring proposed changes are thoroughly evaluated is also important for lean transformation.

  • Supplier evaluation involves assessing suppliers on a host of attributes to determine their ability to provide quality products and services at the right price and time.

  • Key attributes include quality, price, delivery, production capacity, financial stability, and environmental compliance.

  • Common supplier selection methods include the categorical method, weighted-point method, cost-ratio method, analytical hierarchy process (AHP), and multiple attribute utility theory (MAUT).

  • The weighted-point and cost-ratio methods assign weights or cost ratios to attributes to quantitatively evaluate suppliers. AHP allows pairwise comparison of suppliers. MAUT handles both qualitative and quantitative factors.

  • The goal is to systematically evaluate suppliers on all relevant attributes to identify strengths and weaknesses and select the optimal supplier(s) for a purchasing contract. Quality, price and delivery are often the most important factors.

  • The passage discusses how to split orders among multiple suppliers, mentioning a common “70-30” approach of splitting 70% to a large supplier and 30% to a smaller supplier. It notes other factors like performance history and capacity that may impact order splits.

  • It talks about supply base reduction strategies where companies work to reduce the number of suppliers to better coordinate and develop long-term partnerships. Identifying “problem” suppliers is important to this process.

  • Supplier certification is mentioned as a way to identify “prequalified” suppliers through auditing and reviews. Certification can provide benefits to both buyers and suppliers if quality improvement initiatives continue.

  • The passage covers supplier diversity programs that aim to include more minority- and women-owned businesses in supply chains, noting potential benefits like increased options and meeting regulatory requirements.

  • Finally, it discusses supplier relationship management and how best practices involve longer-term contracting relationships to better coordinate activities between buyers and key suppliers.

The key part referenced is discussing factors like past performance, geographical location, capacity and relationships that may impact how orders are split among multiple certified suppliers.

The passage discusses the importance of relationship stability in sourcing and its impact on subsequent supply chain success. It recognizes that many firms are transforming their traditionally adversarial relationships with suppliers into more cooperative partnerships to achieve stability.

A cooperative supplier partnership involves long-term commitments, information and risk sharing, and joint problem solving between the buying firm and supplier. This differs from traditional relationships which focus more on short-term contracts and competitive bidding. Cooperative partnerships can provide benefits like reduced costs and uncertainties, increased loyalty, risk sharing, and more stable supply bases.

However, partnerships can fail without proper management. Common causes include poor communication, lack of trust and commitment, and misaligned goals. The passage also discusses how firms use sourcing intermediaries to leverage scale and flexibility when sourcing globally becomes more complex. Intermediaries take on sourcing decisions and can help find alternatives when supply risks occur. Finally, it discusses how supply risk can originate internally from operations or externally from factors outside a firm’s control, like natural disasters. Risks must be identified, monitored and mitigated to minimize impacts on revenues and the supply chain.

This passage discusses sourcing risk in supply chains. Some key points:

  • Sourcing risk arises from uncertainties or problems with suppliers and can impact strategic sourcing decisions.

  • Managing sourcing risk involves discovering risks, recovering from them, and redesigning supply chains. Discovery involves supply chain mapping and risk assessment.

  • Potential warning signs of sourcing risks include unstable labor at suppliers, lack of skills/capacity, slow response times, single sourcing, political/economic instability in supplier locations, etc.

  • Risks can be identified using a supply chain vulnerability map to find weakest links.

  • Risk mitigation strategies include buffering/redundancy, collaboration, information visibility, flexibility, postponement, and supply chain redesign.

  • Not all firms are prepared for risks, some are more “pre-compliant” while others are “resilient.” Transformation happens through incremental phases of preparedness.

  • Contracting decisions involve competitive bidding versus negotiation, with bidding more appropriate when conditions like purchase size, clear specs, qualified suppliers are met.

In summary, it discusses sourcing risk discovery, identification, mitigation strategies, levels of preparedness among firms, and contracting method selection. The key focus is on managing uncertainties from suppliers through the sourcing process.

Here is a summary of factors to consider regarding supply risk in purchasing:

  • Early supplier involvement is important for new product development to help identify and manage supply risks.

  • Anticipating potential changes in product specifications from the buying firm can introduce supply risks that need to be managed.

  • Contracting for a portion of a supplier’s production capacity can create supply risks if production needs change.

  • High tooling and setup costs as a percentage of total costs increase risks if production volumes are lower than expected.

  • Long lead times required to produce items increase supply risks and the need for longer-term supply contracts.

  • Single sourcing a product, especially patented products, increases supply risk if that supplier cannot meet needs.

  • Suspected supplier collusion increases risks of unfair pricing and contractual terms.

  • Long-term supply contracts may be needed to manage risks when there are high upfront costs, long lead times, or single sourcing situations.

In summary, factors like new product development, anticipated specification changes, contracted capacity levels, high upfront costs, long lead times, single sourcing, supplier collusion, and need for long-term commitments all influence the level of supply risk in a purchasing situation. Early supplier involvement and long-term agreements can help manage some of these risks.

  • Purchasing managers often underestimate the total landed cost of global sourcing by only considering the quoted product price and delivery costs. However, there are many additional “relationship costs” that can drive up the actual cost.

  • These relationship costs include supplier training costs, documentation costs, inventory carrying costs, legal and compliance costs, and other transaction costs associated with navigating foreign business environments and regulations.

  • Accurately quantifying and accounting for these hidden relationship costs is challenging. Purchasing managers may be unaware of opaque fees, taxes, and regulations in foreign countries that increase costs.

  • Examples given include many logistics-related fees required for imports to China, such as navigating fees, mooring fees, harbor fees, demurrage fees, and additional costs of complying with container security initiatives.

  • Other challenges of global sourcing include price instability, differing quality standards, varying labor laws, difficulty resolving legal issues, complex payment terms, and global supply risks. Failing to properly consider total landed costs and relationship costs can result in global sourcing projects exceeding their anticipated budget.

  • Cost analysis is a critical responsibility of purchasing managers to identify sources of cost and estimate true costs in order to negotiate the lowest fair price from suppliers. Challenges include misinterpreting overhead costs and difficulty estimating costs that change over time.

  • Value analysis aims to control costs by improving quality/eliminating unnecessary costs, often targeting high-value/expense items, complex/outdated processes, lack of standardization, new products, and features customers may not want.

  • Finding the right supplier is important for purchasing managers. Potential suppliers are evaluated based on technical/financial capabilities, information sharing, flexibility, and cost reduction orientation.

  • Systematic supplier selection methods include categorical, weighted point, cost ratio, analytic hierarchy process, and multi-attribute utility theory.

  • Long-term supplier partnerships can integrate the supply chain and provide competitive advantages. They involve early supplier involvement, supply base reduction, certification, co-location, and risk/gain sharing.

  • Supply chain risk management is critical given increased disruption risks. It involves risk identification, recovery planning, and redesigning vulnerable points.

  • Contract negotiation details include price, delivery terms, payment terms, warranties, liability, incentives, and escalation clauses. Negotiation power relies on competition and expertise.

  • Global sourcing brings risks/uncertainties around hidden costs. True costs factor in relationships and production. E-purchasing relies on information systems and benefits from technology advances.

  • Lucas Construction recently won a bid to build a large warehouse and needs various building materials to complete the project on time.

  • One key material is treated lumber. The local supplier was out of stock or too expensive, so the purchasing manager Sandy decided to source lumber from Pearl Trade in China.

  • Most of the lumber shipment from Pearl was infested with insects and held by US Customs. This created a major problem for staying on schedule.

  • Sandy now needs to urgently find a Plan B supplier. The local supplier Smokey Lumber can supply but at 3x the price of Pearl.

  • Sandy made multiple sourcing mistakes - failing to properly qualify Pearl, not considering supply risks from an overseas supplier, and becoming overly reliant on cost instead of total value.

  • Key risks created were quality failures at the supplier and supply chain disruptions delays impacting the construction schedule.

  • Sandy needs to quickly resolve the supplier issue to avoid project delays and penalties. She also needs to learn from these sourcing mistakes.

Here are the key types of logistics intermediaries discussed in the chapter:

  • Freight forwarder: Organizes and arranges shipping activities like booking cargo space, consolidating freight, handling documentation, obtaining insurance, translating languages, negotiating freight rates, and paying freight charges. May focus on a particular mode of transportation like air or ocean.

  • Non-vessel-operating common carrier (NVOCC): Consolidates cargo from multiple shippers and issues its own bills of lading. Acts as the carrier but does not own vessels, instead contracts with vessel-operating carriers.

  • Third-party logistics provider (3PL): Provides integrated services beyond traditional freight forwarding and transportation like warehousing, inventory management, packaging, and customs brokerage. May also provide value-added services like information technology support.

  • Customs broker: Specializes in clearing international shipments through customs by preparing and filing necessary documentation. Ensures compliance with customs regulations and duties/taxes are paid.

  • Trading company: Buys/sells goods and often provides logistics and trade finance services as well. Acts as an intermediary between international buyers and sellers.

  • Export packer: Specializes in packing and crating goods for international shipment. Ensures goods can withstand international transportation and handling.

The chapter discusses how these different types of intermediaries take on roles in logistics and trade to help manufacturers focus on their core competencies. Selecting the right intermediary depends on a company’s specific needs.

  • Freight forwarders help oversee international shipments and transportation, ensuring compliance with regulations. They can provide cost and time savings through consolidated shipments and expertise handling documentation.

  • Overseas distributors help MNFs access unfamiliar foreign markets without directly managing logistics or risks locally. They handle distribution, sales, marketing, inventory, and provide credit terms. However, they may demand exclusivity and discounts.

  • NVOCCs consolidate small shipments into full container loads for ocean transport, but have lost influence due to industry consolidation.

  • Shipping agents help arrange port activities like berthing, customs clearance, cargo handling, and payment of fees on behalf of ship owners.

  • Container leasing companies relieve carriers of equipment ownership costs and responsibilities.

  • Customs brokers expedite customs clearance and communicate with government on imports, facilitating immediate delivery and door-to-door services.

  • Export packers provide packaging and protection services for overseas shipments.

  • Export management/trading companies assist non-competing firms with international marketing and handle associated logistics and documentation.

  • 3PLs coordinate and integrate multiple logistics functions across the supply chain to reduce costs, assets, and inventory for manufacturers and buyers.

  • 3PLs provide outsourced logistics and supply chain services to companies. Some major global 3PLs include UPS Supply Chain Solutions, Ryder, FedEx Supply Chain, Schneider Logistics, TNT Logistics, Penske Logistics, DHL, Hub Group, and C.H. Robinson.

  • Key factors in selecting a 3PL include years of experience, financial stability, range of service offerings, geographic coverage, pricing, past performance, and IT support.

  • Common logistics activities outsourced to 3PLs include transportation, warehousing, customs clearance, freight forwarding and more. Data is provided on outsourcing trends from 2006-2009 in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

  • A 4PL is a lead logistics provider that coordinates and manages multiple 3PLs for a client. Examples include consulting firms like Accenture. They aim to add value through profit enhancement and cost reduction.

  • Challenges in using 3PLs include lack of clear performance metrics, failure to monitor performance, and contract disputes. Guidelines are provided for sustaining productive outsourcing relationships.

  • The 3PL industry has grown steadily from 1996-2013 though economic downturns caused temporary slowdowns. The market is now more mature and competitive with segmentation into domestic/international transportation management and asset-based/non-asset-based warehousing and distribution.

  • 3PLs can be categorized into different market segments based on their service offerings and asset ownership, including non-asset-based domestic transportation management, non-asset-based international transportation management, asset-based dedicated contract carriers, and asset-based value-added warehousing/distribution.

  • Emerging segments include financial service-based 3PLs and information-based 3PLs.

  • The economic slowdown posed challenges for 3PLs. Other challenges include supply chain forecasting, managing customer expectations, fuel price volatility, and capacity shortages.

  • Poor performance is the main reason for 3PL contract nonrenewal. Key performance metrics for 3PLs include shipping accuracy, on-time delivery, order accuracy, etc.

  • Future trends include 3PLs offering more comprehensive services, use of multiple 3PLs, niche focusing, shorter-term contracts sought by users but longer-term preferred by 3PLs, and continued consolidation in the industry.

In summary, this covers the different types of 3PL market segments, challenges faced by 3PLs, factors influencing contract renewals, important performance metrics, and emerging trends in the 3PL industry.

  • Proper selection and use of logistics intermediaries is crucial for business success, especially in global supply chains due to complexity and unfamiliarity of foreign markets.

  • Common logistics intermediaries include freight forwarders, distributors, customs brokers, non-vessel operating common carriers (NVOCCs), export packers, export management companies, and trading companies.

  • Certain intermediaries play a larger role in some countries due to historical/scale factors, like sogo shosha trading companies in Japan which control 10-20% of trade.

  • Third-party logistics providers (3PLs) have become dominant by adapting services to demand for “one-stop shopping”.

  • Using intermediaries requires awareness of potential risks from strategic/goal misalignment, poor communication, and unstable relationships.

  • The case focuses on challenges faced by Falcon Supply Chain Solutions, a 3PL, regarding use of information technology (IT) to provide visibility and response to global retail clients while keeping costs low and flexibility high. Outsourcing IT is one option being considered to address this.

  • Free trade movements and globalization have impacted global supply chain management by increasing complexity and uncertainty due to varying cultures, policies, standards, etc. across countries.

  • However, it also creates opportunities for cost reduction, risk sharing, economies of scale, market expansion, talent acquisition, branding, and knowledge transfer.

  • International trade has grown significantly in recent decades due to these opportunities, facilitated by free trade agreements that reduce trade barriers between nations.

  • While global sourcing allows access to cheaper labor and materials overseas, it also brings challenges in managing quality, communication, and potential legal/compliance issues across borders.

  • Successful global supply chain management requires navigating these complexities and facilitating collaboration/information sharing internationally. Strategies must also account for risks from volatility in foreign markets and regulations.

International trade allows countries to gain absolute advantage, comparative advantage, and first mover advantage. Absolute advantage means a country can produce a good at lower cost than other countries. Comparative advantage means a country produces a good at lower opportunity cost than others. First mover advantage gives existing ventures in a country an edge over newcomers in emerging markets.

Free trade movements like the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and regional trade agreements like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) help countries realize these advantages by reducing trade barriers. GATT principles of reciprocity, non-discrimination, and transparency later formed the basis for other regional agreements.

Globalization through international trade presents supply chain challenges around shipping to new territories, sourcing globally, logistics across borders, quality standards, and more. Multinational firms use foreign direct investment and careful market penetration strategies to enter foreign markets and win over new customers amid local competition. Key decisions involve assessing target markets and customers, setting objectives, choosing an entry mode, and developing customized marketing plans.

  • Common traits of customer behaviors include things like shopping preferences, spending habits, loyalty to brands, etc. Understanding local customer behaviors is important for market entry.

  • The current and future economic climate refers to the overall health and outlook of the local/national economy. A stable/growing economy makes for a better investment environment.

  • Whether the host government is supportive of foreign investments through policies and incentives is a major consideration. Ease of doing business impacts investment attractiveness.

  • When entering a new market, companies need to choose an appropriate market entry mode like exporting, direct investment in a subsidiary, joint ventures, licensing, franchising, etc. Each has pros and cons in terms of control, costs, risks that need evaluation.

  • Strategic alliances between companies can help gain access to new markets, resources, skills and mitigate risks of going abroad. However, cultural clashes can lead to high failure rates that need to be avoided.

  • Conflicting business philosophies can include rapid business expansion versus conservative investment focused on cost-saving opportunities.

  • A strategic alliance between UK and Japanese semiconductor manufacturers failed due to reluctance to share technological know-how and resources due to lack of mutual trust.

  • Common causes of global strategic alliance failures include national cultural differences, organizational incompatibility (differences in corporate culture/objectives/roles), and technical incompatibility (differences in technology/standards).

  • Global outsourcing allows companies to focus on core competencies and reduce costs by outsourcing non-core functions to other countries. However, over half of global outsourcing initiatives fail due to unclear expectations and lack of adaptation to changing environments.

  • Hidden risks of global supply chain operations include increased vulnerability, government intervention/surveillance, communication difficulties, lack of quality standards, natural disasters, currency fluctuations, terrorism, non-tariff barriers, customs procedures, taxation, and paperwork. Companies need strategies to mitigate these risks.

  • Currency fluctuations can impact global supply chains through transaction, translation, and economic exposure risks. It is difficult to predict exchange rate changes due to many volatile influencing factors. Companies need hedging strategies to manage currency risk.

  • Foreign exchange rates are difficult to predict due to various economic, political, and consumer-driven factors that influence rates.

  • Simply forecasting rate changes is not sufficient for MNFs to manage foreign currency exchange risk.

  • To cope with unpredictability and volatility, MNFs should carefully select the most appropriate option from five alternatives shown in Figure 10.7: fixed price in USD, pay in USD adjusted for currency, forward/futures market, currency band, or consult finance specialist.

  • Terrorism and security issues have made global logistics more challenging through tightened rules on air cargo, maritime, and land transportation security. MNFs need to understand these rules to develop best practices that mitigate inefficiencies. Several key supply chain security initiatives are discussed, including ISPS Code, C-TPAT, Container Security Initiative, and SAFE.

  • Maritime piracy has significantly disrupted global shipping in recent decades. Piracy incidents are on the rise and have financial and security impacts for shippers. MNFs must account for these risks in their global operations.

  • The passage discusses piracy attacks off the coast of Somalia in the Gulf of Aden.

  • In recent years, ransom money paid as a result of these attacks was estimated to be as high as $100 million in the Gulf of Aden alone.

  • In 2013, 130 piracy attacks occurred in the Gulf of Aden and off the coast of Somalia.

  • As a result of these attacks, several ships were hijacked, crew members were kidnapped, some were killed, and eight are still missing.

So in summary, the passage provides statistics on increased piracy attacks off the coast of Somalia/Gulf of Aden in recent years, noting that 130 attacks occurred in 2013, several ships and crew members were affected, some crew members were killed, and eight are still missing as a result of the attacks.

  • Short product life spans require faster responses from customers, so a direct distribution channel that cuts out intermediaries may make more sense for getting products to customers quickly.

  • Local market practices and regulations in foreign countries may limit certain distribution channels. For example, in Japan wholesalers traditionally handle distribution, so an indirect channel may be necessary.

  • Customer buying habits also factor in. If local customers prefer shopping online, direct distribution works better, while an indirect channel fits a market where people shop in stores.

  • A company’s experience in foreign supply chain operations is important. Without much experience, an indirect channel handing logistics to local partners may be safer than going direct.

In summary, when choosing a distribution channel for a foreign market, companies consider factors like product lifecycles, local market customs, customer preferences, and their own international experience to decide if a direct or indirect channel is the better fit.

  • Incoterms are a set of international commercial terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce that define the responsibilities of sellers and buyers for the costs and risks involved in the delivery of goods from sellers to buyers.

  • The newest version of Incoterms was introduced in 2011 and has 11 terms grouped into four categories relating to delivery: departure, main carriage unpaid, main carriage paid, and arrival.

  • Key terms include DAP (Delivered At Place), where the seller pays for transportation to the agreed destination, and DAT (Delivered At Terminal), where the seller pays up to delivering to the terminal.

  • Incoterms clarify tasks and costs borne by exporters vs importers, including transport, insurance, import duties/taxes, and risk of loss responsibilities.

  • Common payment terms in international trade include cash in advance, open account, letter of credit, and sight draft. Letter of credit provides the most protection by using banks.

  • Incoterms and payment terms need to be carefully selected and agreed upon in international sales contracts to properly allocate responsibilities and manage risks.

Here is a summary of the key points about letters of credit (L/C) from the document:

  • An L/C is a payment mechanism used in international trade to provide payment assurance for the exporter. It involves an issuing bank, advising bank, and reimbursing bank.

  • The basic process flow involves: 1) Importer applies for an L/C from issuing bank. 2) Issuing bank sends the L/C to advising bank. 3) Advising bank notifies exporter. 4) Exporter ships goods and presents documents to advising bank. 5) Advising bank examines documents and pays exporter. 6) Issuing bank reimburses advising bank.

  • The main roles are:

  • Issuing bank (importer’s bank) opens the L/C at importer’s request and is responsible for payments.

  • Advising bank (exporter’s bank) receives the L/C, examines documents, and pays exporter.

  • Documents required typically include invoice, transport document, insurance document.

  • If documents comply, advising bank pays exporter. If not, documents are sent back for correction.

  • The L/C provides assurances to the exporter that payment will be received if documents comply with terms. It reduces non-payment risk in international trade transactions.

Here is a summary of the key points in the provided text:

  • Global supply chain management is more complex than domestic supply chain management due to risks, uncertainties, and complexities in international trade. Supply chain professionals need to understand global trade policies and their implications.

  • Free trade agreements like NAFTA reduce trade barriers and tariffs, increasing cross-border trade. However, logistics efficiency must be maintained to realize full benefits.

  • Multinational firms (MNFs) form strategic alliances with foreign partners for complexity/risk mitigation. Partners should be organizationally and culturally compatible.

  • Global supply chains are vulnerable to various risks from currency fluctuations to natural disasters. Supply chain resilience is important to cope with uncertainties.

  • Foreign trade zones allow warehousing/processing imports without customs/duties to improve security and reduce costs.

  • True landed costs of imports include hidden logistics/insurance costs. Role clarity per Incoterms affects cost responsibilities.

  • Cross-cultural negotiations take more preparation due to cultural differences. Acculturating improves “cultural IQ” for better negotiation outcomes.

  • High/low context cultures differ in communication styles, relationships, time priorities and more. Power distance also impacts responsibilities and decision making.

  • Case study on Aurora Jewelers describes a US jeweler sourcing globally and managing risks/complexities in international supply chains and negotiations.

  • Aurora Jewelry (AJ) imports most of its jewelry materials from countries like South Africa, Brazil, China, India, Egypt and Peru. These are shipped to its distribution center in Newark, NJ and then distributed to its 300 US and 9 Mexican stores.

  • AJ has been facing logistical challenges in its Mexican operations due to increasing trade volumes, border congestion, inconsistent cycle times, and peso devaluations. This conflicts with its just-in-time philosophy.

  • Management needs to address the long and inconsistent cycle times for shipping jewelry to Mexican stores. They are also evaluating whether to change their precious metals supply chain and shipping policies for the Mexican market.

  • Key tasks for the supply chain manager include analyzing the Mexican market challenges, evaluating supply chain and shipping options, and providing recommendations to the CEO on how to improve the logistics and ensure consistency with AJ’s JIT approach.

Here are some proposed immediate solutions to the problems:

  1. Do you support AJ’s global sourcing strategy? Yes, global sourcing allows AJ to access materials from around the world at lower costs, helping to control expenses. However, logistical challenges need to be addressed.

  2. What are the most important logistics challenges? 1) Long distances from suppliers, 2) Potential port delays/congestion, 3) Security/safety of cargo. Trucks make sense for domestic/Mexico due to proximity, but international shipments require other modes.

  3. Should the distribution strategy change? Given increasing challenges in Mexico, consider a hub closer to the border for faster Mexican delivery. A hub in a port city like Veracruz could help.

  4. A shipping policy for Mexico? Offer low-cost ground shipping for Mexican customers to attract more business. Expedited shipping options too.

  5. Risks in Mexico? Security, cartel-related violence, natural disasters. Closely monitor regions, have contingency plans. Partner with local experts.

  6. Tapping the Mexican market? Target population centers, build brand awareness through grassroots marketing. Offer installment payment plans to increase affordability.

  7. Rely on brick-and-mortar in Mexico? Expand online and consider pop-up stores in areas without permanent presence. Train salespeople to help more customers online.

  8. Protect from informal markets? Register unique designs for IP protection. Partner with trusted informal sellers to get product to more customers affordably. Win over customers with better service.

  • The passage discusses the concept of the triple bottom line, which refers to profit, people, and planet as measures of a company’s financial, social, and environmental performance. This expands traditional business focus solely on profits to consider broader stakeholder impacts.

  • It provides examples of how companies like FedEx, Walmart, and Starbucks incorporate triple bottom line considerations into their supply chain practices.

  • The passage then discusses different types of laws relevant to supply chain management, focusing on US law framework. The three main categories are written law, administrative law, and common law.

  • Written law includes legislation passed by Congress. Administrative law consists of rules set by government agencies. Common law develops from precedents in past court cases.

  • Specific laws mentioned that impact supply chain include the Sherman Act, Clayton Act, Robinson Patman Act, and Sarbanes-Oxley Act as examples of written law.

So in summary, it introduces the triple bottom line concept and outlines the key types of laws one needs to be aware of from a legal and regulatory compliance perspective in supply chain management.

  • Supply chain activities are often subject to various laws governing areas like transportation, warehousing, purchasing, employment, antitrust, intellectual property, environment, and commercial/business activities.

  • Key laws impacting supply chains include employment laws, antitrust laws, intellectual property laws, and environmental laws. Intellectual property law covers copyrights, patents, and trademarks.

  • When disputes arise in contracts governing supply chain activities, they are typically resolved through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation.

  • Mediation involves a neutral third party facilitating communication between the disputing parties to help them find common ground. Arbitration involves the disputing parties submitting their case to an impartial third party/panel for a binding decision. Litigation involves resolving disputes through the court system.

  • Binding arbitration means the losing party must comply with the arbitration settlement. Although less formal than courts, arbitration typically leads to “win-lose” outcomes.

  • Arbitration can provide quicker and easier solutions than litigation, which can drag on for years. It is also usually less expensive due to lower arbitrator fees compared to attorney fees.

  • Arbitration preserves privacy by avoiding disclosure of trade secrets and proprietary information in court. However, the losing party cannot appeal the arbitrator’s final decision, and the arbitrator could be biased.

  • Litigation is a last resort due to being time-consuming, expensive, and with uncertain outcomes. It can damage business partnerships. However, parties have a right to sue if other dispute resolutions fail.

  • Arbitration is often used to resolve international commercial contracts and labor-management contracts.

In summary, arbitration provides a private alternative to litigation that is usually faster and cheaper, but the decision cannot be appealed. Litigation remains an option if other dispute resolutions fail. Arbitration is commonly used for cross-border commercial and labor disputes.

  • Identity theft involves using another person’s personal information like name, Social Security number, date of birth, etc. without their knowledge or consent to commit fraud or other crimes.

  • Business/commercial identity theft involves using another’s business name to obtain credit.

  • According to common law rescission, if fraud is proven, the fraudulent contract can be nullified and the victim has a right to a refund for goods purchased.

  • A conflict of interest refers to a situation where a person in a position of trust has a private interest that clashes with their official duties and undermines impartial decision making.

  • Confidentiality agreements restrict access to private information and prevent unintended disclosure of things like trade secrets, product designs, customer data, etc.

  • Reciprocity involves suppliers pressuring buyers to purchase from them in return, which can be unethical or illegal if it limits fair competition.

  • Concealed damage during shipping is difficult to prove but consumers only have a limited amount of time (usually 15 days) to report it after delivery.

  • The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prohibits bribery of foreign government officials by US citizens to gain improper business advantages.

  • The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) was enacted in the US to prohibit bribing foreign officials and require accurate accounting practices. US firms that violate FCPA can face severe penalties like fines and imprisonment.

  • Green supply chain management (GSCM) incorporates environmental initiatives throughout the supply chain like sustainable sourcing, renewable energy use, and reducing waste. It helps address issues like global warming.

  • Life cycle assessment (LCA) evaluates the environmental impacts of a product or process from cradle to grave. It involves inventorying inputs/outputs, assessing impacts, and identifying improvement opportunities. LCA supports green product design.

  • Compliance with environmental regulations is important for GSCM. Regulations like the Clean Air Act aim to minimize environmental degradation from human activities and ensure social welfare. Compliance can reduce long-term business costs.

Here is a summary of the key environmental regulations and standards mentioned:

  • Clean Air Act - Establishes national air quality standards and emission limits for sources of air pollution like vehicles and factories to improve air quality.

  • Clean Water Act - Aims to restore and maintain water quality by preventing, reducing, and eliminating water pollution. Requires permits for discharges into waterways.

  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) - Regulates the handling, transport, treatment, storage, and disposal of solid and hazardous waste from “cradle to grave.”

  • Hazardous Materials Regulation (HMR) - Governs the transportation of hazardous materials by road, rail, ship, and air in terms of classification, packaging, safety communication, incident reporting, and handling.

  • ISO 14000 - A series of voluntary environmental management standards that help organizations minimize negative environmental impacts by reducing waste/carbon footprint and complying with regulations through establishing environmental management systems.

  • Environmental audits - Systematic, documented evaluations of an organization’s environmental performance and compliance that help improve awareness, maintain credibility, and recommend improvements.

The key theme is these laws and standards aim to protect human health and the environment from pollution and ensure responsible management of hazardous materials and waste throughout their lifecycles.

Environmental audits help organizations improve their environmental performance and ensure compliance with regulations. The key objectives of an environmental audit are to determine how well environmental management systems and equipment are performing, verify compliance with laws and regulations, and minimize human exposure to environmental and safety risks.

The environmental audit process involves three steps - pre-audit, audit, and post-audit. In the pre-audit stage, auditors define the scope, establish guidelines and benchmarks. The audit stage involves reviewing compliance, checking conditions, and performing tests. In the post-audit stage, auditors document findings, make improvement plans, and report to stakeholders.

Environmental audits examine manufacturing processes, emissions, water usage, waste generation, pollution controls, potential environmental impacts, and compliance with laws. They help identify areas for improvement, reduce litigation risks, optimize resource use, and improve opportunities for certifications. Following the audit process helps organizations safeguard the environment and human health while pursuing continuous performance enhancement.

Here is a summary of life cycle analysis from an environmental perspective:

  • Life cycle analysis (LCA) is a technique used to assess the environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product’s life from-cradle-to-grave - i.e. from raw material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling.

  • The goal of LCA is to identify opportunities to improve the environmental performance of products at various points in their life cycles. It helps avoid shifting burden from one life cycle stage or environmental impact to another.

  • An LCA involves compiling an inventory of relevant energy and material inputs and environmental releases; evaluating the potential environmental impacts associated with identified inputs and releases; and interpreting the results to help make informed decisions.

  • Key stages examined in an LCA include raw material acquisition, material production, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, use, and end-of-life management (waste management or recycling).

  • Environmental impacts considered cover aspects like climate change, ozone depletion, acidification, eutrophication, smog formation, eco-toxicity, and more.

  • LCA helps companies design more sustainable products, compare alternatives, support green claims, and improve manufacturing and business processes to reduce environmental footprint.

Here are some key points about measuring supply chain performance:

  • Supply chain performance measurement is essential for businesses to identify areas for improvement, plan effectively, gain competitive advantages, reward high performance, and ensure regulatory compliance. Improved supply chain performance can significantly impact a company’s bottom line through factors like reduced costs, higher profits, improved cash flow, and revenue growth.

  • Traditional performance metrics focused on individual companies or functions are inadequate for measuring multi-functional, multi-organizational supply chain performance. New metrics are needed that can assess effectiveness and efficiency across organizational boundaries.

  • Effective supply chain performance metrics should be multidimensional, specific enough to pinpoint areas of measurement, and universal enough to allow benchmarking against competitors. Some common metrics include costs, quality, customer service/fill rates, delivery performance, inventory levels, and financial metrics.

  • Frameworks like the balanced scorecard and Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model provide structured approaches to define and measure relevant supply chain KPIs across financial, customer, internal process, and learning/growth perspectives.

  • Continuous measurement and analysis is needed to identify areas for improvement and track progress. Organizational change may be required to further enhance supply chain performance, but resistance to changes should be managed effectively.

In summary, developing and tracking the right supply chain performance metrics is crucial for businesses to understand how well their supply chains are functioning, benchmark against competitors, and drive ongoing performance improvements.

Here is a summary of key points about supply chain performance metrics:

  • Traditional manufacturing measures like machine idle time or defects may not be good universal supply chain metrics, as supply chains involve multiple sectors.

  • Metrics need to be repeatable over time to monitor ongoing performance, not just a single snapshot.

  • Metrics should be quantifiable, using scales and numerical values for objective comparisons.

  • Data used in metrics needs to be traceable, not proprietary or confidential, to allow implementation and meaningfulness.

  • Most existing metrics only measure single functions, not overall supply chain performance.

  • Ideal metrics would satisfy traits like being universal, repeatable, quantifiable and traceable, but this is difficult due to supply chain complexity.

  • Efforts have been made to develop more cross-functional metrics capturing delivery, responsiveness, flexibility, cost and asset efficiency.

  • Key performance indicators (KPIs) measure progress on strategic goals and critical success factors. KPIs can be process, input or output-focused.

  • Examples of potential supply chain KPIs include order fill rates, delivery times, inventory levels, costs and asset utilization.

  • Cash-to-cash cycle time has emerged as a popular measure of supply chain leanness and ability to invest cash in value-adding activities.

So in summary, developing effective supply chain-wide metrics that capture overall performance across functions remains a challenge, but more cross-functional and KPI-based approaches are attempting to address this.

Here are the key points in summarizing the passage:

  • The passage discusses using a balanced scorecard (BSC) framework to measure supply chain performance. The traditional BSC has four perspectives - customer, internal business processes, innovation/learning, and financial.

  • To apply it to supply chains, the goals and measures of each BSC perspective need to be aligned with the goals of supply chain management (efficiency, flexibility, timeliness, etc.).

  • It proposes a supply chain BSC with goals and measures tailored for each perspective. For example, the customer perspective measures customer perception of quality, timeliness and flexibility.

  • Implementing a supply chain BSC involves setting targets, initiatives, monitoring performance, communicating outcomes, and linking it to employee evaluation.

  • The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model is also discussed as a tool to measure processes of plan, source, make, deliver, return across a supply chain.

  • Case studies show companies improved delivery, costs and profits by using the SCOR model to measure and improve supply chain performance.

  • In summary, the passage discusses how a balanced scorecard and SCOR model can be used to systematically measure and track supply chain performance from different perspectives to help companies improve.

  • The passage discusses different tools for measuring supply chain performance, including the balanced scorecard, SCOR model, and dashboards.

  • It notes pros and cons of the SCOR model, like its focus on operational measures but lack of coverage of other functions like sales/marketing.

  • Successful implementation of SCOR requires a careful roadmap including analyzing competition, performing a SWOT analysis, developing a supply chain map, and defining actions/milestones.

  • Dashboards are another popular tool using metrics and visual indicators to provide quick snapshots of performance. They immediately flag deviations from targets.

  • Other quantitative tools mentioned are data envelopment analysis (DEA), analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and activity-based management (ABM).

  • In conclusion, integrating multifunctional performance measurement tools linked to strategy is key to continual improvement and best practices identification. Measures should align with strategic goals and enable timely decision-making.

  • La Bamba Bakeries (LBB) is one of the largest family-owned bakeries in the US, generating $2.2 billion in annual sales.

  • LBB utilizes a direct store door (DSD) distribution system where it delivers products directly to stores via its own trucks or contracted carriers. This allows high control over stock levels, orders, and in-store presentations.

  • LBB’s “guaranteed sale” program provides shelf space for its products but LBB is responsible for sales performance and rotations. This turns the retailer into more of a distribution point.

  • LBB manages outbound logistics through two distribution centers and self-service warehouses servicing individual sales routes.

  • LBB has experienced some delivery issues using a 3PL and is considering direct deliveries but that may increase “peddle runs” and costs due to unknown demand.

  • Large retailers like Walmart want to handle their own logistics while some chains want direct shipping to their DCs. Smaller independent retailers prefer LBB’s DSD system.

  • Effective communication between LBB and retailers through technologies like EDI is important for DSD success but increases costs for LBB.

  • Inaccurate demand data from retailer POS systems also creates challenges for LBB inventory and restocking decisions.

  • The passage discusses how advances in information technology, especially the emergence of e-commerce, have transformed supply chain operations and interactions between buyers and suppliers.

  • E-commerce, or conducting business electronically over the Internet, has replaced many traditional physical processes with faster and more accurate digital processes. It allows buyers and sellers to interact without being physically present.

  • The growth of e-commerce has been enormous, with billions of people using the Internet globally and online retail sales in the U.S. accounting for a significant portion of total retail sales. E-commerce is expected to continue growing rapidly in the coming years.

  • For supply chains, e-commerce enables direct delivery of products ordered online to buyers’ homes/offices, without needing a physical store. It also allows e-commerce between companies in the supply chain.

  • In summary, information technology, especially the rise of e-commerce, has revolutionized how businesses and supply chains operate by enabling digital and online interactions replacing many traditional physical processes. This has made transactions and workflows much faster and more efficient.

  • Delivery fulfillment and the business model many companies have adopted has gradually changed with the rise of the internet and e-commerce.

  • Table 13.1 compares the old (pre-internet) business model with the new “internet age” business model. The old model involved offline buying/selling, holding product titles with risk, building to stock, and payments by cash/check. The new model involves online buying/selling, sourcing on order and building to order, direct delivery to customers, and payment by credit card/PayPal.

  • This change in business model required the development of new supply chain strategies and the adoption of emerging IT like ERP and GIS that are more relevant for e-commerce. ERP and GIS are discussed in more detail as key enabling technologies for modern supply chain management.

Here is a summary of the key points about components required for GIS and benefits it can provide to supply chain partners:

  • GIS requires hardware like computers, displays, scanners, GPS devices, printers. It also requires software code and user interfaces, which can be written in languages like C++, VB, Java, Python. Commercial software includes ESRI’s ArcGIS.

  • GIS analysts with years of training are often needed to enter and analyze geospatial data.

  • Supporting infrastructure is required like GIS labs, data standards, repositories, and clearinghouses.

  • GIS can improve data access, maintenance and analysis by organizing geographic info on maps.

  • It can identify potential problems on interactive maps like flooding, earthquakes, diseases.

  • GIS fosters communication and cooperation between partners by sharing base map data.

  • It enhances logistics efficiency through improved workflows and routing, reducing delivery times and costs.

  • GIS helps develop timely strategic plans by identifying potential risks in advance.

Here is a summary of the key points about RFID and artificial intelligence technologies from the passage:

  • RFID uses radio frequency signals to transmit product information without needing line-of-sight scanning like barcodes. It allows items to be tracked from a distance, even in harsh environments.

  • The main components of an RFID system are tags attached to items, readers to interrogate the tags, and software to manage the reader data. Tags can be active, passive, or semi-passive.

  • Advantages of RFID include storing more data, remote scanning, enhanced security, inventory tracking, and supply chain visibility. Disadvantages include higher costs and lack of universal standards.

  • Artificial intelligence uses computer systems like neural networks, machine learning, expert systems and fuzzy logic to mimic and automate human intelligence and decision making.

  • AI has the ability to learn, comprehend concepts, perform reasoning, draw conclusions and interpret symbols to help solve complex supply chain problems in areas like demand planning, inventory control and transportation.

  • While still limited, AI is increasingly being applied to supply chain management due to its ability to create intelligent knowledge bases needed for interrelated supply chain decision processes.

  • An agent-based system has emerged as one of the most popular AI tools for tackling supply chain decision problems. It allows for modeling complex supply chain interactions and behaviors.

  • IT project management is important but challenging. Many IT projects fail due to being over budget, behind schedule, or not meeting goals/scope. Causes of failure include lack of clear goals, dysfunctional teams, lack of support or buy-in, weak communication, inadequate training, and failure to estimate return on investment.

  • To increase success, projects should be broken into smaller phases - initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, assessment. Emphasis should be on clear goals and ROI estimation in early phases via techniques like payback period, rate of return, net present value.

  • Ongoing monitoring and control is needed to prevent failures, following a cycle of measurement, correction, and evaluation based on milestones and metrics.

  • Emerging IT trends that will impact business include cloud computing, social networking/online collaboration, mobile commerce, and use of smart connected devices for multitasking. Cloud computing in particular enables on-demand access to computing resources and services over the internet at low costs.

Here is a summary of the key points about Supply Chain Management and emerging technologies:

  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) models for supply chain applications like WMS provide cost-effective, quick to deploy solutions with minimal upfront investment compared to traditional on-premise software. SaaS allows for near-instant deployment and benefit realization.

  • Cloud computing encourages collaboration across supply chain partners by making IT resources like applications and data more affordable, accessible, and compatible, enabling easier information sharing.

  • Social media and user-generated online content like blogs facilitate rapid information exchange between customers, employees, and partners globally. Platforms like Facebook can help reshape supply chains.

  • Mobile technologies like smartphones and mobile commerce dramatically enhance connectivity and allow ubiquitous access to systems and data. This can revolutionize how partners communicate and interact.

  • Emerging technologies like drones have potential to transform logistics and delivery systems, particularly for remote areas, if regulatory and technical hurdles can be overcome.

So in summary, new technologies are enabling greater collaboration, connectivity, visibility and information sharing across the supply chain in transformative ways. SaaS, cloud, mobile and social technologies in particular are reshaping supply chain operations and management.

Here is a summary of the key points regarding’s utilization of technology in their inventory and warehouse management:

  • is an online grocery retailer that sells and distributes food products to customers throughout the Midwest. They aim to provide a convenient online shopping experience without customers having to visit stores.

  • Past online grocery ventures like Webvan spent huge amounts building complex warehouse networks and infrastructure to enable rapid order fulfillment and same-day delivery. This proved unsustainable and contributed to their failures.

  • is exploring downsizing their warehouse network and outsourcing last-mile delivery to contract drivers. They are also testing collection lockers and hubs to simplify order pickup.

  • Technology is crucial for customer interface (e.g. interactive meal planning tools) and back-end operations like order fulfillment. is considering adopting automation technologies like the Kiva system for more efficient warehousing.

  • Their competitiveness depends on efficient e-logistics, shipping tracking, and ability to quickly respond to changing customer demands through advanced forecasting and technology adoption. Embracing emerging technologies can give them an edge over competitors.

So in summary, aims to leverage technology to streamline inventory management, simplify delivery logistics, enhance the customer experience, and maintain competitiveness in a challenging online grocery market. Their strategy focuses on outsourcing aspects of the supply chain to control costs while investing in innovative technologies.

Here are potential summaries for some of the questions:

  1. is an online grocery and food delivery service that delivers directly to customers. It aims to disrupt the traditional grocery shopping model through its digital platform and fast, convenient delivery service.

  2. The core competency of will likely be its ability to execute fast and efficient last-mile delivery. As an online grocery retailer with a direct-to-consumer delivery model, superior delivery operations will be key to providing customers with the convenience they seek.

  3. Hidden perils of last-mile delivery services include traffic congestion which can delay deliveries, costs associated with maintaining fleets of vehicles and employing drivers, and difficulties coordinating and optimizing delivery routes and schedules. Insurance and liability are also ongoing concerns.

  4.’s current business model is unique in that it removes physical storefronts and intermediaries like distributors from the supply chain. It connects producers and consumers directly through an online platform. This allows for greater selection, automation, and a streamlined cost structure compared to traditional grocery retailers.

  5. To tap the growing Canadian market, could expand its delivery coverage area to major Canadian cities, ensure its website and platforms are optimized for Canadian customers, and potentially partner with or acquire existing Canadian grocery delivery services to accelerate growth. Localizing the assortment and expanding fulfillment infrastructure would be important.

  6. Continuing to focus on online grocery/food sales would capitalize on’s direct-to-consumer delivery competency. It could also consider adding prepared meals, meal kits, or other household essentials that complement its food offerings to increase basket sizes and order frequencies. But grocery should remain the core.

Here is a summary of the key terms provided:

  • Check digits are used to validate identification numbers like barcodes for accuracy.
  • Coefficient of variation is a measure of dispersion calculated as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean. It is used to compare the degree of variation from one data set to another.
  • Class I railroads are the largest freight railroads in North America by operating revenue.
  • A moving average is a calculation to analyze data points by creating a series of averages of different subsets of the full data set. It is used for smoothing short-term fluctuations.
  • Class rates are standardized freight rates charged by carriers based on commodity type rather than individual shipment characteristics.
  • The Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act are US federal laws regulating air and water pollution.
  • Cloud computing models include Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). IaaS provides virtual computing resources, PaaS provides development tools, and SaaS provides applications delivered over the internet.
  • Cargo agents facilitate the transportation of cargo by arranging shipment bookings, documentation, customs clearance etc. on behalf of shippers or carriers.
  • ROI for IT projects measures the expected benefits of an investment in IT assets or projects relative to their costs.
  • On-hand inventory is the physical stock that is in storage and available for sale or use.
  • Total annual inventory cost is the sum of costs related to inventory such as ordering, holding, stockout etc. incurred over a year.
  • MRP is a system used to plan and schedule production and inventory activities. It aims to maintain optimized inventory levels based on forecast demand.
  • Class rates are standardized freight rates charged by carriers based on commodity type rather than individual shipment characteristics.

Here are summaries of the key points from the provided passages:

Strategy, 223-224

  • Discusses different types of strategies such as overall business strategy, competitive strategy, and functional strategy. Strategy determines how resources will be deployed.

Trade, 345

  • Overview of free trade associations and movements such as GATT and NAFTA, and their impact on global supply chains by reducing barriers to trade.

Forward logistics, 206-207

  • Forward logistics deals with planning and controlling the flow of goods from suppliers to customers. It involves activities like procurement, transportation and warehousing. Returns management is also discussed.

General carriers, 245

  • General carriers offer transportation of general cargo using different modes like truck, rail, air or intermodal. They contribute to intermodalism which combines transportation modes for improved efficiency.

480 Index

Franchising, 350

  • Franchising is a strategy for global market penetration where a franchisor allows others (franchisees) to use its successful business model, branding and trademark in exchange for fees and royalties.

General merchandise warehouses, 178

  • General merchandise warehouses store various types of products and goods that are not perishable, hazardous or require temperature/humidity control. They provide receipt, storage and shipping of general cargo.

Fraud, 398

  • Discusses different types of fraud like bait and switch tactics, false advertising, identity theft. Prevention measures are important for supply chain integrity and security.

GIS (geographic information systems), 445

  • GIS integrates hardware, software and data to capture, store, analyze and display spatially-referenced information. Benefits include analysis capabilities but it requires specialized skills and data input.

  • MRP (Material Requirements Planning) is a system for planning materials needs based on master production schedules and bills of materials. It calculates net requirements, planned order releases and receipts to maintain appropriate inventory levels.

  • Grey markets involve the parallel importation of genuine products across international borders without the permission of the intellectual property rights holder.

  • Foreign market entry strategies include exporting, foreign market operations like joint ventures, franchising, licensing and acquisitions.

  • Incoterms are international commercial terms that specify responsibilities of buyers and sellers for delivery, insurance, and other logistics costs.

  • International trade documentation includes commercial invoices, certificates of origin, inspection certificates.

  • Risks in global supply chains include economic, natural disaster, supply chain security and terrorism risks. Mitigation strategies employ initiatives like C-TPAT.

  • Transportation regulations have historically aimed to promote economic growth but now focus more on safety. Key deregulatory acts included the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act and the Staggers Rail Act.

  • 3PLs, carriers, forwarders and other intermediaries play boundary spanning roles in transportation and logistics networks.

  • IT/technology roles in supply chain management include ERP systems, barcoding, RFID, GIS mapping of networks, and emerging technologies like AI, blockchain and IoT.

Here is a summary of the key points regarding strategic alliances from ces, 10:

  • Strategic alliances refer to collaborative relationships between two or more companies to achieve mutual goals. They can be horizontal (between competitors) or vertical (between companies in different parts of the supply chain).

  • Primary goals of strategic alliances include achieving organizational learning, building trust between partners, and accessing new markets/technologies.

  • Dimensions that define strategic alliances include organizational structure, shared goals, complexity of relationship, duration, and strategic importance.

  • Factors that drive companies to form alliances include environmental characteristics/drivers, linkages between alliance partners, and materials/information sharing needs.

  • Alliance partners must focus on building trust, knowledge sharing, and supporting/primary partner relationships. Strategic learning is also important for success.

  • Alliance strategies aim to achieve objectives like supply chain reduction, order splitting, mediation, and global expansion through coordination and knowledge transfer between companies. However, alliances can also fail if goals aren’t met or partners lose motivation.

Here is a summary of Chapter 10:

  • This chapter discusses global supply chain management and the impact of free trade movements in allowing for global market penetration by multinational firms.

  • It covers strategies such as global strategic alliances between multinational companies and trends in global outsourcing.

  • The chapter also examines hidden inhibitors that can affect global supply chain operations and how to manage international distribution channels.

  • Additional topics include foreign trade zones, import/export documentation, incoterms for international payments, countertrade, and transfer pricing.

  • It concludes with a discussion of cross-cultural negotiations in a global business environment.

The key areas covered are the international aspects of supply chain management and how multinational companies can strategically penetrate global markets through trade agreements, partnerships, outsourcing, and managing the logistics of international operations.

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About Matheus Puppe