Self Help

The Hidden Secrets To Building A Six-Figur - teana

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Matheus Puppe

· 6 min read



Here is a summary of the key points from “Create On The Side. Document In Public. Build An Audience. Create The Life You Want In 12 Months.“:

  • The workbook provides a step-by-step guide for starting a profitable one-person/online business within 30 days while still working a full-time 9-5 job. It aims to give people more freedom, money and fulfillment.

  • It emphasizes getting started over everything else. Money will come once you launch; the biggest barrier is usually mindset, not skills or experience.

  • The first step is identifying your “why” or purpose through a “Five Whys” exercise. This gets to the root of what really motivates you and helps overcome feelings of disengagement.

  • The author uses their own experience of feeling unfulfilled in a high-paying director role as an example of going through this process.

  • Readers are guided through doing the Five Whys for themselves to define their problem and uncover their true motivation for starting a side business.

  • Understanding one’s purpose provides clarity and motivation to overcome doubts, fears and resistance when facing uncertainty in embarking on a new project or business.

  • Future workbooks will provide steps for revenue milestones like $1,000/month, $5,000/month and beyond to continue growing the business.

The key aim is helping the reader start a passionate and profitable one-person business alongside their job by first finding internal clarity and motivation through identifying their real “why”.

The post discusses how to leverage a 9-5 job to build a one-person business on the side. The key points are:

  • You don’t need to quit your job to start a business - you can build it part-time using your early mornings, nights and weekends.

  • Having a 9-5 provides financial security to experiment and learn without risk. Mistakes are less costly.

  • The internet allows you to test and validate business ideas with minimal effort and costs. You can sell to customers alongside your job.

  • The author initially thought the only options were quitting or grinding a 9-5 for 30 years. But there is a third option of keeping a 9-5 and building a side business.

  • Gurus often tell you to quit, but that’s not necessary and can set you up for failure. Building part-time alongside a job is a smarter approach.

  • Leveraging a 9-5 frees up time and resources to learn, grow and scale a one-person business without all the risk of quitting a job prematurely.

So in summary, it advocates using a 9-5 job as a platform to build an online business on the side, rather than feeling you need to quit your job to start a business.

Here is a summary of the key points from the passages:

  • Building a successful one-person business takes hard work and sacrifice while maintaining a full-time job. It requires cutting back on other activities and prioritizing work in evenings and weekends.

  • Having a full-time job provides security that allows for more aggressive experimentation with business ideas. It also gives skills and experience that can be leveraged and sold as services.

  • It’s important to collect key data like client testimonials and metrics while working a full-time job to build credibility later.

  • Rather than quitting the full-time job, it’s better to build the side business gradually until it becomes profitable enough to replace the salary.

  • Success comes from stacking complementary skills and experiences to offer a unique value proposition. Focus on complementary skills gained from various jobs and life experiences.

  • How skills are applied and the industry context matters more than the specific skills themselves. The same skills may be 10x more valuable in a different industry.

The overall message is that maintaining employment while gradually building a one-person business through nights and weekends allows for experimentation, leverage of existing skills and data collection to achieve success in a sustainable way over time. Unique stacking of diverse skills and experiences, as well as understanding context and industries, are also emphasized.

  • The person said her friend is more naturally talented, but chose to work for the Australian government instead of creating her own business.

  • They chose to apply their own skills to create their own business instead, and as a result makes 3-4x more money than their friend.

  • The message is you don’t need to change who you are, but should iterate on what you have and apply your skills to different industries as the world changes. Evolution, not revolution, is key.

  • The strongest don’t necessarily win, but the most adaptable do. It encourages spending more time on your own dreams rather than someone else’s.

  • It then prompts the reader to leave a review for the workbook to help other entrepreneurs. The review only takes a minute but can change someone’s life.

  • It introduces a checklist of 8 questions to help people stuck starting an online one-person business, focusing on things like the type of customers/problems, skills, desired lifestyle, and what’s holding them back.

  • The goal is to have the reader offer a free/paid service or product to a specific target group within 7 days to start validating their idea. Experimentation and iteration is key.

In summary, the key message is about applying your existing skills in new ways and adapting to change, rather than trying to change who you are. It encourages taking action on your own dreams and helping other entrepreneurs through small actions like a review.

  • The passage discusses building a one-person business part-time while also having a full-time 9-5 job. It outlines some benefits of this approach like financial stability, freedom to experiment, and skills development from the 9-5 job.

  • It acknowledges that economic conditions are tough currently and having a steady income from a job reduces financial stress when starting a business.

  • Tips included developing marketable skills at your job that can be monetized in a business, and leveraging your job to learn skills like marketing, sales, operations etc.

  • The personal context is important - a 9-5 job may be a strategic move depending on an individual’s situation. It can provide resources to succeed rather than be seen as a liability.

  • Knowing when to pivot your business is as important as persevering. Changing direction is sometimes needed for growth.

  • Fears about starting a business can be addressed through a fear-setting exercise - defining fears, preventing negative outcomes, and planning repairs if goals aren’t met fully. Getting fears out openly is a big step to overcoming them.

So in summary, it presents working a 9-5 job as a potential asset for building a one-person business part-time by providing stability, skills and reducing stress compared to going at it alone full-time.

Here is a summary of the key points from the workbook:

  • Starting a successful one-person business requires taking action rather than just planning. Big planning and goal setting can lead to analysis paralysis.

  • It’s important to avoid thinking you need a huge business plan or lots of capital to start. Many successful businesses started very small through iteration and experimentation.

  • Waiting for perfect conditions means you’ll never start. Just begin with what you have and continue improving along the way through learning by doing.

  • Make sure your motivation for starting a business aligns with passion and values rather than just money, status or ego. This will sustain you through challenges.

  • Formal qualifications or permission are not required. Just start creating and building in public to develop experience and attract an audience organically.

  • Asking for too much advice or taking a traditional corporate career path may not suit the new passion economy where people can pursue interests independently online.

  • Provide feedback or testimonials to help the author continue improving and sharing advice with others looking to start their own one-person business. Action and iteration are key to success.

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About Matheus Puppe