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The Human-Machine Team How to Create Synergy Between Human & Artificial Intelligence That Will Revolutionize Our World - Y.S, Brigadier General

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Matheus Puppe

· 22 min read

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  • The modern concept of cities and nation-states emerged thanks to technological developments enabled by revolutions. Transportation and communication technologies made larger political units logical.

  • The Digital Revolution ushered in a new paradigm of global connectivity. Information became abundant through social media and ubiquitous digital devices. Data is now virtually infinite thanks to technologies like the Internet of Things.

  • We are in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution characterized by emerging technologies fusing the physical, digital, and biological spheres. This builds on previous revolutions driven by steam, electricity, and digital technologies.

  • New technologies include AI, robotics, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotech, IoT, 3D printing and self-driving cars. They are digitizing the real world at an unprecedented pace.

  • GDP measures will need to adapt as machines and robots take over more work. Productivity and workforce potential could become virtually limitless.

  • Key aspects of the Digital Era include ubiquitous connectivity, infinite data availability, cloud storage, deep learning from big data, powerful computing, and advancing AI. Technologies are becoming more integrated into human lives.

  • AI in particular has potential to address major challenges in new ways by solving problems humans could not. However, it also raises questions about privacy, security, and the human-machine relationship.

AI has the potential to solve challenges in the future that people did not know how to address in the past. AI allows problems to be examined in new ways. As technology advances, our culture and the capabilities of machines are changing rapidly.

Pre-AI robots helped automate factory work and increase productivity. Now, machines can perform cognitive tasks that were previously only possible for humans. It is the first time machines have begun to truly “think.” While the idea of thinking machines was discussed for decades, it was only realized recently that AI has advanced to that level.

AI has changed the rules and reshaped paradigms. We are in a transition period between old and new ways of thinking. The merger of human and artificial intelligence will be a major driver of change going forward.

The key challenges are to guide nations and organizations to realize the opportunities of human-machine collaboration. We must create strategic plans to mitigate risks and maximize benefits. Each organization must determine what AI means for them and their role in this new era. The potential impact and appropriate response will be different depending on cultural and strategic perspectives.

Rather than just viewing AI as a new technology, we need to consider what it means for societies and humanity. Our generation bears the responsibility to navigate this transition and build the next paradigm through thoughtful leadership and action.

  • AI refers to the ability of machines to automate functions that require human intelligence, such as decision-making, problem-solving, learning, and pattern recognition. However, machines do not have true human-level thinking abilities.

  • What has changed recently is the ability to build systematic, autonomous machines that can perform and represent parts of human cognition through techniques like machine learning, deep learning, and analyzing large datasets. This allows machines to mimic more complex human cognitive abilities.

  • Advances that have enabled this include vastly increased data storage capacity, high-performance computing power, big data, and the infrastructure to collect and organize data. These “data channels” provide the resources needed for AI techniques.

  • AI is increasing and accelerating the digital revolution by solving problems that were previously unsolvable and examining challenges in new ways. However, AI is narrow - it can only perform specific cognitive tasks, not replace all human capabilities.

  • While machines can now beat humans at games like chess and Go by learning the games, humans are still needed for creative tasks like inventing new games. Humans also make final decisions in unique strategic scenarios. So the relationship is a partnership, not machines replacing humans.

  • Mutual learning between humans is one of the key factors in the development of human knowledge. Group thinking enables humans to learn from each other.

  • AI machines can receive information from other AI machines but cannot engage in true group thinking or mutual learning the way humans can. They lack the ability to think.

  • Machine learning acts as an assistant to augment human abilities. The combination of human and machine intelligence, or the “human-machine team,” can create “super-cognition” greater than either could achieve alone.

  • The concept of “havruta” refers to synergetic learning between humans and machines on this human-machine team. Each has strengths - machines can leverage large data while humans provide context, ethics and out-of-the-box thinking.

  • Working together as a learning team, humans and machines can better understand issues that neither could fully address individually through a new process of mutual, systematic learning between the human and machine.

  • Learning in this context refers to developing new conceptual understandings and exploring new aspects of reality through a mental journey of exploring knowledge. The human-machine partnership enables new frontiers of learning.

In summary, the key idea is that humans and machines each have unique strengths, and by working together as a learning team through “havruta” or synergetic learning, they can achieve “super-cognition” and advance human knowledge in new ways.

Deep learning is a type of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to enable machines to perform tasks that involve patterns and abstraction, similar to how the human brain works. It allows machines to learn from large amounts of data and recognize complex patterns to perform tasks like facial recognition.

Synergetic learning refers to a new form of mutual learning between humans and machines. By working together on complex problems, humans and AI can complement each other’s strengths - machines can process vast amounts of data quickly while humans provide creativity, judgment and domain expertise. This human-machine teaming approach has the potential to solve problems that neither could solve alone.

The idea is that just as two study partners (havruta) learning together can create new insights through discussion and debate, so too a human and AI working as a team (human-machine havruta) can generate novel solutions and understandings by sharing and building on each other’s knowledge and perspectives. This represents a new stage of synergistic cooperation between human and artificial intelligence.

  • Past wars often resulted in clear victories or defeats, but more recently wars have ended without definitive outcomes. Asymmetric conflicts in particular have concluded without clear victories.

  • The digital era has empowered phenomena like lone wolf terrorism and made borders more difficult to protect. It has given adversaries like Hezbollah new capabilities. Defeating threats like Hezbollah’s large rocket arsenal will be extremely challenging with traditional means.

  • Thinking about future scenarios is important for strategic planning. By 2040, national security organizations will likely be very different and face issues we cannot yet imagine due to technologies like artificial intelligence. AI in particular could be a potential game changer in warfare but preparing for its implications requires formulation of scenarios today.

  • Overall, the past shows the challenges of concluding conflicts decisively, while the future will involve even more uncertainty due to technologies disrupting traditional military frameworks. Scenario planning is needed to guide strategic action in countering evolving threats.

  • AI will revolutionize national security in major ways by 2035. Technologies like machine learning, big data analysis, and drones will transform intelligence gathering and targeting.

  • Traditional intelligence roles involving human analysis will be replaced by AI machines. Big data will provide comprehensive information for understanding adversaries.

  • Classified and unclassified data will be accessible on integrated networks while maintaining security. Many changes cannot be predicted now but laying the groundwork for AI is important.

  • Hezbollah is presented as a 2035 scenario where they have over 200,000 rockets/missiles and 1,000 AI drones. Their leader aims for a historic victory over Israel.

  • AI can help address challenges in novel ways and solve previously unsolvable problems. The human-machine team allows deeper analysis and new potentials like targeting, understanding enemies/borders, and shaping influence operations.

  • Machine learning can help create tens of thousands of targets by overcoming human bottlenecks in processing data and decision-making. It can provide real-time snapshots of enemies and borders.

  • The human-machine team allows comprehensive understanding of oneself as well as enemies to improve decision-making in uncertain warfare. Overall, AI is poised to revolutionize national security and military operations.

  • The development of artificial intelligence allows for a new concept called the “human-machine team” where AI can be utilized to augment military decision making and capabilities. This has the potential to regain advantage for stronger armed forces against smaller asymmetric threats.

  • Intelligence in the age of AI requires a revolution to deal with the new paradigm of vast data and information. Where intelligence formerly involved piecing together small pieces of information, AI enables navigating vast amounts of data through effective questioning.

  • An emerging concept called “deep intelligence” leverages the information explosion and ability to gain information about anything through optimal data navigation and question formulation. The relationship between human and machine is changing, with AI accelerating the transformation of intelligence organizations.

  • The question becomes more important than any individual piece of information. With vast datasets available, the key is asking the right questions to uncover precise and vital insights. Questioning skills and data navigation will be important capabilities for intelligence in the AI era.

  • Intelligence analysis can be augmented by machine learning using relevant “features” derived from questions analysts ask and the answers produced. Combining multiple questions and answers creates more features that improve machine learning capabilities.

  • Automating some intelligence tasks like speech transcription and image analysis can significantly increase scale and efficiency, replacing 80% of human analysts over 5 years.

  • The vast amount of open information online, if properly leveraged, can help solve previously unsolved intelligence puzzles in new ways. Whoever best utilizes public internet data will gain an advantage.

  • Intelligence organizations now have opportunities to not just analyze data but also actively shape reality through targeted information campaigns using AI-powered techniques. However, adversaries may try to misuse these same capabilities.

  • Countries like Russia and China have recognized AI’s strategic importance and are investing heavily, so Western nations need to collaborate across government and private sector to maintain an edge in this critical technology area. Significant changes are needed to realize AI’s benefits for intelligence within decades, not centuries.

  • Traditional intelligence models have monopolized data and avoided sharing it widely for risk of misuse. A new approach is needed that does not view data as owned by any single agency.

  • To effectively leverage data for conflicts/wars, independence in accessing data across military organizations is important. Intelligence agencies should share data more openly without losing responsibility over classified information.

  • Machine learning models are most powerful when they can utilize continuity across different types and sources of data, linking various dots together in analysis.

  • A “targets machine” that applies machine learning to data could predict new enemy targets and locations through analyzing patterns and features across varied datasets like imagery, communications, locations histories etc.

  • The process involves gathering varied data, preparing it for the machine, developing a model, training/improving the model, evaluating it against real-world tests, and tuning the model before making predictions on new targets.

  • With enough relevant data from diverse sources, a targets machine has potential to leverage data in new ways to gain insights not possible through human analysis alone, aiding conflict/war efforts. Data is the most critical element for success.

  • Prediction takes known data/information and uses it to generate unknown information about the present, past, or future. Usually we think of prediction for the future, but it’s primarily about understanding the past and present.

  • Machine learning occurs when there is data that provides information we don’t have. The activities may be in the future, but the conclusions are from analyzing past or present data.

  • A human-machine team could help address lone wolf terrorist attacks by identifying characteristics of past attackers to predict future risks. Humans would identify limits and examples while machines analyze large data to identify potential suspects.

  • A smart border uses different data sources within a defined spatial area to improve security. Sensors within the area would fuse data like images and cell signals. Machine learning identifies unusual activity and alerts analysts to improve threat monitoring at the border over time.

  • Building a smart border proof of concept would involve organizing existing data on an area, setting up various sensors, connecting data sources, using machine learning models, and having analysts improve the system based on experiences.

Here is a summary of the article:

  • Security establishments like intelligence agencies face unique challenges in undergoing a digital transformation due to their culture, missions, and need to use both classified and unclassified data.

  • A “closed-open-closed” network is needed to allow access to both internal classified data and external unclassified data simultaneously while maintaining security. This would let people work from public places like WeWork while still using classified systems.

  • Building secure cloud infrastructure is a challenge, as security agencies need to store large classified datasets but public clouds from companies like Amazon pose security risks.

  • Different security organizations using separate networks makes collaboration difficult. How can they act as one network while maintaining individual security?

  • Transformation is hard while still needing to maintain constant war preparedness. Security agencies can’t fully shift to new systems like commercial companies since they must be ready to fight at any moment.

  • In summary, the unique nature of security work presents cultural, technical and operational challenges to digital change that will require innovative solutions. Maintaining capabilities while transforming is particularly difficult.

The passage discusses several challenges facing organizations in achieving digital transformation and maintaining military readiness simultaneously. Specifically, it notes the difficulties of:

  • Investing in next-generation capabilities while also improving preparedness for potential war outbreaks.

  • Transforming an organization while maintaining existing abilities and expertise.

  • Having limited resources to dedicate to both innovation/transformation and preparedness.

It also points out that security establishments traditionally learn from crises rather than opportunities, and are reluctant to invest in uncertain future issues. Additionally, cultural shifts are needed to embrace outsourcing digital capabilities rather than relying solely on in-house development.

Three more challenges regarding the use of AI in war are outlined: the singularity of war events makes machine learning processes difficult to apply; data and capability monopolies within organizations restrict effective usage; and ethical questions arise around algorithmic life-taking without human oversight.

Finally, it proposes a “FAST” approach for nations and organizations to realize AI’s potential through building necessary data, computing and networking foundations; aggressively accelerating integration of AI into regional operations, analysis, weapons and collaboration; and achieving a “singularity” level of human-machine integration within 20 years.

  • Ty time means establishing organizations focused on the distant future and seemingly unrealistic ideas today. This is done to prepare for the future and discover future ideas that can accelerate AI progress now.

  • In the era of AI, cognition abilities are changing through human-machine teams. AI allows humans and machines to “think” together in new ways called “super-cognition”. This changes how we approach challenges.

  • Key questions for understanding countries’ AI strategies include their vision for AI, how to realize that vision, and how AI impacts fields like cybersecurity, electromagnetics, intelligence, and the relationship between government and private sector.

  • National security organizations have advantages in data access and computing but challenges in data storage, organization, and merging classified/unclassified data. Their infrastructure needs improvements to enable more automated systems.

  • China sees AI as strategic and aims to lead economically and technologically. It allocates funding, promotes collaboration between military/private sectors, leverages data collection abilities, and encourages Chinese involvement in foreign AI companies and research to copy innovations.

So in summary, it discusses approaches to future-focused innovation, the new human-machine dynamics, elements of national AI strategies, challenges facing security organizations, and China’s comprehensive strategy to achieve advantages in this field.

  • The strongest power of AI is in the private sector, not the military. AI capabilities should be developed inside the U.S. private sector and then that knowledge can potentially be brought back to benefit the military.

  • Regions can empower themselves through AI by improving existing strengths like cyber capabilities. AI can increase offensive and defensive cyber abilities. It can also help with border security and analyzing large amounts of data (“targets in context”).

  • Machine learning can help address cyber threats by analyzing vast data on past viruses/attacks to detect new ones. It requires data, model training/tuning, and evaluation/predictions.

  • An “AI wall” using sensors, machine learning and human analysis could help secure borders by creating a “smart area” to monitor the border region.

  • Countries like Russia and China see AI as strategically important and are aggressively pursuing AI to strengthen their economies and militaries. Russia in particular wants to accelerate AI development to regain technological leadership and leverage AI in areas like propaganda and cyber capabilities.

So in summary, the perspective advocated focusing AI development in the private sector first, then leveraging that knowledge for national defense, while also emphasizing using AI to empower existing regional strengths like cyber capabilities and border security.

  • Russia is aiming to have 30% of its military equipment be robotic and autonomous by 2025. They are investing hundreds of millions of dollars to develop new AI departments in universities and a new defense research organization similar to DARPA focused on automation and robotics.

  • Russia is trying to improve relationships between national organizations and the private sector to keep Russian AI talent within the country. One example is Kryptonite, a company working on civilian IT products based on military info security developments, including blockchain.

  • The goal of “singularity time” is to prepare for the future by establishing places like departments, units, organizations and companies focused on distant future ideas that seem unrealistic today. This includes building basic infrastructure to support technologies like autonomous vehicles.

  • Russia wants to create a “Next Generation Unit” within national security establishments whose responsibility is to develop tools for the distant future of AI and take responsibility for how AI may evolve. This would include having the ability to dream without limits.

  • “Singularity time labs” are proposed as a way for Russia to take responsibility for the future of AI. These government-funded labs would focus on distant future concepts and be connected to universities and startups. Russia is investing in developing its domestic AI capabilities but still has a long way to catch up to countries like the US, China and others.

  • U.S. leaders understand that AI development is decentralized and challenging to coordinate. They see partnerships between government, private sector, and allies as key to success.

  • The U.S. plan involves building a systematic process to track AI progress across agencies, create a pipeline linking universities, industry, workforce, and establishing AI strategies within each agency. It will increase AI budgets and resources annually.

  • The plan aims to “accelerate and harness” AI capabilities - accelerate development and harness abilities to benefit national defense by discovering appropriate applications.

  • Early experimentation is important, embracing risks and accepting failures on a small scale for overall success. This contrasts traditional cautious approaches.

  • Foundational infrastructure is needed, like data storage, computing resources, and a culture of data sharing. Improving access to relevant data, including government data, is also important.

  • Strengthening collaborations between national security, academia and private sector through groups like DARPA is key. Developing next-gen partnerships to share knowledge and resources is planned.

  • Laws and ethics frameworks need to be developed to address new AI capabilities while guarding against undermining freedom or inconsistent enforcement by rivals.

  • A new Joint AI Center will lead and accelerate development, enable partnerships, and address complex coordination challenges. Its focus includes relations between AI and cybersecurity.

I apologize, upon reviewing the prompt, there does not appear to be enough context provided to summarize the idea of “under of modern management.” Could you please provide more details on the source text here to help me understand what is being referred to?

  • The passage argues that governments should build “national data carriers” (NDC) similar to how they have historically built infrastructure to distribute critical resources like water and fossil fuels. Data is now as important as those past resources for powering innovation.

  • NDCs would provide broad access to organized data for academia, industry, organizations and citizens. This would give a country a huge advantage in the digital era where data is the foundation for innovation.

  • The US has an effective innovation system due to bridges between government, academia and industry. Small programs like DARPA help empower the bigger players and keep the system circulating.

  • Key factors in the US system include players getting stronger as part of the whole, effective processes and procedures, high priority on R&D, and a culture of innovation and working within systems.

  • However, leading innovation in AI poses unique challenges as private industry now has more resources than government in this field, unlike past technology eras where the government/military led development. Governments must build new bridges to take advantage of private sector AI capabilities.

  • National security establishments face the challenge of leading both hardware and software innovation in AI, as AI innovation is scattered across many small companies.

  • To lead in AI, a nation needs an “Innovation System+” that strengthens connections between government, industry, and academia to harness AI capabilities.

  • Structural changes are needed to both lead transformation towards the future while also maintaining preparedness for the present. New units focused on specific AI acceleration missions can help with this.

  • Recommendations include establishing new digital units merging humans and AI, creating data analyst positions, building data mining sections, developing expertise for new sensors, and choosing processes to accelerate with AI automation.

  • The key is for every organization to “accelerate the acceleration” by building units to lead acceleration in specific AI capabilities like producing more targets or automating intelligence processes. This has potential for major success in realizing the AI revolution.

The passage discusses several positions and functions that could potentially be replaced by AI in the near future. It argues that within 5 years, more than 80% of tasks currently done by audio-lingual, image, and video analysts could be automated through technologies like speech recognition and computer vision. It also suggests that over 50% of the process of cross-checking and analyzing intelligence data could be performed by AI machines within a few years.

The passage then talks about how narrowly focusing automation efforts on specific domains like drones could accelerate progress. It uses China’s development of AI-capable drone swarms as an example.

It discusses how the concept of Multi-Domain Operations (MDO), which seeks to merge different military capabilities across domains, faces challenges to its realization. Creating common data foundations and networks that allow all domains to operate on the same timelines could help achieve MDO. The human-machine team approach and concepts like FAST (Responsible, Unbiased and Transparent AI) may enable this by facilitating collaboration between human and artificial intelligence. Merging data, innovations and forces into a single coordinated vector potentially enables MDO.

In summary, the passage outlines several military jobs that AI could replace in the near future. It then explores how human-AI collaboration through common data systems could help actualize the challenging goal of unified multi-domain military operations.

  • “4 x 4” refers to a management method that breaks down goals and objectives into 4 years, 4 months, 4 weeks, and 4 days increments. This allows for complex digital transformations to be achieved incrementally through continuous review and adjustment.

  • The dynamic and fast-paced nature of the digital era requires an agile management approach like 4 x 4 to accomplish difficult missions. It provides a practical way to fulfill long-term visions through short-term milestones.

  • Leadership in defense is changing due to the digital era. Leaders must guide transformation towards a model of human-machine teaming while maintaining traditional capabilities.

  • Leaders need strategic visions for digitalization and basic AI knowledge. They must understand competitors’ AI progress to develop effective strategies.

  • Education is needed to develop more AI scientists and train leaders/managers to lead in an era of merging human and artificial intelligence.

  • Scenario planning can help organizations prepare for an uncertain future and test their thinking through alternative perspectives.

So in summary, it discusses an agile management method called 4 x 4 and the new competencies and approaches required of defense leaders to navigate digital transformation and competition.

  • Strategy planning requires considering scenarios and uncertainties, not just present situations. Scenario planning helps organizations recognize change and uncertainty, and use it creatively to their advantage.

  • Security leaders need to build scenarios for risks and opportunities from developments in digital technologies and AI. They should envision scenarios resulting from the human-machine team concept.

  • Culture is important for transformation. A culture of sharing information aids the development of human-machine partnerships, as AI thrives on data. National security organizations need to share more within and outside their agencies.

  • Increasing diversity, like more women in leadership, brings perspectives that support sharing and collaboration over competition.

  • Organizations need an internal culture of entrepreneurship to lead transformation, like “weeks out of the box” for new AI ideas or internal startups focusing on AI innovation.

  • Leaders should trust employees and give them flexibility rather than relying solely on hierarchy. Keeping organizations in “near-chaos” supports innovation over strict control and productivity. Metaphors like “flux and transformation” help envision cultures suited for the digital era.

  • Personal reflection on how a year living in Washington D.C. exceeded expectations and became a turning point, improving English language skills and perspective.

  • The author changed the language settings on his phone to English and started talking to his wife and Israeli friends in English to improve, but still has progress to make.

  • The book began as a dream but took on a life of its own after a few weeks of writing.

  • The National Defense University brings together students from around the world to build global networks and relationships. The international program is described as amazing.

  • For the first time, the author began thinking of Israel as part of the world rather than just focusing on its internal challenges, due to his experience at NDU.

  • Writing the book was an exciting journey that required questioning assumptions and adopting new perspectives. It involved setbacks but also breakthroughs.

  • The author found himself discussing AI and the human-machine team concept daily with many people, which helped develop his thoughts.

  • The future is already happening but unevenly distributed. The book aims to help nations and organizations adapt to new potentials from AI.

  • The book acknowledges influences from scholars like Thomas Kuhn, Samuel Huntington, and William Gibson. It also thanks the many people who contributed to its creation.

Here is a summary of the provided text:

The passage summarizes a journey that has led to completing a collaboration with The Human-Machine Team. For the last 20 years, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has been the author’s second home and part of their identity. They express pride in serving in the Israel Defense Intelligence (IDI) organization.

The author thanks various people who helped them along the way, including commanders, colleagues, subordinates and friends in the IDF. They state that this new journey with The Human-Machine Team is thanks to and for those people. Personal thanks are also given to family for helping build their identity.

The most important expression of gratitude is given to the author’s wife and children, stating that all they have done is thanks to them and this new journey belongs to them. The author hopes this collaboration will strengthen Israel’s security and help lead the world to becoming a better place for all humanity.

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About Matheus Puppe