Self Help

The law of attraction_Blueprint_The most e - Dash, Vardan

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Matheus Puppe

· 3 min read

• The Law of Attraction states that you attract into your life whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted.

• Everything in the universe is energy, including our thoughts and feelings. Energy vibrates at different frequencies. Positive thoughts and feelings vibrate at a higher frequency, negative thoughts and feelings at a lower frequency.

• Like energy attracts like energy. So if you have positive thoughts and feelings, you will attract more positive things. If you have negative thoughts and feelings, you will attract more negative things.

• Many people struggle with the Law of Attraction because they have been conditioned from an early age to have negative and limiting beliefs. This results in lower vibration and energy, and attraction of more negative circumstances.

• To make the Law of Attraction work for you, you need to raise your vibration and frequency. Some key ways to do this include:

  1. Being appreciative and grateful for what you have.
  2. Listening to uplifting music.
  3. Meditating.
  4. Becoming aware of your current vibration and feelings and making an effort to change negative feelings.
  5. Stop complaining and focus on positive thoughts and feelings.
  6. Writing down exactly how you want your life to be. Focus on the emotions of already having what you want.
  7. Take action and inspired steps towards your goals and desires. Inspiration will come once your vibration has been raised.

• The higher your vibration, the more you activate the Law of Attraction in your favor. Changing your thoughts and focusing on positivity and abundance will transform your life.

  1. Decide what you really want in your life. Write down your goals and be as specific as possible.

  2. Break down big goals into smaller, achievable milestones. This makes the goals less daunting and provides motivation along the way.

  3. Tell others about your goals. This increases accountability and the likelihood of achieving the goals.

  4. Use your imagination. Picture achieving the goals and feel the emotions associated with success. Imagination fuels motivation and action.

  5. Take inspired action. Look for signs from the universe pointing you toward actions that will help achieve your goals. Act on hunches and gut feelings. Inspired action does not feel laborious.

  6. Persist and never give up. There will be obstacles and setbacks, but perseverance and faith will lead to success. Ask for help when you need it.

  7. Enjoy the achievement of your goals and be grateful for the journey. Note what you learned and use that for setting new goals.

  8. Emit positive vibrations and believe in the creative power of the subconscious mind. Doubting the process will only hinder your progress.

• Listen to your hunches and gut feelings. They are the universe talking to you, providing guidance. Pay attention to them.

• How quickly you can achieve results depends on how much time you spend emitting a positive vibration. Optimists who can easily achieve a positive mindset will reach their goals faster. It takes practice and commitment to shift your vibration and mindset. But with daily practice, it gets easier.

• Repetition speeds up the manifestation process. Repeat your affirmations and visualizations multiple times a day. Vision boards, collages of images representing your goals and dreams, are also helpful. Look at them daily and imagine your goals are already achieved.

• Use passwords and other reminders related to your goals. For example, if your goal is to travel for work, use a password like “iamtravellingtheworld” or “travelwork2016.” This creates a mental picture of your goal and accelerates the process of achieving it.

• You can attract whatever you want in life. The circumstances you attract match the vibrations you emit. By absolute law, you attract what matches your vibrations.

• Practice and commitment are key. Review the lessons from this material and implement them in your life. Share your thoughts with others by posting a review. Continued practice and sharing can help others as well.

• Good luck applying these principles and achieving your goals!

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About Matheus Puppe