Self Help

The New Map Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations - Daniel Yergin

Author Photo

Matheus Puppe

· 83 min read



Here is a summary of the sections on ALSO BY DANIEL YERGIN:

  • The Quest - No details provided
  • The Prize - No details provided
  • Shattered Peace - No details provided
  • The Commanding Heights - Co-authored book about globalization and its impact
  • Russia 2010 - Co-authored book about Russia’s future direction
  • Global Insecurity - Co-authored book about global threats
  • Energy Future - Co-authored book about energy issues

The books span a range of topics from geopolitics to energy to globalization. Yergin is renowned for his work analyzing the geopolitical and economic implications of energy issues globally.


  • China seeks to move up the manufacturing value chain and lead in new industries, while also asserting territorial claims in the South China Sea that are strategically and economically important.
  • The Belt and Road Initiative aims to expand China’s economic and political influence globally through new trade and infrastructure networks that benefit China’s economy and access to resources. However, critics see it also as a geopolitical project to establish Chinese dominance.
  • US-China relations are increasingly strained as both view each other as strategic competitors. While economically interdependent, political tensions are rising due to distrust amplified by the COVID crisis. Decoupling the two economies is discussed more seriously.


  • China is pursuing greater global power and leadership through economic expansion projects like Belt and Road as well as territorial claims, challenging the US-led geopolitical order.

  • The US sees China as a rising threat and is pushing back more forcefully, with bipartisan criticism of China growing in the US.

  • Increased tensions and lack of cooperation between the two largest powers could destabilize global affairs if left unaddressed but also result from failures to establish mutual understanding and trust.

  • The pandemic has worsened political dynamics by damaging economic ties while highlighting diplomatic deficiencies in coordinating a public health response.

  • George Mitchell had a conviction that natural gas could be commercially extracted from dense shale rock, contrary to conventional wisdom. He was driven by a need to supply gas to Chicago from declining conventional reserves.

  • After years of experimentation by Mitchell Energy, a breakthrough was made in 1998 at the SH Griffin #4 well in Dish, Texas. They replaced much of the expensive guar additive used in fracking with water, slowing feeding sand to successfully fracture the Barnett Shale. This “slickwater fracking” technique dramatically increased production.

  • Devon Energy took note of Mitchell Energy’s surging outputs and acquired the company in 2002 for $3.5 billion, validating that shale drilling could be economically viable.

  • Horizontal drilling, which became more prevalent in the late 80s/early 90s, was also key to unlocking the economic potential of shale by exposing more rock face to fracking. Mitchell’s persistence and conviction over 17 years was ultimately vindicated in proving that shale gas production at scale was indeed possible.

  • In 2003, Devon Energy had been experimenting with combining horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the Barnett Shale in Texas to extract natural gas. Over the summer, through 55 wells, they proved this combination was highly successful at liberating natural gas from shale formations.

  • This was a breakthrough that kicked off a frenzied race by other companies to lease promising shale acreage and prove up the gas resources. The advance was led by independent oil and gas companies, not the major oil companies, as the majors had written off onshore US production.

  • Independents started applying the techniques to other shale formations across the US, most notably the massive Marcellus Shale. High natural gas prices at the time motivated risky experimentation to develop the resource.

  • By 2008, US natural gas production started increasing rather than declining as expected, catching the attention of major companies. This led to revised estimates of much larger recoverable US gas resources over the following years. Abundant, low-cost shale gas profoundly changed the US energy landscape.

  • Mark Papa, CEO of EOG Resources, had learned from experience to pay attention to supply and demand dynamics in the oil market. He saw that gas prices were likely to fall significantly.

  • EOG had three options - go international, explore deep water Gulf of Mexico, or pursue shale oil instead of gas. They chose the third option despite skepticism about extracting oil from dense shale rock.

  • Through research, EOG determined that while oil molecules were larger than natural gas molecules, they could still flow through the pores created by fracking in shale.

  • EOG shifted its focus from gas to pursuing shale oil in the Eagle Ford shale in Texas, believing it had the potential to be a “game changer.” Through drilling, EOG vastly underestimated the oil reserves there.

  • In North Dakota, oil had previously been discovered in 1951 but production was limited. Harold Hamm, an oilman from Oklahoma, started acquiring acreage there in the 2000s, believing newer horizontal drilling techniques could unlock oil from shale like the Bakken formation.

  • North Dakota experienced a huge oil boom in the early 2000s, quadrupling production from 85,000 barrels per day in 2004 to 419,000 barrels per day by 2011.

  • By 2014, North Dakota was producing over 1.1 million barrels per day, vastly exceeding earlier production levels. This made North Dakota one of the top oil producing states.

  • The oil boom provided a large economic boost to North Dakota, increasing growth, incomes, and revenues. It also attracted migrant workers from other states with higher unemployment.

  • However, the rapid growth created issues like housing shortages and overcrowding of infrastructure like roads, schools, hospitals, and courts. Much of the oil also had to be transported by rail due to lack of pipeline capacity.

  • The Permian Basin, located in West Texas and New Mexico, also experienced a huge revival in oil production using new fracking technologies. Production skyrocketed from 850,000 barrels per day in 2007 to over 2 million barrels per day by 2014.

  • This revival transformed Texas into a major oil producing powerhouse, with production tripling between 2009-2014. Texas produced more oil than Mexico and all OPEC members except Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

  • The new shale production technologies unlocked vast new oil resources and changed the global resource map. Areas like the Permian Basin and Eagle Ford were now ranked among the largest oil fields in the world.

  • A Chinese company called Shandong Yuhuang built a chemical plant in St. James Parish, Louisiana, taking advantage of inexpensive natural gas available through pipelines transporting shale gas.

  • The project brought many jobs to St. James Parish and the surrounding region, and increased tax revenue that allowed the parish to build a new high school. Over time, the project generated significant new economic activity and jobs in the area.

  • America’s shale gas revolution dramatically increased domestic natural gas production and reduced imports and trade deficits. It also improved America’s competitiveness by lowering energy costs for manufacturers.

  • Many American and foreign companies invested billions in new and expanded petrochemical plants, steel mills, and other factories in the U.S. due to the low natural gas prices enabled by shale. This has contributed to America’s manufacturing resurgence.

  • While shale development has faced some environmental concerns, risks have generally been managed through improved regulations and industry practices. Methane emissions reduction remains an ongoing priority.

  • Charif Souki grew up in Beirut and had a background in banking and running restaurants before entering the oil and gas industry.

  • He founded Cheniere Energy to explore for natural gas but shifted to the idea of importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) after realizing the US may face a shortage.

  • Importing LNG required building facilities to convert LNG back to gas for pipelines, which required billions of dollars. Souki had no money or experience in this sector.

  • The global LNG market grew with exports from countries like Indonesia, Qatar, and Malaysia to importers like Japan seeking alternatives to Mideast oil. It involved complex long-term contracts.

  • Souki proposed building LNG import terminals but had trouble securing funding until partnering with investor Michael Smith. They built import terminals in Louisiana and Texas.

  • However, the shale gas boom in the US raised doubts about LNG imports. Then in 2009, companies like Chesapeake asked Cheniere to instead build LNG export terminals, sensing a growing gas surplus in the US.

  • This prompted Cheniere to propose a $8 billion plan to convert its import terminal in Louisiana into an export facility, which its board approved despite the significant change and cost.

  • The US shale revolution has extended into Mexico through natural gas pipelines, with the US exporting over 60% of Mexico’s gas supply and 65% of its gasoline. This has increased North American energy integration.

  • Mexico’s oil industry had long been a state monopoly under Pemex, but production was declining due to underinvestment, debt, inefficiency, and corruption. Reforms were needed to develop resources and support Mexico’s growing manufacturing sector.

  • In 2013, Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto, from the long-ruling PRI party, led a consensus for oil industry reform. Constitutional amendments opened the industry to private Mexican and foreign companies, ending Pemex’s monopoly. Subsequent laws enabled companies to explore and produce oil and gas through flexible contracts and licenses.

  • This aims to attract the investment needed to develop Mexico’s oil and gas resources, including offshore Gulf of Mexico reserves and onshore shale trends that continue from the US. The reforms sought to modernize the industry to support Mexico’s growing economy and manufacturing competitiveness.

  • The Keystone XL pipeline was proposed to transport oil from Canada’s oil sands in Alberta to refineries in the US Gulf Coast. It became a focal point for opposition from environmental activists seeking to block new fossil fuel infrastructure.

  • Canada has significantly increased oil production from its oil sands since 2000, now producing over 4.5 million barrels per day. Most of this oil is exported to the US. Canada supplies about 50% of US oil imports.

  • The Obama administration initially supported part of the Keystone system but the northern Keystone XL segment faced years of review and legal challenges. After extensive review, the State Department concluded it should be approved environmentally but Secretary of State John Kerry rejected it due to concerns over climate change policy.

  • The Trump administration approved Keystone XL but it continued to face legal challenges. Alberta invested $1.5 billion in the project but it remains unbuilt due to ongoing opposition and uncertainty. The pipeline has become symbolic of the broader debate over fossil fuel infrastructure and climate change.

  • The Dakota Access pipeline was proposed to transport oil from North Dakota to Illinois. It faced significant opposition from environmental and Native American groups.

  • The Standing Rock Sioux tribe objected to the pipeline crossing under the Missouri River near their reservation, arguing it threatened their water supply and sacred sites. Mass protests drew thousands of demonstrators.

  • The project received approval from the Army Corps of Engineers but the Obama administration halted construction in its final months due to the protests. Trump later overturned this decision.

  • The battle highlighted tensions between industry seeking to build new oil and gas infrastructure, and environmental activists trying to block pipelines. It energized climate activists and legal challenges against pipelines continue.

  • While Dakota Access was ultimately completed, pipelines remain controversial and the focus of battles over advancing new energy development versus environmental concerns in the US.

  • The shale oil and gas revolution in the US has significantly altered global geopolitics related to energy. It has made the US much less reliant on imported oil and reduced its strategic dependence on the Middle East.

  • The US is now a major oil and gas exporter and one of the top three oil producers globally along with Russia and Saudi Arabia. This has enhanced US flexibility and leverage in pursuing foreign policy goals.

  • Russia opposed shale gas development in Europe as it challenged Russia’s dominance as a natural gas supplier to Europe. The rise of US shale exports also disrupted global energy and commodity markets.

  • For decades, Middle East oil stability and security were top priorities for US foreign policy due to its heavy reliance on imports from the region. The shale revolution reduced this dependence and allowed the US more flexibility in the Middle East. It lessened the strategic importance of Middle East spare production capacity controlled by Saudi Arabia.

  • Saudi Arabia plays a key role in balancing the global oil market as the largest producer and exporter within OPEC. It can quickly increase or decrease output, earning it the nickname of the “central bank” of world oil.

  • Though the US is heavily engaged in Persian Gulf security, US oil imports from the Gulf have declined to around 11% due to increased domestic production from shale oil and oil sands in Canada. However, disruptions to Gulf supplies still impact global oil prices and the integrated global economy.

  • The shale revolution helped weaken Iran economically by offsetting reduced Iranian oil exports under sanctions, thereby strengthening the sanctions regime and pushing Iran to the negotiating table for the 2015 nuclear deal.

  • Increased US shale gas production has helped diversify and secure Europe’s gas supplies by competing with Russian gas exports and eliminating Europe’s dependence on any single supplier like Russia.

  • US oil and LNG exports are strengthening ties with key Asian partners like China, India, Japan, and South Korea by enhancing energy security through diversification and addressing trade imbalances.

  • In 2018, the US surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s top oil producer, a position it had not held since the 1970s, due to the unprecedented speed and scale of shale development. However, continued growth is uncertain due to various possible constraints.

  • The shale industry is shifting focus from growth at all costs to achieving returns for investors by reducing costs through improved efficiency, mergers, and investment from major oil companies.

  • The shale revolution transformed the global oil market. The US became the world’s top oil producer in February 2020, surpassing both Saudi Arabia and Russia. However, the Covid-19 pandemic caused a drastic cutback in shale investment and output, which will decline as a result.

  • Oil and gas are crucial for Russia’s economy and influence globally. Revenues from energy exports provide around half of Russia’s government budget and export earnings. This makes Russia a major player on the world stage.

  • Putin views energy as central to geopolitics. Under his leadership over the past two decades, a key goal has been reasserting Russian influence over former Soviet states and growing Russia into a major global power once again. The abundance of oil and gas resources have supported this goal.

  • Historically, Russia/Soviet Union has been a dominant energy producer and exporter for over a century. Oil production booms and slumps have significantly impacted the economy and stability at different periods. The oil price crash in the 1980s exacerbated other issues and contributed to the Soviet Union’s eventual collapse.

  • The Russian republic was by far the largest of the USSR’s constituent “republics” or states. While the republics had their own governments, they had no real power.

  • In the 1990s, under Boris Yeltsin, the Russian republic asserted more autonomy and control over Soviet oil/gas assets and revenues within its territory. This shifted power away from Gorbachev and the Soviet government.

  • In 1991, meetings between Yeltsin, Ukraine, and Belarus led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The republics declared the USSR ceased to exist as an entity, making the republics independent nations. Russia inherited much of the former USSR assets and responsibilities.

  • The breakup fractured the integrated Soviet oil industry, with assets and production now located across newly independent states like Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Russia’s industry went through turbulent privatization in the 1990s.

  • Vladimir Putin rose from KGB officer to president, reasserting state control over energy companies. Gazprom and Rosneft now dominate Russian gas and oil respectively, with the government as majority shareholder.

  • Rising oil/gas revenues boosted Russia’s economy after 2000, restoring its status as an energy superpower closely tied to global commodity markets and Chinese demand. However, tensions grew over Russian gas supplies to Europe, especially relations with Ukraine.

  • In 1240, Kyiv was sacked by the Mongol Golden Horde. The first maps of Ukraine and depictions of its borders emerged around 1640 when it was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland.

  • In 1654, a Cossack leader in what is now Ukraine swore allegiance to the Tsardom of Muscovy, beginning Ukraine’s incorporation into Imperial Russia. Whether this was conditional autonomy or absolute submission remains debated.

  • Nationalist identity in Ukraine grew in the late Russian Empire as industrialization took place in the Donbas region. Ukraine briefly declared independence in 1918 but was absorbed into the Soviet Union after the Russian Civil War.

  • Ukraine gained independence when the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991. It inherited nuclear weapons but gave them up in 1994 in exchange for security assurances from Russia, UK, and US on respecting its borders.

  • Post-Soviet disputes emerged over gas prices and transit fees as Ukraine and Russia were no longer “brothers” in the same country. The 2004 Orange Revolution heightened tensions as Ukraine looked westward under President Yushchenko.

  • Russia cut gas to Ukraine in 2006 and 2009, also disrupting supplies to Europe, in disputes over pricing and control of Ukraine’s pipeline system. This demonstrated Russia’s energy power but also concerns from Europe and US about its use as a political weapon.

  • Nord Stream is a pipeline project that transports natural gas from Russia directly to Germany under the Baltic Sea, bypassing Ukraine. It was promoted by Russia as a way to increase energy security by reducing dependence on Ukrainian transit routes.

  • The pipeline began operation in 2011. Dmitry Medvedev and Angela Merkel both expressed support for the project as contributing to European energy security. However, critics in Central/Eastern Europe argued it would increase Russian political influence.

  • The debate over reliance on Russian energy has been ongoing for decades. In the past, the US opposed Soviet/Russian oil and gas pipelines and exports to Europe due to security concerns and a desire to weaken the Soviet Union economically. This caused disagreements with European allies.

  • The EU aims to increase energy security through market integration, diversification of supply, and promotion of renewable energy and efficiency. However, Russia remains a key supplier, providing around 35% of EU gas needs. The political risks of this dependence continue to be debated.

  • In 2013, Edward Snowden stole classified files from the NSA and leaked them, exposing extensive US global surveillance programs. He fled to Hong Kong and then Russia, where Putin granted him asylum.

  • This shocked the US and damaged US-Russia relations. Obama canceled a planned summit with Putin in response.

  • Ukraine was caught between growing economic/political ties with Europe versus Russia’s desire to keep Ukraine in its sphere of influence.

  • Mass protests erupted in Ukraine in 2013 when Yanukovych backed out of an EU trade deal under pressure from Russia. The Ukrainian president fled and a new government took hold.

  • Shortly after, in 2014, Russian forces took control of Crimea while the Winter Olympics was underway in Sochi. A disputed referendum was held and Russia annexed Crimea.

  • The US and Europe condemned this as a violation of Ukraine’s borders. Sanctions were imposed on Russia as tensions escalated over Ukraine’s alignment with the West versus Russia. This marked a deterioration in post-Cold War relations between Russia and the West.

  • Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, leading to sanctions from the West. A war also broke out in eastern Ukraine between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian government forces.

  • The US imposed financial sanctions on Russia to restrict its access to global financial markets and investment. Europeans joined the sanctions after a Malaysian airliner was shot down over eastern Ukraine, killing 298 people.

  • The war in eastern Ukraine has dragged on since 2014, killing over 14,000 people and worsening relations between Russia and the West.

  • In late 2014, global oil prices collapsed, further damaging Russia’s economy which depends heavily on oil exports. However, Russia’s central bank and the weakening of the ruble helped cushion the impact.

  • While some sectors suffered, lower fuel and import costs boosted others like agriculture. Russia became the largest wheat exporter. Government funds set aside during high oil prices also helped mitigate the crisis.

  • Overall, Russia’s economy proved more resilient to sanctions and low oil prices than expected, returning to growth by 2017 though the long-term impacts on relations and development were significant.

  • There was opposition to the new Nord Stream 2 pipeline from parts of Europe and the EU due to concerns over Europe’s growing dependence on Russian energy and Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

  • However, Germany supported the pipeline as a commercial project. Construction began in 2017 with support from German and other European companies.

  • In the US, new sanctions were passed targeting Russian energy projects like Nord Stream 2 in response to findings that Russia interfered in the 2016 US election. Some sanctions removed presidential discretion.

  • Europeans saw the US sanctions as an attempt to promote US LNG exports to Europe. Germany pushed back on claims it was controlled by Russia over energy.

  • By late 2019, the pipeline neared completion despite US opposition. A compromise was emerging in Europe where Russia would continue some gas flows through Ukraine. However, additional US sanctions were added which could further complicate the project.

  • Ukraine and Russia had settled their long-running dispute over natural gas, with Russia agreeing to guarantee gas volumes and pay Ukraine $3 billion in arbitration claims.

  • Soon after, Trump imposed sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, targeting the company that owned the only pipe-laying barge capable of completing the project. This caused work on the pipeline to stop and led to backlash from Germany and EU.

  • Europe will need additional gas imports as its largest domestic source, the Groningen field in the Netherlands, is set to shut down by 2022 due to earthquakes. Some imports will come from Russia via new pipelines or LNG.

  • European gas markets have become more diversified and competitive due to the growth of LNG import terminals and a global LNG market. This has reduced political risks around European gas supply.

  • Ukraine now imports gas through other countries rather than directly from Russia. It also produces most of its own gas, though a company called Burisma represents only 5% of production but gained attention due to Hunter Biden’s role there.

  • The independent Russian company Novatek developed an LNG export project in the remote Arctic region of Yamal Peninsula, with support from China after Western sanctions, completing the first cargo in 2017 despite skepticism about the challenges.

Here are the key points:

  • Russia’s first cargo of LNG from its Yamal LNG project ended up in Boston during a cold spell, despite political objections from some. This highlighted Russia’s growing role as an energy supplier.

  • Yamal LNG then sent its first cargo to China, highlighting Russia’s “pivot to the east” as relations with the West deteriorated due to sanctions over Ukraine. China is a key market and partner for Russian energy exports.

  • The Yamal LNG project illustrates Russia’s resilience in the face of sanctions and cements its status as a leading energy power. It also opens up the Northern Sea Route for trade between Europe and Asia.

  • Russia and China are strengthening their strategic partnership as Russia pivots eastward away from Europe. A major natural gas deal was signed between Putin and Xi in 2014 involving huge investments in infrastructure. Energy deals are deepening their political and economic alignment as both countries view the US as a rival seeking to maintain dominance.

  • Russia and China have been developing closer strategic ties in recent years, involving increased economic and energy cooperation as well as joint military exercises. They have largely agreed on the basic rules and boundaries governing their strategic partnership.

  • China has become a major economic partner and market for Russian energy exports like oil. This pivot to China has been facilitated by infrastructure projects like the ESPO oil pipeline.

  • However, issues around migration from China into Russia’s eastern regions and competing territorial claims could potentially impede the partnership.

  • Central Asia used to be a key area of influence for Russia after the Soviet collapse, but China has increasingly expanded its economic presence and partnerships with the Central Asian states through trade and investment.

  • In the past, there was competition between Russia and the West over influence and pipeline routes exporting Caspian oil and gas. Pipeline projects were ultimately built exporting energy westward as well as eastward to China.

  • Kazakhstan in particular has strategically balanced its relationships between Russia, China and the West to benefit from all sides and support its economic development. Its longtime leader Nazarbayev resigned in 2019 but remains influential.

  • The Central Asian states welcome Chinese investment but also worry about excessive dependence on China without Russian engagement as a counterweight. Managing relationships with both powers is challenging.

  • The relationship between China and Russia has taken on a personal character between Xi and Putin, who see each other as close friends. However, economically China is much more important to Russia than vice versa.

  • The inauguration of the Power of Siberia natural gas pipeline in late 2019 symbolized the growing economic/energy cooperation between the two countries. However, China cares more about its relationship with the U.S. economically.

  • Putin was able to stay in power through 2036 by changing Russia’s constitution, allowing him to continue strengthening ties with China as its “turn to the East” partner.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted these plans, forcing postponement of Putin’s referendum and military celebrations. It highlighted Russia’s dependence on China amid the closure of their border.

  • Overall, while Xi and Putin have close ties, China is a more important economic partner to Russia than vice versa. Energy cooperation is growing but depends on geopolitical stability between the two great powers of China and the U.S.

  • In 1933, a French naval captain set sail from Saigon on a mission to extend French colonial sovereignty to the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. These tiny, scattered islands were known as “Dangerous Ground” due to the perilous reefs and shoals below the waves.

  • While insignificant in size, the Spratly Islands occupy a strategically important location in the center of the South China Sea, one of the world’s most important waterways.

  • The French mission aimed to establish sovereignty over the islands and prevent other powers like China and especially expansionist Japan from claiming them.

  • The flotilla consisted of just three small ships. For centuries, the area around the Spratlys had been avoided by mariners due to the navigational dangers.

  • Though flyspecks on the map, the Spratlys cover an area the size of several midwestern US states across 160,000 square miles of the South China Sea. They would become a flashpoint of tensions between China and other regional powers like the US.

The clash over the South China Sea involves disputes over island ownership, territorial waters, and Chinese claims outlined by a “9-dash line” on maps.

First, there is disagreement over who owns the small islands and reefs that protrude from the waters, as ownership confers jurisdiction over surrounding waters. China asserts historical claims to the islands dating back thousands of years, while Southeast Asian nations also claim some islands.

Second, countries disagree on maritime boundaries and the extent of their “territorial waters.” China claims vast areas within the 9-dash line as its waters, but others see this as excessive.

Third, the 9-dash line itself is contentious. It first appeared on Chinese maps in the 1930s/40s and outlines an extensive claim over the South China Sea, almost reaching Indonesia and Malaysia. China continues to recognize this line, but others don’t acknowledge its validity.

Resolution is difficult as claims are complicated by history, nationalism, strategic interests in the busy trade waters, and potential resources like oil and gas. There are risks of clashes or escalation if tensions aren’t managed carefully.

  • In previous decades, tensions over the South China Sea periodically receded as countries focused on economic growth. This was especially true for China, which experienced over 10% annual growth and its “peaceful rise” globally. Peace was essential for continued growth and China’s role in the global economy.

  • Deng Xiaoping, China’s paramount leader for two decades who initiated economic reforms, understood the costs of war and upheaval from his own experiences. He had been purged twice under Mao and witnessed the huge human and economic toll of Mao’s disastrous policies and Cultural Revolution.

  • Deng was a pragmatic problem solver. He emphasized that disputes should be solved through peaceful negotiations and that countries should “count on the wisdom of following generations” to find mutually agreeable solutions, rather than forcing immediate resolutions. This philosophy helped reduce tensions during his rule.

  • However, as nationalist sentiments and competing territorial claims have increased in recent years, calm in the South China Sea has proved difficult to maintain. The dispute remains unresolved with no definitive means of addressing the disagreements between countries.

  • The South China Sea dispute is complex, involving issues of law, power, resources, and history, according to Singapore diplomat Tommy Koh.

  • China cites the voyages of 15th century Admiral Zheng He as establishing historic claims over the South China Sea. Zheng He led large fleets on major trade and diplomatic voyages throughout Southeast Asia. However, China’s naval fleet was destroyed after his death.

  • More recently, the 1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis prompted China to build a stronger navy to ensure it would not be blocked again.

  • In 2014, China’s navy held a ceremony at the site of its defeat by Japan in the 1894-95 First Sino-Japanese War, highlighting how historical humiliations factor into China’s modern naval ambitions. Speakers emphasized the importance of maritime power and ensuring such defeats never recur.

  • The current naval competition between the US and China draws parallels to the pre-WWI Anglo-German naval race, which fueled tensions and suspicions between the powers and contributed to the outbreak of war. History plays a role in the South China Sea issues.

  • The passage discusses China’s growing reliance on imported oil and natural gas to fuel its economy, as it transitions from a primarily coal-based energy system to include more oil and gas.

  • China became a net oil importer in 1993 and is now the world’s largest oil importer, importing around 75% of the oil it consumes. It relies heavily on oil imports from the Middle East that are transported through the strategic Strait of Hormuz and South China Sea.

  • This reliance worries Chinese strategists due to the risks of supply disruptions, especially by the US. It is seen as a major strategic vulnerability, driving China’s assertiveness over ownership of the South China Sea.

  • Natural gas is also growing in importance for China’s energy mix. A shortage in 2017 underscored the risks of reliance on imports shipped through the South China Sea as LNG carriers.

  • The passage describes confrontations between China and Vietnam over Chinese oil exploration efforts in disputed areas of the South China Sea, seen as motivated by hopes to find oil and gas resources in the region.

The passage discusses the containerization revolution started by Malcom McLean in the 1950s and how it fundamentally changed global shipping and trade. McLean pioneered loading entire truck trailers onto ships, vastly improving efficiency. This led to the growth of container ports around the world, especially in China which now has 7 of the top 10 container ports. Container ships have carried China’s economy and become its “treasure ships” enabling its exports and growth. The passage then transitions to discuss the geopolitical issues around the South China Sea, noting it is about power politics between China and the US which sees itself as guarantor of open sea lanes critical to global trade. It provides some context on Xi Jinping and his background before the Cultural Revolution in China.

  • Xi Jinping emerged as China’s leader in 2012 and became both party head and president in 2013. He sees maintaining Communist Party control as paramount to China’s continued rise.

  • Xi launched a “third revolution” to modernize China’s economy and create a “moderately prosperous society.” He has asserted party control, cracked down on corruption, and taken a more assertive stance globally for China.

  • Tensions are rising in the South China Sea as China claims sovereignty over disputed islands and waters. Incidents between Chinese and U.S. ships and planes conducting “freedom of navigation” patrols have increased risks of escalation.

  • The U.S. sees increased Chinese military activity in the region as a key threat and is boosting its own military spending and cooperation with regional partners like India.

  • ASEAN countries face balancing ties with both China and the U.S. Economically they are increasingly linked to China but rely on the U.S. for security. Measures like multi-lateral talks and increased transparency are needed to reduce tensions.

  • Resolution depends on clarifying claims and managing risks of escalation between powers contesting control of strategic and economically vital South China Sea waters.

  • The chapter discusses the rising tensions and strategic competition between the US and China. Several key points are made:

  • The Trump administration views China as an economic and strategic rival, not just a partner. It accuses China of unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft.

  • Both countries have increasingly adversarial rhetoric in their national security strategies. The US calls China a strategic competitor seeking to displace US influence, while China warns of growing US unilateralism and hegemonism.

  • The battle over emerging technologies like 5G and AI is an embodiment of this new rivalry, exemplified by the debate over Chinese company Huawei.

  • However, the economic interdependence between the two countries provides some ballast against full confrontation. But tensions risk dumping this ballast and destabilizing the relationship further.

  • Going forward will require mitigating risks through pragmatic solutions rather than zero-sum calculations, given neither country is going away and they are stuck on the same planet. Better cooperation than escalating strategic competition.

  • Astana (now called Nur-Sultan) is the capital city of Kazakhstan. It was chosen as the new capital after independence from the Soviet Union to replace the old capital Tselinograd.

  • Astana has been transformed into a modern metropolis with global architecture due to Kazakhstan’s oil wealth. It aims to be Central Asia’s financial hub.

  • In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Astana and unveiled China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a massive infrastructure and investment plan tying China to Europe and Asia.

  • BRI aims to revive the ancient Silk Road trade routes to promote trade, investment and cultural exchange. It has since expanded to include projects worldwide totaling around $1.4 trillion.

  • China sees BRI as a way to export its economic model, stimulate its own growth, create markets for Chinese firms, and counter the US “pivot to Asia” strategy. It has major strategic and geopolitical aims for China’s influence.

  • Central Asia is a key focus as China has invested heavily in its energy and pipeline infrastructure there for domestic needs. It also has security interests regarding terrorism in its Xinjiang province.

  • China’s Belt and Road Initiative aims to promote connectivity and economic development across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe through large infrastructure projects like ports, railways, and energy pipelines.

  • It is characterized by the “string of pearls” approach of developing expanded port facilities that can promote Chinese trade and provide anchorage for the Chinese navy.

  • China brings significant financial resources through vehicles like the Silk Road Fund and the AIIB, but does not promote democracy, regime change, or human rights as priorities like the West. It respects “absolute sovereignty.”

  • Major projects include the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, focused on energy and transportation infrastructure, and the port of Gwadar. However, large Chinese loans have also saddled some countries with rising debt levels.

  • While connectivity is a goal, implementation challenges remain in negotiating complex deals, addressing local concerns, and managing debt sustainability in partner countries. Critics warn of a potential “debt trap” and loss of control over important assets.

  • In late 1915, British diplomat Mark Sykes and French diplomat François Georges-Picot secretly met in the French embassy in London to draw up a new map for the Middle East after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

  • Sykes was considered Britain’s foremost Middle East expert. He had traveled extensively in the region before WWI. Picot was a senior French diplomat who had served in Beirut.

  • Their goal was to divide the former Ottoman territories after the war into British and French “spheres of influence” and lay the groundwork for the modern nation-states that would emerge.

  • The Sykes-Picot Agreement, as it became known, divided the Middle East between British and French control and influence. This significantly influenced the formation of the modern states of the Middle East despite later adding input from other powers and Arab interests.

  • Nearly a century later, ISIS declared the eradication of the Sykes-Picot borders as it surged across Iraq and Syria in 2014, aiming to replace the existing political map with an Islamic caliphate. This demonstrated the ongoing impact and challenges of the colonial boundaries first laid out by Sykes and Picot.

  • In 1916, during World War I, British diplomat Mark Sykes and French diplomat Georges Picot secretly negotiated and agreed on dividing control of the Ottoman Empire’s Arab territories after the war. This became known as the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

  • The agreement divided the region into French and British zones of influence, without considering ethnic or religious lines. This laid the groundwork for conflicts to come.

  • Other factors complicated the situation, like the Balfour Declaration supporting a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and the discovery of oil’s importance which led Britain to seek control over Mesopotamia (Iraq) and its oilfields.

  • At the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference after World War I, the Allied powers formalized the mandates system over former Ottoman lands. While Sykes-Picot served as a basis, boundary adjustments were made based on strategic and economic concerns like oil control.

  • Later agreements like the 1920 Treaty of Sèvres and 1923 Treaty of Lausanne built on Sykes-Picot but adjusted boundaries, creating the modern states of the Middle East despite disregarding ethnic and religious demographic realities on the ground. This contributed to long-term instability and conflict in the region.

  • After World War 1, the region of Trans-Jordan east of the Jordan River became a separate Arab area under local government.

  • In Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk overthrew the Ottoman regime and established a secular republic, gaining control of Anatolia and parts of Syria.

  • The modern borders of Middle Eastern countries like Iraq, Syria and Turkey were set between 1915-1923 through negotiations like the Sykes-Picot agreement.

  • Iraq was formed by combining three Ottoman provinces despite different ethnic and religious groups that did not share a common identity. Faisal I was installed as king.

  • Oil was discovered in Iraq in 1927, bringing wealth and development. However, Faisal warned of continuing divisions between groups.

  • In Egypt, the military officer Nasser rose to power after the 1948 Arab defeat by Israel, promoting Arab nationalism and opposing Western influence.

  • Nasser attempted but failed to unite Arab states and weaken Western-backed monarchies like Saudi Arabia. His 1967 defeat by Israel discredited his pan-Arabism.

  • In Iran, the Shah pursued rapid modernization but caused social issues, while cleric Khomeini emerged as his strongest opponent, setting the stage for Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution.

  • After the Iranian Revolution in 1979, Iran and Iraq emerged as bitter rivals under Ayatollah Khomeini and Saddam Hussein respectively. Both leaders held hostile views of each other.

  • In 1980, Saddam Hussein launched an invasion of Iran, hoping to quickly conquer the oil-rich region of Khuzestan and undermine the Iranian revolution. However, the war turned into a long and bloody stalemate, becoming the longest conventional war of the 20th century.

  • Saddam envisioned the war boosting his status as an Arab leader, but it backfired. Iraq faced international isolation and heavy economic costs as the war dragged on without resolution. Both sides used chemical weapons and the conflict devastated both nations.

  • The Iranian Revolution and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan increased U.S. security concerns over Soviet influence in the Gulf region and control over Mideast oil. This led the Carter Doctrine of 1980, which pledged U.S. military force to defend the Gulf if needed.

  • In 1988, Iran was running out of money and weapons in its war with Iraq. Senior Iranian leaders convinced Khomeini to accept a UN ceasefire, though he described it as painful. The war had cost 500,000 lives and 1 million wounded.

  • Saudi Arabia supported Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war to counter the threat from revolutionary Iran, though tensions remained high between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Iran sponsored terrorist groups targeting Saudi Arabia.

  • In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, taking control of 20% of global oil reserves. There were fears Iraq would then invade Saudi Arabia to control 45% of reserves. The US led a coalition to reverse Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in the Gulf War.

  • After defeat, Saddam maintained power in Iraq despite expectations he might be overthrown. The coalition did not seek to directly topple Saddam due to risks of long-term occupation. Iraq was contained but believed to still seek WMD.

  • After 9/11, the US adopted a policy of preemptive action against threats and invaded Iraq in 2003 seeking to dismantle Iraq’s suspected renewed WMD program. However, the aftermath was poorly planned, deep de-Baathification contributed to instability, and disbanding the Iraqi army fueled insurgency.

  • James Mattis criticized the decision to dissolve the Iraqi army after the 2003 US invasion, saying it allowed the insurgency to gain strength.

  • In December 2003, Saddam Hussein was found hiding in a hole near a farm, disheveled with a long beard, protected by some guns and $750k in cash.

  • No WMDs were ever found in Iraq, contradicting the main rationale for the war. Saddam had shut down WMD programs after the 1991 Gulf War but maintained ambiguity to deter Iran.

  • Mohammad Khatami won Iran’s 1997 presidential election on a reform platform but faced resistance. He pursued outreach but ties with the US made no progress due to tensions like Iran’s role in the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing.

  • In the late 1990s, Iran and Saudi Arabia pursued a rapprochement against their common enemy Saddam, but tensions remained due to ideological differences and their power struggle increased after Saddam’s fall in 2003.

  • Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won Iran’s 2005 election on a hardline platform and resumed/expanded Iran’s nuclear program, sharply increasing tensions with Saudi Arabia and other neighbors who feared Iran’s regional ambitions.

  • In 2011-2012, international sanctions aimed to squeeze Iran’s economy by cutting its oil exports and financial ties, reducing Iran’s oil income and isolating its economy. This hit Iran very hard and put pressure on the nuclear program.

  • The passage discusses the secret meetings between American and Iranian officials in Oman in 2012 and 2013 to discuss Iran’s nuclear program. While these talks represented a significant opening, they ultimately hit a “brick wall.”

  • In 2013, Hassan Rouhani was elected president of Iran on a platform of improving the struggling economy by easing tensions over the nuclear issue. Secret negotiations between Iran and the US followed in Oman.

  • This led to an interim nuclear deal in 2014 and intense negotiations over the following year and a half. In August 2015, the final nuclear deal was reached, imposing restrictions on Iran’s nuclear activities in exchange for lifting sanctions.

  • However, the deal remained controversial, with critics arguing it did not address Iran’s regional interventions. Iran viewed itself as exporting its revolution against US-allied countries like Saudi Arabia, and was active through proxies like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Shiite militias in Iraq.

  • After the US withdrawal, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki became increasingly authoritarian and aligned more with Iran. He centralized power and stoked sectarian tensions.

  • Maliki sidelined Sunni officials, firing them without pay or jailing them. The US had previously protected Sunni tribal leaders who fought terrorism, but now they felt abandoned.

  • Iran saw Iraq as essential to building its “axis of resistance” in the region. Qassem Soleimani oversaw Iranian efforts there, including supporting Shiite militias that attacked US forces.

  • Iraq’s oil production recovered after 2009 when foreign companies were brought in, but disputes continued between Baghdad and the Kurdish region over oil revenues and exports.

  • In 2014, Maliki was replaced by Haider al-Abadi, who tried to moderate some policies but Iraq still faced strong Iranian influence. The oil price collapse also hurt Iraq’s revenues.

  • Protests erupted in 2018 over corruption and poor services, turning against Iranian influence. The government eventually fell. Instability and Iranian dominance continued hampering Iraq’s stability and development.

The Arab Spring protests in 2011 created turmoil in several Middle Eastern countries. In Iran, this presented both opportunities and challenges.

In Iraq, the weakening of the central government and evaporation of oil revenues due to instability weakened Iraq significantly. However, Iran still achieved some of its strategic objectives. Iraq remains a weak state, and Iranian-backed Shiite militant groups have influence, making Iraq a part of Iran’s “axis of resistance” against Western influence in the region.

So in summary, while the Arab Spring created problems for Iran through reducing Iraq’s stability and oil wealth, Iran was still able to increase its influence in Iraq by supporting Shiite militant groups and turning Iraq into a partner in its regional confrontation with Western powers. Iraq’s weakness allows Iran to exert more influence, countering some of the downsides of reduced stability and revenues.

The passage discusses the civil war in Syria that erupted in 2011. What began as peaceful protests against President Bashar al-Assad’s authoritarian rule turned into a full-scale armed conflict. Defections from the Syrian army led to the formation of rebel groups like the Free Syrian Army, but radical Islamist groups also grew in prominence.

Assad resolved to crush the uprising with military force. Iran and Hezbollah intervened to support Assad, while Sunni states like Saudi Arabia and Turkey backed the rebels. The conflict took on heavy sectarian overtones as Alawites supported Assad while Sunnis mainly sided with the rebels. Syrian Kurds also organized themselves, seeking autonomy.

The conflict drew in regional powers and caused a massive refugee crisis. While the US threatened military action if chemical weapons were used, President Obama ultimately declined air strikes or deeper intervention due to lack of a clear strategy. The civil war devolved into a complex multi-sided conflict involving Assad, rebels, Kurds, and jihadist groups.

  • Obama faced a difficult decision on whether to conduct air strikes against Syria for using chemical weapons. He ultimately chose not to due to concerns it would not eliminate all chemicals and Assad could claim to have defied the US. This weakened US credibility with allies.

  • Putin then surprisingly brokered a deal for Syria to give up its chemical weapons to the international community. This helped Russia improve its international standing.

  • With Russian and Iranian support, Assad regained the offensive. Chemical weapons were used again despite the deal. Trump ordered limited air strikes in response.

  • The conflict drew in thousands of Iranian and Lebanese fighters supporting Assad. US forces also fought ISIS but Trump abruptly withdrew, enabling a Turkish invasion of northern Syria against Kurdish allies.

  • Over half a million Syrians have died in the civil war and over half the population has been displaced as refugees, destabilizing European politics. Iran aims to secure a land bridge through Syria to supply allies.

  • In Yemen, massive protests led to Saleh’s removal but resulted in civil, tribal and religious war, and a Saudi-Iranian proxy conflict. Houthi rebels advanced with Iranian support, alarming Saudi Arabia by threatening a key oil chokepoint.

  • Major natural gas fields were discovered off the coasts of Israel and Cyprus in the late 2000s, ushering in new opportunities for energy security and export in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

  • The Leviathan field off Israel was particularly large, but development stalled due to fiscal and regulatory disputes within Israel for several years. Eli Groner took over efforts to resolve the issues, recognizing the geopolitical and economic importance of developing the gas.

  • Israel now generates 60% of its power from domestic natural gas instead of imports. It is exporting gas to Palestine and Jordan. Developing the gas also improves Israel’s energy security and regional relationships.

  • Other big discoveries include the Aphrodite field off Cyprus and the Zohr field off Egypt, which came online quickly to ensure Egypt’s gas self-sufficiency. However, the gas resources also create new geopolitical tensions and rivalries due to their strategic location.

  • The passage discusses the emergence of radical Islamist groups like ISIS starting in the 1920s with the Muslim Brotherhood founded by Hasan al-Banna in response to Western dominance and imposition of nation-states in the Middle East after WW1.

  • Sayyid Qutb further radicalized the Brotherhood after experiencing what he saw as immoral Western culture during a visit to the US. He advocated violence and overthrowing non-Islamic rule.

  • After the 1952 coup in Egypt, a rift grew between Nasser’s secular nationalism and the Brotherhood, leading to it being banned and Qutb’s imprisonment where he wrote influential radical texts.

  • In 1979, the seizure of the Grand Mosque in Mecca by Juhayman al-Uteybi’s radical group helped spread jihadist ideology among young Islamists, despite the group’s failure. It showed the potential for large-scale jihadist operations.

  • Radical networks had grown in Egypt by this time, showing the increasing spread of radical Islamist ideology and groups in the late 20th century stemming from responses to Western dominance and secular Arab nationalism. This history helped lay the groundwork for later groups like ISIS to emerge.

  • Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated in 1981 by members of an Egyptian Islamist militant group called al-Jihad after turning against Islamists and making peace with Israel.

  • The Muslim Brotherhood is a prominent Islamist movement in the Middle East with affiliates worldwide. While they focus on religious activities, their ultimate goal is establishing a global Islamic state based on Sharia law.

  • In 1979, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, sparking a resistance by mujahideen fighters backed by the US and Saudi Arabia. Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri joined the Afghan jihad and their collaboration would later form Al Qaeda.

  • Al Qaeda conducted terrorist attacks against US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 and the USS Cole in 2000. The 9/11 attacks in 2001 involved hijacking planes and crashing them into buildings in the US. The US launched a war on terror in response.

  • ISIS emerged from Al Qaeda in Iraq and grew powerful during the Syrian civil war, capturing territory in Iraq and Syria and declaring a caliphate. They governed with extreme violence and brutal enforcement of Sharia law.

  • ISIS quickly took control of large parts of Iraq in 2014 due to weaknesses in the Iraqi army and alienation of Sunni tribes who saw ISIS as protectors against the Shia-led government in Baghdad.

  • ISIS launched a surprise offensive in June 2014 that saw them rapidly capture Mosul and other Iraqi cities like Tal Afar. They threatened Baghdad and Iraqi oil fields in the south.

  • International oil companies began evacuating staff as ISIS announced plans to target Shiite holy cities like Najaf and Karbala after Baghdad. Oil prices spiked due to concerns over instability in Iraq.

  • By July 2014, a combination of Shiite militias and Iranian General Soleimani’s forces halted the ISIS advance on Baghdad. Oil prices began subsiding.

  • ISIS had redrawn the map, controlling a large swath of land across Syria and Iraq roughly the distance from London to Edinburgh with 8 million people under their rule.

  • ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed a “caliphate” in Mosul in July 2014, aiming to eliminate borders and conquer non-believers. ISIS became very wealthy through oil sales, taxes, looting, and foreign donations.

  • ISIS used advanced propaganda and social media to recruit thousands of foreign fighters from around the world. They carried out numerous terrorist attacks in the region and abroad.

  • A U.S.-led coalition conducted air strikes and supported local forces to roll back ISIS-held territory over several years. Mosul was fully liberated in 2017 but ISIS continued as an insurgent force.

  • Al-Baghdadi was killed in a U.S. special forces raid in Syria in 2019, but ISIS insurgency continued with thousands of fighters still active across Iraq and Syria.

  • In 2014, the global oil market was undergoing a major shift from being driven by emerging market demand to an era dominated by increasing shale oil supply from the United States. Prices had dipped below $100/barrel.

  • OPEC countries like Venezuela and Iran were facing economic/political challenges. Geopolitical tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran made an OPEC production cut deal impossible.

  • At a meeting in Vienna, the Saudis realized Russia and Mexico would not cut production. Oil minister Ali Al-Naimi walked out, signaling no OPEC deal.

  • OPEC decided in November 2014 to let the market manage itself rather than stabilize prices with production cuts. Prices collapsed over the next few months to under $50/barrel.

  • U.S. shale producers were hit hard but also proved more efficient. The emergence of “short cycle” shale contrasted with longer-term “legacy” oil projects that faced delays or cancellation due to low prices. By 2015, OPEC had ceded market control to financial players as prices remained low.

  • Oil prices collapsed in late 2014 as Saudi Arabia refused to cut production and instead sought to defend market share. This led to a price war and oversupply situation.

  • Many oil exporting countries struggled financially as their revenues declined sharply. Saudi Arabia began drawing down foreign reserves.

  • Efforts to broker a production freeze deal between OPEC and Russia failed in early 2016 due to Iran’s refusal to participate.

  • Negotiations continued throughout 2016. A breakthrough was reached in November 2016 when OPEC agreed to cut production by 1.2 million barrels per day.

  • In December 2016, OPEC and non-OPEC countries including Russia formalized an agreement where they would jointly cut production by 1.8 million barrels per day. This stabilized oil prices.

  • The oil agreement paved the way for closer ties between Saudi Arabia and Russia beyond just oil. It marked a shift from past rivalry to a strategic partnership, helping both countries’ interests.

  • Venezuela’s oil production plummeted from 3.3 million barrels per day in the late 1990s to just 600,000 barrels per day by the end of 2019, due to mismanagement under the Chavez and Maduro regimes. This led to economic breakdown, debt, shortages, corruption, and mass impoverishment in Venezuela.

  • By 2018, global oil prices rose to $80/barrel but then Trump pressured OPEC via Twitter to increase output and keep prices low. Other countries like India and China also wanted lower prices. Saudi Arabia responded by significantly ramping up output.

  • In 2019, the US banned imports of Venezuelan and Iranian oil. Venezuela’s oil exports collapsed and the country became economically negligible. The US also ended all waivers for importing Iranian oil, cutting its exports. This heightened tensions with Iran.

  • In September 2019, drone and missile attacks on Saudi oil facilities knocked out 5.7 million barrels per day of Saudi output. While oil prices initially spiked, the impact was less severe than expected due to Saudi actions to maintain exports and the buffer of US shale oil production.

  • Protests continued in Iraq against corruption and Iran’s influence, heightening regional tensions. The summary outlines the impact of various political events and actions on Middle Eastern and global oil production and prices from 2018-2019.

The passage discusses how the death of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in a US drone strike in January 2020 had ripple effects on oil markets and the Middle East. It led to protests in Iran but did not significantly impact oil prices at first. However, the emerging COVID-19 pandemic reduced demand from China and elsewhere, causing oil prices to plummet. This price collapse from 2014-2015 had already triggered major changes in Saudi Arabia. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced ambitious plans to reform and diversify Saudi Arabia’s oil-dependent economy through his Vision 2030 program in an effort to shift the country away from its reliance on volatile oil revenues. The reforms aimed to make Saudi Arabia’s economy and society more competitive, entrepreneurial, high-tech and open despite facing resistance to change from internal powers. So in summary, Soleimani’s death did not immediately impact oil prices but the pandemic did, and this longer term price volatility put further pressure on Saudi Arabia to pursue economic reforms under MBS.

  • In 1938, oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia by Standard Oil (now Chevron). This brought great relief as the kingdom was facing financial difficulties.

  • Oil production and revenues increased greatly after World War 2 and especially in the 1970s during the oil crisis, making Saudi Arabia very wealthy.

  • However, in 1979 the kingdom faced challenges as religious zealots seized the Grand Mosque in Mecca and Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini called for the destruction of Arab monarchies like Saudi Arabia.

  • In response, Saudi Arabia doubled down on promoting a strict version of fundamentalist Sunni Islam (Wahhabism) to strengthen its authority and counter Iran. However, this also fostered extremism abroad over time.

  • Oil revenues were poured into transforming the kingdom economically and building infrastructure, creating a welfare state dependent on oil money. Population grew rapidly.

  • The 2014 oil price collapse showed the vulnerability of relying so heavily on oil revenues and exports. This put pressure to diversify the economy away from oil dependence.

  • Saudi Arabia unveiled Vision 2030, a plan to spend $64 billion over 10 years to develop the domestic entertainment industry and create jobs for young Saudis as alternatives to malls and mosques. This included lifting the ban on women driving in 2018.

  • Abu Dhabi preceded Saudi Arabia with its own Vision 2030 in 2007, aimed at economic diversification beyond oil. It has been successful, reducing oil’s share of GDP from almost all to about 40% today through sectors like manufacturing, trade, and investment.

  • Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 goes beyond economic goals to reform society and governance. It has over 500 initiatives across 13 programs targeting issues like private sector growth, foreign investment, defense industry, unemployment, and increasing tourism/non-oil exports.

  • However, job creation remains a challenge given the bifurcated labor market. Saudis dominate public sector jobs while foreigners occupy most private sector roles. Achieving major economic transformation within a decade will be difficult given reliance on continued oil revenues to finance reforms. Significant cultural and social changes are also still underway.

  • MBS aims to reform Saudi Arabia’s economy and transition it away from dependence on oil and government subsidies/entitlements toward a more competitive private sector-led system. However, achieving such major reforms in a short time frame is daunting.

  • In 2018, the killing of Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul disrupted the reform program and damaged MBS’s international reputation. Turkey responded to the killing by slowly releasing disturbing details.

  • Relations between Saudi Arabia and Qatar have also been complicated since 2017 when Saudi cut diplomatic ties with Qatar over Qatar’s support for Islamists and ties to Iran. The blockade of Qatar is still ongoing.

  • Economically, Saudi Aramco’s bond offering in 2019 was a success, indicating the company’s profitability. This paved the way for the potential, historic IPO of Aramco, which MBS had suggested in 2016 could raise $2 trillion and fund investment in Saudi’s sovereign wealth fund. However, questions remain about Aramco’s valuation.

  • In late 2019, Saudi Arabia and Russia were cooperating within OPEC+ to limit oil production and support prices. However, their budget needs differed, with Saudi Arabia needing higher oil prices.

  • In early 2020, the coronavirus pandemic caused a massive drop in oil demand as many economies shut down. At an OPEC+ meeting in March, Saudi Arabia pushed for deep additional production cuts, but Russia resisted further cuts. This led to a breakdown in cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Russia.

  • In response, Saudi Arabia increased production dramatically in an attempt to regain lost market share. Russia also increased production. This triggered an oil price war between the two countries at a time when global demand was already plummeting due to the pandemic.

  • The sudden price war had major economic and geopolitical consequences. It crippled U.S. shale producers and constrained government budgets in Saudi Arabia and other oil-exporting nations. It also strained the strategic relationship between Saudi Arabia and Russia that had developed over previous years of cooperation within OPEC+.

Here are the summaries:

ARS (8,098 people became sick, 774 died) - This refers to an outbreak of acute respiratory syndrome (ARS) that occurred in 2012-2013 in Saudi Arabia. 8,098 people became sick from the virus and 774 people died.

MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) (2,494 cases, 858 deaths) - MERS is a viral respiratory illness that was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012. As of 2015, there have been 2,494 confirmed cases and 858 deaths attributed to MERS.

Ebola 2014–2016 (11,325 deaths) - An Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa between 2014-2016 resulted in over 28,000 confirmed, probable, and suspected cases and 11,325 deaths, according to the World Health Organization. This was the largest, most complex and longest Ebola epidemic since the virus was first discovered in 1976.

  • In 2003, engineers JB Straubel and Harold Rosen pitched the idea of an electric airplane to Elon Musk during a lunch meeting, but Musk wasn’t interested.

  • When Straubel mentioned his idea to build an electric car by stringing together laptop batteries, Musk became much more excited than anyone else Straubel had shared the idea with.

  • At the time, electric cars were not considered feasible as oil was firmly entrenched in transportation, especially cars which accounted for 20% of oil demand worldwide.

  • However, Musk wrote Straubel a check a few weeks later to launch their electric car venture, which became Tesla.

  • Straubel had been developing the idea for years, fascinated by batteries, power electronics and motors. He majored in energy systems engineering in college.

  • The emerging electric vehicle industry now threatens the oil industry’s dominance in transportation, which represents 35% of global oil demand. Whether cars will continue to run on oil or electricity will have vast economic and geopolitical impacts.

So in summary, the passage describes how Elon Musk got interested in and helped launch Tesla after being pitched the idea of an electric car by JB Straubel, despite electric vehicles not being considered viable at the time due to oil’s dominance in transportation.

  • Tesla was founded in 2003 by engineers Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning along with investors JB Straubel and Elon Musk. They aimed to make an electric vehicle that was high-performance and appealing to drive, unlike previous “egg-shaped” electric cars.

  • Advances in lithium-ion battery technology from the 1990s enabled longer electric vehicle ranges. Tesla’s idea was to package thousands of laptop battery cells into large battery packs for their cars.

  • Struggling with limited funds, Tesla used simulations and low-cost tests like dropping battery packs from a crane to validate designs before full production. Their first vehicle, the Tesla Roadster sports car, demonstrated the viability of electric vehicles when delivered in 2008.

  • Following the Roadster, Tesla launched the higher-volume Model S sedan in 2012 and Model 3 in 2016 to target the mass market at lower price points. Other automakers like GM, Nissan, and Renault also began developing electric vehicles during this time.

  • Tesla faced many challenges starting a new automaker but was able to leverage policy incentives for electric vehicles, growing investor interest in clean tech, and battery technology improvements to become a leader in the emerging electric vehicle industry.

  • Volkswagen was caught cheating on emission tests for its diesel vehicles in the US, leading to the “Dieselgate” scandal. This undermined public trust in diesel vehicles.

  • European regulations requiring steep reductions in average fleet CO2 emissions by 2020-2021 put pressure on automakers to shift to electric vehicles (EVs). Failure to meet the standards could result in billions in fines.

  • In response, many major automakers announced aggressive plans to ramp up EV production over the next decade, including Volkswagen pledging 75 electric models by 2028. Ford committed $11.5 billion for EVs by 2022. Even Toyota acknowledged the need for EVs.

  • The shift was driven by tightening regulations in Europe and other markets like China as much as consumer demand. But it marked a major industry pivot away from gasoline toward electrification. Tesla’s rising valuation also put pressure on traditional automakers.

  • Tesla had a difficult “production hell” period for the Model 3 but then unveiled their all-electric Cybertruck pickup in late 2018. By mid-2020, Tesla’s market cap surpassed GM and Ford combined.

  • However, EVs still made up less than 3% of US car sales in 2019, with nearly all sales concentrated in just 189 zip codes in California due to government incentives and policies driving adoption. Global EV adoption also depends heavily on government subsidies.

  • China has been the most aggressive in promoting EVs, aiming for 20% of new car sales to be electric by 2025. China provides many incentives for buying EVs andquotas for manufacturers. Nearly 1 million EVs were sold in China in 2019, over half of global EV sales.

  • India also wants to promote EVs but faces challenges from lack of charging infrastructure and reliance on coal power. Policy support will be key to drive adoption beyond buses and taxis.

  • The UK and France have announced plans to ban new gas and diesel car sales between 2035-2040 to promote EVs.

  • In 2007, DARPA conducted an experiment in Victorville, California where driverless “zombie” vehicles navigated streets without human drivers. This was part of DARPA’s efforts to develop autonomous vehicle technology for military use, such as reducing risks to soldiers from IEDs.

  • Autonomous vehicle development had been attempted as early as the 1920s but had yielded poor results. DARPA aimed to accelerate progress through competitions.

  • DARPA’s first autonomous vehicle competition in 2004 (the Grand Challenge) had disappointing results, with the best vehicle only managing 7.5 miles of a 142 mile course. However, it stimulated innovation in the field.

  • The next competition in 2005 saw significant advances, with 5 teams able to complete substantial portions of a 132 mile course, showing progress in machine learning and autonomous vehicle technologies. DARPA’s competitions helped fire up innovation in this area for both military and civilian applications.

  • The 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge was a grudge match between teams from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) led by robotics legend Red Whittaker, and Stanford led by computer scientist Sebastian Thrun.

  • Stanford’s self-driving car “Stanley” won the race, completing the course 11 minutes ahead of CMU. This proved that a machine could autonomously navigate a route, a first.

  • The 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge tested self-driving cars in a deserted urban environment. CMU partnered with GM and won with their car “Boss.” This victory validated Red Whittaker’s career work and marked when self-driving concepts emerged from labs.

  • The automakers were struggling financially during this time. GM ended their collaboration with CMU. Meanwhile, Google had started their autonomous vehicle project under Sebastian Thrun and demonstrated self-driving capabilities on public roads in 2010.

  • Getting a fully self-driving car to level 5 autonomy requires extensive sensing technologies like lidar, radar, cameras and algorithms to interpret data, alongside high-speed computing power - all of which became more feasible in the 2000s.

  • Autonomous vehicles rely on precise 3D maps and sensors to navigate, but there is no consensus yet on the optimal technologies or standards. Massive computing power is needed to process sensor data in real-time.

  • Advances in AI and machine learning have accelerated development of self-driving capabilities like object recognition, but complete autonomy remains challenging. The vehicle computer must manage all vehicle systems instantaneously.

  • Other issues include software/data updates, cybersecurity, human-computer interaction, and public acceptance of surrendering control to machines.

  • Fully autonomous vehicles could initially cost $50k extra but fall to $8-10k with scale. However, many technical, regulatory, safety and social challenges must still be addressed, like dealing with unpredictable situations, hacking, insurance responsibility, and integrating autonomous vehicles into existing traffic.

  • Ride hailing services like Uber, pioneered by founders Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick, could help usher in a new era of mobility by allowing on-demand access to autonomous vehicles via smartphones. But the development of autonomous technologies and their adoption remains an ongoing process.

  • Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp discussed creating an Uber-like service while stranded in Paris one night in 2008, leading to the founding of Uber.

  • Originally called UberCab, it launched limo and town car services in 2010. Kalanick became CEO that year.

  • In 2012, Lyft launched a competitor service with non-professional drivers and friendly pink mustaches. Uber quickly followed with its own non-professional driver service called UberX.

  • Uber and Lyft expanded rapidly worldwide but faced resistance from taxi drivers and regulators who saw them as unregulated taxi competitors. Uber engaged in aggressive confrontation tactics.

  • Meanwhile in China, Cheng Wei founded Didi in 2012 to address taxi issues. Jean Liu, who had been frustrated getting taxis in Beijing, left Goldman Sachs to join Didi. Didi went on to become the largest ride-hailing company worldwide after acquiring Uber’s China business.

  • Under Kalanick, Uber redefined transportation globally within half a decade through its aggressive expansion, a model followed by others like Didi, though Kalanick’s tactics also faced significant pushback from regulators and traditional taxi operators.

  • Travis Kalanick originally built Uber in his aggressive, disruptive image, but this caused problems as the company grew. By 2017, Uber faced accusations of sexism, poor treatment of drivers, and illegal activity.

  • Eric Holder was brought in to improve workplace culture and recommended changes. Shortly after, Kalanick was ousted as CEO and replaced by Dara Khosrowshahi.

  • By then, ride-hailing was well established with millions of drivers worldwide. However, the industry still needed to prove profitability. Uber’s IPO valuation fell sharply within 6 months.

  • Ride-hailing was expected to disrupt car ownership by offering mobility as a service instead. However, the pandemic initially reduced ride-sharing while possibly boosting individual car ownership. The long-term impact was still uncertain.

  • The convergence of electric vehicles, ride-hailing, and self-driving cars could transform the auto and oil industries, but this future is not guaranteed. Automakers are partnering with tech giants to stay relevant in developing new mobility technologies and business models.

  • GM invests $500 million into Lyft and buys Cruise Automation, an autonomous driving startup, for $1 billion.

  • Partnerships are becoming necessary due to the huge capital requirements of developing autonomous and electric vehicle technologies. Ford partnered with Volkswagen for this reason.

  • Autonomous vehicles and ride-hailing are converging because eliminating drivers significantly reduces costs for ride-hailing companies. Self-driving fleets can also operate around the clock.

  • Electric vehicles may have higher initial costs but lower operating costs due to cheaper electricity than gas. This makes EVs compelling for large ride-hailing fleets that utilize vehicles almost continuously.

  • Major automakers will try to protect their positions and ensure survival in the new mobility landscape, which includes competition from tech giants and potential new “Auto-Tech” companies integrating various mobility capabilities.

  • The future remains unclear as the benefits of new technologies have not proven overwhelming enough to replace the existing personal car model. Significant change is ongoing but gradual.

  • The passage describes the history of four major energy transitions driven primarily by technology, economics, environmental factors, and convenience. The current transition has more involvement from politics, policy, and activism.

  • The first transition was in the 13th century UK from wood to coal due to rising populations, forest destruction, and wood becoming scarce/expensive. Coal provided cheaper, more abundant heating.

  • The key date for coal becoming an industrial fuel superior to wood was 1709 when Abraham Darby developed coke from coal, enabling cheaper iron smelting and fueling the Industrial Revolution.

  • It took until the early 1900s for coal to supply half the world’s energy, and until the 1960s for oil to surpass coal as the top energy source globally. Natural gas consumption has risen 60% since 2000.

  • IPCC reports since 1990 progressively warned of human-caused climate change impacts based on accumulating data. The 2014 report starkly said climate change impacts were “unequivocal” and “unprecedented.”

  • The landmark 2015 Paris Agreement aimed to limit global warming through voluntary nationally determined contributions from each country, marking a shift to addressing climate change politically on a global scale.

  • On average, 221 gigatons of CO2 are released into the atmosphere annually from natural and human sources. Naturally, 215.7 gigatons are absorbed by vegetation and oceans each year.

  • But 4.9 gigatons remain uncaptured in the atmosphere annually. Though a small amount each year (2.2% of what’s naturally captured), it accumulates over time in the atmosphere.

  • Other greenhouse gases like methane and nitrous oxide also contribute to warming. Some dissipate quickly, others remain in the atmosphere for much longer, with some being more potent than CO2.

  • Greenhouse gases create a “greenhouse effect”, trapping heat in the atmosphere and causing global warming. There is growing concern about potentially hitting a “tipping point” that could lead to runaway climate change.

  • Climate change is now seen as a major risk by financial regulators and large investors. There are increasing calls for companies and investment portfolios to align with the goals of limiting warming to 2 degrees Celsius.

  • Divestment campaigns are pushing investors to sell holdings in fossil fuel companies. However, others argue divestment alone likely has little impact on actual emissions. Climate action faces challenges given the entrenched role of fossil fuels in the global economy and people’s daily lives.

  • Climate change has become a major social and political issue, with calls for both policy changes and personal lifestyle changes to reduce emissions and mitigate climate impacts.

  • The EU’s Green Deal aims to make the continent carbon neutral by 2050. This requires achieving “net zero” emissions, where any remaining emissions are balanced out by carbon removal through activities like reforestation.

  • A key tool is the EU Taxonomy, which evaluates economic activities based on their environmental friendliness and guides investment and regulations. It labels natural gas and nuclear as problematic and aims to eliminate coal.

  • The transition will require directing substantial investment, rebuilding large parts of the economy, and giving more power to the European Commission to regulate businesses and allocate capital.

  • Achieving the 2050 goal would require reducing Europe’s per capita emissions to India’s current level, a major challenge given Europe’s much higher income level.

  • Renewables like solar and wind will play a large role in decarbonizing electricity generation, though their deployment will need to significantly expand from current levels to meet long-term goals. Nuclear remains the largest source of carbon-free power today.

  • There is uncertainty around the costs of transitioning to net zero emissions and whether it will positively or negatively impact economic growth in the short- to medium-term. Substantial government investment will be required to support industries and workers impacted by changes.

  • Solar power grew from niche off-grid uses to mainstream adoption driven by Germany’s feed-in tariff laws in the 1990s and subsidies that supported renewable energy deployment. Chinese manufacturing scaled up massively to meet this growing demand.

  • Between 2010-2018, China’s solar manufacturing capacity increased 5x beyond global demand. As prices fell dramatically due to overcapacity, Chinese subsidies aimed to create a domestic solar market to support employment. By 2013, China surpassed Germany as the largest solar market.

  • China now dominates global solar manufacturing, producing around 70% of solar panels and cells. Its competitive advantages include government support, large factories, lower costs, and technology improvements.

  • Global solar capacity grew 14x from 2008-2019, fueled by falling prices from Chinese manufacturing and subsidies/mandates requiring renewables. Over half of new capacity is large utility-scale solar parks.

  • Wind power growth has also accelerated this century due to innovation, subsidies, and falling costs from competition. China and Europe have seen the most growth, with Texas leading the US in wind generation.

  • The rise of solar and wind is fundamentally challenging utilities’ traditional centralized model and increasing the need for grid stability technologies like storage to manage intermittent renewables. Predictions vary on the pace and scale of the transition.

  • The transition to net-zero carbon emissions will not be possible without breakthrough technologies, according to experts.

  • A key study identified 23 technologies with the highest potential to accelerate the energy transition, including improved battery storage, advanced nuclear reactors, hydrogen production and transport, carbon capture and storage, building efficiency, grid modernization, and direct air capture.

  • Hydrogen shows promise as a substitute for natural gas and fuel for vehicles, but large-scale production and infrastructure will require further advances.

  • Carbon capture and storage/use has regained momentum after initiatives like the Paris Agreement and US tax credits. It takes various forms like capturing emissions from industry to make products like cement and steel, or direct air capture of CO2 from the atmosphere.

  • Breakthroughs are still needed in energy storage, advanced nuclear, hydrogen, and large-scale carbon management to fully enable the transition away from fossil fuels towards a net-zero carbon economy. Private sector innovation and government support will be important to developing these technologies.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has created uncertainty and disrupted existing trends and maps for the future of energy. It is difficult to predict how things will play out going forward.

  • Some pre-pandemic trends may continue, like policies to reduce CO2 and GHG emissions through changing energy production, infrastructure, technology, and international relations.

  • Other trends may be accelerated, like the transition to renewables and away from fossil fuels. Alternative fuels may also grow faster.

  • Countries will approach the energy transition differently based on their level of development. Developed nations have more flexibility while developing countries face greater challenges in ensuring energy access and economic growth.

  • Established energy companies will be tested in their ability to adapt, while new companies will need to prove their business models work. Partnerships and competition between different types of companies will shape the industry.

  • Global climate change remains a concern but national responses will vary depending on country-specific circumstances and priorities like energy security. Supply chains and critical minerals will also be issues.

  • Overall, the pandemic has created uncertainty for future energy trends but renewable energy and low-carbon technologies are likely to continue growing, though the specific trajectory is hard to predict given the disruptions. Countries will take different approaches depending on their stage of development.

  • There is a need to balance low-carbon transition with promoting economic growth, especially after the COVID-19 crisis. However, the current energy system is over 80% based on fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal, with huge investments in infrastructure. It cannot change overnight.

  • While renewable energy like wind and solar is growing, fossil fuel consumption is also still increasing globally to meet demand. Coal remains important for China and India for energy security and employment. China in particular plans to continue using coal in its new five-year plan.

  • Global oil demand steadily increased for decades but peaked in 2019 before collapsing in 2020 due to the pandemic. Developing countries now drive most consumption growth. Auto ownership is rising globally but remains low in places like India.

  • Electric vehicles are growing but predictably won’t displace fossil fuels completely by 2050 due to the fleet turnover time. Oil will still be needed for other sectors like aviation, shipping and petrochemicals which make plastics.

  • Plastics have many essential uses but waste is a problem, mainly from rivers in Asia and Africa. Overall petrochemical demand grows faster than GDP and will offset reductions elsewhere.

  • Forecasts suggest global oil demand may peak in the mid-2030s according to one scenario, but the timing is uncertain and depends on various economic and policy factors. A low-carbon transition will take time given dependencies on existing energy infrastructure.

  • The peak in oil demand is likely to come earlier than expected, due to policies promoting electric vehicles and renewable energy. However, demand is expected to gradually decline rather than suddenly drop off. Projections estimate demand will be around 113 million barrels per day in 2050, well above pre-pandemic levels of 100 million bpd.

  • The oil and gas industry will need to invest $20 trillion over the next two decades to offset production declines from existing fields and meet reduced but still substantial demand.

  • Major oil companies are adapting by focusing more on natural gas, investing in renewables and new technologies, and some aim to become broader “energy companies.” They face pressures to reduce emissions and improve sustainability.

  • The industry brings skills in large-scale engineering that can enable the growth of technologies like hydrogen and offshore wind. But returns in power and renewables are generally lower than oil and gas.

  • US shale growth will moderate but it will remain a major producer. The industry faces challenges rebuilding after the pandemic disrupted its transition to stronger financial returns.

  • Oil-exporting nations will have to manage lower revenues through fiscal discipline and diversifying their economies, though this is very challenging. They will have to compete for investments in production.

  • As renewable technologies scale up, they will require significant investments in infrastructure like they currently rely on fossil fuel industries to provide.

  • The transition to renewable energy and electric vehicles will significantly increase demand for minerals needed for things like wind turbines, solar panels and batteries. Many of these minerals are found in developing nations in the global South.

  • Mineral-exporting countries will face similar issues to oil exporters in ensuring proper regulation and business practices as their industries grow. Increased mining will also draw more attention to environmental and labor conditions.

  • Global competition and fracturing of supply chains means geopolitics will be an important factor in the energy transition, as countries aim to secure reliable mineral supply chains.

  • The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated trends like digitalization and aversion to large groups that could reduce oil demand long-term. However, the full impacts on sectors like travel are still unclear.

  • Geopolitical divisions are likely to deepen as nationalism rises post-pandemic. This will hamper international collaboration and create tensions as the US and China increasingly compete in strategically important new technologies.

  • Energy will remain central to geopolitics, with countries like Russia, China and Middle Eastern nations retaining importance. However, the growth of renewables and electric vehicles provides alternatives that could loosen oil’s dominance over time.

  • The passage discusses the ongoing energy transition away from fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal toward renewables, driven by climate change concerns especially among younger generations.

  • It considers whether the COVID-19 crisis will speed up or slow down this transition. Some argue for a “green recovery” with policies supporting renewables, but others note major obstacles like infrastructure dependence on the existing system and high costs.

  • Oil and gas, especially natural gas, will continue playing a large role globally for decades due to existing infrastructure and investments. However, the pace of transition will depend on technology innovation, which is accelerating.

  • Disruptions like the shale revolution, financial crises, geopolitical events and now the pandemic have significantly impacted the energy landscape in unexpected ways. Future disruptions from climate issues and international tensions will also be major factors.

  • Examples are given of how developments in shale gas/oil production, pipeline projects, export markets, domestic policies and geopolitics have reshaped the global energy map in major ways in recent decades.

The Arctic peninsula Yamal LNG project in Russia was developed despite skepticism and has made Russia one of the major exporters of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to markets in Asia and Europe by ship. Russia has also strengthened economic and diplomatic ties with China through large natural gas pipelines like “Power of Siberia” and increased military cooperation. China claims historical justification for its territorial claims in the South China Sea based on expeditions by the fifteenth century admiral Zheng He and old maps, but these claims are disputed by neighboring countries. Rapid economic growth and urbanization in China have greatly increased its demand for oil and other resources. China has also invested heavily in foreign infrastructure projects through its Belt and Road Initiative in an effort to increase trade and influence abroad. However, these ambitious plans have also caused concerns about debt and political influence in recipient countries.

  • Jean Liu left investment banking to join Didi Chuxing, becoming president of the largest ride-hailing company in the world. A road trip in Tibet convinced her she made the right choice.

  • In 1709, Abraham Darby replaced wood with coal for ironmaking in England, paving the way for the Industrial Revolution and marking a key moment in the first “energy transition.”

  • The 2015 Paris Agreement aims to limit global temperature rise to under 2C from pre-industrial levels, marking a shift from the “Before Paris” to “After Paris” era for energy and climate.

  • The 2019 Green New Deal proposed massive federal investment to make the US carbon-free by 2030, eliminating oil, gas, and coal.

  • Greta Thunberg began protesting climate change as a 15-year-old in 2018, quickly becoming a global phenomenon and youth leader in the issue.

  • Solar pioneer Martin Green describes solar energy as “magical” for directly producing electricity from sunlight. Solar costs have fallen 85% in a decade as deployment has grown, with China as the world’s largest market.

  • Almost 3 billion people rely on wood/waste for energy due to lack of access to commercial energy, causing major health issues via indoor air pollution.

  • Offshore wind power is growing, with Europe’s largest wind farm covering 26 sq miles off the Netherlands.

  • In 2020, OPEC+ coordinated the largest ever oil output cut as the US brokered a deal between Saudi Arabia, Russia and others amid pandemic demand losses.

  • US lawmakers passed a $484 billion aid package while practicing social distancing, as gasoline use plummeted during pandemic shutdowns. Floating oil storage grew as tankers couldn’t unload due to low demand.

Here are summaries of the sources provided:

Fort Worth Geological Society, 2007 - This source is from the Fort Worth Geological Society and likely discusses the geology of the Fort Worth area.

Russell Gold, The Boom: How Fracking Ignited the American Energy Revolution and Changed the World (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014) - This book by Russell Gold discusses how hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”, ignited an American energy revolution and changed the world. It examines the technological development and impacts of the shale boom.

Interview with Dan Steward; Steward, The Barnett Shale Play; Gold, The Boom - These sources refer to interviews conducted with Dan Steward about the Barnett Shale play and build on information from Russell Gold’s book about the shale boom.

George P. Steffy, George P. Mitchell, p. 23, p. 254 - This refers to a biography of George P. Mitchell that is cited on pages 23 and 254, likely discussing details about Mitchell’s role in shale development.

Roger Galatas, “Why George Mitchell Sold the Woodlands,” The Woodlands History, December 2011 - This article discusses why George Mitchell sold the Woodlands planned community and provides context on Mitchell.

Interviews with Dan Steward, Nick Steinsberger, and Larry Nichols - These sources refer to interviews conducted with individuals involved in the shale industry.

Several reports from the National Petroleum Council and Department of Energy - These sources refer to reports from these official bodies on topics like natural gas policy and supply.

Wall Street Journal article by Russell Gold - This source is a 2004 Wall Street Journal article by Russell Gold on natural gas costs impacting US firms.

Potential Gas Committee reports - These sources are reports published periodically by the Potential Gas Committee estimating America’s natural gas resource base.

Here is a summary of key points from the sources provided:

  • Russia’s economy was heavily dependent on oil and gas exports after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. Putin prioritized asserting control over Russia’s oil and gas resources when he came to power.

  • Disputes between Russia and Ukraine over gas prices and transit fees led to supply disruptions in 2006 and 2009. This highlighted Europe’s energy dependence on Russia and motivated projects to diversify gas sources.

  • Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines were built to transport Russian gas directly to Germany without transiting Ukraine, reducing risks of supply disruptions but increasing Europe’s dependence on Russia.

  • Western sanctions were imposed on Russia starting in 2014 in response to its annexation of Crimea and military intervention in eastern Ukraine. Russia pushed back by trying to weaken Ukraine’s economy and assert control over gas transit routes.

  • European countries had mixed views on countering Russian gas influence through sanctions. Germany supported Nord Stream 2 as a commercial project, while other states called for more energy diversification away from Russia.

  • Options for energy diversification discussed included expanded LNG imports and developing interconnectors between European gas networks to reduce reliance on Russian pipelines.

Here is a summary of the key points from the sources:

  • Russia has been increasing its LNG export capacity and looking to export gas to Europe and Asia through new pipelines and LNG terminals. This includes the Power of Siberia pipeline to China and projects in the Arctic.

  • China and Russia have strengthened their economic and political ties in recent years as both pivot away from the West due to sanctions. Major deals include large natural gas contracts and increased military cooperation.

  • Control over the Eurasian landmass, sometimes called the “Heartland,” is strategically important. Russia has used its energy exports as a geopolitical tool to strengthen its influence over former Soviet states in Central Asia.

  • Disputes over the South China Sea involve competing territorial claims among China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei. The area is economically and strategically important due to resources and shipping lanes. China claims most of the area based on a “nine dash line” map, angering its neighbors. Maritime tensions have risen.

  • Sino-Russian ties have grown due to a shared desire to counter U.S. influence and build alternative economic and political partnerships independent of the West. They portray their relationship as a new type of global power alliance.

  • China has historically claimed sovereignty over the South China Sea based on maps from as early as the 1940s that delineated a ‘nine-dashed line’ enclosing much of the area. However, its legal basis is ambiguous under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

  • Deng Xiaoping took a more pragmatic approach of settling disputes through negotiations rather than asserting full sovereignty. But nationalist sentiment among the Chinese public pushed leaders to take a stronger stance.

  • Oil and gas reserves have added strategic importance to the region. China’s growing energy needs have motivated its territorial claims and ability to project power into the South China Sea.

  • Under Xi Jinping, China has become more assertive in expanding its effective control through island-building and a stronger naval presence. This has increased tensions with other claimant states and the U.S.

  • Experts debate whether China’s rising power and ambition will inevitably lead to conflict or whether coexistence is still possible through diplomacy and institutionalized cooperation framework. The approach of current and future leaders on both sides will determine the trajectory.

  • History plays a role in territorial claims but finding a solution will require balancing nationalist sentiments with pragmatic compromise through negotiations rather than allowing disputes to escalate into open confrontation. Trust-building measures are also important.

Here are brief summaries of the sources provided:

  • Interview with Peter Ho (“distracted”): An interview with Peter Ho where he was described as distracted.

  • Council on Foreign Relations report on contingency planning for conflict in the South China Sea: A report from the Council on Foreign Relations updating contingency planning for potential conflict scenarios in the South China Sea.

  • Interview about a hostage situation: An interview related to a hostage situation, but no other context is provided.

  • Other sources discuss topics like US-China relations, China’s defense strategy, the Trump administration’s approach to China, and China’s Belt and Road Initiative. They include reports, interviews, and academic articles analyzing these issues from different perspectives.

No substantive summaries are possible without more context about the specific arguments or findings being discussed in each source. The references provided appear to relate to geopolitical issues in Asia and China’s rising influence, but more detail would be needed to summarize each source’s key points.

Here are summaries of the sources referenced in the prompt:

  1. Adelson, Mark Sykes, pp. 294–95; Sykes, The Man Who Created the Middle East, pp. 324–30.
  • Discusses Mark Sykes and his role in negotiating the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which helped carve up the Middle East after World War I. Describes Sykes’ meetings and negotiations.
  1. Macmillan, Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World (New York: Random House, 2003), p. 396 (“dogfight,” “greatest oil-field”), chapters 8 and 27.
  • Discusses the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and negotiations over the Middle East. Mentions a “dogfight” over oil fields and that Mesopotamia (Iraq) contained the “greatest oil-field” in the region. Chapters 8 and 27 provide further context.
  1. V. H. Rothwell, “Mesopotamia in British War Aims, 1914–1918,” The Historical Journal 13, no. 2 (1970), pp. 289–90.
  • Analyzes British war aims regarding Mesopotamia (Iraq) during World War I, focusing on the years 1914-1918. Discusses British strategic and economic interests on pages 289-290.

The other sources listed either don’t have summaries available or weren’t selected to summarize based on the prompt. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!

This section discusses the rise in oil prices in 2014 due to conflict and instability in Iraq driven by the Islamic State. Saudi Arabia, led by Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi, refused calls to increase production to bring prices down. They saw high prices as beneficial and were concerned about the rise of shale oil production in the U.S. driving down demand for OPEC oil. Studies commissioned by Saudi Arabia predicted shale oil was unsustainable at prices below $100 per barrel. This led Saudi Arabia to pursue a strategy of allowing prices to remain high to curtail U.S. shale growth, rather than intervene in the market. The strategy backfired as shale producers proved more resilient than expected.

Here are summaries of the key sources provided:

  1. An interview with JB Straubel, co-founder of Tesla, who discussed the early challenges Tesla faced in getting the Model S built and establishing electric vehicles.

2-3. Provide background on Tesla’s development of lithium-ion batteries and key innovations that improved battery energy density.

4-5. Discuss early skepticism around Tesla’s ability to produce an electric car from industry leaders like Bob Lutz, and how Tesla overcame challenges.

6-8. Interviews with Mary Barra, CEO of GM, who discusses GM’s evolving views on EVs and strategy shift towards electrification and away from diesel.

9-10. Discuss the role of researchers at West Virginia University in uncovering Volkswagen’s diesel emissions cheating scandal through rigorous on-road testing.

  1. Discuss policies in cities like London, Oslo, and others restricting or discouraging diesel vehicles in favor of electrification.

12-14. Discuss the perspectives and evolving strategies on EVs of automaker executives like Herbert Diess of VW, Bill Ford of Ford, and Toyota’s chairman.

  1. Overview of California’s leadership role in EV adoption in the US.

16-17. Discuss perspectives from automotive executives on the challenges but also opportunities of transitioning to electric powertrains.

Here is a summary of the key points from the provided text:

  • The text discusses the growing momentum and commitments around reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to net-zero carbon energy systems, including commitments by various countries, cities, and companies.

  • It outlines the scientific consensus on climate change from reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and references key climate agreements like the Paris Agreement.

  • Greta Thunberg and the youth climate movement are mentioned as galvanizing action on climate change.

  • The role of financial regulators and investors in managing climate-related risks and transitioning investments away from fossil fuels is covered. However, there is debate around the actual climate impact of divestment efforts.

  • Drawing lessons from the tobacco control movement, some argue fossil fuel companies should be held accountable for climate damages in the same way tobacco companies were for health impacts.

  • The Guardian newspaper is referenced for its decision to stop accepting advertising from fossil fuel companies.

  • The text provides historical context on shifts away from coal towards other energy sources and pioneers in those transitions.

So in summary, the key topics discussed are the growing climate change consensus and actions, efforts to transition investments and business models towards net-zero carbon, and debates around targeting fossil fuel companies over their role in climate change.

Here is a summary of the sources provided:

  • Hiroko Tabuchi and Nadja Popovich, “How Guilty Should You Feel About Flying?” (New York Times, 2019) discusses climate guilt related to air travel.

  • “Climate Confessions” (NBC News) is a site where people can share solutions to climate change.

  • James Pickford, “RSC Brings Curtain Down” (Financial Times, 2019) discusses the Royal Shakespeare Company ending its relationship with an oil company sponsor.

  • Various sources are summarized that discuss the European Green Deal, including statements by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and analyses of the deal’s ambition and decarbonization agenda.

  • References to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warning of the world ending in 12 years due to climate change, and sources on the Green New Deal fact sheet and proposed resolution are provided.

  • Several sources are summarized that discuss the history and development of solar power, including the contributions of Martin Green, China’s role in manufacturing, and improvements in reducing solar costs.

  • Sources consider innovative renewable and low-carbon technologies like advanced nuclear, hydrogen, carbon removal, and harnessing plants for carbon budgets.

  • Interviews and reports discuss energy access, pollution and the transition in countries like India and Nigeria, including India’s policies to transition to gas.

  • Sources outline the changing energy mix in various places, including China’s policies, projections on transport shifting away from oil, and issues like plastic waste.

  • A source discusses the resources needed for clean energy and how pandemics can disrupt the future of the energy industry.

Here is a summary of the image attributions:

  • 48: Photo from Bandar Algaloud / Saudi Royal Council / Handout/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images.

  • 49, top: Photo from U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site.

  • 50, bottom: Photo courtesy of Maurizio Pesce, licensed under CC BY 2.0.

  • 51: Photo by Felix Wong/South China Morning Post via Getty Images.

  • 52: Photo by Stan Honda/AFP via Getty Images.

  • 53: Photo by REUTERS/Gene Blevins.

  • 54: Photo courtesy of UBER.

  • 55: Photo courtesy of Ford Motor Company.

  • 56: Photo by Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg via Getty Images.

  • 57: Photo copyright of The University of Manchester.

  • 58: Photo from UNFCCC via Flickr.

  • 59: Photo by Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images.

  • 60: Photo by Anders Hellberg, licensed under CC 4.0 Int’l license.

  • 61: Photo by Graham Hely/Newspix.

  • 62: Photo by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images.

  • 63: Photo by Alex Hofford/EPA/Shutterstock.

  • 64: Photo © Frans Lanting/

  • 65: Photo courtesy of Siemens Gamesa.

  • 66: Photo by Karim Sahib/AFP via Getty Images.

  • 67: Photo by Andrew Harnik/AP photo.

  • 68: Photo from UPI/Newscom.

Here is a summary of the key points from the passage:

  • The coronavirus pandemic has significantly impacted global geopolitics, carbon emissions, China’s economy, the energy transition, and US-China relations. It also led to an oil price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia.

  • Countries and companies are facing challenges in the ongoing energy transition away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy and electric vehicles. There are differing approaches to climate change policies around the world.

  • Major oil producers include Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the US, which has become a top gas and oil exporter due to the shale revolution. Countries are pursuing energy security and independence.

  • Geopolitical issues include tensions between the US and both Russia/China in Europe and Asia, conflicts in the Middle East involving Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, and disputes over resources in the South China Sea.

  • Environmental and climate activism are pushing policies around renewable energy, carbon emissions regulations, and opposition to fossil fuel infrastructure projects. Companies and investors also face pressures around climate and divestment.

  • New technologies being developed include electric vehicles, renewable energy sources, carbon capture, autonomous vehicles, ridesharing services, and drones. This is driving changes in the energy and transportation sectors globally.

  • The passage references a number of oil/gas fields, companies, and prominent figures related to the energy industry, including many located in the Middle East.

  • It discusses the spread of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling techniques that enabled the U.S. shale revolution.

  • Topics related to geopolitics include China’s Belt and Road Initiative, tensions in the South China Sea, Russia’s influence over European gas supplies, and conflicts in the Middle East like the Arab Spring, Syrian civil war, and Iran’s regional strategy.

  • Technologies discussed include electric vehicles, renewable energy sources, battery storage, mobility as a service platforms, and efforts by Saudi Arabia and others to diversify their economies.

  • International organizations and agreements referenced include OPEC, the Paris Agreement, the U.S. imposing sanctions on Iran, and debates around climate change policy approaches in different countries.

  • Key individuals mentioned span business leaders, government officials, and prominent figures involved in the geopolitics of energy like Mohammad bin Salman, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Donald Trump, and others.

In summary, the passage touches on major geopolitical, technological, and economic developments related to the global energy landscape, with a focus on oil/gas producing regions and companies. It references important historical context and current events.

  • Nationalism and nationalist movements have contributed to territorial disputes like in the South China Sea and influenced conflicts in the Middle East. Russian nationalism also fueled tensions with Ukraine.

  • Nationalization of oil industries occurred in Mexico and elsewhere in the 1940s-1970s.

  • Naval power is important for protecting trade routes and asserting territorial claims, as seen in tensions between China and neighboring countries over the South China Sea.

  • Natural gas production has increased significantly in the U.S. and Russia due to hydraulic fracturing. This has impacted global energy markets and geopolitics. Countries like China are also developing their natural gas resources.

  • The Arab Spring uprisings had major political and security consequences across the Middle East, including fueling the ongoing civil war in Syria.

  • Conflicts over pipelines, such as between Russia and Ukraine, can exacerbate geopolitical tensions. Pipelines are also important for the U.S. LNG export strategy.

  • International organizations like OPEC and agreements like the recent OPEC+ cuts have shaped global oil markets. So have major events like the oil embargo in the 1970s.

  • The development of renewable energy faces both technological and policy challenges but presents opportunities for energy security and transition away from fossil fuels.

Here is a summary of the key points from the provided excerpts:

  • The Samotlor oil field in Russia discovered in 1967 was one of the largest oil fields in the Soviet Union, containing significant reserves.

  • Sanaa, the capital city of Yemen, was a site of intense fighting during the Yemeni civil war beginning in 2014 between Houthi rebels and the Saudi-backed government.

  • Bernie Sanders was a 2020 US presidential candidate who campaigned on progressive policies like the Green New Deal and universal healthcare.

  • Sangam Urja is an Indian NGO working on energy and environmental sustainability projects.

  • The Santa Rita 1 well drilled in California in 1893 was one of the first oil wells in the US and marked the beginning of large-scale petroleum production.

  • The 2002 SARS epidemic spread from China to affect over 25 countries, killing hundreds, showing the potential global impacts of disease outbreaks.

  • The Khashoggi affair in 2018 involved the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, straining Saudi-Turkish relations.

Here is a summary of the key points about Daniel Yergin from the passage:

  • Daniel Yergin is a highly respected authority on energy, international politics, and economics.

  • He is the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of the bestselling books The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power and The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World.

  • He is coauthor of the book Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy.

  • He is vice chairman of IHS Markit, a leading information and research firm.

  • He is a member of the board of the Council on Foreign Relations and a senior trustee of the Brookings Institution.

  • He has served on the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board under the last four presidential administrations.

In summary, Daniel Yergin is an acclaimed author, researcher, and expert on global energy and geopolitics, with leadership roles in major policy institutions. He has written influential books on the history and geopolitics of oil and energy.

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About Matheus Puppe