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The SEO Book Search Engine Optimization 2020, Free SEO Audit incl., Way to Nr. 1, SEO and SEM - Tobias, Ebner & Granitza, Levin

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Matheus Puppe

· 26 min read



Here is a summary of the key points from the Imprint:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) involves optimization of websites to improve their visibility and ranking on search engines like Google.

  • Google uses complex algorithms and language models to analyze search queries and return the most relevant results. Factors like keywords, content, links, speed, structured data, and user location influence rankings.

  • For a site to be indexed by Google, it must first be crawled or scraped by Googlebots. This is how Google collects information about websites to include them in its search index.

  • On-page SEO optimizations involve things you can directly improve on your own pages, like keywords, headings, page speed, structured data, etc. Off-page SEO refers to external factors like backlinks.

  • Local SEO is important for businesses that want to target local customers. Location-specific keywords, citations, reviews/ratings, structured data help rank locally.

  • Content marketing, social media, voice search optimizations, and measuring results are also covered as important aspects of a full SEO strategy.

  • The imprint provides best practices and guidelines to help websites improve their organic rankings through search engine-friendly optimization techniques. Both on-page and off-page factors are discussed.

  • Google uses web crawlers/bots to search and index websites, following links from page to page. This process automatically builds Google’s search index.

  • Crawlers check for updated content, changes, and dead links on existing websites. They also determine which websites and subpages to visit and how frequently.

  • Website owners can use Google Search Console tools to provide instructions to crawlers, request re-crawling, or block crawling for their sites.

  • The indexing process adds websites to the Google index under relevant keywords and terms found on pages.

  • In addition to websites, Google indexes information from other sources like books, public transit data, and databases.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns aim to improve website rankings, traffic, and conversions by focusing on relevant keywords, structured content like blogs, and backlink building while maintaining quality over quantity.

  • Google bots play an important role by crawling websites to build the search index and check for updates - their user agent identifies them as Googlebot. Website performance for bots impacts SEO and rankings.

  • Google Bot-Mobile web crawlers are responsible for indexing website content for Google Search. If a page has recently been crawled, the content is cached for other crawlers.

  • Google’s crawlers and indexing process play a key role in search engine optimization (SEO). Google has over 90% of the search market share.

  • How often a page is crawled depends on factors like page rank, backlinks, loading speed, structure, and content updates. Highly linked pages may be crawled every 10 seconds while smaller pages could be once a month or longer.

  • For SEO, websites must be included in the Google index which is done via the crawling process. Crawlers index pages based on on-page elements like content, internal links, keywords, etc. Proper on-page optimization is important.

  • Off-page elements like external links are also important criteria for crawlers. Getting links increases a site’s popularity. Keyword research, quality guidelines, on-page optimizations, structured data, and off-page SEO are all discussed as important aspects of ranking highly in search results.

  • Mid tail keywords have limited competition compared to short tail keywords, which have the highest competition but also reach the largest number of users.

  • Properly researching keywords can save time and money. Suitable keywords that match website content provide value for searchers.

  • Free tools like Google Keyword Planner can be used for keyword research. Keywords can be sorted by search volume to identify mid tail options.

  • Competitive analysis includes checking competitors’ URLs, domain metrics, backlinks, on-page optimization, and content quality. This provides insight into how difficult competition is.

  • Question/answer pages and forums can reveal keywords where competitors are not optimizing well, indicating lower competition.

  • Closely examining content quality is important, as high-quality, informative articles suggest strong competition for a keyword.

  • Google Keyword Planner allows finding the exact search volume for keywords but requires accepting some limitations, like properly selecting the target region/language.

  • Competitors’ advertised keywords should not be directly copied without deeper analysis. Proper keyword research is required.

  • Wikipedia can be a useful resource for keyword research. Webmasters can search terms in Wikipedia to find related keywords and categories.

  • Google’s “related searches” feature also provides ideas for related mid-tail keywords linked to broader head terms.

  • Forums are another source of ideas, as they show the questions and discussions of the target audience. Webmasters can search keywords plus “forum” to find relevant discussions.

  • Amazon book titles and tables of contents can also spark new keyword ideas.

  • Google Suggest shows popular mid-tail keywords as auto-complete suggestions for search terms.

  • Keywords should be optimized over time by reviewing on-page SEO elements like content, structure, etc.

  • It’s important to follow quality guidelines to avoid manipulation. Content should be useful to users rather than just targeting search engines. Automated, translated or copied content will not perform well.

  • Links should not be exchanged or manipulated for rankings. This includes paid or reciprocal linking schemes. High-quality, natural links are preferred.

The summary focuses on different techniques for keyword research and the importance of quality content and natural linking to achieve search engine success.

  • The text discusses various measures and practices that should be avoided for good search engine optimization (SEO), such as unnatural links, native advertising with keyword-optimized anchor text, texts with too many keywords, cloaking (showing different content to search engines vs users), etc.

  • It explains terms like cloaking, which refers to showing different content/urls to search engines vs users, and using it to hide intent.

  • Google’s Search Console is mentioned as a useful tool for webmasters to submit and track their website content/performance in Google search.

  • The importance of creating a sitemap to inform search engines of page structure is discussed. Having a sitemap helps search engines like Google crawl the site intelligently.

  • The text provides examples of questions webmasters should consider like whether their content is high quality and beneficial for users, whether their location/business is readable in search results, content accessibility, and visibility settings.

  • It stresses the importance of developing a competitive SEO strategy by knowing your own strengths/weaknesses as well as your competitors through tools like SWOT analysis and industry research.

So in summary, it gives an overview of good and bad SEO practices, tools like Search Console, sitemaps, and developing an effective competitive SEO strategy.

  • There are two main types of sitemaps - HTML and XML. HTML serves as an orientation, like a table of contents. XML contains URL and update information for search engines.

  • Sitemaps help search engines index important content even if pages are not well linked. New sites with few external links have this problem.

  • The robots.txt file informs search engines which pages to crawl or not crawl. It goes in the root directory and is referenced in the robots.txt line.

  • Webmasters should use robots.txt to block crawling of low-value pages like some subpages, to provide a better experience for users.

  • Titles and descriptions are important for search engine optimization. Titles should be short, meaningful, and unique for each page. Descriptions summarize the topic for search engines and help users decide if a page is relevant.

  • Meta descriptions are used as snippets by search engines. They should provide information benefits for users, not just keywords. Automatically generating descriptions can help for large sites.

  • Headline tags in HTML emphasize important text, similar to headers in word documents. They help with scannability and identifying the topic of a section.

This text is about search engine optimization (SEO) and how to write search engine optimized content. Some key points:

  • Headline tags can be used in different sizes to create a hierarchy and help users navigate content. Headlines should clearly define the structure and not just include keywords.

  • Too many headlines can confuse users about what is important.

  • URLs play an important role in SEO - they should be simple, use important keywords, and help users understand the content. Long, complicated URLs should be avoided.

  • Writers should consider what keywords different types of users might search for and write content targeted for a wide audience. Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner can help find new keywords.

  • Content should have value for users, not just keywords. Topics not covered elsewhere can provide competitive advantages.

  • Content must be well-written with correct grammar, avoid copying, and be optimized primarily for users, not just search engines. Keyword density and spamming should be avoided. The WDF*IDF formula considers proper keyword use.

So in summary, it discusses best practices for writing readable, structured content that uses keywords appropriately and effectively to rank well in search engines.

  • and Content Success are tools that help authors use the WDF (weighted descending frequency) formula to find meaningful keywords for SEO text.

  • The WDF*IDF analysis filters out common keywords but keeps keywords unique to a topic, helping companies stand out from competitors.

  • Authors use keywords consistently throughout content, including headings when relevant.

  • Well-structured SEO text has clear headings marked with H1, H2, H3 tags and multiple paragraphs for readability. Jump marks and easy-to-read fonts are also important.

  • Length should be enough but not too long - quality over quantity. Follow the 5 W questions (who, what, when, where, why).

  • Unique, authentic content focused on the target audience works better than copying or regional dialects. Duplicate content hurts rankings.

  • Top-level domains, unified content, internal links, and noindexing placeholders help avoid duplicate content issues. Analysis of content systems is also important.

  • Websites should minimize duplicate content across pages to avoid issues with search engines. For example, a travel agency should merge duplicate city pages into a single page.

  • Experts recommend using robots.txt or rel=canonical, 301 redirects, or changing crawling frequency settings to tell search engines which URL is the original/canonical version if there are duplicate pages.

  • Duplicate content itself is not necessarily a penalty from search engines, unless it is intentionally generated to manipulate search results.

  • If Google determines an attempt at manipulation or deception, it may not display the page in search results. Webmasters can follow guidelines to make duplicate content unique.

  • After making changes, webmasters can request a re-audit from search engines to ensure guidelines are followed.

  • In rare cases, a third party site may host copyrighted content without consent. Webmasters can contact the host to request removal and report copyright violations to search engines.

  • Other tips include minimizing similar blog entries across pages, merging duplicate city pages from different travel agency sites, and allowing search engines to crawl content but marking duplicates appropriately.

  • ALT attributes on images are important for accessibility, search engine optimization, and helping search engines understand the content and website. Webmasters should optimize ALT tags by including relevant keywords but avoiding keyword spam.

  • Internal links are also important for SEO. Good internal links are placed in content, near the beginning of text, are easily recognizable as links, directly relate to surrounding text, and are on highly visited pages with few other competing links.

  • Page speed, or how quickly a page loads, is a ranking factor for Google. It also affects the user experience. Pages that load slowly can see higher bounce rates and shorter dwell times. Webmasters should optimize page speed through techniques like compression, minimizing files, reducing redirects, caching, and content delivery networks.

  • As more users access the web via mobile, Google is moving towards a “Mobile First Index” to better understand the content mobile users see. Responsive websites that have similar content across devices do not need changes, but the index will prioritize ranking mobile page versions. This aims to improve the search experience for all users.

  • Mobile and desktop versions of websites have significant differences in configuration, so some changes should be made to the homepage. Providing structured markup for both versions allows testing and comparison.

  • The structured data for mobile sites should only include content-relevant information, not irrelevant comprehensive markup.

  • Checking the mobile version in Google Bot using robots.txt is recommended to ensure it’s being indexed properly. Canonical links don’t need changing.

  • Adding the mobile version to Search Console makes it easy for search engines to index both versions, even when users access the desktop version on mobile.

  • When creating a mobile version, it’s best to first complete an error-free desktop version, then build the mobile version from that foundation to ensure quality.

  • Mobile pages should have fast loading times besides usability. Poor speeds increase bounce rates, so mobile optimization and AMP are important.

  • AMP can reduce loading times by 15-85% using optimized HTML and CSS. It improves rankings and user experience, benefiting SEO.

  • Implementing AMP requires validating pages and using supported features only, like avoiding forms and custom fonts. Dual optimized/original pages provide flexibility.

  • Speed, visibility, rankings, monetization and analytics are the main advantages of AMP when done correctly.

  • AMP pages help accelerate mobile page speeds to meet Google’s requirements. They can positively impact social media interactions as well.

  • Structured data provides additional contextual information to search engines like Google. This helps them better understand page content and classify pages more accurately.

  • Structured data comes in the form of code markup added to pages. It includes things like product information, company details, events, etc.

  • Properly implemented structured data can lead to rich search results like rich snippets, rich cards, and featured snippets that stand out in search engine results pages.

  • There are various ways to add structured data markup including direct coding, plugins, Google Tag Manager, and Google’s Data Highlighter tool.

  • The Structured Data Testing Tool allows checking markup for errors and validation.

  • Rich cards are a variant of rich snippets optimized for mobile search results. They showcase content in a carousel format.

  • The Google Knowledge Graph pulls together information from structured data to display relevant panels of compiled information for certain searches. This helps provide contextual, knowledge-based results.

  • Companies can appear in Google’s Knowledge Graph panel through their Wikipedia entry, having a complete Google My Business profile, being frequently quoted on authoritative websites, having positive reviews, and integrating social media profiles.

  • They can optimize to appear in featured snippets by using relevant keywords and ranking well for those keywords. The content should be structured appropriately depending on if it is continuous text, a list, or a table.

  • Off-page SEO involves activities outside the website like link building. It is important to prepare pages for links by doing internal organization and linking between related pages to pass link juice.

  • High quality backlinks from major relevant websites are very important as they act as votes of confidence. Factors like the source, reason, authority, topic, and timeliness of backlinks all impact rankings. Ongoing link building and off-page optimization is important for search engine visibility and organic rankings.

The passage discusses various link building strategies and tactics that webmasters can use for off-page SEO. It emphasizes that strategies should be holistic plans, while tactics are individual tools used to achieve objectives.

Some key link building tactics mentioned include:

  • Reaching out to other websites in the niche to make content known through contact forms or email. Tools like Ahrefs can help find relevant sites.

  • Guest blogging on other sites, with tips on how to find sites accepting guest posts.

  • Broken link building - finding broken links, creating similar content, and asking referrers to update links. Tools help find competitors’ broken links.

  • Identifying mentions without direct links using content exploration tools and filtering results.

  • Restoring lost links by contacting sites that removed links due to content changes or deletions.

  • Creating “linkable assets” like tools, guides and infographics, and promoting them via paid ads to drive relevant links.

Overall it provides an overview of various off-page and link-building strategies and tactics that website owners can employ as part of a comprehensive SEO approach. The emphasis is on tools like Ahrefs that help efficiently implement these tactics.

  • This example shows that webmasters can purchase top search engine rankings for their websites by paying fees for placement or backlinks.

  • Some tactics discussed for free link building include reaching out to websites with inferior links and proposing a link exchange, repurposing and syndicating your own content to share on sites like infographics directories, writing useful comments on blog posts which may lead to backlinks, and participating in community sites like forums and question/answer sites.

  • While metrics like Domain Authority can provide some useful information, they should not be the sole focus, as rankings depend on many complex factors not captured by a single metric. Relying only on metrics like DA can encourage bad practices like link purchasing. The true priorities for rankings are traffic, engagement, and content relevance.

  • It is suggested for webmasters to analyze their competitors’ off-page strategies to find new link building opportunities, ensuring any links are from reputable sources and add value rather than just focusing on metrics or purchased links. Local SEO and mobile optimization are also emphasized as important growing areas.

Here is a summary of the key points about local search engine optimization (SEO) factors:

  • Google My Business is important for local SEO visibility. Companies should claim their GMB profile and fill out all details like address, phone number, services, photos, etc. Location verification is also important.

  • Relevance, distance, and awareness are the main factors that determine local search results ranking. Relevant and high-quality content helps with relevance. Closer businesses rank higher for distance-based queries. Brand awareness also impacts rankings.

  • Regularly updating business details like operating hours is important so searchers get accurate information.

  • Businesses should actively manage customer reviews by responding to them. More reviews and better ratings can boost rankings.

  • Backlinks from other local businesses and websites provide contextual signals to search engines. Anchor text and local relevance of backlinks matter.

  • “Local citations” refer to listings of a business name, address and phone number on various websites. Accumulating these citations from various domains helps with local visibility and authority.

  • Proper on-page SEO best practices like speed, mobile-friendliness, structured data etc. still apply for local search optimization.

  • Local citations on sites like Yellow Pages directories, city-specific sites, and industry association pages can positively impact a company’s local SEO. Google obtains some business data from these directories.

  • There are many different types of directories - cross-industry, city-specific, and industry-specific. Companies should consider which directories are suitable for their business.

  • Google wants to show the best local results, so it uses information from local citations and its own Google Maps/Business listings to verify business data and location. More consistent citations build trust in the business.

  • To benefit, companies should ensure consistent business name, contact details, address and hours across citations. Outdated or inconsistent information can harm rankings.

  • Reviews and ratings also impact local SEO and trust, as they provide user experiences. Reviews on Google, Trustpilot, Yelp and specific industry sites are important. Structured data can showcase internal reviews.

  • Companies should focus on quality over quantity of citations. Relevant industry directories are most valuable. Both online and offline citations can provide positioning benefits if optimized correctly.

  • Structured data like opening hours, address, phone number, etc. are important for local SEO as they help search engines understand and highlight relevant information, but don’t directly impact rankings.

  • The Google Structured Data Testing Tool and Google Data Highlighter tool can be used to add and check structured data without changing HTML code.

  • The location of the user and distance to the business are critical factors - companies farther away rarely appear in local search results. It’s recommended to use a physical address close to target areas.

  • Offline actions like positive customer experiences at a business can indirectly help rankings, as Google uses clicks, visits and repeat visits as signals of good matches.

  • Local landing pages should target the right local audience and understand where current customers are located. They require location-specific details like address and phone number.

  • Mobile optimization is important as many local searches now occur on phones. Landing pages need streamlined designs, quick loading, and direct calls-to-action like phone numbers or maps for easy contact.

  • Images should be in JPG format for fast loading, while PNG images slow things down. CSS images also improve loading times.

  • The number of HTTP requests should be kept low to optimize loading speeds.

  • Mobile landing pages should aim to be under 20KB in size. Pages should contain little text and clear calls-to-action.

  • HTML5, jQuery, and AMP pages can significantly improve loading times.

  • The mobile page should be tested on actual mobile devices before public launch.

  • Content should be optimized for voice searches by using structured data, including answers to common questions in the text, optimizing for local and mobile users, and using natural spoken language style.

  • Loading speeds, mobile optimization, local content and answering common questions are important factors for both traditional and voice searches. Voice searches especially benefit factual, informational and local content.

Here is a summary of the key points about optimizing content for voice searches:

  • Use longtail keywords that are full question phrases to target specific user intent. Analyze tools like AnswerThePublic or Ubersuggest to find relevant keywords.

  • Structure content around frequently asked questions and their answers. Limit answers to around 30 words which is Google’s guideline for voice responses.

  • Optimize content for featured snippets by using schema markup and structuring content with headers, lists, etc. Around 40% of voice results come from featured snippets.

  • Write in a natural language style matching how users speak instead of keywords. Answer questions directly using common terms.

  • Increase the chance of appearing in the knowledge graph by adding relevant brand information and linking social profiles. A Wikipedia page can also help.

  • Target a 9th grade reading level using tools like to check text complexity. Clear and easy writing works best for voice.

  • Increase domain authority through internal and external backlinks to boost rankings for keyword phrases.

  • Include helpful videos which Google favors for voice responses. Optimize video content for keywords.

The passage discusses the relationship between content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). It states that content marketing and SEO both aim to reach a defined target audience. Companies can combine the two strategies by using content marketing along the customer journey to present valuable content and rank higher in search engines.

Content marketing pursues goals like creating useful content to build trust and drive customer actions. It must be relevant to attract and retain an audience. Matching content to the target audience is a major challenge.

SEO is crucial for content marketing success because keywords and on-page optimizations help content rank higher and get discovered. Technical SEO factors like site speed are also important.

The passage provides instructions for creating successful content marketing, like understanding the target audience deeply through buyer personas. It emphasizes producing content the audience finds appealing and will share, rather than just content to please search engines. Overall, it discusses how content marketing and SEO work together to reach goals like attracting customers and increasing sales.

  • The persona uses social networks and the internet to research and obtain information about products before making a purchase decision.

  • Aspects that lead the persona to make a purchase decision on the day include things like reviews, recommendations from friends on social media, deals/sales, and product specifications matching their needs.

  • To convince the persona to purchase a particular offer or service, it needs to provide value, be easily understandable, have positive reviews/testimonials, offer guarantees or refund policies to reduce risk, and be competitively priced.

  • The persona may involve friends or followers on social media to get additional opinions or recommendations, but likely makes the final purchase decision alone after personally researching the options.

  • Good copywriters and content writers are important to consistently provide high-quality, informative content that addresses user questions and solves problems. They need tools and feedback to produce engaging, optimized content.

  • Measuring key metrics like visits, leads, sales, etc. is important to understand the success of content marketing efforts and roi.

  • Social media plays a key role in marketing, search engine optimization, and the customer journey today. A combination of social media and SEO strategies is important for visibility and growing an audience.

  • The passage discusses whether using social media marketing is worthwhile for search engine optimization. While social signals don’t directly impact rankings, they can provide clues about content popularity and search trends.

  • For most companies, using social media is now standard practice. It allows increasing reach many times over. However, companies must invest employee time to properly manage social media, so it’s not truly free. Success depends on the chosen strategies.

  • Social media offers advantages like fast customer service, new sales opportunities, loyalty/brand development, and advertising new products without large ad budgets.

  • Effective social media marketing requires clear goals aligned with products/services. Economically-focused and non-profit companies pursue different goals.

  • Examples show how a product company and WWF non-profit approach social media differently to achieve their goals but both aim to increase followers.

  • Key factors for success include creating engaging content, using relevant keywords, and promoting social profiles on other channels to drive more followers/donations.

  • Companies should integrate social media with local SEO by adding location details and calls to action to increase both social and search visibility.

  • Strategic partners represent profiles of non-competitive organizations or influential personalities that can help create meaningful content and exchange experiences, providing benefits to both partners.

  • Due to the important role of social media platforms, most companies find it pays off in every respect to operate on social media channels, as it allows them to reach a larger audience and increase sales.

  • Internationally active companies should always create profiles in English on major social platforms to serve their global customer base.

So in summary, strategic partnerships can provide benefits through collaboration on content creation and experience sharing, and operating on social media globally is important for large companies to reach more customers and drive sales. Maintaining profiles in English importantly allows international firms to engage their worldwide customer base.

Here is a summary of the key points about evaluating rankings and monitoring SEO success:

  • Google Search Console provides free data on rankings but the format makes analysis complicated. Many use additional keyword tracking tools.

  • It’s important to do a “competition analysis” by checking how competitors rank. Relying solely on Search Console data is not enough.

  • Tools like Sistrix and Searchmetrics can display a “visibility index” to show ranking performance over time compared to competitors.

  • Areas like these tools can be useful even if they don’t use user-defined keywords, as you can calculate your own visibility.

  • Backlinks are still very important but quantity alone doesn’t indicate quality. Metrics like Domain Authority, Trust Flow, etc. should be monitored.

  • Brand search queries reveal brand awareness, which impacts rankings. Tracking brand vs non-brand clicks and impressions is important.

  • Crawling errors and statistics from Search Console can reveal issues to improve.

  • Clicks from Search Console differ from traffic in Analytics due to data limitations.

  • Tools measure data differently so results may vary - they don’t all follow the same procedures.

  • Black hat SEO techniques aim to manipulate search engine rankings through unethical or prohibited means like hidden text, private blog networks, link farms, cloaking, etc.

  • Specifically, the passage discusses how black hat SEOs misuse redirects, offer low-quality content, misuse structured data by providing fake ratings, leave spam comments with links, and create private blog networks (PBNs) to build links.

  • Search engines have updated algorithms to detect and prevent many black hat techniques. Using them risks penalties like lower rankings or site removal.

  • In contrast, white hat SEO focuses on creating high-quality, original content that provides value to users. It aims to naturally build backlinks and authority over time.

  • Grey hat SEO involves questionable techniques that may be banned in the future, so caution is advised.

  • The best practice is to avoid all forms of cloaking, tricking, or manipulating search engines. The goal should be helping users, not rankings alone. An ethical and sustainable approach is recommended.

  • The focus was to provide solutions for visitors and create a seamless user experience from search to the online presence.

  • Qualitative content free of keyword stuffing increases success. Copying or rewriting other’s content without adding value is not recommended. Content policies should be considered before publishing.

  • Structured data markup should comply with rules to ensure success.

  • Supplementary markup should not mislead users.

  • Creating private blog networks just to increase links is a black hat tactic and should be avoided.

  • It is better to create unique, high-quality content that attracts users rather than faking, copying or rewriting content.

  • Regularly reviewing guidelines helps stay up-to-date without accidentally using black hat SEO techniques.

  • The focus should not be on avoiding punishment, but on using white hat SEO strategies that produce long-term success without risk of punishment or site removal. Avoiding black hat techniques is worthwhile.

  • Bad reviews and a low conversion rate (purchases from clicks) can negatively impact a product’s ranking on sites like Amazon.

  • Factors like click rate, conversion rate, sales, and reviews affect a product’s performance and ranking. Higher click rates and conversion rates lead to higher rankings.

  • A big gap between click rate and conversion rate suggests an issue with the product details raising false expectations. This can lower rankings over time.

  • Retailers aim to indirectly influence factors like click rate, conversion rate, and sales through things like title, images, price, reviews, descriptions, etc. to attract more clicks and purchases.

  • Relevance factors like how keywords match the search query also impact rankings. Retailers can directly control keywords and their placement in titles, bullets, descriptions.

  • Testing different product details, images, keywords, etc. and analyzing impacts on rankings and rates can help retailers optimize for better performance on sites like Amazon. Regular analysis and adjustments are recommended.

  • Amazon sellers face similar challenges to on-platform search engine optimization as other platforms like facing appropriate keywords and deciding where to place them for best results.

  • Relevance factors like keyword matching and performance factors like click-through rates sometimes work together positively, but can also work against each other if not balanced properly. It’s important to consider both relevance and performance holistically.

  • Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) is another important Amazon SEO factor, allowing sellers to showcase their brand better through additional images if they have registered the brand with Amazon. EBC can increase trust and conversions if used effectively.

  • Optimizing for mobile devices is crucial as mobile traffic and purchases on Amazon continue to rise rapidly. The desktop and mobile experiences differ significantly so content needs to be optimized for each.

  • Some key differences between desktop and mobile/app experiences on Amazon include shorter titles, less text/bullets visible without scrolling, smaller images, fewer image slots, and fewer reviews/comments visible without additional clicks. Proper mobile optimization can boost both mobile and desktop traffic and sales.

  • On mobile devices, merchants’ question/answer responses are not displayed, so important information they provide through comments does not reach mobile users. Using the question/answer area allows this information to be seen by both mobile and desktop users.

  • The main argument is that merchants provide valuable information through their comments on questions, but this does not get displayed on mobile versions of the site. Using the question/answer functionality ensures this information reaches all users, regardless of whether they are on mobile or desktop.

  • In order for merchants to effectively communicate with all customers, both mobile and desktop, it is worthwhile for the site to utilize the question/answer area so that merchant responses can be viewed across devices. Currently, merchant comments are not visible to mobile users, so the question/answer functionality helps solve this issue.

  • SEO involves optimizing website content, structure, and off-site elements like backlinks to improve rankings and visibility on search engines like Google. Factors like keyword research, on-page optimizations, page speed, structured data and content marketing all play a role.

  • Local SEO aims to rank highly for local searches and prioritizes local keywords, citations, maps listings, reviews/ratings and proximity. It’s important for businesses with a physical location.

  • Voice search optimization focuses on making content suitable for voice platforms by optimizing for how people speak instead of type queries. Things like long-tail keywords and conversational language matter more.

  • Social media, when integrated properly, can boost SEO by increasing backlinks, exposure and sharing of optimized content.

  • Success should be tracked using metrics like traffic sources, rankings and off-page signals. Black hat SEO should be avoided due to risk of penalties.

  • Personalization uses AI techniques like predictive analytics on user data to target individuals with tailored, relevant content and offers at the right time across networks. This enhances the user experience.

  • Amazon optimization aims to rank highly in product search results and focuses on things like targeting mobile users and optimizing product listings.

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About Matheus Puppe