Self Help

THINK STRAIGHT Change Your Thoughts, Chan - Darius Foroux

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Matheus Puppe

· 12 min read
  • The author, Darius Foroux, shares his thoughts on practical thinking through stories, advice, and personal experiences.

  • Foroux believes that while we have an incredible tool in our brain, we are not born knowing how to use it properly. We make irrational decisions and think we have more control over our thoughts than we actually do.

  • Foroux wrote this book to provide practical advice on improving your thinking, which can then improve your life, business, and career. He aims to give readers at least one useful idea they can apply.

  • Foroux acknowledges that books on self-improvement will only work for those with an open mind. If you don’t think you have an open mind currently, he suggests not reading the book.

  • Foroux does not claim to be an expert. He shares what has worked for him in gaining more control over his thoughts and becoming happier. To him, this is the definition of better thinking.

  • The overarching message is that we have the ability to choose our thoughts, and our thoughts shape our lives. By improving how we think, we can achieve more.

• The author believes thinking can be trained and improved, just like any other skill. But most people rarely challenge or stretch their minds after formal education ends.

• The author’s mind used to be in chaos, full of unorganized and unproductive thoughts. But over time, he learned strategies to replace the chaos with clarity and useful thinking.

• A brief history of thinking: Philosophers have long believed that thoughts determine one’s life and reality. Many developed methods for productive thinking, like the Socratic method of questioning and scrutinizing one’s thoughts.

• The world is constantly changing, which often leads to worry, uncertainty and unproductive thinking for many. But by improving one’s thinking, one can gain more control and understanding.

• The author shares strategies for improving thinking in the rest of the book based on his own experiences learning to overcome counterproductive thoughts. The key is moving from chaos to clarity.

• An example from the author’s life: When plans to move fell through at the last minute, he initially panicked. But then he consciously worked to replace worried and self-blaming thoughts with a focus on solutions. This allowed him to resolve the situation.

• The overall message is that through conscious effort, people can improve their thinking, reduce negative and counterproductive thoughts, and gain a healthier perspective. Our thoughts shape our reality, so we must master them.

  • Socrates believed that he knew nothing, which made him wise. René Descartes took this further by questioning everything, even his own existence. He concluded “I think, therefore I am.” Our thoughts should serve a useful purpose; if not, they are useless.

  • Life is not linear. Things rarely go according to plan. We have to take detours and try different paths to reach our goals. Understanding this helps us think of alternative options and be less discouraged by failure or setbacks.

  • Connecting the dots requires feeding your brain knowledge and input. Your brain then searches for connections and comes up with new ideas. Even if you can’t see the connections now, acquiring knowledge will allow you to connect the dots in the future.

  • We rely on heuristics, or mental shortcuts, to filter information and make decisions. But heuristics like trial-and-error, social proof, and familiarity are not always practical or lead to good outcomes. A better filter is pragmatism: consider what works and has a meaningful impact.

  • Stop excessive thinking. While thinking is important, we can get trapped in unproductive rumination and worry. Take actions instead of just thinking. Reduce distractions and focus on concrete steps. Spending time in nature or exercising can help shift your mind from thinking to sensing and experiencing.

  • Question the source of your beliefs, not just the beliefs themselves. Many of our beliefs come from others or early assumptions, not our own reasoning. We should examine whether our ways of thinking are based on what really works for us and aligns with our values and purpose.

  • In summary, develop practical and useful ways of thinking. Feed your mind, connect ideas, filter for what works, limit unproductive thinking, and question the sources of your beliefs. Our thoughts shape our lives, so improving our thinking can improve our lives.

The author says that 99% of his thoughts in the past were useless because he mostly worried, stressed and freaked out. He calls these preoccupied mind. Some examples are: wondering what his boss thinks, what if he screws up, does she love me, why does his life suck etc. These thoughts are not helping and everyone has them.

The author says you can’t get rid of these useless thoughts but you can decide not to follow through on them. You have to be aware of your thoughts, acknowledge them but don’t blame yourself for having them. Focus only on things you can control like your desires, actions, words and intentions. Useless thoughts lack a purpose. Thinking about the past or future with no purpose is useless.

Useful thoughts are 1) solving problems 2) understanding knowledge and applying it. You have to train your mind to avoid useless thoughts. Ask yourself if the thought is worth it. Commit to stop useless thinking and take control of your mind.

The author says you can’t trust your mind because humans are illogical. We each have our own social reality and cognitive biases which are thinking errors. The attentional bias means our perceptions are affected by our thoughts which in turn affect our lives. The confirmation bias means we try to confirm our preconceptions. There are over 100 cognitive biases showing how illogical we are.

To make better decisions, have a pragmatic and neutral perspective, not just more knowledge. There are no perfect decisions, just better or worse informed ones. Look at the list of cognitive biases to break thinking patterns.

The author hates assumptions and says to look at facts instead. Facts lead to conclusions, assumptions do not. Some examples are whether your product solves a problem or you assume it does. Look at whether you can raise money or assume you can. Rely on facts, not opinions or guesses.

Facts are not the same as truth. There are no facts, only interpretations according to Nietzsche. We rely on our interpretations of reality, there’s no objective way to confirm it. Facts don’t mean something is right or wrong. Don’t waste energy convincing people of ‘the truth’. Accept different opinions.

  • The author used to think that fast, quick thinkers were smart. But after trying it for years, he realized his first answers often sucked.

  • Derek Sivers, someone the author admires, says he’s a slow thinker. Your first reaction is often outdated or an emotional response. Thinking things through thoroughly takes time.

  • It’s okay to say “I don’t know” when asked a question. You don’t have to have an instant answer. It makes you human, not dumb. Worrying what others think of you is an example of not thinking slowly.

  • The author now takes more time to think about decisions instead of saying yes quickly. Saying you need time to think about something is a good solution. Know yourself and your needs.

  • Pushing your mind constantly can lead to mental breakdowns or feeling blocked. Learning and growth happen in stages, and you have to push through walls to get to the next stage. Take breaks to rejuvenate your mind.

  • Drawing your thoughts can free your mind from constant verbalization. The author has found that drawing helps in generating and clarifying ideas for his writing. Visualizing ideas helps in communicating them.

  • Know yourself: your strengths, weaknesses, how you learn, your passions, your dislikes. Lacking self-knowledge can lead to making poor life decisions that don’t match who you are. Accept yourself as you are instead of some ideal.

  • Focus on your journey, not external measures of success. Do what fulfills you, not what you “should” do according to others. Align your life with your core self.

That’s the summary and the key takeaways from the provided text on taking your time to think. Let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the summary.

Your ex-girlfriend values traveling and living in different countries whereas you value staying close to home and family. You broke up due to incompatible values and desires.

You used to work in sales jobs you didn’t like just for the money. Now you know yourself better and choose jobs and opportunities that align with your values. You reflect regularly through journaling to gain self-awareness.

You have a relaxed approach to money. You spend less than you earn, avoid debt, and invest in your skills and quality items. You don’t worry excessively about money since you have enough savings.

You recognize that thinking too hard can lead to bad ideas. It’s important to stop thinking at times through relaxation, meditation, or letting your mind wander. Escaping your thoughts helps gain a new perspective.

You dislike conventional thinking and pros/cons lists since the outcomes are predictable. You believe in abundant thinking where you can have multiple options rather than “either/or”. It’s best to step back and look at the bigger picture outside of the usual constraints and limitations.

You made a mistake due to being in a rush and trusting technology. You sent a confidential email to the wrong recipient, costing you a lot of money. You learned not to take shortcuts and always double check important details to avoid silly errors. Asking “why” helps ensure you understand the reasoning behind things rather than just following orders or habits.

Overall, the key lessons are: know yourself, reflect often, have a balanced view of money, stop excessive thinking at times, think unconventionally and abundantly, double check important details, and question why you’re doing things. Self-awareness, critical thinking, and avoiding complacency or laziness are emphasized.

  • The consultant made a mistake and sent a lower proposal to the wrong client (Wim A) instead of the intended client (Wim B).

  • When Wim B saw the lower proposal, he got upset and decided not to do business with the consultant.

  • The consultant learned three lessons: 1) Always double check details. 2) Small mistakes can lead to big problems. 3) Don’t show favoritism to certain clients.

  • The consultant admits the mistake was due to carelessness and there’s no excuse. It’s important to strive for perfection and pay attention to details. Small habits like always being in a hurry can lead to bigger issues.

  • The consultant put a lot of time and effort into writing a book, changing the title and details many times to get it right. Details are very important in all areas of work and life. If you want to do good work, you need to pay attention to details.

  • The consultant believes in thinking to inform action, but values action over thinking. Relying too much on thinking can lead to inaction. It’s better to develop habits and systems to minimize excessive thinking. For example, the consultant developed a simple exercise system to avoid prolonged deliberation.

  • The consultant learned from his grandmother’s regret over life sacrifices and decisions not made. He decided to pursue experiences to avoid similar regret, even if it meant some sacrifice or struggle. Some life experiences can only be understood by living through them.

  • The consultant prefers to live in the present rather than dwell on the past or be overly nostalgic. While some reflection is good, constantly reminiscing prevents one from fully experiencing and enjoying the present moment. The consultant aims to live with intention in the present, though not perfectly. Some past memories and photos are fine, but one need not obsessively document life.

The key lessons are: pay attention to details, value action over excessive thinking, develop good habits and systems, pursue life experiences to avoid regret, and aim to live presently rather than stuck in the past.

  • Holding onto too many things from the past can prevent us from living in the present moment. The only useful purpose of looking to the past is to learn from it. Regularly reviewing your past thoughts and actions can provide insights into your thinking and decision making.

  • For example, in 2017, after two years of blogging and building up an email newsletter with over 22,000 subscribers, you decided to launch a paid membership site. Before launching, you thought that if you could get 1,000 members paying $5/month, you could make a living from it. However, after 6 weeks, only 78 people had signed up and retention was an issue. You realized it would take over a year to reach 1,000 members at that rate. You also felt obligated to provide exclusive content to members, which took a lot of time from your other work. So you decided to end the membership site.

  • Looking back, you realized you could have avoided wasting months of time by thinking through the details and challenges in more depth beforehand. You learned you can only take on one big project at a time in each area of life. Looking to the past should only be done briefly - life happens now.

  • Effective thinking focuses on improving your life, career and business, visualizing the future, generating new ideas, solving problems, and planning enjoyable activities. Making effective use of your mind requires daily practice and effort. You can practice effective thinking by looking at everything in life as an opportunity to think better. Allowing your mind to waste time complaining, dwelling in self-pity or failing to appreciate life is ineffective.

  • The ultimate goal of effective thinking is achieving an inner calm and mastery over your mind. This can be achieved through daily meditation and mindfulness practices. You don’t need fancy courses or equipment to learn how to calm your mind - just sit, observe your thoughts, and then ignore them. You can meditate any time by going within yourself to find peace. You don’t need a special occasion or item to do so.

  • Many of the ideas around effective thinking come from the philosophy of pragmatism, founded by Charles Sanders Peirce. William James helped raise awareness of Peirce’s work at a time when Peirce had fallen into poverty and obscurity. James’ decision to credit Peirce with pioneering pragmatism shows how thinking beyond yourself and helping others can have a huge impact. Pragmatism focuses on the practical value and impact of ideas.

  • William James promoted pragmatism and helped popularize the philosophy. Without his efforts, pragmatism may not have gained as much recognition and Peirce would not have received more respect later in life.

  • James’ act of promoting pragmatism and helping Peirce showed that he valued making a meaningful impact and helping others.

  • James believed that the greatest use of life is spending it on something that will outlast you. While you may not see the impact, striving to create useful things that matter to others gives life meaning.

  • The author thanks the reader for joining the journey to understand their thinking process. The goal was to provide an anchor for the reader to return to in difficult times.

  • As a gift, the author offers a free bonus ebook with a behind-the-scenes look at their personal journal entries to provide more insight into the creative process behind the book.

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About Matheus Puppe