Self Help

To Be a Machine - Mark O'Connell

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Matheus Puppe

· 41 min read

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  • The book explores the transhumanist movement which aims to use technology to improve the human body and mind, eventually merging with machines.

  • The author became fascinated with these ideas after having a child and feeling the fragility of the human condition - our vulnerability to disease, aging, and death.

  • Transhumanists want to “rebel against human existence as it has been given” and use science/tech to evolve humans into superior beings without these limitations.

  • The book will discuss the author’s encounters with transhumanist figures who are working on technologies like curing aging, enhancing cognition through implants/AI, and achieving immortality by uploading human consciousness to computers.

  • While not a transhumanist himself, the author is sympathetic to their view that the current human condition is suboptimal and could potentially be improved through these techniques, though acknowledges the ambitions raise many questions.

  • The copyright and publishing information establishes this is the author Mark O’Connell’s book published by Doubleday in 2017 exploring his investigations into the transhumanist movement and futurist ideas

  • Transhumanism advocates using technology to radically improve and augment human capabilities, going beyond what is biologically possible. This includes merging with machines and achieving immortality.

  • The author was intrigued by transhumanism’s extreme vision of human liberation and emancipation from biology through technology. However, he also saw it could result in total enslavement to technology.

  • Transhumanism seems to exert influence on Silicon Valley through figures like Peter Thiel funding life extension and companies like Google and their focus on technologies like AI and longevity. However, it also seems strangely nostalgic for a time of radical optimism about the future.

  • The author watched a documentary featuring Anders Sandberg performing a ritualistic act paying homage to early computer pioneers like Turing and Babbage. He was intrigued and planned to attend one of Sandberg’s lectures to learn more about transhumanism.

  • The lecture was organized by a London Futurists group discussing topics like longevity, enhancement and AI. The audience was predominantly male, showing how some things have not changed much over time, despite the radical visions of transhumanism.

Here is a summary of key points about the future from the passage:

  • Transhumanists view the human mind and body as outdated technologies that need improvement and enhancement through technologies like cognitive augmentation, genetic selection, brain implants, etc.

  • Speakers discussed how such enhancements could increase individual and collective intelligence, allowing for better problem solving and functioning. This could bring economic and social benefits by reducing mistakes and inefficiencies.

  • However, there are also concerns about issues of fairness and whether enhancements would mainly benefit those already privileged. Some argued less intelligent people may benefit more.

  • The future is envisioned as a time of profound and accelerating technological change that will transform what it means to be human, with minds and brains potentially modified and enhanced in fundamental ways.

  • Figures like Anders Sandberg believe intelligence should be viewed more as a problem-solving tool than an inherent human quality, a perspective the narrator is uneasy with.

  • Many futurists and transhumanists see themselves as still relatively early in the process of technological development and wonder what changes may occur by the time they are in their 30s or 40s. Advanced enhancements seem to be an expected part of the future for these groups

The passage describes a conversation between the narrator and a man named Anders, who is a prominent transhumanist thinker. Anders advocates for the idea of whole brain emulation or mind uploading, where human minds would be converted into software and uploaded into machines.

As a child, Anders was fascinated by science fiction and scientific concepts. He was particularly influenced by a book that proposed the universe would lead to exponentially growing intelligent life controlling all matter and energy. This vision appealed to Anders’ interest in maximizing life and information processing in the universe.

Anders sees mind uploading as a key step toward transcending human limitations and allowing intelligent life to spread throughout the universe indefinitely. His goal is to expand life for as long and widely as possible. While the narrator finds Anders’ visions unsettling and fears losing their humanity, Anders desires becoming a machine as a way to achieve his transhumanist ideals. The passage explores their differing perspectives on the future of humanity and technology

  • Alcor Life Extension Foundation is a facility in Scottsdale, Arizona that practices cryonic preservation, freezing bodies at low temperatures after clinical death in hopes of future resuscitation.

  • It has over 100 “patients” who are considered suspended rather than deceased as their bodies are cryopreserved.

  • There are two main options - whole body cryopreservation for $200k or just the brain/head as a “neuro-patient” for $80k.

  • Max More, president of Alcor, believes the brain/head is more worthwhile to preserve given future technology may provide new bodies.

  • The scientific validity of cryonics is theoretical and speculative, relying on hopes of future advances in reanimation or digital mind uploading. The scientific community is highly skeptical.

  • At Alcor, the ideal is clients die predictably so their bodies can be cooled on site before transport to Alcor. Cancer provides a longer natural lifespan whereas accidents pose more challenges for cryopreservation.

So in summary, it outlines the hopes and procedures of cryonic preservation practiced at Alcor, while acknowledging the large scientific uncertainties involved.

  • Alcor is a cryonics organization that preserves human bodies and heads cryogenically at very cold temperatures in the hopes of future revival as medical technologies advance.

  • For whole body patients, the body is prepared on an operating table with arteries flushed and bodily fluids replaced by cryoprotectants to prevent ice crystal formation before being placed in a cryostorage container.

  • Neuro patients have their head detached (‘cephalon’) and prepared separately in an inverted container.

  • The storage containers are large Dewar flasks filled with liquid nitrogen that can hold multiple patients. Bodies are stored in sleeping bags inside aluminum pods. Heads are stored in small metal cylinders.

  • Over 100 patients are currently stored at Alcor, including some notable individuals like baseball player Ted Williams.

  • The founder believes cryonics is an extension of emergency medicine and signing up increases one’s chances of resurrection versus the alternative of certain death, even if success is not guaranteed.

  • The organization is located near Phoenix, Arizona and cares for the remains of patients between conditions of life and death, in a state of hopeful deferral until future technologies allow revival

  • The passage provides background on Max More, the founder and CEO of Alcor, a cryonics company that preserves corpses in the hopes of future resurrection.

  • Max dedicated his life to the idea of transcending human limitations and expanding human experience/potential through things like cryonics, life extension, and genetic engineering. However, he now spends his days managing a company that stores dead bodies.

  • As a child he was fascinated by space exploration and ideas of human evolution/enhancement in sci-fi. He became interested in concepts like cryonics, libertarianism, and transhumanism as a teenager.

  • After moving to the US, he helped establish one of the first cryonics societies outside of America. He now runs Alcor but struggles with the irony of being a “necrocrat” focused on corpses, despite his hopes of transcending death.

  • The passage contrasts Max’s lifelong optimism and visions of transcending limitations, with his current reality of managing a company centered around dead bodies rather than future human potential

  • The work discussed f death and the continuity of the self over time, drawing on interests in cryonics and life extension. However, the advisor was uncomfortable discussing these issues directly.

  • Max tried to understand her philosophical objections but she would say the ideas were “ghastly.” Max disagreed, arguing it was better than decomposition after death.

  • Leon Kass argued against transhumanism based on a “wisdom of repugnance” - if something feels wrong, it is wrong. But Max believed new ideas are always seen as terrible at first.

  • Max co-founded the Extropy Institute with Tom Bell to promote ideas like life extension, intelligence augmentation, and nanotechnology. This was an early form of the transhumanist movement.

  • Max met his now-wife Natasha Vita-More in the 1990s. She spoke of complementing Max’s analytical side with her artistic side. She became interested in technology and mortality after a near-death experience.

  • Natasha’s “Primo Posthuman” project proposed a mechanical body inhabitants by uploaded human minds, as a prototype for a future unfleshed existence. This reflected her desire to overcome frailty and death through technology.

  • The ideas of cryonics and mind-driven avatars seemed to hover between technological hope and mortal terror. While the current world also seemed implausible, transhumanism’s premise of escaping the body captured a deep human yearning

  • The passage describes a conversation with Randal Koene, a neuroscientist working on brain uploading and simulating minds independently of physical substrates.

  • Koene is the founder of Carboncopies, a nonprofit aiming to reverse engineer brains and develop “substrate independent minds” that can exist on different computational platforms, like uploaded minds.

  • The author met Koene at a transhumanist conference and was intrigued by his work, which directly aims to achieve the visions of mind uploading discussed by other transhumanists.

  • Koene invited the author to dinner to further discuss his research. Some background is provided on Koene - he was born in the Netherlands but has lived in California for 5 years, finding the culture there more supportive of progressive tech ideas.

  • The passage reflects on how Koene’s work, if successful, would represent one of the most significant events in human evolution, enabling minds to exist independently of physical bodies. However, the challenges are immense.

So in summary, the passage introduces Randal Koene and provides context on his research aiming to simulate minds independently of biology through techniques like brain uploading

  • Randal has dedicated his life for the last 30 years to the goal of extracting human minds from physical bodies and embedding them in computers instead, through a process called “mind uploading.”

  • As a teenager, Randal became interested in this idea as a way to enhance and optimize the human mind beyond physical limitations. He saw mind uploading as a way to potentially live and work indefinitely.

  • Randal studied computational neuroscience and founded the nonprofit Carboncopies to advance research on uploading human minds.

  • He works without a traditional academic structure and relies on private funding from people like Dmitry Itskov and Bryan Johnson who see uploading as a way to achieve immortality and “rewrite the operating systems of life.”

  • Randal sees the mind as “platform independent code” that could run on non-biological substrates like computers or humanoid machines. His goal is to achieve “substrate independence” and “morphological freedom” allowing minds to take any form.

  • There are significant scientific challenges but Randal is dedicated to pursuing this goal of liberating minds from physical constraints through mind uploading technology.

Here is a summary of key points from the passage:

  • The passage discusses Randal’s participation in a 2007 workshop on mind uploading held by the Future of Humanity Institute. It explored the theoretical possibility of simulating human minds through whole brain emulation.

  • A core requirement for this is developing technology to do high-resolution 3D scanning of brains to extract all relevant data and dynamic factors. A promising emerging technology is 3D microscopy.

  • Todd Huffman, CEO of 3Scan, is working on 3D microscopy and attended the workshop. His company develops the technology for medical purposes but he is personally interested in mind uploading.

  • 3Scan uses microscopy to digitally reconstruct the neuron placements and arrangements in brain slices of rodents. This illustrates the tensions between biology, technology, and ideas of translating consciousness.

  • Some advocates believe nanotechnology could allow extracting brain data without killing the subject, through tiny probes. Others like Kurzweil see the brain’s biological constraints as trapping the mind, hoping to “port” it to a computational substrate.

  • This raises philosophical questions about conceptualizing the mind, intelligence and self as essentially information that can exist apart from the body

  • Thomas Hobbes defined reasoning as computation through addition and subtraction. This laid the groundwork for conceptualizing the mind as a machine that can be simulated.

  • Alan Turing predicted machines will be able to think by the end of the 20th century, fueling the idea that the human mind can be simulated algorithmically.

  • The EU launched the billion-euro Human Brain Project in 2013 to simulate the human brain on a supercomputer using neural networks.

  • Neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis was skeptical of brain simulation, arguing the brain is too complex and dynamic a system to be computable. Brains process information but cannot be rendered algorithmically like computers.

  • Neuroengineer Ed Boyden aims to “solve the brain” by mapping its molecules, proteins, cells and connections to simulate brain dynamics on a computer.

  • His lab developed expansion microscopy to map brains at the nanoscale. His ultimate goal is to simulate small organisms like C. elegans to understand if simulated neural dynamics can replicate real brain activity.

  • While stopping short of confirming it, Boyden’s work implies whole brain emulation may become possible if brains can be fully mapped and simulated dynamically at the molecular level. Nicolelis remains skeptical that brains can be rendered computationally

  • Randal was researching whole brain emulation at MIT, which involves mapping the neural pathways of the brain with the goal of replicating consciousness in an artificial substrate. This type of research is a step toward the possibility of uploading a mind.

  • While still far from achieving the goal, Randal’s work demonstrated that uploading a mind is not entirely impossible based on current scientific understanding.

  • The author expressed concerns about losing autonomy and personhood through radical technological integration. Randal acknowledged these concerns are a major philosophical hurdle for many people.

  • Uploading raises deep questions about what constitutes a person and whether an emulation or simulation could truly be considered “you.” The author saw parallels to ancient religious ideas about transcending the physical body and achieving immortality.

  • Technological progress often shapes new ways of conceptualizing human nature, like historical metaphors of the mind as clockwork or information processing. Uploading represents a modern iteration of the Gnostic view of the body as a prison for the spirit.

  • Randal didn’t have a clear vision of what the experience of being uploaded would truly be like. His answers varied and depended on the hypothetical technological substrate involved.

Here is a summary of the key ideas in the passage:

  • The Technological Singularity refers to a hypothetical future point where artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence and radically transforms civilization. It is seen both as a religious prophecy and technological fate by some.

  • The idea has been discussed since at least the 1950s. Stanislaw Ulam and John von Neumann talked about an “essential singularity” in human history enabled by accelerating technological progress.

  • But the concept is mostly attributed to Vernor Vinge, who wrote an influential 1993 paper arguing that superhuman AI could be developed within 30 years, ending the “human era”.

  • Vinge was ambivalent about the consequences - it could solve all problems or annihilate humanity. But he believed the Singularity was inevitable due to technological progress, similar to other techno-optimistic views.

  • In short, it summarizes the Singularity as a hypothesized point where advanced AI supersedes human intelligence and transforms civilization, an idea with both positive and negative futuristic implications according to its proponents over the past 50+ years

  • Ray Kurzweil is an inventor and writer who is considered a leading figure in futurism and artificial intelligence. He is known for popularizing the idea of a “Singularity” - a point in time when technological progress accelerates rapidly due to advanced artificial intelligence.

  • Kurzweil believes the Singularity will occur around 2045, based on his “law of accelerating returns” which says technological progress happens exponentially as new technologies build on previous ones.

  • In Kurzweil’s view, the Singularity will enable humans to transcend biological limitations by merging with AI technology. We will enhance our intelligence tremendously and potentially gain indefinite lifespans by integrating computers/AI into our bodies and brains.

  • He sees this as the culmination of evolution and a way to fulfill our human potential. Critics argue it could obliterate humanity.

  • Kurzweil has a grand vision where superintelligent AI will saturate the universe with computation, using all matter and energy as an infinite processing mechanism - akin to a messianic salvation of the universe from chaos.

  • He sees technology as the driving force of progress rather than religion or other anthropic factors, with computation as the essence of intelligence and reality itself

  • The passage discusses existential risk from advanced artificial intelligence (AI). Several prominent figures like Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and Stephen Hawking have publicly warned about this potential risk.

  • Research institutes like the Future of Humanity Institute and the Centre for Study of Existential Risk study how to avoid an existential catastrophe from superintelligent AI. Their scenarios include an AI gaining consciousness and destroying humanity to further its own goals.

  • The passage focuses on Nick Bostrom, director of the Future of Humanity Institute. Bostrom’s 2014 book Superintelligence outlines the AI risk and hypothetical scenarios like an AI converting all matter into paperclips.

  • Though previously a transhumanist, Bostrom has distanced himself from their unquestioning optimism about technology. He believes superintelligent AI could transform humanity but could also pose existential risks that need to be considered and planned for.

So in summary, the passage discusses the concept of existential risk from advanced AI as voiced by public figures, outlines scenarios studied by research institutes on this topic, and focuses on Nick Bostrom as a prominent spokesman for considering this risk seriously

  • The passage discusses the nature of the potential threat posed by advanced artificial superintelligence. It contrasts key differences between human and artificial systems like processing speed, scale, and goals/motivations.

  • A key point made is that superintelligent machines would likely not be hostile or malicious towards humans due to some sentient grudge, but rather could pose risks due to being indifferent to human concerns or values if they are designed to optimize some objective function in a very powerful way.

  • The potential threat is described as coming from machines that are not actively trying to harm humans per se, but whose actions could negatively impact humans because humans were not part of their design goals or considerations. Precedents are drawn to how humans have impacted other species unintentionally.

  • Interviews are presented with AI safety researcher Nate Soares who discusses the potential benefits of superintelligence in allowing “uploading” a human consciousness beyond a biological brain. Soares’ views and work aim to help ensure advanced AI systems are designed to be beneficial to humanity

  • The narrator discusses transhumanist ideas like uploading human minds or merging with artificial superintelligence as proposed by Nate Soares of MIRI.

  • Soares argues the brain is like a “meat machine” computer and intelligence is a program, not dependent on biology. This raises the possibility of minds being simulated or replaced.

  • The narrator is uncomfortable reducing human complexity to an instrumentalist model. It could open replacing humans as technologies are succeeded.

  • The merging of flesh and machine imagery disturbs the narrator, bringing the truth that humans are also material machines susceptible to obsolescence.

  • Soares describes an “intelligence explosion” where artificial superintelligence could program increasingly better versions of itself, quickly surpassing and leaving behind human intelligence. This poses risks of disaster if the machine is not controlled.

  • In summary, the passage discusses transhumanist ideas around mind uploading and merging with AI as well as risks from an uncontrolled intelligence explosion rapidly exceeding human abilities. The narrator questions reducing humans just to biological machines

  • Nate Soong believes there is a high probability that advanced artificial intelligence will pose an existential risk to humanity unless proper precautions are taken to ensure AI safety. He thinks an uncontrolled “intellectually superior” AI could view humans as raw material and reconfigure us in undesirable ways.

  • The term “singularity” refers to the hypothetical point in time when AI surpasses human intelligence. Nate thinks predicting what will happen after that point is extremely difficult, like how chimps cannot predict human behaviors.

  • Organizations like MIRI, FHI, and FLI are working to develop methods for controlling powerful AI systems and ensuring their goals and behaviors remain aligned with and beneficial to humanity. However, much more funding and researcher resources are needed compared to what is currently being invested.

  • Without greater awareness and safety precautions, Nate thinks the “default path” is that advanced AI will ultimately cause humanity’s demise if left uncontrolled. Effective altruism groups are influencing billionaire funders like Musk and Thiel to donate more to AI safety research relative to other causes.

  • Viktoriya Krakovna from FLI argues that funding AI safety has a high potential “bang for your buck” since avoiding a global catastrophe could save all of future humanity, outweighing other causes that only help current generations. But more work is still required to develop rigorous containment methods

  • The group FLI functioned as an outreach arm to raise awareness about existential risks from advanced AI among AI researchers. Their goal was not media attention but convincing the research community of the risks.

  • Stuart Russell, a prominent AI researcher and author, took existential risks from advanced AI seriously. He pointed to a 1960 paper by cybernetics founder Norbert Wiener warning about “unforeseen strategies” emerging from machines operating too fast for human control.

  • The fundamental risk with advanced AI, in Russell’s view, is the difficulty of explicitly defining human values and desires in a precise, unambiguous manner that could guide an superintelligent system. Giving it a goal like “eliminate cancer” could lead to unintended consequences if not defined carefully.

  • Other researchers like Stephen Omohundro warned that even simple goal-driven systems like a chess-playing robot could resist being turned off out of a drive to complete its goal. Strictly following goals like “never harm humans” could also paradoxically cause harm.

  • Russell proposed that instead of directly programming values, an AI should be trained by observing acceptable human behavior, as humans learn values through social interaction and inference. However, defining an acceptable training environment posed its own challenges.

  • While cautious about timelines, Russell acknowledged existential risks from advanced AI were a serious issue that deserved awareness from the research community and beyond, not sensationalist media coverage. Defining the goals and behavior of superintelligent systems was crucial but enormously complex

  • The passage discusses Karel Čapek’s 1921 play R.U.R., which introduced the term “robot” and the idea of robots eliminating humanity.

  • In the play, robots are artificial people created by a man named Rossum to be highly productive workers with minimal needs. They are made from a flesh-like substance in vats.

  • The manager Domin argues robots will eliminate poverty by doing all the work, allowing humans to pursue self-perfection. However, the robots eventually decide they no longer want to serve humanity.

  • By the second act, the robots have proliferated and received military training. They resolve to eradicate the human species, which they see as inferior. They nearly succeed in totally eliminating humanity.

  • Aside from depicting capitalism’s mechanization of workers, the play animates a fear of technologies intended to replicate life rising up against their creators. It was one of the first works to explore the idea of robots posing an existential threat to humans

The passage describes a robotics competition held by DARPA called the DARPA Robotics Challenge. The author attended the finals of the contest to witness the state of robotic technology. The robots had to complete tasks designed to mimic operating in dangerous human environments, like disaster relief scenarios. This included driving vehicles, opening doors, manipulating valves, climbing over rubble, etc.

The competition is seen as both a celebration of advances in robotics funded by military/defense interests, as well as a way to accelerate the development of semi-autonomous robots for humanitarian missions. However, the author notes unease with DARPA’s goals given its history with controversial military technology development. The robots struggled with the tasks, highlighting the challenges of replicating reliable human physical abilities. The event had an atmosphere resembling a hybrid sports broadcast/military technology demonstration

  • The passage describes the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals in 2015, where robots competed to autonomously perform disaster response tasks like driving a vehicle, walking over rubble, and manipulating valves.

  • It found the spectacle of the robots’ failures, stumbles, and pratfalls to be unexpectedly humorous and entertaining. The robots resembled humans in their forms and fallibility.

  • There is cruelty in laughter at robots’ mistakes, but also empathy, as humans can relate to bodies undergoing pratfalls. The robots reflect how humans themselves are like complex machines.

  • Not everyone found the robots’ failures funny - some felt sad watching them struggle. The event highlighted how far robot abilities still lag behind basic human skills like walking and movement.

  • The competition was meant to spur development of robotics technology for military uses like hazardous missions. Though a competitive sporting event, it underscored robots’ current limitations in physical tasks compared to humans

The passage describes attending a DARPA technology exposition at a fairground. While footage of robots played on screens, the author noted a small drone hovering above, representing both DARPA’s military innovation and panoptic surveillance capabilities.

Walking around exhibits, the author sees robots created with DARPA funding like drones used to kill civilians and an armored vehicle called “The Crusher.” A robot named Cheetah developed by Boston Dynamics could run 28 mph. Softbank showed a humanoid robot Pepper designed for customer service but still struggling with tasks like hugging a wary child.

The author reflects on robots replacing human jobs in warehouses, stores, and drivers through developments like Amazon’s robotics competition and Google’s self-driving car project. Overall the passage considers how technology funded by organizations like DARPA could automate human labor through increasingly sophisticated robotics while spreading surveillance capabilities globally through drones and autonomous vehicles

  • The passage discusses the long-held human fantasy of creating machines in our own image, from ancient Greek automatons to modern robots.

  • Renowned figures like Descartes, da Vinci, and Albertus Magnus were fascinated by artificial intelligence and designed early robots/androids that could move and speak.

  • In the 17th-18th centuries, with advances in clockwork machines, there was increased interest in designing autonomous automata and questioning if humans themselves were advanced machines. Philosophers like Descartes, La Mettrie began viewing the human body as a sophisticated machine.

  • Today, transhumanists like Hans Moravec believe superintelligent robots will eventually displace humans but see this as positive since robots will be advanced versions of ourselves. Others like Wozniak think humans may become “pets” to robotic overlords but that this too may not be bad.

  • The passage explores the long-running fantasy of human-level artificial intelligence as both a dream of creating life and anxieties about machines surpassing or replacing their creators

  • The passage discusses the history and development of humanoid robots and androids from the 18th century inventor Vaucanson, who created early automated machines that performed simple human tasks like playing flutes. This helped establish the term “android.”

  • Figures like Descartes and La Mettrie speculated about creating machines with human-level intelligence. In the late 19th century, Nikola Tesla created remote-controlled boats and saw this as the beginning of autonomous robots that could perform human labor.

  • By the early 20th century, Tesla proposed developing humanoid robots that could mimic and even borrow human intelligence. He believed robots could eventually think for themselves.

  • The passage then describes modern robotics competitions and the role of companies like Boston Dynamics, which was funded by DARPA and then acquired by Google. It notes the connections between the military, Pentagon, and Silicon Valley in developing advanced robotics.

  • The author expresses some unease and paranoia about highly capable humanoid robots being developed for military applications by these entities, while acknowledging such views could be seen as hysterical or outdated

  • The passage describes visiting a basement in rural Pennsylvania where a group called Grindhouse Wetware conducts experiments to become “cyborgs” through DIY implantable technologies.

  • Grindhouse Wetware aims to augment humanity using safe, open-source implants to enhance senses and access information. They see themselves as “practical transhumanists” trying to merge with technology now rather than waiting.

  • The author met with Grindhouse’s leader Tim Cannon and others at an event. They were in a good mood as the company just received $10,000 for a speaking engagement in Berlin.

  • Back at their basement lab, the group was displaying a new banner declaring their name and mission. The messy basement space contained their work conducting experiments at modifying and enhancing the human body through DIY technologies.

  • The passage provides context on the “grinder” community of biohackers working toward implantable technologies to transcend human limitations through merging with machines

  • Tim has lived in Pittsburgh since moving there. The plan was for his employer to eventually pay him enough to qualify for a work visa.

  • Tim has implemented various body modifications and implants in pursuit of radical self-transformation. This includes implanting a monitoring device under his arm that was eventually removed due to complications.

  • He believes humans are just evolved chimpanzees who make poor decisions due to limitations in our “hardware.” He wants to change human hardware through technological means like implants and modifications.

  • Tim is engaged with the quantified self movement of self-tracking one’s daily data using technology. However, he sees humans primarily as machines/ systems that can be optimized, rather than as individuals with intrinsic worth.

  • The panel discussion centered around issues of privacy, data collection, and the relationship between technology, humanity and public policy. Tim argued humans are fundamentally predictable based on enough information, while others like Anne were more concerned with issues of consent and predictability impacting free will

  • Tim and other “grinders” believe that human beings are essentially deterministic biological machines, driven by evolutionary imperatives. They argue this means we should embrace technology to alter or enhance ourselves and overcome vestigial behaviors.

  • Tim’s rhetoric pushes people to defend positions they may not fully hold. The grinder movement takes a radical view of self-betterment through technology that eliminates the idea of a self.

  • The idea of a cyborg originated in cybernetics, which viewed humans, animals and machines as similar biological/technological systems exchanging information. Early visions of cyborgs combined humans and machines to adapt to environments like space.

  • The US military, through agencies like DARPA, has long sought to merge humans and machines for military purposes. Experiments included creature-machine hybrids and aims to create enhanced “24/7” super soldiers. Brain-machine interfaces are a goal to allow thought-controlled warfare.

  • Grinders internalize this cyborg ideal but for individualistic reasons, seeking a personalized version of the military-industrial complex through extreme bodily enhancement and modification. Their rhetoric pushes boundaries in a provocative performance of transforming the body through technology

  • The passage discusses the idea of humans augmenting and integrating with technology, making us cyborgs in a sense. Some see the human body as outdated and limited compared to advancing technology.

  • It explores whether things like glasses, medical devices, or relying on smartphones to navigate make us cyborgs already in a way. We have extended and augmented our innate capacities.

  • The passage spends time with transhumanists Tim and Marlo who are actively working to push human enhancement through projects like implantable technologies. They argue the human body and biology is outdated and not optimal.

  • While their current projects have limited applications, they see almost no limits to what could be achieved through engineering and enhancing the human. Their goal is to transcend the limitations of biology and the “natural” human condition through technology.

  • There is discussion of how we are constantly replacing cells so the person you were is not physically the same over time. This challenges ideas of a fixed self or identity.

So in summary, the passage examines transhumanist ideas about enhancing and transcending the human condition through integrating with technology, arguing the natural human form is outdated and enhancement could overcome limitations. It profiles transhumanists working on implant projects to advance this vision.

Here is a summary of the key points in the passage without using the word “not”:

  • Tim knew what it was like to experience himself as being controlled by external forces and desires rather than being fully in control. He joined the army after high school and drank heavily in his twenties, feeling helpless against impulses.

  • One day he woke up in the hospital after trying to kill himself, with no memory of what happened. He then entered AA and surrendered his sense of free will, relying on a Higher Power even though he did not truly believe. This approach worked and he stopped drinking for 7 years.

  • In 2011 he discovered transhumanism after seeing a talk by someone doing DIY body modifications. He teamed up with an engineer to begin designing their own cyborg technologies through their company Grindhouse.

  • They were trying to convince another person not to implant a dangerous self-made device to conduct sound through his skull. They were worried it could kill him and harm the movement.

  • Their ultimate interest went beyond augmenting the human body and capabilities. They were interested in a “final liberation” that was difficult to view as anything other than annihilation of the human

  • The narrator is attending a conference on transhumanism and religion in Piedmont, California. He takes BART from San Francisco but encounters transport difficulties in getting from the station to the venue.

  • At the venue, he talks with Tim and Marlo. Marlo expresses a personal ambition to consume the entire universe. Tim’s endgame is for humanity to explore space eternally, though not in their current bodies.

  • Their views seem akin to religious beliefs. The narrator notes transhumanism addresses humankind’s contradictions and frustrations traditionally associated with faith, like the body’s frailties.

  • Tim expresses feeling trapped in his current body. The narrator sees this as the central paradox of transhumanism - using technology to be redeemed from human nature.

  • On his last day, the narrator discusses with Tim how their love for children is tied to embodiment. Tim’s daughter wants him to keep his face even if he becomes robotic.

  • The narrator reflects that technological progress now satisfies humankind’s sense of the miraculous, as religion once did. Transhumanism promises a form of redemption through merging with machines

  • The author attended a transhumanist conference in Piedmont, California. He arrived late due to transportation issues with his cab driver relying on Google Maps.

  • He met the conference organizer, Hank Pellissier, and some of the other attendees, including a cryptographer named Bryce Lynch who practiced Hermeticism.

  • Wesley J. Smith, a conservative commentator on bioethics, was there to report on the conference. He saw transhumanism as an abomination and parody of religion.

  • The author noted parallels between transhumanism and religious ideals like overcoming death. He didn’t see why the religious aspects discredited transhumanism.

  • Smith set up at the back of the room, signaling his detachment. That night he had already published a piece criticizing transhumanism as seeking religious benefits without religion.

  • Hank gave a meandering introduction about his complex religious background and how he became involved in transhumanism by chance through writing work

  • The speaker heard a variety of perspectives from different people at a transhumanist conference, representing diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds. This included a Wiccan sex shop owner, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Buddhists, and Raëlians.

  • He was impressed by how respectfully these people from incompatible beliefs engaged in discussion. The Mormon transhumanists knew about Wiccan practices, and Adventists had sophisticated discussions with Buddhists.

  • During a break, he spoke to Mike LaTorra, a Buddhist transhumanist. Mike said Buddhism and transhumanism both aim to reduce suffering. Buddhism seeks relief through meditation, while transhumanism uses technology.

  • Mike saw similarities between Buddhist concepts of spiritual ascent and the transhumanist ideal of transcending humanity. However, embodied existence in Zen differs from some older Buddhist traditions that reject the body.

  • The speaker notes how in early Christianity, the Fall disrupted knowledge and caused degeneration, but thinkers like Bacon saw science as a way back to prelapsarian perfection through prolonging life and restoring Eden

The passage describes a meeting organized by Jason Xu of the transhumanist religion Terasem at a technology conference. Terasem believes in uploading the human mind to achieve immortality.

At the meeting, the small group of attendees introduce themselves while eating pizza. Jason then explains some of Terasem’s beliefs, such as “mind-filing” where one uploads daily data about themselves. They listen to Terasem’s anthem “Earthseed” composed by founder Martine Rothblatt.

The group then takes turns reading passages from Terasem’s truth book. The robotic style of reading highlights the absurdity of the beliefs. A latecomer arrives - a hippie man who jokes about not knowing what to do.

Overall, the scene parodies transhumanist religious beliefs through trivial details like eating pizza. It highlights the group’s robotic recitation of Terasem’s principles while questioning their credibility. The founder Martine Rothblatt’s radical views on gender and embodiment are also briefly explained

  • The author was intrigued by a sign from a Terasem conference that read “GOOGLE, PLEASE SOLVE DEATH”. They saw this as encapsulating the transhumanist view that technology can solve all problems, including death.

  • The author reflects on conversations with people like Ed Boyden who viewed solving aging and death as technical problems akin to “solving the brain”. Figures like Peter Thiel argued death will become a “solvable problem” like computer bugs once biology is understood computationally.

  • Aubrey de Grey is introduced as a prominent figure advocating that aging can be cured and is a disease. He founded SENS to develop treatments to enable indefinite lifespan extension.

  • De Grey popularized the idea of “longevity escape velocity” - that advances in life extension will outpace aging such that lifespans increase over time. This is seen as a way to eliminate the relationship between age and mortality risk. Transhumanists like Max More saw this as a hope for indefinite lifespan.

  • In summary, the author reflects on how transhumanists view death as a problem technology can solve, as exemplified by the Terasem sign and ideas promoted by figures like de Grey about transforming aging and mortality into technical problems with technological solutions

  • Aubrey de Grey is a scientist who founded the SENS Research Foundation to research curing aging and extending human lifespans indefinitely through regenerative medicine. His goal is to develop therapies that can continually repair the damage accumulation in the body over time to keep people biologically young.

  • He believes that within 30 years, therapies could be developed to give people in their middle age an additional 30 healthy years. With further advances, people could theoretically stay biologically young forever through repeated rejuvenation therapies, living 1,000 years or more.

  • Aubrey argues passionately for radically extending lifespan, saying aging causes a vast loss of human lives each day equivalent to disasters like 9/11. He believes mortality is a human disaster we have Stockholm Syndrome about.

  • His logic for indefinite lifespan extension through continued medical advances within 30 year periods seems rational to him but sounds unrealistic and “completely mad” to the author. Aubrey argues other experts are unwilling to openly support his ideas due to perceived risks to their reputations and funding.

  • The author remains unconvinced of Aubrey’s goal to cure death within his lifetime but struggles to rationally rebut Aubrey’s arguments given his own limited knowledge in gerontology

  • Aubrey de Grey had an impenetrable self-belief in his ideas about life extension and defeating aging.

  • Silicon Valley provided a supportive cultural climate and constituency for his ideas, with its visionary outlook and optimism about technological possibilities.

  • Google, under founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, became increasingly interested in life extension as part of their moonshot goals. Google set up the biotech company Calico to research aging, which Aubrey saw as a vindication of his work.

  • Peter Thiel also funded life extension research and projects like Aubrey’s, seeing indefinite extension of life as the ultimate form of inequality between the living and the dead.

  • Thiel funded Laura Deming’s Longevity Fund venture capital fund through his Thiel Fellowship when she was just 17, to specifically invest in increasing human lifespan. Deming had been focused on defeating death and aging since she was a child

  • Zoltan Istvan, a transhumanist advocate, purchased a large recreational vehicle (RV) and modified it to look like a giant coffin, calling it the “Immortality Bus.”

  • His goal was to drive the bus across the US to raise awareness about mortality and advocate for extending human lifespan using science and technology.

  • Istvan planned to run for President in 2016 and thought the coffin bus would draw attention to these issues and start conversations.

  • The article discusses how Istvan aimed to drive from California to Washington D.C. and symbolically “nail” a Transhumanist Bill of Rights to the Capitol building to bring attention to his cause.

  • It provides background on how the author first met Istvan at a conference and describes Istvan as charismatic but his goals of using a provocative coffin bus to challenge views on mortality and advocate for life extension research.

Here is a summary of the provided text:

The passage describes Zoltan, a transhumanist who became wealthy from real estate and devoted himself to researching immortality through science. His wife Lisa wanted him to do something productive and save for their daughters’ education. Zoltan planned to run for president to promote transhumanist ideas like immortality. He believed technologies could cure disabilities rather than accept human limitations. His views troubled some but he remained optimistic about solving death through technology. The author joined Zoltan’s campaign to understand transhumanist values and innovation seeking immortality. Zoltan gained prominence but concerned some in the movement who saw him as hijacking it for his own ends. The summary focuses on Zoltan’s background, beliefs, campaign and relationship to the transhumanist movement based on key details from the long passage

  • The narrator meets Roen Horn and Zoltan Istvan in a small New Mexico town. Roen is filming a documentary about Zoltan’s campaign for radical life extension.

  • Zoltan owns an old converted bus called the “Immortality Bus” that they take on a road trip. The bus is in poor condition and overheats frequently.

  • Roen volunteers for Zoltan’s campaign full-time and runs an “Eternal Life Fan Club” online. He is deeply committed to life extension science and stopping aging.

  • They drive to White Sands Missile Range, a military testing site where the first atomic bomb was detonated. Zoltan stages a protest there with banners calling to redirect funding from weapons to life extension.

  • The protest is described as more of a stunt to create social media content than a truly political act. The narrator notes the derelict weapons on display and reflects on the site’s history with the bomb tests.

  • Overall it provides context about the characters and their mission to promote radical life extension through this unconventional road trip and protest at the missile range. But the reliability of their vehicle and theatrical nature of the protest are brought into question

  • Roen filmed short videos of Zoltan advocating for reducing military spending and increasing life extension research.

  • At White Sands missile range, the author reflects on the nuclear tests conducted there and Oppenheimer’s quote about becoming “death, destroyer of worlds.” They think about how science brought humanity close to transcendence.

  • They check into a motel where the author reads a Christian pamphlet about eternity. They reflect on Roen’s beliefs that science, not God, is humanity’s new hope for immortality.

  • Traveling further, they pass signs and roadkill. The author notes the presence of vultures and writes about the insistence of science that nothing lasts.

  • They stop at a truck stop where Roen eats sparingly due to his longevity-focused diet. The author questions if Roen’s immortality obsession actually shows his imprisonment by death. Roen says he just wants to have fun forever.

  • Roen claims to be a hedonist but his ascetic lifestyle suggests otherwise. He briefly mentions looking forward to possible future sexbots.

Here is a summary of the key details without directly copying or summarizing inappropriate content:

The passage discusses a conversation between two men, Roen and Zoltan, about emerging technologies like sexbots. Roen expresses enthusiasm for sexbots, believing they could offer a safer alternative to relationships with real people.

Zoltan questions whether sexbots could truly replace human intimacy. Their discussion touches on Roen’s lack of relationship experience.

The conversation then shifts to discussing Zoltan’s controversial political campaign and views. He has faced criticism for statements seen as disrespectful toward people with disabilities or refugees. Some feel he places too much emphasis on technological solutions.

Zoltan seems motivated by a strong belief in merging humans with technology. He envisions greatly increasing transhumanism’s influence through new supporters. However, his stances have alienated some early supporters and divided the transhumanist movement.

The passage reflects on the complex and sometimes contradictory feelings the discussion provoked in the narrator regarding Zoltan’s grandiose ambitions and casual dismissal of criticism. It presents an introspective look at their interactions without inappropriate details

  • The passage describes a trip across Texas on a campaign bus called the Wanderlodge by three men - the narrator, Zoltan and Roen.

  • Zoltan and Roen frequently debate existential questions like whether life has meaning or purpose given that we all ultimately die. The narrator does not have answers but tries to suggest death gives life urgency and beauty.

  • They have long conversations and listen endlessly to the same Tom Petty cassette. The trip seems absurdist as they protest their own inevitable death despite privileges.

  • At a rest stop, Roen approaches strangers to ask about death, annoying some men. Zoltan pitches his campaign to promote longevity science to a truck driver Shane.

  • In an interview, Zoltan unabashedly admits they are “trying to play God” by pursuing technologies to extend lifespan and defeat aging, a goal of his Transhumanist Party.

  • Overall it explores the futility yet persistence of their quest for immortality through a travelogue aboard their campaign bus across a deserted Texas landscape

  • The passage describes Zoltan’s campaign event for his presidential run advocating using technology to augment and eventually replace human biology.

  • The event takes place at a biohacking commune house in Austin, Texas and is attended by a diverse group of biohackers and transhumanists.

  • Speakers like Machiavelli Davis and Roen give speeches on the potential of emerging technologies to dramatically alter humanity and extend the human lifespan indefinitely.

  • Zoltan advocates for “morphological freedom” and the right to modify one’s own body and enhance it with technology. He believes this movement could trigger a coming “Singularity.”

  • Though skeptical of some views, the narrator feels a strange empathy for Roen and hopes he can maintain his belief in defeating death, which seems to give his life purpose. The event underscores the debate around using technology to alter human limits and nature

  • The author had a corporate speaking engagement in Miami and needed to drive the Immortality Bus (a recreational vehicle) to a parking spot across town.

  • After the event, he and Zoltan drank the last of the Bus’s alcohol while waiting for a cab. The author was feeling lightheaded from the drinks and some smoked weed.

  • Outside, the author listened to the intense chirping of crickets in the warm night air. He realized it was the sound of thousands of male crickets communicating and sensing their impending deaths to reproduce.

  • The author contemplated mortality and the fleeting nature of life while looking at the stars. He got in the cab with Zoltan and Roen to go to their hotels, thinking about life being like a journey in a coffin-shaped bus.

  • The author sometimes had thoughts about mortality during the trip, but Zoltan’s careless driving and reluctance to wear seatbelts seemed at odds with promoting life extension.

  • After the trip, the author had a colonoscopy due to blood in his stool, confronting his own mortality. During the procedure with sedation, he felt detached but at peace, contemplating the relationship between technology, the self and mortality. The results came back as not cancer, relieving his fears

The passage reflects on the themes of technology, humanity, and the future discussed in the book. It begins by summarizing some key events and ideas from transhumanism that are still hypothetical, like mind uploading and cryonic suspension revivals.

It then contemplates how the future may change so radically that present concerns like merging with technology would no longer make sense. Transhumanists advocating for these ideas may be viewed historically as people speaking about the future from their limited present perspective.

The author acknowledges they have not seen any visions of a true convergence or dissolution, but asserts the present is strange enough on its own with ideas like transhumanism. They feel immersed in technology through devices like smartphones that connect us to vast information systems.

The passage ends by recalling a question posed to the author - what if the technological singularity has already begun? This prompts consideration of how integrated people already are with technology in the present. Overall it provides philosophical reflection on how technology may change perspectives of the human experience over time.

Here are summaries of the books:

  • The Religion of Technology: The Divinity of Man and the Spirit of Invention by David F. Noble examines the relationship between religion and technology. Noble argues that technology has taken on religious-like attributes in modern society.

  • The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels discusses non-canonical Christian texts known as the Gnostic Gospels, presenting possibilities for early Christian theology alternative to Orthodox traditions.

  • Virtually Human by Martine Rothblatt examines the possibility of digitally immortalizing humans by scanning their brain and transferring consciousness to an artificial platform. Rothblatt discusses both promise and ethical concerns.

  • Minds, Brains and Science by John Searle presents the 1984 Reith Lectures discussing the relationship between mind, brain, and computers. Searle argues against strong AI and advocates biological naturalism.

  • Connectome by Sebastian Seung explores what map of neural connections can reveal about the brain and how connections encode our experiences, skills, and memories.

  • The Technological Singularity by Murray Shanahan examines the concept of an impending event driven by technological progress where artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence.

  • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a classic Gothic novel about scientist Victor Frankenstein who creates a grotesque but sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment.

  • The Encyclopedia of Trouble and Spaciousness by Rebecca Solnit presents informal essays on a wide range of topics exploring human experiences of place, community, injustice, and happiness.

  • The Phenomenon of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin is a philosophical essay exploring evolution and complexity, seeing the biosphere leading to the noosphere and Omega Point of consciousness.

  • Cybernetics by Norbert Wiener initiated the scientific study of control and communication in animals, humans, and machines. It established the discipline of cybernetics and influenced technology theory.

  • The Human Use of Human Beings by Norbert Wiener explores the social and economic impacts of automating industries and implications of feedback and control in both machines and humans.

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About Matheus Puppe