Self Help

VOCÊ NÃO VAI SER A MESMA PESSOA EM 6 MESES - LIVE 001 - Português (gerada automaticamente)

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Matheus Puppe

· 10 min read



  • The video appears to be an introductory live session held by the speaker in a new home office space.

  • He welcomes the participants and says he will share ideas and experiences to help them evolve without any commercial objectives.

  • The speaker found an old diary from 2015 where he wrote about being a frustrated student with big dreams but nothing else. He wrote about defining his next step and choosing to act or not.

  • Rereading this old diary emotionally impacted him as he now has what he dreamed of - his own home, car, dog and freedom to do what he wants.

  • The diary entries reflected a desire to not accept the life he had and to find a new manifestation of himself. He often felt the need to “kill” his old self to change.

  • The key messages he found in the diary were to find your own path, write your own journey, and not let anyone else hold the pen of your life.

  • The live session aims to share the speaker’s knowledge, experiences and ideas from building successful products and brands to help the participants.

  • The speaker is discussing finding products with potential to make someone their family’s first millionaire.

  • They emphasize the importance of having methods, systems and criteria for identifying truly high-potential products, rather than randomly choosing niches or products.

  • Simply looking at a shelf of products, it’s hard to identify the most valuable one. But certain people have the right to find highly profitable products.

  • The digital world allows people to go from poor to rich quickly, if they understand how to stop wasting time on non-viable products and identify truly high-potential ones.

  • In the transition from poverty to abundance, people learn to cut out bad ideas and things that don’t make sense. They stop losing time.

  • Not having the right methodology or criteria for finding good ideas can waste a lot of time. The speaker doesn’t know if the listeners have time to waste or want to keep wasting it.

  • They want the listeners to understand the impact a good idea can have, and not underestimate how time lost without the right knowledge holds them back. The speech aims to provide some of that knowledge to help listeners progress.

  • The speaker discusses the importance of having a system or “map” to evaluate ideas and determine where to invest time and energy. Without this, people will waste time pursuing random ideas.

  • He introduces the concept of the “Tree of Knowledge,” which is a system of priorities and criteria. Things must be built from the roots up - there cannot be leaves without branches, branches without a trunk, etc.

  • The Tree of Knowledge allows one to evaluate any project, product, or goal in a way that ensures time and effort are spent in the right places. It helps avoid wasting time.

  • The speaker draws a basic tree as an example, with roots, trunk, branches, and leaves. He will explain each level to help the listeners determine where they are currently at.

  • Understanding one’s position in the Tree of Knowledge is important to identify the next steps needed and avoid unrealistic expectations. It promotes self-awareness and progress.

  • The Tree can be used to evaluate any digital business like product sales, information products, software as a service, etc. to maximize chances of success.

So in summary, the speaker presents the Tree of Knowledge as a framework or system for prioritizing goals and efforts in a logical, staged way to avoid wasting time and ensure progress.

  • The speaker is talking about different levels of an “information tree”: roots, trunk, branches, leaves.

  • At the root level are “mental models” - logical tools used to make decisions and interpret reality. Examples given are “modeling” and “leverage”.

  • Modeling refers to seeing a reference and duplicating it without copying.

  • Leverage means creating a system where one unit of effort generates multiple units of results. This allows 8 hours of work to become 1,000 hours through systems like teams and media.

  • Teams provide human leverage by multiplying individual efforts. Media provides leverage by spreading a message to many people through online traffic.

  • It is important to understand these concepts like modeling and leverage to improve one’s situation and move from a “zone of poverty” to a “zone of abundance”. understanding them allows one to “become Superman”.

  • The key is that with leverage, a small input can create a large output. The speaker wants to help people understand these ideas to help improve their lives.

So in summary, the speaker is explaining different “mental models” or concepts, especially modeling and leverage, that can be leveraged to multiply one’s efforts and results through systems and teams. The goal is to help people understand strategic thinking that can improve their lives.

  • The speaker discusses different “mental models” like leverage, asymmetry of information/opportunity.

  • He shares an example from when he lived in Australia and gained access to an innovation ecosystem with Chinese investors who didn’t know how to build websites. Even though web design wasn’t a special skill there, it was very valuable to the investors and led to opportunities in China.

  • The key point is that skills and products can have different values depending on the context and who you’re interacting with. Something seen as basic in one place could be highly valued elsewhere.

  • The speaker emphasizes that while these concepts are now trivial to him, they were transformative early on. Sharing this knowledge can help others escape poverty like it helped him.

  • His goal is to pass on information that was highly valuable to him at an earlier stage, even if it’s no longer new, in order to help others advance more quickly through trial and error. Experience has taught him the importance of learning from failures.

So in summary, the speaker is sharing “asymmetry of information” concepts and an example from his past to illustrate how understanding contexts and audiences can create opportunities from even basic skills or knowledge.

The speaker says their work is not extremely technical, but rather systematic. Their job is to understand, synthesize, and transfer what they learn to their team to help structure strategies, ads, products, etc.

They acknowledge they enjoy product design and have created products in the past or will launch in the future.

The main point is that information in someone’s head may be more valuable if that person has worked hard to truly understand it. Three examples of asymmetry were given: value of product, value of information, and value of technical skills.

The goal since the beginning has been for listeners to find their place within the “tree” model. This means having clear criteria for modeling, referencing, and defining success/failure for projects.

Leverage means systems where little effort creates immense results. Listeners must understand asymmetry, where information may be worth 10x more in one place than another.

The “trunk” of the tree represents high leverage digital skills - the abilities that allow one to build what they want. There are only three such skills:

  1. Sales/copywriting
  2. Design
  3. Software/technical skills

Sales and copywriting are emphasized as very important to understand concepts like desire, sophistication, consciousness levels, etc. Design is important to not “invent” bad designs but learn from good references. Technical skills allow building the technical pieces.

The overall message is about finding one’s place in the model, leveraging information asymmetry, and mastering a few high leverage skills to efficiently build what one wants. Questions are encouraged.

  • The speaker is advising listeners on design, product development, and business model choices.

  • He emphasizes the importance of understanding how successful people find design inspiration by copying their style, rather than trying complicated designs.

  • When designing, one should not access their “inner child” but focus on usability.

  • The key to success is mastering design, sales, and building basic digital infrastructure like a website. When one has these three skills, they become “alicorn” i.e. very powerful.

  • The magic happens when these skills are combined. Good design plus sales abilities plus a website allows one to generate value no matter their current financial situation.

  • The final important skill is choosing the right business model. Models that allow higher profit margins of 40-50% are better than ones with only 15-20% margins. This choice of business model is very important.

  • Power equals choice. Mastering core skills gives one the power to choose the best business model and situation for higher success and profits. The best “machine” is the one the listener wants to build.

In summary, the speaker stresses the importance of design, sales, infrastructure development and choosing a profitable business model to achieve financial success and power over one’s situation. Mastering core competencies allows one to make the best choices.

  • The person started their business by working with a machine that generated 15-20% returns. They are passionate about this work.

  • Their choices were made because of their passion, not just for money. They don’t regret not choosing an 80% machine because things work out as they are meant to.

  • They are now working with much higher margins and more advanced models.

  • They offered to share lessons on business models, explaining the importance of understanding principles like mental models, leverage, and asymmetric information.

  • They describe business models using the metaphor of a tree - with roots, trunk, branches, and leaves (tactics). Tactics alone won’t change your life - you need strong foundations first.

  • They ask listeners to honestly assess where they are at - roots, trunk, branches or leaves. Beginning at the roots means mastering mental models.

  • The three most important mental models are modeling, leverage, and asymmetric information. Mastering these gives the criteria to find million-dollar products.

  • In future days, they will share the specific criteria and filters used to evaluate products based on these mental models. The goal is to help listeners look at opportunities with a framework to properly identify which products are worth investing time in.

  • The speaker is promoting his new program called “Machine of Ideas” which teaches models of thinking and how to come up with good product ideas.

  • Previously he had another program about digital skills and leverage which is no longer available. This new program focuses more on the foundational thinking models.

  • He developed this program originally just for his team but people kept asking him how he comes up with such successful ideas and products.

  • The program used to cost R$300 but now he is making it available for only R$30 to try to reach more people and help them get started on developing good ideas.

  • It teaches his process and criteria for validating ideas, and gives examples. Future lives will also provide more illustrations from the program.

  • People were asking where to start and he says this program is a good place to start learning the foundational thinking that can help you develop and implement ideas to get out of poverty.

  • He wants to scale this to help as many people as possible start making the changes in their thinking that can lead to success with new products and businesses.

The speaker is talking about being late to the live video and arriving at the end of a 2 hour conversation. He mentions entering the link in his bio to learn more.

He talks about being tired but also energized and happy. This was his first ever live video. He sees it as a new moment to share his ideas and help more people grow.

Access to his “machine of ideas” program is currently lifetime access, but he acknowledges this may change in the future. The focus now is on connecting with people, not strategy or tactics.

He hopes people enjoyed it and will message him feedback. Most importantly, he encourages being grateful for life and each new day, as we never know when it may be our last opportunity to experience life on earth. He finds thinking of this daily to be important.

In closing, he wishes people fun and success in creating good products and profit, before ending the live video.

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About Matheus Puppe