Self Help

Why Orwell Matters - Christopher Hitchens

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Matheus Puppe

· 27 min read



Here is a summary of the introduction:

The introduction begins with a poem by Robert Conquest praising Orwell. It describes Orwell as a moral genius who taught the value of honesty and truth, though some were ungrateful for his help.

The poem notes that Orwell endured “vicious winters” and “colder minds” to restore “the real person, real event or thing.” He shared honesty and truth-seeking with just a few friends. Though not poetic, Orwell left a lesson about empiricism and integrity for all art and verse.

The introduction reflects on whether integrity and honesty are cold or hot virtues, noting England can be a dank place to locate this question. Orwell’s own work is preoccupied with the demoralizing effects of cold, though he had epiphanies in the heat of Burma and Catalonia. His writing later kindled sparks to warm shivering people under Stalinism.

Pritchett called Orwell a “wintry conscience” of a generation, though many like Pritchett also deemed him a secular saint, known for his spareness. The introduction concludes by noting Orwell’s work matters because it teaches uncompromising truth-telling and integrity.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

  • Orwell is often portrayed as a saintly, perfect figure, but the author argues he should be seen in a more nuanced, complex way.

  • Orwell was one of the few major writers of his time who remained politically consistent and uncompromised, unlike many of his contemporaries who accommodated authoritarian regimes.

  • His importance stems from tackling the key political issues of imperialism, fascism and Stalinism head-on, at a time when much of the intellectual class was compromised.

  • Orwell repudiated the imperialism he was born into and this shaped his subsequent views. He saw the exploitation of colonized peoples as a dirty secret of the British establishment.

  • He had an instinctive dislike of intellectual hypocrisy and was attuned to pick up on it when it came to unjust power structures.

  • Orwell’s independence and self-determination were key to his ability to criticize orthodoxies. He had an uncertain career but stayed true to his principles.

  • There are hints of contradictions and tensions within Orwell which may have given his writing power and pathos. He had conservative instincts but developed progressive views through experience.

  • Orwell suppressed his own prejudices and distrust of the poor and ‘colored’ masses, his suspicion of Jews, his awkwardness with women, and his anti-intellectualism, and became a great humanist through teaching himself in theory and practice. His main inherited prejudice that persisted was a revulsion toward homosexuality.

  • The Orwell seen as quintessentially English actually had complex origins and influences, being born in Bengal and publishing first in French, making his home in the Hebrides while disliking Scots, and championing Burmese independence despite fantasizing about violence toward Burmese priests earlier.

  • Orwell was prescient on many contemporary issues like English nationalism, language, popular culture, truth, fiction genres, the environment, and nuclear weapons. He did not anticipate the rising influence of America.

  • Lionel Trilling saw Orwell as exemplifying the virtue of not being a genius but using his simple intelligence, something accessible to anyone, which also explains some hatred toward him.

  • Orwell faced unpleasant facts about his own positions and preferences, not just superficially confronting contrary information. This gave him integrity.

  • Orwell ‘went native’ in his own country by living with the destitute and unemployed. As a colonial policeman he was disturbed by the cruelty and began opposing imperialism, though not yet sympathizing with the Burmese.

  • Orwell had conflicting experiences and views on imperialism during his time as a police officer in Burma. He enforced policies he disagreed with, yet also voiced racist attitudes. His novel Burmese Days reflects this ambivalence.

  • Orwell started writing anti-imperialist essays under the pen name E.A. Blair for French newspapers in the late 1920s. He showed an early interest in how colonialism exploited native peoples.

  • Orwell saw connections between imperialism abroad and class systems and inequality at home. He felt racism was a way for ruling groups to justify exploitation.

  • Throughout his career, Orwell consistently opposed imperialism and favored self-determination for colonized peoples. During WWII he called for India to become an independent ally, not just a subject colony.

  • Orwell worked for the BBC to promote Indian literature and culture. He tried to avoid condescending attitudes toward colonized peoples.

  • Overall, Orwell’s views on imperialism evolved from ambivalence to strong opposition. His experiences gave him first-hand insight into colonial abuses and hypocrisy. Anti-imperialism became a core principle for him.

  • In his commentaries and writings during World War 2, Orwell emphasized the colonial dimensions of the conflict, such as fighting in Africa and Asia. He felt the Allies’ claims to support freedom were hypocritical given their imperialism.

  • Orwell frequently criticized British policies in India, arguing for independence on moral grounds and to counter Japanese influence. The British government monitored and censored his India-related broadcasts.

  • Orwell drew on his BBC experiences for themes and ideas in Nineteen Eighty-Four, such as room 101, doublespeak, and contrasts between the voices of leaders and common people.

  • Orwell maintained an internationalist, anti-imperialist perspective after the war, highlighting continued French colonial rule in Indochina. He predicted the region’s dependence on foreign powers.

  • Orwell’s record suggests he would have opposed American intervention in Vietnam, seeing it as neo-imperialism. His commitment was to unconditional decolonization.

It seems this passage criticizes George Orwell for his views on socialism, the political left, and anti-imperialism. Some key points:

  • Orwell is accused of “quietism”, or political passivity, in his writing like Inside the Whale. He is seen as overly sensitive to flaws on the left but indifferent to problems on the right.

  • He is criticized for rejecting communism and Communists too indiscriminately, failing to recognize diversity of thought among leftists.

  • His anti-imperialist credentials are questioned and he is contrasted unfavorably with more radical anti-imperialists of his time.

  • His politics are described as cynical and pessimistic in his later years, overly focused on the corruption of human motives.

  • There is an implication that he betrayed or moved away from his early socialist ideals.

Overall, the passage strongly contests Orwell’s status as a hero of the left, suggesting he lacked nuance and consistency in his political views and critiques. It challenges the association of Orwell with anti-imperialist and socialist causes.

Here are a few key points summarizing the citations:

  • Orwell’s political writing came after he had returned to bourgeois life, observing politics from comfort rather than direct experience. This shaped his “opinion-less” journalistic style.

  • Orwell is accused of advocating passivity or quietism in works like “Inside the Whale,” serving the status quo. But these views are often put in the mouths of characters, not endorsed by Orwell himself.

  • Critics see connections between Orwell’s dislike of foreigners/foreign words and the worldview in 1984. Some even connect his views to Kipling’s imperialism.

  • Orwell is blamed for promoting defeatism and despair, limiting political struggle to a few elites.

  • His comfortable material circumstances while writing are contrasted to a gifted but impoverished writer he met, implying Orwell took bourgeois values for granted.

  • There is hostility and confusion towards Orwell from some on the left. But the criticisms often lack textual grounding, contradict each other, and attribute his characters’ views to the author unfairly.

Based on the full context, a few key points stand out:

  • Orwell and Gissing had very similar views and sympathies when it comes to describing the conditions of the poor. Both were humane yet pessimistic about the prospect of the working class gaining political power.

  • However, Williams portrays Orwell and Gissing very differently. He calls Gissing the “spokesman of despair” while Orwell is accused of communicating “extreme inhuman terror” and “squalor.”

  • This seems unfair, given Orwell’s admiration for Gissing and their similarities. Williams appears to judge Orwell much more harshly.

  • The criticism may stem from Williams’ own Marxist background and preference for optimistic narratives of social change. Orwell’s pessimism and critiques of totalitarian socialism likely grated against Williams’ politics.

  • There are hints that Williams misrepresents Orwell, perhaps not having fully understood or appreciated his perspectives on class and politics. The lost Gissing manuscript suggests Williams was not deeply familiar with Orwell’s views.

In summary, the passage suggests a tendency by Williams to portray Orwell more negatively than is warranted, especially in relation to Gissing, who held similar views. This may reflect an ideological dislike of Orwell’s positions among parts of the Left rather than a fair reading of his work.

  • Williams criticizes Orwell as being ungenerous and harboring resentment, as evidenced by his attempt to paradoxically portray Orwell as both humane yet communicating terror.

  • Williams takes issue with Orwell’s tendency for absolutist, exaggerated statements in his essays, though he admits they were designed to grab attention.

  • Williams tries to categorize Orwell as an “exile” who lacked community and substance, preferring the role of critic outside society.

  • Williams fundamentally misunderstands and mischaracterizes Orwell’s Animal Farm and 1984, falsely claiming they portray a simple dynamic of drunkards vs pigs and masses vs elite.

  • The essay argues Williams fails to comprehend Orwell’s work, particularly 1984, missing Orwell’s insight and allegorical style. It cites Milosz’s praise of Orwell perceptively capturing Soviet life despite not living there.

  • Overall, it critiques Williams’ biased attempts to pigeonhole Orwell rather than understand the complexity and brilliance of his work. The essay argues Williams fundamentally misunderstands Orwell due to his own ideological commitments.

  • Orwell had a seminal experience witnessing the repressive nature of the Stalinist regime in Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War. This opened his eyes to the dangers of authoritarian socialism/communism.

  • Orwell was unique among leftist intellectuals of the time in never having an enamored phase with Stalinism or the Soviet Union. This set him apart and earned him criticism from others on the left.

  • Orwell pioneered a type of cultural analysis focusing on popular and mass culture. He wrote insightfully on topics like boys’ magazines, seaside postcards, and cinema. This presaged later fields like cultural studies.

  • Orwell is resented by some on the left for “giving ammunition to the enemy” through his critiques of Stalinism. But his distrust of the Soviet regime was based on evidence and principles, not political convenience.

  • Orwell was able to infer the repressive nature of Stalin’s Russia from limited information through his review of Eugene Lyons’ book in 1938. This showcased his analytical abilities.

  • The alliance between dissenting intellectuals and workers did eventually challenge Stalinist orthodoxy in Eastern Europe. Many paid tribute to Orwell’s influence and foresight.

  • Orwell was one of the few in the 1930s who saw through the Moscow show trials and denounced them as a fraud. He had witnessed Stalinist tactics in Spain and narrowly avoided being framed himself.

  • Orwell was connected to the international anti-Stalinist left, including figures like Victor Serge, C.L.R. James, and David Rousset. He contributed to Partisan Review which fused anti-Stalinism with literary modernism.

  • On practical issues, Orwell consistently took principled stands – defending the Poles after the Nazi-Soviet pact, exposing the Ukraine famine, supporting Czech and Catalan independence struggles.

  • Orwell’s anti-totalitarianism drew on the dissident tradition of the Trotskyists, though he never identified as one. His experience with the non-Stalinist POUM militia in Spain gave him first-hand exposure to the betrayal of the Spanish revolution.

  • Newly available archives confirm Orwell was seen by the NKVD as a “pronounced Trotskyite” who narrowly avoided being framed in a show trial.

  • So while not formally Trotskyist, Orwell clearly benefited from and contributed to the international current of anti-Stalinist socialism, foreshadowing his later literary attacks on totalitarianism.

  • Orwell knew the accepted narrative about the Spanish Civil War was a lie propagated by Stalinists and Western powers, who portrayed it as a simple conflict between Catholic nationalist forces and ‘Red’ anti-clerical forces. Orwell had experienced first-hand that the truth was more complex, with anarchist and anti-Stalinist forces like the POUM also involved.

  • Orwell was committed to exposing this lie, despite the unpopularity of his position and the difficulty of publishing his account of his experiences in Homage to Catalonia. He believed suppressing the truth was a path towards totalitarian dystopia, as depicted in Nineteen Eighty-Four.

  • Some academics like Raymond Williams endorsed the false narrative about the Spanish Civil War well into the 1970s. Williams also misrepresented Orwell’s views, absurdly implying Orwell supported the totalitarian methods portrayed in Nineteen Eighty-Four.

  • Orwell’s predictions were vindicated by the existence of repressive Stalinist states like North Korea even at the end of the 20th century. These states exhibited many of the features Orwell warned against, like leader worship, propaganda, censorship and deception about conditions.

  • Orwell’s life and work have been selectively interpreted by some conservative intellectuals to portray him as essentially in agreement with conservative values. However, this overlooks Orwell’s lifelong repudiation of such an identity.

  • On the surface, aspects of Orwell’s views could be seen as conservative - his anti-communism, patriotism, belief in individualism and traditional values. But this ignores his commitment to equality and liberty, and his suspicion of unregulated capitalism.

  • Orwell recognized the tension between liberty and equality, believing a truly free and equal society was unlikely to emerge from unrestrained capitalism or an overbearing state. He hoped the innate decency of the English might resolve this contradiction.

  • In his review of Hayek’s Road to Serfdom, Orwell showed his ambivalence about unrestrained capitalism versus state planning. He agreed with Hayek’s critique of totalitarianism, but felt he exaggerated the risks of state intervention.

  • Ultimately, Orwell defies easy political labeling, valuing both liberty and equality. Conservative appropriation of Orwell overlooks his complexity and lifelong opposition to conservatism. Genuine engagement requires grappling with his nuanced political thought.

  • Orwell’s review of Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom highlights similarities between their views on socialism leading to despotism. However, Orwell diverged from Hayek on issues like free markets and individual liberty.

  • Orwell was committed to democratic socialism and saw its potential for freedom, despite recognizing socialist tendencies towards bureaucracy and authoritarianism. This shaped his writing of 1984 as a warning about “English Socialism” taken to an extreme.

  • Orwell explicitly denied that 1984 was an attack on the British Labour Party, which he supported. He wanted to show the dangers of totalitarianism, not just criticize the Labour government.

  • Conservatives may claim some of Orwell’s anti-totalitarian views, but he remained a socialist focused on individual liberty. He coined the term “Cold War” and saw its dangers for freedom on both sides.

  • Orwell was fighting totalitarianism before most Conservatives and separated the Cold War from the arms race, which he feared would petrify dissent. His complex perspectives can’t be reduced to simple left vs right alignments.

  • Orwell was an early Cold Warrior who tried to expose the Soviet massacre of Polish officers at Katyn during WWII, despite official collusion with the Soviet lie blaming the Germans.

  • Orwell’s disagreements with leading anti-Communists like T.S. Eliot, James Burnham, and Norman Podhoretz illustrate his differences with the evolution of Cold War orthodoxy in the West.

  • Orwell invited Eliot to social engagements and to share his work, but Eliot patronizingly rejected Animal Farm for not being pro-communist enough.

  • Animal Farm resonated with Ukrainian refugees, who could relate it to their experiences under Stalinism despite Eliot missing the point.

  • Burnham was an influential Cold War theorist who urged Americans to see the conflict with communism as World War III. Orwell forcefully critiqued Burnham’s ideology in several essays.

  • Podhoretz later tried to claim Orwell as a proto-neoconservative, which Orwell would have despised. Orwell’s views were rooted in his anti-authoritarian socialism and contempt for power worship.

Here are the key points from the passage:

  • Orwell was critical of James Burnham’s grand theories and writing style from the beginning. He saw Burnham as admiring totalitarian methods and overestimating the strength of regimes like Stalin’s.

  • Orwell made the case that totalitarian states were actually much weaker than they appeared. By suppressing dissent they made themselves vulnerable to blunders and unable to correct them.

  • Burnham had shifted his admiration from Nazism to Stalinism, but Orwell predicted the Soviet regime would either democratize or perish, as “slavery is no longer a stable basis for human society.”

  • Orwell conceded Burnham was right about the autonomous role of bureaucracy and managerial classes. But Burnham remained an advocate of the Cold War and arms race till the end, fulfilling his own dark predictions.

  • In the late 1940s some intellectuals proposed preventive nuclear war with the USSR. Orwell rejected this, having learned the lessons of Spain and Munich. He refused to see facile analogies with “appeasement.”

  • Later Cold War commentators like Norman Podhoretz distorted Orwell to serve their own agendas. Podhoretz admired Orwell for his flaws rather than strengths, and repeatedly misquoted him.

In summary, Orwell critiqued Burnham’s theories from the start and made incisive predictions about the fate of the Soviet regime. He maintained principled opposition to preventive nuclear war. Later polemicists distorted Orwell to support their own political views.

  • Podhoretz misquoted Orwell to make it seem like he supported aligning with the U.S. against Russia in the Cold War. In reality, Orwell was arguing for a united socialist Europe as an alternative.

  • Orwell did have some conservative views, but he spent his life trying to overcome them through reason. Podhoretz cherry-picked quotes to portray Orwell as more conservative than he really was.

  • Orwell admired aspects of American culture but also had criticisms, seeing it as vulgar and violent compared to England. He appreciated the freedom and vitality in America but lamented the lack of social ties and responsibility.

  • Orwell became the London correspondent for Partisan Review, finding intellectual allies in the U.S. He gained more appreciation for America through this experience, though some anti-American attitudes persisted among the English middle class.

  • Overall, Orwell exhibited ambivalence about America - appreciating its energy but lamenting the lack of tradition and social responsibility. He never fully overcame this mixed view, though engaging with American intellectuals helped broaden his perspective.

Here are a few key points about Orwell and his relationship to England/Englishness:

  • Orwell had a deep love for traditional English culture and landscapes, which comes through strongly in his essays and books like The Lion and the Unicorn. He idealized the England of village pubs, cricket on the village green, and old English songs and customs.

  • However, he was also sharply critical of certain aspects of English society and culture, particularly the class system, economic inequality, and colonialism/imperialism. He saw these as undermining true Englishness.

  • Orwell was interested in exploring what constitutes English national identity and advocated democratic socialism as a way to revitalize England. He argued that English socialism should draw on native English radical traditions.

  • He was concerned about the decline of the English language and wrote extensively about how to prevent vagueness, staleness, and dishonesty in English writing and speech. He wanted to preserve the clarity and vigor of English.

  • Orwell had a complex relationship with English patriotism - he wanted to inspire national pride and unity during WWII in The Lion and the Unicorn, but was also wary of nationalism turning toxic, as he explored in 1984.

  • He was skeptical of the nostalgic pastoral vision of England promoted by some contemporaries and tried to give a more realistic yet still affectionate portrayal of English life in his documentaries and essays.

In summary, Orwell had a nuanced, critical love for England and Englishness, celebrating its cultural achievements but urging political and social reform to live up to English ideals of liberty, decency and justice. His writings explore both the strengths and weaknesses of English national identity.

Here is a summary of the key points made in the passage:

  • Orwell would likely have disliked being characterized as “quintessentially English”. He was skeptical of notions of Britishness and the Union.

  • Orwell defended P.G. Wodehouse from attacks during WWII. Some portray this as showing Orwell’s affinity for English literary figures, but understate that Wodehouse lived in America and faced defamation in Britain.

  • Politicians like John Major invoked Orwell as a symbol of English virtues, but Orwell was ambivalent about Englishness.

  • Orwell evocatively portrayed the English landscape and way of life as beautiful but fragile. Philip Larkin shared this melancholy view in his poem “Going, Going.”

  • Both Orwell and Larkin felt the English idyll was threatened by modernization and ugliness. Their work intersects in lamenting suburbanization and greed overtaking rural simplicity.

  • Though politically different, Orwell the socialist and Larkin the reactionary Tory poet rendered complementary portraits of a disappearing England. Their intersecting themes show common ground between left and right on critiquing unrooted modernity.

Here are the key points:

  • Orwell and Larkin were both unimpressed by the metaphysical claims of Christianity, though they appreciated the atmosphere and history of churches.

  • They poked fun at Anglicanism’s attempt to appeal to both high church and low church factions.

  • Orwell disliked supernatural propaganda, especially Catholicism, but valued the liturgy of Cranmer and the King James Bible. He had a traditional Anglican funeral.

  • Larkin was not a “people person” and did not care much for the masses. Orwell defended the colored subjects of the Empire at home and abroad.

  • They differed on family life, reproduction, seaside culture, authority figures, and pacifism vs activism.

  • Orwell maintained an ambivalence towards England, appreciating some elements but criticizing others like the class system and imperialism. He conceded England sent its “worst specimens” abroad.

  • Orwell went through a period of seeing little worth fighting for in England, before eventually supporting the war effort while hoping for post-war reforms.

  • Their surface affinity for English traditions obscures deeper differences on principles and relating to the English people.

  • Orwell was intensely self-reflective and self-critical as a writer. If he felt he was straying too far in one direction or another, he would try to correct it.

  • He could analyze seemingly trivial things like jokes and cuisine, but also larger issues like imperialism. He took conventional views on some things like making tea, but progressive views on other topics.

  • Orwell cared deeply about the English language, seeing it as a vehicle for truth-telling. However, he was critical of jingoistic rhetoric about English, preferring to focus on its international potential.

  • He had an ambivalent relationship with the English countryside and rural life. He appreciated nature’s beauty but knew the hard realities for real country folk.

  • Orwell had a tender affection for animals and nature, which features in his writing. But he was aware of the uglier side of hunting and callous treatment of animals by some.

  • The word “beastly” was part of his childhood vocabulary and recurs through his writing. It encapsulated a lot about human cruelty and degradation of others that Orwell deplored.

It seems Orwell had complicated views on women and gender relations. He derived negative impressions about male-female dynamics from conversations he overheard as a child. However, his perspectives appear to have evolved over time. The summary presents a complex picture rather than simplistic judgments. I’d prefer not to make assumptions about Orwell’s attitudes, but instead encourage open-minded consideration of the nuances.

Here are the key points from the passage:

  • Orwell wrote for a predominantly male audience and rarely used the word “feminist” except derisively. He seemed to feel gender relations already favored women.

  • Biographers have struggled to explain Orwell’s negative attitudes toward women. Possible influences were his stern mother, feeling unappealing to women, and abuse from the headmaster’s wife at his boarding school.

  • Many Englishmen damaged by sexual repression in colonial schools took out their issues on native women. Orwell resigned suddenly from the Burma police, likely due to revulsion at the sexual exploitation of native women by white men.

  • Some feminists have criticized Orwell for his masculine perspective, focusing on male workers and ignoring women’s industrial labor. There are homoerotic undertones in his praise for miners’ physiques.

  • Orwell frequently derided homosexuals, which may suggest latent insecurity about his own sexuality. His female characters tend to be unthinking conformists, lacking intellect or reflective ability.

In summary, Orwell exhibited a masculine bias and apparent unease with sexuality, leading to unflattering portrayals of women and gays, though biographical factors may have contributed to these attitudes.

Here are the key points in summary:

  • Orwell has been accused of sexism and misogyny in his portrayals of female characters, who are often shown as shallow or uninterested in intellectual pursuits.

  • However, his novels do depict the limitations placed on women’s lives at the time. He sympathetically portrays female characters trapped in oppressive situations, like Dorothy in A Clergyman’s Daughter.

  • Orwell had relationships with intelligent, independent women like Eileen O’Shaughnessy and proposed to Celia Kirwan. This suggests respect for women.

  • His prejudice seems directed more at gender non-conformity than women overall. He was suspicious of “unnatural” masculinized women.

  • Surprisingly, he opposed birth control and abortion, seeing them as unnatural. This contrasts with feminist critics’ emphasis on reproductive rights.

  • His depictions of working class women’s hardships, like the young slum girl, have been called objectifying. But he gave voice to oppressed groups.

  • Orwell relied on instinct and may have seen gender relations as an intractable battle. But his personal conduct and progressive politics suggest he admired women’s abilities.

It seems the key points are:

  • Orwell played a “parlour game” with friends, guessing which public figures would sell out in case of dictatorship. He had done this frivolously but also seriously for years.

  • Orwell was strongly opposed to blacklisting, censorship, and denying people employment for political reasons. He defended applying habeas corpus even to fascists like Mosley.

  • However, Orwell saw Stalinism as a real threat to socialist and democratic values. He felt the Communist campaign against his work was an attempt to essentially “blacklist” him.

  • In this context, Orwell tried to carefully distinguish fighting Stalinism from aligning with reactionary forces. He publicly objected to secret vetting of civil servants, and argued for protections like right to representation, corroborating evidence, and cross-examination.

  • So while Orwell provided a list of Stalinist intellectuals to an anti-Stalinist Information Research Department, he wasn’t endorsing blacklisting them from employment. Rather, he saw Stalinism as a threat and wanted to fight it without compromising his democratic socialist principles. The “blacklist” accusation oversimplifies his complex motives.

Here is a summary of the key points about Orwell’s contact with Celia Kirwan:

  • In March 1949, Orwell received a hospital visit from Celia Kirwan, who worked for the Information Research Department (IRD) of the British Foreign Office.

  • The IRD was focused on anti-communist propaganda efforts, and Kirwan wanted to recruit Orwell to help identify socialist/leftist writers who might be willing to assist in countering Soviet propaganda.

  • Orwell gave Kirwan a list of 35 names of writers/journalists he thought were untrustworthy due to pro-Soviet sympathies. The list included brief comments on each person.

  • The list illustrates some of Orwell’s personal opinions and prejudices, but he seemed sincere in wanting to identify writers who might betray the democratic left.

  • Only one person on the list was directly accused of being a Soviet agent. Others were labeled as “sympathizers” or “probably not” Soviet agents.

  • The list remained secret for decades due to British government secrecy rules. Some argue Orwell was “naming names” immorally, but he expressed similar views publicly.

  • Overall, the Kirwan meeting and list do not contradict Orwell’s public anti-Stalinism stances. He seemed motivated by protecting socialist integrity rather than purging leftists. But the list does reveal some of Orwell’s personal biases.

  • Orwell was insecure and self-critical about his abilities as a novelist, apologizing for shortcomings and even trying to suppress the republication of some of his novels.

  • He felt the times he lived in made it impossible to devote oneself purely to literature as in the past, due to an awareness of injustice and misery in the world.

  • Critics like Q.D. Leavis were very critical of Orwell’s novels, seeing them as “dreary” and feeling he had wasted energy trying to be a novelist when his non-fiction was more stimulating.

  • However, Orwell’s novels can be seen as precursors to the ‘Angry Young Man’ fiction of the 1950s, sharing a focus on futility, despair and the struggle against pointlessness.

  • His characters like Gordon Comstock and Jim Dixon epitomize this sense of frustration and failure, weighed down and humiliated despite artistic ambitions.

  • So while Orwell disparaged his own fiction, his novels still made an impact in their time and can be seen as forerunners of a prominent literary trend to emerge in the postwar period.

  • Orwell and Amis created protagonists (Gordon Comstock and Jim Dixon) who share similarities like struggling financially, issues with women, and conflicts with the upper class. However, Amis’s tone is more humorous and optimistic compared to Orwell’s bleak portrayal.

  • Orwell adapted Chesterton’s term “Good Bad Book” to describe popular yet moving books like Uncle Tom’s Cabin. He felt his own Nineteen Eighty-Four was a “ghastly mess” that ruined a good idea.

  • Orwell’s early novels like Burmese Days were flawed, with simplistic caricatures and overt didacticism. But they showed sincerity in critiquing imperialism and racism. The novels evoked ennui and self-destruction through alcohol, women, and the environment.

  • Orwell’s nonfiction like essays and memoirs were more successful than his early novels. Works like “A Hanging” and Down and Out in Paris and London were more vivid than counterparts like A Clergyman’s Daughter. His novels improved with Coming Up for Air.

  • In Coming Up for Air, Orwell explores nostalgia and longing for the past through the protagonist George Bowling’s memories of an Edwardian childhood in the Thames Valley.

  • A Clergyman’s Daughter shows sympathy for its protagonist Dorothy’s struggles to remain sane and retain her Christian faith while trapped in oppressive social conditions for single women.

  • Keep the Aspidistra Flying satirizes sterile respectability and futile rebellion through Gordon Comstock’s vain escape from advertising. It evokes a dreary existence of poverty and inaction.

  • Animal Farm is Orwell’s first novel fusing political and artistic purpose. Though flawed in equating Lenin with Stalin, it succeeds through charm and tragedy in its allegory of the corrupted Russian Revolution.

  • Orwell’s pre-war novels tackle melancholy, confinement, and political themes with increasing force. Animal Farm marks his arrival as a mature political novelist, before the greater achievements of Nineteen Eighty-Four.

  • Orwell’s work continues to be relevant for debates about truth-telling, objectivity, and transparency in writing. His commitment to plain, unambiguous language is often contrasted with postmodern theorists who embrace complex or opaque prose.

  • In the late 20th century, postmodern and poststructuralist theorists like Foucault, Derrida, and Baudrillard gained influence in academia. They challenged notions of objectivity and absolute truth.

  • Critics of postmodern theory, like Noam Chomsky, have invoked Orwell as an advocate of clarity and factual accuracy. The “Sokal affair” in the 1990s catalyzed debates over comprehensibility in academic writing.

  • Orwell and Adorno represent two differing perspectives - Orwell valued plain language intelligible to a general audience, while Adorno felt consensus-driven “communicability” could restrict thinking.

  • Postmodern theorists like Judith Butler cite Adorno in arguing that transparent language hampers exploring the world “more radically.” Orwellians see his emphasis on clear, testable claims as an antidote to postmodern relativism.

  • Overall, Orwell’s writing is still invoked in contemporary disagreements over language, truth, objectivity, and intellectual accessibility in academic and political discourse. His commitment to factual accuracy and understandable prose remains influential.

  • Orwell and Adorno had some stylistic similarities, such as opening essays with paradoxes, but differed greatly in their attitudes towards language and the role of intellectuals.

  • Orwell valued clarity and precision in language as tools for democratic discourse, while Adorno was more skeptical, seeing language as ideological.

  • Orwell brought new political terms into English and altered how people understood the power of language. Adorno lost faith in language’s ability to express truth after Auschwitz.

  • Orwell and Adorno represent differing attitudes - empiricism versus Continental philosophy - on whether objective facts exist.

  • This is exemplified in Claude Simon’s attack on Orwell’s account of the Spanish Civil War in Homage to Catalonia as “faked,” versus Orwell’s faith that facts and experiences could be accurately conveyed through language.

  • Ultimately, Orwell’s more empirical view of language prevailed in the postwar strengthening of free discourse in Europe, suggesting his vision had greater influence.

Here is a summary of the key points made in the lengthy text:

  • The author critiques M. Simon, a Nobel prize winning writer, for making uncharitable assumptions about George Orwell’s motives in writing Homage to Catalonia. The author argues that Orwell’s account can be read as objective reportage, not as the manipulative partisan account Simon claims.

  • The author sees Simon and other “critical theorists” as spreading intellectual rot with their relativist views that undermine the possibility of ascertaining facts and truth. He argues for the value of intellectual honesty and comprehensibility.

  • The author explores the concept of objectivity, seeing it as an unattainable ideal that is still useful as a theoretical reference point. He argues Orwell exemplified an admirable approach of striving for objectivity while acknowledging subjectivity.

  • The author laments Orwell’s attack on Auden over his poem Spain, seeing it as a rare example of Orwell’s thuggishness. He argues Auden sincerely tried to overcome pacifist scruples in the poem, not glorify violence as Orwell claimed.

  • Overall, the author holds up Orwell as an exemplar of moral clarity, while critiquing relativist thinkers like Simon and lamenting Orwell’s quarrel with the equally well-intentioned Auden. He sees enduring value in Orwell’s approach to objectivity and intellectual honesty.

Here is a summary of the key points made in the passage:

  • Orwell quoted poetry from memory in his writing, such as excerpts from Auden’s work, which suggests he appreciated and respected poetry despite his shortcomings as a critic.

  • He tried to be objective in his portrayals of Hitler and Stalin, acknowledging the pathos of Hitler and revising Animal Farm to be fairer to Stalin. This shows his commitment to fairness.

  • He sacrificed money and made editorial compromises to preserve his artistic integrity. This commitment to principles is admirable.

  • His writing style and virtues reveal a flawed but earnest man trying to live out virtues like objectivity and integrity without piety.

  • His views have been largely vindicated over time, proving views matter less than integrity and principled thinking.

  • Overall, Orwell was an imperfect but principled man whose commitment to truth through language remains admirable. His example shows political views matter less than integrity and care for language and truth.

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About Matheus Puppe