Self Help

Without Saying a Word - Kasia Wezowski

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Matheus Puppe

· 23 min read



  • The authors correctly predicted winners of a startup pitch contest by observing the body language of judges, rather than the content of presentations. They found positive body language correlated with success.

  • In analyses of 2012 and 2016 US presidential debates/campaigns, Obama’s body language tended to be more positive, open and confident compared to Romney. Neither Clinton nor Trump in 2016 were able to effectively use body language to their advantage.

  • Body language alone does not determine election outcomes, but the right kinds of nonverbal communication do correlate with success in areas like sales, negotiations, debates and pitches.

  • Being able to read others’ emotions through body language gives you an advantage over only focusing on the content of what someone is saying. Great communicators are skilled at interpreting body language to better understand the other person and achieve their goals.

  • The book aims to teach the science of body language intelligence so readers can master reading nonverbal cues and maximize their own success through more effective communication.

  • Experienced negotiators and salespeople can often hide their true feelings through careful control of their words, tone, body language and expressions. However, microexpressions that rapidly cross the face can betray feelings even when deliberately hidden.

  • Studies found that salespeople and negotiators who scored higher on tests of recognizing microexpressions tended to outperform their peers, indicating microexpression reading ability is an asset in these fields.

  • Body language intelligence, like emotional intelligence, can be improved through study and practice even if not a natural gift. It enhances relationships, presentations, negotiations and sales.

  • A call center training course found changing trainees’ body language, like relaxed posture, had more impact on conversations than just words or voice. Bad moods were transferring to customers.

  • Relaxation exercises, physical activity and focusing on emotions helped trainees feel better at work and communicate more positively with customers. Body language reflects inner emotions so changing both is most effective.

  • For body language experts married to each other, being able to perceive feelings without words creates authenticity and honesty rather than problems in the relationship.

  • The five principles of body language interpretation provide the foundation for accurately understanding nonverbal communication.

  • Combinations confirm assumptions - single gestures are only accurate 60-80% of the time, but multiple related gestures together increase certainty of interpretation.

  • What’s happening on the inside shows on the outside - our involuntary nervous system instinctively displays our inner states through body language, often faster than we can consciously control it.

  • Context matters - body language takes on different meanings in different cultures and situations. Interpretations need to consider context.

  • Individual differences exist - people have natural tendencies and idiosyncrasies that influence their personal body language styles. Don’t overgeneralize.

  • Conditions affect signals - external factors like temperature, relationships, health can impact body language in the moment. Consider situational influences.

  • Check for congruence - compare what is said verbally to what body language conveys nonverbally. Incongruence may indicate deception or discomfort needing further analysis contextually.

The five principles provide a framework for accurately analyzing body language by taking into account combinations of signals, individual/cultural differences, context, conditions, and congruence between verbal and nonverbal channels of communication.

Here are the key uncontrollable signals of the limbic system:

  • Facial expressions - The limbic system controls spontaneous facial expressions that reflect our emotions, like smiles, frowns, lip presses, etc. These expressions are difficult to consciously control.

  • Body language - Limbs, posture, gestures and other bodily movements can unconsciously reveal our emotions. Things like crossed arms, fidgeting, leaning forward/backward are regulated by the limbic system.

  • Tone of voice - Factors like pitch, volume, speed and inflection of speech are modulated by the limbic system. Our tone of voice may betray emotions even if our words don’t.

  • Eye contact - The limbic system drives eye behavior and where we look. Things like gaze aversion, dilated pupils, eye blinking can indicate emotional states.

  • Physiological changes - The limbic system triggers autonomic responses like heart rate changes, blushing, sweating that accompany emotions. These physiological cues are tough to disguise.

  • Processing speed - The limbic system fast-tracks the processing of emotionally charged info. We perceive and react to emotionally salient stimuli quicker, a cue often missed by conscious monitoring.

So in summary, the limbic system governs nonverbal behaviors, vocal characteristics and physiological reactions that are quite difficult to purposely mask or alter, revealing our true emotional states.

Here is a summary of the key points about showing your hands in body language from the passage:

  • Open palms have traditionally signaled sincerity, honesty and willingness to listen. They showed others you were unarmed and meant no harm.

  • Raising hands above the head is a signal of surrender, demonstrating you have no weapon.

  • Religious and legal officials will show open palms in important moments to emphasize their honesty and openness.

  • Fully opening one or both hands toward someone indicates wanting to be completely open and honest in a conversation. Showing more of the inner palm emphasizes this gesture.

  • Keeping hands behind the back can indicate someone is a bad liar or trying to hide something, as that was historically a way to conceal a weapon.

  • Hand gestures near the mouth when speaking emphasize and support words, helping ensure good communication and understanding.

  • Various handshake styles like adjusting pressure or using both hands can convey meanings like equality, warmth, trust or respect depending on the context and people involved.

  • Barack Obama often held his head tilted to one side during political debates. This is seen as a sign of trust and understanding in animals by exposing the jugular vein. It helped make his political opponents seem less hostile.

  • Smiling at others often causes them to smile back, creating a positive feeling. Smiles in early humans signaled friendly intentions. Regular smiling improves social relations and yields positive results.

  • Maintaining eye contact 70% of the time during conversations builds rapport, though Asian cultures see too much eye contact as disrespectful.

  • Nodding the head signals active listening and encourages the other person to speak more.

  • Mirroring another’s body language makes them feel accepted and helps build rapport, as it occurs naturally between friends and family.

  • When listening, lean forward slightly and nod. When speaking, don’t cross your arms. Standing upright allows deeper breathing and commands more respect.

  • Dress appropriately for the situation and audience to create a good first impression and find common ground. Adjust clothing, posture, and gestures to the cultural context.

  • When visiting new places, it is important to learn about the local customs, dress code, and ways to greet people appropriately to avoid cultural taboos. In Qatar for example, men and women do not shake hands.

  • A presentation given by one of the trainers went badly wrong when he dressed as a clown, which was inappropriate and unprofessional for the serious audience. This highlights the importance of tailoring your presentation style and content to suit the audience.

  • The passage discusses body language signals that convey self-confidence, including relaxed shoulders, an upright posture, relaxed facial expressions including a mobile jaw, and an overall relaxed yet alert demeanor. Maintaining good eye contact and occupying space confidently are also mentioned.

  • Even seemingly minor mistakes like wearing the wrong shoes can be overlooked if one carries themselves with self-assured body language and confidence in their mannerisms and speech. How relaxed or tense one’s body appears can also reveal clues about their true feelings in an interview or discussion.

Based on the passage, here are the key elements that conversation partners may feel more or less comfortable with:

  • Body tension - Partners would likely feel more comfortable interacting with someone who maintains a relaxed body posture rather than being permanently tense. Tension can seem threatening.

  • Eye contact - Making direct, unwavering eye contact when conversing indicates confidence and credibility, and partners would feel the interaction is genuine. However, excessive staring could make some uncomfortable.

  • Gestures of control or superiority - Poses like the “hand pyramid” or thumbs behind the belt that imply dominance or arrogance may assert power in a way that puts others off or that they resist. Partners may feel less comfortable with an interaction that seems to delegitimize their own opinions or status.

  • Aggressive or sexual gestures - Signals tied to aggression, disrespect or sexuality like pointing with the thumb or hips-forward poses could make many conversation partners uncomfortable or put them on guard, as these gestures carry implications beyond the actual discussion topic.

  • Distant or standoffish body language - Crossed arms combined with other marginalizing cues implies the person wants space or doesn’t fully engage or trust the other. This kind of guardedness or hesitation could negatively impact how comfortable partners feel.

  • Directiveness - While authoritative hand motions and a posture of being “ready to start” demonstrate confidence, directives or commands may overwhelm some partners by taking away their sense of autonomy in the interaction. A balance of leadership and participation is likely most comfortable.

The most common characteristics of self-confident body language signals given with the hands are:

  • Pointing with the index finger to direct conversations, make arguments, instruct others on tasks. Can indicate dominance, aggression, or warning others.

  • Hands clasped behind the back - signals having a situation under control, higher status, self-confidence. Often seen in police officers, managers, directors.

  • Hands clasped behind the head - conveys a sense of “I know better” and arrogance. The person expects others to recognize their superiority.

  • Downward palm during handshakes - signifies wanting to take control and dominance over the other person. Politicians often try to gain the dominant position during handshakes with opponents.

  • Hands turned downward when speaking - a sign of dominance used to give instructions or establish superiority over an audience. But can cause hostility if overused.

So in summary, the key signals involve pointing, hand orientation (palms up or down), and hand positions behind or in front of the body, all of which can indicate dominance, confidence, control or aggression depending on the specific gesture and context.

The passage discusses several body language positions and gestures that can convey increased self-confidence when interacting with others. Having a chair or other object between yourself and the conversation partner allows one to feel more protected and open up more confidently. Standing or sitting with legs spread wide is a dominant posture usually adopted by men to take up space. Turning one’s chair away from a group before counterattacking gives added confidence. Crossing one’s legs at a 90 degree angle while gesturing with hands shows readiness to debate. Leaning back while smoking and blowing smoke upward signals dominance or flirting interest. Making large hand gestures within the “Clinton box” area emphasizes self-assuredness. Overall positions like erect stance, good eye contact, dynamic hand movements convey strength and assertiveness.

Here is a summary of the key points about negative body language from the passage:

  • Crossed arms can indicate a negative or protective attitude when someone does not feel comfortable or safe. It is a sign they are feeling threatened or insecure.

  • Crossing your arms protects your chest and is a natural defensive response, attempting to block something seen as dangerous or undesirable.

  • The example is given of a professor who used negative body language like not making eye contact, facing the board with his back to students, hiding behind a lectern, and staring intently with his head lowered when students spoke. This created a “contact-breaking posture” that discouraged participation.

  • Slipping into negative body language unintentionally when meetings or discussions don’t go as hoped could be the reason for lack of results.

  • It’s important to analyze when you or others use negative movements and gestures so you can be aware and avoid reinforcing barriers to communication. Crossing arms, staring, facing away from people, and hiding behind objects are some examples given of contact-breaking postures.

Here is a summary of the key points about crossed arms from the passage:

  • Crossed arms can signal that an audience does not fully understand or agree with a speaker. Many speakers fail to realize this body language signal from their audience.

  • It’s important to distinguish between people who cross their arms all the time versus those who do it temporarily in response to something in the presentation. The more people who cross at the same time, the stronger the signal.

  • Crossed arms can indicate irritation, defensiveness, or feeling threatened. It serves as a physical barrier between the person and something they feel is undesirable or don’t want to discuss.

  • If someone already has their arms crossed and then balls their fists, it indicates escalating negative feelings and possible verbal or physical aggression. The speaker should change their approach to calm the situation.

  • Gripping the upper arms while crossed intensifies the signal of tension, isolation, and resistance to opening up. Hands can grip so tightly fingers turn white.

  • Crossed arms can also signal stubbornness, unwillingness, denial, or opposition to something being suggested or pushed on them.

  • Using furniture as a barrier can help with nerves but ultimately prevents effective communication. Speakers should avoid isolating themselves from the audience.

  • Covering the mouth with a hand suggests lack of confidence and unwillingness to say something. It makes the speaker harder to understand.

  • Putting fingers or objects in the mouth also acts as a barrier and diminishes trust in the conversation partner.

  • Dropping the head between the shoulders indicates wanting to hide or protect oneself, usually from a threatening topic. It can lead to poor posture over time.

  • Tapping fingers on a table shows nervousness, and more frequent/faster tapping indicates greater nervousness.

  • Turning the upper body and head away breaks eye contact and signals lack of interest and desire for distance.

  • Holding one’s own thumb shows feelings of uncertainty, complexes, or defensiveness.

  • Putting hands in pockets breaks contact and can mean lack of commitment, desire to distance oneself, or reaction to perceived danger. However, between comfortable conversation partners it can indicate relaxation.

  • Raising a hand in a stop gesture expresses denial, rejection, and desire to maintain distance from others, like when reporters question celebrities.

The gesture she will use to encourage listeners to be quiet without saying a word is placing her hands on her hips. This gesture can signal that she is ready to take action, and if used in front of an audience, it can convey a message of dominance that encourages the audience to quiet down. However, it could also come across as aggressive depending on how it is delivered, so context is important.

  • Body language can reveal specific emotions like fear, anxiety, openness, and positivity.

  • In the example, the HR director showed open and positive body language when discussing a project proposal, indicating interest and engagement.

  • When the CEO entered, the director tensed up and acted differently - shoulders tense, quiet voice, hair playing - revealing fear of her boss.

  • This showed the nature of their relationship was based on subordination and dominance rather than trust and partnership.

  • The CEO seemed to want distance and didn’t allow others to read his thoughts, revealing he wanted to keep his emotions hidden.

  • Even a superficial analysis of their body language provided insights into the emotions they evoked in each other and the power dynamics within the company structure.

  • In general, body language reveals what people are really feeling beneath the surface, including in relationships between individuals. It provides a lens into emotions and relationships.

Here is a summary of the key points about nodding yes from the passage:

  • The confirming nod, where the head moves downward briefly, is a sign of respect, agreement, acceptance, and listening in many cultures during conversations. It shows approval of what the other person is saying.

  • However, in some cultures like Bulgaria, nodding means no, and in Japan it just means listening carefully without necessarily agreeing.

  • In Western countries where feelings are shown openly, a confirming nod with a smile indicates approval and enthusiasm about what is being said.

  • When analyzing business conversations, it can be useful to look for confirming nods from the other person as their first nod often reveals a genuine answer, even if they shake their head no later as a negotiating tactic.

  • Spontaneous body language like an initial unconscious confirming nod can reveal someone’s true positive opinion during discussions.

  • Letting your shoulders sag signals surrender and weakness.

  • Shrugging your shoulders conveys indifference, lack of belief, not knowing, or irritation.

  • Clasping your hands can hide unease, frustration, or uncertainty depending on the context.

  • Rubbing hands together quickly means the expected result will benefit everyone, while rubbing slowly means it only benefits oneself.

  • Gripping your wrist signals frustration and self-control, with a balled fist indicating more irritation.

  • Shaky hands reveal suppressed anger, fear, or nervousness.

  • Relaxed wrists show openness, interest and reduced need to convince.

  • Stiff hands, legs/feet indicate tension, stress, distance, or withdrawal from conversation.

  • Widely spaced legs/feet and turning upper body towards others shows positive emotions and self-confidence.

  • Turning away from others or frequently changing position means lack of interest in conversation.

  • Sitting stiffly on the edge of a chair signals insecurity, fear or pressure.

  • Keeping arms rigidly at your sides when walking expresses unease in that space.

  • The person finds themselves in an unfamiliar or uncomfortable situation, such as at a party or networking event where they don’t feel at ease.

  • Their body language shows this discomfort, such as walking around stiffly. This stiffness signals unease being under the gaze of new people in an unfamiliar social context.

  • Stiff or rigid walking is a common response when people feel ill at ease in social situations where they don’t feel comfortable or are meeting new people. It shows they are not relaxed in that environment.

Here is a summary of the key points about the brain activity associated with problem solving according to the given text:

  • Intensive thought during problem solving can cause the pupils to enlarge due to increased brain activity. The pupils reach their maximum size when the problem is finally solved.

  • Larger pupil size is associated with positive emotions and heightened interest or focus as the brain works intensely to solve the problem.

  • Once the problem is solved, the pupils return to their normal size as the cognitive load and positive emotions dissipate with the resolution of the problem.

  • Thus, observing when a person’s pupils reach their maximum size can indicate when their brain has succeeded in solving the problem they were concentrating on. The enlargement and subsequent return to normal size of the pupils correlates with the cognitive process of problem solving.

  • The original research on detecting lies based on eye movements was an NLP model, not proven fact. More studies are needed to prove or disprove the theory.

  • It is difficult to definitively interpret facial expressions like raised/lowered eyebrows or pursed lips without considering context and applying principles like calibration.

  • A genuine smile involves contraction of muscles around both the eyes and mouth, while a fake smile only uses mouth muscles. However, some factors like Botox or natural wrinkles complicate this. More research is still needed on fake smiling.

  • Overall, facial expression interpretation requires cautious analysis of context and differences between individuals, rather than making absolute judgments. Multiple principles must be applied to interpret expressions accurately.

Here is a summary of the key points about microexpressions:

  • Microexpressions are brief, involuntary facial expressions that last less than half a second and reveal a person’s true emotions.

  • There are seven universal microexpressions that correspond to basic emotions: anger, dislike, fear, surprise, happiness, sadness, and contempt.

  • Microexpressions are difficult to control as they are direct physical reactions generated by the brain in response to emotions.

  • They were first identified in the 19th century but studied scientifically from the 1950s onward.

  • Research shows microexpressions are not culturally learned but a biological phenomenon present from birth.

  • As they are involuntary and fleeting, microexpressions provide a more accurate view of a person’s true feelings compared to deliberate facial expressions.

  • Identifying microexpressions can give insights into a person’s emotions when they may be trying to conceal how they really feel. It reveals the “dead giveaways” of emotion.

  • Charles Darwin and Guillaume Duchenne were early researchers who studied facial expressions and muscles. Darwin noted universal facial expressions correlated to emotions.

  • William Condon conducted pioneering research in 1960 identifying micro-interactions lasting fractions of a second using high-speed filming.

  • Paul Ekman built on Darwin’s work and proved certain facial expressions representing basic emotions are biological/universal across cultures.

  • Ekman developed the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) in 1976 to classify human facial expressions, still used today.

  • Most people are poor at recognizing microexpressions, scoring around 24% on tests. Training can improve scores to around 89%.

  • Microexpressions of happiness and contempt are discussed as examples, with happiness shown by symmetrical raising of mouth corners, and contempt asymmetrical with just one corner raised.

  • Recognizing microexpressions, especially for emotions like happiness and contempt, can provide crucial insights in business contexts and negotiations.

The expression that is used after someone has had the chance to compare their knowledge and experience with that of someone else, and has reached the conclusion that theirs are better is:

“I know better” or “I have more expertise/knowledge/experience than them.” It conveys a sense of superiority over the other person based on a comparison of relative merits. Using such an expression would indicate contempt or pride in one’s own abilities compared to the other.

Here are the key points summarized from the provided text on body language signals during decision making:

  • Joining fingers in a pyramid shape indicates confidence and conviction in one’s own opinion.

  • Hands behind the head also shows self-confidence and dominance.

  • Leaning the upper body forward generally means interest and agreement, but could indicate preparing for confrontation.

  • Crossed arms with head leaned back is a clear signal of refusal or denial.

  • Nodding with a smile, even with crossed arms, can be a positive sign of hidden enthusiasm or sarcasm depending on context.

  • Body and feet direction indicates where one’s attention and interest lies.

  • Negative signals include severe looks, hands on knees to leave, head held back for superiority, balled fists for anger, hands in pockets to maintain distance.

  • Supporting the head shows boredom or lack of interest. Clearing papers signals readiness to finish.

  • Open jacket button is a sign of increasing openness and persuasion.

  • Rubbing back of neck shows frustration, rubbing hands warming up for action, unless slow.

  • Tapping fingers on hand signifies nervous waiting. Pressing finger pads indicates a difficult situation.

  • Folded hands over each other distances oneself or withdraws unless a more positive context.

  • Hands against head feels overwhelmed by information.

Here is a summary of the key points about indications of lying from the passage:

  • Research suggests people tell about 4 major lies per day on average and hear about 200 lies from others daily.

  • It’s not a good idea to approach business discussions with the goal of detecting lies, as this damages building trust and relationships.

  • Some behaviors in business that may not technically be lies but are in a “gray area” include failing to meet promises on time, selectively highlighting one’s skills, and unexpectedly no longer wishing to cooperate.

  • A few possible physical signs that someone may be lying or hiding something include covering the mouth, touching the nose, rubbing the eyes, stepping back, using objects as barriers, and changes in behavior when certain topics are discussed.

  • However, these signals alone don’t prove lying - they only suggest emotions. Body language must be combined with other behavioral indicators and context to conclude if someone is likely lying.

  • The best way to detect lies is finding inconsistencies between what is said verbally and displayed nonverbally through body language. Paying careful attention to both communication channels works better than accusing based on signals alone.

  • The chapter provides practice exercises to test your skills at interpreting body language.

  • You are shown drawings of situations and asked to first write down your interpretation before seeing the answer.

  • You should use a two-column format to document the body language elements you observe and your interpretation of each.

  • A recommended SCAN method is outlined: Select elements, Calibrate/apply principles, Analyze possibilities, Note elements and interpretations and draw conclusions.

  • Following this process systematically will help you reach more accurate interpretations, especially as a beginner. Documenting your analysis is important for developing these skills.

  • Practicing with these exercises is meant to reinforce the concepts from earlier chapters and improve your ability to interpret body language.

  • The SCAN method is a simple yet effective way to interpret body language during conversations. It involves Silently noting what you see, then Conceptualizing possible meanings, followed by Assimilating what was observed into your understanding, and finally Noting your conclusions.

  • With practice, one can apply the SCAN method automatically without having to consciously take notes. Over time, it allows for remarkably accurate conclusions about what a conversation partner’s body language is expressing.

  • Four short scenario exercises are provided to have the reader practice applying the SCAN method to interpret body language cues and deduce the situation. Answers analyzing the nonverbal behaviors are provided on subsequent pages.

  • Mastering body language interpretation through methods like SCAN gives insights that can help one succeed in interactions like job interviews, problem solving conversations, and sales pitches. Proper practice is key to developing this skill in a way that becomes intuitive.

  • A bibliography of research sources on topics like nonverbal communication, emotion expression, gaze behaviors, deception cues, and more is included for those wanting to learn more about the scientific basis of body language analysis.

Here is a summary of the key points from the article “Negative Facial Expression Captures Attention and Disrupts Performance”:

  • The study examined how negative facial expressions, specifically fear and anger expressions, impact attention and performance on a flanker task.

  • In the flanker task, participants had to identify the direction of a central arrow while ignoring flanking distractor arrows. Response times and accuracy were measured.

  • Before each trial, participants briefly saw a face with a happy, fearful, or angry expression.

  • Results showed that response times were slower when the preceding face had a fearful or angry expression compared to a happy expression. Accuracy was also lower for negative expressions.

  • This suggests that negative facial expressions capture attention in a way that disrupts performance on the subsequent flanker task. Negative faces grabbed attention resources away from the task.

  • The study provides evidence that we have an evolutionary-based tendency for negative facial expressions to capture our attention, perhaps because they signal threats or warnings in the environment. This attention capture can interfere with ongoing tasks and performance.

The summary is:

Smilek et al. (2007) discuss how people can miss gaps between observations in laboratory settings and real-life behaviors when detecting changes. They argue that metacognitive errors can occur in change detection tasks.

Thill and Bovée (1999) discuss excellence in business communication.

Turner and Ortony (1990) examine what defines basic emotions and argue that psychological evidence supports the idea of basic emotions like anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise.

The other citations provided are bibliographic references without accompanying summaries. The citation format does not include author initials or years, so it is difficult to identify specific works that could be summarized.

Here is a summary of the key points from the provided text snippets:

  • Pressures of interviews like job, media or important conversations can show in body language like slouching, leg positioning, arm barriers or hand placement.

  • Nonverbal signals like nodding, eye contact, tone of voice and mirroring can influence communication and convey meaning beyond just words.

  • Body language cues reveal emotional states like sadness, anger, happiness, fear and interest that come across in facial expressions, posture, gestures and physical tension.

  • Microexpressions are brief, involuntary facial expressions that reveal true emotions despite attempts to hide them or put on a fake expression. They occur too fast to control and are a giveaway.

  • During decision making processes, body language will shift as preferences are weighed and stances reconsidered. Cues like hand rubbing, biting lips, fidgeting show uncertainty while more open postures reveal being set in a viewpoint.

  • Performing regular practice exercises helps improve understanding and control over one’s own body language to send clear, confident signals during important interactions like interviews, negotiations or presentations. Proper interpretation of others is also enhanced through focused observation.

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About Matheus Puppe